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2022-10-mover-judging's Issues

rvierdiiev - HardenedTopupProxy and ExchangeProxy doesn't send change to sender if user overpaid in native token



HardenedTopupProxy and ExchangeProxy doesn't send change to sender if user overpaid in native token


If user toped up with native token and overpaid more then was provided in ethValue then the change is not returned to him.

Vulnerability Detail

When user sends amount in native token then the HardenedTopupProxy is going to exhange those funds to cardTopupToken. It is done inside of ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect function.
HardenedTopupProxy sends all native tokens provided by user to the ExchangeProxy using that function.
Next, ExchangeProxy extracts ethValue param from data, provided by user here. Then ExchangeProxy exchanges ethValue amount of native tokens.
It's possible that user sent more native tokens than ethValue param. Then the amount msg.value - ethValue should be returned back to user, however that amount is hold by ExchangeProxy.


User lost funds.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Check that msg.value == ethValue or provide logic to return overpaid funds to user.

rvierdiiev - If cardTopupToken == ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS then it's not possible to top up with native token



If cardTopupToken == ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS then it's not possible to top up with native token


If cardTopupToken == ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS then users will not be able to top up using native token payment, because cardTopupToken is expected to be ERC20 token only.

Vulnerability Detail

In HardenedTopupProxy._processTopup there is a check that checks if user provided same token as cardTopupToken. In this case it will try to send funds to HardenedTopupProxy and then bridge it.

However if cardTopupToken == ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS then the transfer will fail as ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS is used for native token payment.

Why it's possible that cardTopupToken == ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS? Because there is no checks for what cardTopupToken address can be. So it's possible for admin to set it to ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS.


Bridging will be not possible for native token payment.

Code Snippet

        if (_token == cardTopupToken) {
            // beneficiary is msg.sender (perform static check)
            IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransferFrom(_beneficiary, address(this), _amount);

            uint256 feeAmount = _amount.mul(topupFee).div(1e18);

            // bridge from _beneficiary to card L1 relay
            _bridgeAssetDirect(_amount.sub(feeAmount), _bridgeType, _bridgeTxData);

            emit CardTopup(_beneficiary, _token, _amount, _amount.sub(feeAmount), _receiverHash);

Tool used

Manual Review


Add check to the setter method, that provided token can't be ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS.

caventa - User can call any function of executorAddress which is dangerous



User can call any function of executorAddress which is dangerous


Users can call any function of executorAddress which is dangerous.

Vulnerability Detail

CallData (See ExchangeProxy.sol#L174) could be anything.

Currently, (See ExchangeProxySwap.test.js#L44) 0xec6cc0cc is passed in to execute swapTokens function (See TokenSwapExecutorMock.sol#L39)

0xec6cc0cc can be anything to call other functions as long as the remaining code (See ExchangeProxy.sol#L178-L204) can be executed successfully.


ExecuteSwapDirect could behave in an unpredictable manner because user can execute whatever functions they like.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Rather than depending on the users to call any functions they like, we should only restrict them to calling certain functions only.

rvierdiiev - SafeAllowanceResetUpgradeable doesn't have gap array for future upgrade variables



SafeAllowanceResetUpgradeable doesn't have gap array for future upgrade variables


SafeAllowanceResetUpgradeable doesn't have gap array for future upgrade variables.

Vulnerability Detail

For SafeAccessControlEnumerableUpgradeable which is upgradeable abstract contract, inheriting contracts may introduce new variables. In order to be able to add new variables to the upgradeable abstract contract without causing storage collisions, a storage gap should be added to the upgradeable abstract contract.

If no storage gap is added, when the upgradable abstract contract introduces new variables, it may override the variables in the inheriting contract.


When the upgradable abstract contract introduces new variables, it may override the variables in the inheriting contract.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider adding a storage gap at the end of the upgradeable abstract contract like this uint256[50] private __gap;

Duplicate of #17

0x0 - Incorrect Constant Naming Could Result In Losses



Incorrect Constant Naming Could Result In Losses


There is a user role that is used to permit trusted backend services to execute transactions named TRUSTED_EXETUTOR_ROLE. This is incorrectly spelled.

Vulnerability Detail


The TRUSTED_EXETUTOR_ROLE is a role for trusted backend services to call functions within the topup proxy. This is a typo of "executor". Future references to this role with the correct spelling will fail.


This contract is upgradable and future functionality may reuse the same role based access control. If a future release references this role with the correct spelling, the deployer will be forced to spend Ether on a subsequent deployment to fix this typo.

Code Snippet

bytes32 public constant TRUSTED_EXETUTOR_ROLE = keccak256("TRUSTED_EXECUTION");

Tool used

Manual Review


Correct the typo now so that loses from re-deployments to fix misspelled constants can be avoided:

bytes32 public constant TRUSTED_EXECUTOR_ROLE = keccak256("TRUSTED_EXECUTION");






Access control plays an important role in segregation of privileges in smart contracts and other applications. If this is misconfigured or not properly validated on sensitive functions, it may lead to loss of funds, tokens and in some cases compromise of the smart contract.

The contract ExchangeProxy is importing an access control library @openzeppelin/contracts/access/AccessControl.sol but the function claimFees is missing the modifier onlyRole.

Vulnerability Detail


Code Snippet

    function claimFees(address _token, uint256 _amount) public {
        require(msg.sender == yieldDistributorAddress, "yield distributor only");
        if (_token != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
            IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);
        } else {

    function executeSwapDirect(
        address _beneficiary,
        address _tokenFrom,
        address _tokenTo,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint256 _exchangeFee,
        bytes memory _data
    ) public payable override returns (uint256) {
        require(msg.sender == transferProxyAddress, "transfer proxy only");

        // extract values from bytes array provided
        address executorAddress;
        address spenderAddress;
        uint256 ethValue;

        bytes memory callData = ByteUtil.slice(_data, 72, _data.length - 72);
        assembly {
            executorAddress := mload(add(_data, add(0x14, 0)))
            spenderAddress := mload(add(_data, add(0x14, 0x14)))
            ethValue := mload(add(_data, add(0x20, 0x28)))

        // allow spender to transfer tokens from this contract
        if (_tokenFrom != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS && spenderAddress != address(0)) {
            require(trustedRegistryContract.isWhitelisted(spenderAddress), "allowance to non-trusted");
            resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20(_tokenFrom), spenderAddress, _amount);

        // remember the actual balance of target token (fees could reside on this contract balance)
        uint256 balanceBefore = 0;
        if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
            balanceBefore = IERC20(_tokenTo).balanceOf(address(this));
        } else {
            balanceBefore = address(this).balance;

        // regardless of stated amount, the ETH value passed to exchange call must be provided to the contract
        require(msg.value >= ethValue, "insufficient ETH provided");

        // don't allow to call non-trusted addresses
        require(trustedRegistryContract.isWhitelisted(executorAddress), "call to non-trusted");

        // ensure no state passed, no reentrancy, etc.
        (bool success, ) ={value: ethValue}(callData);
        require(success, "SWAP_CALL_FAILED");

        // always rely only on actual amount received regardless of called parameters
        uint256 amountReceived = 0;
        if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
            amountReceived = IERC20(_tokenTo).balanceOf(address(this));
        } else {
            amountReceived = address(this).balance;
        amountReceived = amountReceived.sub(balanceBefore);

        require(amountReceived > 0, "zero amount received");

        // process exchange fee if present (in deposit we get pool tokens, so process fees after swap, here we take fees in source token)
        // fees are left on this contract address and are harvested by yield distributor
        //uint256 feeAmount = amountReceived.mul(_exchangeFee).div(1e18);
        amountReceived = amountReceived.sub(
        ); // this is return value that should reflect actual result of swap (for deposit, etc.)

        if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
            //send received tokens to beneficiary directly
            IERC20(_tokenTo).safeTransfer(_beneficiary, amountReceived);
        } else {
            //send received eth to beneficiary directly
            // payable(_beneficiary).transfer(amountReceived);
            // should work for external wallets (currently is the case)
            // but wont work for some other smart contracts due to gas stipend limit

        emit ExecuteSwap(_beneficiary, _tokenFrom, _tokenTo, _amount, amountReceived);
        // amount received is used to check minimal amount condition set by calling app from topup proxy contract
        return amountReceived;

    function executeSwap(
        address _tokenFrom,
        address _tokenTo,
        uint256 _amount,
        bytes memory _data
    ) public payable override returns (uint256) {
        // native token doesn't need to be transferred explicitly, it's in tx.value
        if (_tokenFrom != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
            IERC20(_tokenFrom).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
        // after token is transferred to this contract, call actual swap
        return executeSwapDirect(msg.sender, _tokenFrom, _tokenTo, _amount, 0, _data);

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommended to go through the contract and observe the functions that are lacking an access control modifier. If they contain sensitive administrative actions, it is advised to add a suitable modifier to the same

GalloDaSballo - M-01 `executeSwap` doesn't work



M-01 executeSwap doesn't work


Due to most likely a programming mistake, executeSwap will call executeSwapDirect and then revert.

