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standard's Issues

Provide OOTB rake task

Make it super easy to add a linting rake task.

This also helps with #3 to resolve cli collision.

Feedback & proposals

Hey @searls)

Replying to

[offtopic] Btw, what about having a dedicated issue for feedback and proposals (e.g. this one)?

I've added standard to the project I'm currently working on right after your LT at RubyConf (it was great, thank you).

I'm using it as a default RuboCop config (not as a standalone tool):

# .rubocop.yml
  - standard/cop/semantic_blocks

  standard: config/base.yml

Why? For several reasons:

  1. I have some third-party cops and RuboCop plugins, and, as I see, it's impossible to use them directly with standard.

I'm not sure that standard config should handle custom plugin integration–looks like an overkill to me. Using RuboCop with standard config (like we do) works fine.

Thus, I suggest adding a documentation on how to use standard config with RuboCop for advanced usage.

Btw, there was an idea to add presets functionality to RuboCop (see rubocop/rubocop#5612); maybe, in the future, standard could be a RuboCop preset and not a wrapper.

  1. Trailing comma enforcement

Ok, my config is a little bit more complicated:

inherit_from: "./rspec.yml"

  - standard/cop/semantic_blocks

  standard: config/base.yml

  EnforcedStyleForMultiline: no_comma

  EnforcedStyleForMultiline: no_comma

I know the reasoning behind the trailing comma, but I still cannot unlearn using this style. And I don't think this style is popular among Rubyists (I've never seen it in any project); for me it looks like something from JS world)

Maybe, the reason this style is not popular is that RuboCop by default enforces no_comma.

What about having a config param to control this behaviour (say trailing_comma: yes | no) or disable these cops at all?

  1. Semantic blocks.

Another holy-war-ish thing, IMO. And could block the adoption of standard (one-liner vs. multi-liner rule is much simpler).

TBH, I haven't heard about this style ever (being a RuboCop user and contributor for more than three years).

So, in my config I turned this cop off (the fear of unknown 🙀).

Btw, there is a proposal to add this style to RuboCop as a config option to Style/BlockDelimiters. Having this in RuboCop itself seems like a better idea than adding a custom cop along with the standard.

  1. Default ignores.

Although standard allows to configure ignore paths, it would be great if it has some default values which could cover most use-cases–so you can run standard without adding a configuration at all.

My default ignore list looks like this:

    # auto-generated binstubs
    - 'bin/*'
    # temp files
    - 'tmp/**/*'
    # node_modules could contain Ruby code
    - 'node_modules/**/*'
    # vendor/ dir is used by most CI services
    - 'vendor/**/*'

Proposal: Style/CollectionMethods

Current standard option is: disabled
Proposed change: enabled, default RuboCop mapping for PreferredMethods (e.g. favor find over detect)


Recent turned on this cop because it is annoying when someone wants to use the more obscure SmallTalk-inspired enumerable methods (inject, collect, detect, etc) and another person likes the more commonly used methods (select, find, map, etc). The later also maps more closely to other languages you might be using (namely ES6).

I see no reason to prefer the SmallTalk-style nor to spend time debating which one to use.


  • RuboCop docs warn that there may be false positives -- was not sure if that consideration should influence inclusion in standard
  • There is a performance cop that recommends detect -- can't say that I really care about that kind of micro-optimizing, but that might not be true for the majority

--fix breaks code containing nested Hashes


A poorly formatted, but simple & syntactically correct ruby script:

class Test
  def set_page_request_info
    { timeframe: { ending: session[:ending] ? session[:ending] : nil,
                   duration: session[:duration] ? session[:duration] : nil,
                   comparison: session[:comparison] ? session[:comparison] : nil
› ruby -c foo.rb
Syntax OK

Run standardrb

› standardrb --fix -- foo.rb
standard: Use Ruby Standard Style (
standard: Run `standardrb --fix` to automatically fix some problems.
  foo.rb:5:61: Lint/Syntax: unexpected token tCOMMA (Using Ruby 2.4 parser; configure using `TargetRubyVersion` parameter, under `AllCops`)

Notice: Disagree with these rules? While StandardRB is pre-1.0.0, feel free to submit suggestions to:


An extra comma get inserted at the end of the hash, and this is no longer legal Ruby.

class Test
  def set_page_request_info
    {timeframe: {ending: session[:ending] || nil,
                   duration: session[:duration] || nil,
                   comparison: session[:comparison] || nil},,}


› ruby --version
ruby 2.4.5p335 (2018-10-18 revision 65137) [x86_64-darwin18]
› standardrb --version


Just ran this on a project, and the majority of changes I can live with, one thing that I didn't agree with was that that frozen_string_literal magic comments were stripped. I can totally see this thing taking a neutral attitude on frozen_string_literal, but if they're already there it should probably leave them alone?

