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avajava's Introduction

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AvaJava is a mash-up of Python, CoffeeScript, Javascript, Swift, and OCaml that compiles into Javascript. It combines the most interesting parts of these languages and also provides a new selection of operators. This language is designed to facilitate more concise representations in some areas and increase readability in others.


  • Static Scoping
  • Static and Strong Typing
  • Type Inference
  • Typed parameters
  • Function Return Types
  • Built-In Functions
  • First-Class/Higher Order Functions
  • Currying/Uncurrying
  • List Ranges
  • Cons and Append Operators
  • String Interpolation
  • String-Int Operations
  • Both Expressions
  • Exponentiation Operator
  • Scientific Notation
  • Constant Folding
  • Unreachable Code Elimination
  • Algebraic Simplification


Avajava Railroad Diagram
Avjava microsyntax ###Microsyntax

characterLiteral 	::=  letter | digit | [\s]
stringlit	::=  ["] (characterLiteral | '\\'[nsrt'"\\] )* ["]

letter		::=	 [a-zA-Z]
digit		::=  [\d]
keyword		::=  'var' | 'while' | 'and' | 'or' | 'not' 
           		| 'true' | 'false' | 'return' | 'for' | 'each'
	   			| 'if' | 'then' | 'else' | 'in' | 'both' | 'ava' | type
id        	::=  letter (letter | digit | '_')*
key		   	::=	 id | stringlit
assignop  	::=  '=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/='

relop     	::=  '<' | '>' | '<=' | '==' | '>=' | '!='
appendop  	::=  '@'
consop    	::=  '::'
addop     	::=  '+' | '-'
mulop     	::=  '*' | '/' | '%' 

prefixop  	::=  '-' | 'not'
postfixop 	::=  '++' | '--'
exponent	::=  '^^'
intlit    	::=  [\d]+
floatlit  	::=  /^((\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([Ee][+-]?\d+)?)$/
boolit   	::=  'true' | 'false'
comment   	::=  '//' [^\r\n]* [\r\n] | '***' ( [.] | [\n] )* '***'
type		::=  'int' | 'string' | 'float' | 'bool' | 'function' | 'list' | 'object' | 'set'


Program 	::= Block
Block 		::= (Stmt ';')*
Stmt 		::= VarDecl
    			| Print    
    			| Loop
    			| Exp

VarDecl		::= 'var' id ('=' Exp)?

Print 		::= 'ava' Exp

Loop 		::= ForLoop | WhileLoop

ForLoop 	::= 'for' 'each' id 'in' Exp '{' Block '}'
				| 'for' '(' VarDecl ConditionalExp ')' '{' Block '}'
WhileLoop	::=	'while' '(' Exp ')' '{' Block '}'

Exp 		::= FunctionExp 
				| 'return' Exp 
				| ConditionalExp 
				| Exp1
FunctionExp	::= 'function' '(' Params ')' '->' Block 'end'
Call 		::=	id ( id* | '(' Args? ')' | Exp* )
Params		::= TypedExpList
Args		::= ExpList
ExpList 	::= Exp ( ',' Exp )*
TypedExpList	::= TypedExp (',' TypedExp)*
TypedExp	::= id ':' type

ConditionalExp ::= 'if' (Exp1 | '(' Exp1 ')') 'then' Block ('else' 'if' (Exp1 | '(' Exp1 ')') 'then' Block)* ('else' Block)? 'end'

Exp1 		::= Exp2 ('or' Exp2)*
Exp2 		::= Exp3 ('and' Exp3)* ('both' Exp)?
Exp3 		::= Exp4 (relop Exp4)?
Exp4 		::= Exp5 (appendop Exp5)*
Exp5 		::= Exp6 (consop Exp6)*
Exp6		::= Exp7 (('...') Exp7)?
Exp7 		::= Exp8 (addop Exp8)*
Exp8 		::= Exp9 (mulop Exp9)*
Exp9 		::= prefixop? Exp10
Exp10 		::= Exp11 postfixop?
Exp11 		::= Exp12 ('^^' Exp12)*
Exp12		::=	Exp13 (Access)*
Exp13 		::= '(' Exp ')' | VarRef | intlit | floatlit | stringlit | boolit | List | SetLiteral | ObjectLiteral

VarRef 		::= Assign | (Call | id) ('[' Exp ']')?
Assign 		::= id assignop Exp
Access		::= '[' Exp13 ']' | '.' Exp13

ObjectLiteral	::= '{' ObjExpList? '}'
ObjExpList 	::= ObjExp (',' ObjExp)*
ObjExp 		::= key ':' Exp
SetLiteral 	::= '{' ExpList? '}'
List 		::= '[' ExpList? ']'

####Example Programs: (with their equivalent Javascript translations)

FunctionCalls can utilize currying to take in arguments.

var factorial = function (n:int) ->                     var factorial = function (n) {
    if n <= 1 then 							                  if (n <= 1) {
    	return 1; 					                             return 1;
    else                                                     } else {
    	return n * factorial(n - 1);                            return n * factorial(n - 1);
    end;                                                     }
end;                                                    }
factorial addOdds 3 3;                                      
// currying is optional                                                                                                                                                           factorial(addOdds(3,3));

var helloWorld = function () -> 			             var helloWorld = function () {
	ava "Hello World";                                       console.log("Hello World");
end;                                                    }   
var mapFunction = function (f:function, l:list) ->      var mapFunction = function (f, l) {
	var newList = [];							              var newList = [];
	for each x in l {                                        for (x of l) {
		push(newList, f x);                                      newList.push(f(x));
	};                                                       }
	return newList;                                          return newList;
end;                                                    }                                                                                                                                                	                                        

######To Compile & Run

$ ./avajava.js [-t] [-a] [-i] [-o] pathOrFilename.ava


$ ./avajava.js test/data/good-programs/factorial.ava
$ ./avajava.js -o test/data/optimizer-tests/constant-folding.ava

#####To Test

$ npm test

To test generated code, try piping it into node.