Vulnerability Detail


Because executeSwap calls executeSwapDirect it will always revert.

HardenedTopUpProxy is not programmed to call it either, leading me to believe this is a programming mistake.

Code Snippet

    function executeSwap(

Tool used

Manual Review


Delete the code if unused.
Or refactor to allow any caller to use it.

0x0 - Fixed Decimal Fee Calculation



Fixed Decimal Fee Calculation


Top ups are being processed with the assumption that the token always has 18 decimals.

Vulnerability Detail


The fee is calculated with the assumption that the token has 18 decimals. The calculation is incorrect for tokens that do not use 18 decimals.


Should an asset be added to the system that does not use 18 decimals, such as Tether, the top up fee will be incorrect.

Code Snippet

uint256 feeAmount = _amount.mul(topupFee).div(1e18);

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider whether the addition of tokens with non-standard number of decimals is desirable in the future. If so, refactor this function to accommodate assets that do not use 18 decimals.

Duplicate of #6

seyni - Missing check in `ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect` lead to users potentially losing a significant amount of their assets



Missing check in ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect lead to users potentially losing a significant amount of their assets


If ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect is called from ExchangeProxy.executeSwap users could lose a significant amount of value of their assets.

Vulnerability Detail

When ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect is called from ExchangeProxy.executeSwap, there is no check to verify that the amountReceived hasn't considerably decreased compared to a fair amount, instead there is only a check for amountReceived > 0:

        require(amountReceived > 0, "zero amount received");

The missing check is done in HardenedTopupProxy like this:

        require(amountReceived >= _expectedMinimumReceived, "minimum swap amount not met");

But is never done if ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect is used through ExchangeProxy.executeSwap.


When ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect is called from ExchangeProxy.executeSwap, a swap could go through with an user losing a significant amount of value of his assets.

Code Snippet

        require(amountReceived > 0, "zero amount received");

Tool used

Manual Review


The following check:

        require(amountReceived >= _expectedMinimumReceived, "minimum swap amount not met");

Could be done in ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect instead of HardenedTopupProxy._processTopup which would allow both call from ExchangeProxy.executeSwap and HardenedTopupProxy._processTopup to be covered by the check.
The value of _expectedMinimumReceived would be sent in _data.

JohnSmith - Fee-on-transfer tokens are not supported



Fee-on-transfer tokens are not supported


The protocoll will fail to exchange FoT tokens, because transfered amount is often less than received.

Vulnerability Detail

Plenty of ERC20 tokens charge a fee for every transfer (e.g. Safemoon and its forks), in which the amount of token received is less than the amount being sent. When a fee token is used as the _token in the _processTopup() function, the amount received by the contract would be less than the amount being sent.
Let's assume that _amount is 100.
After transfer

331:             IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransferFrom(_beneficiary, address(exchangeProxyContract), _amount);

We receive for example 95.
However we tell our Exchange proxy to swap 100:

335:         uint256 amountReceived =
336:             IExchangeProxy(address(exchangeProxyContract)).executeSwapDirect{value: msg.value}(
337:                 address(this),
338:                 _token,
339:                 cardTopupToken,
340:                 _amount,//@audit fee on transfer may fail or use accumulated fees to proceed
341:                 exchangeFee,
342:                 _convertData
343:             );

When it calls an exchange, exchange will try to transferFrom our contract 100, but we only have 95, so it will fail, or use some tokens transfered before for some reason.


FoT tokens are not supported. Or just drained if such tokens were provided by someone.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Check how many tokens are actually received

+	uint balanceBefore = IERC20Upgradeable(_token).balanceOf(address(exchangeProxyContract));
331:   IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransferFrom(_beneficiary, address(exchangeProxyContract), _amount);
+   	uint balanceAfter = IERC20Upgradeable(_token).balanceOf(address(exchangeProxyContract));
+   	uint received = balanceAfter - balanceBefore;

and then

335:         uint256 amountReceived =
336:             IExchangeProxy(address(exchangeProxyContract)).executeSwapDirect{value: msg.value}(
337:                 address(this),
338:                 _token,
339:                 cardTopupToken,
- 340:                 _amount,
+ 340:                 received,
341:                 exchangeFee,
342:                 _convertData
343:             );

Duplicate of #39

0x0 - Card Top Up Replay Attack



Card Top Up Replay Attack


Card top ups facilitated from trusted infrastructure call a function in the Top Up Proxy. In the current implementation it is possible to replay top up transactions.

Vulnerability Detail


This implements functionality to process a card top up from a trusted backend system. There is the possibility under the following circumstances for a malicious actor to replay this transaction and top up a card multiple times from the same signature:

  • allowanceSignatureTimespan must be set to a figure greater than 0 as transaction inclusion into a block is non-deterministic. If the sender does not know when their transaction will be included this provides a second based buffer to allow the sender to provide a function argument of the current time in seconds. This is intended as a mechanism to prevent replay attacks by giving a window where the signature should be accepted.
  • Assume the backend has been compromised. An attacker has access to the key material that grants access to TRUSTED_EXETUTOR_ROLE.
  • A transaction is received and the backend replays this transaction multiple times by calling CardTopupTrusted repeatedly with the signature it has received.


  • This causes multiple card top ups from a single top up signature. A user topping up their card has the transaction replayed multiple times and will succeed for as long as there is both a balance and allowance.

Code Snippet

require(block.timestamp - _timestamp < allowanceSignatureTimespan, "old sig");

Tool used

Manual Review


Implement a cryptographic nonce into the signature and the contracts to prevent the same signature being used more than once.

Duplicate of #42

aviggiano - CardTopupTrusted is vulnerable against replay attacks on eventual chain forks



CardTopupTrusted is vulnerable against replay attacks on eventual chain forks


The function CardTopupTrusted of the contract HardenedTopupProxy is vulnerable against replay attacks on eventual chain forks due to lack of block.chainid on the signed message from the trusted backend.

Vulnerability Detail

In case of a chain split, signed messages from the trusted backend would still be valid on the forked chain since constructMsg does not encode block.chainid on the message to be hashed and signed. This might lead an attacker to process the topup on both chains and spend the users' allowance on the forked chain without their consent.



Code Snippet

        @dev reconstruct a message to be verified (signed by trusted backend) that allowance is recent and of correct value
    function constructMsg(bytes32 _addrhash, address _token, uint256 _amount, uint256 _timestamp) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
        return keccak256(abi.encodePacked("MOVER TOPUP ", _addrhash, " TOKEN ", _token, " AMOUNT ", _amount, " TS ", _timestamp));

Tool used

Manual Review


  • Implement EIP 712 for hashing and signing of typed structured data with the proper domain separator being updated in case of a chain split.
  • Make use of OpenZeppelin's EIP712.sol smart contract for the constructMsg function

Duplicate of #42

Bnke0x0 - Should prevent users from sending more native tokens in theย executeSwapDirect function



Should prevent users from sending more native tokens in theย executeSwapDirect function


It is possible for a user purchasing an option to accidentally overpay

Vulnerability Detail


When a user bridges a native token via theย executeSwapDirect ย function ofย ExchangeProxy, the contract checks whetherย msg.value >= ethValueย holds. In other words, if a user accidentally sends more native tokens than he has to, the contract accepts it but only bridges theย ethValueย amount of tokens. The rest of the tokens are left in the contract and can be recovered by anyone (see another submission for details).

Code Snippet

  'require(msg.value >= ethValue, "insufficient ETH provided");'

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider changingย >=ย toย ==ย at line 168.

