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dataframe's Introduction

Scheme (R6RS) Dataframe Library

A dataframe record type with procedures to select, drop, and rename columns, and filter, sort, split, bind, append, join, reshape, and aggregate dataframes.

Related blog posts:
A dataframe record type for Chez Scheme
Select, drop, and rename dataframe columns in Chez Scheme
Split, bind, and append dataframes in Chez Scheme
Filter, partition, and sort dataframes in Chez Scheme
Modify and aggregate dataframes in Chez Scheme

Note: Blog posts all refer to Chez Scheme because dataframe was only recently made R6RS portable (thanks to John Cowan).



$ akku install dataframe

For more information on getting started with Akku, see this blog post.


(import (dataframe))

Table of Contents

Dataframe record type

(make-dataframe alist)
(dataframe-names df)
(dataframe-dim df)
(dataframe-display df [n min-width total-width])
(dataframe-contains? df name ...)
(dataframe-crossing obj1 obj2 ...)
(dataframe-head df n)
(dataframe-tail df n)
(dataframe-equal? df1 df2 ...)
(dataframe-write df path overwrite?)
(dataframe-read path)
(dataframe->rowtable df)
(rowtable->dataframe rt header?)
(dataframe-ref df indices [name ...])
(dataframe-values df name)
(dataframe-values-unique df name)

Select, drop, and rename columns

(dataframe-select df name ...)
(dataframe-drop df name ...)
(dataframe-rename df name-pairs)
(dataframe-rename-all df names)

Filter and sort

(dataframe-unique df)
(filter-expr (names) (expr))
(dataframe-filter df filter-expr)
(dataframe-filter-at df procedure name ...)
(dataframe-filter-all df procedure)
(dataframe-partition df filter-expr)
(sort-expr (predicate name) ...)
(dataframe-sort df sort-expr)

Split, bind, and append

(dataframe-split df group-name ...)
(dataframe-bind df1 df2 ...)
(dataframe-bind-all missing-value df1 df2 ...)
(dataframe-append df1 df2 ...)


(dataframe-left-join df1 df2 join-names missing-value)


(dataframe-stack df names names-to values-to)
(dataframe-spread df names-from values-from missing-value)

Modify and aggregate

(modify-expr (new-name (names) (expr)) ...)
(dataframe-modify df modify-expr)
(dataframe-modify-at df procedure name ...)
(dataframe-modify-all df procedure)
(aggregate-expr (new-name (names) (expr)) ...)
(dataframe-aggregate df group-names aggregate-expr)

Thread first and thread last

(-> expr ...)
(->> expr ...)

Dataframe record type

procedure: (make-dataframe alist)

returns: a dataframe record type with three fields: alist, names, and dim

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6))))

> df
#[#{dataframe cziqfonusl4ihl0gdwa8clop7-3} ((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6)) (a b) (3 . 2)]

> (dataframe? df)

> (dataframe? '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6)))

> (dataframe-alist df)
((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6))

> (dataframe-names df)
(a b)

> (dataframe-dim df)
(3 . 2)                  ; (rows . columns)

> (define df (make-dataframe '(("a" 1 2 3) ("b" 4 5 6))))

Exception in (make-dataframe alist): names are not symbols

procedure: (dataframe-crossing obj1 obj2 ...)

returns: a dataframe formed from the cartesian products of obj1, obj2, etc.; objects must be either dataframes or lists with the same structure as a dataframe column, e.g., '(col-name 1 2 3)

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-crossing '(col1 a b) '(col2 c d)))
 dim: 4 rows x 2 cols
  col1  col2 
     a     c 
     a     d 
     b     c 
     b     d 

> (dataframe-display 
    (dataframe-crossing '(col1 a b) (make-dataframe '((col2 c d)))))
 dim: 4 rows x 2 cols
  col1  col2 
     a     c 
     a     d 
     b     c 
     b     d 
> (dataframe-display 
    (dataframe-crossing (make-dataframe '((col1 a b) (col2 c d))) '(col3 e f)))
 dim: 4 rows x 3 cols
  col1  col2  col3 
     a     c     e 
     a     c     f 
     b     d     e 
     b     d     f 

procedure: (dataframe-alist df)

returns: an association list of the contents of dataframe df

> (dataframe-alist (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6))))
((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6))

procedure: (dataframe-names df)

returns: a list of symbols representing the names of columns in dataframe df

> (dataframe-names (make-dataframe '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4))))
(a b c d)

procedure: (dataframe-dim df)

returns: a pair of the number of rows and columns (rows . columns) in dataframe df

