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usi-ls's Issues

nom-o-matic doesn't 'catch up' after long periods unloaded

Given a mun base containing:

  • 200 days of supplies
  • room for 200 days worth of mulch
  • 200 days worth of fertilizer
  • a nom-o-matic 25000
  • a 2m reactor sufficient to power the nom-o-matic 25000
  • four kerbals

I observe:

While focused, the nom-o-matic is able to outpace the kerbals' production of mulch. Mulch drops to 0 and stays there as the nom-o-matic consumes all available mulch.

I would expect, when returning to this base after a long time away, that I would see mulch stay near zero and fertilizer drop as the nom-o-match catches up.

However, if I return to the KSC, warp 100 days, then return to the base, I observe:

  • over the course of the first minute, life-support consumption 'catches up' - lots of supplies are consumed and lots of mulch is produced very fast.
  • almost no fertilizer is consumed.
  • mulch fills up to half (100 days' worth)

After the 'catch up' completes, mulch and fertilizer begin dropping again, and supplies begin to climb again, at their normal rates. If I timewarp while focused on the base, mulch again returns to 0.

It does not appear that the nom-o-matic is catching up alongside the supply consumption when the base is being loaded after a time away.


UKS: 0.33.6
USI Tools:

Fertilizer with same mass of supplies

Fertilizer is useless becouse have the same mass of supplies, and by the code
name = ModuleResourceConverter
tag = Agroponics
ConverterName = Agroponics
StartActionName = Start Agroponics
StopActionName = Stop Agroponics
ResourceName = Mulch
Ratio = 0.0002
ResourceName = Fertilizer
Ratio = 0.00004

        ResourceName = Supplies
        Ratio = 0.00024
        DumpExcess = False
        ResourceName = ElectricCharge
        Ratio = 12

is more easy transport supplies than fertilizer

Some Life Support Recyclers are not working.

Hi! It seems that although some Life Support Recyclers work, some of them simply don't.

Here's what works:

  • Mobile Processing Lab
  • UKS Pioneer Module (Orbital)
  • UKS Kerbitat (tm) (Orbital)
  • MK-V 'Scout' Command Pod
  • UKS Pioneer Module (Surface)
  • UKS Kerbitat (tm) (Surface)
  • MK-V Habitation Module, albeit the recycling rate is very low.

Here's what doesn't work:

  • UKS Aeroponics Module (Orbital)
  • OKS Agricultural Module
  • OKS Habitation Ring
  • UKS Aeroponics Module (Surface)

CrewCount not for total Colony

Crew isnt counted for the whole colony but only for single vessel when checked for recycler capacity

LifeSupportManager -> line 202



in both cases only the pioneer module with cap for 5 kerbals and 75% recyclerate is active

in the second picture philman (cool name, indeed) left the main building and went into the generator. the pioneer recycles for all of them but now only considers the 5 in the own vessel. whereas philman's vessel checks for other lifesupport vessels and finds the pioneer.

Kerbals raid non-locked supplies regularly

I get the "[name] has raided the supplies, some fell out the airlock" frequently even when there are plenty of supplies.

This happens
1.) When time-warping.
2.) When switching to a vessel that's been unfocused long enough to run down some container of supplies, but before agroponics production has time to catch up.

life support display nonsensical for ships with no kerbals on board.

The life support status display is somewhat confusing for craft which have supplies but no kerbals on board - it looks nearly the same as a craft with kerbals with no supplies, looking like something that needs attention. (Maybe this only happens if there are also empty seats on board).

Might make more sense to show the total supplies on board in kerbal-days or kerbal-years.

Time remaining displayed incorrectly when on earth time. Also feature request: More displayed information.

When running in earth time the time remaining is still divided into 6 hour days, for instance incorrectly reporting 90 days remaining instead of 15 when having a single kerbal with a minipack.
Also a feature request, could the time remaining also be modified to take into account supplies production, or have displays underneath showing consumption, production ,balance and adjusted time remaining?
I notice that when turning on a pioneer module or greenhouse that time remaining stays at 90 days based on total stored supplies, rather than halving based on apparent balance.

EVA causes tourist

Hi there,
When on a mission to Minmushad my scientist EVA to clean experiments. Upon returning he turned into a tourist and the same happened for two orange suits, Val and Bob,
No life support on board mission was a day in at most.

USI-LS Incompatible with parts with staging actions

Due to a bug?/issues in BaseConverter that result in it calling part.force_activate(), activating all staging icons for that part.

This causes issues with non-stock command pods that include parachutes, decouplers, retro/launch escape engines... or anything with a staging icon.

