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hive's Issues

variables messed

database.dll -
hiveEXT.dll -

17:57:03 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:306:1081:[["sklo predni P",1],["sklo predni L",1],["glass2",1],["glass3",1]]:0.0511811:""
17:57:03 "WRITE: ->["PASS"][CHILD:306:1081:[["sklo predni P",1],["sklo predni L",1],["glass2",1],["glass3",1]]:0.0511811:]"
17:57:05 "HIVE: WRITE: "CHILD:305:1081:[94,[8994.75,5386.68,0.00531006]]:0.356997:""
17:57:05 "WRITE: ->["PASS"][CHILD:305:1081:[94,[8994.75,5386.68,0.00531006]]:0.356997:]"

2012-11-16 17:57:03 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Error] SQL: cannot execute 'UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Hitpoints` = ? , `Damage` = ? WHERE `ObjectID` = ?'  VALUES("[["sklo predni P",1],["sklo predni L",1],["glass2",1],["glass3",1]]", 0.051181100308895111, 1081), ERROR Data too long for column 'Worldspace' at row 1
2012-11-16 17:57:03 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Error] SQL: cannot execute 'UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Hitpoints` = ? , `Damage` = ? WHERE `ObjectID` = ?'  VALUES("[["sklo predni P",1],["sklo predni L",1],["glass2",1],["glass3",1]]", 0.051181100308895111, 1081), ERROR Data too long for column 'Worldspace' at row 1
2012-11-16 17:57:05 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Error] SQL: cannot execute 'UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Hitpoints` = ? , `Damage` = ? WHERE `ObjectID` = ?'  VALUES("[["sklo predni P",1],["sklo predni L",1],["glass2",1],["glass3",1]]", 0.051181100308895111, 1081), ERROR Data too long for column 'Worldspace' at row 1
2012-11-16 17:57:05 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Error] SQL: cannot execute 'UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Hitpoints` = ? , `Damage` = ? WHERE `ObjectID` = ?'  VALUES("[["sklo predni P",1],["sklo predni L",1],["glass2",1],["glass3",1]]", 0.051181100308895111, 1081), ERROR Data too long for column 'Worldspace' at row 1

1829 Execute UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Worldspace` = '[[\"sklo predni P\",1],[\"sklo predni L\",1],[\"glass3\",1]]' , `Fuel` = 0.05118110030889511 WHERE `ObjectID` = 1081
1829 Execute UPDATE `Object_DATA` SET `Worldspace` = '[[\"sklo predni P\",1],[\"sklo predni L\",1],[\"glass3\",1]]' , `Fuel` = 0.05118110030889511 WHERE `ObjectID` = 1081

How does the CHILD:500-505 work?

Can I do a Insert statement? What about an update statement?

If so, can you provide an example on how to do this? I would like to see an easy way to issue custom SQL commands.

Problem with compile hiveExt with detours.h

Hi, please help fix error when i start compile library, i install boost library download 5 deps (repository) add 5 environment variable to windows (5 deps folider) and try to compile but i see error with detours.h (No such file or directory)

Many players got empty inventory after server restart.


I was first reporting this issue to ayan4m1 but I think it's probably something I can put into this thread.

I'm running a quite popular dayz server with panthera 1.6.1 map and many players complains after each restart they are loosing their gear. I tracked this down with one player and saw some strange inventory updates.

Please look at about 04.13 after the restart. It writes [[],[]]:[,[[],[]],[[],[]]] to the inventory.. can't be correct?


-snip -

before restart

2012-11-11 16:59:43 : [Information] Method: 201 Params: 3234:[140,[3004.39,5813.04,-8.24e-04]]:[]:[]:[]:false:false:0:0:101:0:[MR43,amovpercmrunsraswrfldf,41]:0:0::0:
2012-11-11 16:59:43 : [Information] Result: ["PASS"]
2012-11-11 16:59:43 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Execute [59 ms] SQL: update survivor s set s.backpack = '["DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1",[["huntingrifle"],[1]],[["ItemPainkiller","ItemBloodbag","ItemMorphine"],[2,1,1]]]' , s.inventory = '[["ItemCompass","M16A2","ItemMap","ItemKnife","ItemHatchet","glock17_EP1","ItemFlashlight","ItemMatchbox","Binocular","ItemWatch","ItemToolbox"],[["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",28],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",21],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",29],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",29],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",26],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",27],["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",26],"ItemPainkiller","ItemMorphine","ItemBandage",["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",11],["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",16],["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",7],["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",16],["17Rnd_9x19_glock17",8],"ItemBandage","ItemBandage"]]' , s.medical = '[false,true,false,false,false,false,false,12000,[],[0.757,0],0,[27.755,26.6]]' , s.model = 'Camo1_DZ' , s.state = '["M16A2","amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon",42]' , s.Worldspace = '[204,[4769.53,7693.31,0.001]]' where = 3208
2012-11-11 16:59:43 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Execute [50 ms] SQL: update survivor s set s.state = '["MR43","amovpercmrunsraswrfldf",41]' , s.Worldspace = '[140,[3004.39,5813.04,-8.24e-04]]' where = 3234

