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This project forked from tritondatacenter/hadoop-manta

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Hadoop Filesystem Driver for Manta

License: Apache License 2.0

Java 100.00%

hadoop-manta's Introduction

Build Status

Manta Filesystem for Hadoop


This project provides a Hadoop FileSystem for the open source Manta object store. Unlike other object stores, Manta is strongly consistent and uses a hierarchical file system (like a Unix filesystem) to organize file storage whereas S3/Swift use a key/value system. This model aligns closely with the Hadoop Filesystem model and it leaves us with very few divergences from the default behavior.

This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Quirks / Divergences

  • There is no HDFS functionality natively implemented. All files are accessed via network data transfer.
  • Manta URIs take the form of manta:///
  • Configuration can be done using Hadoop configuration parameters, Java system properties or environment variables.
  • Append is not supported.
  • Truncate is only supported for truncating a file to zero bytes.
  • Checksums are performed using md5.
  • Checksums for portions of large files are done remotely using Manta jobs.
  • Disk space used statistics are based on usage reports which aren't updated instantaneously.
  • Globally the default replication factor is 2.
  • No assumptions about blocksize are made.
  • setWriteChecksum() isn't supported yet.

Run Requirements

Build Requirements

  • Java 8
  • Maven 3.0+


You will need to have the public/private keys needed to access Manta on the machine in which Hadoop is running. It is often best to verify that these keys are setup correctly using the Node.js Manta CLI.

Configuration will be done using the Hadoop configuration files or environment variables. Refer to the table below for the available configuration options.

Configuration Parameters

Configuration parameters take precedence from left to right - values on the left are overridden by values on the right.

Default System Prop / Hadoop Prop Environment Variable manta.url MANTA_URL
manta.user MANTA_USER
manta.key_id MANTA_KEY_ID
$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa manta.key_path MANTA_KEY_PATH
manta.key_content MANTA_KEY_CONTENT
manta.password MANTA_PASSWORD
20000 manta.timeout MANTA_TIMEOUT
3 manta.retries MANTA_HTTP_RETRIES
24 manta.max_connections MANTA_MAX_CONNS
ApacheHttpTransport manta.http_transport MANTA_HTTP_TRANSPORT
TLSv1.2 https.protocols MANTA_HTTPS_PROTOCOLS
<value too big - see code> https.cipherSuites MANTA_HTTPS_CIPHERS
false manta.no_auth MANTA_NO_AUTH
false manta.disable_native_sigs MANTA_NO_NATIVE_SIGS
0 http.signature.cache.ttl MANTA_SIGS_CACHE_TTL
  • manta.url ( MANTA_URL ) The URL of the manta service endpoint to test against
  • manta.user ( MANTA_USER ) The account name used to access the manta service. If accessing via a subuser, you will specify the account name as "user/subuser".
  • manta.key_id: ( MANTA_KEY_ID) The fingerprint for the public key used to access the manta service.
  • manta.key_path ( MANTA_KEY_PATH) The name of the file that will be loaded for the account used to access the manta service.
  • manta.key_content ( MANTA_KEY_CONTENT) The content of the private key as a string. This is an alternative to manta.key_path. Both manta.key_path and can't be specified at the same time manta.key_content.
  • manta.password ( MANTA_PASSWORD) The password associated with the key specified. This is optional and not normally needed.
  • manta.timeout ( MANTA_TIMEOUT) The number of milliseconds to wait after a request was made to Manta before failing.
  • manta.retries ( MANTA_HTTP_RETRIES) The number of times to retry failed HTTP requests.
  • manta.max_connections ( MANTA_MAX_CONNS) The maximum number of open HTTP connections to the Manta API.
  • manta.http_transport (MANTA_HTTP_TRANSPORT) The HTTP transport library to use. Either the Apache HTTP Client (ApacheHttpTransport) or the native JDK HTTP library (NetHttpTransport).
  • https.protocols (MANTA_HTTPS_PROTOCOLS) A comma delimited list of TLS protocols.
  • https.cipherSuites (MANTA_HTTPS_CIPHERS) A comma delimited list of TLS cipher suites.
  • manta.no_auth (MANTA_NO_AUTH) When set to true, this disables HTTP Signature authentication entirely. This is only really useful when you are running the library as part of a Manta job.
  • http.signature.native.rsa (MANTA_NO_NATIVE_SIGS) When set to true, this disables the use of native code libraries for cryptography.
  • http.signature.cache.ttl (MANTA_SIGS_CACHE_TTL) Time in milliseconds to cache the HTTP signature authorization header. A setting of 0ms disables the cache entirely.