We did see rather substantial memory savings due to adding the frozen string command. I'm aware that there is a flag you can set to freeze all string literals, but this is problematic because flags are non-local, and also it can be a fiddly to ensure that the flag is always set, both in dev/test/ci/production.

[Proposal] Standard should separate the responsibilities of formatting and linting

I want to be able to confidently run standard . --fix or even standard . and be assured that my project will be conferment and that I will have to do no work. Ideally, this would happen in my editor or a pre-commit hook. It is my belief that if a rule is not auto correctable, it should not be included in the required set of rules. There is still value in some non fixable rules, but they should not be required.

In my experience, rubocop and like minded tools get run very infrequently and often just on CI. In my opinion, this is the very worst time to ask a user to make changes and invites folks who just want to get their PR merged to make less than ideal choices about how to resolve violations that arise. If we limit standard to only auto-correctable violations, I suspect it will get run by most folks very frequently (ideally via an editor plugin). This ensures compliance at all times and completely removes the 11th hour pressure to make poor code quality choices.

There is prior art here as well. The sort of tool I'm describing is becoming commonplace in other languages with tools like Elm's elm-format, Elixir's mix format, and Go's gofmt.

Hash rockets

Alright, let's talk about the elephant in the room; hash rockets. I get it, the JavaScript-style hash notation with colons is popular, but I still fail to see the benefit over the good, old hash rocket.

@samphippen recently wrote about this and his arguments pretty much reflect my own.

I openly admit to being biased but here are the arguments as I see them:

In favor of colons

  • No need to remember different syntax when switching between different languages.
  • Fewer characters typed.

In favor of hash rockets

  • Can be used for all key types.
  • Keys aren't silently converted to another type.

If we're trying to define a standard set of rules for Ruby code I'd argue consistency is fairly high on the list of goals; not just consistency across projects, but consistency inside each project. Consistency across programming languages, however, is a pipe dream.

Having both {stuff: "symbol"} and {stuff => "method call"} because you have to isn't consistent.

Having {"foo": "bar"}["foo"] return nil isn't consistent.

Having {O: :O}.inspect return {:O=>:O} isn't consistent.

While I do appreciate the aesthetics of the Javascript style notation, my having to type a few extra characters just isn't worth having my hash keys changed for me behind my back.

There is, however, a political side here that should be considered. JavaScript is the popular style du jour and I believe it is used by Rails. Straying from that path might make it more difficult to gain adoption for standard. I can offer no solution to that, unfortunately.

Another issue is future proofing. Will Ruby 3 introduce breaking changes here, deprecating hash rockets, and making it possible to use colons consistently in all cases?

Also, rockets are cool 🚀

Feature request: Ignore generated files by Rails

What do you think about checking if Rails is being used and ignore these files by default:

  - 'bin/**/*'
  - 'db/schema.rb'
  - 'tmp/**/*'

Less config, more drop-in. I can try to make a PR if you think this is useful :)

Add a way to see if changes are needed

We were looking to integrate this into our CI suite as a "is formatting needed?" check, but we couldn't figure out a clean way to do that. I think it would be useful if we could enforce the style guide by making it part of the CI flow.

Crystal has a format tool that uses a --check option for this which returns a non-zero exit code if any formatting/linting is necessary, but doesn't actually do formatting itself:

That's one way to go about it, but whatever the solution I think it would be useful to have a way to fail CI if formatting is needed.

Allow begin/rescue/ensure/else/end to be indented in blocks & methods

This will take some spelunking b/c it cuts across several rules:

  • Style/RedundantBegin
  • Layout/RescueEnsureAlignment

But indenting rescue inside a method seems good. As does an explicit begin. If you're going to indent access modifiers I don't get the justification for outdenting rescue.

Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName is too aggressive for Rails controllers

I generally think this is a good practice; however, consider the following Rails controller action.

class ExamplesController < ApplicationController
  before_action :set_example, except: [:index]

  def set_example
    @example ||= Example.find(params[:id])

This will produce the following error.

Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName: Memoized variable @example does not match method name set_example. Use @set_example instead.
    @example ||= Example.find(params[:id])

Use of open-uri triggers a security warning

require "open-uri"

open "" do |page|
  # logic ...

The above code will trigger the following warning.

The use of `Kernel#open` is a serious security risk.

Disable Style/SymbolProc in db/migrate?

I'm not sure this should be fixed, but it came up today with a Rails migration.

Given this migration:

create_table :customers do |t|

It wants to autofix it (Style/SymbolProc cop) to:

create_table :customers, &:timestamps

I get it, but in a migration it seems weird to stray from the t. DSL.

I think timestamps is the only method without arguments, so this should be very rare. I hate to disable a cop for a whole directory, seems like overkill. Figured I'd raise the issue though.

Simple AssignmentInCondition?

Not a deal breaker, but since it is pre-release....

if post = Post.find_by(id: id)


Generates a warning about AssignmentInCondition. The fix is to just wrap it in parentheses, but i just hate the look of

if (post = Post.find_by(id: id))


For now, I will likely just add an extra line:

post = Post.find_by(id: id)
if post


I would love to see an option to allow simple assignments to pass.


Style/Lambda doesn't work well for multi-line Rails named scopes

Consider the following named scope in a Rails model.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  scope :with_name, ->(value) do
    first_name, last_name = value.to_s.split(" ")
    where first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name

This produces the following offense.

Style/Lambda: Use the lambda method for multiline lambdas.

The required fix doesn't seem better than the original.

class User < ApplicationRecord
  scope :with_name, (lambda do |value|
    first_name, last_name = value.to_s.split(" ")
    where first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name

Disable ruby19_no_mixed_keys for Rails routes.rb?

I would like to use Ruby 1.9 hash syntax everywhere, but for a Rails app that doesn't seem possible for some routes.rb entries, e.g.

get "contact" => "pages#contact", as: "contact"

I wonder if it would make sense to allow mixed keys for this file only?

My overrides

I just sent in a PR for one of our apps to try out standard, and I wanted to share the overrides I made.


This one rewrote all extend self with module_function which worked for half of my modules, but broke for the ones where I was using private methods in the module. To be honest, the introduction of module_function went completely past me, so I haven't seen the arguments in favor of it, but this was one of two autofixs that did break my code.


This was the other one that broke me, the auto fix dropped all my single quotes in the percent string arrays. In CSP headers, you need to have single quotes, and this went ahead and removed them all. I use %w[] arrays otherwise it's a lot harder to read

    font_src:                  %w['self' data:],
    form_action:               %w['self'],
    style_src:                 %w['self' 'unsafe-inline'],


    font_src:                  ["'self'", "data:"],
    form_action:               ["'self'"],
    style_src:                 ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'"],


This one prevented making a single database table method private that we're later exposing as better named readers

  private :price_per_month # rubocop:disable Style/AccessModifierDeclarations

  def price_per_month_dollars

  def price_per_month_cents
    price_per_month * 100

I should probably do a migration and rename the column I suppose, but you know, work. I'm not strongly advocating to remove this one, but it sometimes nice to later make a method private.


The other ones were for rspec, and 2 other single spot places that aren't worth mentioning

Output might need path truncation for legibility

$ bundle exec standard
standard: Use Ruby Standard Style (
standard: Run `standard --fix` to automatically fix some problems.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:11:24: Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: `%q`-literals should be delimited by `(` and `)`.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:11:24: Style/UnneededPercentQ: Use `%q` only for strings that contain both single quotes and double quotes.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:12:24: Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: `%q`-literals should be delimited by `(` and `)`.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:12:24: Style/UnneededPercentQ: Use `%q` only for strings that contain both single quotes and double quotes.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:16:16: Layout/ExtraSpacing: Unnecessary spacing detected.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:16:22: Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Operator `=` should be surrounded by a single space.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:26:13: Layout/ExtraSpacing: Unnecessary spacing detected.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:26:22: Layout/SpaceAroundOperators: Operator `=` should be surrounded by a single space.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:26:51: Style/StringLiterals: Prefer double-quoted strings unless you need single quotes to avoid extra backslashes for escaping.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/etalon.gemspec:40:3: Gemspec/OrderedDependencies: Dependencies should be sorted in an alphabetical order within their section of the gemspec. Dependency `byebug` should appear before `yard`.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/Gemfile:3:21: Style/BlockDelimiters: Prefer `do...end` over `{...}` for procedural blocks.
  /Users/olivierlacan/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Development/perso/etalon/spec/spec_helper.rb:16:9: Style/StringLiterals: Prefer double-quoted strings unless you need single quotes to avoid extra backslashes for escaping.

