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vimeoupload's Introduction

⚠️⚠️⚠️ This library has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. ⚠️⚠️⚠️



Getting Started


VimeoUpload is available through Carthage and coming soon CocoaPods


To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "VimeoUpload"


Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "vimeo/VimeoUpload"


  1. Ensure that you've verified your Vimeo account. When you create an account, you'll receive an email asking that you verify your account. Until you verify your account you will not be able to upload videos using the API.
  2. Ensure you have been granted permission to use the "upload" scope. This permission must explicitly be granted by Vimeo API admins. You can request this permission on your "My Apps" page under "Request upload access". Visit
  3. Ensure that the OAuth token that you're using to make your requests has the "upload" scope included.
  4. In order to run this project, **you will have to insert a valid OAuth token where it says "YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN". You can obtain an OAuth token by visiting and creating a new "app" and associated OAuth token. Without a valid OAuth token, you will be presented with a "Request failed: unauthorized (401)" error alert when you try to upload a video.

Setup your Submodules

If you are adding this library to your own project, follow the steps outlined in Getting Started with Submodules as Development Pods.

Uploading Videos

Please refer to the example projects for a demonstration of how VimeoUpload can be used to upload videos to Vimeo.

Locating your uploaded video on Vimeo

One can access a video's URL by inspecting the link property on the video that's associated with the upload descriptor:

Notable Constraints

  • iCloud Photos

If a PHAsset is in iCloud and not resident on device we need to download it to the device before asset export. Download must happen when the app is in the foreground.

  • Background Sessions

Because an upload can take a significant amount of time, we must design for the user potentially backgrounding the application at any point in the process. Therefore all requests must be handled by an NSURLSession configured with a background NSURLSessionConfiguration. This means we must rely exclusively on the NSURLSessionDelegate, NSURLSessionTaskDelegate, and NSURLSessionDownloadDelegate protocols. We cannot rely on an NSURLSessionTask subclasses' completion blocks.

  • Resumable Uploads

The NSURLSession API does not support resuming an interrupted background upload from an offset. The initial release of this library will use these APIs exclusively and therefore will also not support resuming an upload from an offset.

Found an Issue?

If you find any bugs or technical issues with this library, please create an issue and provide relevant code snippets, specific details about the issue, and steps to replicate behavior.


If you have any questions about using this library, please contact us directly, post in the Vimeo API Forum, or check out StackOverflow.

Want to Contribute?

If you'd like to contribute, please follow our guidelines found in


VimeoUpload is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Tweet at us here: @vimeoapi.

Post on Stackoverflow with the tag vimeo-ios.

Get in touch here.

Interested in working at Vimeo? We're hiring!

vimeoupload's People


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vimeoupload's Issues

Swift 3.0

Could you confirm me that the API is compatible with swift 3.0 please? I saw on Github that it's ready. Do you know if it works properly? Thank you

Get real url of video

Issue Summary

I'm using pod from your develop branch and I'm using:

class NewVimeoUploader: VimeoUploader<UploadDescriptor>
    private static var APIVersionString: String
        return "3.4"

    static let sharedInstance = NewVimeoUploader(backgroundSessionIdentifier: "com.vimeo.upload", accessTokenProvider: { () -> String? in
        return "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
    }, apiVersion: APIVersionString)

The UploadDescriptor returns video object of VIMVideo and there is a property link, but he is not full URL of video just: I have a PRO version and I created a new token after upgrade? Can I get a real URL in response or do I need to use VimeoNetworking for fetching real URL?

Can't upload video from PHAsset

I followed example 'VimeoUpload-iOS'.

  1. Generate token from developer site (
  2. Make a session (OK)
  3. Create uploadTicket (OK)
  4. Upload video with UploadDescriptor (Not uploaded)

I don't know which part wrong. Please answers me.