> (dataframe-dim (make-dataframe '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4))))
(1 . 4)
> (dataframe-dim (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6))))
(3 . 2)

procedure: (dataframe-display df [n min-width total-width])

displays: the dataframe df up to n rows and the number of columns that fit in total-width based on the actual contents of column or minimum column width min-width; min-width and total-width are measured in number of characters; default values: n = 10, min-width = 5, total-width = 80

> (define df
    (make-dataframe (list '(Boolean #t #f #t)
                          '(Char #\y #\e #\s)
                          '(String "these" "are" "strings")
                          '(Symbol these are symbols)
                          '(Integer 1 -2 3)
                          '(Expt 1e6 -123456 1.2346e-6)
                          '(Dec4 132.1 -157 10.234)   ; based on size of numbers
                          '(Dec2 1234 5784 -76833.123)
                          (list 'Other (cons 1 2) '(a b c) (make-dataframe '((a 2)))))))
> (dataframe-display df)
 dim: 3 rows x 9 cols
  Boolean  Char   String   Symbol  Integer       Expt       Dec4       Dec2        Other 
       #t     y    these    these       1.   1.000E+6   132.1000    1234.00       <pair> 
       #f     e      are      are      -2.  -1.235E+5  -157.0000    5784.00       <list> 
       #t     s  strings  symbols       3.   1.235E-6    10.2340  -76833.12  <dataframe>
> (define df (make-dataframe (list (cons 'a (iota 15))
                                   (cons 'b (map add1 (iota 15))))))
> (dataframe-display df 5)
 dim: 15 rows x 2 cols
     a     b 
    0.    1. 
    1.    2. 
    2.    3. 
    3.    4. 
    4.    5. 

procedure: (dataframe-contains? df name ...)

returns: #t if all column names are found in dataframe df, #f otherwise

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4))))

> (dataframe-contains? df 'a 'c 'd)

> (dataframe-contains? df 'b 'e)

procedure: (dataframe-head df n)

returns: a dataframe with first n rows from dataframe df

procedure: (dataframe-tail df n)

returns: a dataframe with the nth tail (zero-based) rows from dataframe df

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6 4 5 6) (c 7 8 9 -999 -999 -999))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-head df 3))
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     a     b     c 
    1.    4.    7. 
    2.    5.    8. 
    3.    6.    9. 

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-tail df 2))
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     a     b      c 
    1.    4.  -999. 
    2.    5.  -999. 
    3.    6.  -999. 

procedure: (dataframe-equal? df1 df2 ...)

returns: #t if all dataframes are equal, #f otherwise

> (dataframe-equal? (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6)))
                    (make-dataframe '((b 4 5 6) (a 1 2 3))))

> (dataframe-equal? (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6)))
                    (make-dataframe '((a 10 2 3) (b 4 5 6))))

procedure: (dataframe-write df path overwrite?)

writes: a dataframe df as a Scheme object to path; if file exists at path, operation will fail unless overwrite? is #t

procedure: (dataframe-read path)

returns: a dataframe read from path

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp "b" "b" "a" "b" "a")
                               (trt b b b a a)
                               (adult 5 4 2 3 1)
                               (juv 50 40 20 30 10))))

> (dataframe-display df)
 dim: 5 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     b     b     5.   50. 
     b     b     4.   40. 
     a     b     2.   20. 
     b     a     3.   30. 
     a     a     1.   10.

> (dataframe-write df "df-example.scm" #t)

> (define df2 (dataframe-read "df-example.scm"))

> (dataframe-display df2)
 dim: 5 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     b     b     5.   50. 
     b     b     4.   40. 
     a     b     2.   20. 
     b     a     3.   30. 
     a     a     1.   10. 

procedure: (dataframe->rowtable df)

returns: a rowtable from dataframe df

;; a dataframe is a column-based data structure; a rowtable is a row-based data structure

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 100 300) (b 4 6) (c 700 900))))

> (dataframe->rowtable df)
((a b c) (100 4 700) (300 6 900))

procedure: (rowtable->dataframe rt header?)

returns: a dataframe from rowtable rt; if header? is #f a header row is created; string headers are automatically converted to symbols

;; a rowtable is a row-based data structure; a dataframe is a column-based data structure

> (dataframe-display 
    (rowtable->dataframe '((a b c) (1 4 7) (2 5 8) (3 6 9)) #t))
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     a     b     c 
    1.    4.    7. 
    2.    5.    8. 
    3.    6.    9. 

