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clan-lord-client-issues's Issues

The `/selectitem` command doesn't work right.

Skirwan: The /selectitem command doesn't work right.

It should do partial matching like the DT client. DT client selects the first item (alphabetically) that contains the argument as a substring.

Is that case-sensitive? What does it do with newlines and punctuation?

/selecteitem stone selected shieldstone -- first partial match -- instead of stone -- exact match. Might be because the string I'm matching against has the quantity ('stone (5)') by the time I'm doing that check?
selected a shieldstone -- first partial match -- instead of a stone

Rewrite Renderer in Metal

Soul Hunter: Bug: When playing on an enlarged screen text is slightly distorted due to scaling, a better approach would probably be to intelligently detect the proper font size for the screen instead of using upscaling


Plan for the rewritten Metal renderer is — Render graphics at the default CL resolution, writing to the Z-buffer so we can hold on to occlusion information; scale that up by the smallest integer that produces an image larger or equal to the current view area; render text at that size. Then scale that down to display on the screen

I think that solves most of the repeated-single-row-or-column issues from the scaling.

(Until then — the closer you are to 2x, the nicer things look)

Soul Hunter

thats a solid approach, I havent worked with Metal yet, I hope its as nice as people are saying it is


Neither have I, so I hope so too 🙂


In the meantime, if it's easy, some predefined sizes (1x, 2x, 4x) would be useful either while dragging or to pre-select. Would help people pick an optimal size


Added a few predefined sizes in A26. Not sure how many to have. 2x won't actually fit on my screen. Opinions wanted.

Soul Hunter

Scaling to 2x works as intended, not sure if I can test much beyond that, 2.5x seems to be able the max that I can make fit on a 27 inch retina iMac

A16 Bug: multiple copies of the macro engine remain instant…

Geotzou: A16 Bug: multiple copies of the macro engine remain instantiated after idle disconnects by the server

to notice this issue you need to have one source macro file triggering a load-time parsing error. (a single error makes it easier to notice)

1. see a single error message while logging in initially

2. reload macros in prefs, and see a single error message again (good)

3. wait for the client to timeout, then relogin with same char

4. notice that a SINGLE error message appears (good)

5. reload macros in prefs

Issue: 2 or more identical error messages will now appear, 1 for each connection


Yup. This is related to the problem that prevents the login window from reliably appearing after disconnecting, the session management is very ad-hoc.

* An error occurred: variableNotFound(name: "@text")

MrFancyPants: * An error occurred: variableNotFound(name: "@text")

I have these macros because sometimes I'll type something out then decide I might want to yell or whisper it:
set @env.echo true
"/whisper " @text "\r"
set @env.echo false
"/y" "/yell " @text "\r"
set @env.echo true
"/yell " @text "\r"
set @env.echo false

Skirwan|Yeah, that’s a known one that I haven’t gotten to yet —

I don't remember when I added support for @text in keystroke macros (may have been drinking), but it looks like I did at some point. Any chance these work now?


yes, this works now

Think to's are the same color in the text log as anything e…

Shakyamuni: Think to's are the same color in the text log as anything else

In the CL client they are different color (I think green) and system messages are red.

THis also happens with "system" messages

Soul Hunter

DT client allows for color and text customization of different messages

Duplicate of|


I think this is working now, right?

Awake macro triggered by @login isn't working

J Lov'sya: I dug the best I could... but does anyone have an "awake" macro that works on this client? Didn't realize how much I'm idle for various reasons and keep getting logged.

Soul Hunter

Can you post your current one that isn’t working?


Yes, I'm very interested in macros that don't work

Soul Hunter

<@U019U4T5LHG> can you please post your macro that isnt working

J Lov'sya

Oh. You know what? It's an @login and I didn't even consider that. I had a back-up I wrote ages ago, but was using the wrong /<br />
Consider this resolved for the time being... but another vote in support of figuring out the @login macros.


On the list, just haven't gotten to it yet.

Currently teaching boloks to roar.

J Lov'sya

Roaring boloks is certainly a priority. I've simply had to remember to manually activate the random @login stuff... just been so long since I set up those that I forgot it's a thing. Thanks for all the hard work!


Forgot to tag this when I added @login support -- is this working for you now?

