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siemens_plc_s7_net's Introduction

English README


  • 项目名称:siemens_plc_s7_net
  • 开发语言:C语言
  • 支持操作系统:windows/linux
  • 测试设备:S1200



#include "siemens_s7.h"  //协议提供方法接口
#include "typedef.h"   //部分类型宏定义



  • port: 端口号,通常为102
  • plc_type: plc型号,S200、S200Smart、S300、S400、S1200、S1500



序号 描述 地址类型
1 中间继电器 M
2 输入继电器 I
3 输出继电器Q Q
4 DB块寄存器DB DB
5 V寄存器 V
6 定时器的值 T
7 计数器的值 C
8 智能输入寄存器 AI
9 智能输出寄存器 AQ



bool s7_connect(char* ip_addr, int port, siemens_plc_types_e plc, int* fd);
/* 连接PLC设备
 * 参数:
 *   ip_addr: PLC的IP地址
 *   port: PLC的端口号
 *   plc: PLC的型号
 *   fd: 连接成功后返回的文件描述符
 * 返回值:
 *   连接成功返回true,失败返回false

bool s7_disconnect(int fd);
/* 断开与PLC的连接
 * 参数:
 *   fd: 连接PLC的文件描述符
 * 返回值:
 *   成功返回true,失败返回false

byte get_plc_slot();
/* 获取PLC的槽号
 * 返回值:
 *   PLC的槽号

void set_plc_slot(byte slot);
/* 设置PLC的槽号
 * 参数:
 *   slot: 要设置的槽号

byte get_plc_rack();
/* 获取PLC的机架号
 * 返回值:
 *   PLC的机架号

void set_plc_rack(byte rack);
/* 设置PLC的机架号
 * 参数:
 *   rack: 要设置的机架号

byte get_plc_connection_type();
/* 获取PLC的连接类型
 * 返回值:
 *   PLC的连接类型

void set_plc_connection_type(byte rack);
/* 设置PLC的连接类型
 * 参数:
 *   rack: 要设置的连接类型

int get_plc_local_TSAP();
/* 获取PLC的本地TSAP
 * 返回值:
 *   PLC的本地TSAP

void set_plc_local_TSAP(int tasp);
/* 设置PLC的本地TSAP
 * 参数:
 *   tasp: 要设置的本地TSAP

int get_plc_dest_TSAP();
/* 获取PLC的目标TSAP
 * 返回值:
 *   PLC的目标TSAP

void set_plc_dest_TSAP(int tasp);
/* 设置PLC的目标TSAP
 * 参数:
 *   tasp: 要设置的目标TSAP

int get_plc_PDU_length();
/* 获取PLC的PDU长度
 * 返回值:
 *   PLC的PDU长度


S7_error_code_e s7_read_bool(int fd, const char* address, bool* val);
/* 从PLC读取布尔值数据
 * 参数:
 *   fd: 连接PLC的文件描述符
 *   address: 数据在PLC中的地址
 *   val: 用于接收读取到的数据的指针
 * 返回值:
 *   读取成功返回S7_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS,否则返回相应的错误码

s7_error_code_e s7_read_byte(int fd, const char* address, byte* val);
/* 从PLC读取字节数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_short(int fd, const char* address, short* val);
/* 从PLC读取短整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_ushort(int fd, const char* address, ushort* val);
/* 从PLC读取无符号短整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_int32(int fd, const char* address, int32* val);
/* 从PLC读取32位整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_uint32(int fd, const char* address, uint32* val);
/* 从PLC读取无符号32位整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_int64(int fd, const char* address, int64* val);
/* 从PLC读取64位整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_uint64(int fd, const char* address, uint64* val);
/* 从PLC读取无符号64位整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_float(int fd, const char* address, float* val);
/* 从PLC读取浮点型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_double(int fd, const char* address, double* val);
/* 从PLC读取双精度浮点型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_read_string(int fd, const char* address, int length, char** val); 
/* 从PLC读取字符串数据,需要手动释放返回的字符串内存
 * 参数:
 *   fd: 连接PLC的文件描述符
 *   address: 数据在PLC中的地址
 *   length: 要读取的字符串长度
 *   val: 用于接收读取到的字符串的指针,使用后需释放内存
 * 返回值:
 *   读取成功返回S7_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS,否则返回相应的错误码


s7_error_code_e s7_write_bool(int fd, const char* address, bool val);
/* 向PLC写入布尔值数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_byte(int fd, const char* address, byte val);
/* 向PLC写入字节数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_short(int fd, const char* address, short val);
/* 向PLC写入短整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_ushort(int fd, const char* address, ushort val);
/* 向PLC写入无符号短整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_int32(int fd, const char* address, int32 val);
/* 向PLC写入32位整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_uint32(int fd, const char* address, uint32 val);
/* 向PLC写入无符号32位整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_int64(int fd, const char* address, int64 val);
/* 向PLC写入64位整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_uint64(int fd, const char* address, uint64 val);
/* 向PLC写入无符号64位整型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_float(int fd, const char* address, float val);
/* 向PLC写入浮点型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_double(int fd, const char* address, double val);
/* 向PLC写入双精度浮点型数据
 * 参数同上,此处省略...

