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contextsearch-web-ext's Introduction

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 ContextSearch web-ext

Add any search engine to your Web Extensions-compatible browser and search using a variety of menus and shortcuts. Originally written as a replacement for Ben Basson's Context Search.

Download @ Mozilla Add-ons
Download @ Chrome Store

*AMO and Chromestore will not be as up-to-date as the git

  1. Features
  2. Building From Source & Sideloading
  3. Ways To Search
    3.1 Context Menu
    3.2 Quick Menu
    3.3 Toolbar Menu
    3.4 Sidebar Menu
    3.5 Page Tiles
    3.6 Omnibox
    3.7 Hotkeys
  4. Adding Engines
    4.1 Mycroft Project
  5. Highlighting Results
  6. Editing Engines
    6.1 Search Engines Manager
    6.2 Modifying Terms
    6.3 Template Parameters
    6.4 Javascript and Form-Based Engines
    6.5 Engines With Logins and Tokens
  7. User Scripts and Bookmarklets
  8. Launching External Applications
  9. Styling
  10. Advanced Options
  11. Security
  12. Libraries

  • Works with any search engine.
  • Context menu
  • Popup menu with several opening methods
  • Highlight search terms
  • Custom Find bar with regex support
  • Folders and subfolders for organizing search engines
  • Bookmarklets support for user scripts
  • Themes
  • Custom user CSS for menus
  • Site search support
  • Reverse image search support
  • International character coding for non-UTF-8 engines
  • Built-in tools ( Copy, Open Image, Open Link, Downloads, Auto-copy, ... )
  • Easily add new engines from website search forms

The easiest way to build your own package is to install web-ext

Replace manifest.json with chrome_manifest.json or firefox_manifest.json depending on which browser you are using. Some browser forks may require modifications to the manifest to work. Waterfox Classic, for instance, requires the explicit web_accessible_resources section found in the generic manifest.json and strict_min_version to "56.0"


If you build your own package, it will not be "verified". Not all versions of Firefox will allow you to install an unverified addon. If your browser does allow it, you will likely need to set xpinstall.signatures.required = false in about:config.

You can install as a "temporary addon" from about:debugging -> This Firefox -> Load Temporary addon and browse to src/manifest.json in the unzipped source code. Temporary addons will be removed when you close Firefox, but good for testing. DO NOT use the Remove button or risk losing your ContextSearch config. Simply restart Firefox instead.


Chrome variants allow you to install "unpacked" extensions from Menu -> More Tools -> Extensions -> Load Unpacked. Addons installed this way will persist after restarting the browser.

Downgrading may result in loss of user preferences! Always backup your config before upgrading. The repo code is always being updated and not all changes to the default user preferences play nice with older versions. This is especially important if you're just installing temporarily for testing.

If something does go wrong, it's doubtful you've lost all the engines you've worked so hard to curate. Just post a new issue or contact me directly and we'll see about getting your engines back.

Display search engines in the context (right-click) menu. The menu is a single entry that expands to all engines and folders not hidden in the Search Engines Manager


  • Select some text and right-click to bring up the context menu
  • Expand the menu item Search for ...and click the desired search engine from the list that appears.

Enabling the advanced option contextMenuUseContextualLayout allows for displaying only specific engines in the menu, depending on the context in which the menu was opened. These "contexts" can be set in the Edit Engine modal from the Search Engines Manager.

For example, if you have a reverse-image search engine, you may only want to use it when right-clicking an image. If you enabled the contextual layout and checked the image context for that search engine, you would only be shown that engine ( and any others with the image context ) when right-clicking an image. This option is helpful for getting to the engine you want quickly, especially if you have lots of engines.

The search results can be displayed in a number of ways depending on the key held while clicking the menu.


Click Open In New Tab
Click + Shift Open In New Window
Click + Ctrl Open In Background Tab

These settings can be customized from ContextSearch web-ext Options -> Context Menu -> Search Actions


Enable "Add Custom Search / Add to ContextSearch"

An option to add new search engines will appear in the context menu when you right-click a text input element. If you're going to be adding engines, you want to keep this enabled.

Show an option to search the entire folder at the top of the menu

Each folder will display <<Search All>> as the first entry at the top of the folder contents. Click this will search all engines in the folder at once using the same search terms.

Recently Used

Display the most recently-used search engines at the top of the main folder. Optionally display them as a folder. Set the number / limit to display

Search Actions

Choose how different buttons / button + key combos will display the search results. Mozilla-based browsers recognize more buttons and actions when interacting with the context menu than chromium-based browsers

  Current Tab
  New Tab
  Background Tab
  New Window
  New Incognito Window
  Sidebar (Mozilla)

Access Key

Some OS's allow a key to be used to jump to a particular context menu entry. If you use a keyboard to quickly navigate the context menu, this may be useful to set.

