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tuda_latex_templates's Introduction

TUDa-CI – Corporate Design LaTeX-Templates for TU Darmstadt

Copyright (C) Marei Peischl [email protected], 2018–2024

tuda-ci v3.38 (2024-05-07)

This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c or later. See for details.

Link to the github repository

English version below


Das TUDa-CI-Bundle ist die Umsetzung des Corporate Designs der TU Darmstadt in LaTeX. Es liefert neben den Klassen-, Paket- und Konfigurationsdateien auch Anwenderdokumentation in Form von Templatedateien für verschiedene Dokumententypen.

Das Gesamtpaket wurde in Teilen inspiriert von Clemens von Loewenichs and Joe Werners TUD-Design Paket.

Derzeit existieren diese Templates nur in Deutscher Sprache.

Support und Hilfe

Die ULB bietet über das Team Infokompetenz LaTeX-Support und insbesondere Hilfe bei der Verwendung von TUDa-CI an. ( Darüber hinaus findet auch die Sprechstunde wieder statt. Die Termine zu allen Lernformaten finden sich unter


Die Richtlinien des Corporate Designs (, sowie die Anforderungen der Universitätsbibliothek erfordern einige spezielle Konfigurationen. Beispielsweise ist für wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen und Abschlussarbeiten die Erzeugung einer archivierbaren PDF-Datei (PDF/A) vorgesehen. Dies ist mit aktuellen LaTeX-Paketen und dem Compiler LuaLaTeX deutlich besser umzusetzen, als mit älteren Formaten. Aus diesem Grund sollten Sie vor der Verwendung von TUDa-CI Ihre TeX-Distribution aktualisieren und nach Möglichkeit LuaLaTeX als Compiler verwenden. Die Nutzung anderer Kompilierungsprogramme ist grundsätzlich möglich, allerdings werden dann ggf. nicht alle Funktionen unterstützt. Es kann sogar notwendig sein, die Erzeugung von PDF/A zu unterbinden. Weitere Hinweise finden sich in den Beispieldateien dokumentiert. Diese sind auch als kompilierte PDFs unter oder – falls das Paket installiert ist – im ensprechenden Doku-Verzeichnis (/doc/latex/tuda-ci) verfügbar.


Das Bundle verwendet Pakete der Standard-LaTeX-Distributionen. Bei der Verwendung von paketierten Versionen über die Linux-Paketverwaltung kann dies ggf. zu Schwierigkeiten führen.

In den häufigsten Fällen fehlt ein Teilpaket mit dem Namen URspecialopts.sty. Dieses Paket wird für die Optionsdurchreichung genutzt und ist Teil des urcls-Bundle:


TUDa-CI ist Bestandteil der beiden populären TeX Distributionen (MikTeX & TeX Live, und damit auch im MacTeX-Paket). Es ist somit möglich die Templates über die TeX Distribution zu installieren und zu updaten.

Bei TeX Live werden Updates und Paketinstalation durch das Programm „TeX Live Manager“ (tlmgr) ausgeführt. Das Analogon unter MikTeX heißt „MikTeX Console”. Unter Mac und Windows existieren bei Standardeinstellungen auch grafische Nutzeroberflächen, die durch das Update/die Installation führen.

Falls Sie noch keine Distribution installiert haben, finden Sie die notwendigen Informationen zur Installation von TeX Live unter:

Sonderfall: Paketverwaltung des Betriebssystems (Linux/BSD)

Für einige Linux/BSD-Varianten existieren texlive-Pakete die über die Paketverwaltung des Systems installierbar sind. Da TUDa-CI sehr speziell ist, ist es meistens nur in der Paketen texlive-full enthalten. Allerdings sind die in den Paketverwaltungen enthalten TeX Live Versionen häufig stark veraltet und die Logo-Dateien müssen ohnehin zusätzlich installiert werden. Wir empfehlen daher die Installation von TeX Live über den TeX Live Manager:

Nutzung von TUDa-CI über Overleaf

Die TUDa verfügt über eine eigene Overleaf-Installation, auf die alle Mitglieder Zugriff haben. Die DEMO-Dateien werden dort in der jeweils aktuellen Version als Templates bereitgestellt: Somit ist eine Nutzung ohne lokale Installation möglich.

Logos & verwendete Bilddateien

Die verwendeten Logos sind nicht Bestandteil dieses Bundles und können von Mitgliedern der TU Darmstadt über das interne Netzwerk heruntergeladen werden.

Für die permanente Installation der Logodateien findet sich unter ein Paket mit entsprechenden Hinweisen.

Für Nicht-Mitglieder ist eine Möglichkeit zur Platzierung eines Ersatzlogos dokumentiert.

