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A utility library that makes Mapbox GL JS or Maplibre GL a bit more convenient to work with.

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map-gl-utils's Introduction

Map-GL-Utils (formerly Mapbox-GL-Utils) adds a number of utility functions and syntactic sugar to a Mapbox GL JS or Maplibre GL JS map instance. If you write a lot of interactive map code, you may appreciate the more concise form, and simpler API.

Full documentation:

Major features:

  • No need to distinguish between paint, layout and other properties.
  • All properties can be expressed as camelCase rather than kebab-case.
  • Layer operations can act on multiple layers (given by array, regex or filter function), not just one.
  • Source types, layer types and property names are incorporated into function names: addGeoJSON(), addCircleLayer(), setCircleRadius(), getTextFont()...
  • Adding layers and sources is idempotent: call addLineLayer() multiple times to create, then update the layer.
  • Some other convenience functions: show(), hide(), onLoad(), setData(), fontsInUse()
  • Better click and hover functions: hoverPointer(), hoverFeatureState(), hoverPopup(), clickLayer()
  • Some functions behave better: removeLayer() (not an error if layer doesn't exist), removeSource() (removes attached layers automatically), setFilter() (works on multiple layers at once), setData() clears data if no GeoJSON provided.


To use without any build process:

<script src=""></script>



With Webpack etc:

const mapgl = require('maplibre-gl'); // or require('mapbox-gl');
const map = new mapgl.Map({ ... });

// or:
import U from 'map-gl-utils';

// A small number of methods (eg hoverPopup) require access to the maplibre-gl/mapbox-gl library itself, in order to instantiate other objects.
require('map-gl-utils').init(map, mapgl);

The default distribution is an ES2015 module with no transpiling. If you experience any syntax issues (such as using older JavaScript versions), use the UMD bundle instead:

// Adds U property to map, containing these methods.

If you want to use Flow types:

import type MapGlUtils from 'map-gl-utils/src/index'


Working with layers

The props object passed when adding a layer can freely mix paint, layout and other properties. Property keys can be specified in camelCase or kebab-case:

map.U.addCircleLayer('trees-circle', 'trees', {
    circleColor: 'green', // paint property
    circleRadius: ['interpolate', ['zoom'], 12, 3, 15, 5], // paint property
    circleSortKey: ['get', 'tree-sort-key'], // layout property
    filter: ['!=', 'type', 'stump'], // other property

Almost every method that works with existing layers (eg, show()) can work with multiple layers. There are four ways to specify the layer(s) you want to modify:

  • string:'trees-label');'trees-circle');
  • array of strings:['trees-label', 'trees-circle']);
  • regular expression:^trees-/);
  • function that takes a layer, and returns truthy: => layer.source === 'trees');

Adding sources

Methods that add sources return an object ("SourceBoundUtils" in this documentation) that can be chained to allow layers to be added to it:

.addCircleLayer('properties-line', { lineWidth: 3 })
.addSymbolLayer('properties-fill', { fillColor: 'hsla(30,30%,60%,0.5)' })

Adding and removing layers

// Conveniently add a line feature, mixing paint, layout and other properties.
// Notice you can use camelCase for all property names.
map.U.addLineLayer('mylines', 'mysource', {
    lineWidth: 3,
    lineCap: 'round',
    minzoom: 11

// Also addFillLayer, addFillExtrusionLayer, addRasterLayer, addVideoLayer, addSymbolLayer, addHillshadeLayer, addHeatmapLayer
map.U.addCircleLayer('mycircles', 'mysource', { circleStrokeColor: 'red' });
// if the layer already exists, calling add*Layer simply updates any of the properties
map.U.addCircleLayer('mycircles', 'mysource', { circleStrokeColor: 'red', circleRadius: 4, filter: ['==', 'type', 'active'});

// and of course add the layer "before" another layer if needed:
map.U.addLineLayer('mylayer', 'mysource', { lineColor: 'red' }, 'toplayer');

// removeLayer() doesn't throw errors if the layers don't exist

Adding and removing sources

// Simpler way to create GeoJSON source:
map.U.addGeoJSON('mysource', geojson);

// Or create a GeoJSON source with initially blank data. This is very convenient if you're loading
// the data separately and will call .setData() later.

// Simpler ways to create a vector tile source:
map.U.addVector('mysource', 'mapbox://foo.blah');
map.U.addVector('mysource', '{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf');

// Additional properties still work
map.U.addVector('mysource', '{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf', { maxzoom: 13 });

// There's also addRaster(), addRasterDem(), addImage(), addVideo()
// Calling any of the add* functions simply updates the source definition if it exists already.