  'require(msg.value == ethValue, "insufficient ETH provided");'

JohnSmith - No Storage Gap for Upgradeable Contract Might Lead to Storage Slot Collision



No Storage Gap for Upgradeable Contract Might Lead to Storage Slot Collision


For upgradeable contracts, there must be storage gap to โ€œallow developers to freely add new state variables in the future without compromising the storage compatibility with existing deploymentsโ€ (quote OpenZeppelin). Otherwise it may be very difficult to write new implementation code.

Vulnerability Detail

Without storage gap, the variable in child contract might be overwritten by the upgraded base contract if new variables are added to the base contract.
Refer to the bottom part of this article:

The storage gap is essential for upgradeable contract because โ€œIt allows us to freely add new state variables in the future without compromising the storage compatibility with existing deploymentsโ€. Refer to the bottom part of this article:


If the contract inheriting the base contract contains additional variable, then the base contract cannot be upgraded to include any additional variable, because it would overwrite the variable declared in its child contract. This greatly limits contract upgradeability.
This could have unintended and very serious consequences to the child contracts, potentially causing loss of funds or cause the contract to malfunction completely.

Code Snippet

HardenedTopupProxy is an upgradable contract which extends AccessControlUpgradeable and SafeAllowanceResetUpgradeable

68: contract HardenedTopupProxy is AccessControlUpgradeable, SafeAllowanceResetUpgradeable {

When AccessControlUpgradeable has such gap:

259:     uint256[49] private __gap;
9: abstract contract SafeAllowanceResetUpgradeable {

does not.

Tool used

Manual Review


Add uint256[50] private __gap; to base contracts, which are upgradable/inherted by upgradable contracts.

Miguel - _beneficiary parameter value is not checked



_beneficiary parameter value is not checked


_beneficiary address is not checked when executeSwapDirect method is executed. This address must be validated to be not equals to address(0).

Vulnerability Detail

If _beneficiary address is equals to address(0) then it could cause to burn/loose funds due to mistake in executeSwapDirect method.
Despite executeSwapDirect routine is called from executeSwap it is open to be called from outside (is declared public). So it should be checked anyway.


Fees could not be sent to _beneficiary in case it is address(0)

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


The recommendation is:

  • Validate _beneficiary address doing something like that:
  • Validate if there is some value to send. It is because if you do not have something to send, it is not necessary to perform next validation.
  • Add require sentence before sending amounts to _beneficiary to validate it is different than address(0).

Take a look the following POC code:

if (amountReceived > 0)

        require(_beneficiary != address(0), "_beneficiary is zero address");
        if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
            //send received tokens to beneficiary directly
            IERC20(_tokenTo).safeTransfer(_beneficiary, amountReceived);
        } else {
            //send received eth to beneficiary directly
            // payable(_beneficiary).transfer(amountReceived);
            // should work for external wallets (currently is the case)
            // but wont work for some other smart contracts due to gas stipend limit


yixxas - Use of ecrecover opens up protocol to signature replay attack



Use of ecrecover opens up protocol to signature replay attack


Message signed does not contain anything that prevents reuse of the same signature. This opens up the protocol to signature replay attack for when signer is used to verify a transaction.

Vulnerability Detail

In the message, bytes32 message = constructMsg(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)), _token, _amount, _timestamp), it contains only the address of msg.sender, token address, _amount and _timestamp, none of which can prevent the attacker from using the same signature multiple times, as long as different transactions are made in the same block so _timestamp remains the same.


CardTopupTrusted() relies on the signature to verify that a user is allowed to make a top up after receiving approval by a trusted party. This can allow a user to make more top ups than he is allowed to which may create problems if the trusted party only allows user to top up once.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


A nonce should be used as part of the message to prevent such an attack. However, use of OpenZeppelin's ECDSA library is recommended which includes many other important checks.

Duplicate of #42

csanuragjain - Decimal difference can give incorrect amount to user



Decimal difference can give incorrect amount to user


The decimal places of _tokenTo is not considered before multiplying it with _exchangeFee which means the final amount might be incorrect

Vulnerability Detail

  1. Observe the executeSwapDirect function
function executeSwapDirect(
        address _beneficiary,
        address _tokenFrom,
        address _tokenTo,
        uint256 _amount,
        uint256 _exchangeFee,
        bytes memory _data
    ) public payable override returns (uint256) {
if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
            amountReceived = IERC20(_tokenTo).balanceOf(address(this));
amountReceived = amountReceived.sub(
  1. Here _tokenTo might be an erc20 token with 10 decimal places and without normalizing it is directly multiplied with _exchangeFee (18 decimal places) which will give incorrect final received amount


User could receive lesser funds than required in case _tokenTo has very few decimal places

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Normalize the decimal places to 18 for _tokenTo






The contract was using delegatecall() or call() which was accepting address controlled by a user. This can have devastating effects on the contract as a delegate call allows the contract to execute code belonging to other contracts but using itโ€™s own storage. This can very easily lead to a loss of funds and compromise of the contract

Vulnerability Detail


Code Snippet

(bool success, ) ={value: ethValue}(callData);

 (bool success, /*bytes memory result*/) = address(_token).call(abi.encodePacked(IERC20PermitUpgradeable.permit.selector, _permit));

Tool used

Manual Review


Do not allow user-controlled data inside the delegatecall() and the call() function.

Miguel - yieldDistributorAddress' fees could be stolen by admin



yieldDistributorAddress' fees could be stolen by admin


Admin users have the privilege to change yieldDistributorAddress that is correct but It could cause that previous yieldDistributor loose its fees.

Vulnerability Detail

Previous yieldDistributor has a big amount in fees to claim.

Check the following steps

  • Original yieldDistributor has more 100 ETH (or any big amount) in fees to claim.
  • Admin decided to set a new yieldDistributor,
  • New yieldDistributor claims for the fees that belongs to the previous one.

I mean that admin in the unique failure point in the process. So you are only trusting in the admins good intentions but it could be broken due to big amounts of money. It could happen if some private key's admin are stolen even.

The code does not protect (and should from my point of view) to the original yieldDistributor which is an interested actor in the process.



Code Snippet

setYieldDistributor method:

claimFees method:

Tool used

Manual Review


I suggest two possible solutions (or security improvement to the process):
1- Delay claim fees.

  • Set a contract field with block number like currentBlock + 5760 (~1 day).
  • Create a condition in claimFees method for currentBlock > enableBlockToClaimFee.

2- Validate claimed fee in setYieldDistributor.

  • If remaining fees to claim is higher than some amount (1 ETH for instance), then revert new yield distributor assignation to avoid some malicious action.

Consider that adding some of the previous suggestions will make the protocol more incorruptible.

Finally, I recommend to emit some event when setting new yieldDistributor.

seyni - `cardPartnerAddress` and `allowanceSignatureTimespan` aren't initialized in the constructor in HardenedTopupProxy.sol



cardPartnerAddress and allowanceSignatureTimespan aren't initialized in the constructor in HardenedTopupProxy.sol


cardPartnerAddress and allowanceSignatureTimespan aren't initialized in the constructor. If the admin were to unpause the contract without initializing these variables, it could lead to early users losing funds and for HardenedTopupProxy.CardTopupTrusted not to be usable.

Vulnerability Detail

Both variables cardPartnerAddress and allowanceSignatureTimespan aren't initialized in the constructor. The admin could unpaused the contract without initializing them.
cardPartnerAddress is the L1 Eth address for card topup settlement, therefore if this variable is not initialized early users would send funds to address(0) on L1.
allowanceSignatureTimespan is allowance max signature age, therefore if this variable is not initialized the HardenedTopupProxy.CardTopupTrusted would always revert.


  • Early users would be sending their funds to address(0) on L1 if cardPartnerAddress isn't initialized.
  • HardenedTopupProxy.CardTopupTrusted would be unusable if allowanceSignatureTimespan isn't initialized

I think this issue represent a Medium Risk and not a High Risk, because the admin could pause the contract or update the variables when
the issue is discovered. Especially, I think it still represent a Medium Risk because this is a possible state of the contract.

Code Snippet

        require(block.timestamp - _timestamp < allowanceSignatureTimespan, "old sig");


Tool used

Manual Review


I recommend initializing these variables to a trusted default address for cardPartnerAddress and to a reasonable default amount of time for allowanceSignatureTimespan.