A proposed solution can be found at:

This solution works by replacing the inheritance chain of the life support module, replacing the problematic BaseConverter class with a custom/optimized converter that only includes the delta-time conversion updating stuff that is necessary for life support.

If this solution is deemed to be adequate, please let me know and I'll set up a proper fork and PR.

HabMultiplier and BaseHabTime default to 1

I noticed that changing HabMultiplier and BaseHabTime in the settings file didn't seem to affect the habitation values in game. I may be misreading the code, but I think what is happening is that finalSettings initializes with both these values set to 1. Since the code that reads the settings looks for a minimum, its not actually possible to set the HabMultiplier or BaseHabTime to a value greater than 1.

[feature request] Hardcore mode, stress and dwar... I mean kerbals

First thing first. Actually not that first but anyway, let's start from stress.

  • Stress is parameter of kerbal dictating his behaviour - less stress means more capable kerbal and more stress means more tending to strike kerbal.
  • Stress builds up when kerbal don't receive supplies or EC and dissipates over time while consuming supplies.
  • When stress reaches critical limit - kerbal start to do "fun" things like striking, loosing supplies, activating random modules and so on. More stress - more severe consequences.
  • Courage stat may help to offset stress as well as bads flag.
  • Stress level may influence kerbal productivity.
  • Explosions, solar panels decomposition, re-entry heating and other "fun" things may help to reduce nearby kerbals stress level.
  • Hungry and starving kerbals build up stress faster.
  • In Kerbin safe zone stress dissipates almost instantly while supply timer is not affected by said safe zone. In normal mode result is effectively the same.
  • Orange suits build up only starvation timer but not stress.


  • no actual additional resource to display in resource panels
  • more sane explanation of safe zone and orange invulnerability
  • less exploitable safe zone as even with zeroed stress hungry kerbals will soon strike again outside of safe zone
  • more balanced gameplay as you can't starve kerbal for years and expect him to be up and happy after single piece of supplies.
  • more sense for courage stat and more crew micromanagement


  • more complex UI to track supplies
  • additional parameter for kerbal to track and store
  • a lot of work to implement

Regarding hardcore mode - it may consist of some additional rules, disabled by default.

  • death for too starved or too stressed kerbals
  • reduction or removal of safe zone
  • reduction or removal of orange suits invulnerability
  • CLS integration: kerbals can't consume supplies they can't reach through CLS
  • CLS integration: kerbals share stress in lifespace. Without CLS installed they may share stress while inside one part.
  • other deadly things I can't remember

Hardcore mode is meant to be used by players who want both simplicity and uncluttering from simplified life support and more challenging gameplay at the same time.

Notification icon not correct

The icon which shows whether I have notifications or not is always saying that I do, and hovering the mouse above it always shows: "You have unread notifications", even though when I click on it, there are no notifications for me. I tried signing out and back in, still the same problem.

I tried both Chrome and Firefox, no change

Kerbals in an external command seat don't consume supplies

If a kerbal is in an external command seat, it will not consume any supplies. I'm pretty sure this is because the 'crew' is stored on the KerbalEVA part rather than the Seat part, and I don't think it's possible for ModuleManager to edit the KerbalEVA part to add a ModuleLifeSupport.

Activating greenhouse breaks Kolonization resource monitor

Activating greenhouse module on greenhouse part spams exceptions and causes Kolonization resource monitor to go blank. Goes back to normal when greenhouse is turned off. Doesn't happen when greenhouse module on Pioneer is run.

USI-LS 0.1.2, UKS 0.30.1, KSP 1.0.2, MacOS X 10.10.3. Installed from CKAN.

Crew refusing to work on pad

I just had a problem where crew was refusing to work on the launchpad.  Adding some LS supplies fixed the problem.  However, I recruited a new pilot and she was willing to work.
This happened right after I upgraded (via CKAN) to

Supplies always empty after long periods of unfocused timewarping

Hi! So I have found a somewhat difficult issue, with USI-LS 0.3.11

  1. Create a craft with Kerbals, an MPL, a Nom-o-Matic 5000, batteries & solar panels.
  2. Remove some Supplies, add some Mulch, leave Fertilizer full
  3. Launch the craft, start the Agroponics module
  4. Observe that the supplies go up over time, as well as the Life support time in the USI-LS window. This holds up even under timewarp
  5. Go to the space center, timewarp a certain amount of time (let's say the time it takes until the supplies container is full)
  6. Go back to the vessel, open the ressource panel instantly!
  7. Observe that in the beginning, the supplies are full, but within several seconds they become depleted
  8. Observe that the net output is still positive, and if you keep the vessel focused, supplies replenish over time

So it seems that the catch-up mechanic of the Agroponics converter fills up the supplies storage first, only THEN does the Kerbal Supplies consumption happen - which obviously leaves an empty supplies tank.