> (dataframe-display 
    (rowtable->dataframe '((1 4 7) (2 5 8) (3 6 9)) #f))
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
    V0    V1    V2 
    1.    4.    7. 
    2.    5.    8. 
    3.    6.    9. 

> (dataframe-display 
    (rowtable->dataframe '(("a" "b" "c") (1 4 7) (2 5 8) (3 6 9)) #t))
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     a     b     c 
    1.    4.    7. 
    2.    5.    8. 
    3.    6.    9. 

procedure: (dataframe-ref df indices [name ...])

returns: a dataframe with rows specified by indices (zero-based) from dataframe df; optionally, can specify column names to return; defaults to all columns

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp "a" "a" "b" "b" "b")
                               (trt "a" "b" "a" "b" "b")
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-ref df '(0 2 4)))
 dim: 3 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     a     a     1.   10. 
     b     a     3.   30. 
     b     b     5.   5

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-ref df '(0 2 4) 'adult 'juv))
 dim: 3 rows x 2 cols
  adult   juv 
     1.   10. 
     3.   30. 
     5.   50. 

procedure: (dataframe-values df name)

returns: a list of values for column name from dataframe df

procedure: (dataframe-values-unique df name)

returns: a list of unique values for column name from dataframe df

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 100 200 300) (b 4 5 6) (c 700 800 900))))

> (dataframe-values df 'b)
(4 5 6)

> ($ df 'b)                   ; $ is shorthand for dataframe-values; inspired by R, e.g., df$b.
(4 5 6)

> (map (lambda (name) ($ df name)) '(c a))
((700 800 900) (100 200 300))

> (define df1 (make-dataframe '((x a a b) (y c d e))))

> (dataframe-values-unique df1 'x)
(a b)

> (dataframe-values-unique df1 'y)
(c d e)

Select, drop, and rename columns

procedure: (dataframe-select df name ...)

returns: a dataframe of columns with names selected from dataframe df

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6) (c 7 8 9))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-select df 'a))
 dim: 3 rows x 1 cols

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-select df 'c 'b))
 dim: 3 rows x 2 cols
     c     b 
    7.    4. 
    8.    5. 
    9.    6. 

procedure: (dataframe-drop df name ...)

returns: a dataframe of columns with names dropped from dataframe df

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6) (c 7 8 9))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-drop df 'c 'b))
 dim: 3 rows x 1 cols

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-drop df 'a))
 dim: 3 rows x 2 cols
     b     c 
    4.    7. 
    5.    8. 
    6.    9. 

procedure: (dataframe-rename df name-pairs)

returns: a dataframe with column names from dataframe df renamed according to name-pairs

procedure: (dataframe-rename-all df names)

returns: a dataframe with names replacing column names from dataframe df

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6) (c 7 8 9))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-rename df '((b Bee) (c Sea))))
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     a   Bee   Sea 
    1.    4.    7. 
    2.    5.    8. 
    3.    6.    9. 

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-rename-all df '(A B C)))
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     A     B     C 
    1.    4.    7. 
    2.    5.    8. 
    3.    6.    9.

> (dataframe-rename-all df '(A B C D))
Exception in (dataframe-rename-all df names): names length must be 3, not 4

Filter and sort

procedure: (dataframe-unique df)

returns: a dataframe with only the unique rows of dataframe df

> (define df (make-dataframe '((Name "Peter" "Paul" "Mary" "Peter")
                               (Pet "Rabbit" "Cat" "Dog" "Rabbit"))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-unique df))
 dim: 3 rows x 2 cols
     Name       Pet 
     Paul       Cat 
     Mary       Dog 
    Peter    Rabbit  

> (define df2 (make-dataframe '((grp a a b b b)
                                (trt a b a b b)
                                (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                                (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))

> (dataframe-display 
    (dataframe-unique (dataframe-select df2 'grp 'trt)))
 dim: 4 rows x 2 cols
   grp   trt 
     a     a 
     a     b 
     b     a 
     b     b 

procedure: (filter-expr (names) (expr))

returns: a list where the first element is a list of column names and the second element is a lambda procedure based on expr

> (filter-expr (adult) (> adult 3))
((adult) (lambda (adult) (> adult 3)))

> (filter-expr (grp juv) (and (symbol=? grp 'b) (< juv 50)))
((grp juv) (lambda (grp juv) (and (symbol=? grp 'b) (< juv 50))))

procedure: (dataframe-filter df filter-expr)

returns: a dataframe where the rows of dataframe df are filtered according to the filter-expr

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp a a b b b)
                               (trt a b a b b)
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))

> (dataframe-display 
    (dataframe-filter df (filter-expr (adult) (> adult 3))))
 dim: 2 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     b     b     4.   40. 
     b     b     5.   50. 