The Quick Menu is a robust popup menu that can be used to perform search actions not available to the context menu. It opens with a user-defined number of columns and rows, and can be expanded to show hidden engines by clicking the More button.


Select text and hold down the right mouse button until the menu appears. Click the icon for the desired search engine

The search results can be displayed in a number of ways depending on the button used or key held while clicking the search engine.


Left Click Open In New Tab
Middle Click Open In Background Tab
Right Click Open In Current Tab
Click + Shift Open In New Window
Click + Ctrl Open In Background Tab
Click + Alt Keep Menu Open

These settings can be customized from ContextSearch web-ext Options -> Quick Menu -> Search Actions


Enable on <textarea> and input elements If you don't want the menu to open when you're working in a text field, uncheck this.
Enable on links Links can be treated as selected text and allow the menu to open. The search terms can be either the link URL or link text, depending on whether CTRL is held down. More options under the General tab.
Enable on images Images can be treated as selected text and allow the menu to open. The image URL will be used as the search terms. This can be useful for reverse-image searches.

Default View Grid: Display search engines as small tiles in a grid layout with just icons
Text: Display search engines in a list with names shown

This setting can be changed with the menu open by using the Toggle Display tool or shortcut
Rows / Columns Set the opening size of the menu. The initial size of grid and text modes can be set independently.

Menu Size The menu scale can be adjusted for different resolutions. If you have a 4K monitor with no scaling, you may want to set this to a high value.
Icon Size A bit obsolete, but you can change the icon size in grid view to take up more of the tile. ( will probably be removed )


Pick what actions open the menu. You can use more than one

Hide the default context menu when opening the Quick Menu using right-click Somewhere between overkill and useless. Depending on the OS, you may be able to suppress the original context menu from opening if you're using the same mouse button to open the quick menu.
Auto Menu opens immediately after selecting some text
Keyboard Selecting text and pressing a key opens the menu
Mouse Select text and click or hold a mouse button. Using the right-click / hold can get a bit weird and conflict with the default context menu on some browsers / OS's, mostly Linux-based. The timeout for opening on Hold can be set in Advanced
Simple Click Forget selecting text and just click a word. Probably best to set a modifier key (Alt, Ctrl, Shift) with it to avoid opening the menu all the time. Clicking between words will get you both.
Drag Select text and drag to open the menu. The tiles respond to drag & drop ( Mozilla ) so you can drag to open, drop to search.
Icon Display an icon adjacent to the current selection. Click to open the menu.


Optionally close the menu after clicking a search tile or by scrolling the mouse wheel

Search Actions

Choose how different buttons / button + key combos will display the search results. You can set a different action for folders.

Note: If you open folders in a new window, only one new window will be created. The rest of the folder content results will be background tabs in that new window.

Folders also have the choice Browse Folder. Normally this would be left-click, but you can set it to anything you want.

If a button ( say middle-click ) is set to Browse Folder under the folder column and No Action under the search engines column, clicking that button ( middle-click ) anywhere in the menu will close the folder and go back to the original menu.

Additional Actions

Search actions can be bound to additional mouse keys, and to double-clicks. Click the + button to add a new entry and set the perferred mouse / action / modifier keys / ...

  Current Tab
  New Tab
  Background Tab
  New Window
  New Incognito Window
  Sidebar (Mozilla)


The quick menu normally opens relative to the mouse cursor. Here you can adjust what side of the cursor it opens on and fine-tune the offset.


Along with your search engines, you can display some useful? tools for performing some common tasks.

Display Tools In a Separate Toolbar

If you don't want your tools mingling with your search engines, taking up space and whatnot, you can put them in their own toolbar. Scroll left / right using the mouse wheel or by clicking the buttons that appear to the left or right of the menu if you have more tools than can be displayed.