Enthaltene Templatedateien

Dokumententyp Templatedatei(en) Dokumentenklasse
Interne Berichte (minimales template) DEMO-TUDaReport.tex tudapub.cls mit tudasize9pt.clo
Wissenschaftliche Artikel DEMO-TUDaPub.tex, verwendet auch DEMO-TUDaBibliography.bib tudapub.cls
Abschlussarbeiten DEMO-TUDaThesis.tex/DEMO-TUDaPhD.tex, verwendet auch DEMO-TUDaBibliography.bib tudapub.cls mit tudathesis.cfg
Wissenschaftliche Poster DEMO-TUDaSciPoster.tex tudasciposter.cls
Veranstaltungsankündigungen DEMO-TUDaPoster.tex tudaposter.cls
Ausschreibungen DEMO-TUDaAnnouncement.tex tudaposter.cls
Präsentationen DEMO-TUDaBeamer.tex tudabeamer.cls
Briefe DEMO-TUDaLetter.tex, verwendet auch DEMO-TUDaFromaddress.lco tudaletter.cls mit tudalettersize10pt.clo
Übungsblätter DEMO-TUDaExercise.tex tudaexercise.cls
Flyer/Faltblätter DEMO-TUDaLeaflet.tex tudaleaflet.cls

Darüber hinaus existieren Beispieldateien für: Kompatibilitätsmodus TUDexercise: Farbskalen von tuda-pgfplots:

Liste aller enthaltenen Dateien:

  • example/
    • DEMO-TUDaAnnouncement.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaBeamer.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaBibliography.bib
    • DEMO-TUDaExercise.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaLeaflet.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaLetter.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaPhD.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaPoster.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaPub.tex
    • DEMP-TUDaReport.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaSciPoster.tex
    • DEMO-TUDaThesis.tex
    • TuDa_Demo.lco
  • tex/
    • tudabeamer.cls
    • beamercolorthemeTUDa.sty
    • beamerfontthemeTUDa.sty
    • beamerinnerthemeTUDa.sty
    • beamerouterthemeTUDa.sty
    • beamerthemeTUDa.sty
    • tudacolors.cfg
    • tudacolors.def
    • tudacolors.sty
    • tudaexercise.cls
    • tudafonts.sty
    • tudaleaflet.cls
    • tudaletter.cls
    • tudalettersize10pt.clo
    • tudaposter.cls
    • tudapub.cls
    • tudarules.sty
    • tudasciposter.cls
    • tudasize9pt.clo
    • tudathesis.cfg
    • tuda-a0paper.clo
    • tuda-a1paper.clo
    • tuda-a2paper.clo
    • tuda-a3paper.clo
    • tuda-a4paper.clo
    • tuda-a5paper.clo


The TUDa-CI-Bundle provides a possibility to use the Corporate Design of TU Darmstadt in LaTeX. Therefore it contains documentclasses as well as some helper packages and config files together with some templates for user documentation, which currently are only available in German.

If you are not a German speaker and require some help using these files, please feel free to contact the maintainers.


ULB is offering support for LaTeX in general and TUDa-CI. Contact email address can be found at Additionally there is a TeXnical office hour. Questions can also be answered in English. The dates can be found at searching for “TeXnische Sprechstunde”.


TUDa-CI is part of the popular TeX distributions (MikTeX & TeX Live, which is included by MacTeX). It's possible to install the templates using the TeX Live Manager or the MikTeX Console.

In case you don't have any installed TeX system the following links might be useful:

It's also possible to use the TUDa-CI-DEMO files as Overleaf-Templates on TUDa's own installation: (requires TUDa Account)

Remark on texlive packages provided by Linux/BSD package managers:

In case you already use a texlive package of your OS TUDa-CI might not be included. Since it's a corporate design package you might need to install texlive-full to use it without further adjustments. These packages also will lack the logo and – this depends on your OS – the provided package might be outdated. In this case we recommend the setup using tlmgr (as described in the upper links).


The used Logos can not be published within this bundle. Members of TU Darmstadt can download these via intranet:

If you are not a member of TU Darmstadt the example files include information on how to use a replacement image instead of the logo.

Included templates and document types

document type name of template file used documentclass and config
minimal Template for internal reports DEMO-TUDaReport.tex tudapub.cls
scientific paper DEMO-TUDaPub.tex, using DEMO-TUDaBibliography.bib tudapub.cls and tudasize9pt.clo
theses DEMO-TUDaThesis.tex/DEMO-TUDaPhD.tex, using DEMO-TUDaBibliography.bib tudapub.cls and tudathesis.cfg
scientific poster DEMO-TUDaSciPoster.tex tudasciposter.cls
announcement poster DEMO-TUDaPoster.tex tudaposter.cls
theses announcements DEMO-TUDaAnnouncement.tex tudaposter.cls
presentation DEMO-TUDaBeamer.tex tudabeamer.cls
letter DEMO-TUDaLetter.tex, using DEMO-TUDaFromaddress.lco tudaletter.cls and tudalettersize10pt.clo
exercise sheets/exams DEMO-TUDaExercise.tex tudaexercise.cls
leaflets DEMO-TUDaLeaflet.tex tudaleaflet.cls