Not parsing response message for share locks

william jacocks: interesting when /share /lock is used…. You lock sharing your experiences with Creed.
¬dd¬shYou begin sharing your experiences with ¬pnCreed¬pn.
You lock sharing your experiences with Lorikeet.
¬dd¬shYou begin sharing your experiences with ¬pnLorikeet¬pn.
You are sharing experiences with Creed () and Lorikeet ().


Fun CL fact — almost every message from the server is tagged like that — clients parse them to extract state changes (And I think at some point someone had ideas for a far richer client experience than we’ve got today). I’ve got handlers for most but not all. Anyway, info and share messages sometimes get prepended with ¬dd and I cannot for the life of me figure out what the DD is for. Do you know <@U0193HD1CAX> ?


I think they stand for Don’t Display. At least I handle them that way. So use the content and update internal state, but don’t show the message itself.


Interesting. Thanks!

william jacocks

thank you!

* An error occurred: syntaxError(message: "Unexpected token…

Shakyamuni: * An error occurred: syntaxError(message: "Unexpected token 'times': We were trying to read an expression.", lineNumber: 66, fileName: "trainer.txt")
* An error occurred: syntaxError(message: "Unexpected token 'times': We were trying to read an expression.", lineNumber: 66, fileName: "trainer.txt")

  • An error occurred: syntaxError(message: "Unexpected token 'times': We were trying to read an expression.", lineNumber: 66, fileName: "trainer.txt")
  • An error occurred: syntaxError(message: "Unexpected token 'times': We were trying to read an expression.", lineNumber: 66, fileName: "trainer.txt")
  • An error occurred: syntaxError(message: "Unexpected token 'times': We were trying to read an expression.", lineNumber: 66, fileName: "trainer.txt")
  • An error occurred: syntaxError(message: "Unexpected token 'times': We were trying to read an expression.", lineNumber: 66, fileName: "trainer.txt")

    Okay.. Not getting any error messages, but the macro is not working..

Disable suggestions and system autocomplete in the input box

Skirwan: Main input field should disable text suggestions and autocomplete by default

Soul Hunter

and link detection by default


Geez I didn’t even know that was a thing

I never play on Catalina — don’t want to upgrade my personal laptop because sometimes I need to WireShark the DT client, and I don’t want to put it on the company machine

william jacocks

would be nice to be able to option text styles and such, it is hard to read when I can’ t upsize it a bit.

Line number in macro error message is misleading

Geotzou: A16 Bug: Macro debugging: lineNumber in error message is misleading.

the preprocessing of C-style comments make multilines treated as single line and gives an erroneous lineNumber in error message


Yup, that’s exactly what’s happening. Showoff =p 😉


showoff of what?

it was not even my macro file, it was shaky's OOb macro from Drablak that had C style comments. i actually didnt know CL macros supproted C style comments until yesterday


Showoff figuring out the cause of my bug without the source code. 🙂

Bug: DT Official Client different behavior - When sending a…

Soul Hunter: Bug: DT Official Client different behavior - When sending a sunstone message the message itself is added to the left side bar, whereas in the DT client only the “You send a SS message” is added in the left bar and the message text is only in the text window thing (sorry I dont know what we call any of the windows/areas)


Heh. I did that accidentally and <@U017JKF56J3> thanked me for it.

Soul Hunter

doesnt really bother me, just seemed out of place to put spoken text/actions in that area. Feel free to ignore bug report


Yeah it ended up there because outgoing SS messages get echoed to the sender as command messages instead of text bubbles

Definitely a bug in that it’s unintentional

Here's another old macro that I don't ever use so it can di…

MrFancyPants: Here's another old macro that I don't ever use so it can die in a fire, but Clieunk barfs on it

if @my.forehead_item == "orga eye"
goto End
"/equip Orga Eye\r"
pause 10
goto iloop
end if

label iloop
	if @my.forehead_item == "orga eye"
		message "»»»»»» ORGA EYE EQUIPPED ««««««"
		pause 30
		goto iloop
		goto Endl	
	end if
label End	
"/equip sun\r"
label Endl


* An error occurred: syntaxError(message: "Unexpected token 'openCurly'.", lineNumber: 146,

It's barfing on the { after == "orga eye"


Mine is part of my idle macro... which still is dead.


This may work in A15 -- I think I'm now doing the same weird quasi-permissiveness with curly braces as the DT engine.