Show tools on the top or bottom of the quick menu, or hide them altogether

Last Used Show the last-used search engine to easily repeat a search
Copy Copy the current search terms to the clipboard
Close Close the menu
Disable Menu This closes the menu and prevents it from opening again on the current tab session. Useful if the menu opens unwanted on a particular page but you don't want to disable it everywhere.
Lock Keep the menu open after performing a search and it stays in the same place. You can reposition it by dragging the menu bar.
Open As Link If the selected text is thought to be an URL, this tool will become enabled. Click to navigate to the URL
Find In Page Use the built-in Find bar to highlight words in the current page. See the Highlighting section for more info.
Grid / List Toggle the menu display between a grid layout and a list with text labels
Options Open the options page
Next Theme Cycle through some build-in themes for the menus. Find something you like.
Layout Editor Put the menu into 'edit' mode to resize the layout or rearrange tiles. When editing, tiles can be dragged & dropped to re-order, and the lower-right corner of the menu can be dragged to resize and change the columns / rows count. The vertical order of elements like the search bar, title bar, menu bar, etc can be enable/disabled and rearranged while editing.
Toggle Hotkeys This one might get removed. Right now, it toggles whether search engine hotkeys can work when the quick menu does not have focus. Basically, turns on or off the ability to type a letter and perform a search. See Hotkeys for more info.
Instant Search / Repeat Search Enabling this tool allows you to use whatever opening methods are enabled for the quick menu to perform a search using the last search engine used.
Essentially, it can work like this. Say you're on a website and you're going look up many words / urls / images / whatever on the page using a particular search engine. Well, you could open the quick menu, lock it, perform a search using the engine you want, then turn on the Instant Search. Lets say you also enabled the quick menu opening method 'Simple Click'. Now you can just start clicking words in the webpage and get a bunch of search results in background tabs. If you do a LOT of searches on a particular page, this tool will save you time.
Add to Blocklist Add the current page URL to a list of sites to not inject ContextSearch content scripts
Show / Hide Toggle display of all engines marked as hidden in current menu

Search Bar

You can optionally show a search bar in the quick menu. Search bars include a suggestions drop-down box that displays search history and Google suggestions ( optionally, see General for more info)

Set focus to search bar when the Quick Menu is opened

Like to edit your search terms after opening the menu?

Select all text in the search bar when it receives focus

When used with 'Set focus...', the first thing you type replaces the search terms in the search bar. If you're using a shortcut to open the quick menu, not necessarily selecting text first, you may want to enable this to erase and replace the currently displayed search terms with a keystroke.

A version of the quick menu accessible from an icon on the browser's toolbar menu. The columns setting is independent of the quick menu columns and there is no row setting. Tools that only perform functions on the quick menu will be shown but disabled. Nearly all settings, search functions, etc will be the same as the quick menu.

Unlike the quick menu, the search bar is always at the top of the Toolbar menu.

Sometimes, a website just won't allow content scripts to be injected. This menu provides a way to access all ContextSearch web-ext engines whenever the browser is open, regardless of the website.

Yet another version of the quick menu. Think of this as a quick menu that always stays put.

Like the Toolbar menu, this gets its own column setting. Unlike the quick menu, it can be dragged around by the menu bar and docked to the left or right of the screen. Double-click the menu bar to dock, and you'll get a full viewheight menu the width of the undocked menu. Why? Why not.


Overlay an icon for opening the sidebar

You can also minimize this menu to a small-ish icon that can also be moved around, but if you want to see the opener icon when you visit a new page, enable this. The position is remembered next time you open the menu. In Firefox, this menu will open on drag events if you're the type to drag text / links / images to be searched. Once opened, you can drop onto a search engine tile.

Open the sidebar automatically when the page loads

Want the menu to show up whenever a new page is opened?

Drag text and get a full-page menu of search engine tiles ala Web Search Pro. Drop to search. Dropping on an empty tile closes the menu.

You can also close the menu by pressing ESC or shaking the mouse left and right a few times. Didn't want the menu opened this time but still want to complete your drag event? Shake it.

Like other menus, you can set columns and rows, but the search engine order is completely independent of the other menus. Under the Page Tiles tab in Optionss, using the folder view tree, drag and drop engines or folders where you want them to show up in the menu. Clicking a tile on the preview will clear the tile.

Search actions can be set just for this menu.

There's also a few palette options to give menu a bit of color.

Modern browsers have a versatile URL bar that do more than point to a web page. Enter the omnibox

If you're into that sort of thing, you can access any ContextSearch engine, folder, bookmarklet you've set a hotkey or keyword to in the omnibox.

Format: cs [keyword | hotkey(s)] searchterms

Say I've set a hotkey for Google to g in the Search Engines Manager and want to search for the term "movies", I'd type this in the URL bar (just kidding, I use the other menus) cs g movies and press Enter. This will perform the search using whatever tab opening method I've chosen under Search Actions.

If you've set hotkeys, they can be chained like so.

Amazon a
eBay e
Google g

If I type cs aeg socks and press Enter, I'll get a new results tab for each engine.

Unlike hotkeys, keywords cannot be chained. You can set a hotkey and a keyword for each engine, but only one keyword will be recognized in the omnibox at a time.

The Search Engines Manager allows you to set a hotkey for each engine / folder / bookmarklet which can be used in either the omnibox or as a way to perform a quick search without opening one of the ContextSearch menus.

Select text and press the key corresponding to a search engine. Boom, done. A results tab will open according to the Search Actions setting under the Hotkeys tab.

Most websites that have an embedded search bar can be added to the list of search engines in ContextSearch web-ext using the Add Custom Search option from the context menu.

