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into-the-betweenlands-2's Issues

[BUG] Warp Events spawn entities inside repellers

Describe the bug

Warp Events that spawn mobs can spawn mobs inside repellers, where they can get stuck and drain fuel.

To Reproduce

  1. Have high warp.
  2. Stay inside repeller.
  3. Wait for a warp event to spawn mind spiders, eldritch guardians or a lesser crimson portal.

Expected behavior

Mobs will either spawn outside the repeller (or completely fail to spawn if no valid spot can be found) or will ignore the repeller like a wight.


The eldritch guardian is stuck inside a repeller field and is draining fuel, despite not being pushed out
The eldritch guardian is stuck inside a repeller field and is draining fuel, despite not being pushed out

Version of the pack:
Into The Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.1

[BUG] Cheese Press item texture breaks sometimes

Describe the bug
When you break a Cheese Press sometimes the item model will become the no-texture square

To Reproduce
Place and break Cheese Press from different directions, sometimes will break

Expected behavior
Cheese Press Item looks normal

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Version of the pack:

[BUG] Radiant Crafting Table quick-craft doesn't craft/deletes items

Describe the bug

The Radiant Crafting Table's quick craft function cannot craft anything that is locked behind a gamestage, instead deleting the items from the crafting grid (even if you have the gamestage unlocked).

To Reproduce

  1. Place radiant crafting table
  2. Unlock the gamestage for the recipe
  3. Put a recipe in quick-craft that is locked behind a gamestage
  4. Attempt to quick-craft the recipe
  5. Get nothing

Expected behavior

It will let you use quick-craft for recipes behind a gamestage as long as you have that gamestage unlocked


2024-05-26_20 23 54
2024-05-26_20 23 57

Version of the pack:

Into the Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.3

[BUG] Stack unstackable items with Radiant Chest

Describe the bug

It is possible to get a stack of otherwise unstackable items (e.g. swords, potions, lurker skin pouches) outside of a radiant chest

To Reproduce

  1. Place at least 4 of the item you want to get a stack of in a radiant chest
  2. Hover over the item
  3. Press the same number key several times (similar to how you'd click on an item multiple times to move all of them into/out of a chest)
  4. It'll move a stack of at least two of the item into your inventory

Expected behavior

It will only move the items in stacks of one.

Version of the pack:

Into the Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.3

Buff the Botanical Gardens

Just did my first run of the Botanical Gardens and thought they were really easy. The only mobs were zombies and skeletons, which at this point in progression are more annoying than challenging. The lore book also says "I must ensure I'm thoroughly equipped for what lies ahead" which gives the impression that the Botanical Gardens need a lot of preparation.
I would suggest buffing the zombies and skeletons; give them armor, weapons, even buffs to make them more difficult. The Botanical Gardens would also be a good fit for some other mobs like Cactoids, Enigmoths, Vespas, and maybe even Small Spirit Masks. To balance this the loot table could also probably be buffed to include more plants, foods, item scrolls, and other fancy things. Since they are only unlockable last game you could also add useful items for Thaumcraft and Embers


Describe the bug

Into The Betweenlands on the Wepwawet server spawns me in the overworld when I install the mod pack.

To Reproduce

On wepwawet, install the betweenlands mod using the built-in mod pack installer, and join the server, and it will spawn you in the overworld, and you can't place any between lands items so you cant make it to the betweenlands.

Expected behavior

I expect to spawn in the Betweenlands dimesion


Version of the pack:

Betweenlands version 1.5.2 both server and client.

[BUG] Grue tries to eat you when on Reed Mat

Describe the bug
If you're sitting on a Reed Mat, even in the light, a Grue can eat you

To Reproduce
Destroy your sanity, place down and sit on a Reed Mat, then wait 15 seconds

Expected behavior
I can sit and recover my Sanity in peace

(I cant screenshot without crouching)

Version of the pack:

[BUG] Leeches make blue particles instead of red ones

Describe the bug

Leeches will produce blue particles instead of red ones. Likely caused by this mixin.

To Reproduce

  1. Get attacked by a leech
  2. See blue blood particles instead of red ones

Expected behavior

Blood particles should be red


(Working on it)

Version of the pack:

Into the Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.3

[BUG] Water in bottle's

I noticed that, when you use a silt bottle to fil up culture jar, liquid is count as (wather). Plain, not clear, not swamp. Just water.