Here is my code

    fileprivate func vimeoSessionStart()
        if self.meOperation != nil
        let sessionManager = NewVimeoUploader.sharedInstance.foregroundSessionManager
        let operation = MeOperation(sessionManager: sessionManager)
        operation.completionBlock = { [weak self] () -> Void in
            DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { [weak self] () -> Void in
                guard let strongSelf = self else
                strongSelf.meOperation = nil
                if operation.isCancelled == true
                if operation.error != nil
       = operation.result!
        self.meOperation = operation

    fileprivate func vimeoStartOperation(_ asset: PHAsset) {
        guard let me = else { return }
        let sessionManager = NewVimeoUploader.sharedInstance.foregroundSessionManager
        self.videoSettings = VideoSettings(title: "ABC",
                                           description: "description",
                                           privacy: "nobody",
                                           users: nil, password: nil)

        let operation = PHAssetCloudExportQuotaCreateOperation(me: me, phAsset: asset, sessionManager: sessionManager, videoSettings: videoSettings)

        operation.downloadProgressBlock = { (progress: Double) -> Void in
            print(String(format: "Download progress: %.2f", progress)) // TODO: Dispatch to main thread

        operation.exportProgressBlock = { (exportSession: AVAssetExportSession, progress: Double) -> Void in
            print(String(format: "Export progress: %.2f", progress))

        operation.completionBlock = { [weak self] () -> Void in

            DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: { [weak self] () -> Void in

                guard let strongSelf = self else

                if operation.isCancelled == true

                if operation.error == nil
                    strongSelf.videoUrl = operation.url!
                    strongSelf.uploadTicket = operation.uploadTicket!

        self.operation = operation
    fileprivate func startUpload(_ asset: PHAsset)
        let url = self.videoUrl!
        let uploadTicket = self.uploadTicket!
        let assetIdentifier = asset.localIdentifier

        let descriptor = UploadDescriptor(url: url, uploadTicket: uploadTicket)
        descriptor.identifier = assetIdentifier

        NewVimeoUploader.sharedInstance.uploadVideo(descriptor: descriptor)
        // Try HTTP put upload
        ApiManager.sharedManager.uploadVideoToVimeo(url, secureUploadLink: uploadTicket.uploadLinkSecure) { (error, completeUrl) in
            if let completeUrl = completeUrl {
                print("completeUrl = \(completeUrl)")

Title of upload video is always "Untitled"

Issue Summary

I Use a really basic approach for this and try 3 times and every time tittle is "Untitled" even If I change VideoSetting in code, not sure what to do here. I can not run your examples because Xcode gives me some errors after build. The description is also missing, only the privacy works as I can see.
Im using this Pod:
pod 'VimeoUpload', :git => '[email protected]:vimeo/VimeoUpload.git', :branch => 'develop'

Reproduction Steps

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "joy", ofType:"mp4") else {
            debugPrint("video.m4v not found")
        let urlll = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
        let title = "New Title!"
        let description = "A really cool video"
        let privacy = "public"
        let videoSettings = VideoSettings(title: title, description: description, privacy: privacy, users: nil, password: nil)

        let descriptor = OldUploadDescriptor(url: urlll, videoSettings: videoSettings) //OldUploadDescriptor(url: fileUrl, videoSettings: self.videoSettings)
        descriptor.identifier = "AnotherOne"
        descriptor.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: type(of: self).StateKeyPath, options: .new, context: &self.stateKVOContext)
        descriptor.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: type(of: self).ProgressKeyPath, options: .new, context: &self.progressKVOContext)

        OldVimeoUploader.sharedInstance?.uploadVideo(descriptor: descriptor)

Expected Behavior

Title to be the one I enter

Actual Behavior

Title is always: "Untitled"

This application or a bundle it contains has the same bundle identifier as this application or another bundle that it contains. Bundle identifiers must be unique

This application or a bundle it contains has the same bundle identifier as this application or another bundle that it contains. Bundle identifiers must be unique

I tried running your sample code. I have changed the bundle identifier as well as token. but everytime i run the app < i get above warning. Not sure what's wrong.

static let sharedInstance = NewVimeoUploader(backgroundSessionIdentifier: "") { () -> String? in
        return "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX197" // See README for details on how to obtain and OAuth token

Can't find "VIMThumbnailUploadTicket" class.