  • Open the website you want to add a search engine for
  • Right-click on the search bar in the page to open the context menu
  • Select the menu item Add to ContextSearch to open the Add Custom Search dialog box
  • Click Add

You can also rename the engine and choose what folder to add the new engine to.

Clicking Advanced will show more options.

  • If the website provides an opensearch engine, you can choose to use the opensearch template instead of the template generated by ContextSearch.
  • Link to MycroftProject to browse opensearch xml files for the current domain
  • Open a Create Custom Engine form to customize and test the engine before installing. You can also change it after installing from the Search Engines Manager

Engines found at can be easily installed by clicking the icon placed next to the OpenSearch link.

After performing a search, search terms in the results page can be highlighted. The highlight styling and behavior can be found in CS Options -> Highlight

Highlighting can be removed from a page by pressing ESC

Highlight Options

Search results are marked with an alternating color scheme to distinguish between separate words ( if enabled ). Four sets of background and foreground colors can be chosen using color pickers.

Results can be marked as either foreground / background colors, or as underlines to be less obtrusive. The opacity of the background color can also be changed.

A separate color scheme for the currently active result is provided, and can be customized.

Search Results & Navigation

It's often useful to not only mark results on the initial search results page, but on subsequent pages in the same tab. You can choose to highlight only on the current domain / website, or follow links offsite and continue marking.

  • Continue highlighting pages on the search results website
  • Continue highlighting on external websites linked from the search results page

You can also display the CS Find bar and / or a navigation bar ( page preview ) when highlighting.


Marking search words is done using the mark.js library. Most relevant mark.js options can be set through CS options here. These values can also be changed on-the-fly in the Find bar.

Find Bar

A custom Find-In-Page style search bar for navigating through highlighted results. There is no cross-browser API available to interact with built-in page search functions, so for the sake of chromium users, this was developed instead.

Like the Sidebar, the Find bar is dockable. There is a small handle to move the menu around on the far-left side of the window. Double-click to dock. Keyboard shortcuts for Next Result / Previous Result can be set in the Hotkeys tab.

Thanks to the mark.js library, regex can be used for searching from the Find bar.

You can search for words in ALL TABS simultaneously by enabling the All Tabs option, or button

Under the Search Engines tab of CS Options is where you'll find the main menu for editing, moving, copying, deleting, hiding engines.

Each engine / folder / bookmarklet is displayed as a row in a table consisting of an icon, name, omnibox keyword, and hotkey.

A custom right-click menu provides several options.

You can edit your engines by double-clicking the row or Right-click menu -> Edit

When editing engines, folders and bookmarklets, you can change the name or icon using either the favicon finder or clicking the current icon and uploading an image from your computer. Search engine icons will be resized according to cacheIconsMaxSize under Advanced, and cached. The default size is 32x32, but if you are wanting higher-res images used with some custom user styles, raise this number.

Tools and separators can also be added from the custom context menu.

Engine Types

  • Search Engines
    • Generally conforming to the OpenSearch standard. These are your basic search engines. Each must have a unique name so as to not conflict with built-in browser search engines.
  • Search Engine Shortcuts
    • References to Search Engines that can be placed throughout separate folders in the Search Engines Manager. Useful if the same engine is used for different folder searches. Editing a shortcut will change the original engine, and all shortcuts referencing that engine will be updated.
  • Multi-search Engines
    • Search engines where the template is an array of either template URLs or engine IDs. Behaves like a folder search, but in a single search engine tile.
  • One-Click Search Engines
    • Engines from the built-in browser search bar, accessible through the search API, currently only available on Firefox. These engines are added automatically to the Search Engines Manager. They cannot be deleted, but can be moved and/or hidden.
  • Bookmarklets
    • References to browser bookmarks where the URL begins with javascript:. Clicking a bookmarklet tile will execute the bookmarlet code in the currently active browser tab via tabs.executeScript
  • Folders
    • Containers for groups of search engines. Every engine in the top tier of a folder can be searched at once. Engines in subfolders are ignored.
  • App Launcher
  • Separator
    • a horizontal rule for visually separating groups of tiles
  • Tool
    • A built-in widget for performing common ContextSearch web-ext tasks

Contextual Aware Layouts

Engines can be assigned one or more contexts so they only display in certain circumstances.

"audio", "frame", "image", "link", "page", "selection", "video"

You'll need to enable either contextMenuUseContextualLayout or quickMenuUseContextualLayout from [ menu ] -> Advanced to filter engines based on context.

