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[ECCV'20] Ocean: Object-aware Anchor-Free Tracking

License: MIT License

Python 84.70% Shell 0.28% C 3.58% C++ 3.77% Cuda 6.66% Cython 1.01%
eccv2020 tracking segmentation anchor-free

trackit's Issues

about datasets

hi zhipeng,




Training Problem

Hi, thanks for your work, I have some problem in training.
I find that in TracKit/experiments/train/Ocean.yaml this model train for 50 epoch, but in the paper training for 20 epoch, and the learing rate end_lr also seems for alexnet training.
Another problem is that I only have one 2080ti gpu, will it influence the results a lot? Or should I adjust some parameters.


您好,很棒的工作,但我在下载完您提供的y2b.tar训练数据后,发现train.json里头的bbox标注都是小于等于 1.0的 , 这是一种中间格式吗 还是说有些问题?

evaluation on got-10k


I can see that you have provided the json files needed to do evaluation on VOT2019. But there are no such files for got-10k dataset. Can you please provide those as well ?


Testing and training stuck problem

Hi, Zhipeng
When I test the tracker or train it, the program always stuck or jumped out. Could you pls help me with it?
when python tracking/ --arch Ocean --resume snapshot/OceanV.pth --dataset VOT2019:


It just jumps out and does nothing.

when python tracking/ or python ./tracking/ --cfg experiments/train/Ocean.yaml --gpus 0 --workers 32 2>&1 | tee logs/Ocean_train.log:

stuck in train

It stuck and does not work.

the GPU status for a long time:

GPU state


File "/home/ubuntu/TracKit/lib/eval_toolkit/bin/../../eval_toolkit/pysot/evaluation/", line 110, in _calculate_eao
max_len = max([len(x) for x in all_overlaps])
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence

multiple objects


online steepest descent distancemap

我对最速下降中的 distancemap不是很理解,原理和计算步骤不太懂。

运行tune_tpe提示CUDA out of memory

您好,我用一张GPU尝试tune_tpe,跑了几个小时候显示:RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 90.00 MiB (GPU 0; 10.76 GiB total capacity; 6.31 GiB already allocated; 22.12 MiB free; 6.36 GiB reserved in total by PyTorch)
请问,对于tune tpe一张显卡是否不够用?

about the memory limitted

Hello,my environment is 4 1080ti, every time I run, if I use all the data sets, it will be killed. Is there any good way to solve this problem?

I can't import deform_conv_cuda on win10

hi zhipeng,

Sorry to bother you again, I guess this question will confuse some people like me who have to run your code on Windows, so I'm using English and hope more people can join the discussion.

problem description

Due to some reasons, i have to run your code(Ocean) on win10(two 2080ti gpus) , when i had prepared the datasets and corresponding env.

After run the code , i encounter the following mistakes:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:/hwh/code/TracKit/tracking/", line 21, in <module>
    import models.models as models
  File "D:\hwh\code\TracKit\tracking\..\lib\models\", line 14, in <module>
    from .connect import box_tower, AdjustLayer, AlignHead, Corr_Up, MultiDiCorr, OceanCorr
  File "D:\hwh\code\TracKit\tracking\..\lib\models\", line 9, in <module>
    from .dcn import DeformConv, DeformConvPack
  File "D:\hwh\code\TracKit\tracking\..\lib\models\dcn\", line 1, in <module>
    from .deform_conv import (DeformConv, DeformConvPack, ModulatedDeformConv,
  File "D:\hwh\code\TracKit\tracking\..\lib\models\dcn\", line 9, in <module>
    from . import deform_conv_cuda
**ImportError: cannot import name 'deform_conv_cuda' from 'models.dcn'** (D:\hwh\code\TracKit\tracking\..\lib\models\dcn\

for help

i noticed that this problems is due to the file is only can be import on the os for linux .

so, could you help me to solve this problem? or tell me how to import this moudle on windows?

thanks for reply! (i have to eat something now , this problem caused me to miss lunch ,hah~)

test online model

Thanks for your great work!
I want to know how to test with online model like OceanV18on.pth?
I have tried python tracking/ --arch Ocean --resume snapshot/OceanV18on.pth --dataset VOT2018 --online True but didn't work.

A problem about testing lasot

Thank you for your excellent work. I have a problem about testing on LaSOT. On the paper of LaSOT: A High-quality Benchmark for Large-scale Single Object Tracking, it has proposed two evaluation protocols. Do you follow the second evalution protocol: train the tracker only using LaSOT training subset and test on the testing subset?

About training time.

