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Demo of the DM EFD's Kafka infrastructure deployed with Kubernetes ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ”ฌ experimental code

License: MIT License

Shell 5.76% Dockerfile 1.43% Makefile 0.52% Python 88.95% Jupyter Notebook 3.34%

kafka-efd-demo's Introduction


DM uses Kafka to distribute messages from the LSST EFD (Engineering Facility Database) to subscribers like the DM-EFD and stream monitoring tools. See DMTN-082 for details of how this works.

Diagram of the LSST EFD and DM-EFD components, showing Kafka as a glue between them.

This repository contains early explorations of deploying Kafka on Kubernetes and exercising the Kafka cluster with publishers, subscribers, and stream processors.


Kubernetes cluster set up

  1. cd k8s-cluster

  2. The Kubernetes cluster is set up to these specs:

    • n1-standard-2 machine type provides 2 vCPUs and 7.5 GB of memory (sufficient for JVM).
    • 3 nodes as a minimum for both the Zookeeper and Kafka clusters.
    • Enable VPC-native networking (alias IP). This makes it easier to connect to other Google services like Memorystore.
    • Disable Kubernetes Dashboard
    gcloud beta container clusters create "efd-kafka-1" --zone "us-central1-a" --username "admin" --cluster-version "1.9.7-gke.6" --machine-type "n1-standard-2" --image-type "COS" --disk-type "pd-standard" --disk-size "100" --scopes "","","","","","","" --num-nodes "3" --enable-cloud-logging --enable-cloud-monitoring --enable-ip-alias "110" --addons HorizontalPodAutoscaling,HttpLoadBalancing --enable-autoupgrade --enable-autorepair

    TODO: script cluster creation.

  3. Set up the cluster-admin role:

  4. Install Tiller

Related reading

Prometheus and Grafana installation

Install Prometheus and Grafana with Helm:


Then access the various dashboards by port forwarding into the cluster:

Kafka cluster installation

From the k8s-cluster/ directory, install the Confluent Platform Kafka charts:


Related reading

InfluxDB installation

Follow the InfluxDB + Chronograf + Kapacitor (ICK) deployment instructions to install those components in the cluster.

Test the Kafka cluster

Deploy a kafka-client pod:

kubectl create -f kafka-test-client-pod.yaml

Log into the kafka-client pod:

kubectl exec -it kafka-client -- /bin/bash

From the pod's shell,

  1. Create a topic:

    kafka-topics --zookeeper confluent-kafka-cp-zookeeper-headless:2181 --topic confluent-kafka-topic --create --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists
  2. Create a message:

    MESSAGE="`date -u`"
  3. Produce a message to the topic:

    echo "$MESSAGE" | kafka-console-producer --broker-list confluent-kafka-cp-kafka-headless:9092 --topic confluent-kafka-topic
  4. Consume the message:

    kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server confluent-kafka-cp-kafka-headless:9092 --topic confluent-kafka-topic --from-beginning --timeout-ms 2000 --max-messages 1 | grep "$MESSAGE"

Connecting to Kafka via Telepresence

Telepresence is a tool that proxies the Kubernetes network onto your local development machine. For example, Telepresennce lets a Kafka client, running locally, see and connect to all of the Kafka brokers. This use useful for development since you can test client code from a local shell instead of waiting to deploy a container to the Kubernetes cluster.

To expose the Kafka brokers and Schema Registry locally, run this line in a local shell:

telepresence --run-shell --namespace default --also-proxy confluent-kafka-cp-kafka-headless --also-proxy confluent-kafka-cp-schema-registry --also-proxy confluent-kafka-cp-kafka-connect

Now you can run other Kafka clients in other shells.

Related reading

The kafkaefd demo application

This repository includes the kafkaefd Python packages, which includes the kafkaefd command-line client that implements several demonstration Kafka producers and consumers, as well as administrative commands. Install the client in a Python 3.6+ virtual environment:

pip install -e .

Check that the command-line app is install

kafkaefd help

Note: The --broker option defaults to confluent-kafka-cp-kafka-headless:9092. This is the headless service for the Kafka brokers given the Kubernetes/Helm installation described above. This default should work both inside the cluster and via Telepresence.

kafkaefd admin โ€” Kafka broker and topic administration

The kafkaefd admin command includes several subcommands that help administer a Kafka cluster and topics in it.

List topics:

kafkaefd admin topics list

Create a topic:

kafkaefd admin topics create topicname --partitions 3 --replication-factor 1

View, and optionally modify, configurations for a topic:

kafkaefd admin topics config topicname
kafkaefd admin topics config topicname --detail
kafkaefd admin topics config topicname --set 86400000

Add partitions to a topic:

kafkaefd admin topics partition topicname 5

Delete a topic:

kafkaefd admin topics delete topicname

List brokers:

kafkaefd admin brokers

kafkaefd registry โ€” Avro Schema Registry management

The kafkaefd registry command group is a full-service admin client for the Confluent Schema Registry. Schemas for Avro-formatted messages are automatically maintained in the schema registry.

