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awesome-dot's Introduction

Awesome Dot is a list that curates the best resources, projects, and learning around the Dotsama ecosystem.

About Polkadot

Polkadot is an open-source blockchain platform and cryptocurrency. Polkadot enables scalability by allowing specialized blockchains to communicate with each other in a secure, trust-free environment.


About Polkadot

Polkadot official

About Kusama

Kusama is a scalable network of specialized blockchains built using a substrate and nearly the same codebase as Polkadot. The network is an experimental development environment for teams who want to move fast and innovate on Kusama, or prepare for deployment on Polkadot.

Kusama official


Block Explorers


  • The DeFi wallet for the future.
  • Polkawallet- Mobile wallet for Polkadot.
  • Polkadot Vault- Turn your smartphone into a hardware wallet.
  • Fractapp- The most simple Polkadot wallet for DeFi and crypto.
  • Talisman- A wallet for Polkadot and Kusama.
  • Multix-A simple interface to manage complex multi sigs
  • Polkagate- An easy-to-use extension for the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Saturn- A Multichain Multisig Application for the Polkadot Ecosystem.
  • Polkasafe- A a user friendly Multisig for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem.
  • NovaWallet - Mobile wallet for Polkadot Ecosystem
  • SubWallet - Comprehensive wallet for Polkadot and Substrate based blockchains.


  • Python- Python Substrate Interface
  • ORML- Library with a set of community-maintained Substrate modules that are widely used by teams in the dotsama ecosystem.
  • Simnode- Simulation Testing Framework for Parachains and Standalone Substrate Based Chains.
  • Fudge- FUDGE provides a simple and generic way to interact with and manipulate the database of a substrate-based blockchain.
  • OpenZL- Common Good Zero-Knowledge-Proof Library for Substrate Builders.
  • SubQl- This library serve pre-computed indexes of each block for most Polkadot and Kusama parachains.
  • Chopsticks-Chopsticks is a testing client that enables the 1-step creation of a mainnet replica of a substrate-based network, for safely testing action and reviewing outcomes. Projects can test new runtime, proposal actions, XCM, different configurations, dry run transactions, etc, to discover and eliminate issues before they arrive on to live network.
  • Metis- ink! and Ask! standard Library
  • Ziggurat- A library with a set of tools that allows node developers to test three layers extensively and ensure that each new release does not introduce bugs, performance bottlenecks, or security flaws.
  • Substrate Debug- A collection of debug tools, scripts and libraries on top of substrate.
  • Pay-CTL- Simple command line application to control the payouts of Substrate validators (Polkadot and Kusama among others).
  • K8 Monitor- A tool to deploy a Monitoring System for your Substrate based Nodes in a Kubernetes cluster. The focus is specific on Validators.
  • Subwasm-Subwasm is a cli utility inside a Substrate WASM Runtime. It can inspect and compare the metadata of Substrate based runtimes such as Polkadot or Kusama.
  • Crunch- A command-line interface (CLI) to easily automate payouts of staking rewards on Substrate-based chains.
  • TVP Monitor-A bot that monitors nominations of the accounts held by the 1KV programme.
  • GitQL-A basic script that will check the latest Polkadot release.
  • Polkadot Prometheus scrapper- PolkaDOT Prometheus logger with Promtail, Loki and Grafana.
  • GraphQL Endpoint- A GraphQL Endpoint for Kusama.
  • NoiseExplorer- Rust code generator for formally verified (Noise/ cryptographic) handshakes
  • Usetech- С++ API for Polkadot
  • PolkaStore- Store chain-related data in a database



  • polkassembly- An open-source platform to discuss governance proposals, motions, and referenda.
  • Subsquare-SubSquare enables community members to propose, discuss and vote on governance proposals.
  • BrightTreasury- A web application to interact with a treasury module of Substrate based networks.
  • KusamaGovernance- The dashboard visualizes key metrics for referenda and accounts and helps token holders in their decision-making when it comes to delegation and voting. It also provides key indicators of the overall health of our governance system.
  • Delegation Dashboard- Easy to use dashboard for delegating votes for Polkadot OpenGov.