The @splayer variable has the long name, not the short

Soul Hunter: Bug Macro: Functionality difference

shift-numpad-1 setglobal cadtarget5 @splayer

sets the players name ie Suu’ub |||

which later gets set to setglobal player cadtarget5

which eventually calls:

set user
if player == “”
call selfheal
else if player == user
call selfheal
call cad2
end if

now the issue is that it breaks on Alpha 15 because it uses the space in the characters name, /use suu’ub III fails in the current client, whereas it works in the DT client. This is only an issue with the player in questions name contains a space.

Inventory Window Shortcuts reassignment (IE, I want chain t…

Lightbringer: Inventory Window Shortcuts reassignment (IE, I want chain to be command-3 instead of command-2) immediately reverts to previous assignment


Interesting — try assigning cmd-2 to something else and see what that does?


Can adjust assignments that way! Captured a video if you need it


I think I probably know the cause on this. Thanks!

I think this is fixed in A10. Mind playing with it a little bit to see what you think?


Ooh! Reassignment now works, but there's a regression!

1.) Inventory window in foreground. Click item you'd like to reassign number for.
2.) Reassign number for inventory item - works.
3.) Change mind and re-assign again - main window moves to foreground, number chosen for reassignment is interpreted as text entry in main window; re-reassignment does not occur.


Damn. I was afraid there’d be something like that. Refocus-on-type is a minefield.


I would probably could say current implementation is good enough for now; I was kicking the tires on this feature after the fix


The ugly hack that powers this is much changed in A26 -- I think for the better?

I can't really verify this one on a DT mac client currently…

MrFancyPants: I can't really verify this one on a DT mac client currently, but command-numpad-* and control-numpad-* don't work, although numpad-* do work (see my "Default" file for examples up in the /whoclan bug report)


Yeah I am having difficulty with the modifiers.. But oddly my cmd-f15 to purge macro works fine


The handling for the numpad modifier got semi-rewritten a few versions back -- is thus working by any chance?


yes, this works now

Crash playing bard music (A20)