To solve the bug, one should either somehow "interleave" the consumption/production or create an unconstrained buffer for the output, subtract the consumption and then clip the the buffer to the maximum storage capacity of the vessel.

NREs if MK-V Ag module is learned before Nom-O-Matics using CTT in career mode

With CTT in career mode I learned Storage Technology - Logistics - Short Term Habitation. Thereby I bypassed Recycling and Hydroponics. I got a very unstable game with lots of USI-LS named NREs in the logs and frequent lockups at scene changes. I had trouble accepting it as possible to be really due to this mod due to a long record of trust worthy performance from RoverDude products! I tried uninstalling other mods but the problem did not go away. Eventually, I realised a possibly unusual career development path had been followed and proceeded to learn both techs which open the Nom-O-Matic units.

So far this appears to have fixed the problem!

Kerbin <50k exploit

As mentioned on the forum thread. Since life support isn't needed below 50k on Kerbin it becomes exploitable by having a craft just dip below 50k to reset Kerbals to have another 15 days without supplies. Perhaps being below 50k should stop supplies use, unstrike Kerbals and pause timers instead of resetting them.

Change labeling for Habitation

First I'm very tempted to ask that you tweak the terminology of using "hab" values for two different things, 1) how long before a vessel stops contributing to habitation, or becomes uninhabitable and 2) how long a particular kerbal is willing to "habitate" away from home.

Personally, I think habitation (Hab) for the vessel and home sickness (HS) for the other would be best -- and visiting a station with a high habitation value makes you willing to stay away from home longer. Checking out a nice vista while on EVA would also make you forget about home for a while -- now you just need to figure out how to detect things like eclipses -- EVA during eclipse + 30 days before HS.

Request: Small Part included that converts mulch -> supplies

Please consider adding a small part that converts mulch into supplies into the Lifesupport pack for those who cannot install the whole MKS/OKS system. It should preferrably be green and blue, looking really shiny and expensive, be massless, dragless, and be able to hold an ample amount of mulch, monopropellant and uh...

...ok, or it just converts mulch. Regardless of how it looks.


Life support Resource window Available in VAB/SPH

Would be nice to have the Life support window avalible in the VAB/SPH, and to have it show how long the total amount of life support would last on the ship you are building. (similar to how the TAC resource monitor works in the VAB/SPH

Life support timer stops when EC runs out

Whenever a vessel runs out of electric charge, the timer in the status window stops counting down, if this is intended behavior it should be made clear what is going on

Version file contains errors

KSP-AVC -> Version file contains errors: C:\Kerbal Space Program 1.0.4\GameData\UmbraSpaceIndustries\LifeSupport\USI-LS.version

Apparent diminishing returns with multiple recyclers

Recyclers appear to underperform in certain circumstances. Example: three pioneer modules (nominal total capacity is 75% recycling for up to 5 * 3 = 15 crew) are supporting an akademy with 12 scientists. With no recycling, supply consumption is 16.2 * 12 = 194.4 per day; with pioneer recycling turned on, expected supply consumption is 194.4 * (1 - .75) = 48.6 per day; actual observed value is 63.2 per day. Forum report here with screenshot.

"Everyone has wandered back to the KSC"

So it was my understanding that people would just become tourist if starved except orange suits. Decide to pack all my kerbals into a ship and get a lot of experience, taking four tourist with me. Landed on mun and minmus on the way back to Kerbin, swtch back for final approach and everyone, orange suits and all passengers, have somehow managed to get back to the KSC from low kerbin orbit with reset experience.
Which kinda sucks

Kerbals forget that they are starving if they go below 50km without landing.

If starving kerbals pass below 50km on Kerbin (for instance, during aerobraking), their 'hunger timers' are reset due to the no-starving-below-50km clause. However, once their trajectory takes them back above 50km, their starvation counter starts again from scratch - they've forgotten that up until sixty seconds ago, they were starving and grouchy. This allows one to 'break the strike' and get kerbals back to work without feeding them.

Habitation time Readout incorrect if Recyclers are enabled

Please consider the following two pictures:

Here you see, that in the 10 seconds that have passed between the screenshots, the remaining habitation time has gone down by 31 seconds.

It seems that when the Recyclers are enabled, they produce "Wear" (consume ReplacementParts), that reduces the vessels maximum habitation time which in turn reduces the kerbals current habitation time, faster than the game time.

