Topic: toastr Goto Github
Some thing interesting about toastr
Some thing interesting about toastr
toastr,toastme is a very simple and light weigth plugin that shows notifications on your browser.
User: alexsegen
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toastr,🍞 Instant, lightweight toast notifications for React. No providers or containers needed.
User: almond-bongbong
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toastr,Show Custom ModelState Erros in modal . this project uses ASP.NET Core Identity.
User: arminshoeibi
toastr,Svelte toast notifications component that can be used in any JS application
Organization: beyonk-group
toastr,Vanilla JS library to display toast messages.
User: binarybaba
toastr,👻 A minimalistic, responsive, vanilla JavaScript library to show toast notifications.
User: caroso1222
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toastr,Software of Application with Angular using (REST API)
User: danielarturoalejoalvarez
toastr,Software of Application with Angular and Firebase
User: danielarturoalejoalvarez
User: daodaoliang
toastr,A easy to use toastr plugin inspired by CodeSeven/toastr made without jquery with pure vue.js
Organization: deveodk
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toastr,react-redux-toastr is a toastr message implemented with Redux
User: diegoddox
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toastr,butter-smooth toast notifications for react apps
User: ealush
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toastr,The project was written in C# Asp.Net MVC environment using N-Tier Architecture and Web API, Entity Framework, Code First, Linq, Jquery, Bootstrap technologies.
User: falaybeg
toastr,Point of sales proof of concept developed using Asp.Net Core 2.2. Features: Customer, Vendor, Product, Purchase Order, Goods Receive, Sales Order, Inventory Transactions and POS form.
User: go2ismail
toastr,Elegant notifications to laravel with Toastr or PNotify
User: helmesvs
toastr,Codeigniter package for integrating javascript toastr into your web applications
User: joshuachinemezu
toastr,Highly customizable jquery plugin to show toast messages
User: kamranahmedse
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toastr,Wrapper for Toastr.js notifications
User: knownasilya
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toastr,Notification plugin for VuesJS
User: kugatsu765
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toastr,Yii2 - Javascript Toast Notifications
User: lavrentiev
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toastr,Yii2-notification-wrapper module renders a message from session flash (with ajax, pjax support and etc.) through Growl, Noty, Toastr and more libraries
User: loveorigami
toastr,레일스 6를 영접하자.
User: luciuschoi
toastr,This is built on Laravel Framework 5.5. This was built for demonstrate purpose.
User: mirshaon
toastr,Asp.Net Core abstraction for server side rendered toast notifications using toast.js or noty.js. Supports AJAX calls as well.
User: nabinked
toastr,A simple, lightweight JavaScript library for showing Bootstrap 5 toast popups.
User: nawafinity
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toastr,Yii2 wrapper for toastr javascript notification library
User: odai-alali
toastr,[READ-ONLY] A PHP library that simplifies adding notification messages to web projects using the Flasher API.
Organization: php-flasher
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toastr,[READ-ONLY] Laravel integration for PHPFlasher, providing easy and customizable notification messages in Laravel applications.
Organization: php-flasher
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toastr,[READ-ONLY] Symfony integration for PHPFlasher, enabling seamless and flexible notification messages in Symfony projects.
Organization: php-flasher
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toastr,[READ-ONLY] Laravel integration for Flasher Toastr, enabling sleek notification messages in Laravel projects using Toastr.
Organization: php-flasher
Home Page:
toastr,The main repository for PHPFlasher, a PHP library that makes it easy to add customizable notification messages to your web applications. Supports Laravel, Symfony, and standalone use. This monorepository enables efficient collaboration and version control among developers.
Organization: php-flasher
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toastr,This repository contains the official documentation for PHPFlasher v1
Organization: php-flasher
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toastr,Bootstrap 4 toasts with vue
User: rakk7
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toastr,Vuejs Toast : Plugin and Component Capability.
User: s4l1h
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toastr,🍞 Angular Toastr
User: scttcper
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toastr,Small non-blocking notification library. No dependencies
User: se-panfilov
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toastr,🖖 Responsive Touch Compatible Toast plugin for VueJS 2+
User: shakee93
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toastr,A Toastr.js port to Blazor in pure .Net.
Organization: sotsera
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toastr,Simple flash toastr notifications for Yii2
User: sugeng-sulistiyawan
toastr,Getting start application with angular 16.0.4, angular-cli 16.0.4, and clarity 6.4.3/15.5.0
User: superpck
toastr,💋spring boot 项目实战基础脚手架,提供基础增、删、改、查模板,批量删除,局部刷新,多条件模糊查询,视图切换,设置显示字段,动态分页等功能
User: tellsea
toastr,React.js toastr component
User: tomchentw
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toastr,Harmonize notifications in your Symfony app.
Organization: troopers
toastr,Pagina de Estadisticas Rust/ Statistic Page of Rust
User: whiteassassins
toastr,Showing non-blocking notifications with Flask's flash and toastr.
User: wiltonsr
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toastr,:eyes: toastr.js notifications for Laravel
User: yoeunes
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