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This project forked from maklesoft/gulp-style-modules

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A gulp plugin for wrapping css into style modules as used by Polymer

License: MIT License

JavaScript 100.00%

gulp-style-modules's Introduction


A gulp plugin for wrapping css files into style modules as used by Polymer


$ npm install --save-dev gulp-style-modules


var stylemod = require('gulp-style-modules');

// Wrap css files
gulp.task("modularize-styles", function() {
            // All files will be named 'styles.html'
            filename: "styles",
            // Use '-css' suffix instead of '-styles' for module ids
            moduleId: function(file) {
                return path.basename(file.path, path.extname(file.path)) + "-css";

// Use with preprocessor (e.g. stylus)
gulp.task("modularize-styles", function() {
        .pipe(stylus({use: [nib()]}))

Options / Defaults

    // string / function to be used for file names. Can be either a fixed string or a function
    // that takes a [vinyl]( file object and returns a string
    filename: function(file) {
        return path.basename(file.path, path.extname(file.path)) + "-styles";
    // string / function to be used for module ids. Can be either a fixed string or a function
    // that takes a [vinyl]( file object and returns a string
    moduleId: function(file) {
        return path.basename(file.path, path.extname(file.path)) + "-styles";


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