Issue Summary

A class "VIMThumbnailUploadTicket" is used by two classes "VimeoResponseSerializer+Thumbnail.swift" and "CAMUploadDescriptor.swift" on following lines:

VimeoResponseSerializer+Thumbnail.swift : 14, 29, 100 and 105
CAMUploadDescriptor.swift : 20

Reproduction Steps

Unable to use VimeoUpload framework code with Objective-C suing Xcode 8.0

Expected Behavior

What do you expect to happen as a result of the reproduction steps?
There should be class named "VIMThumbnailUploadTicket".

Actual Behavior

What currently happens as a result of the reproduction steps?
No "VIMThumbnailUploadTicket" present, so unable to use VimeoUpload framework.

Please try to add this file ASAP.


Not Able to Upload Video

While i am uploading video through this example, i am getting fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

I am attaching screenshot.
screen shot 2017-07-28 at 2 12 39 pm

I am only passing OAUTH_TOKEN getting from
screen shot 2017-07-28 at 2 17 54 pm

See My code here
screen shot 2017-07-28 at 2

I am able to see all my videos but not able to upload.

Please help me.

Unable to Reconnect to After Deleting app connection on

I was able to connect and upload videos using the library but when I deleted the app connection on (as a test) the app didn't authorize again.

the upload looks like it's working but nothing is uploaded as the app is no longer connected.

I deleted the app on the phone and restarted but it still won't re-authorize the app.

This comes up in the output:
Vimeo upload state : Executing
Vimeo upload state : Finished
Invalid http status code for download task.

And this is in OldVimeoUpload.swift: ( didn't include the actual access code!)

import Foundation

class OldVimeoUpload: VimeoUpload
static var VIMEO_ACCESS_TOKEN :String! // = "there's a string of numbers here"

static let sharedInstance = OldVimeoUpload(backgroundSessionIdentifier: "com.slatablellc.slatablevideo") { () -> String? in
    return VIMEO_ACCESS_TOKEN // See README for details on how to obtain and OAuth token

// MARK: - Initialization

override init(backgroundSessionIdentifier: String, authTokenBlock: AuthTokenBlock)
    super.init(backgroundSessionIdentifier: backgroundSessionIdentifier, authTokenBlock: authTokenBlock)


Compiler Errors

I am currently receiving multiple compiler errors with VimeoUpload. I already followed the instructions on using VimeoNetworking and VimeoUpload as submodules.

I also tried to add VimeoNetworking and VimeoUpload in a new/empty project, I am still having the same issue.

Can anyone point me to a fix/solution? Thanks!

screen shot 2018-07-04 at 7 27 02 pm

Missing imports in pod files

Most of the files within the VimeoUpload pod only have one or two imports of Foundation or UIKit, none of them contain imports of AFNetworking, Or VIMNetworking. What Am I missing here? How has this compiled for your team? Most files have an error where it's missing an import.

video upload title issue

@objc func didTapUpload(_ sender: UIBarButtonItem)
    let title = self.titleTextField.text
    let description = self.descriptionTextView.text
    self.videoSettings = VideoSettings(title: title, description: description, privacy: "Nobody", users: nil, password: nil)
    if self.operation?.state == .executing
        self.operation?.videoSettings = self.videoSettings

        self.activityIndicatorView.startAnimating() // Listen for operation completion, dismiss
    else if let error = self.operation?.error
        self.presentOperationErrorAlert(with: error)
        if let video =, let viewPrivacy = video.privacy?.view, viewPrivacy != VideoSettingsViewController.PreUploadViewPrivacy
   Notification.Name(rawValue: type(of: self).UploadInitiatedNotification), object: video)
            self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

This is my upload function here i set privacy to "Nobody","Anybody","VIMPrivacy_Private" Nothing works for me could anyone help me to get this out !!!!