GalloDaSballo - M-03 Blockhash doesn't work for current block



M-03 Blockhash doesn't work for current block


Should check that block provided is less than current as the current blockHash cannot be known

Vulnerability Detail

Checking for blockhash(block.number) will always return 0


Am not sure value can be stolen via this

Code Snippet

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.10;

contract MoverTests {
  function prooveBlockhash(uint256 blockNumberDelta, bytes32 expected) external {
    uint256 blockTarget = block.number - blockNumberDelta;
    require(expected == blockhash(blockTarget), "Hash is not expected");

If the value was non-zero we'd get a revert

>>> c.prooveBlockhash(0, 0, {"from": a[0]})
Transaction sent: 0x3a9d4c6aab7c94651a2176fdd75ea3ead6cc7f94408b34bfa480a26f090d5769
  Gas price: 0.0 gwei   Gas limit: 12000000   Nonce: 7
  MoverTests.prooveBlockhash confirmed   Block: 15820123   Gas used: 21665 (0.18%)

<Transaction '0x3a9d4c6aab7c94651a2176fdd75ea3ead6cc7f94408b34bfa480a26f090d5769'>

However we do not, meaning a 0 blockhash will be provided

Tool used

Manual Review


Prevent using current block







Vulnerability Detail



The ecrecover() function returns an address of zero when the signature does not match. This can cause problems if address zero is ever the owner of assets, and someone uses the permit function on address zero. If that happens, any invalid signature will pass the checks, and the assets will be stealable. In this case, the asset of concern is the vaultโ€™s ERC20 token, and fortunately OpenZeppelinโ€™s implementation does a good job of making sure that address zero is never able to have a positive balance. If this contract ever changes to another ERC20 implementation that is laxer in its checks in favor of saving gas, this code may become a problem.

Code Snippet

    function recoverSigner(bytes32 message, bytes memory sig) internal pure returns (address)
        // signature is expected to be exactly 65 bytes (2 * 32 byte words and a checksum)
        require(sig.length == 65, "invalid sig length");

        // signature components
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
        uint8 v;
        assembly {
            // first 32 bytes, after the length prefix
            r := mload(add(sig, 32))
            // second 32 bytes
            s := mload(add(sig, 64))
            // final byte (first byte of the next 32 bytes)
            v := byte(0, mload(add(sig, 96)))

        // Version of signature should be 27 or 28, but 0 and 1 are also possible versions
        if (v < 27) {
            v += 27;

        return ecrecover(message, v, r, s);

Tool used

Manual Review


address signer = recoverSigner(message, _signature);
require(signer != address(0));

csanuragjain - Correct allowance will be rejected



Correct allowance will be rejected


If allowance is equal to _amount.mul(allowanceTreshold).div(1e18) then it will get rejected instead of getting accepted.

Vulnerability Detail

  1. Observe the checkAllowance function
function checkAllowance(address _token, uint256 _amount) view internal {
        require(IERC20Upgradeable(_token).allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) >= _amount, "insufficient allowance");
        require(IERC20Upgradeable(_token).allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) < _amount.mul(allowanceTreshold).div(1e18), "excessive allowance");
  1. As per comment the current approval is at least the planned topup value, but not larger than some threshold. Although in this case the equality check is missing and if allowance = amount.mul(allowanceTreshold).div(1e18) then transaction fails with excessive allowance


multiple function depending on checkAllowance function will fail to work

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Revise the condition as shown below:

require(IERC20Upgradeable(_token).allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) <= _amount.mul(allowanceTreshold).div(1e18), "excessive allowance");

berndartmueller - Previous yield distributor can drain collected fees



Previous yield distributor can drain collected fees


The yield distributor has the maximum token spending allowance for the HardenedTopupProxy.sol and ExchangeProxy contracts. However, when setting a new and different yield distributor, the old yield distributor still has the maximum spending allowance and can drain all collected fees.

Vulnerability Detail

When setting a new yield distributor with the setYieldDistributor function in both the HardenedTopupProxy.sol and ExchangeProxy contracts, the yield distributor address will have the ERC-20 token with the address _tokenAddress approved with the maximum allowance ALLOWANCE_SIZE = type(uint256).max as a spender.

If the contract admin changes the current yield distributor to a different address, the previous address still has the spending allowance. This means that the previous yield distributor can spend the tokens from both contracts.


A previously set yield distributor continues to have the ERC-20 token spending allowance and can drain the collected fees.

Code Snippet


function setYieldDistributor(address _tokenAddress, address _distributorAddress) public onlyAdmin {
    yieldDistributorAddress = _distributorAddress;
    // only yield to be redistributed should be present on this contract in baseAsset (or other tokens if swap fees)
    // so no access to lp tokens for the funds invested
    resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20(_tokenAddress), _distributorAddress, ALLOWANCE_SIZE);


function setYieldDistributor(address _tokenAddress, address _distributorAddress) public onlyAdmin {
    yieldDistributorAddress = _distributorAddress;
    // only yield to be redistributed should be present on this contract balance in baseAsset
    resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20Upgradeable(_tokenAddress), _distributorAddress, ALLOWANCE_SIZE);

Tool Used

Manual Review


Consider removing the call to the resetAllowanceIfNeeded function within the two setYieldDistributor functions and only let the current yield distributor claim fees via the provided claimFees function.

csanuragjain - Excess ETH is not refunded



Excess ETH is not refunded


It was observed that executeSwapDirect function is not refunding any excess eth which has been mistakenly passed by the user

Vulnerability Detail

  1. Observe the executeSwapDirect function
  2. Observe even if user has provided msg.value>ethValue then also contract will not be refunding msg.value-ethValue back to the user


User can lose their eth

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Refund any excess eth (msg.value-ethValue) which user has accidentally provided while calling executeSwapDirect function

rvierdiiev - Fee amount is not clear and can be changed in any moment for any value



Fee amount is not clear and can be changed in any moment for any value


There is no any checkings for the fees that are used through the protocol.

Vulnerability Detail

Mover collects fees for exchanging tokens and bridging them. It's possible for admin to set both those variables. However there is no any checks, so admin can provide any value.


Admin can change fees to any value.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Add some bounds for the fee amount. Or at least check that it's not more than 100%.

Duplicate of #123

csanuragjain - No provision to pause ExchangeProxy



No provision to pause ExchangeProxy


It was observed that unlike HardenedTopupProxy, ExchangeProxy does not have a pause functionality and executeSwap can run even in worst scenarios

Vulnerability Detail

  1. Observe that ExchangeProxy contract does not have pausing capability allowing anyone to call executeSwapDirect even when owner want to pause the functionality due to an exploit


No way to pause the swapping

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Add pausing functionality and allow admin to pause executeSwapDirect/executeSwap whenever required

berndartmueller - The time-dependent signature check is not safe



The time-dependent signature check is not safe


The HardenedTopupProxy.CardTopupTrusted function is called by a trusted off-chain executor and uses a time-dependent signature check. This is unsafe as the signature can be (accidentally) reused within the allowed allowanceSignatureTimespan timespan.

Vulnerability Detail

The HardenedTopupProxy.CardTopupTrusted function is called by a trusted off-chain executor and uses a time-dependent signature check by incorporating a timestamp _timestamp in the signed signature. To prevent replay attacks, the _timestamp is checked to be within the allowed allowanceSignatureTimespan timespan. However, it is in the possible realm of the off-chain trusted executor to retry the call (due to various reasons) with the same parameters (given that the token spending allowance is set as well, or, the allowance is already set high enough to cover multiple topups with the same amount - as long as allowanceTreshold is set accordingly).


The trusted off-chain executor can use the same signature multiple times within the allowed allowanceSignatureTimespan timespan. This can lead to repeated top-ups for the receiver _receiverHash.