If you agree it'd be nice to find Dir.pwd and truncate anything beyond that so this becomes:

$ bundle exec standard
standard: Use Ruby Standard Style (
standard: Run `standard --fix` to automatically fix some problems.
  etalon.gemspec:11:24: Style/PercentLiteralDelimiters: `%q`-literals should be delimited by `(` and `)`.
  etalon.gemspec:11:24: Style/UnneededPercentQ: Use `%q` only for strings that contain both single quotes and double quotes.

Semantic blocks are not enforced in hash values

Hi! I applied standardrb to a project (love it ❤️) and I noticed this code didn't get corrected with the semantic block cop:

  foo: [].map do

Should this case be supported? Thanks!

Should substitutions for procedural blocks add whitespace?

Adding standard to a gem I'm building, I ran bundle exec standard --fix and my default Gemfile was changed from:
git_source(:github) {|repo_name| "{repo_name}" }


git_source(:github) do |repo_name| "{repo_name}" end

Would we expect standard to decipher or try to determine white space there?

advice: vim ale

Not sure if an issue is the best place to ask, but does anyone have advice on how to hook this up with ? It already has support for rubocop, so I imagine it's doable, but I'm bad at vimscript :(

Monkey patch out longer messages

Some messages are way too long:

  app/models/system.rb:3:15: Lint/AssignmentInCondition: Use `==` if you meant to do a comparison or wrap the expression in parentheses to indicate you meant to assign in a condition.

Would be nice to monkey patch RuboCop::Cop::Lint::AssignmentInCondition#message with a shorter message. This is true for other common failures I imagine.

A case for `Style/AccessModifierDeclarations` set to `inline`

Hey @searls, hope you're well!

I love the idea of this and am generally supportive. I thought I'd start comparing to my own set of rubocop styles and make a case for ones I have configured for reasons I believe to be tied to code quality/readability/etc vs just "because I like the way it looks"

First on my list, Style/AccessModifierDeclarations.

I believe a mis-feature in Ruby is that accessibility modifiers are stateful, in that once private is called, all methods defined later in the module/class have their accessibility modified. Various ways of identifying non-public methods have come and fallen out of vogue over the years, like the indent-an-extra-2-spaces pattern, but none of them really help you understand any given method in context, without scrolling up.

In my codebase(s), I have a strict rule of:

# In-lining access modifiers removes risk of accidentally changing access level
# when re-ordering methods and improves clarity about method access
  EnforcedStyle: inline

This affects code like so:

class BadStyle
  def public_1; end


  def private_1; end
  def private_2; end


  def protected_1; end


  def private_3; end # wat


  def public_2; end # wat

class BetterStyle
  def public_1; end

  private def private_1; end
  private def private_2; end
  protected def protected_1; end
  private def private_3; end
  def public_2; end

I know this can be somewhat un-Rubyish and more like other languages, but I think it's clearly superior. It keeps accessibility scope tied directly to the method(s) it should effect and it limits their effect to only those methods; it is more immune to inadvertent changes in accessibility during refactoring; and it makes is always much clearer what accessibility the current, in-view method is at all times.

This doesn't work on older Rubies, though I don't recall which versions exactly. It works for every Ruby in which def returns the symbol name of the method just defined, so is equivalent to:

def x
private :x

What do you think?

N.B. I just got out of collar bone surgery a few hours ago so I might be a tad out of it. So, if any of this doesn't make sense or isn't persuasive, I'd be very happy to follow up with any questions, comments, or objections.

Passing bare directories to check doesn't work

Directory full of ruby files:

› ls -l lib/*.rb | wc -l

Run standard on the whole dir:

› standardrb lib

No output, not even the post-check notice. --format json says 0 files checked.

Run on a specific file in that dir:

This works fine - shows I have things to fix.

› standardrb lib/histogram.rb
standard: Use Ruby Standard Style (
standard: Run `standardrb --fix` to automatically fix some problems.
  lib/histogram.rb:45:9: Layout/DotPosition: Place the . on the previous line, together with the method call receiver.
  lib/histogram.rb:57:23: Layout/SpaceAfterComma: Space missing after comma.
  lib/histogram.rb:58:19: Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces: Space missing to the left of {.
  lib/histogram.rb:60:1: Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: Extra empty line detected at class body end.

