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node-red-contrib-bluelinky's People


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node-red-contrib-bluelinky's Issues

connection error

I am having trouble with the configuration node. It seems that it is not possible to get connection. Beneath the bluelink nodes I always have an "Error" message. Could it be caused by the current transition mode Hyundai's BlueLink App is in? A call to Hyunday servicedesk told me, that they are merging the two different accounts from BlueLink and Hyundai into one account. So at the moment it isn't possible to log into the App with my former BlueLink Account (created September 2020), I have to use the Hyundai Account link, even I cant login with these Account on the MyHyundai Webpage: So the merge seems not to be completed yet.
I would be really happy, if somebody can help me.

Warnings while (re-) installing node-red-contrib-bluelinky

After using the way described in #61 I got the following warnings:

pi@nodered:~ $ npm uninstall node-red-contrib-bluelinky
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/pi/package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/pi/package.json'
npm WARN pi No description
npm WARN pi No repository field.
npm WARN pi No README data
npm WARN pi No license field.

audited 299 packages in 7.656s

4 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 8 vulnerabilities (6 moderate, 2 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
pi@nodered:~ $ npm install node-red-contrib-bluelinky
npm WARN saveError ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/pi/package.json'
npm WARN enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/pi/package.json'
npm WARN pi No description
npm WARN pi No repository field.
npm WARN pi No README data
npm WARN pi No license field.

+ [email protected]
added 2 packages from 3 contributors and audited 301 packages in 10.923s

4 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 9 vulnerabilities (7 moderate, 2 high)
  run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
pi@nodered:~ $ sudo service nodered restart

is this something I have to take a look on?

Token not set error

I get token not set error with the Odometer and Location command. The Status command works perfectly. The error sometimes goes away when calling again, but sometimes not.

Authorization error

Got an error when connecting to EU server (hyndai brand):
error: @EuropeController.login: sign in with EuropeanBrandAuthStrategy failed with error Error: @EuropeanBrandAuthStrategy.login: Cannot find the argument userId in

Relates to : Hacksore/bluelinky#199
Seems to be fixed with latest bluelinky version.

Kia e-Niro Node-red Charge control

I've a Node-red server on Raspberry Pi controlling all my home. Last year I installed solar pannels, so now I can control water heater when I have enought solar energy.

My chalenge is to control the On/Off charge of my new e-Niro with Node-red, to start/stop charging when I have spare solar power.

Will be charging control available in your project ?


Unlock car doesn't function

Locking works, unlocking doesn't. Looking for the difference in de JS code I found a difference between the two functions.

const car = await client.getVehicle(
const result = await car.unlock();
should be
let car = await client.getVehicle(
let result = await car.unlock();

After changing const to let in my local version, it works again.
Please confirm?

Location information stopped working about a week ago

About a week to ten days ago, the 'get location' node red procedure produces the following error:
payload: "error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'result')"
I have no idea how to get past this error message. Nothing was changed in my setup, it just started failing.
Any idea what could be wrong?
BTW, I am using 0.0.27 version of bluelinky and I am in Canada. The car is a Hiundai Kona EV

Adjust "MaxListeners" to avoid WARNings and possible leaks

I'm using Node-Red v3.1.3 as a docker container and just recently had to restart the container and by chance got the following entry in the logfiles:

6 Jan 14:46:39 - [info] Started flows

(node:7) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 changed listeners added to [EventEmitter]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit

(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

after a bit of digging: I think the reason for this WARNING is that I use 17 instances of the node in my flow.

Can you check this please and perhaps just add the maximum listeners for node-red-contrib-bluelinky?


No Config Node in 0.0.18

When adding a node in NodeRed and double clicking to set the config, it just shows Name and Config fields and the Config field says Bluelinky config and nowhere to enter any credentials

There is no Global Configuration Node created.