Hadoop Installation

Note: These instructions are for Hadoop 2.8.0.

To install in Hadoop, copy the jar file hadoop-manta-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar to $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/common/lib/.

Verify that all of the needed configuration parameters have been set using environment variables or native Hadoop configuration (often set in $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml).

You will need a setting in the core-site.xml file like:


Then start Hadoop or any of the Hadoop CLI utilities. For example:

➜  hadoop-2.8.0 ./bin/hdfs dfs -ls 'manta:///username/'
Found 4 items
drwxrwxrwx   -          1 2013-05-22 10:39 manta:///username/jobs
drwxrwxrwx   -          1 2013-05-22 10:39 manta:///username/public
drwxrwxrwx   -          1 2013-05-22 10:39 manta:///username/reports
drwxrwxrwx   -          1 2013-05-22 10:39 manta:///username/stor


➜  hadoop-2.8.0 ./bin/hadoop fs -ls 'manta:///username/'

Found 4 items
drwxrwxrwx   -          1 2013-05-22 10:39 manta:///username/jobs
drwxrwxrwx   -          1 2013-05-22 10:39 manta:///username/public
drwxrwxrwx   -          1 2013-05-22 10:39 manta:///username/reports
drwxrwxrwx   -          1 2013-05-22 10:39 manta:///username/stor

Apache Drill Installation

Note: These instructions are for Apache Drill 1.6.

To install in Apache Drill, copy the jar file hadoop-manta-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar to $DRILL_HOME/jars/3rdparty/.

Verify that all of the needed configuration parameters have been set using environment variables or native Hadoop configuration (often set in $DRILL_HOME/conf/core-site.xml).

Next, navigate to the Drill web control panel (typically http://localhost:8047 and go to the Storage tab. Go to the new Storage Plugin field and type in manta then click Create.

In the Configuration text box, paste the following:

  "type": "file",
  "enabled": true,
  "connection": "manta:///",
  "config": null,
  "workspaces": {
    "root": {
      "location": "/",
      "writable": false,
      "defaultInputFormat": null
    "tmp": {
      "location": "/tmp",
      "writable": true,
      "defaultInputFormat": null
  "formats": {
    "psv": {
      "type": "text",
      "extensions": [
      "delimiter": "|"
    "csv": {
      "type": "text",
      "extensions": [
      "delimiter": ","
    "tsv": {
      "type": "text",
      "extensions": [
      "delimiter": "\t"
    "parquet": {
      "type": "parquet"
    "json": {
      "type": "json",
      "extensions": [
    "avro": {
      "type": "avro"
    "sequencefile": {
      "type": "sequencefile",
      "extensions": [
    "csvh": {
      "type": "text",
      "extensions": [
      "extractHeader": true,
      "delimiter": ","

Click Create.

When you next start up Drill, you can do queries directly against files in the Manta object store. For example:

0: jdbc:drill:zk=local> SELECT * FROM manta.`/username/stor/drill-data/nation.parquet`;
| N_NATIONKEY  |     N_NAME      | N_REGIONKEY  |       N_COMMENT       |
| 0            | ALGERIA         | 0            |  haggle. carefully f  |
| 1            | ARGENTINA       | 1            | al foxes promise sly  |
| 2            | BRAZIL          | 1            | y alongside of the p  |
| 3            | CANADA          | 1            | eas hang ironic, sil  |
| 4            | EGYPT           | 4            | y above the carefull  |
| 5            | ETHIOPIA        | 0            | ven packages wake qu  |
| 6            | FRANCE          | 3            | refully final reques  |
| 7            | GERMANY         | 3            | l platelets. regular  |
| 8            | INDIA           | 2            | ss excuses cajole sl  |
| 9            | INDONESIA       | 2            |  slyly express asymp  |
| 10           | IRAN            | 4            | efully alongside of   |
| 11           | IRAQ            | 4            | nic deposits boost a  |
| 12           | JAPAN           | 2            | ously. final, expres  |
| 13           | JORDAN          | 4            | ic deposits are blit  |
| 14           | KENYA           | 0            |  pending excuses hag  |
| 15           | MOROCCO         | 0            | rns. blithely bold c  |
| 16           | MOZAMBIQUE      | 0            | s. ironic, unusual a  |
| 17           | PERU            | 1            | platelets. blithely   |
| 18           | CHINA           | 2            | c dependencies. furi  |
| 19           | ROMANIA         | 3            | ular asymptotes are   |
| 20           | SAUDI ARABIA    | 4            | ts. silent requests   |
| 21           | VIETNAM         | 2            | hely enticingly expr  |
| 22           | RUSSIA          | 3            |  requests against th  |
| 23           | UNITED KINGDOM  | 3            | eans boost carefully  |
| 24           | UNITED STATES   | 1            | y final packages. sl  |
25 rows selected (1.079 seconds)

