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Contains yaml files to help kickstart setting up your AWS account for App Analytics Delivery Config

License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

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app-analytics-delivery-config-kickstart's Introduction


The app-analytics-delivery-config-kickstart is a Terraform template used to create your partner-side infrastructure for the AppExchange App Analytics Delivery (AADC) feature.

AppAnalyticsDeliveryConfig is currently only available as a closed pilot to invited partners.


This Terraform script was tested with Terraform v1.0.


This Terraform template requires that you have these items:

  • An Amazon Web Services (AWS) account
  • A set of AWS IAM credentials, including an Access key ID and a Secret Access Key, for CLI and API access
  • An existing Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket to store the Terraform state file
  • Terraform installed on your machine

Update the Backend

This script is configured to store its Terraform state in your existing S3 bucket.

Modify the file to specify the AWS region and bucket name of your existing bucket where the state will be stored. For example:

    backend "s3" {
        region = "us-west-2"
        bucket = "my_bucket_name"
        key    = "byob-kickstart.tfstate"

We recommended that you add versioning to this bucket.

Configure Your Settings

The file defines variables that you must set according to your environment. Specifically, you must set:

  • The AWS region where your new S3 bucket(s) for App Analytics will live
  • The Salesforce Org ID of your License Management Org (LMO), which secures your delegated IAM role
  • The names of the bucket to create

Execute the Script

To run the script, follow standard Terraform deployment steps.

  1. Make your AWS credentials available to Terraform.

  2. Initialize the backend.

     $ terraform init
  3. Create the plan.

     $ terraform plan -out plan.out
  4. Apply the plan.

     $ terraform apply plan.out

Get Your Information

After the plan is applied, Terraform outputs the values that you must supply when creating an AppAnalyticsDeliveryConfig object in Salesforce. Specifically for each AppAnalyticsDeliveryConfig object, you must set the BucketName field as the name of your bucket and the AwsIamRoleArn field as the ARN of your delegated IAM role.

You can also retrieve these values at any time by running:

    $ terraform output

app-analytics-delivery-config-kickstart's People


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