Version History

  • v1.00 First official version - published on 2019-07-20
  • v1.01 (2019-08-05) Smaller layout fixes and documentation enhancements
  • v1.10 (2019-09-09) Layout corrections + bugfixes
    • Corrections and changes concerning the margin definitions
    • Fix compatibility issue with datetime package
    • Improved implementation of the headline option
    • Add information on package dependencies
  • v1.11 (2019-09-25) bugfixes + smaller adjustments to simplify usage
  • v1.20 (2019-10-26 - was not published on CTAN)
    • Enhancements for exercise sheets/exams and pdfa-mode
    • Switch pdfa-mode to PDF/A-2b and enforce Type1 for valid documents
    • Add tudaexercise.cls and corresponding demo file
    • Documentation enhancements
    • Type=intern for tudapub for intern reports
    • Announcement mode for tudaposter
    • Layout adjustments on TUDabeamer
    • Additional pagestyle=false mode for tudapub
  • v2.00 (2019-11-07) Additional Template files + some improved implementations
    • changed title fontsize adjustments to use clo-files
    • additional options for tudaposter, to use it for job/thesis announcements
    • improved implementation of tudaexercise
    • bugfixes concerning the PDF/A-Mode
  • v2.01 (2019-11-13) small bugfixes
    • fix expansion of metadata for PDF/A mode
    • adjustment of english translation for thesis mode of tudapub
    • fix support for titlegraphic in announcement mode for tudaposter
  • v2.02 (2019-11-16) bugfixes
    • fix font issues and Type1 mode
    • improve marginpar adjustment for tudaposter
  • v2.03 (2019-11-28) bugfixes + small implemetation corrections
    • allow verbatim in solution environment for tudaexercise
    • add affidavit* to provide custom texts
    • add \AffidavitSignature
    • fix typos
    • extended documentation
  • v2.03a (2019-11-29) Fix CTAN Version, due to deployment issues
  • v2.04 (2019-12-17) Bugfixes & Layout adjustments
    • bugfixes in tudaexercise.cls (#114, #103, #113)
    • add mechanism to use \studentID for tudapub's thesis mode
    • extend documentation
    • improved implementation of tudaexercise's headline mechanism
  • v2.05 (2019-12-18) Fix identbarcolor mechanism in tudaexercise
  • v2.06 (2020-01-18) Reimplement pdf/a mechanisms to work with newer expl3 kernel
  • v2.07 (2020-01-28) Restore compatibility for older expl3 kernels
    • add key to change license information for \tuprints
  • v2.08 (2020-02-10) Bugfixes
    • disable missing ligatures for roboto in scshape (Type1 only)
    • implement KOMA-Script's new naming scheme
    • fix counter mechanisms for tudaexercise
  • v2.09 (2020-03-09) bugfixes and smaller feature extensions
    • intoduction of tudaleaflet
    • fix bug concerning the combination of twocolumn and marinpar=false
    • smaller Layout adjustments
    • documentation enhancements
  • v2.10 (2020-04-25) bugfixes + feature enhancement for tudaexercise
    • add a mechanism for credits in tudaexercise
    • captions & headings in leaflets no longer using \accentfont
    • fixing marginpar alignment
  • v2.11 (2020-06-12) add translation for ThesisStatus
    • add option for a custom status
  • v3.00 (2020-09-08)
    • feature enhancement for more flexible usage and department specific requirements
    • introduce department specific mode mecheng
    • restructure internals (ptxcd module)
  • v3.01 (2020-09-11) small bugfixes caused by the internal restructuring
  • v3.02 (2020-09-12) fix bug in tudaexercise caused by 3.01
  • v3.03 (2020-09-19) remove obsolete Type1 enforcement for pdfa mode
  • v3.04 (2020-10-05) feature enhancements of tudaexercise
    • enable pdfusetitle for tudaexercise
    • add solution* and IfSolution mechanism for tudaexercise
    • extend documentation on further configuration
  • v3.05 (2020-10-13) fix @author expansion for tudaexercise
  • v3.06 (2020-10-20)
    • add affidavit for digital thesis submission
    • small adjustments on tudathesis titlepage
    • simplify change of reviewer description
  • v3.07 (2020-10-21)
    • improve language selection
    • fix linebreak issues in affidavit
  • v3.08 (2020-11-12)
    • fix titleback margins
    • add predefined values for some cc licenses in tudathesis
    • additional options to adjust titlepage color scheme
  • v3.09 (2021-01-12)
    • small patch including layout adjustments for department=mecheng
  • v3.10 (2021-02-05)
    • fix \thanks for titlepage=false
    • extend support for all CreativeCommons 4.0 Licenses
    • improve documentation
  • v3.11 (2021-02-22)
    • add Info for DVI-Outputs
  • v3.12 (2021-03-06)
    • fix color conversion for PDF/A
    • fix margin restore after titlepage for custommargins=geometry
    • enhance information on installation
  • v3.13 (2021-03-16)
    • enhancement of tudaexercise to be more flexible to be used with exams
    • convert points to a floating point variable
  • v3.13a (2021-03-19)
    • patch to fix the automatic reset of points=auto option (tudaexercise)
  • v3.14 (2021-05-18)
    • fix bug in pagestyle init for department=mecheng
    • fix beamer mode selection
    • fix error in tudaexercise documentation
  • v3.15 (2021-05-26)
    • add \inst to tudasciposter to support multiple affiliations
    • fix calculation of headwidth with department=mecheng
    • improve documentation on document margins for tudapub and tudapub based examples
  • v3.16 (2021-06-03)
    • adjust option expansion due to changes in the LaTeX kernel
  • v3.17 (2021-07-27)
    • add a temporary workaround to avoid incompatibilities with pdfa=true
    • fix footer positions
  • 3.18 (2021-08-05)
    • fix bug in tudabeamer block spacing
  • 3.19 (2021-10-09)
    • enhance title mechanism for tudaposter
    • fix block spacing if colorframetitle=false
  • 3.20 (2021-10-12)
    • add signature-image mechanism for affidavit
    • unify \titlegraphic mechanism in tudapub and tudabeamer
  • 3.21 (2022-01-11)
    • fix title width for the combination of custommargins=geometry and titlepage=false
    • remove some obsolete warnings
    • improve TUDaLetter documentation
  • 3.22 (2022-02-08)
    • improve alignment for reviewers if type=thesis
    • fix bug in handling of \Metadata
  • 3.23 (2022-03-21)
    • fix font selection for reviewers in uppertitleback
  • 3.24 (2022-04-20)
    • Fix paper=landscape for TUDa-SciPoster.
    • Improve internals for advanced department configuration in TUDa-SciPoster
  • 3.25 (2022-04-25)
    • Fix departmnt specific configuration mechanism in TUDa-SciPoster
    • Add support for specific configuration paths
  • 3.26 (2022-06-10)
    • Update TUprints data scheme
    • Fix incompatibility with TUDaLeaflet and recent KOMA-Script updates
  • 3.27 (2022-08-03)
    • Fix reference issues with subtask* in TUDaExercise
  • 3.28 (2022-11-04)
    • Fix loading mechanism for department specific beamer templates with prefix
    • Internal adjustments to increase flexability
  • 3.29 (2022-12-11)
  • Fix bug with subtask=runin for TUDaExercise
  • Add support for lists in solutions of TUDaExercise
  • Rename some internal mechanisms to unify the structure
  • 3.30 (2023-04-24)
  • Add affidavit option to remove subject specific information
  • Fix titleblock caclulation with tudasciposter
  • Extend points mechanism to allow acessing subtask points
  • 3.31 (2023-06-16)
  • Update the digital affidavit text
  • Fix bug in calculation of points using subtasks in tudaexercise
  • 3.32 (2023-06-19)
    • remove affidavit=print
  • 3.33 (2023-07-05)
    • disable affidavit by default, see #432 for more information
    • rename color={} option of tudabeamer to tudacolors={} to avoid conflicts with siunitx
  • 3.34 (2023-07-12)
    • fix typo in affidavit
  • 3.35 (2023-12-11)
    • first CTAN release of the new slide layout
    • fix issues with headwidth calculation if custommargins=true is used
  • 3.36 (2024-01-05)
    • compatibility to create PDF/A via pdfmangement
    • small adjustments for \tuprints
  • 3.37 (2024-04-21)
    • refactoring the bundle
    • small layout adjustments and bugfixes
  • 3.38 (2024-05-07)
  • update PhD affidavit