Code Snippet


function CardTopupTrusted(address _token, uint256 _amount, uint256 _timestamp, bytes calldata _signature, uint256 _expectedMinimumReceived, bytes memory _convertData, uint256 _bridgeType, bytes memory _bridgeTxData, bytes32 _receiverHash) public {
    // reconstruct message from the data used for topup to ensure it matches provided information
    bytes32 message = constructMsg(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(msg.sender)), _token, _amount, _timestamp);

    // recover signer which must be trusted executor EOA
    address signer = recoverSigner(message, _signature);
    require(hasRole(TRUSTED_EXETUTOR_ROLE, signer), "wrong signature");

    // if signature is old, don't accept it to avoid reuse and ensure approval was fresh
    // trusted executor won't produce messages with timestamps in the future
    require(block.timestamp - _timestamp < allowanceSignatureTimespan, "old sig");

    // check current allowance, regardless of the signed message vailidity
    checkAllowance(_token, _amount);

    // allowance checks/enforcing complete, perform actual topup (this flow is further unified across 3 possible topup public methods)
    _processTopup(msg.sender, _token, _amount, _expectedMinimumReceived, _convertData, _bridgeType, _bridgeTxData, _receiverHash);

Tool Used

Manual Review


Consider using a nonce to prevent replay attacks. This can be done by adding a nonce to the signed message instead of the timestamp _timestamp. The nonce can be stored and incremented on every CardTopupTrusted function call. This way the same signature can not be used twice.

berndartmueller - The yield distributor can transfer accidentally sent funds



The yield distributor can transfer accidentally sent funds


The yield distributor can repurpose the claimFees function to transfer accidentally sent funds to itself.

Vulnerability Detail

Both the ExchangeProxy and HardenedTopupProxy contracts have a function emergencyTransfer to allow an admin to rescue any ERC20 tokens accidentally sent to the contracts.

However, a yield distributor can also transfer those funds via the claimFees function. The claimFees function is intended to be used by the yield distributor to claim collected fees. As the contracts do not keep track of the fees collected, the yield distributor is able to claim and transfer any amount of ERC-20 tokens and native tokens, effectively stealing funds.


The yield distributor can transfer any ERC-20 tokens and native tokens accidentally sent to the contracts besides the fees collected.

Code Snippet


function claimFees(address _token, uint256 _amount) public {
    require(msg.sender == yieldDistributorAddress, "yield distributor only");
    if (_token != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
        IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);
    } else {

    @dev all contracts that do not hold funds have this emergency function if someone occasionally
      transfers ERC20 tokens directly to this contract
      callable only by owner (admin)
function emergencyTransfer(address _token, address _destination, uint256 _amount) public onlyAdmin {
    if (_token != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
        IERC20(_token).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount);
    } else {
    emit EmergencyTransfer(_token, _destination, _amount);


function claimFees(address _token, uint256 _amount) public {
    require(msg.sender == yieldDistributorAddress, "yield distributor only");
    if (_token != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
        IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);
    } else {

    @dev all Mover contracts that do not hold funds have this emergency function if someone occasionally
      transfers ERC20 tokens directly to this contract
      this metod is callable only by admin, no timelock etc., because this contract is not aimed to hold user funds
function emergencyTransfer(
    address _token,
    address _destination,
    uint256 _amount
) public onlyAdmin {
    if (_token != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
        IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount);
    } else {
    emit EmergencyTransfer(_token, _destination, _amount);

Tool Used

Manual Review


Consider keeping track of the collected fees and only allow the yield distributor to withdraw the tracked fee token balances.

GalloDaSballo - M-02 All the arbitrary data is unchecked against user rugging themselves



M-02 All the arbitrary data is unchecked against user rugging themselves


When using the Synapse Bridge, because of a lack of checks, callers can rug themselves as the data is not validated.

Vulnerability Detail

The contracts can be used to:
-> Swap and transfer to someone else
-> Bridge and transfer to someone else

All these options can be achieved by adding malicious bytes that are not checked in the contract.

In clear contradiction to:

We are assuming that bridge address is stored in trusted contract registry, and thus, even provided
          by capability to pass arbitrary bytes in the call data for the e.g. Synapse bridge, this should
          not provide ability to access or manipulate other users funds in any way.

The synapse bridge code, allows to transfer to another recipient, it also allows to have a fee, which may be set to an irrational value (and hidden in the bytecode unintelligible for an end-user)

See Synapse source code below:

  function mint(
    address payable to,
    IERC20Mintable token,
    uint256 amount,
    uint256 fee,
    bytes32 kappa
  ) external nonReentrant() whenNotPaused() {

Meaning the callData could be made to transfer to an arbitrary recipient or with a high fee


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Add additional checks to ensure that the recipient is the caller

Bnke0x0 - HardenedTopupProxy's claimFees and emergencyTransfer can become stuck with zero reward transfer



HardenedTopupProxy's claimFees and emergencyTransfer can become stuck with zero reward transfer


There are no checks for the amounts to be transferred via claimFees and emergencyTransfer. As the reward token list is external and an arbitrary token can end up there, when such a token doesn't allow for zero-amount transfers, the reward retrieval can become unavailable.

Vulnerability Detail


HardenedTopupProxy's claimFees and emergencyTransfer can become stuck with zero reward transfer

Code Snippet

    'IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);'

 'IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount);'

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider running the transfers in claimFees and emergencyTransfer only when _amountis positive:

    'if (_amount> 0) {
     IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _amount);'

 'if (_amount> 0) {
  IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransfer(_destination, _amount);'

cryptphi - Anyone can call setCompleted function in Migrations contract



Anyone can call setCompleted function in Migrations contract


Due to owner state variable being hardcoded to msg.sender , anyone can call Migrations.setCompleted()

Vulnerability Detail

The setCompleted() function in Migrations contract implements a modifier to check that the caller is the owner of the contract. However, due to owner state variable being hardcoded to msg.sender , anyone can call Migrations.setCompleted() and make changes to last_completed_migration


This is an access control issue.

Code Snippet

State variable owner
address public owner = msg.sender;


modifier restricted() {
      msg.sender == owner,
      "This function is restricted to the contract's owner"

Restricted function

function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted {
    last_completed_migration = completed;

Tool used

Manual Review


A more efficient method to initialize the owner state variable is advised. This can be done by using a constructor or a separate function that can change owner state variable.

Bnke0x0 - User's may accidentally overpay inย ย and the excess will be paid to the vault creator



User's may accidentally overpay inย ย and the excess will be paid to the vault creator


It is possible for a user purchasing an option to accidentally overpay

Vulnerability Detail


User's may accidentally overpay inย ย and the excess will be paid to the vault creator

Code Snippet

  'require(msg.value >= ethValue, "insufficient ETH provided");'

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider modifying the check such that theย msg.valueย is exactly equal to theย ethValue.

  'require(msg.value == ethValue, "insufficient ETH provided");'

0xSmartContract - No Storage Gap for Upgradeable Contracts



No Storage Gap for Upgradeable Contracts


For upgradeable contracts, inheriting contracts may introduce new variables. In order to be able to add new variables to the upgradeable contract without causing storage collisions, a storage gap should be added to the upgradeable contract.

If no storage gap is added, when the upgradable contract introduces new variables,
it may override the variables in the inheriting contract.

Vulnerability Detail

Openzeppelin Storage Gaps notification:

Storage Gaps
You may notice that every contract includes a state variable namedย __gap. 
This is empty reserved space in storage that is put in place in Upgradeable contracts. 
It allows us to freely add new state variables in the future without compromising 
the storage compatibility with existing deployments.
It isnโ€™t safe to simply add a state variable because it "shifts down" 
all of the state variables below in the inheritance chain. 
This makes the storage layouts incompatible, as explained inย Writing Upgradeable Contracts. 
The size of theย __gapย array is calculated so that the amount of storage used by a contract 
always adds up to the same number (in this case 50 storage slots).


Storage gaps are a convention for reserving storage slots in a base contract, allowing future versions of that contract to use up those slots without affecting the storage layout of child contracts.

Code Snippet

To create a storage gap, declare a fixed-size array in the base contract with an initial number of slots.
This can be an array ofย uint256ย so that each element reserves a 32 byte slot. Use the naming conventionย __gapย so that OpenZeppelin Upgrades will recognize the gap:

contract Base {
    uint256 base1;
    uint256[49] __gap;

contract Child is Base {
    uint256 child;

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider adding a storage gap at the end of the upgradeable contract

uint256[50] private __gap;

Duplicate of #17






For SafeAllowanceResetUpgradeable, which are upgradeable abstract contracts, inheriting contracts may introduce new variables. In order to be able to add new variables to the upgradeable abstract contract without causing storage collisions, a storage gap should be added to the upgradeable abstract contract.