Hi, thanks for your excellent work. I notice that Ocean trained with Youtube-BB, VID, DET, GOT-10K and COCO on 8 Tesla V100 GPUs. Not everyone could afford the perfect hardware resources and huge datasets. I wonder how long time does it take on training?

only VOT test jsons

Hi! From the google drive link, I can only find the VOT2018 and VOT2019 test json. If I want to, for example, test the tracker in OTB100, where can I find the corresponding json file?

ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I encountered an error when I ran the test_siamdw file:
python tracking/ --arch Ocean --resume snapshot/siamdw_res22w.pth --dataset VOT2019
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tracking/", line 13, in
import models.models as models
File "/home/xiaobai/PycharmProjects/ObjectTrackingCode/DLCode/TracKit-master/tracking/../lib/models/", line 14, in
from .connect import box_tower, AdjustLayer, AlignHead, Corr_Up, MultiDiCorr, OceanCorr
File "/home/xiaobai/PycharmProjects/ObjectTrackingCode/DLCode/TracKit-master/tracking/../lib/models/", line 9, in
from .dcn import DeformConv, DeformConvPack
File "/home/xiaobai/PycharmProjects/ObjectTrackingCode/DLCode/TracKit-master/tracking/../lib/models/dcn/", line 1, in
from .deform_conv import (DeformConv, DeformConvPack, ModulatedDeformConv,
File "/home/xiaobai/PycharmProjects/ObjectTrackingCode/DLCode/TracKit-master/tracking/../lib/models/dcn/", line 9, in
from . import deform_conv_cuda
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

Could you tall me how can i solve it? Thanks a lot.

Ocean_ grid() and score_size

I'm not understand what grid in Ocean_ does. Do not understand how score_size in Ocean_ is calculated?
For the template of 127, featmap size becomes 15 after feature extract;
for search image of 255, featmap size becomes 31 after feature extract.
Why the stride of backbone is 8?
Can you tell me a little bit about grid?
And how is score_size calculated in detail?
Thank you!

UAV123.json pls

Thanks for sharing!
Wanting to test UAV123 dataset, could you pls provide the UAV.json file?
Or just the toolkit that can generate the json file from txt files. Thanks advanced!

Data Downloading Problem

Hi, since the size of training data is large (y2b is up to 130+GB), it is quite hard to directly download in the browser. I also try to use command-line method. ( But I can't obtain FILEID. (when I click y2b, the returned google drive link is shown as below, I can't find FILEID).
So can you help me? or are there alternative methods to download these data? Thank you

Compile error

hi zhipeng:
(pysot) xxxi@ubuntu:~/Code/TracKit$ python develop
/home/xxxi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/ UserWarning: Normalizing '1.0.rc0' to '1.0rc0'
running develop
running egg_info
writing mmdet.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to mmdet.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing top-level names to mmdet.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'mmdet.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'mmdet.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
running build_ext
building 'lib.models.dcn.deform_conv_cuda' extension
Emitting ninja build file /home/zhuyi/Code/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/
Compiling objects...
Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers... (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N)
[1/2] /usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -I/home/zhuyi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include -I/home/xxxi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7/site-packag es/torch/include/torch/csrc/api/include -I/home/zhuyi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include/TH -I/home/xxxi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7 /site-packages/torch/include/THC -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I/home/zhuyi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/include/python3.7m -c -c /home/xxxi/Code/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/defor -o /home/xxxi/Code/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda_kernel.o -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF CONVERSIONS_ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__ --expt-relaxed-constexpr --compiler-options ''"'"'-fPIC'"'"'' -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_CONVERSIONS__ - D__CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__ -DTORCH_API_INCLUDE_EXTENSION_H -DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME=deform_conv_cuda -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 -gencode=arch=compute_86,code=sm_86 -std =c++14
FAILED: /home/xxxi/Code/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda_kernel.o
/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc -I/home/zhuyi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include -I/home/xxxi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tor ch/include/torch/csrc/api/include -I/home/zhuyi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include/TH -I/home/xxxi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/lib/python3.7/site- packages/torch/include/THC -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I/home/zhuyi/anaconda3/envs/pysot/include/python3.7m -c -c /home/xxxi/Code/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv -o /home/xxxi/Code/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda_kernel.o -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS_ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_CONVE RSIONS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__ --expt-relaxed-constexpr --compiler-options ''"'"'-fPIC'"'"'' -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_OPERATORS__ -D__CUDA_NO_HALF_CONVERSIONS__ -D__CUD A_NO_HALF2_OPERATORS__ -DTORCH_API_INCLUDE_EXTENSION_H -DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME=deform_conv_cuda -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 -gencode=arch=compute_86,code=sm_86 -std=c++14
nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu architecture 'compute_86'
我的配置是RTX3090 cuda11 cudnn8.0

How to train online branch




setup problem

Hi Zhipeng

It seems that I can not setup the conda env successfully, help me pls. Thanks!