// Automatically removes any layers using these sources. Not an error if sources don't exist.
map.U.removeSource(['buildings', 'roads']);

// You can also use the returned object to add layers conveniently:
map.U.addGeoJSON('buildings', 'data/buildings.geojson')
    .addFillExtrusion('buildings-3d', {
        fillExtrusionHeight: 100,
        fillExtrusionColor: 'grey'
    }).addLineLayer('buildings-footprint', {
        lineColor: 'lightblue'

// Replace the source on an existing layer. (Actually removes and re-adds it.)
map.U.setLayerSource('buildings', 'newsource');
map.U.setLayerSource(['buildings-3d', 'buildings-outline]', 'newsource', 'newsourcelayer');

// To change the source layer, pass a third argument, or null to clear it (if switching from vector tiles to geojson)
map.U.setLayerSource('buildings', 'mylocalbuildings', null);

Setting properties and updating data

// Every property has a setXxx() form:
map.U.setTextSize('mylayer', 12);

// And they all work on multiple layers at once:
map.U.setLineWidth(['mylayer', 'mylayer-highlight'], 4);
map.U.setLineOpacity(/^border-/, 0);
map.U.setFillColor(layer => layer.source === 'farms', 'green');

// There's also a more familiar setProperty() form.
map.U.setProperty('mylayer', 'line-width', 3);
// Existing properties aren't touched
map.U.setProperty('mylayer', {
    textSize: 12,
    textColor: 'red'

// There's a `get...` version of every function, too.

// Simpler way to update source data:
map.U.setData('mysource', data);

// you can leave out the data parameter to clear out a GeoJSON source:

// Easier to remember way to turn layers on and off:'mylayer');
map.U.toggle(['mylayer', 'myotherlayer'], isVisible);

// To avoid name clashes such as with 'raster', you can use a longer form ending
// with either ...Layer() or ...Source()

map.U.addRasterSource('myrastersource', { type: 'raster', url: 'mapbox://mapbox.satellite', tileSize: 256 });
map.U.addRasterLayer('myrasterlayer', 'myrastersource', { rasterSaturation: 0.5 });

Hovering and clicking

// Use the mouse 'finger' cursor when hovering over this layer.

// If you pass several layers, it correctly handles moving from one layer to another
// Use the mouse 'finger' cursor when hovering over this layer.
map.U.hoverPointer(['regions-border', 'regions-fill']);

// Sets a "hover" feature-state to be true or false as the mouse moves over features in this layer.
// Requires that features have an `id`.

// Want to apply the hover feature-state to a different source?
// For instance, you hover over a label, but want to highlight the surrounding boundary.
map.U.hoverFeatureState('town-labels', 'boundaries', 'town-boundaries');

// You can also add additional event handlers:
map.U.hoverFeatureState('mylayer', 'mysource', 'mysourcelayer',
    e => console.log(`Entered ${e.features[0].id}`),
    e => console.log(`Left ${e.oldFeatureid}`);

// Shows a popup when a feature is hovered over or clicked.
// The third argument is an options object, passed to the Popup constructor.
// callback is called as: (feature, popup) => htmlString
// Make sure you passed the mapboxgl library itself when initialising: U.init(map, mapboxgl).
map.U.hoverPopup('mylayer', f => `<h3>${}</h3> ${}`, { anchor: 'left' });
map.U.clickPopup('mylayer', f => `<h3>${}</h3> ${}`, { maxWidth: 500 });

// clickLayer() is like .on('click)', but can take an array and adds a 'features' member
// to the event, for what got clicked on.
map.U.clickLayer(['towns', 'town-labels'], e => panel.selectedId = e.features[0].id);

// clickOneLayer tests multiple layers in order, firing callback on the first one that
// is hit. The callback is passed { feature, features, layer, event }.
map.U.clickOneLayer(['town-labels', 'state-boundaries'], e => {
    if (e.layer === 'town-labels') {
        panel.selectedId = e.features[0].id;
    } else if (e.layer === 'state-boundaries') {
        panel.selectedId = e.features[0].id;

// Optionally pass in an extra callback which is fired for clicks that miss all layers:
map.U.clickOneLayer(['town-labels', 'state-boundaries'], e => {...}, e => {
    console.log('Missed everything');

// All these functions return an "undo" function that removes the handlers added:
const remove = map.U.hoverPopup('mylayer', showPopupFunc);
remove(); // no more hover popup

Other functions

// Like on('load') but fires immediately (and reliably) any time after map already loaded.
// returns a promise if no callback:
await map.U.onLoad();