Vulnerability Detail


If no storage gap is added, when the upgradable abstract contract introduces new variables, it may override the variables in the inheriting contract.

Code Snippet

   'abstract contract SafeAllowanceResetUpgradeable {'

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider adding a storage gap at the end of the upgradeable abstract contract

      'uint256[50] private __gap;'

Duplicate of #17

berndartmueller - The Synapse bridge integration does not validate the low-level call function parameter and can lead to incorrect bridging



The Synapse bridge integration does not validate the low-level call function parameter and can lead to incorrect bridging


Allowing arbitrary callData to be passed to the Synapse bridge contract call makes it possible to call any function (accidentally or due to a bug in the frontend) on the target contract. This can lead to incorrect bridging of tokens.

Vulnerability Detail

Tokens can be either bridged via the Synapse bridge or the Across bridge. The Across bridge is called through a well-defined interface. The Synapse bridge, however, allows arbitrary callData to be passed to the call function. In case of accidentally using the wrong Synapse contract functions (e.g. a view-only function), the call will succeed but the tokens will not be bridged. As the necessary top-up events are emitted, the off-chain nodes will consider the bridging to be successful. This will lead to issues with the top-up or accounting and requires manual intervention to fix the issue.


The Synapse bridge contract can be called with a callData parameter that includes a call to a function which does not bridge tokens, instead, it could be a call to a view-only function (or, if the Synapse bridge contract would have a fallback function, empty calldata would suffice to have a successful call).

The call would succeed, and the transaction succeeds with the necessary CardTopup event emitted, but the tokens will not be bridged. This would then require manual intervention to fix the issue and return token funds to the user.

Code Snippet


function _bridgeAssetDirect(uint256 _amount, uint256 _bridgeType, bytes memory _bridgeTxData) internal {

    if (_bridgeType == 0)
        // Synapse bridge call data is retrieved by performing a call by the application
        // to bridge SDK and is not transformed by this contract
        bytes memory callData = _bridgeTxData.slice(20, _bridgeTxData.length - 20);
        (bool success, ) =; // @audit-info `callData` is not validated and can contain any data
        require(success, "BRIDGE_CALL_FAILED");
    } else if (_bridgeType == 1) {


Tool Used

Manual Review


Consider not allowing arbitrary callData to be passed to the Synapse bridge and instead only allowing the callData to be constructed by the contract itself and provide necessary parameters.

JohnSmith - Overflow on high token amount



Overflow on high token amount


A transaction will revert, when amount of transfered tokens is very high

Vulnerability Detail

allowanceTreshold is 1_100_000_000_000_000_000 as set in initialize()

146:     function initialize(uint _chainId, bytes memory _chainIdRLP) public initializer {
160:         allowanceTreshold = 1_100_000_000_000_000_000;
161:     }

Cheap tokens may be transfered in high volumes.
When we check that allowance is less than amount + 10% we do a multiplication

288:         require(IERC20Upgradeable(_token).allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) < _amount.mul(allowanceTreshold).div(1e18), "excessive allowance");

_amount.mul(allowanceTreshold) will revert because of overflow, when result is greater than type(uint256).max


A user cannot topup his card with high amount of tokens.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


To reduce chance of overflow we can remind ourselves that _amount * 11 / 10 is also +10%, so one way to fix it will be

146:     function initialize(uint _chainId, bytes memory _chainIdRLP) public initializer {
- 160:         allowanceTreshold = 1_100_000_000_000_000_000;
+ 160:         allowanceTreshold = 11;
- 288:         require(IERC20Upgradeable(_token).allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) < _amount.mul(allowanceTreshold).div(1e18), "excessive allowance");
+ 288:         require(IERC20Upgradeable(_token).allowance(msg.sender, address(this)) < _amount.mul(allowanceTreshold).div(10), "excessive allowance");

or write more complex check using try catch or unchecked{} math

Duplicate of #6

8olidity - Not calling approve(0) before setting a new approval causes the call to revert when used with Tether (USDT)



Not calling approve(0) before setting a new approval causes the call to revert when used with Tether (USDT)


Not calling approve(0) before setting a new approval causes the call to revert when used with Tether (USDT)

Vulnerability Detail

Not calling approve(0) before setting a new approval causes the call to revert when used with Tether (USDT)


Some tokens (like USDT) do not work when changing the allowance from an existing non-zero allowance value (it will revert if the current approval is not zero to protect against front-running changes of approvals). These tokens must first be approved for zero and then the actual allowance can be approved.

Code Snippet

  function resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20 _token, address _spender, uint256 _amount) internal {
    uint256 allowance = _token.allowance(address(this), _spender);
    if (allowance < _amount) {
      uint256 newAllowance = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;
      IERC20(_token).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(_spender), newAllowance.sub(allowance));

Tool used

Manual Review


Use approve(address(_spender), 0) to set the allowance to zero immediately before each of the existing approve() calls.

Duplicate of #58

seyni - `ExchangeProxy.executeSwap` is only callable by `transferProxyAddress`



ExchangeProxy.executeSwap is only callable by transferProxyAddress


ExchangeProxy.executeSwap should be callable by anyone, but a check in ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect make it only callable by transferProxyAddress.

Vulnerability Detail

ExchangeProxy.executeSwap should be callable by anyone, the function send ERC20 tokens from msg.sender to the ExchangeProxy contract, then call ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect with msg.sender still being tx.origin but in ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect the following check is done:

        require(msg.sender == transferProxyAddress, "transfer proxy only");

Therefore, no one but transferProxyAddress can use ExchangeProxy.executeSwap .


ExchangeProxy.executeSwap should be callable by anyone, but is only callable by transferProxyAddress.

Code Snippet

        return executeSwapDirect(msg.sender, _tokenFrom, _tokenTo, _amount, 0, _data);

        require(msg.sender == transferProxyAddress, "transfer proxy only");

Tool used

Manual Review


A boolean could become true if the call come from executeSwap and could be added in the require statement:

        require(msg.sender == transferProxyAddress || executeSwapBool, "transfer proxy only");

Then, it would be reinitialized to false after the check is done.

cryptphi - Anyone can call setCompleted function in Migrations contract.



Anyone can call setCompleted function in Migrations contract.


Due to owner state variable being hardcoded to msg.sender , anyone can call Migrations.setCompleted()

Vulnerability Detail

The setCompleted() function in Migrations contract implements a modifier to check that the caller is the owner of the contract. However, due to owner state variable being hardcoded to msg.sender , anyone can call Migrations.setCompleted() and make changes to last_completed_migration


This is an access control issue.

Code Snippet

State variable owner
address public owner = msg.sender;


modifier restricted() {
      msg.sender == owner,
      "This function is restricted to the contract's owner"

Restricted function

function setCompleted(uint completed) public restricted {
    last_completed_migration = completed;

Tool used

Manual Review


A more efficient method to initialize the owner state variable is advised. This can be done by using a constructor or a separate function that can change owner state variable.

berndartmueller - Collected fees can be used by anyone to top-up



Collected fees can be used by anyone to top-up


Anyone can use collected fees by the ExchangeProxy contract to top-up by providing arbitrary call data to the swap contract.

Vulnerability Detail

The ExchangeProxy contract collects swap fees and keeps them in escrow for later withdrawal by the yield distributor. However, an attacker is able to provide arbitrary _convertData in the HardenedTopupProxy.CardTopupPermit function. This parameter is used and passed on to the ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect function without validation. Then it is used to call the executorAddress to do the token swap. Hence, it's possible to instruct the swap contract to swap the collected fees from the ExchangeProxy contract instead of only swapping the tokens provided by the user (the spending allowance is set to the maximum allowance before in line 156)


An attacker can use the residual token balances (i.e. collected fees) from the ExchangeProxy contract as the amount for the top-up.