The config panel was there in 0.0.17, albeit without the Brand field


"Start Car" only activates A/C, but no defrosting

Using the node-red-contrib-bluelinky with my Kia EV6, and I'm getting all information as described, but:

  1. use "start car" node
  2. Car "starts" => puts A/C to ON
    that's it.

but, with the "Kia Connect"-App, if I start Climate Control, it'll also start
3. Defrost On, Rear Window heating and side mirror heating

Is there a way, I can influence this?

Support multiple vehicles

As of now, there is only a single instance of the Bluelinky class and you might want to have more than one to control/poll multiple vehicles.

This issue will track the work, more discussion here Hacksore/bluelinky#187

EU Hyundai Kona - Cannot login

Happy new owner of the Kona Electric since this week so want to add it of course to my HA :)

However, I'm keep getting this error:

@EuropeController.login: sign in with EuropeanBrandAuthStrategy failed with error Error: @EuropeanBrandAuthStrategy.login: Cannot find the argument userId in

I don't have any previous Hyundai/Bluelink account, I tried logging in and out of the app and changing password but to no avail. Anyone knows what is going on?


Improvment for Climate Control

In the Bluelink App it is possible to use two diferent Climate Controls. Once with Schedule and the other one for directly climate.
When i use the directly Climate then is the duration time 15 minutes. When i use the Schedule then is the duration time is 30 minutes. In Bluelinky i can "only" use the 15 minutes Mode. Could it be possible to add the Schedule in Bluelinky that i can change the schedule via Smart Home for example? Or is an another possibility to use the 30 Minute Mode?

Update nodered library to bluelinky repo

I noticed, this nodered library was updated in September and bluelinky repo got a release just last month.
Are there plans to update this project regularly or is it possible to somehow link both, so that we get the bluelinky release updates automatically?

API Error - HTTPError: Response code 401 (Authorization Required)

Opening a new issue that seems similar to a prior problem but that was closed several months ago. I am using Bluelinky v.0.0.15 within a Home Assistant Node-Red installation. I have a small routine that uses the "car location" node. I try to update it every hour and also when I arrive at home. This works and the location gets updated when I initially Deploy the flow but at subsequent runs it fails with an API Error. It fails as soon as the car location node is activated and gives the message: "HTTPError: Response code 401 (Authorization Required)". If I restart the flow again It will update properly.

I'm attaching a couple of pictures to show the error states and my debug window. From the debug window you can see it was successful at 10:50 AM but when it ran again at 11:00 AM it failed.

Any help would be appreciated to help make this more reliable.

Palisade location - error
Palisade location - error 2

Error:Constructor kia is not managed.

I face the following problem with the setup mentioned below. I tried to perform the "generic Kia account setup (although I'm not a 100% sure what that entails other than logging in and out from the app + resetting the password).

feature request: FullVehicleStatus

Already implemented in the node-red-contrib-kuvork fork, request for an additional node to pull the FullVehicleStatus from the API, either refreshed or not. This opens the possibility to draw the cached location of the car, since the ' Location node' always forces a refresh on the car and in that way draining the vehicles 12V battery...

Since the node-red-contrib-kuvork is build on kuvork I don't know how to do a PR only for this change on node-red-contrib-bluelinky ..

HTTP Response object missing after GetStatus etc


I'm using the Get Status as part of an HTTP request/response to build a simple html page using a template. It seems that the Get Status nodes don't preserve the HTTP res/req needed for this to work. An error is produced from the response saying "No response object".

As a work-around I'm storing msg.res and msg.req in a flow variable and restoring them after the Get Status.

Is it possible to somehow preserve res & req? My Node's too weak to contribute, sorry!


Worked once...

I've installed the module on my node-red server, and created a very basic workflow, just to get an impression of the payload coming back when requesting car status:

Screenshot 2022-09-19 at 13 22 01

It has worked exactly once. Since then, absolutely nothing. The icon shows "Ready" but nothing happens. Nothing is sent to debug.