Additional Options for Firefox

Firefox comes with it's own searchbar, but those engines can be used by ContextSearch. These engines are added automatically to your search engine list, and are distinguishable by the orange (FF) tag. While they can be used by ContextSearch, they cannot be edited without first importing them. ( see below )

If you've curated a ton of OpenSearch engines and just want to access them in a more context-friendly way, you can Sync With Firefox Search and let Firefox manage your search engines. No folders or bookmarklets. Only engines in the Firefox search bar will show up in ContextSearch menus. Changing this will not lose your current search engine list.

If you want to not only use your Firefox search engines with ContextSearch, but also customize icons and templates, you'll need to Import One-Click Search Engines. Clicking this will prompt to browse to your Firefox profile and import your search.json.mozlz4 file where Firefox stores its search engines. After importing, your Firefox engines should lose the (FF) tag indicating they are copied to ContextSearch and can be edited.

Under the Advanced menu, there is also an option to export ContextSearch engines to the Firefox searchbar. This is done by replacing your current search.json.mozlz4 file with one generated by ContextSearch. You will also receive a renamed backup of your original search.json.mozlz4 for safe-keeping, just in case.

Each search engine's handling of the query string can be modified with the Search Regex field. The format should be a well-formed array in the following order:


Some search engines require + instead of spaces. In this case, to change a query from this is a search to this+is+a+search the Search Regex would be "\\s","+". Note the use of quotes and the need to escape the backslash. A literal backslash would require four backslashes \\\\

Regex can be chained using one regex replacement per line in the Search Regex field.

{searchTerms} The current selection or link URL / image URL
{domain} on
replaced with
{subdomain} on
replaced with
{selectdomain} Engine becomes a folder with all subdomains and paths listed separately

replaced with
["url1", "url2", ...] Array of templates can be used in place of a single template to search multiple sites at once

example: ["{searchTerms}", "{searchTerms}"]

Use a well-formed, JSON.stringify-able array

If search engines require a different encoding, add {encoding=...} to specify, i.e.{searchTerms}{encoding=gbk} or{searchTerms}{encoding=shift_js}
["id1", "id2", ...] Array of ContextSearch node ids. Best achieved by selecting multiple engines using Shift or Ctrl + click, and choosing Add Multi-Search from the context menu. This will allow a single search engine to call multiple engines, similar to performing a folder search.

Use a well-formed, JSON.stringify-able array

Some websites use search bars that do not offer a GET or POST query, instead relying on web forms and javascript. For these engines, the template should exclude {searchTerms} and instead users can rely on the Search Code field. This field allows users to write javascript code to be executed after the GET or POST query is performed. For most javascript-driven engines, this means setting the search template to the URL of the website's search form and using DOM and CSS selectors to fill in the search form and simulate a submit.

For a simple example, if used a javascript-driven search form, we could perform the search by using the Search Code field like this

let input = document.querySelector('input');
input.value = searchTerms;
input.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', {key:"Enter", keyCode:13, bubbles:true}));
input.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keyup', {key:"Enter", keyCode:13, bubbles:true}));

The search bar is assumed to be the first INPUT element which is filled in with the query string using the CS variable searchTerms and the Enter key is simulated.

Some sites will require more precise selectors and events ( click, change, etc ) in order to perform a search, but nearly all should be accessible with the search code field.

The same approach as the Javascript-Driven Search Engines above may be used to bypass session-based tokens and logins, provided the user is logged in using cookies or otherwise authenticated.

Javascript can be run in the active tab by adding a Script. The global variables CS_searchTerms and searchTerms are accessable from Scripts, and contain the current search terms as seen by ContextSearch.

A simple example:


Scripts can copy contents from local bookmarklets from a dropdown box in the Edit Script modal in CS options. Most browsers can run custom javascript from bookmarks using bookmarklets formatting. You can add bookmarklets to CS menus through CS Options -> Search Engines -> right click menu -> Add Script -> Search Bookmarklets. This opens a list of all bookmarklets found in your Bookmarks. Simply click the name of the bookmarlet you want to add, and the contents will be copied to your Script.

Scripts have access to the Content Script API (useful for messaging the background page and accessing CS functions)

You could, for instance, create a search engine tile that toggles the 'menuless search via hotkey' option using the following code:

(async () => {
  userOptions.allowHotkeysWithoutMenu = !userOptions.allowHotkeysWithoutMenu;
  browser.runtime.sendMessage({action: "showNotification", msg: "hotkeys are " + (userOptions.allowHotkeysWithoutMenu ? "on" : "off")});

The variable userOptions.allowHotkeysWithoutMenu is toggled for the current tab and a short notification is displayed by messaging the extension background page. Check out background.js -> notify() for available actions.

External apps can be launched from ContextSearch web-ext.

You must install the Native Messaging script found here to use.

Add a new launcher from the Search Engines manager and enter the full command line in the Path field. The string {searchTerms} will be replaced with the current active selection, or url.