Code Snippet

To demonstrate this issue, use the provided test case can use fees from exchange proxy for topup in Copy the test file into test/ExploitTopup.test.js and run truffle test. It demonstrates how an attacker can use 10 DAI to receive a top-up worth 900e6 USDC (collected fees).


function executeSwapDirect(
    address _beneficiary,
    address _tokenFrom,
    address _tokenTo,
    uint256 _amount,
    uint256 _exchangeFee,
    bytes memory _data
) public payable override returns (uint256) {
    require(msg.sender == transferProxyAddress, "transfer proxy only");

    // extract values from bytes array provided
    address executorAddress;
    address spenderAddress;
    uint256 ethValue;

    bytes memory callData = ByteUtil.slice(_data, 72, _data.length - 72);
    assembly {
        executorAddress := mload(add(_data, add(0x14, 0)))
        spenderAddress := mload(add(_data, add(0x14, 0x14)))
        ethValue := mload(add(_data, add(0x20, 0x28)))

    // allow spender to transfer tokens from this contract
    if (_tokenFrom != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS && spenderAddress != address(0)) {
        require(trustedRegistryContract.isWhitelisted(spenderAddress), "allowance to non-trusted");
        resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20(_tokenFrom), spenderAddress, _amount);

    // remember the actual balance of target token (fees could reside on this contract balance)
    uint256 balanceBefore = 0;
    if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
        balanceBefore = IERC20(_tokenTo).balanceOf(address(this));
    } else {
        balanceBefore = address(this).balance;

    // regardless of stated amount, the ETH value passed to exchange call must be provided to the contract
    require(msg.value >= ethValue, "insufficient ETH provided");

    // don't allow to call non-trusted addresses
    require(trustedRegistryContract.isWhitelisted(executorAddress), "call to non-trusted");

    // ensure no state passed, no reentrancy, etc.
    (bool success, ) ={value: ethValue}(callData); // @audit-info `callData` can contain any arbitrary high swap amount
    require(success, "SWAP_CALL_FAILED");

    // always rely only on actual amount received regardless of called parameters
    uint256 amountReceived = 0;
    if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
        amountReceived = IERC20(_tokenTo).balanceOf(address(this));
    } else {
        amountReceived = address(this).balance;
    amountReceived = amountReceived.sub(balanceBefore);

    require(amountReceived > 0, "zero amount received");

    // process exchange fee if present (in deposit we get pool tokens, so process fees after swap, here we take fees in source token)
    // fees are left on this contract address and are harvested by yield distributor
    //uint256 feeAmount = amountReceived.mul(_exchangeFee).div(1e18);
    amountReceived = amountReceived.sub(
    ); // this is return value that should reflect actual result of swap (for deposit, etc.)

    if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
        //send received tokens to beneficiary directly
        IERC20(_tokenTo).safeTransfer(_beneficiary, amountReceived);
    } else {
        //send received eth to beneficiary directly
        // payable(_beneficiary).transfer(amountReceived);
        // should work for external wallets (currently is the case)
        // but wont work for some other smart contracts due to gas stipend limit

    emit ExecuteSwap(_beneficiary, _tokenFrom, _tokenTo, _amount, amountReceived);

    // amount received is used to check minimal amount condition set by calling app from topup proxy contract
    return amountReceived;

Tool Used

Manual Review


Consider validating the spent amount of the ERC-20 token _tokenFrom to equal the desired swap _amount in the ExchangeProxy.executeSwapDirect function. This prevents swapping more than the provided _amount function parameter.

Duplicate of #112

csanuragjain - Fee on transfer token not considered



Fee on transfer token not considered


It was observed that while processing topup, contract is not considering token with fee on transfer. if cardTopupToken is set as a token with fees then the swaping will fail from existing contract balance

Vulnerability Detail

  1. Observe the _processTopup function
function _processTopup(address _beneficiary, address _token, uint256 _amount, uint256 _expectedMinimumReceived, bytes memory _convertData, uint256 _bridgeType, bytes memory _bridgeTxData, bytes32 _receiverHash) internal
        // don't go further is contract function is paused (by admin or pauser)
        require(paused == false, "operations paused");

        if (_token == cardTopupToken) {
            // beneficiary is msg.sender (perform static check)
            IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransferFrom(_beneficiary, address(this), _amount);

            uint256 feeAmount = _amount.mul(topupFee).div(1e18);

            // bridge from _beneficiary to card L1 relay
            _bridgeAssetDirect(_amount.sub(feeAmount), _bridgeType, _bridgeTxData);

            emit CardTopup(_beneficiary, _token, _amount, _amount.sub(feeAmount), _receiverHash);
  1. Now if token is cardTopupToken which takes fee on transfer then contract would have never received the _amount-fees
if (_token == cardTopupToken) {
            // beneficiary is msg.sender (perform static check)
            IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransferFrom(_beneficiary, address(this), _amount);

            uint256 feeAmount = _amount.mul(topupFee).div(1e18);
  1. This means _bridgeAssetDirect will use the deducted fees part from own contract balance
_bridgeAssetDirect(_amount.sub(feeAmount), _bridgeType, _bridgeTxData);


Loss of funds

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Calculate the balance before and post transfer, the difference will tell the exact amount transferred to contract

Duplicate of #39

caventa - TokenFrom and TokenTo should not be the same



TokenFrom and TokenTo should not be the same


TokenFrom and TokenTo should not be the same.

Vulnerability Detail

Swapping should be executed only when _tokenFrom and _tokenTo are not the same.
(See ExchangeProxy.sol#L92-L93 and ExchangeProxy.sol#L133-L134)


It is good to add the validation in ExchangeProxy.sol rather than relying on the external callData function (See ExchangeProxy.sol#L174) to do the same validation.

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Add require(_tokenFrom != _tokenTo, "token from and token to should not be the same"); to the line before ExchangeProxy.sol#L139

berndartmueller - Protocol does not work with fee-on-transfer tokens



Protocol does not work with fee-on-transfer tokens


Fee-on-transfer tokens are not supported by the protocol. This leads to underfunded token transfers and the transactions to revert when swapping/bridging, preventing top-ups with fee-on transfer tokens.

Vulnerability Detail

ERC20 tokens may make specific customizations to their ERC20 contracts.
One type of these tokens is deflationary tokens that charge a specific fee for every transfer() or transferFrom().

In the current protocol implementation, both the ExchangeProxy and the HardenedTopupProxy contracts assume that the received amount is the same as the transfer amount, and use it for internal balance bookkeeping.

However, if the token is a fee-on transfer token, the actually received amount can differ and will be less than the initial transfer amount. This will cause the transaction to revert due to insufficient tokens available for bridging/swapping.


The transaction will revert when trying to bridge or swap tokens that are fee-on transfer tokens, preventing the use of fee-on transfer tokens for top-ups.

Code Snippet


function executeSwap(
  address _tokenFrom,
  address _tokenTo,
  uint256 _amount,
  bytes memory _data
) public payable override returns (uint256) {
  // native token doesn't need to be transferred explicitly, it's in tx.value
  if (_tokenFrom != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
      IERC20(_tokenFrom).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
  // after token is transferred to this contract, call actual swap
  return executeSwapDirect(msg.sender, _tokenFrom, _tokenTo, _amount, 0, _data);


function _processTopup(address _beneficiary, address _token, uint256 _amount, uint256 _expectedMinimumReceived, bytes memory _convertData, uint256 _bridgeType, bytes memory _bridgeTxData, bytes32 _receiverHash) internal
  // don't go further is contract function is paused (by admin or pauser)
  require(paused == false, "operations paused");

  // if execution passes to here, it means:
  // 1. operations are active;
  // 2. allowance check is passed, allowance is set and we can use funds from _beneficiary's address;
  // next steps are:
  // 1. transfer token to this contract or exchange proxy
  //    TODO (future version): check if token must be unwrapped by a partner
  //    (vault tokens, etc. that could not be swapped and should be unwrapped in some way)
  // 2. swap if needed and transfer USDC to this contract
  // 3. deduct topup fee (if needed)
  // 4. check allowance to the bridge contract
  // 5. check the bridge address is in the whitelist and perform a call to bridge

  // if the token to be provided matches the defined cardTopupToken, do not perform any
  // swap, just deduct topup fee (if fee > 0) and proceed to bridging for settlement
  if (_token == cardTopupToken) {
      // beneficiary is msg.sender (perform static check)
      IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransferFrom(_beneficiary, address(this), _amount); // @audit-info `_amount` is transferred

      uint256 feeAmount = _amount.mul(topupFee).div(1e18); // @audit-info `_amount` received could be less than anticipated for fee-on transfer tokens

      // bridge from _beneficiary to card L1 relay
      _bridgeAssetDirect(_amount.sub(feeAmount), _bridgeType, _bridgeTxData);

      emit CardTopup(_beneficiary, _token, _amount, _amount.sub(feeAmount), _receiverHash);

  // conversion is required, perform swap through exchangeProxy
  if (_token != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
      // transfer tokens on the exchange proxy balance before performing swap call
      IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeTransferFrom(_beneficiary, address(exchangeProxyContract), _amount); // @audit-info `_amount` is transferred

  // exchange proxy is trusted and would check swap provider on its own in trusted registry contract
  uint256 amountReceived =
      IExchangeProxy(address(exchangeProxyContract)).executeSwapDirect{value: msg.value}(
          _amount, // @audit-info `_amount` received could be less than anticipated for fee-on transfer tokens


Tool Used

Manual Review


Consider using the actually received amount by calculating the difference in token balance before and after the token transfer.