tuda_latex_templates's People


azrdev avatar flokli avatar jackd4w avatar jlauinger avatar lukascbossert avatar marklaz avatar martin-fzd avatar maxbeckmann avatar rdeisenroth avatar reinharddominik avatar schmalzahar avatar stef9998 avatar texhackse avatar thejkm avatar vstollen avatar zuitamb avatar


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tuda_latex_templates's Issues

Compilation problem with PDF/A

I am trying to turn off PDF/A because I get this error:
TUDaPub error: "outdated-pdfx" Your Version of the PDFx-package is too old to support all methods required by tudapubs pdfa-mode. Either update your TeX-distribution or switch to pdfa=false. For immediate help type H <return>.

But even trying to turn off PDF/A gives me this error:
Class tudapub Error: You cannot use \Metadata\ with pdfa=false.. }

What is the solution? Do I need to really update my TeX distribution?

Examples for custom title data (TUDaThesis)

It would be helpful, if not only the predefined types of theses were available, but also:

  • Projektseminar
  • Proseminar (at least needed for B.Sc. ETIT)
  • Seminararbeit (may be needed at human sciences departments)
  • report, for reports of (industry-)projects and the like called "Bericht" or "Projektbericht"
  • a user selectable type of thesis, if the predefined descriptions do not fit well

At IAT we already have something similar for the FKP templates ( Feel free to take anything that seems helpful from there, although it is not expl3 syntax.

Different departments on the two positions

Since I'm writing my thesis in a different department, I think I should write my studyfield in the upper box whereas the department where I'm writing my thesis should be in the right box. Is it possible to do this, I couldn't find a way yet?