I'm not sure if the Wear produced by the Recyclers is a feature (why would recycling cause wear on the parts?).

Either way, the habitation time readout should show the actual time that the Kerbal has currently left, not "a time if no recyclers were running". This should also be reflected in the VAB in order to reduce surprises.

Configurable parameter to allow all kerbals fall victim to the effects of no life support

From this post on the KSP forums, you indicated that you'd consider adding in the feature that allows the vet Kerbals to be affected by life support (or lack there-of).

I'm asking for more than just a back out of commit 153d4a1f, but a configurable parameter that allows the vets to be affected. Something along the lines of changing ModuleLifeSupport.cs:133-134 to:
if( LSConfig.VetsAreImmortal && crew.isBadass )

release versions out of sync

The last 3 release versions have been 0.1.4, 0.1.5, and back to 0.1.4 which is causing some confusion with users knowing which version is latest one.

Recyclers in the Mobile Processing Lab have no effect

The "Start life support" button in the right-click menu of the Mobile Processing Lab is not functional.

The only thing that changes is that the supply time left is shown (incorrectly), but this time goes down multiple seconds per seconds.

Observe the Supply left time according to USI on the left, and according to Alternate Ressource Panel on the right.

Turned off: 277 days, according to USI tab, and according to Alternate Ressource panel

Turned on:  2y 75 days according to USI tab, and 277 days according to Alternate Ressource panel

I am using Version: 0.3.8

Just habitation?

I know this is going to seem a slightly odd request, but how would you feel about a habitation-only fork?

I'm a TACLS user and I rather like TACLS, but the USI LS habitation mechanic is also new and exciting. The two might combine well with a shim that turns Waste into Mulch and Supplies into Food; TACLS recyclers would extend oxygen and water endurance, and MKS already incentivises harvesting water.

Habitation Multiplier effects decline as vessel crew capacity increases

I am looking at potential habitat configurations in 0.3.3 and seeing some unexpected behavior.

Vessel consists of cupola, kerbitat, hab ring, and agriculture module. Expected hab time for a crew of three is 2y167d when the hab ring and ag module are deflated, but it declines to 1y217d once they're inflated.

I took a look at the hab time formulas and I think it's because the effectiveness of habitat multipliers actually declines as additional crew capacity is added to the ship by inflating the modules:

habMult += (hab.HabMultiplier * (hab.CrewCapacity / maxCrew))

Alternatively I could be completely misunderstanding the root cause, but it still seems like something is going wrong since the hab time is declining as crew capacity increases.

screen shot 2016-01-24 at 10 11 34 pm
screen shot 2016-01-24 at 10 11 46 pm

Pioneer module should be at 25% efficiency

The description for the pioneer module reports that it should run at 25% efficiency, but the config file and empirical tests show that it actually runs at 50% efficiency (same efficiency as the nomomatic). The pioneer runs 4x faster than the nomomatic at same efficiency, but only uses twice as much power, so I suspect the intention was that its efficiency should actually be 25% (i.e. the config is wrong, not the description).

Kerbals remain tourists

Non Orange suit kerbals never revert to their original professions after becoming tourists. It seems the first kerbal to grab the supplies and throw the rest out of the airlock is the only one that does not change to a tourist. After returning to Kerbin and landing, the message says they have returned to work but still remain tourists in the astronaut complex and upon exit KSP and restarting. More details in USI-LS thread.

[feature request] A bit more depth in optional death mode

Steps to implement:

  • add new parameter in config file, something like "death time", with default of 0 to preserve current behavior
  • make death, if enabled, occur not instead strike mode but after set amount of time in strike mode


  • should be not too hard to implement, considering all already existing timers
  • fully configurable
  • additional time window to rescue starving kerbal compared to current death mode

Can't find any except of time that have to be spent to implement this

For me USI LS is a bit too much forgiving so I prefer to play with death mode to feel more responsibility for lives of that small green bastards. But death after 15 days is too fast as well - Mun and Minmus are only near enough for rescue missions to come in time. Increasing time limit could help but it feels not right for me to have more than 15-20 days of activity without supply. That's how I came to this idea - to make death occur not immediately but after some configurable amount of time in strike mode.

USI-LS is not removing recovered/deleted/destroyed vessels

I've noticed in the persistence file that USI-LS is not removing recovered/deleted/destroyed vessels.
The VESSEL_DATA config nodes just keep growing and old vessels persist/are not being removed.
The same goes for the STATUS_DATA config nodes for the kerbals.

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