Notice: Disagree with these rules? While StandardRB is pre-1.0.0, feel free to submit suggestions to:

Running with a glob works

A more explicit glob pattern appears to work:

standardrb "./lib/**/*.rb"

# ... lots of correct output


› standardrb --version

› ruby --version
ruby 2.4.5p335 (2018-10-18 revision 65137) [x86_64-darwin18]

Wrong whitespace correction

Just noticed this auto change, which seems wrong. It may be a problem with rubocop though? If so let me know, and I'll open an issue there


What's weird is that the rest of the table it didn't touch, just the last one.

Hash Literals with a space

First off, this library is a great idea!
Now for the complaints:

foo = { bar: "baz" }

Layout/SpaceInsideHashLiteralBraces: Space inside } detected.

I just can't live with: {bar: "baz"}. Just look at it. I know Rails is not the gospel or anything but it is probably Ruby's most read codebase, and I only see hash literals with the space in there.

Leading dots on method chains?

My case for leading dots on method chains:

  1. Each line is more of a complete thought. You can read .foo as perform foo on our data but foo. is apply foo (to our data depending on if the previous line has a dot at the end) and....
  2. Less PR noise, if you add a method to the chain only that line changes.

I read code and PRs more than copy-pasting into a repl, so while I understand the value in trailing dots for that case, it doesn't have as much weight for me personally.

Thanks for this!

disable or change Style/Next

It's really irritating when in a block and:

do |lol|
  if lol.good?
    # do stuff

is corrected as wrong with:

do |lol|
  next unless lol.good?
  # do stuff

If this rule only applied to first line guard clauses I'd be cool, but sometimes you're 5 lines into a block and suddenly it's being broken out of with a "next" halfway down

Support older rubies

Standard delegates target_ruby || RUBY_VERSION to Rubocop's TargetRubyVersion but since we're already parsing it into a Gem::Version, I think it would be interesting to attempt to target an old ruby like 1.8 while running a minimum ruby version like 2.2. This would specifically to be to support gems that still support old Rubies like RSpec & Bundler, as well as gems like Suture designed specifically to help people upgrade old code

Change autocorrect behavior of Lint/UnusedBlockArgument

Currently the autocorrector of Lint/UnusedBlockArgument (and its equivalents) will prepend a _ in front of any unused variable.


items.each_with_index do |item, i|
  puts item

Will be autocorrected to:

items.each_with_index do |item, _i|
  puts item

That _i seems bizarre and out of place, and I've never seen a human write Ruby like this to indicate a variable is unused. If we override the autocorrector to just change the variable to _, would it be any less safe? If that change would not be safe, should we just turn off this cop?

Default Ignored directories

(Suggested in #30 by @palkin)

In addition to #29, which specifies Rails-specific folders be excluded when Rails is detected, Standard should ignore obvious directories. @palkin suggested these, but we should consider what the right set of directories is:

    # auto-generated binstubs
    - 'bin/*'
    # temp files
    - 'tmp/**/*'
    # node_modules could contain Ruby code
    - 'node_modules/**/*'
    # vendor/ dir is used by most CI services
    - 'vendor/**/*'

Things to consider:

  1. Additionally, we should consider whether these should be limited to .standard.yml or Gemfile relative directories. If my pwd happens to be in app/lib/foo and I happen to have a app/lib/foo/tmp directory, I would not want our default ignores to subsequently fail to run against it

  2. Doesn't Rubocop itself have default ignores? Are we skipping those already by din of delegating to RuboCop?

Infinite loop detected when scope placeholder is present

Rubocop fails with an infinite loop detection if you define a class or module with an empty placeholder for protected or private.

class Example


  # nothing here yet


  # nothting here yet

The class above will trigger this error.

RuboCop::Runner::InfiniteCorrectionLoop: Infinite loop detected in /path/to/file.rb.

The help message breaks parsing after using --format json

If I call standardrb with: standardrb --format json > output.json, the message about disagreeing with defaults is in the output at the end, which prevents a direct parse of that json file, without further preprocessing.

I'd be happy to fix this myself, but not sure the approach you'd like.

1️⃣ STDERR for the message
2️⃣ Don't output the message on an explicit format flag
3️⃣ Something else?

Compatibility with rubocop-rspec

standardrb reports

Lint/UnneededCopDisableDirective: Unnecessary disabling of `RSpec/ExampleLength` (unknown cop).

I expect other RuboCop plugins might have similar issues.

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