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s-shemmee / desktop-notifier-python Goto Github PK

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Python desktop notifications with this simple script. It displays a pop-up window to notify you of any type of event on your computer.

License: MIT License

Python 100.00%
desktop-notifications desktop-notifier python

desktop-notifier-python's Introduction

A little more about me...

const s_shemmee = {
    bio: "Hey there! Shemmee here ๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป, a self-taught front-end developer passionate about UI/UX.",
    techStack: {
        languages: ["JavaScript", "TypeScript"],
        libraries: ["React", "Vue"],
        frameworks: ["Next.js", "Vite", "Bootstrap"],
        cssTools: ["SASS", "TailwindCSS", "Less"],
        deployment: ["Github Pages", "Firebase", "Vercel", "Netlify"],
    designTools: ["Figma", "InVision", "Adobe XD", "Framer"],
    motto: "Keep it simple and stupid โœจ",

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Always up for a chat about and geeking out on all things tech!๐Ÿ’ป<3

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