// Gets the layer definition. Mapbox's `getLayer()` has weird paint and layout properties.
const layer = map.U.getLayerStyle('mylayer');

// Resets all other properties to default first. Ignores non-paint, non-layout properties.
map.setLayerStyle('mylayer', {
    lineWidth: 3

// properties() converts an object to a layer object accepted by Mapbox-GL-JS
    id: 'mylayer',
    source: 'mysource',
    type: 'line',
    lineWidth: 3,
    lineCap: 'round',
    minzoom: 11,
    filter: ['==', 'status', 'confirmed']

// layerStyle() is flexible, pass as many or as few of id, source, and type (in that order) as you like:
map.U.layerStyle('mylayer', 'mysource', 'line', { ... })
map.U.layerStyle('mylayer', 'mysource', { ... })
map.U.layerStyle('mylayer', { ... })
map.U.layerStyle({ ... })

// Hide/show/toggle all the layers attached to this source
map.U.toggleSource('buildings', true);

// Update several filters at once.
map.U.setFilter(['buildings-fill', 'buildings-outline', 'buildings-label'], [...]);

// Conveniently load an image into the map in one step
map.U.loadImage('marker', '/assets/marker-pin.png');
map.U.loadImage('marker', '/assets/[email protected]', { pixelRatio: 2}).then(/* ... */;

// Update the map style's root "transition" property
map.U.setTransition({ delay: 1000, delay: 0});

// Get a list of fonts used in symbol layers with fontsUsed(). Useful for quickly getting some text displaying.
const fonts = map.U.fontsInUse();
map.U.addSymbolLayer('labels', 'mysource', { textFont: fonts[0], textField: '{label}' });

Contrived example

map.U.onload(() => {
    map.U.addCircleLayer('small-towns', 'towns', { circleColor: 'green', filter: ['==', 'size', 'small']});
    map.U.addCircleLayer('large-towns', 'towns', {
        circleColor: 'red',
        filter: ['==', 'size', ['large']],
        circleStrokeWidth: ['case', ['to-boolean', ['feature-state', 'hover']], 5, 1]
    map.U.setCircleRadius(['small-towns', 'large-towns'], 12);
    map.U.hoverPointer(['small-towns', 'large-towns']);
    // update the source layer when data is available
    d3.json('', data => map.U.setData('towns', data));


Map-GL-Utils was written by, and maintained, by Steve Bennett, a freelance map developer.

Documentation built with documentation.js.

Packaging uses rollup.js and Babel.

Flow is used internally, including types from Mapbox GL JS.

Tests are run using Jest.

map-gl-utils's People


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map-gl-utils's Issues

no nodeJS dependencies?

Hi, how could I use these functionalities if I am not running a nodeJS but in just simple plain JS in apache server?
Using rollup.js I have created a bundle.js, but don't know how to implement (if possible) the API on 'standard' JS

Of course this will not work (without nodeJS serving)
const U = require('mapbox-gl-utils').init(map);

Tried several stuff, no success. Thanks in advance

Error with clickPopup on line features

I'm trying to use clickPopup on a layer with line features and am receiving the following error:

Uncaught Error: LngLatLike argument must be specified as a LngLat instance, an object {lng: , lat: }, an object {lon: , lat: }, or an array of [, ]

It works fine on point layers and hoverPopup seems to work with line features, so I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or this is a bug.

Example: Click the blue water layer to see the issue.


Website TOC resize handle broken


if I grab the drag handler between TOC and content parts to get some space for the content itself w/o the need to scroll horizontally, the handler sticks to the mouse and can no longer be released: click, dblclick, esc -- all do nothing.
That's on Chrome 95 for Win10 with a vanilla mouse.

I have to reload the page and face a screen-estate wasting TOC panel and scroll the content part. Yes, I don't have a HD monitor :-)

May I suggest to reduce the overall width of the left TOC anyway? It's way to large for the short lines present in the TOC wasting alot of horizontal space.


Updating Vector Source

I am using a vector tile source that includes frequent url query updates. Currently I am using the recommendation from this mapbox-gl issue 2941. Is there a way to manage source updates using this package?

New init method that wraps new Map()

This might give a convenient way to alter the style before the map is loaded.

I'm thinking something like:

const map = U.create(mapboxgl, {
  container: 'map',
  style: 'mapbox://styles/',
}, {
  transformStyle: style => {

Possible issue with safari <11.1

I was testing our app with safari v11.0.3 desktop, and I think found an error referencing the destructuring operator (...) related to this code , It doesn't effect newer versions of safari, I think the destructing operator was not supported prior to that in safari.
I've never written a node module before, but I was wondering if even though we use babel/webpack to compile our app, perhaps this requires something additional to instruct npm/yarn to transpile the index.js code as well for older browsers?