> (dataframe-display
   (dataframe-filter df (filter-expr (grp juv) (and (symbol=? grp 'b) (< juv 50)))))
 dim: 2 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     b     a     3.   30. 
     b     b     4.   40. 

procedure: (dataframe-filter-at df procedure name ...)

returns: a dataframe where the rows of dataframe df are filtered based on procedure applied to specified columns (names)

procedure: (dataframe-filter-all df procedure)

returns: a dataframe where the rows of dataframe df are filtered based on procedure applied to all columns

> (define df (make-dataframe '((a 1 "NA" 3)
                               (b "NA" 5 6)
                               (c 7 "NA" 9))))

> (dataframe-display df)
  dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     a     b     c 
     1    NA     7 
    NA     5    NA 
     3     6     9 
> (dataframe-display (dataframe-filter-at df number? 'a 'c))
 dim: 2 rows x 3 cols
     a     b     c 
    1.    NA    7. 
    3.     6    9. 
> (dataframe-display (dataframe-filter-all df number?))
 dim: 1 rows x 3 cols
     a     b     c 
    3.    6.    9. 

procedure: (dataframe-partition df filter-expr)

returns: two dataframes where the rows of dataframe df are partitioned according to the filter-expr

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp a a b b b)
                               (trt a b a b b)
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))

> (define-values (keep drop) 
    (dataframe-partition df (filter-expr (adult) (> adult 3))))

> (dataframe-display keep)
 dim: 2 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     b     b     4.   40. 
     b     b     5.   50. 

> (dataframe-display drop)
 dim: 3 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     a     a     1.   10. 
     a     b     2.   20. 
     b     a     3.   30. 

procedure: (sort-expr (predicate name) ...)

returns: a list where the first element is a list of predicate procedures and the second element is a list of column names

> (sort-expr (string<? trt))
((#<procedure string<?>) (trt))

> (sort-expr (string<? trt) (< adult))
((#<procedure string<?> #<procedure <>) (trt adult))

procedure: (dataframe-sort df sort-expr)

returns: a dataframe where the rows of dataframe df are sorted according to the sort-expr

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp "a" "a" "b" "b" "b")
                               (trt "a" "b" "a" "b" "b")
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-sort df (sort-expr (string>? trt))))
 dim: 5 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     a     b     2.   20. 
     b     b     4.   40. 
     b     b     5.   50. 
     a     a     1.   10. 
     b     a     3.   30. 

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-sort df (sort-expr (string>? trt) (> adult))))
 dim: 5 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     b     b     5.   50. 
     b     b     4.   40. 
     a     b     2.   20. 
     b     a     3.   30. 
     a     a     1.   10. 

Split, bind, and append

procedure: (dataframe-split df group-names ...)

returns: list of dataframes split into unique groups by group-names from dataframe df; requires that all values in each grouping column are the same type

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp "a" "a" "b" "b" "b")
                               (trt "a" "b" "a" "b" "b")
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))

> (dataframe-split df 'grp)
(#[#{dataframe ovr2k7mu0mp76rg2arsmxbw6m-3} ((grp "a" "a") (trt "a" "b") (adult 1 2) (juv 10 20)) (grp trt adult juv) (2 . 4)]
  #[#{dataframe ovr2k7mu0mp76rg2arsmxbw6m-3} ((grp "b" "b" "b") (trt "a" "b" "b") (adult 3 4 5) (juv 30 40 50)) (grp trt adult juv) (3 . 4)])
> (dataframe-split df 'grp 'trt)
(#[#{dataframe ovr2k7mu0mp76rg2arsmxbw6m-3} ((grp "a") (trt "a") (adult 1) (juv 10)) (grp trt adult juv) (1 . 4)]
  #[#{dataframe ovr2k7mu0mp76rg2arsmxbw6m-3} ((grp "a") (trt "b") (adult 2) (juv 20)) (grp trt adult juv) (1 . 4)]
  #[#{dataframe ovr2k7mu0mp76rg2arsmxbw6m-3} ((grp "b") (trt "a") (adult 3) (juv 30)) (grp trt adult juv) (1 . 4)]
  #[#{dataframe ovr2k7mu0mp76rg2arsmxbw6m-3} ((grp "b" "b") (trt "b" "b") (adult 4 5) (juv 40 50)) (grp trt adult juv) (2 . 4)])

procedure: (dataframe-bind df1 df2 ...)