File 'URspecialopts.sty' not found


I have some troubles with compiling the TUDaThesis file on Linux. The .zip file is extracted to every folder possible in /usr/share/...
The error comes from tudapub.cls file which is contained in texmf/tex (or Tex?)/latex/tuda-ci

"File 'URspecialopts.sty' not found. \Define@specialopt@Module"

Works perfectly on Windows 10.
Thanks for your help.

tudabeamer: make use of author and institute fields on titlepage

Wouldn't it make sense to include the 'detail' information from \author[short]{detail} and \institute[short]{detail} on the titlepage, e.g. below the subtitle? (Maybe in a smaller font size, we a nice formatting for the posters in place if I recall correctly)

German sharp s

There seems to be an issue with the encoding of the German ß in the different fonts used. For example in the affidavit headline it is set correctly while it falls back to SS in the actual declaration (as shown in the picture). I am not sure if I miss a package or a font but I use mathdesign with option charter as suggested in another issue and babel as well as csquotes and microtype. A quickfix is writing \ss instead of ß, which worked if the modified tudathesis.cfg is in the same directory as the tex-file. However, it is inconvenient if everyone has to to that.


improve documentation on usage of department option

DEMO-TUDaThesis.pdf tells me i can use a classoption department=<department shortcut>, and I understand that this will replace \institution in the topmatter (or its deprecated alternative \department), however it seems like only when including \department the document builds.

Document is thesis={type=master} built on archlinux with pdfTeX 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20 (TeX Live 2019/Arch Linux)

Affidavit + Titelseite


ich nutze die Latex Vorlage TuDaThesis.
Das mit dem Affidavit wurde schon einmal in einer anderen Issue behandelt, scheint aber noch nicht final geklärt zu sein.
Also noch mal das Problem mit dem nicht korrekt ausgefüllten Affidavit.
Dies ist das Feld zwischen den Kommas in der ersten Zeile die "..." Stelle in "Hiermit versichere ich, ..., die vorliegende". Es ist auch nicht möglich dies über eckige oder geschweifte Klammern zu übergeben.
Dieses Problem ist auch genauso auch in der Beispiel PDF enthalten.

Ansonsten hätte ich noch eine Anmerkung zu der Bibliographie.
Da für diese ja im Dokument das Package BIBLATEX eingebunden wird und dieses anscheinend auf BIBER zurückgreift, muss man beispielsweise bei TexMaker sicher stellen, dass bei der Befehle unter Bib(la)tex auch biber und weder biblatex noch bibtex eingetragen ist, da sonst das Zitieren nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert.
Dies könnte vielleicht in die Anleitungen aufgenommen werden um etwaige Unklarheiten zu vermeiden.

Noch ein allgemeiner Hinweise.
Auf der CE Website ist zu Latex eine Kontaktemail ("[email protected]") angegeben.
Als Antwort auf eine E-Mail erhält man vom HRZ Server direkt: [email protected]... Requested action not taken: recipient not allowed by policy

Vielen Dank schon einmal für die Antwort.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Toggle some warnings, e.g., imrad

I am using the tudapub class and the warnings about the imrad labels are a bit distracting:

/shared/apps/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph/loadhyph-de-1996.tex: Package TUDaPub Warning: You did not provide a Label for key introduction.
/shared/apps/texlive/2019/texmf-dist/tex/generic/hyph-utf8/loadhyph/loadhyph-de-1996.tex: Package TUDaPub Warning: You did not provide a Label for key methods.

I also get warnings, which I am not sure if it is related to tudapub, about scrlayer

I am using silence, but it fails for the imrad label warnings:

\WarningFilter{scrlayer}{change of layer mode could result in unexpected}

Can these somehow be suppressed?
(And maybe as a secondary questions, are these required when publishing?)

Add mechanism for non free fonts -- (Bitstream) Charter?

According to the "Corporate Design Handbuch" the font Charter should be used, together with Frontpage and Stafford. Looks like tudafonts.sty loads roboto, and states

Die benötigten Fonts sind in den genannten Distributionen direkt verfügbar und können mit den distributionseigenen Tools nachinstalliert werden, so dass hier keine separaten Installationen mehr notwendig sind

Is roboto an officially accepted replacement for Charter (and the others)?

headinclude und footinclude zeigen keine Wirkung

Aktuell scheinen die beiden KOMA-Script Optionen headinclude und footinclude nicht berücksichtigt zu werden bzw. automatisch auf true gesetzt.

Zum Beispiel liefert (footinclude=false):

	ruledheaders=chapter,% Ebene bis zu der die Überschriften mit Linien abgetrennt werden, vgl. DEMO-TUDaPub
	class=book,% Basisdokumentenklasse. Wählt die Korrespondierende KOMA-Script Klasse
		% Für kleinere Abschlussarbeiten Siehe DEMO-TUDaThesis
	accentcolor=9c,% Auswahl der Akzentfarbe
	custommargins=true,% Ränder werden mithilfe von typearea automatisch berechnet
	marginpar=false,% Kopfzeile und Fußzeile erstrecken sich nicht über die Randnotizspalte
	%BCOR=5mm,%Bindekorrektur, falls notwendig
	parskip=half-,%Absatzkennzeichnung durch Abstand vgl. KOMA-Sript
	fontsize=11pt,%Basisschriftgröße laut Corporate Design ist mit 9pt häufig zu klein
	logofile=example-image, %Falls die Logo Dateien nicht vorliegen

exakt das gleiche Ergebnis wie (footinclude=true):