Some examples:

Open image with GIMP


gimp -n -a  "{searchTerms}"


"C:\\Program Files\\GIMP 2\\bin\\gimp-2.10.exe" -n -a "{searchTerms}"

Download mp3 from YouTube using yt-dlp

( linux )

/home/mclovin/bin/yt-dlp -P ~/Desktop -x --audio-format mp3 --no-playlist "{searchTerms}"

( linux show terminal )

gnome-terminal -- /home/mclovin/bin/yt-dlp -P ~/Desktop -x --audio-format mp3 --no-playlist "{searchTerms}"

( macOS )

osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal" to do script "/Users/mclovin/Downloads/yt-dlp -P $HOME/Desktop --no-playlist \"{searchTerms}\""'

Open link in Chromium

chromium "{searchTerms}"

Open link in Firefox

firefox "{searchTerms}"

You may need to use the full path of the executable. You may also need double-quotes around arguments with spaces.

Windows paths will require either double-backslash or single forward-slash.

Sometimes it is useful to see the terminal output while an application runs

gnome-terminal -- /home/mclovin/bin/yt-dlp -P ~/Desktop -x --audio-format mp3 --no-playlist "{searchTerms}"

replace gnome-terminal -- with your terminal command

Modify the search terms before being passed to the command line via {searchTerms} using the Search Regex field.

App launchers will return the stdout of applications as the variable result to be used in Post-App Scripts.

A simple example ( Post-App Script )

Command: ls ~



This would run the command ls ~ and alert the stdout of the command

Sometimes it's useful to download a link target before launching an external app, because not all applications can handle URLs directly. In these cases, you can replace the parameter {searchTerms} with {download_url}. This will direct the python app to download the file located at the URL searched for within this addon, and place the file in the default TEMP folder for your particular OS, and finally replace {download_url} in the command line with the absolute path of the newly downloaded file. For example:

"C:/Windows/SysWOW64/mspaint.exe" "{download_url}"

This command would download the file at the URL searched for ( lets say, ) to the local file C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\Example.jpg, and finally run the command "C:/Windows/SysWOW64/mspaint.exe" "C:\Users\AppData\Local\Temp\Example.jpg"

Set the menu theme in CS Options > General. You can also use the Next Theme tool or the keyboard shortcut ( if enabled ).

In addition to themes, most CSS styling can be overridden in Options -> General -> User Styles.

Several important colors and values are given variable names under the :root style to make altering menu styles a bit easier, but some changes require more exact CSS selectors.

A few examples...

sunset gradient background and white tools ( newer code )

:root {
    --background: linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5);

blue gradient background no tile borders and off-white tools for the quick menu only ( older code )

[data-menu="quickmenu"] { background:linear-gradient(315deg, rgba(2,0,36,1) 0%, rgba(120,120,255,1) 35%, rgba(0,212,255,1) 100%); }
.tile { border-color:transparent;}
:root { --tools-color:#ddd; }

gradient background and white tools for all menus ( older code )

[data-menu] { background:linear-gradient(#e66465, #9198e5);}
:root { --tools-color:white; }

image background semi-transparent border white text and olive tools for all menus ( newer code )

:root {
    --background: url('') repeat fixed right center;
    --tools-color: olive;

image background with tile modifications borders tools and text

:root {
    --tools-color: #ddd;
    --background: url('');

.tile {

No quick menu resize handle:

.CS_resizeWidget { display:none; }

Smaller tools bar

#toolBar .tile { transform:scale(.60); }

Fat green qm border

#CS_quickMenuIframe { border-width:6px; border-color: #6ec179; }

A number of settings that don't appear in the main options tabs can be set here. Some of them are really quite useful and probably belong with their respective settings menus, but for simplicity were moved here. This is also where a lot of fixes and user-requested changes show up. Take note, unlike most other settings, these do not always force the config to save when changed. There is a save button you can mash to make extra sure changes are written.

There is also a built-in manual JSON editor to adjust more obscure values.

This addon does not use any tracking or analytics. No information is collected, sold, etc. How you use it is your business. There are, however, a few things to note.

  1. Most ContextSearch menus work by injecting content scripts into the current website. For security, all content containing user preferences or any identifying or trackable data are placed in iframes, unreachable by potentially malicious websites through same-origin policy. Like other addons, there is the possibility of some limited UUID tracking when using injected content. See more about web accessible resources

  2. Search suggestions are fetched from Google when typing in any ContextSearch searchbar unless disabled in CS Options -> General -> Suggestions.