returns: a dataframe formed by binding only shared columns of the dataframes df1 df2 ...

procedure: (dataframe-bind-all missing-value df1 df2 ...)

returns: a dataframe formed by binding all columns of the dataframes df1 df2 ... where missing-value is used to fill values for columns that are not common to all dataframes

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp "a" "a" "b" "b" "b")
                               (trt "a" "b" "a" "b" "b")
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))

> (dataframe-display (apply dataframe-bind (dataframe-split df 'grp 'trt)))
 dim: 5 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     a     a     1.   10. 
     a     b     2.   20. 
     b     a     3.   30. 
     b     b     4.   40. 
     b     b     5.   50. 

> (define df1 (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 10 20 30) (c 100 200 300))))

> (define df2 (make-dataframe '((a 4 5 6) (b 40 50 60))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-bind df1 df2))
 dim: 6 rows x 2 cols
     a     b 
    1.   10. 
    2.   20. 
    3.   30. 
    4.   40. 
    5.   50. 
    6.   60. 

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-bind df2 df1))
 dim: 6 rows x 2 cols
     a     b 
    4.   40. 
    5.   50. 
    6.   60. 
    1.   10. 
    2.   20. 
    3.   30. 

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-bind-all -999 df1 df2))
 dim: 6 rows x 3 cols
     a     b      c 
    1.   10.   100. 
    2.   20.   200. 
    3.   30.   300. 
    4.   40.  -999. 
    5.   50.  -999. 
    6.   60.  -999.  

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-bind-all -999 df2 df1))
 dim: 6 rows x 3 cols
     a     b      c 
    4.   40.  -999. 
    5.   50.  -999. 
    6.   60.  -999. 
    1.   10.   100. 
    2.   20.   200. 
    3.   30.   300. 

procedure: (dataframe-append df1 df2 ...)

returns: a dataframe formed by appending columns of the dataframes df1 df2 ...

> (define df1 (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3) (b 4 5 6))))

> (define df2 (make-dataframe '((c 7 8 9) (d 10 11 12))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-append df1 df2))
 dim: 3 rows x 4 cols
     a     b     c     d 
    1.    4.    7.   10. 
    2.    5.    8.   11. 
    3.    6.    9.   12. 
> (dataframe-display (dataframe-append df2 df1))
 dim: 3 rows x 4 cols
     c     d     a     b 
    7.   10.    1.    4. 
    8.   11.    2.    5. 
    9.   12.    3.    6. 


procedure: (dataframe-left-join df1 df2 join-names missing-value)

returns: a dataframe formed by joining on the shared columns, join-names, of the dataframes df1 and df2 where df1 is the left dataframe; rows in df1 not matched by any rows in df2 are filled with missing-value; if a row in df1 matches multiple rows in df2, then rows in df1 will be repeated for all matching rows in df2

> (define df1 (make-dataframe '((site "b" "a" "c")
                               (habitat "grassland" "meadow" "woodland"))))

> (define df2 (make-dataframe '((site "c" "b" "c" "b")
                               (day 1 1 2 2)
                               (catch 10 12 20 24))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-left-join df1 df2 '(site) -999))
 dim: 5 rows x 4 cols
  site      habitat    day  catch 
     b    grassland     1.    12. 
     b    grassland     2.    24. 
     a       meadow  -999.  -999. 
     c     woodland     1.    10. 
     c     woodland     2.    20.  