Reproducibility of results


I trained the model from scratch using the instructions you provided (link). I can see the training setting in the yaml file (link) is the same as mentioned in the paper. The training script seems to work fine, but when I test the trained model, I don't get the same results as reported in the paper.

I run the training using following command:

python tracking/

The training curve I obtain is as folllowing:


I run the testing using the checkpoint form the last epoch:

python tracking/ --arch Ocean --resume snapshot/checkpoint_e50.pth --dataset VOT2019

I run the evaluation on the obtained testing results:

python lib/eval_toolkit/bin/ --dataset_dir dataset --dataset VOT2019 --tracker_result_dir result/VOT2019 --trackers Ocean

The results I obtain are as following:

Tracker Name Accuracy Robustness Lost Number EAO
Ocean 0.602 0.426 85.0 0.283

As you can see they differ quite a lot from the results reported in the paper (Accuracy: 0.590, Robustness: 0.376, EAO: 0.327), and also from the results I obtain using your provided checkpoint. Is there any explanation for this ?

about vot2020 eao


training problems


online PrRoIPooling

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/tmp/torch_extensions/_prroi_pooling'

About hyperparameters for SiamDW

Hi. Recently I'm experimenting SiamDW on TracKit, but could not obtain the wanted EAO as 0.280 on VOT2018.
So I open this issue for some help. Some important configurations are listed as follows.

My CUDA version is 10.2 (NVIDIA driver 440.36), and the conda env is constructed directly with your provided script in TracKit framework.

The pretrained model is collected from,
with its md5sum as 5415686007b313685065cf8f3b916742.

The hyper-parameters we utilize are collected from

    scale_step: 1.0085
    scale_lr: 0.2294
    scale_penalty: 0.9686
    w_influence: 0.1817

The raw tracking result we obtain on VOT2018 with pysot-toolkit is listed as follows, 0.013 less than the reported 0.280.

|Tracker Name| Accuracy | Robustness | Lost Number |  EAO  |
|   SiamDW   |  0.504   |    0.440   |    94.0     | 0.267 |

I really appreciate your great work in this repo but I'd like to figure out which mistake I have made above.
Thanks in advance.

LASOT testing


In the tutorial for Ocean, you mentioned that the testing can be done on LASOT as well. But you don't provide the corresponding yaml file (/experiments/test/LASOT/Ocean.yaml).

Can you share this yaml file, please ?

no object-aware model

I am doing some work base on the no object-aware verison.
I wonder what‘s the results of OceanNoOA.pth in VOT2018 and VOT2019?
What I get from the paper is that the EAO should be 0.438 in VOT2018. But in my test, it is much lower.
And I didn't find the VOT2019 results in the paper for OceanNoOA.pth.
Thanks for your help!

[Environment setup issue] ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

I am setting up the environment as mentioned in the documentation. I was able to successfully run the following steps

cd $TracKit/lib/tutorial
bash $conda_path TracKit
cd $TracKit
conda activate TracKit

But failing on
python develop

Environment details
Python 3.7.9
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Cuda: 10.2
Graphics card: GeForce GTX TITAN X
OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

The complete error is as follows.