VimeoUpload Submodule issue

I had an issue, during the installing process from
I've got error in VimeoUpload Submodule file ->
file: ExportOperation.swift
line: 121
if let space = availableDiskSpace, space.int64Value < self.exportSession.estimatedOutputFileLength
// not unwrapped value - space.int64Value
this code can be fixed manually, but is there an opportunity to fix it from your side?

Pod install error

Issue Summary

Can not install pod

Reproduction Steps

pod "VimeoUpload"
pod install

Expected Behavior

pod installation

Actual Behavior

pod install error

Hi, I tried to install
pod "VimeoUpload"

and I'm getting this error:

Analyzing dependencies
[!] Unable to find a specification for VimeoUpload

You have either:

  • out-of-date source repos which you can update with pod repo update or with pod install --repo-update.
  • mistyped the name or version.
  • not added the source repo that hosts the Podspec to your Podfile.

I even tried this:
pod 'VimeoUpload'
pod 'VimeoNetworking', '~> 4.1.0'

but same error, can someone help? thanks

Getting Started with VimeoUpload

How do I get started with this library? The Cocoapods area says "TODO." How should I add VimeoNetworking to my app?

When I install with
pod 'VimeoUpload', :git => '', :branch => 'CAM-354' pod 'VimeoNetworking', :git => '', :branch => 'cameo'

I get a "Use of unresolved identifier VimeoUpload" error when I try to upload a video in a view controller.

When I install with
pod 'VimeoUpload', :git => '', :branch => 'CAM-354'
pod 'VimeoNetworking', :git => '', :branch => 'master'
I get a "include of non-modular header inside framework module VimeoNetworking.VimeoNetworking" error in the VimeoNetworking.h header file.

When I install with
pod 'VimeoUpload', :git => '', :branch => ‘master’
pod 'VimeoNetworking', :git => '', :branch => ‘master’

I get the following error:
Unable to satisfy the following requirements:

  • AFNetworking (= 2.6.3) required by VIMNetworking/Model (6.0.4)
  • AFNetworking (= 3.1.0) required by VimeoNetworking (0.0.1)

Demo run with failure

Issue Summary

diff: /../Podfile.lock: No such file or directory
diff: /Manifest.lock: No such file or directory
error: The sandbox is not in sync with the Podfile.lock. Run 'pod install' or update your CocoaPods installation.

after pod install, it shows the error below:
[!] Error installing VimeoNetworking
[!] /usr/bin/git clone [email protected]:vimeo/VimeoNetworking.git /var/folders/38/jlhr8mdj7gjb452xbh_qvz2c0000gp/T/d20160624-27718-1wf33rj --template= --single-branch --depth 1 --branch master

Cloning into '/var/folders/38/jlhr8mdj7gjb452xbh_qvz2c0000gp/T/d20160624-27718-1wf33rj'...
Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Reproduction Steps

Download the demo and run

Compiler Errors

I included the VimeoUploader into my project using cocoapods as described (using submodules).

When trying to compile my app, the compiler throws several errors (see attached image).

I'm using Xcode 10.2.1, Swift Language Version is set to 4.2

(I tried to get an answer on Stackoverflow, but the question was closed due to being «off topic». The user @rog suggested to open an issue here).

Bildschirmfoto 2019-06-08 um 16 44 08

AFNetworking 3

Any clues how we can use VimeoUpload on a project which already uses AFNetworking - but v. 3 (the latest release)?

Thank you!

Can't use with Objective-C project

Issue Summary

I have added files all swift files in my Objective-C project from VimeoUpload folder
I have added #import “-Swift.h” in my project
To subclass VimeoUpload, I am adding @objc in the class definition and it gives me following error

"Generic subclasses of '@objc' classes cannot have an explicit '@objc' attribute because they are not directly visible from Objective-C.”

