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advanced-remix-2023's Introduction

Advanced Remix Workshop - Remix Conf 2023

Welcome to the workshop repo! Let's get you set up.


You will need the following tools to run the apps in this project:

๐Ÿ‘‰ Clone the repo:

# http
git clone

# git
git clone git://

# or however you clone repos

๐Ÿ‘‰ Install dependencies

cd advanced-remix-2023
npm i

๐Ÿ‘‰ Run an app

# from the root of this repository
npm run dev -w 1-fetchers

This project uses npm workspaces, so that command is the same as changing into the "1-fetchers" directory and running npm run dev there.

cd 1-fetchers
npm run dev

๐Ÿ‘‰ Check the README for each topic

Each topic will have a list of instructions, links, and tips for completing the work. Note that 3-server-caching has a final task that requires Redis to be installed on your machine. It's advised to get that working before the workshop. If you can't, don't worry, it's only a minor part of the workshop and you'll be fine skipping it.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Join the Workshop Discord!

Join the Remix Discord and we'll be talking about the workshop in #workshop-advanced-remix. If you're having trouble with setup, please join and ask for help!

advanced-remix-2023's People


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advanced-remix-2023's Issues

The toast demo doesn't work without javascript

Was trying to use this as a small starting point to get a toast system working, but the "final" toast demo doesn't work at all when JS is disabled. Not sure if it's intentional or what but, just wondering :)

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  • Machine learning

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