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-left-join df2 df1 '(site) -999))
 dim: 4 rows x 4 cols
  site   day  catch      habitat 
     c    1.    10.     woodland 
     c    2.    20.     woodland 
     b    1.    12.    grassland 
     b    2.    24.    grassland 

> (define df3 (make-dataframe '((first "sam" "bob" "sam" "dan")
                               (last  "son" "ert" "jam" "man")
                               (age 10 20 30 40))))

> (define df4 (make-dataframe '((first "sam" "bob" "dan" "bob")
                               (last "son" "ert" "man" "ert")
                               (game 1 1 1 2)
                               (goals 0 1 2 3))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-left-join df3 df4 '(first last) -999))
 dim: 5 rows x 5 cols
  first   last   age   game  goals 
    sam    son   10.     1.     0. 
    bob    ert   20.     1.     1. 
    bob    ert   20.     2.     3. 
    sam    jam   30.  -999.  -999. 
    dan    man   40.     1.     2. 

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-left-join df4 df3 '(first last) -999))
 dim: 4 rows x 5 cols
  first   last  game  goals   age 
    sam    son    1.     0.   10. 
    dan    man    1.     2.   40. 
    bob    ert    1.     1.   20. 
    bob    ert    2.     3.   20. 


procedure: (dataframe-stack df names names-to values-to)

returns: a dataframe formed by stacking pieces of a wide-format df; names is a list of column names to be combined into a single column; names-to is the name of the new column formed from the columns selected in names; values-to is the the name of the new column formed from the values in the columns selected in names

> (define df (make-dataframe '((day 1 2)
                               (hour 10 11)
                               (a 97 78)
                               (b 84 47)
                               (c 55 54))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-stack df '(a b c) 'site 'count))
 dim: 6 rows x 4 cols
   day  hour  site  count 
    1.   10.     a    97. 
    2.   11.     a    78. 
    1.   10.     b    84. 
    2.   11.     b    47. 
    1.   10.     c    55. 
    2.   11.     c    54. 

;; reshaping to long format is useful for aggregating
> (-> '((day 1 1 2 2)
        (hour 10 11 10 11)
        (a 97 78 83 80)
        (b 84 47 73 46)
        (c 55 54 38 58))
      (dataframe-stack '(a b c) 'site 'count)
       '(hour site)
       (aggregate-expr (total-count (count) (apply + count))))

 dim: 6 rows x 3 cols
  hour  site  total-count 
   10.     a         180. 
   11.     a         158. 
   10.     b         157. 
   11.     b          93. 
   10.     c          93. 
   11.     c         112. 

procedure: (dataframe-spread df names-from values-from missing-value)

returns: a dataframe formed by spreading a long format df into a wide-format dataframe; names-from is the name of the column containing the names of the new columns; values-from is the the name of the column containing the values that will be spread across the new columns; missing-value is a scalar value used to fill combinations that are not found in the long format df

> (define df1 (make-dataframe '((day 1 1 2)
                                (grp "A" "B" "B")
                                (val 10 20 30))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-spread df1 'grp 'val -999))
 dim: 2 rows x 3 cols
   day      A     B 
    1.    10.   20. 
    2.  -999.   30.

> (define df2 (make-dataframe '((day 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2)
                                (hour 10 10 11 11 10 10 11 11)
                                (grp a b a b a b a b)
                                (val 83 78 80 105 95 77 96 99))))

> (dataframe-display (dataframe-spread df2 'grp 'val -999))
 dim: 4 rows x 4 cols
   day  hour     a     b 
    1.   10.   83.   78. 
    1.   11.   80.  105. 
    2.   10.   95.   77. 
    2.   11.   96.   99. 

Modify and aggregate

procedure: (modify-expr (new-name (names) (expr)) ...)

returns: a list where the first element is a list of new column names new-name, the second element is a list of lists of column names, and the third element is list of lambda procedures based on expr

> (modify-expr (grp (grp) (symbol->string grp))
               (total (adult juv) (+ adult juv)))
((grp total) ((grp) (adult juv)) ((lambda (grp) (symbol->string grp))
                                  (lambda (adult juv) (+ adult juv))))

procedure: (dataframe-modify df modify-expr)

returns: a dataframe where the columns of dataframe df are modified or added according to the modify-expr

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp a a b b b)
                               (trt a b a b b)
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))
;; if new name occurs in dataframe, then column is replaced
;; if not, then new column is added

;; if names is empty, 
;;   and expr is a scalar, then the scalar is repeated to match the number of rows in the dataframe
;;   and expr is a list of length equal to number of rows in dataframe, then the list is used as a column