\documentclass[ \ 
	ruledheaders=chapter,% Ebene bis zu der die Überschriften mit Linien abgetrennt werden, vgl. DEMO-TUDaPub  
	class=book,% Basisdokumentenklasse. Wählt die Korrespondierende KOMA-Script Klasse
		% Für kleinere Abschlussarbeiten Siehe DEMO-TUDaThesis
	accentcolor=9c,% Auswahl der Akzentfarbe
	custommargins=true,% Ränder werden mithilfe von typearea automatisch berechnet
	marginpar=false,% Kopfzeile und Fußzeile erstrecken sich nicht über die Randnotizspalte
	%BCOR=5mm,%Bindekorrektur, falls notwendig
	parskip=half-,%Absatzkennzeichnung durch Abstand vgl. KOMA-Sript
	fontsize=11pt,%Basisschriftgröße laut Corporate Design ist mit 9pt häufig zu klein
	logofile=example-image, %Falls die Logo Dateien nicht vorliegen

Und zwar das in beiden Fällen footinclude als true verarbeitet wird.

Beim Suchen nach einer Ursache bin ich in tudapub.cls auf den folgenden Code gestoßen:

	\KOMAoptions{headinclude, footinclude=false, headwidth=text,footwidth=text}
		\KOMAoptions{headinclude, footinclude=false, headwidth=text,footwidth=text}\recalctypearea

Scheinbar wird hier headinclude und footinclude auf immer auf true gesetzt und anschließend der Satzspiegel neu berechnet, wodurch alle in der Klasse übergebenen Optionen überschrieben werden. Dies kann man auch im log sehen, da typearea zwei mal mit unterschiedlichen Werten ausgeführt wird.

Ist es gewollt, dass der user keine Möglichkeit hat Einfluss auf headinclude und footinclude zu nehmen oder handelt es sich hierbei um einen bug?

PDF/A validation fails with OTF-Fonts (oudated, was in 2019)

Quote from pdfx documentation

Not all fonts, in particular Open-Type fonts (OTF), naturally come with mappings of the
glyphs to Unicode code points. This is a requirement with PDF/A, PDF/E and PDF/UA stan-
dards. Use of such fonts can result in validation errors, such as:

Since we face this issue for Roboto fonts, we will enforce Type 1 fonts if pdfa=true and add information on that to the readme as well as the demo files + write the info to the log.

pagestyle adjustment for headings=automark not working as intended

I'd like to add the current top-level heading to the footer, opposite to the page number. As I understand the komascript guide p.86ff this is called "running headline" and enabled by \pagestyle{headings}, which does nothing for my document (a thesis={type=master} with class=report, if that matters).
Using \pagestyle{TUDa.headings}, instead, removes the colored "accent bars" from the pages, but still doesn't add the chapter titles.


Hi, it's not possible to add a Glossary

how i normally add:




Is this problem known? Is there already a solution?

With the new Corporate Design there is also a another problem.
The template for the thesis declares the documentclass as 'tudapub', but it should be 'tudathesis'


but if I declare it as 'tudathesis', the file 'tudathesis.cls' is missing

tudaposter für kleine Aushänge

Ich würde gerne einen kleinen (A4), zweiseitigen Aushang mit der Klasse tudaposter machen. Dabei machen mir momentan zwei Dinge Probleme:

  1. Ich würde gerne den qrcode loswerden. Gibt es eine Option dafür?
  2. Die Balken an Kopf und Fuß der Seiten werden offenbar nur auf der ersten Seite erzeugt. Kann man diese auf den nächsten Seiten auch auftauchen lassen?
    Die Klasse tudapub kommt leider nicht infrage, da sie ein ganzseitiges Titelblatt erzwingt und die anderen scheinen mir wie ein Overkill für mein Anliegen.

Change font for dedication only


Is it possible to change the font used in the dedication (to a handwritten font)?

I tried varous methods, including: \newenvironment{myfont}{\qzc}{\par} in the declaration and \begin{myfont} Blablabla \end{myfont} where I want to change font locally.

I got the following message

Undefined control sequence. \begin{myfont}

I am wondering if there is not some restrictions encoded in the template due to the corporate design.

Thank you


An earlier version from the department "Festkörperphysik" offered the possibility to include a \sponsor on the titly page. This is esspecially useful for external thesises. I hope this option will be included in future Releases.

addlicense did not run for release on tuda website

This is LuaTeX, Version 1.10.0 (TeX Live 2019/Arch Linux)  (format=lualatex 2019.9.26)  26 SEP 2019 19:14
 restricted system commands enabled.
LaTeX2e <2018-12-01>
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Package: expl3 2019-04-06 L3 programming layer (loader) 

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File: l3pdfmode.def 2019-04-06 v L3 Experimental driver: PDF mode
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \filedate 
           \ifx \relax \fileversion \relax \else v\fileversion \space \fi Publi
l.4 TU Darmstadt's Coporate Desing (TUDa-CI)}
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> ...\relax \fileversion \relax \else v\fileversion 
                                                  \space \fi Publications us...
l.4 TU Darmstadt's Coporate Desing (TUDa-CI)}
! Undefined control sequence.
<write> Document Class: \@gtempa \space \filedate 
                                           \ifx \relax \fileversion \relax \els
l.4 TU Darmstadt's Coporate Desing (TUDa-CI)}
! Undefined control sequence.
<write> ...\relax \fileversion \relax \else v\fileversion 
                                                  \space \fi Publications us...
l.4 TU Darmstadt's Coporate Desing (TUDa-CI)}

dateseperator error

I can only compile my PhD thesis tex file if I comment out \gdef\dateseparator{:~} in tudapub.cls.
However, this yields to Tag der Einreichung/ instead of Tag der Einreichung: on the title page.