List subjects (and optionally show details):

kafkaefd registry list --version --compatibility

Show a single version of a subject:

kafkaefd registry show subjectname  # defaults to latest
kafkaefd registry show subjectname --version 1

Test the compatibility of a schema file to a version of a subject:

kafkaefd registry test subjectname ./schema.avsc
kafkaefd registry test subjectname ./schema.avsc  --version 1

Upload a schema file for a subject:

kafkaefd registry upload subjectname ./schema.avsc

Delete a version (for development):

kafkaefd registry delete subjectname --version 1

Delete an entire subject (for development):

kafkaefd registry delete subjectname

Show the global compatibility configuration:

kafkaefd registry compat

Update the global compatibility configuration to one of NONE, 'FULL', 'FORWARD', BACKWARD:

kafkaefd registry compat --set BACKWARD

View and set the compatibility requirement for a specific subject:

kafkaefd registry compat --subject subjectname
kafkaefd registry compat --subject subjectname --set BACKWARD

kafkaefd helloworld โ€” Hello world demo

This is a simple example that shows how to send and receive plain text messages.

  1. In one shell, run telepresence.

  2. In a second shell, run the consumer:

    kafkaefd helloworld consume
  3. In a third shell, fire off the producer:

    kafkaefd helloworld produce "Hello world"

    Do this repeatedly (and with different messages). You should see the consumer receive the messages.

In this hello world demo, the topic is mytopic, and by default all messages are created with a key of hello.

kafkaefd helloavro โ€” Hello world for Avro

The kafkaefd helloavro command group shows how to send and receive Avro-serialized messages. These commands integrate with the Confluent Schema Registry deployed as part of the Helm deployment.

In this demo, the default topic is called helloavro.

  1. In one shell, run telepresence.

  2. In a second shell, start a consumer:

    kafkaefd helloavro consume
  3. In a third shell, fire off a producer:

    kafkaefd helloavro produce "Hello world"

InfluxDB Sink Connector configuration

Configure the Landoop InfluxDB Sink Connector to consume Kafka Avro-serialized messages and write them to InfluxDB.

Create a database. Use the script to access the InlfuxDB HTTP API at http://localhost:8086.

curl -i -XPOST http://localhost:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE kafkaefd"

Create and upload the connector configuration:

kafkaefd admin connectors create influxdb-sink --influxdb http://influxdb-influxdb:8086 --database kafkaefd helloavro

Note that the InfluxDB URL in this command must be reachable inside the cluster.

Get the status of the new connector with:

kafkaefd admin connectors status influxdb-sink
    "connector": {
        "state": "RUNNING",
        "worker_id": ""
    "name": "influxdb-sink",
    "tasks": [
            "id": 0,
            "state": "RUNNING",
            "worker_id": ""
    "type": "sink"

Finally produce a message for the helloavro topic:

kafkaefd helloavro produce "Hello Influx"

and verify that it was written to the InfluxDB database:

curl -XPOST http://influxdb-inlfuxdb:8086/query --data-urlencode "q=SELECT * from kafkaefd.autogen.helloavro"

{"results":[{"statement_id":0,"series":[{"name":"helloavro","columns":["time","content"],"values":[["2019-02-05T21:18:31.016246443Z","Hello Influx"]]}]}]}

kafkaefd salschema โ€” ts_sal schema conversion

The kafkaefd salschema command group includes commands for managing Avro translations of the Telescope & Site SAL schemas published at

kafkaefd salschema currently uses the GitHub API to retrieve schemas from ts_xml. Before running kafkaefd salschema, set up a GitHub Personal Access Token from and add them to the shell environment:

export GITHUB_USER="..."   # your GitHub username
export GITHUB_TOKEN="..."  # your personal access token

To convert the ts_xml files into Avro, and persist those Avro schemas to a local directory ts_xml_avro, run:

kafkaefd salschema convert --write ts_xml_avro

See kafkaefd salschema -h for other options. The --xml-repo-ref option, in particular, allows you to select a specific branch or tag of the ts_xml repository for conversion.


The kafka-efd-demo includes several experimental applications that can be run at scale in Kubernetes. This section describes those experiments.

Mock SAL

This experiment creates mock messages of the actual SAL topics, though with random values. The code is implemented in kafkaefd.bin.salmock.

This producer, by default, creates messages for the first 100 SAL topics (ordered alphabetically) at a rate of about 1 Hz. Each SAL topic is an independent Kafka topic. The name of the Kafka topic is a lower case version of the SAL topic with underscores replaced by dashes (-).

