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remix-discord-bot's Introduction

Remix Discord Bot

This is the Remix Discord Bot. It's hosted on fly. It runs alongside an actual Remix app (Indie Stack) which we may use to have some kind of UI for controlling the bot and stuff. Who knows. It was just nice to do this so we'll have a persistence layer if we decide we need that.


If you're going to be doing much with the bot, I strongly advise you take just 10 minutes to setup your own test bot and server for local development.

You'll need to create your own discord server for local development and manual testing (automated testing of Discord bots is extremely difficult and basically not worth it). You'll also need to create your own bot. It should take ~10 minutes max. Create a discord server, then follow the instructions here to create a bot application and add it to your server.

Once you have that, then copy the .env.example to .env and put in values for everything (you'll need to create channels for several of them).

Next run:

node ./other/deploy-commands.js

That will configure your server to have the slash-commands our bot expects.

Next, run:

node ./other/deploy-emoji.js

This will update your server with all the emoji reactions the bot has.

Next, run:

cp ./bot/src/playground.example.ts ./bot/src/playground.ts

That has things setup for you to play around to make the bot do whatever you'd like. Once you're ready to commit to something then stick it in the appropriate file in the bot/src directory.

If you'd like, you can make your playground.ts file (which is gitignored) have this for its contents:

import ".";

And now it'll just do what the actual bot code does. However you want to develop is fine.

To run the playground file, run:

npm run play:bot

This will start the playground file in watch mode. Any change you make will trigger it to be re-run which should make development pretty quick despite no automated tests.

If you'd like to run the bot and the Remix app together, run npm run dev.

remix-discord-bot's People


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