  • Chainx- The largest layer-2 network of Bitcoin, based on substrate technology.
  • Centrifuge- A decentralized asset finance.
  • Stafi- The first DeFi protocol unlocking liquidity of staked assets.
  • Ternoa- NFT based decentralized data transmission blockchain.
  • Altair- Spinning real world assets into Kusama.
  • Darwinia- A Web 3.0 cross chain bridge hub built on substrate.
  • Kintsugi BTC- Radically open Bitcoin on Kusama network.
  • Zenlink- Zenlink is a cross-chain DEX protocol based on Polkadot.
  • Solarbeam- A decentralized exchange, providing liquidity and enabling peer to peer transactions on the Moonriver network and Moonbeam network.
  • Interlay- A trustless Bitcoin for Polkadot's DeFi ecosystem.
  • SherpaX- A Canary network of chainX on Kusama.
  • Snowbridge- A general purpose, trustless and decentralized bridge between Polkadot and Ethereum.
  • Composable- Liquidity infrastructure for DeFi assets powered by Layer 2 Ethereum and Polkadot.
  • Pontem Network- Pontem Network is the bridge between Crypto and Diem by Facebook.
  • Pendulum- Enter the internet of fiat, a blockchain offering composable fiat services to swing fintech companies into the DeFi future.
  • Darwinia Crab- Darwinia Crab Testnet is a canary network with real economics for Darwinia.


  • Ceres- Ceres is one of the first fully developed projects on Sora blockchain - future Polkadot parachain, bringing DeFi Services, transparency, and security to Polkaswap.
  • ChainHammer- Multi-chain performance testing tool
  • Polkashots- A repository of Polkadot node database snapshots.
  • Radiumblock- Dotsama validator snapshot service
  • Polkawatch- A tool designed to measure the effective decentralization of Polkadot’s Validation process.
  • Uptest- Uptest aims to be an easy stand-alone library for testing runtime upgrades before they are deployed.
  • Web3Alert- Get instant alert of your favorite blockchain.
  • Polkabeat- Measuring the decentralization of each parachain.
  • Thousand Validator Dashboard- This Dashboard allows people to track the performance of w3f Thousand Validators.
  • One-T- Performance Report bot for Polkadot and Kusama.
  • Dotsama Channel- Visualisation of cross-chain messaging network in Polkadot.
  • 1KV Dashboard- Thousand Validator Performance dashboard.
  • Substrate Cronde- a tool that allows tasks to be executed based on substrate events.
  • Scouty- Scouty is a command-line interface (CLI) to keep an eye on substrate-based chains and hook things up.
  • 1KV API Monitor- An online 1KV API monitoring service.
  • Polkacli-Bash tool for easy installation and running of Kusama nodes.
  • Subscrape- A Python scraper for Substrate chains.
  • Polkascan Calendar- An open-source web application that gives an overview of Substrate-based blockchain events in time.

Polkadot Host Implementation

  • Gossamer- Go Implementation of the Polkadot Host
  • Kagome- C++implementation of Polkadot Host
  • Smoldot- Alternative client for substrate-based chains.
  • Paritytech- Rust implementation of Polkadot Host.
  • Golkadot-Polkadot Substrate implementation in Go

Polkadot Runtime Implementation

  • Limechain- Substrate runtime written in Assemblyscript.
  • Gosemble-Go-based Polkadot/Substrate Runtimes.
  • Subsembly-Framework for building AssemblyScript Substrate Runtimes.


  • Automata- Web 3.0 Realized with Traceless Privacy and Seamless Compatibility.
  • Houses of Rome- Assembling the great houses to build an APYRPG on Kusama & Polkadot.
  • Edgeware- Decentralized applications for an Open Society. Community-owned & powered by Substrate.
  • Chaos DAO-The first friendly community in Polkadot and Kusama, ChaosDAO focuses on quality over quantity, and is full of varied and valuable minds taking progressive action.
  • DotValidators- A community who decided to dedicate their professional lives to the Polkadot and its diverse ecosystem.
  • PolkadotBuilders- Creating public goods in the Polkadot Ecosystem


  • Chainlink- An Intermediary Between Smart Contracts And Real World Data.
  • Kylin Network- A Cross-chain platform building supporting data economy on Polkadot.
  • Ares Protocol- A Decentralized Cross-chain Oracle Service Protocol.


  • Bit.Country Pioneer- Metaverse Hub of Kusama - the canary network of Bit Country.
  • SubSocial- Open protocol for social + finance on Polkadot and IPFS.
  • Joystream- Joystream is a video platform controlled, owned, and operated by its users.
  • Frequency - Implements Decentralized Social Networking Protocol (DSNP). Frequency gives builders high volume blockchain transactions at low, predictable costs.
  • Saito Network- A blockchain process terabytes of data, decentralize from micropayments to email & social networks.
  • House of Rome- Assembling the great houses to build an APYRPG on Kusama & Polkadot.
  • Crowns- The Crown Jewel of Incentivized Gaming.
  • Demeter- A first Ceres airdrop token with its platform called Demeter Farming Platform and The play-to-Earn game is called DEO Arena.