Apache Sqoop Installation

Note: These instructions are for Sqoop2 (v1.99+)

To install in Apache Sqoop, copy the jar file hadoop-manta-x.x-jar-with-dependencies.jar to $SQOOP_HOME/server/lib/ or put the jar file in a Hadoop library path that will be read by Sqoop's classloader.

Then to setup Sqoop to read/write from Manta, you will need to do the following:

Query the available connectors. Note the id of the HdfsConnector. In this case, it is 3.

sqoop:000> show connector 
| Id |          Name          | Version |                        Class                         | Supported Directions |
| 1  | generic-jdbc-connector | 1.99.6  | org.apache.sqoop.connector.jdbc.GenericJdbcConnector | FROM/TO              |
| 2  | kite-connector         | 1.99.6  | org.apache.sqoop.connector.kite.KiteConnector        | FROM/TO              |
| 3  | hdfs-connector         | 1.99.6  | org.apache.sqoop.connector.hdfs.HdfsConnector        | FROM/TO              |
| 4  | kafka-connector        | 1.99.6  | org.apache.sqoop.connector.kafka.KafkaConnector      | TO                   |

Create JDBC link against connector id 1.

sqoop:000> create link -c1   
Creating link for connector with id 1
Please fill following values to create new link object
Name: PostgreSQL-Manta

Link configuration

JDBC Driver Class: org.postgresql.Driver
JDBC Connection String: jdbc:postgresql://
Username: postgres
JDBC Connection Properties: 
There are currently 0 values in the map:
New link was successfully created with validation status OK and persistent id 1

Create a new link for Manta (please change values as appropriate):

sqoop:000> create link -c 3
Creating link for connector with id 3
Please fill following values to create new link object
Name: Manta

Link configuration

HDFS URI: manta:///username/stor/sqoop
Hadoop conf directory: /opt/hadoop-2.8.0/etc/hadoop
New link was successfully created with validation status OK and persistent id 2

Setup JDBC output to go to the correct path on Manta in the job configuration:

sqoop:000> create job -f 1 -t 2
Creating job for links with from id 1 and to id 2
Please fill following values to create new job object
Name: PostgreSQL-Manta

From database configuration

Schema name: public
Table name: test
Table SQL statement: 
Table column names: 
Partition column name: 
Null value allowed for the partition column: 
Boundary query: 

Incremental read

Check column: 
Last value: 

To HDFS configuration

Override null value: 
Null value: 
Output format: 
Choose: 0
Compression format: 
  0 : NONE
  3 : GZIP
  4 : BZIP2
  5 : LZO
  6 : LZ4
  7 : SNAPPY
  8 : CUSTOM
Choose: 0
Custom compression format: 
Output directory: manta:///username/stor/sqoop
Append mode: 

Throttling resources

New job was successfully created with validation status OK  and persistent id 1

Then the job can be run. Be sure that the directory specified in the job above is empty or else the job will fail.

sqoop:000> start job -j 1
Submission details
Job ID: 1
Server URL: http://localhost:12000/sqoop/
Created by: root
Creation date: 2016-06-08 17:02:01 UTC
Lastly updated by: root
External ID: job_local2015389814_0002
2016-06-08 17:02:12 UTC: SUCCEEDED

This job then dumped the output its output in /username/stor/sqoop:

$ mls ~~/stor/sqoop/

hadoop-manta's People


dekobon avatar


James Cloos avatar Tomas Celaya avatar

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