I restarted node-red on my raspberryPi, and then tested again. And it worked. Twice... and then never again. Same after each restart of the service...

Any idea? Is there any system log I could look at to try and understand what's going on?

Write a proper README

We need a proper readme for this project. Current readme is basicly copied from Bluelinky itself. The readme should refrence bluelinky properly, and highlight that this project mostly is a wrapper for bluelinky,

Remote control service unavailable

Recently the status request comes with an error message. The Bluelink app on the Smartphone works fine at the same time.
This happens with car-fullstatus and refresh enabled. With refresh disabled in car-fullstatus or with car-status it's OK.

payload: "ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeVehicle.fullStatus: [503] Service Unavailable on [GET] - {"retCode":"F","resCode":"5031","resMsg":"Unavailable remote control - Service Temporary Unavailable","msgId":"d5f2da59-d6e4-40f6-9c5e-73b55793595a"}"

Please upgrade to 7.6.6

Can you please upgrade this node with the base source 7.6.6 ?
I´ve problems with the stamp authentication in EU region and need the latest version to fix it.
Thank you very much.

Canadian EV - Get status return undefined when it is called after another action

In the same flow, retrieving the status after another operation like "lock door" return "undefined".

A simple call to the status node work. It's really when it is called after another operation.

Here is a screenshot of my flows in node-red:
Capture d’écran, le 2021-01-25 à 12 51 16

If I trigger "unlock car", I received a "unlock successful". After, it wait 5 sec and call "Car status" which failed with {status: undefined} .


"Invalid request body - Invalid deviceId" after "Lock car" - Workaround: re-login

when i lock my car with the "Lock car" function it does work.
But after the Lock-Function i'm unable to request the car-status again with "Get status".

I get this Error Message:
"ManagedBluelinkyError: @EuropeVehicle.status: [400] Bad Request on [GET] - {"retCode":"F","resCode":"4002","resMsg":"Invalid request body - Invalid deviceId. ","msgId":"ef918e89-7888-4b70-8f39-ebe5fce8d4fd"}"

My workaround is to add the "Login" function after the "Lock car" function with a delay of 10 Seconds.
If i do that i'm successfully able to request the Status with "Get status" again.

node-red-contrib-bluelinky 0.0.30
bluelinky 8.1.1
Location: EU
Vehicle: KIA Sportage

Error logging in

I just installed the node-red-contrib-bluelinky in my Node red (home assistant) installation, using the palette (I am not sure that this is the correct way).
I have a migrated Kia account.
I have tried to log out and log in on the Uvo app on my phone
Still I get an error in node-red

what can be the problem?

Help Request on Input/Format for node "set-navigation"

Not sure whether the node "set-navigation" is actually supported and functional, I'm very much interested in any documentation/Information/hints about the required payload input and format to use with it.


Start Kia EV error


With node-red, I created function with this data:

msg.payload =
"airCtrl": true,
"heating1": false,
"defrost": false,
"airTempvalue": 23

return msg;

My car start but I receive always error in my debug :
msg.payload : string[23]
"Failed to start vehicle"

Do you have idea to receive start car message?

For information, when I lock, unlock or stop car I receive successful message

Can not log in Europe

It stopped working this morning. So this morning I have done a update to NodeRed V 3.02 running on a rpi, and I have tried both an update and a reinstall of the bluelinky node, exporting importing nodes. Still can not log in. However it is possible to log in if I switch to Canada, but then again nothing works of course.

Any tips how to get it up running again?
Best regards

car death

Hello, I was so happy, that reading status information with the bluelinky node was working stable in the past time. I asked for SOC of HV battery every minute, this was obviously too much. Since this morning I cant't login into the Hyundai App any more, I get the message "The maximum number of daily vehible checks has been exceeded". But that's not all, my car is completely dead, it doesn't show any signs of life anymore, I even can't lock it. Does anybody has made a similar experience? Does anybody knows the maximum number of logins?

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