“/use /part @180(\ggg1g1)2gg(ddd1d1)2dd(fff1f1)2ff(ccc1c1)2cd[=g]2\g[=a]2\g[=b]2\g[=g]6\ggg[=d]\gg[=g]2\d[=a]2\d[=b]2\d[=f#]6\ddd[=a]\dd[=f]2\f[=g]2\f[=a]2\f[=b]\ff[/c]\ff[/f]2\f[/e]\cc[/d]2\c[/c]6\ccc[=g]\cc(([/gb]1[=g]2\g[=a]2\g[=b]2\g[/gb]1[=g]6\ggg[/gb]1[=d]\gg[/f#a]1[=g]2\d[=a]2\d[=b]2\d[/f#a]1[=f#]6\ddd[/f#a]1[=a]\dd[/fa]1[=f]2\f[=g]2\f[=a]2\f[/fa]1[=b]\ff[/c]\f[/fa]1\f[/f]2\f[/eg]1[/e]\c[/eg]1\c[/d]2[eg]1\c[/eg]1[c]6\ccc[/gb#]2[=g]\cc)2\r”
pause 1
“/use /part |1[=b]\g[=g]\g[=f]\g[=d]\g[=f]\g[=g]\g[=b]\g[=g]\g[=b]\d[=g]\d[=f#]\d[=d]\d[=f#]\d[=a]\d[=b]\d[=a]\d[/c]\f[=a]\f[=f]\f[=d#]\f[=f]\f[=a]\f[/c]\f[/d#]\f[/e]\c[/c]\c[=b.]\c[=g]\c[=e]\c[=c]\c[=e]\c[=f#]\c([/b]6[=b]\g[=g]\g[=f]\g[/a]6[=d]\g[=f]\g[=g]\g[/g][=b]\g[=g]\g[/f#]6[=b]\d[=g]\d[=f#]\d[/g]6[=d]\d[=f#]\d[=a]\d[/a][=b]\d[=a]\d[/f]6[/c]\f[=a]\f[=f]\f[/a]6[=d#]\f[=f]\f[=a]\f[/b#][c]\f[/d#]\f[/g]6[/e]\c[/c]\c[=b.]\c[/b.]6[=g]\c[=e]\c[=c]\c[/b#][=e]\c[=f#]\c\r”
“/use /part [/b]6[=b]\g[=g]\g[=f]\g[/b]6[=d]\g[=f]\g[=g]\g[/g][=b]\g[=g]\g[/a]6[=b]\d[=g]\d[=f#]\d[/g]6[=d]\d[=f#]\d[=a]\d[/f#][=b]\d[=a]\d[/f]6[/c]\f[=a]\f[=f]\f[/f]6[=d#]\f[=f]\f[=a]\f[/a][c]\f[/d#]\f[/g]6[/e]\c[/c]\c[=b.]\c[/g]6[=g]\c[=e]\c[=c]\c[/b#c][=e]\c[=f#]\c)2([/gb]1[g]2g1a1[g]2b1=c1[g]2=d1e1[/gb]1[g]2=f#1g1[g]2=a1b1[g]2/c1d1[gb]1[g]2/e1f#1[g]2/g1b1[/f#a]1[d]2/a1g1[d]2/f#1e1[d]2/d1c#1[f#a]1[d]2=b1a1[d]2=g1f#1[d]2=e1d1[/f#a]1[d]2=c#1\b1[d]2=d1\a1\r”
pause 1
“/use /part [/fa]1[f]2f1g1[f]2a1a#1[f]2=c1d1[/fa]1[f]2=e1f1[f]2=g1a1[f]2=a#1/c1[fa]1[f]2/d1e1[f]2/f1a1[/eg]1[c]2/b#1b1[c]2/a1g1[c]2/f1e1[eg]1[c]2/d1c1[c]2=b1a1[c]2=g1f1[/eg]1[c]2=e1d1[/f#a]1[c]2=c1\g1)2)2([/gb]1[=g]\g[=d]2\g[=f#][=d]2\g[/gb]1[=g]\g[=e]\g[=a]2\g[/gb]1[=db]\gg[\a][/f#a]1[=a]2\d[=f#]2\d[=d][/d]2\d[/f#a]1[=f#]\d[=f#]\d[=e]2\d[/f#a]1[=ad]\dd[/c][/fa]1[=c]2\f[=f]2\f[=b][a]2\f[/fa]1[/c]\f[=a]\f[=b]\f[/fa]1[=f]\f[=a]2\f\r”
pause 1
“/use [=g][/eg]1[=g]\c[/eg]1\c[/c][=e]2/[eg]1\c[/eg]1[=g]6\c[/e]\cc[/gb#]2[/gc]\cc)2([/gb]1[=g/d]\g[=d]2\g[=f#/e][=d]2\g[/gb]1[=g]\g[=e/f#]\g[=a]2\g[/g][b]1[=db]\gg@-15[\a/f#][a]1[=a]2\d[=f#]2\d[/g=d][/d]2\d[/f#a]1[=f#]2\d[/a=f#]\d[=e]2\d[/f#a]1[/b=ad]\dd@-15[/b#/c][/fa]1[=c]2\f[=f]2\f[/b=b][a]2\f[/fa]1[/c]\f[/b#=a]\f[=b]\f[/fa]1[/b=f]\f[=a]2\f@-15[/b#=g][/eg]1[=g]\c[/eg]1\c[/bc][=e]2/[eg]1\c[/eg]1[=g]6\c[/ge]\cc[/g]2[/gcb#]\cc@-15)2@60[\g=dg/dgb]8=a8\r”

Bug: Macros - click4 does not appear to respond in the clie…

Soul Hunter: Bug: Macros - click4 does not appear to respond in the client, DT client accepts click4 as input. click3 works as expected.


I ran into button macro issues. Need to test in latest build, will try tonight!

In Clieunk Alpha 10, neither of my button macros work.

In case you need a copy:

"/equip asklepian\r"
"/use /pet\r"

if @my.right_item != "Chain"
"/equip Chain\r"
end if
"/use ""\r"
"/use ""\r"
"/use ""\r"

Soul Hunter

This one just killed me 😠


I just ordered Skirwan a mouse with buttons so he can work on this!


Click3/4/5 are working with the mouse you sent me -- let me know what you see with A19.

Soul Hunter

I can confirm click 3 and click 4 are working in A19, I do not use click 5


<@U018BFYL801> mind testing your mouse of many buttons?


Sure! I can try later today.

Click5 seems to work!

shift-click2 works, click2 works

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