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airbnb-price-prediction's Introduction

Price-prediction of Airbnb properties


The price prediction is crucial to the owners of the website, the property listers and the customers of the website to make informed decisions and in the modifications of the real estate policies. The price of the property listed on Airbnb is dependent on various factors such as Bedrooms, room types, number of guests and many others. The proposed study analyzes the price prediction capabilities of various Machine Learning Algorithms such as Linear Regression, Random Forest Regression, Support Vector Regression, Ridge Regression, and Adaboost Regression. Hyperparameter tuning is done on the models which performed better on the Validation Set. The models are evaluated using four metrics namely mean squared error, mean absolute error, r2 scores, and root mean squared error.
Keywords: Regression, Random Forest, Regularization, Airbnb Dataset, Listing, Prediction, Boosting

2. Introduction

2.1 Problem Type, Statement and Goals

The study proposed aims to predict the nightly price of the one stay in the Airbnb listings in the city of Austin. The price of an Airbnb listing is based on a variety of features namely Room type, number of beds, bathrooms, number of guests that can be accommodated, etc. Data is analyzed by various approaches to evaluating the importance of the features in the accurate price prediction of the listing. Various Machine Learning algorithms like Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Support Vector Regression, Random Forest Regression, and Support Vector Regression are utilized for price prediction. Good performing models are selected from the above algorithms by the performance on the validation set. Hyperparameter tuning is done on the selected models to obtain the best parameters for the respective models.

Aim of price prediction is trivial, as all the properties listed are not owned by Airbnb. It acts as a medium to fill the gap between the vacant properties available and the customers looking for places to stay. Apart from that it also acts as a medium for the property listers to showcase their properties to a much bigger audience and get them filled. The proposed study act as a Recommender system for the property listers to fix price for their listings so that the fixed rate is feasible and that on par with other competitors.

The complexity of the approach arises as the data available has many missing values, there are a lot of outliers in the price and other features, the high dimensionality of the features, there are also categorical features in the data. Therefore, data needs to be preprocessed, categorical features need to be encoded and the missing values to be filled with respect to the data filling techniques before the application of the above-mentioned algorithms. The problem of high dimensionality can be handled by introducing the random forest regression which analyzes the importance of features by a metric. From the above, we could see that the main challenges in the accurate price prediction are preprocessing of the data, dimensionality reduction, analyzing the performance of the various models and hyperparameter tuning of the selected models.

2.2 Overview of Approach

The approach presented here is to utilize the given data efficiently and predict the price of the listing. Here features are not removed without any idea, they are analyzed before removing. Like say, number of beds plays an important role in price prediction of the listing so it wont be disregarded. But in order to deal with the categorical features, one hot encoding is used but the features are then analyzed by the random forest and identified the features which are helpful in the regression. Firstly, the dataset is divided into the training and test sets, and then training set is preprocessed and all the missing data is filled, outliers are removed, categorical features are encoded, and the same for test data too. Then the processed training set is then divided into training and validation. Then various machine Learning models are used, they are trained on the training set and then performance is evaluated on validation set. Metrics like MSE, R2 Score, MAE are used for evaluation. Then the best performing models on the validation set are used for hyper parameter tuning and the model performance is calculated on the actual test set.

3.Dataset Description

3.1 Data Set

Dataset consists of 11,340 points and 16 features. Number of features like count of Host total listings, Room type, Number of bedrooms, beds and most of the important information about the listing is available. Out of all the feature two are categorical and the other are non-categorical. The table below gives us a better understanding of the features of the data and what they mean

Features Description Data type
Host listings count Count of the listings owned by host float64
Room type Type of the property object
Host response rate Response of the host for any service ranked Int64
Security deposit Deposit charged by the host float64
accommodates Number of guests can be accommodated Int64
bathrooms Number of bathrooms float64
bedrooms Number of bedrooms float64
beds Number of beds in the room Int64
Bed type Type of the bed in room object
price Cost of the listing per night Int64
Guests included Number of guests for the stay Int64
Minimum nights Minimum nights that can be stayed Int64
Maximum nights Maximum nights that can be stayed Int64
Availability 365 Number of days available in an year Int64
Number of reviews Number of reviews given per listing Int64
Cleaning fee Fee collected for cleaning per stay float64

3.2 Implementation

Dataset used is the Airbnb open source listing data, Austin. Here the aim is to predict the price of the listing per night in the city of Austin. The steps below explains about the steps involved in achieving our aim of prediction.

  • Dataset divided into Training and Test Set.
  • Preprocessing done on the training and test set.
  • Training set is divided into Training and Validation Set.
  • Models are trained on the training set and evaluated on the validation set.
  • Hyper parameter tuning on the best models and feature selection.
  • Tuned model applied on the Test Dataset.