Support debug hover over

One function like:


then when you click any layer it console logs info about it.

make layer type optional in props?

map.U.addCircleLayer('trees-circle', 'trees', {
    circleColor: 'green', // paint property
    circleRadius: ['interpolate', ['zoom'], 12, 3, 15, 5], // paint property
    circleSortKey: ['get', 'tree-sort-key'], // layout property
    filter: ['!=', 'type', 'stump'], // other property

Proposal to make the layer prefix optional in all props. The props above would read color, radius, and sortKey.

Only when disambiguating multiple props of the same kind (stroke- and circle-color in circle layers, icon-, text-, and halo-color in symbol layers, etc) will prefixes be needed. In those cases, the nonprefixed form will refer to the word in the layer type ("color" will refer to circle-color and "width" to line-width)

Make idempotent add/update layer style functions

Not sure what these would be called exactly, but it would be really convenient to have one function which defines a layer or source, and can be repeatedly called when values change.

Syntax maybe something like:

map.U.lineLayer('myline', 'mysource', {

So the first time it creates the layer. Subsequent calls just apply all the properties individually.

Support changing style while keeping custom base layers

This might look like:

map.U.setStyle('mapbox://mapbox.blah', { discardRegex: 'mapbox://' })


  1. Fetch new style
  2. Find every source in current style whose URL doesn't match the discardRegex, add it to the new style
  3. Find every layer in current style belonging to a retained source, copy over`



map.U.setStyle('mapbox://mapbox.blah', 'beforeLoaded`);

That is, define a name for this point in the style, and allow operations to diff between points.

clickOneLayer callback is not called with click event

hey @stevage, it's Lucas from vetro fiber map

Loving this lib so far. I have forked the lib to add functionality to the clickOneLayer method. Specifically, it passes the click event to the cb, and adds a param for a seperate callback that triggers if there is no matching layer:

clickOneLayer(layers, cb, noMatchCb) {
            map.on('click', e => {
                let match = false;
                for (const layer of layers) {
                    const features = map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, { layers: [ layer ] });
                    if (features[0]) {
                        cb(e, {
                            feature: features[0],
                        match = true;

                if (!match && noMatchCb) {

is this something you'd be interested in having in the lib?

Add fontsInUse()

A function to get a list of all the fonts used in the current style would be helpful. This function does most of it, although it won't find font names referred to in a ['format', ... { 'text-font': ... }] block.

function getFonts(map)
            function findLiterals(expr) {
                if (Array.isArray(expr)) {
                    if (expr[0] === 'literal') {
                    } else {
            let fonts = [];
            const fontExprs = map
       => l.layout && l.layout['text-font'])
            for (const fontExpr of fontExprs) {
                // if top level expression is an array of strings, it's hopefully ['Arial', ...] and not ['get', 'font']
                if (fontExpr.every((f) => typeof f === 'string')) {
                } else {
            return [ Set(fonts)];

Typescript definitions

Hello! This seems like a great library to use together with maplibre-gl that I've started implementing in a project. But there doesn't seem to be any typescript definitions(?), which makes it more or less impossible for me to use in my projects. Is there any chance of that being added? Thanks.

Mapbox GL JS v3 Support

A quick test of the beta release indicates some breaking changes. Will an update to map-gl-utils be required?

Next publish?

Hello! It looks like the published version on NPM is about a year old - do you have intentions of pushing an update at some point? You've fixed the bug I'm hitting with hoverPopup in 2450340, hoping you're able to publish a more recent version for convenience.

[Feature request] Add handler for source and layer loaded events

This utility library is really handy. One valuable utility that would solve many people's headaches would be to have a reliable way to detect when a source or layer has been loaded properly.

map.U.onSourceLoad('sourcename', features => {
    // Do whatever with features

map.U.onLayerLoad('layername', () => {


addVector extra props doesn't work

// Additional properties still work
map.U.addVector('mysource', '{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf', { maxzoom: 13 });

Actually this doesn't work.

regeneratorRuntime is not defined

using <script src=""></script> throws this error:

map-gl-utils:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
    at map-gl-utils:1:17623
    at map-gl-utils:1:19350
    at map-gl-utils:1:192
    at map-gl-utils:1:196
(anonymous) @ map-gl-utils:1
(anonymous) @ map-gl-utils:1
(anonymous) @ map-gl-utils:1
(anonymous) @ map-gl-utils:1

a bit of googling leads me to believe this is probably babel-related: babel/babel#14576

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