Sublogo in tudapub

I am currently trying to convert my thesis, started in the old TU design packages to tuda-ci, but I didn't find any option to add the institution´s logo as the only info box. Is there an easy way to achive this?
Adding the institution logo with \addTitleBoxLogo*{} as documented in the TUDaPub.tex also adds the department and institution as a separate text box what is not my intention.

in ist das TUDA Logo enthalten

in der Datei aus dem Release TUDa-CI Version 1.01 liegt unter /tuda-ci/tex/ die Datei tuda_logo.pdf.

Passt das mit "Die verwendeten Logos sind nicht Bestandteil dieses Bundles und können von Mitgliedern der TU Darmstadt über das interne Netzwerk heruntergeladen werden." zusammen?

A5 title page fontsize

If a5 is selected as paper size in the PhD template, the fontsize of the subtitles (title in german, Zur Erlangung des Grades eines Doktors ...) is too large. Would be nice if this could be edited in the template.

Font in PhD thesis template


Could you tell me which font is used for the PhD thesis template? I would like to use the same font in my figures.
From what I read on this forum, the new official font is Roboto. However, Roboto is a sans-serif font and the font used in the template is with serif. I am not certain it is Charter either.

Thank you

overfull vbox and hbox

When I compile DEMO-TUDaBeamer.tex, I get overful vbox and hboxes. For example

Overfull \vbox (4.69463pt too high) detected at line 41
Overfull \hbox (20.0pt too wide) has occurred while \output is active

I seems to me that they are produced by the style, not the particular example.

optional english translation of affidavit

An additional english translation of the affidavit, which could be toggled on and off e.g. by using a parameter, would be nice. A translation can be found here

In code:

\paragraph{English translation for information purposes only:}

\paragraph{Thesis Statement pursuant to § 22 paragraph 7 and § 23 paragraph 7 of APB TU Darmstadt}
I herewith formally declare that I, \textbf{\textcolor{red}{Forename Surname}}, have written the submitted thesis independently pursuant to § 22 paragraph 7 of APB TU Darmstadt. I did not use any outside support except for the quoted literature and other sources mentioned in the paper. I clearly marked and separately listed all of the literature and all of the other sources which I employed when producing this academic work, either literally or in content. This thesis has not been handed in or published before in the same or similar form.
I am aware, that in case of an attempt at deception based on plagiarism (§38 Abs. 2 APB), the thesis would be graded with 5,0 and counted as one failed examination attempt. The thesis may only be repeated once.
In the submitted thesis the written copies and the electronic version for archiving are pursuant to § 23 paragraph 7 of APB identical in content.

Finally the page could look like this:


luatex vs pdftex


I got a problem I do not understand.
Using pdftex, the correct roboto fonts are used.
Using lualatex it does not use it.

Any ideas what the reason could be?

pagestyle adjustment for headings=automark not working as intended 2 (similar to #8)


I have a similar problem as in the issue mentioned in the title. If I use the following code
together with headline=automark I get this result
Screenshot from 2019-09-13 14-48-33
custommargins is set to false, marginpar also. Setting marginpar to true makes it even worse

Backwards compatibility: Colortitleback option missing

I have a question concerning the comparsion of this template with the earlier one by the Benner Boys. They provided a class option colortitleback, coloring the area around/behind the title but forcing the region below the title/left to the institution white. As far as I know, that conforms with the Corporate Design and sometimes looks better than the colored lower part of the first page. If it is possible, the implementation of this option would be nice. If that is already possible but I missed it I am sorry (it is the first time following a GitHub project for me).

P.S. If I did something incorrectly regarding the submission of the issue or anything I would be glad to know.

Change margins

Hi everyone,

I am using the tudapub class and I want to change the size of the margin (black box in picture) because I don't need marginnotes and i want to use the full page to write. Also i am using the twocolumn. I tried to use the geometry package it doesn't work. Any advice how to change the margin ?
Bildschirmfoto 2019-10-02 um 15 50 37



Incompatibility with marvosym

When loading the marvosym package, compilation crashes with

Package: marvosym 2011/07/20 v2.2 Martin Vogel's Symbols font definitions
! LaTeX Error: Command \EUR already defined.
               Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.
l.154 \newcommand\EUR{\mvchr{164}}

The reason is that the tuda-ci classes load eurosym which already defines \EUR. Is it really neccessary to already load this symbol or shouldn't it be up to the user to deside which symbol to use fo € (the FKP template did not load eurosym and marvosym is more recent)?

A workaround would be to \let\EUR\relax after documentclass.