  • Sora Validator- Utility & governance token used to reward validators on the SORA Network.
  • Liquid KSM-
  • LCDOT- A derivative that enables Crowdloan participants to stay liquid while contributing to the Acala Crowdloan.
  • DatDot- An autonomous hosting network for p2p data systems.

Community Projects

  • ProofofChaos- Incentivise voting to decentralize Kusama.
  • Parachains Info - Get the essential information of every parachain auction.
  • dot treasury- This website focus on creating accountability and transparency of Kusama treasury by providing every detail.
  • talkpolkadot- A media site dedicated to sharing information on Polkadot-related, projects, technology, media, and events.
  • Polkadir- Directory for Polkadot, Kusama and Substrate resources.
  • Parastats- Listing of upcoming projects opting for a parachain on Kusama.
  • Yieldbay - Find all dotsama liquidity pools and yield farms.
  • Polkalytics- Learn about the insights of Polkadot data ecosystem.
  • DotAppstore- Polkadot ecosystem App directory
  • Submap- Map out all the extrinsic of your account.
  • Nominumbers- This open-source app reads subscan and tries to collect your total rewards from the last week (28 eras) for each validator you currently nominate, and display it as a percentage.
  • Vegas1KV- 1KvP Leaderboard
  • DB Size- A website that updates hourly with Polkadot and Kusama DB sizes.
  • Certum Maps- A tool that displays the location of active Kusama validators on a global map.
  • TotalPanic- Kusama and Polkadot Telemetry Analysis and Alerting.
  • Chainziz- Open-sourced visualization tool for Polkadot and Kusama network.
  • Dotstaking Income Web- An open-source web app that allows users to generate their staking rewards in CSV format.
  • Parasnaps-This project provides database snapshots for pruned validators databases for Polkadot and Kusama.
  • DotforDummies- A comprehensive reading list for the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • SubVT- SubVT (Substrate Validator Toolkit) is a native mobile application for iOS and Android phones, tablets, and wearables that provides node operators with tools that aid them in running their validators on any Substrate-based blockchain network.





  • Describedot - This channel provides an easy explanation about Polkadot in Hindi language.
  • Jay Chrawna - Jay helps the user by teaching them about governance and everything related to Polkadot.
  • Alice and Bob - Alice and Bob helps to teach the tokonomics and update you with all the activities that are happening in Kusama ecosystem.
  • Cryptor-For the Russian community this channel is a blessing. With over twenty thousand subscribers this channel has provided value in every YouTube video Please go and watch.
  • Polkadot- Official channel of Polkadot.
  • Whiteboard crypto-DOT explained with animation.
  • Exodus- Kusama & Polkadot parachains explained in simple terms.
  • Promo team channel-A marketing startup that is contributing to increasing the value of substrate. Their 2-minute weekly news is amazing and worth watching.
  • Kryptoschain- From Tutorials to News. This channel has covered a wide range of concepts. Their recent video about teleporting the token is amazing.
  • Unit Network- Learn about the fundamentals of Polkadot.
  • Web3 Online- Learn about Rust and Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Dot.Alert- A knowledgebase that provides practical guidelines for managing assets safely across the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • DotLeap- The most comprehensive weekly newsletter for the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Substrate Newsletter - Subscribe for the latest news, technical updates and helpful Substrate developer resources.
Blogs and Article
  • Lorimer Jenkins - Lorimer provides great input relating to Kusama parachain.If you got a chance please go through this.
  • Vision Staking - Vision staking is a one of the best informative website to learn about staking and everything.
  • Hold Polkadot- This website tells the importance of Polkadot by giving very good infographics.
  • DotinUrdu- A website dedicated to Urdu users to learn about the basics of Polkadot.
  • Chris Medium- Learn about the bigger picture of validators in Kusama.
  • Anaelle Github- Easily guide to Polkadot network and the governance.
  • Learn Polkadot- A community-hosted, curated, and maintained Polkadot hub.

Youtube sessions

  • Kirill session - Kirill talks about Web3's vision and give a brief summary about Polkadot.
  • Polkadot Catalan- A session in Spanish on the history of blockchain tech, Kusama & Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Polkadot India- A session on Polkadot, how does it work and key points to develop in Polkadot.



  • KSMJobs - Jobs to find on Kusama based network.
  • DotJobs - Jobs to find on Polkadot based ecosystem.


  • Sub.ID is the one stop shop to see all of your addresses and balances, crowdloan contribution and everything.
  • Yuser- The First NFT social app.
  • First lending protocol on Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Paid Network- A decentralized ecosystem designed to redefine the civil legal system.
  • Kodadot- Kusama native NFT platform.

Related Resources

Youtube channels that are translating the content of Polkadot

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