The schemas for the Kafka topics are in the Schema Registry. The subject names for the schemas match the topic names, with a -value suffix.

1. Add SAL schemas to the Registry

First, upload schemas from ts_xml to the Schema Registry:

  1. Set up GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_TOKEN as described in kafkaefd salschema.

  2. Run:

    kafkaefd salschema convert --upload

2. Deploy the producer

The producer is a Kubernetes job. Deploy it:

kubectl apply -f k8s-apps/salmock-1node-100topic-1hz.yaml

Check the logs for the pod to verify that producers are up.

3. Monitor production

Open http://localhost:9090 to view the Prometheus dashboard (use the k8s-cluster/ script to set up port forwarding).

You can graph the overall message production rate the mock SAL job using this query:


SAL Transformer

The SAL now writes messages to Kafka. Those messages are formatted in plain text, though, based on a format similar to an SQL insert. The InfluxDB ingest needs Avro-encoded messages, though. To adapt these two systems together, the kafkaefd saltransform app is capable of consuming plain text messages from the SAL and converts them to Avro-formatted messages in new topics.

The original topics that SAL produces are named {{subsystem}}_{{kind}} where subsystem is the name of a SAL subsystem, and kind is one of telemetry, events, and commands. For example: MTM1M3TS_telemetry. Multiple SAL topics are written to each of these these Kafka topics.

The output topics are named after individual SAL topics, in an lsst.sal namespace. For example, lsst.sal.MTM1M3TS_thermalData. These topic names correspond to subject names for these schemas in the Schema Registry.

1. Deploy the configuration

kubectl --namespace default apply -f k8s-apps/saltransformer-config.yaml

This configuration points to the Confluent installation deployed by lsst-sqre/terraform-efd-kafka, which is in the kafka Kubernetes namespace. Change these hostnames as necessary.

2. Deploy the topic and schema initialization

kubectl --namespace default apply -f k8s-apps/saltransformer-init.yaml

This is a Kubernetes Job that runs the kafkaefd saltransform init command. For the specific subsytems, this command does the follow:

  • Creates output topics for each SAL topic in the specified subsystems. These output topics are namespaced with a lsst.sal prefix. For example: lsst.sal.MTM1M3TS_thermalData. The command can be modified to control partitioning and replication factors. By default only 1 partition is created for a topic, but topics are replicated across all three brokers.

  • Registers Avro schemas for each SAL topic in the specified subsystems with the Schema Registry. This does an XML to Avro conversion using the same code as kafkaefd salschema.

Modify this job to add additional subsystems.

3. Deploy the transformer application

kubectl --namespace default apply -f k8s-apps/saltransformer-deployment.yaml

This deployment stands up the transformer applications themselves, kafkaefd saltransformer run. With the structure of the kafkaefd saltransformer run application, a single container covers an entire subsystem (event, command, and telemetry streams). Each subsystem has its own deployment so that containers for each subsystem are distributed across different nodes for performance. If the input topics of a subsystem are partitioned, you can scale the number of replicas in that subsystem's transformer deployment. For example, if the input topic MTM1M3TS_telemetry has three partitions, then the corresponding deployment for MTM1M3TS can have three replicas.

Modify this deployment to add additional subsystems.


The deployment generates Prometheus metrics for monitoring:

  • saltransform_produced (counter) the number of messages processed. Can be used to compute a rate.

  • saltransform_total_seconds (summary) observes the time, in seconds, to process a message, from consuming the original message to producing the transformed message.

  • saltransform_transform_seconds (summary) observes the time, in seconds, to transform the message from text to Avro. That is, this metric only measures the processing time of SalTextTransformer.transform.

Lessons learned

Keys and partitioning

  • Keys are hashed and the same key is always assigned to the same partition. Multiple keys can share the same partition (new partitions aren't automatically built). This means that a topic should be pre-populated with all the partitions it will ever need โ€” never add partitions later.
  • A message whose key is None is automatically load-balanced across the available partitions.

Avro and Schema Registry

  • Terminology:

    • A Kafka topic contains messages. A message is a key-value pair, and the key, message, or both, can be serialized as Avro.
    • A schema defines the structure of the Avro data format.
    • The Kafka topic name can be independent of the schema name.
    • A subject is defined in the Schema Registry as a scope where a schema can evolve. The name of the subject depends on the configured subject name strategy, which by default is set to derive subject name from topic name.
  • By default, clients automatically register new schemas. In production, it's recommended that schemas should be registered outside of the producer app to provide control over schema evolution. To do this, set auto.register.schemas=False. See Auto Schema Registration.

Further reading

kafka-efd-demo's People


jonathansick avatar afausti avatar

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