Big thanks to CanisLupus for his mozlz4 decompression script

contextsearch-web-ext's People


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contextsearch-web-ext's Issues

Show/Hide options

Show/Hide options not work correctly. After unchecking the search engines, they are still visible.

bookmarks folder not being created

I've noticed some irregular behavior on linux where the optional permission for Bookmarks is either granted at install or granted silently causing the proper bookmark folder to not be created. If you are experiencing this, simply create a bookmark folder named "ContextSearch Menu" anywhere in your bookmarks and use the bookmarks icons in ContextSearch Options->Search Engines-> search engine list to add search engines to the folder. Alternatively, you open about:debugging, debug ContextSearch and type CSBookmarks.create() in the debugging console.

The next release should address this problem by checking if the ContextSearch Menu folder exists when you toggle the Use Bookmarks option

Open URL and copy text funcations?

Any chance of seeing a few more utility functions added to the search quick menu?

Currently I use an Firefox extension called Swift Selection Search, built in it has the option to open a selected URL or copy the text. It does not have the same options to open on varies conditions(hold click, left/right and so on) and the settings menu is rather raw, function over form.

Swift Selection Search (SSS)

Import settings not working

I exported my settings to ContextSearchOptions.json file. But when I try to import the same file I get the following message:

2018-06-10 2

Firefox 61.0b12, ContextSearch 1.5.9.

Websites where the Add Custom Search fails

If you come across any sites / forms that don't work with the Add Custom Search function, list them here. I have some workarounds in mind, but I need more examples. - main search form

Startpage custom plugin does not work with this addon.

The Startpage search plugin works fine in the search bar or the default Firefox right click search but fails when I try on this plugin. Steps to create broken plugin:

  1. Visit, change any settings (I just change theme to night for testing).
  2. Click "GENERATE URL", wait for the page to scroll down.
  3. Click "INSTALL CUSTOM PLUGIN", accept the Firefox dialogues (I set as default for testing).
  4. Reload search engines (I use the file method).

Problem with character encoding


The search plugin "Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana - multilingüe", apparently uses WINDOWS-1252 character encoding. The plugin can be obtained here:

When using it with ContextSearch-web-ext Lite, some problem occurs with special characters, e.g. ü, ç are changed to ª, § respectively.
When searching for special characters using the Firefox search bar, there's no problem.

"Add Custom Search" yet another step to a tedious procedure

"Add custom search" adds yet another step to a tedious procedure that began with FF58 fucking up the search box functions. Can you add the ability to remove the "add custom search" option from the right-click options? I moved to your addon to decrease the steps involved with searching. Now you've added another step.

bookmarklet testing

On request for v.1.6.1+, I've added the ability to execute bookmarklets from the context menu when using the Use Bookmarks option for managing search engines. I have nearly zero experience using bookmarklets, so if anyone here uses them, let me know if they're working properly.

QuickMenu and privacy

Websites can see the titles of my search engines unless I disable it. Can't you just put the QuickMenu into an iFrame so that it is not accessible by the website? I could then leave the titles enabled.

Include urls

If I right-click over an url I have in the drop-down menu an item Search [URL] with [my default search engine] but ContextSearch Web-ext only appears if the search query is "totally hovered" (I don't know the word in English, I mean on background color as if ready to be copied). Would it be possible for ContextSearch Web-ext to appear as well?

JSP character encoding

[from Userfx]

JSP encoding search not available for me. Shift_JIS EUC-JP and more
can't import icon and URL broken.

[Suggestion] Option to put Tools buttons after search engines in Quick Menu

I pop my Quick Menu below my cursor. I prefer my most used search engines to be as close to my cursor as possible, while still enable some Tools buttons in case I need them.

Freely re-arrange each Tools buttons between search engines would be the ideal option. This certainly over-complicates the stuff however.
Therefore I suggest adding an option to put Tools button after search engines. This benefits users preferring popping Quick Menu either above or below the cursor.

Thank you for your extension.

Add input field to Quick Menu (feature suggestion)

Thanks for this great add-on. When Web Search Pro extension died with Quantum I really missed the second search field and the context sensitive search. I even switched from Firefox to the Chrome derivative Vivaldi, because the SearchBar extension provided something similar.

With SearchBar I came to really like its feature of an input field in which the selected text is copied and can be edited prior to searching. Often I just select some random text, because it's such a quick and convenient way to search with any search engine.

It would be great for ContextSearch to have such a field between the tools and the icons in the quick menu. Maybe in addition the topmost engine could be used as default when pressing enter.

Pushing the idea a bit further, it would be nice if the extension button would open with a Quick Menu tab (right before the Menus tab) - this way one nearly would have a second search field with probably another default search engine than the Firefox search field.

inject.css cause a failure rendering page.

how to reproduce

visit open a video.
go to the comments section:
these grey bars is a failure casued by inject.css!

here is what grey bars look like:
screenshots from

check this page with F12:

with ContextSearch-web-ext disabled:

when it enabled:

additional info:

i am using firfox 58.0.2 in win10.
addon version is which is latest.
i have not found another website with this issue so far.