> (dataframe-display
   (dataframe-modify df (modify-expr (grp (grp) (symbol->string grp))
                                     (total (adult juv) (+ adult juv))
                                     (scalar () 42)
                                     (lst () '(2 4 6 8 10)))))
 dim: 5 rows x 7 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv  total  scalar   lst 
     a     a     1.   10.    11.     42.    2. 
     a     b     2.   20.    22.     42.    4. 
     b     a     3.   30.    33.     42.    6. 
     b     b     4.   40.    44.     42.    8. 
     b     b     5.   50.    55.     42.   10. 

procedure: (dataframe-modify-at df procedure name ...)

returns: a dataframe where the specified columns (names) of dataframe df are modified based on procedure, which can only take one argument

procedure: (dataframe-modify-all df procedure)

returns: a dataframe where all columns of dataframe df are modified based on procedure, which can only take one argument

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp a a b b b)
                               (trt a b a b b)
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))
> (dataframe-display (dataframe-modify-at df symbol->string 'grp 'trt))
 dim: 5 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv 
     a     a     1.   10. 
     a     b     2.   20. 
     b     a     3.   30. 
     b     b     4.   40. 
     b     b     5.   50. 
> (define df2 (make-dataframe '((a 1 2 3)
                                (b 4 5 6)
                                (c 7 8 9))))
> (dataframe-display
   (dataframe-modify-all df2 (lambda (x) (* x 100))))
 dim: 3 rows x 3 cols
     a     b     c 
  100.  400.  700. 
  200.  500.  800. 
  300.  600.  900. 

procedure: (aggregate-expr (new-name (names) (expr)) ...)

returns: a list where the first element is a list of new column names new-name, the second element is a list of lists of column names, and the third element is list of lambda procedures based on expr

> (aggregate-expr (adult-sum (adult) (apply + adult))
                  (juv-sum (juv) (apply + juv)))
((adult-sum juv-sum) ((adult) (juv)) ((lambda (adult) (apply + adult))
                                      (lambda (juv) (apply + juv))))

procedure: (dataframe-aggregate df group-names aggregate-expr)

returns: a dataframe where the dataframe df was split according to list of group-names and aggregated according to aggregate-expr

> (define df (make-dataframe '((grp a a b b b)
                               (trt a b a b b)
                               (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
                               (juv 10 20 30 40 50))))
> (dataframe-display
   (dataframe-aggregate df
                        (aggregate-expr (adult-sum (adult) (apply + adult))
                                        (juv-sum (juv) (apply + juv)))))
 dim: 2 rows x 3 cols
   grp  adult-sum  juv-sum 
     a         3.      30. 
     b        12.     120. 

> (dataframe-display
   (dataframe-aggregate df
                        '(grp trt)
                        (aggregate-expr (adult-sum (adult) (apply + adult))
                                        (juv-sum (juv) (apply + juv)))))
 dim: 4 rows x 4 cols
   grp   trt  adult-sum  juv-sum 
     a     a         1.      10. 
     a     b         2.      20. 
     b     a         3.      30. 
     b     b         9.      90. 

Thread first and thread last

procedure: (-> expr ...)

returns: an object derived from passing result of previous expression expr as input to first argument of the next expr

procedure: (->> expr ...)

returns: an object derived from passing result of previous expression expr as input to last argument of the next expr

> (define (mean ls) (/ (apply + ls) (length ls)))

> (-> '(1 2 3) (mean) (+ 10))

> (define x (-> '(1 2 3) (->> (apply +))))
> x

> (-> '((grp a a b b b)
        (trt a b a b b)
        (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
        (juv 10 20 30 40 50))
       (modify-expr (total (adult juv) (+ adult juv))))
 dim: 5 rows x 5 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv  total 
     a     a     1.   10.    11. 
     a     b     2.   20.    22. 
     b     a     3.   30.    33. 
     b     b     4.   40.    44. 
     b     b     5.   50.    55. 
> (-> '((grp a a b b b)
        (trt a b a b b)
        (adult 1 2 3 4 5)
        (juv 10 20 30 40 50))
      (dataframe-split 'grp)
      (->> (map (lambda (df)
                   (modify-expr (juv-mean () (mean ($ df 'juv))))))))
      (->> (apply dataframe-bind))
      (dataframe-filter (filter-expr (juv juv-mean) (> juv juv-mean)))
 dim: 2 rows x 5 cols
   grp   trt  adult   juv  juv-mean 
     a     b     2.   20.       15. 
     b     b     5.   50.       40. 

dataframe's People


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