(TracKit) deepen@deepen-Z11PA-U12-Series:~/SandeepMenon/TracKit$ python develop
/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/ UserWarning: Normalizing '1.0.rc0' to '1.0rc0'
running develop
running egg_info
writing mmdet.egg-info/PKG-INFO
writing dependency_links to mmdet.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
writing top-level names to mmdet.egg-info/top_level.txt
reading manifest file 'mmdet.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
writing manifest file 'mmdet.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
running build_ext
building 'lib.models.dcn.deform_conv_cuda' extension
Emitting ninja build file /home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/
Compiling objects...
Allowing ninja to set a default number of workers... (overridable by setting the environment variable MAX_JOBS=N)
[1/1] c++ -MMD -MF /home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.o.d -pthread -B /home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/compiler_compat -Wl,--sysroot=/ -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include -I/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include/torch/csrc/api/include -I/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include/TH -I/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include/THC -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/include/python3.7m -c -c /home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp -o /home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.o -DTORCH_API_INCLUDE_EXTENSION_H -DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME=deform_conv_cuda -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 -std=c++14
FAILED: /home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.o 
c++ -MMD -MF /home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.o.d -pthread -B /home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/compiler_compat -Wl,--sysroot=/ -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fPIC -I/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include -I/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include/torch/csrc/api/include -I/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include/TH -I/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/include/THC -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/include/python3.7m -c -c /home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp -o /home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/build/temp.linux-x86_64-3.7/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.o -DTORCH_API_INCLUDE_EXTENSION_H -DTORCH_EXTENSION_NAME=deform_conv_cuda -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 -std=c++14
cc1plus: warning: command line option ‘-Wstrict-prototypes’ is valid for C/ObjC but not for C++
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp: In function ‘void shape_check(at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor*, at::Tensor, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)’:
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:63:3: error: ‘AT_CHECK’ was not declared in this scope
   AT_CHECK(weight.ndimension() == 4,
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:63:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘DCHECK’
   AT_CHECK(weight.ndimension() == 4,
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp: In function ‘int deform_conv_forward_cuda(at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)’:
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:190:3: error: ‘AT_CHECK’ was not declared in this scope
   AT_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), "invalid batch size of offset");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:190:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘DCHECK’
   AT_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), "invalid batch size of offset");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp: In function ‘int deform_conv_backward_input_cuda(at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int)’:
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:296:3: error: ‘AT_CHECK’ was not declared in this scope
   AT_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), 3, "invalid batch size of offset");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:296:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘DCHECK’
   AT_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), 3, "invalid batch size of offset");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp: In function ‘int deform_conv_backward_parameters_cuda(at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, float, int)’:
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:411:3: error: ‘AT_CHECK’ was not declared in this scope
   AT_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), "invalid batch size of offset");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:411:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘DCHECK’
   AT_CHECK((offset.size(0) == batchSize), "invalid batch size of offset");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp: In function ‘void modulated_deform_conv_cuda_forward(at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool)’:
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:491:3: error: ‘AT_CHECK’ was not declared in this scope
   AT_CHECK(input.is_contiguous(), "input tensor has to be contiguous");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:491:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘DCHECK’
   AT_CHECK(input.is_contiguous(), "input tensor has to be contiguous");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp: In function ‘void modulated_deform_conv_cuda_backward(at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, at::Tensor, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, bool)’:
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:572:3: error: ‘AT_CHECK’ was not declared in this scope
   AT_CHECK(input.is_contiguous(), "input tensor has to be contiguous");
/home/deepen/SandeepMenon/TracKit/lib/models/dcn/src/deform_conv_cuda.cpp:572:3: note: suggested alternative: ‘DCHECK’
   AT_CHECK(input.is_contiguous(), "input tensor has to be contiguous");
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 1400, in _run_ninja_build
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/", line 512, in run
    output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['ninja', '-v']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 174, in <module>
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/", line 153, in setup
    return distutils.core.setup(**attrs)
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/", line 148, in setup
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/", line 966, in run_commands
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/", line 985, in run_command
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 34, in run
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 136, in install_for_development
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/", line 313, in run_command
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/", line 985, in run_command
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 79, in run
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Cython/Distutils/", line 186, in run
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/command/", line 340, in run
  File "/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 580, in build_extensions
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/site-packages/Cython/Distutils/", line 195, in build_extensions
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/command/", line 449, in build_extensions
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/command/", line 474, in _build_extensions_serial
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/site-packages/setuptools/command/", line 196, in build_extension
    _build_ext.build_extension(self, ext)
  File "/home/deepen/anaconda3/envs/TracKit/lib/python3.7/distutils/command/", line 534, in build_extension
  File "/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 423, in unix_wrap_ninja_compile
  File "/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 1140, in _write_ninja_file_and_compile_objects
    error_prefix='Error compiling objects for extension')
  File "/home/deepen/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/utils/", line 1413, in _run_ninja_build
    raise RuntimeError(message)
RuntimeError: Error compiling objects for extension

Am I missing something? Any help is appreciated.
Thank you

tune problem

Hi, thanks for your work.
I got the "DeprecationWarning: The redirect_output argument is deprecated." when I tune the training models.
It seems that the latest version of ray is not suitable.
Could you show us which version of ray do you use?
And is there any more requirements for tuning?

about validation

您好, 向您请教一个小问题. 为什么训练模型时不做验证, 这与机器学习的一般做法很不一样? 不会担心过拟合吗? 我看到您在30个epoch之后开始 test, 有没有可能在第30个 epoch 之前就出现过拟合呢?
我发现其它 Siamese tracker 的代码中也存在这样的情况, 作为新人我不太理解这种做法.

dataset issue

hi zhipeng,请问是否有打算将训练数据集上传百度云盘


I can not see your paper in ECCV2020 accepted paper list?

about train data


Which datasets are supported for eval ?

If I use "python lib/eval_toolkit/bin/ " to eval the performance of model, which datasets are supported? Only VOT or some of VOT, OTB, GOT10K, LASOT ? Thanks !

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