Fill silt bottle on swamp water block, water in bottle is alredy plain water, RMB on Culture jar to fill the jar. Click RMB with empty hand to open Culture jar, Water in jar is incorrect.

Water in jar should be "swamp water" for producing salt.

Version of the pack:

[Suggestion] Unique Cheese Names

Cheese making is cool, but I think it'd be even cooler if the cheeses had new names, kinda like the Embers ores that were renamed.

Here's some ideas:
Cheddar - Sompe
Asiago - Igola
Parmesan - Balzetapa
Monterey - Ambaer
Provolone - Perlon
Gouda - Corouge

Just what I came up with

[BUG] Never used Syrmorite Bucket not valid for Rune of Capacity recipe

Describe the bug
Newly made bucket is not recognized in Rune of Capacity Recipe. Buckets that have been filled and emptied (Unpurified Swamp Water and Life Essence confirmed) are recognized in recipe nor by jei.

To Reproduce
Create 3 buckets, add to crafting table with other blocks in recipe.

Expected behavior
Rune of Capacity in output.

On Radiant Crafting Table
2024-04-21_12 02 04
On WeedWood Crafting Table
2024-04-21_12 03 29
Buckets after being used.
2024-04-21_12 18 55

Version of the pack:

Growthcraft Buttermilk Can also be used to make starter culture

the idea should be self explanitory, but here's my ideas as to how

Place the buttermilk in the pancheon, and then it will seperate into skim milk and starter culture.
Alternatively, the buttermilk could be placed into the culture jar and it will also make starter culture

[BUG] Manifest disconnects everyone from server

Describe the bug

When using a manifest (or manifest lectern), everyone connected to the server will be timed out and have to rejoin.

To Reproduce

Use a manifest or manifest lectern (you may have to be in a hive).

Expected behavior

Access the manifest and all items in the network.

Actual behavior

Everyone connected to the server is timed out and disconnected.

Version of the pack:

Into the Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.3 and earlier.

[BUG] Mechanical pumps require ember to pump swamp water

Describe the bug

Mechanical pumps will require ember to pump swamp water, even when mechanically powered

To Reproduce

  1. Place mechanical pump
  2. Place water
  3. Power pump using mechanical power
  4. It does not pump water
  5. Insert ember into pump
  6. It now pumps water

Expected behavior

It will be able to pump water regardless of embers when powered mechanically.


May not be the screenshot you were thinking of, but here's the code causing the issue.

Version of the pack:

Into the Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.3

[BUG] Amphibious armor upgrades dupe

I was messing with the Amphibious armor and I shift clicked it out of my armor slot and then it just duped every upgrade that was in it

I have literally no idea how this even happened and have not been able to replicate it after this clip

I expected the armor to function as a normal item


Version of the pack: Into the Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.3

Heat modifier for boots

Right now rubber boots are the only ones that help with mud. By adding a heat upgrade that allows you to add rubber to boots it gains the ability of rubber boots.

Make Animator post Roots and give Ingots

Getting ores from Loot Scrolls is really annoying. I suggest that you change the recipe for the Animator to require Runed Logs instead of planks, making it only unlockable after Roots, and then changing it to give Ingots instead of ores

[BUG] Pack updater incorrectly seeing pack version 0.7.3

Describe the bug
Not sure if its a known error but the modpack for current version still thinks its 0.7.1, instead of 0.7.3 for pack updater.

To Reproduce
Download current pack version
launch world.

Expected behavior
No popup screen on reaching main menu saying the modpack is two versions out of date when its current.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Version of the pack:
alpha 0.7.3.

[BUG] Arcane Bore Gui persists forever

Describe the bug

After accessing an arcane bore and closing the GUI, the server thinks you are still in it. Because of this you will be unable to open any other GUIs (e.g. chests, lurker skin pouches) and your inventory will not update.

To Reproduce

  • Place Arcane Bore
  • Open Arcane Bore GUI
  • Close Arcane Bore GUI
  • Place Chest
  • Try to interact with chest

Expected behavior

The server will recognize that you have closed the gui and you will be able to interact with chests and picked up items will appear in your inventory.

Version of the pack:

Into the Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.3

Repeller wasn't entirely warded

when i warded a Repeller, i was able to break the bottom half of it, i am assuming this applies to other multiblock items like the inferno forge and crystal cell.

ward the top block of a Repeller with a warding focus, then break the bottom half, and the Repeller will still be broken.