8olidity - Maxamount and minamount are not checked and may cause DOS



Maxamount and minamount are not checked and may cause DOS


Maxamount and minamount are not checked and may cause DOS

Vulnerability Detail

Maxamount and minamount are not checked and may cause DOS


minAmount and maxAmount can be set arbitrarily, with no time limit or size limit.

    function setMinAmount(uint256 _minAmount) public onlyAdmin {
        minAmount = _minAmount;

    function setMaxAmount(uint256 _maxAmount) public onlyAdmin {
        maxAmount = _maxAmount;

It is possible to set the result to minAmount > maxAmount. If this happens, CardTopupMPTProof(),CardTopupTrusted() and CardTopupPermit() will not work properly because they all have the check _amount function

require(_amount >= minAmount, "minimum amount not met");
require(_amount < maxAmount, "maximum amount exceeded");

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


Verify the relationship between minamount and maxamount

Duplicate of #123

0xSmartContract - Missing ReEntrancy Guard to `executeSwapDirect` function



Missing ReEntrancy Guard to executeSwapDirect function


There is no re-entry risk on true ERC-20 tokens that work according to the spec (i.e. audited, etc.).

However you can write a malicious ERC-20 with custom safetransferFrom() or approve() that have re-entrancy hooks to attack a target.

Furthermore ERC-777 is backwards compatible token standard with ERC-20 standard. ERC-777 has better usability, but it has transfer hooks that can cause re-entrancy.

Vulnerability Detail

openzeppelin's view on the reentrancy problem

ERC20 generally doesn't result in reentrancy, however ERC777 tokens can and they can maskerade as ERC20. So if a contract interacts with unknown ERC20 tokens it is better to be safe and consider that transfers can create reentrancy problems.


Although reentrancy attack is considered quite old over the past two years, there have been cases such as:

  • Uniswap/LendfMe hacks (2020) ($25 mln, attacked by a hacker using a reentrancy)

  • The BurgerSwap hack (May 2021) ( $7.2 million because of a fake token contract and a reentrancy exploit.)

  • The SURGEBNB hack (August 2021) ($4 million seems to be a reentrancy-based price manipulation attack.)

  • CREAM FINANCE hack (August 2021) ($18.8 million, reentrancy vulnerability allowed the exploiter for the second borrow.)

  • Siren protocol hack (September 2021) ($3.5 million, AMM pools were exploited through reentrancy attack.)

Type of Reentrancy

1 - Single Function Reentrancy
2 - Cross-Function Reentrancy
3 - Cross-Contract Reentrancy

Code Snippet

Must be re-entrancy guard to below functions

   90       */
   91:     function executeSwap(
   92:         address _tokenFrom,
   93:         address _tokenTo,
   94:         uint256 _amount,
   95:         bytes memory _data
   96:     ) public payable override returns (uint256) {
   97:         // native token doesn't need to be transferred explicitly, it's in tx.value
   98:         if (_tokenFrom != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
   99:             IERC20(_tokenFrom).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount);
  100:         }
  101:         // after token is transferred to this contract, call actual swap
  102:         return executeSwapDirect(msg.sender, _tokenFrom, _tokenTo, _amount, 0, _data);
  103:     }

  195:         if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
  196:             //send received tokens to beneficiary directly
  197:             IERC20(_tokenTo).safeTransfer(_beneficiary, amountReceived);
  198:         } else {
  199:             //send received eth to beneficiary directly
  200:             payable(_beneficiary).sendValue(amountReceived);
  201:             // payable(_beneficiary).transfer(amountReceived);
  202:             // should work for external wallets (currently is the case)
  203:             // but wont work for some other smart contracts due to gas stipend limit
  204          }

Duplicate of #119

Tool used

Manual Review


Use Openzeppelin or Solmate Re-Entrancy pattern

Here is a example of a re-entracy guard

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

contract ReEntrancyGuard {
    bool internal locked;

    modifier noReentrant() {
        require(!locked, "No re-entrancy");
        locked = true;
        locked = false;

GalloDaSballo - L-02 Frontrun of initializers



L-02 Frontrun of initializers


Initializer can be front-run setting the caller to the owner.

Vulnerability Detail

    function initialize() public initializer {


Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It may be worth creating a constructor to set the only caller for initialize, or simply make sure you're the first one calling it

JohnSmith - `HardenedTopupProxy` and `ExchangeProxycan` can become stuck because of one step approval for some tokens



HardenedTopupProxy and ExchangeProxycan can become stuck because of one step approval for some tokens


Some tokens do not allow for approval of positive amount when allowance is positive already (to handle approval race condition, most known example is USDT on Ethereum).
They revert when we try to approve a value m if it already has approved some value n > 0.

Vulnerability Detail

Some ERC20 forbid the approval of positive amount when the allowance is positive:
HardenedTopupProxy and ExchangeProxycan have a functionality at some point to reset the allowance of a particular token.


20:   function resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20Upgradeable _token, address _spender, uint256 _amount) internal {
21:     uint256 allowance = _token.allowance(address(this), _spender);
22:     if (allowance < _amount) {
23:       uint256 newAllowance = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;
24:       IERC20Upgradeable(_token).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(_spender), newAllowance.sub(allowance));
25:     }
26:   }

When time comes( if (allowance < _amount)) the function will revert, because it will try to approve new allowance when old one is set and greater than 0.


ExchangeProxy will fail to do swaps

156:             resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20(_tokenFrom), spenderAddress, _amount);

fail to reset yieldDistributorAddress for ExchangeProxy and HardenedTopupProxy, i.e. when you want to reset the allowance or switch to previous one

224:     function setYieldDistributor(address _tokenAddress, address _distributorAddress) public onlyAdmin {
228:         resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20(_tokenAddress), _distributorAddress, ALLOWANCE_SIZE);

also need to double check when you decide to support some others tokens for card topup

414:         resetAllowanceIfNeeded(IERC20Upgradeable(cardTopupToken), targetAddress, _amount);

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


-       uint256 newAllowance = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff;
-       IERC20(_token).safeIncreaseAllowance(address(_spender), newAllowance.sub(allowance));
+       IERC20(_token).safeApprove(address(_spender), 0);
+       IERC20(_token).safeApprove(address(_spender), type(uint256).max);

Duplicate of #58

8olidity - executeSwap() locks out user ETH



executeSwap() locks out user ETH


executeSwap() locks out user ETH

Vulnerability Detail

If both tokenFrom and tokenTo are not ETH, then the contract return fee will be an asset of ERC20(_tokenTo),

        if (_tokenTo != ETH_TOKEN_ADDRESS) {
            //send received tokens to beneficiary directly
            IERC20(_tokenTo).safeTransfer(_beneficiary, amountReceived);
        } else {
            //send received eth to beneficiary directly
            // payable(_beneficiary).transfer(amountReceived);
            // should work for external wallets (currently is the case)
            // but wont work for some other smart contracts due to gas stipend limit

But if the user sends ETH to the contract during the operation, for this reason, even if ethValue is 0

require(msg.value >= ethValue, "insufficient ETH provided");

We still don't rule out the possibility that users will send money. If so, the ETH sent by the user is locked in the contract and cannot be taken out by the user. Because the contract doesn't allow for that.


executeSwap() locks out user ETH

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider the case where neither from nor to is ETH, but ETH is sent

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