s7_error_code_e s7_write_string(int fd, const char* address, int length, const char* val);
/* 向PLC写入字符串数据
 * 参数:
 *   fd: 连接PLC的文件描述符
 *   address: 数据在PLC中的地址
 *   length: 要写入的字符串长度
 *   val: 要写入的字符串
 * 返回值:
 *   写入成功返回S7_ERROR_CODE_SUCCESS,否则返回相应的错误码




#ifdef _WIN32
#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#pragma warning( disable : 4996)

#define GET_RESULT(ret){ if(!ret) faild_count++; }

#include "siemens_s7.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
#ifdef _WIN32
 if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &wsa) != 0)
  return -1;

 char* plc_ip = "";
 int plc_port = 102;
 if (argc > 1)
  plc_ip = argv[1];
  plc_port = atoi(argv[2]);

 int fd = -1;
 bool ret = s7_connect(plc_ip, plc_port, S1200, &fd);
 if (ret && fd > 0)
  s7_error_code_e ret = S7_ERROR_CODE_FAILED;

  char* type = s7_read_plc_type(fd);
  printf("plc type: %s\n", type);

  const int TEST_COUNT = 5000;
  const int TEST_SLEEP_TIME = 1000;
  int faild_count = 0;
  char address[50] = { 0 };
  int i = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < TEST_COUNT; i++)
   printf("==============Test count: %d==============\n", i + 1);
   bool all_success = false;
   bool val = true;
   strcpy(address, "MX100");
   ret = s7_write_bool(fd, address, val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tbool:\t %d, \tret: %d\n", address, val, ret);

   val = false;
   ret = s7_read_bool(fd, address, &val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tbool:\t %d\n", address, val);

   short w_s_val = 23;
   strcpy(address, "MW100");
   ret = s7_write_short(fd, address, w_s_val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tshort:\t %d, \tret: %d\n", address, w_s_val, ret);

   short s_val = 0;
   ret = s7_read_short(fd, address, &s_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tshort:\t %d\n", address, s_val);

   ushort w_us_val = 255;
   strcpy(address, "MW100");
   ret = s7_write_ushort(fd, address, w_us_val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tushort:\t %d, \tret: %d\n", address, w_us_val, ret);

   ushort us_val = 0;
   ret = s7_read_ushort(fd, address, &us_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tushort:\t %d\n", address, us_val);

   int32 w_i_val = 12345;
   strcpy(address, "DB1.70");
   ret = s7_write_int32(fd, address, w_i_val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tint32:\t %d, \tret: %d\n", address, w_i_val, ret);

   int i_val = 0;
   ret = s7_read_int32(fd, address, &i_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tint32:\t %d\n", address, i_val);

   uint32 w_ui_val = 22345;
   ret = s7_write_uint32(fd, address, w_ui_val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tuint32:\t %d, \tret: %d\n", address, w_ui_val, ret);

   uint32 ui_val = 0;
   ret = s7_read_uint32(fd, address, &ui_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tuint32:\t %d\n", address, ui_val);

   int64 w_i64_val = 333334554;
   strcpy(address, "DB1.DBW70");
   ret = s7_write_int64(fd, address, w_i64_val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tuint64:\t %lld, \tret: %d\n", address, w_i64_val, ret);

   int64 i64_val = 0;
   ret = s7_read_int64(fd, address, &i64_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tint64:\t %lld\n", address, i64_val);

   uint64 w_ui64_val = 4333334554;
   strcpy(address, "DB1.DBW70");
   ret = s7_write_uint64(fd, address, w_ui64_val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tuint64:\t %lld, \tret: %d\n", address, w_ui64_val, ret);

   int64 ui64_val = 0;
   ret = s7_read_uint64(fd, address, &ui64_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tuint64:\t %lld\n", address, ui64_val);

   float w_f_val = 32.454f;
   strcpy(address, "DB1.DBW70");
   ret = s7_write_float(fd, address, w_f_val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tfloat:\t %f, \tret: %d\n", address, w_f_val, ret);

   float f_val = 0;
   ret = s7_read_float(fd, address, &f_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tfloat:\t %f\n", address, f_val);

   double w_d_val = 12345.6789;
   ret = s7_write_double(fd, address, w_d_val);
   printf("Write\t %s \tdouble:\t %lf, \tret: %d\n", address, w_d_val, ret);

   double d_val = 0;
   ret = s7_read_double(fd, address, &d_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tdouble:\t %lf\n", address, d_val);

   const char sz_write[] = "[email protected]";
   int length = sizeof(sz_write) / sizeof(sz_write[0]);
   ret = s7_write_string(fd, address, length, sz_write);
   printf("Write\t %s \tstring:\t %s, \tret: %d\n", address, sz_write, ret);

   char* str_val = NULL;
   ret = s7_read_string(fd, address, length, &str_val);
   printf("Read\t %s \tstring:\t %s\n", address, str_val);

#ifdef _WIN32
   usleep(TEST_SLEEP_TIME* 1000);

  printf("All Failed count: %d\n", faild_count);



#ifdef _WIN32

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