Duplicate search engines

Feature request:
When adding a new search engine in the options, it would be handy to have the opportunity to copy details from an existing search engine. Maybe a button "Duplicate" near the button "Delete" in the list (of course with new name input)?

Right click menu doesn't show

I don't know why, but the right click quick menu doesn't show no matter how long do I keep it pressed. Any ideas how to make it work again?

Do not show deactivated search engines

In Firefox settings one can deactivate search engines, but nonetheless they are shown in context menu of this addon. I have some engines deactivated which come by default with Firefox, so deleting won't help.

It already helps a lot that an individual order is respected, but the more own search engine entries the more the context menu gets bigger.

1.0.1b9: Working with POST based search engines

Well, I did notice on my latest import of my search engines that this one might not be compatible. It happens to be where I made search plugin for it at which does work when searching from the Search Bar. Your extension sends the search terms out as GET variables which the site doesn't recognize.

Since the Search Bar can do it as a POST request, I would think it should be possible for an extension too as well or is this something beyond Web Extensions at this time?

Thanks for all your work. It's the best one I've come across so far mainly due to how the icons don't load every time you look at the context menu.

What exactly does 'ContextSearch Native App' install?


I discover with latest ContextSearch web-ext 1.2.0 the availability of installing ContextSearch Native App ( ContextSearch_installer.exe for Windows) in order to have the user's search engines modifications automatically integrated to ContextSearch web-ext

Could you inform on what exactly is performed by this ContextSearch Native App, what is installed, where? Does it modify the Registry and/or Firefox install itself, does it add/modify components in the very install folder of Firefox? I ask because I've never had to deal up to now with an add-on/extension that would proceed this way, that is which would propose to install anything else but itself.

Thanks for a great extension which I thought would never be possible starting Firefox 57.

Site search via the toolbar button

I've customized search engines for site searching using the {domain} or {subdomain} variables.
That work well via the context menu or the quick menu but not via the toolbar button where it seems those variables are not supported.

Example: Site searching using Qwant engine, terms="test", on site=""
My template:{searchTerms} sur {subdomain}
Results in the Qwant search field: "test sur" (context or quick menu), "test sur" (toolbar button)

I forgot something or it's a bug?

Opening search tabs at the end?

Search tabs are opened next to current tab even with

about:config -> browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent -> false

Would it be possible to have an option to open search tabs after last tab instead of next to current tab?

Separate shortcuts for search-engine in context menu

Is it possible to implement every search-engine as a separate item in context menu after selecting word? I mean not expanding menu "Search with" and selecting engine but every engine directly in context menu.

Problem with newest update

the selected text becomes grey with the newest update, this is very annoying for short copy text with ctrl-c which doesnt work now anymore.

Optional permission


I used this add-on and would like to continue to use, without any additional auto-magic features, like the new introduced in V1.2.

Is it possible to declare the pretty scary "Exchange messages with programs other than Firefox" permission as optional [1] to users who prefer automatic loading and updating search engines?

[1] optional_permissions

[Suggestion] Default search when selecting root of context menu

Firstly, thanks a lot for making this. Was one of the few addons I really missed in FF57.

Would it be possible to add the ability to select a "default search engine" that will change the root of the context menu from "Search with" to the search engine name so that when you press that it will do that search instead of having to go into the menu and selecting one. For example, I use Google 90% of my searches, so to be more efficient to not have to go into the menu to select Google.

SeaMonkey Support

Could you please add support for Mozilla SeaMonkey to your XPI's? I'd appreciate it very much. Thank you.

some icons not imported

Icons with src "resource:// " are not always imported and not shown in the Quick Menu

If you are seeing this behavior, please help by doing some debugging:

  1. type about:debugging into the address bar and press enter
  2. check the box marked Enable add-on debugging
  3. Scroll down to ContextSearch web-ext and click debug and press OK in the dialog box popup
  4. Open Options and reload your search engines
  5. Look in the debug window for phrases like Failed getting favicon at
  6. Post the error messages

edit SearchEngine names

thanks for the addon, love it.
Small suggestion:
would be cool if you could edit the searchengine name in the list. Got lots of old ones with similar names.

Organize search engines list

Search engines list shown in context menu is not sorted like in firefox options.
Attached two screenshots to make it clear.

Would be nice to be able to sort them (and add separators)

Ability to backup/export?

Great extension, actually phenomenal. BUT one biggie, for me at least, I don't see a way to export my (long) list of search shortcuts. Is there a file that can be copied? If not I'd like to request an option to backup the file in case ones computer implodes or perhaps one wants to use the same list on another computer or even export to json so one can have it in their search options in FF.

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