3.3 Preprocessing, Feature Extraction, Dimensionality Adjustment

Out of the entire Dataset of 11,340 points, 20% of the dataset that is 2268 points are used for the testing. Now the preprocessing is done on both the training and test set separately. Firstly, dataset is randomly shuffled, even before the separation of the training and test set. Preprocessing steps involved are

  1. All the duplicates in the data frame are dropped. Now the training and test sets are separated.
  2. Now only 18 datapoints bathroom value have missing values, therefore they are replaced with the mode in both training and test set.
  3. Now only 7 datapoints bedroom value have missing values, therefore they are replaced with the mode in both training and test set.
  4. As we could see that, there are two categorical features, which are encoded to use in Machine Learning, but some of the classes in the categorical features are very less in number when compared to the entire dataset therefore they are removed. Like one of the class in the categorical feature ‘bed type’ has only 19 occurrences when compared to the entire dataset of 11340 points.
  5. Now the datapoints which have a price value equal to zero are removed.
  6. Then the outliers in the price value are removed for better learning for both training and test set.
  7. In the same way, outliers in host total listings count are removed for better prediction using knn.
  8. But the feature host total listing count has 348 missing values, for which knn is used to fill the missing values. a) For Training set: Entire training set is divided into two points, one is for training knn which does not have any missing value in host total listing count. And the other is used to predict host total listing count values using this model. b) For Test set: The host total listing count is replaced with the mode of the entire dataset. It is not used with knn.
  9. With the resulted features, Correlation analysis is done, then the features are removed with a value greater than 0.8.
  10. Now the training set is divided into training and validation set i.e., the processed training set is divided into 20%(1761 points) as validation set and the rest as training set which are then imported to a csv file to use them in the main file for models.

3.4 Dataset Methodology

  1. Firstly, dataset is randomly shuffled, even before the separation of the training and test set. Out of the entire Dataset of 11,340 points, 20% of the dataset that is 2268 points are used for the testing. Preprocessing is done on the training and test separately. the processed training set is divided into 20% (1761 points) as validation set and the rest as training set which are then imported to a csv files separately to use them in the main file for models.
  2. Now we have a training, test and validation set where training set is used to train the machine learning model and it is used to test on validation set. A total of six models are used in the price prediction. The model performances are calculated on the validation set and the results are evaluated using metrics namely MSE, RMSE, R2 score.
  3. Out of the six, best performing two models on validation set are selected, Now the two models are trained using the entire training set (both the training and validation set) and are tested on the test set. Metrics used are same as above.

3.5 Training Process

1. Linear Regression

Linear Regression tries to minimize the sum of square of the error between the observed values and predicted values by linear approximation. For the implementation of the model, scikit-learn is used, firstly default parameters provided by scikit-learn are used to train on the training set and then evaluated on validation set. Singular value decomposition of X is used to compute the solution by Linear Regression.

2. Ridge Regression

Ridge Regression is used, because if there is non linear relationship between the independent variables which makes the least square estimates unbiased and large variances resulting in huge gap between the observed and predicted values. Ridge regression handles this non linearity by adding a degree of bias to the estimator which reduces the standard errors.

3. Lasso Regression

Lasso Regression is also similar like Linear Regression, but it uses shrinkage in order to reduce the multicollinearity between independent variables. This selects the features which are best for the regression shrinking the unimportant feature weight values to zero.

4. Random Forest regression

Several decision trees are created by randomness and they are averaged to obtain the final regressor. A random set of samples are drawn with replacement while training the final regressor. This model also performs feature selection by calculating the feature importance and then leaving the features with value equal to zero.

5. Adaboost Regression

Adaboost fits a sequence of weak learners on data which is modified repeated. Weak learners here refer to the small decision trees which predict better than random guessing. Then weighted majority vote is done to combine all the prediction, so that a final prediction is made. This property might help in better prediction results.

3.6 Selection and Comparison of Results

Out of the models mentioned above, we could see that the Random Forest Regression and Adaboost regression seemed to have performed well with the default parameters. Hyperparameter tuning is done on the these models to even obtain the better performance on the training and test set.

• Random Forest Model

Randomized searchCV from scikit learn is used to obtain the best hyper parameters for the random forest model, the obtained parameters from the abovementioned functions are 200 number of estimators, maximum depth is 5 and criterion used is ‘mse’.

• Lasso Model

Randomized searchCV from scikit learn is used to obtain the best hyper parameters for the Lasso model, the obtained parameters from the abovementioned functions are 0.539 alpha value, fit intercept is true. These tuned models are then trained on the entire training set which includes both training and validation set and tested on actual test data. Then features are selected using Random Forest method and then the models are trained on selected features and tested on actual test data.