after restart

2012-11-11 17:03:34 : [Information] Method: 101 Params: 68256582:1:Lundell:
2012-11-11 17:03:34 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [0 ms] SQL: select name from profile WHERE unique_id = '68256582'
2012-11-11 17:03:34 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [1 ms] SQL: select, s.worldspace, s.inventory, s.backpack, timestampdiff(minute, s.start_time, s.last_updated) as SurvivalTime, timestampdiff(minute, s.last_ate, NOW()) as MinsLastAte, timestampdiff(minute, s.last_drank, NOW()) as MinsLastDrank, s.model from survivor s join instance i on s.world_id = i.world_id and = 1 where s.unique_id = '68256582' and s.is_dead = 0
2012-11-11 17:03:34 : [Information] Result: ["PASS",false,"3234",[140,[3004.39,5813.04,-8.24e-04]],[["ItemCompass","Makarov","MR43","Binocular","ItemKnife"],["ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaCoke","ItemSodaPepsi",["2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug",1],"2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug","ItemBandage",["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",2],["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",2],"ItemBandage",["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",2],["8Rnd_9x18_Makarov",4],"ItemBandage","8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"]],["DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1",[[],[]],[["PartFueltank"],[1]]],[36,0,0],"Survivor2_DZ",0.96]
2012-11-11 17:03:35 Database.MySqlPreparedStatement: [Trace] Execute [41 ms] Statement: update survivor set last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where id = ? VALUES(3234)
2012-11-11 17:03:35 : [Information] Method: 102 Params: 3234:
2012-11-11 17:03:35 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Query [1 ms] SQL: select s.worldspace, s.medical, s.zombie_kills, s.headshots, s.survivor_kills, s.bandit_kills, s.state, p.humanity from survivor s join profile p on s.unique_id = p.unique_id where = 3234
2012-11-11 17:03:35 : [Information] Result: ["PASS",[false,false,false,false,false,false,true,10685.8,[],[0.287,0],0,[412.055,507.11]],[1,0,1,0],["MR43","amovpercmrunsraswrfldf",41],[140,[3004.39,5813.04,-8.24e-04]],2500]

2012-11-11 17:04:13 : [Information] Method: 201 Params: 3234:[343,[5080.63,4599.38,0]]:[[],[]]:[,[[],[]],[[],[]]]:[false,false,false,false,false,false,true,10685.8,[],[0.287,0],0,[412.055,507.11]]:false:false:0:0:0:0:[,amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon,100]:0:0:Survivor2_DZ:0:
2012-11-11 17:04:13 : [Information] Result: ["PASS"]
2012-11-11 17:04:13 Database.MySQLConnection: [Trace] Execute [36 ms] SQL: update survivor s set s.backpack = '["",[[],[]],[[],[]]]' , s.inventory = '[[],[]]' , s.medical = '[false,false,false,false,false,false,true,10685.8,[],[0.287,0],0,[412.055,507.11]]' , s.model = 'Survivor2_DZ' , s.state = '["","amovpercmstpsnonwnondnon",100]' , s.Worldspace = '[343,[5080.63,4599.38,0]]' where = 3234
2012-11-11 17:04:13 : [Information] Method: 103 Params: 68256582:3234:2:
2012-11-11 17:04:13 : [Information] Result: ["PASS"]

  • snip -

Cannot open file 'PocoFoundationmd.lib'

I keep getting this error when building. I've followed the readme exactly;

  • Got Visual Studio 2010 SP1
  • Built latest poco basic edition
  • Copied precompiled tbb into dependencies
  • Got boost built

The weird thing is, the file in question does exist in Dependencies10/poco/lib

arma2oaserver.exe keeps crashing when hiveEXT.dll initializes

as the title says, my arma2oaserver.exe keeps crashing when hiveEXT.dll is initializing.

I mainly run the blisshive and it works like a charm.

heres a small output of my .rpt file:

Mods: @hive
Distribution: 0
Version 1.62.96585
Fault address: 6EEC8F70 00:6EEC8F70 Unknown module
file: dayz_1 (__cur_mp)
world: chernarus

EAX:77613665 EBX:1D63BE14
ECX:00000000 EDX:6EEC8F70
ESI:00000000 EDI:00000000
DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B


note: Minidump has been generated into the file Bliss\arma2oaserver.mdmp
0:32:51 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainTurret - unknown animation source MainTurret
0:32:51 UH1Wreck_DZ: MainGun - unknown animation source mainGun
0:32:51 UH1Wreck_DZ: Gatling - unknown animation source Gatling

Compile errors

When I go to compile, I get these two errors to start with...

Error 2 error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc100-mt-gd-1_52.lib' C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\hive-master\Hive\Source\Restarter\LINK Restarter

Error 1 error MSB3073: The command "bash C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\hive-master\Hive\Source\HiveLib\ C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\hive-master\Hive\Source\HiveLib\Version.cpp.template C:\Users\xxx\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\hive-master\Hive\Source\HiveLib\Version.cpp
:VCEnd" exited with code 9009. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 103 6 HiveLib

Setup the Visual Environment

I keep having lots of issues with the dependencies and all that stuff. I've done all that you said in the Readme but I keep having Errors, Can you help me with this ?

Thanks Dude

Sorry for my bad english, i'm a french guy.

Infinite loading

I've launch compiling and now it keeps loading...
Don't know what to do : Stop and try again or let it continue...


Feature Request: Set year/month/date in hiveext.ini

Like This:

;Possible values: Local, Static
Type = Static
;If using Static type, the year/month/day to set the date to
Year = 2012
Month = 7
Day = 3

So then people can make it so its a full moon every night.

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