Margins and missing blank page in title


I am wondering about two things:

  1. Is it possible to bring the top and bottom margin to the values they had in the previous version of the coporate design? The space to write is currently very limited, we lose about half the page in margins and title.
    I tried to comment the line custommargins=true which give me the top and bottom margin that I want, however it remove the "twoside" margins of the book class. Do you know how I could solve this problem?

  2. I believe two blank pages are missing in the title.

  • The first one between the title page and the page with the copyright: the copyright page is aligned to be on the right hand side of a book which is correct but as the title page is also on the right hand side of the book, there should be a blank page in between.
  • The second one between the copyright page and the Erklarung. the Erklarung is currently on the left hand side of the book and I believe it would be much better on the right hand side of the book with a blank page before it. Adding this blank page would make all subsequent chapters starts on the right hand side of the book as it is usually done.

Thank you

Math fonts

In the beamer version, the math fonts use serifs and are too small. I recommend to change the math font to some font similar to helvetica.

I am not sure whether the same problem appears in the other classes.

Datumsverarbeitung/notwendige Titeldaten


mir ist eben gerade aufgefallen, dass es bei der Nutzung des Typs sta für Studienarbeiten scheinbar noch einen Fehler gibt:

Wenn man im mitgelieferten Beispiel für Thesis Dokumente den type von bachelor in sta ändert erhält man die folgende Fehlermeldung beim setzen:

! Package TUDapub/thesis Error: You did not provide date data for the title.
(TUDapub/thesis)                Either provide it or change your publication
(TUDapub/thesis)                type.

Empty page TuDThesis

In the old Latex template of TuDThesis, empty pages (e.g. empty page before a new chapter) still had the colored bars and page number etc. on them. Is it possible to add these? It looked much nicer compared to a completely empty page as it is the case now.

Example file not compiling


I downloaded the files and copied them into my LocalTeX folder where my other LaTeX files are installed. Then I updated the filename database and tried to compile the example file "DEMO-TUDaThesis" to see what it looked like. I got the following error messages "Undefined control sequence. ...g TU Darmstadt's Coporate Desing (TUDa-CI)}" on line 4 of the file tudapub.cls and "File `URspecialopts.sty' not found. \Define@specialopt@Module" on line 9 of the same file. Can you explain me what went wrong?

Thank you

DEMO/class documentation PDFs have generic pdftitle

The DEMO-$documentclass.pdf files have the title LaTeX im Corporate Design der TU Darmstadt which makes them badly distinguishable depending on the PDF viewer config.

Thank you very much for the great effort of making this package!

Example PDFs with fonts

It might make sense to provide some example PDFs with a confirmed working installation to make it easier to check if the fonts are working correctly.

Quite a few seem to have changed including the fonts in the math environment which I'm not sure is correct on my machine since the old one looked a lot cleaner.
Left one is the old template and pdflatex, right one compiled with this template and luatex.

no author name on titlepage without \author[Signature]

I specify \author{My Name} on a thesis and get on my title page

Master thesis in Computer Science by
Datum: July 25, 2019, Date of submission: July 25, 2019

i.e. my name is missing. DEMO-TUDaThesis.pdf doesn't have that problem and specifies the optional signature in \author. Adding \Metadata like that document doesn't help, so I suspect the missing signature is the culprit.

D17 on title page

One of my reviewers made me aware that the title page contains D 17 which according to this marks it as a PhD thesis which it is not.
I'm not sure if D 17 should be written on the title page for anything other than a PhD thesis.
If not, any quick fixes, how it can be removed?

It's also in the example thesis but for reference my document class setup:


Randnotizen entfernen

die Dokumentation zur Benutzung der einzelnen Optionen ist leider etwas knapp. Was sind die Einstellungsmöglichkeiten zu marginpar? Wie kann ich die Randnotizspalte in tudapub entfernen?

Package xcolor clashing with tudapub.cls


I need to use the xcolor package to plot figures with tikz. I added the package as follow: \usepackage[cmyk,dvipsnames]{xcolor}, before the \usepackage{tikz} to avoid clashes between the two packages. However, when compiling, I get the following error message:

Option clash for package xcolor.

It refers to the file tudapub.cls on line 29.

Could you explain me how to prevent this crash?

Thank you.

Captions in Frontpage


the corporate design requires captions of images (and schemes) in the font Frontpage. I am writing with the tudapub-template and the font isn't automatically set to frontpage.
Is this a bug or just not a feature?


No compiling with update of `graphics` bundle release 2019-10-01

Hello together,
I just installed an update of the graphics bundle via MiKTeX (available since Fr Okt 4 22:11:27 2019).
After the update my document and the DEMO-TUD documents won't compile. Error:
"! Undefined control sequence.
\Ginclude@graphics ...\Ginput@path \set@curr@file
{#1}\edef \uq@curr@file {..."

Does anyone have the same problem? Might be a general problem and not related to the tuda-template.

There were more updates, not only graphics:

Edit 2:
Issues is reported and linked to MiKTeX:

Edit 3:
Update on 06.10.2019 solved the problem. Issue was related to MiKTeX update.

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