$ ./avajava.js test/data/good-programs/factorial.ava | node


// Single Line Comments


Multi-Line Comments


####Print Statements

ava("Hello World!");

####Higher Order Functions

var mapFunction = function (f:function, l:list) -> 
	var newList = [];
	for each x in l {
		push(newList, f x);
	return newList;

var addOne = function (x:int) -> return x + 1; end;

mapFunction(addOne, [1,2,3]);


1 			// int
1.00 		// float
1.00e24		// float in scientific notation
"h"			// string (even though it is only one character)
"hi"		// string
true 		// boolean
false		// boolean
[1,2,3]		// list
{x:1,y:2}	// object
{1,2,3}		// set

#####Loops For readability, we embedded a conditional expression in the second version of the forloop.

var x = 10;

while (x < 20) {
	ava "Hello World";

var x = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];

for each number in x { number++; }; 

var m = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ];

for (var i = 0 if i < length(m) then i++) { 
	ava m[i]; 

#####Assignment This is essentially javascript assignment.

var x = 1;
x = "hi";
x = {y: 21, x: 100, z: 22};

#####Variables Variable names in Avajava cannot have numbers.

var x = 0;		// valid
var x2 = 0;		// this will return a syntax error

#####Operators We added an exponential operator to not have to do repeat multiplication.

x++;		// increment
x--;		// decrement
x^^2; 		// exponentiation, square x
x^^3; 		// cube x
x += 10; 	// x = x + 10;
x -= 10; 
x *= 10; 
x /= 10; 
x % 2;		// modulus
x and y;
x or y;

#####Relational Operators

1 == 1
1 >= 2
1 <= 2
1 != 2 				// not equal
true and false; 	// yields false
true or false;		// yields true

#####Both Expressions Both expressions is a feature that attempts to reduce the redundant code associated with conditional expressions.

x and y both 10 		// instaead of (x == 10 && y == 10)
x and y both not 10 	// intead of (x != 10 && y != 10)
If Statements

If statements replace curly braces with 'then' and terminal 'end' keywords. Statements in an if-body still require semicolons.

var x = 10;

if x > 1 then ava "inside if statement"; else ava "not inside if statement"; end;

if x < 1 then
	ava "0";

x = 8;

if (x < 7) then
	ava "6";
else if (x < 8) then
	ava "7";
else if (x < 9) then
	ava "8";
else if (x < 10) then
	ava "9";
	ava "10";

#####Lists and List Ranges Only the triple dot ellipses is used to express list ranges.

var x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
x[0];		// returns 1
x[1];		// returns 2

[1...10] 	// [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]

#####Cons and Append Operators Similar to OCaml's operators, append only works if both operands are lists. The result is a concatenated list containing elements from the two original lists. The cons operator yields the same results, except that when cons-ing two lists the result is a list of lists.

[1,2,3] @ [4,5,6,7] 	//	[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] = [1...7]

1::2::3::[] 			// [1,2,3]
1::[2,3]				// [1,2,3]
[1,2,3]::[4,5,6,7]::[] 	// [[1,2,3], [4,5,6,7]]

#####Objects These are essentially javascript objects with the same syntax for accessing fields.

var w = { x:2, y:3, z: { u: 3 } };


{ 2, 3, 4 } 

#####String Operations Strings can be added to or subtracted from using '+' and '-'. Integers can also be applied to strings via multiplication only.

"t" + "e" 		// evalutates to "te" 
"e" - "e" 		// evalutates to ""
"te" - "e" 		// evalutates to "t"
"heeh" - "h" 	// evalutates to "eeh"
"hehe" - "h" 	// evalutates to "ehe"
"t" * 3 		// evalutates to "ttt"

#####Builtins Builtin functions require arguments to be passed into them (as opposed to using the dot operator such as in javascript).

var x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
length(x);		// x.length in javascript

#####Modules (just use "export") export() is a builtin function (shown below with javascript equivalent)

export: { }															module.exports = {};
export: { "add": (function (x:int,y:int) -> return x + y; end;) }	module.exports = { "add": (function (x:int,y:int) -> return x + y; end;) }

#####Scoping: Avajava utilizes static scoping. For example . . .

var x = 3;
var printNumber = () -> ava(x); end;
var printAgain = () -> var x = 10; printNumber; end;

. . . will print out 3 because printNumber was instantiated with var x = 3 The var x = 10 instantiated within the printAgain will not affect the scope of the printNumber call within printAgain. (That would by dynamic scoping.)

#####Some Edge-Cases/Areas that need Improvement

######'var' is optional in for-each loops

for each var number in x { number++; };
for each number in x { number++; };

######If statements have optional parentheses

if (true) then ava "hello"; end;
if true then ava "hello"; end;

######Indexing with expressions requires parens

var x = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
x[(length(x) - 1)];

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