I was hoping for entire Repeller to get warded with the warding focus.

this would be really difficult to demonstrate without a video.


[Suggestion] A little bit more bone ore would be helpful

In early game, the best tools you can make is made from bones. However, at some potential base places Hags are really rare sight and not always dropping their bones, also bone ore is seems very sparse, it spawns rare and only in 2-4 block. Please crank it up a little bit.

[BUG] Bluedust Blocks cannot be turned back to bluedust

Describe the bug

Once 9 bluedust have been crafted into a bluedust block, there is no recipe to turn them back into bluedust

To Reproduce

  1. Craft 9 bluedust into one bluedust block
  2. Unable to break down that bluedust block back into 9 bluedust

Expected behavior

There would be a crafting recipe (or an anvil hammering/pickaxing recipe) to turn the Bluedust block back into Bluedust

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Version of the pack:
Into The Betweenlands 2 Alpha 0.6.7

eldritch spire still dropping vanilla items meant to be removed

Describe the bug
unknown of this is actually a bug, but still reporting it anyways

To Reproduce
just go through the eldritch spire breaking urns and killing eldritch crabs

Expected behavior
i dont know what i expected honestly, but it wasn't golden apples

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.


renewable scabyst

Take the appropriate thaumcraft aspects and infuse them into shifting scales to create scabyst. It isn't cheap and it's late game but makes it renewable.

[BUG] Pyre will not light

Roots Pyre will not light, either directly with octine or firestarter, or indirectly with moss lit by octine, or a campfire adjacent to the pyre

Version of the pack:

[BUG] World Crash on Load

Describe the bug
When I try and load up my world the game crashes

To Reproduce
Unsure; load the game I guess

Expected behavior
The world loads as normal and I can play the game

Link to crash report:

Version of the pack:
Alpha 0.7.3

[Suggestion] Early game adjustments

With syrmorite being time gated by the pit kiln and bloomery operations, the early game of base BL is disrupted, resulting in a less engaging experience and overly punishing gameplay. This is mainly due to the inaccessibility of recipes that take a small amount of syrmorite, notably, shears, fishing rod, barrel, and compost bin. These are easily accessible early game tools in base BL that add a lot of interesting gameplay. The main example of their absence being problematic is the bed. You can't get the moss to craft a bed and set your spawn, so your best option is to stay near spawn and play ultra safe until you get ore processing. Staying near spawn is often not an option though, as you need to find cragrock and a cave.

My suggestions to make the early game more fun

  1. Provide some way to set your spawn. I think this change alone would be a huge improvement. This could be an alternative type of "bed", recipe for the bed, method of getting moss, or recipe for shears.
  2. Reduce the time gate for getting syrmorite. The minimum essential timeline is: pit kiln(limestone) -> limestone anvil -> soaking pot(limestone flux) -> pit kiln(refractory clay) -> bloomery(syrmorite). A lot of this ends up being down time, as players new to the pack aren't going to be familiar with optimal layering and parallelization for processing and there's not a lot to do before getting syrmorite. One way to avoid the waiting time could be to implement a method of processing before the bloomery that's less efficient. Maybe a syrmorite ore pit kiln recipe with a really high failure rate (something like 85%).
  3. Add new early game content or reintroduce some base BL content. I feel the most impactful missing mechanics are plant collecting(shears), silk production, fishing, farming, and water filtering. Plant collecting is also required for moss fires, smoking rack, smoldering peat, and volar kites. These are gated behind the earlier listed tools, shears, fishing rod, barrel, and compost bin. Each of these only requires 2 syrmorite, so an inefficient early alternative to the bloomery would be an effective remedy. If syrmorite is to remain a hard gate, however, the tools could be included in a different way. Recipes for them could be changed to not include syrmorite or a less effective version of each tool could be added (crude axe equivalents).

[BUG] Pyrotech progress tip is not shown in HWYLA

Describe the bug

The Pyrotech progress infos (where is the progress, how much time is needed, how much fuel is available) does not show in HWYLA

To Reproduce

Do something with Pyrotech (e.g. make a campfire) and look directly to it. WAILA does not display anything besides the TE name.

Expected behavior

With, for example, Jade, a correct progress info appears.


Version of the pack: Into the Betweenlands 2 Alpha-0.7.3

If you've made any changes to the pack (e.g. added mods, changed config) please list any changes here

I disabled Hardcore Darkness and Default Options because I rather not like to play on hard and also I don't like the pitch black in the caverns.

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