3.6.1 Final Results and Interpretation

Model Training data Validation data
Linear Regression MSE: 72694.07822283143 MSE: 75974.2332240539
MAE: 146.9261989455283 MAE: 149.79967745014662
RMSE: 269.61839370271355 RMSE: 275.63423812010996
R2: -0.6597861522972825 R2: -0.7017597561047282
Ridge Regression MSE: 72674.17338993505 MSE: 75983.84420800908
MAE: 146.59165683796658 MAE: 149.66798563543358
RMSE: 269.58147820266703 RMSE: 275.65167187595483
R2: -0.6528843390107788 R2: -0.6924966300937911
Support Vector Regression MSE: 102386.52705267385 MSE: 113741.25303304457
MAE: 138.00581509912323 MAE: 143.31278896261537
RMSE: 319.9789478273123 RMSE: 337.2554714649483
R2: -15.617948354346481 R2: -17.18405102245768
Random Forest Regression MSE: 10450.919193931823 MSE: 57163.49713989214
MAE: 50.54620852374578 MAE: MAE: 124.25965257849114
RMSE:102.22973732692373 RMSE: 239.0888896203505
R2: 0.8791710668149424 R2: 0.30185910807466376
Lasso Regression MSE: 72687.80452118929 MSE: 76011.81790707962
MAE: 146.2563537956556 MAE: 149.25157396442634
RMSE: 269.58147820266703 RMSE: 275.70240823590865
R2: -0.6767918627724787 R2: -0.7181451111942903
Adaboost Regression MSE: 94545.81361038845 MSE: 96140.69133130621
MAE: 190.20023528698502 MAE: 194.56000295985336
RMSE: 307.48302979252117 RMSE: 310.06562423349385
R2: 0.19921550054727677 R2: 0.2197584720208533

3.6.2 Tuned Models:

Tuned Model Training dataset Test dataset
Random Forest Regression MSE: 50119.60200790658 MSE: 72162.94845239061
MAE: 121.03146505838296 MAE: 72162.94845239061
RMSE: 223.87407623015795 RMSE: 268.6316222122604
R2: 0.11414507716244404 R2: -0.3659939487905348
Adaboost Regression MSE: 62789.487541620794 MSE: 79804.39693832299
MAE: 139.7155368840744 MAE: 147.52761854440104
RMSE: 250.57830620710325 RMSE: 282.4967202257806
R2: -0.29382758329712644 R2: -0.7112303651306913

3.6.3 Performance of models after feature selection by Random Forest:

Tuned Model Training dataset Test dataset
Random Forest Regression MSE: 50380.92308286226 MSE: 72699.10403067133
MAE: 121.628914377444 MAE: 134.99902596248782
RMSE: 224.4569515137864 RMSE: 269.62771376598386
R2: 0.10752789914307137 R2: -0.3523680334116106
Adaboost Regression MSE: 62990.45746237391 MSE: 80049.17783907466
MAE: 139.95245299387756 MAE: 147.9597960228515
RMSE: 250.9789980503825 RMSE:282.9296340772289
R2: -0.3254053327707984 R2: -0.7484804416776716

3.6.4 Performance of models after feature selection by Lasso technique:

Tuned Model Training dataset Test dataset
Random Forest Regression MSE: 50074.08993247161 MSE: 73209.09467790202
MAE: 120.98583893348983 MAE: 134.7862854694249
RMSE: 223.77240654842055 RMSE: 270.5717920957431
R2: 0.11262466988192954 R2: -0.3989555010925063
Adaboost Regression MSE: 62463.85391790112 MSE: 79572.82290430536
MAE: 139.93383096384247 MAE: 148.01160643025068
RMSE: 249.92769738046465 RMSE:282.0865521507634
R2: -0.26101104979870016 R2: R2: -0.6754950063472749

4 Summary

4.1 Conclusions and Interpretations

  1. The results of the feature selection showed that not all features are necessary. Even with less number of features we can obtain better accuracy.
  2. My results show that the Support vector regression, Ridge Regression, Linear Reg. failed to perform well. Because of the non-linearity in the data.
  3. Preprocessing plays a better role in obtaining best results.
  4. Validation set performance can be generalized to the actual test.
  5. Usage of models on validation set helps us in finding better models rather than trying on entire dataset.
  6. After hyper parameter tuning of the random forest and Adaboost reg. there is a slight increase in the performance but there is a increase in the training error because of generalization.
  7. Lasso and random forest feature selection yield better results even with lesser features and reduce computational power.
  8. Hyper parameter tuning plays a better role in getting optimal result that can perform better on test data.


Special thanks to Prof. Keith Jenkins at University of Southern California for helping me in getting a clear understanding of the BFR algorithm both theoritically and practically.

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