That is because VimeoUpload is generic class, Is there any straightforward way to use this with Objective-C project

The 'operation' result is not coming back as type AVAssetExportSession

Issue Summary

let phAsset = ... // The PHAsset you intend to upload
let operation = PHAssetExportSessionOperation(phAsset: phAsset)

// Optionally set a progress block
operation.progressBlock = { (progress: Double) -> Void in
// Do something with progress

operation.completionBlock = {
guard operation.cancelled == false else

if let error = operation.error
// Do something with the error
else if let exportSession = operation.result
// Use the export session to export a copy of the asset (see below)
assertionFailure("error and exportSession are mutually exclusive. This should never happen.")

The result of this line

let exportSession = operation.result

is type URL, but in your doc, when I try

let operation = ExportOperation(exportSession: exportSession)

I get the error

Cannot convert value of type 'URL' to expected argument type 'AVAssetExportSession'

Do you know why the operation result is not coming back as type AVAssetExportSession?

Expected Behavior

The result of ExportOperation(exportSession: exportSession) returns an object of type AVAssetExportSession

Actual Behavior

The result of ExportOperation(exportSession: exportSession) returns an object of type URL

Upload Session only has "Create" and "Upload" (not "Activate" or "Settings")

I am trying to upload a Vimeo to my VimeoAccount. I dragged the VimeoUpload-master source code into my project, and I included 'VIMNetworking' as a pod. Did I set up VimeoUpload incorrectly?

When I run the following code, Xcode's logs show "Create [phAsset identifier]" and "Upload [phAsset identifier]" However, in the example included with the library, when the video successfully uploads, Xcode shows Create, Upload, Activate, and Settings in the logs. Can you please explain what I did incorrectly in this code? Thank you so much!

`import UIKit
import Photos

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var assets = Array<PHAsset>()

let vimeoUpload = VimeoUpload<OldUploadDescriptor>(backgroundSessionIdentifier: "com.vimeo.upload", authToken: "(mytoken)")

override func viewDidLoad() {

override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {

@IBAction func uploadPressed(sender: AnyObject) {
    let options = PHFetchOptions()
    options.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(key: "creationDate", ascending: false)]

    let fetchResult = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithMediaType(.Video, options: options)

    fetchResult.enumerateObjectsUsingBlock{ (object: AnyObject?, count: Int, stop: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in

        if let phAsset = object as? PHAsset

    var selectedPHAsset = assets[0]

    let operation = PHAssetExportSessionOperation(phAsset: selectedPHAsset as! PHAsset)

    // Optionally set a progress block
    operation.progressBlock = { (progress: Double) -> Void in
        // Do something with progress

    operation.completionBlock = {
        guard operation.cancelled == false else

        if let error = operation.error
            // Do something with the error
        else if let exportSession = operation.result
            // Use the export session to export a copy of the asset (see below)
            //                let exportSession = ... // The export session you just generated (see above)
            let operation = ExportOperation(exportSession: exportSession)

            // Optionally set a progress block
            operation.progressBlock = { (progress: Double) -> Void in
                // Do something with progress

            operation.completionBlock = {
                guard operation.cancelled == false else

                if let error = operation.error
                    // Do something with the error
                else if let url = operation.outputURL
                    // Use the url to start your upload (see below)
                    let assetIdentifier = selectedPHAsset.localIdentifier

                    let title = "Untitled"
                    let description = "A really cool video"
                    let privacy = "nobody"
                    let videoSettings = VideoSettings(title: title, description: description, privacy: privacy, users: nil, password: nil)

                    let descriptor = OldUploadDescriptor(url: url, videoSettings: videoSettings)
                    descriptor.identifier = assetIdentifier

                    self.vimeoUpload.uploadVideo(descriptor: descriptor)

                    assertionFailure("error and outputURL are mutually exclusive, this should never happen.")

            assertionFailure("error and exportSession are mutually exclusive. This should never happen.")


private func requestCameraRollAccessIfNecessary()
    PHPhotoLibrary.requestAuthorization { status in
        switch status
        case .Authorized:
            print("Camera roll access granted")
        case .Restricted:
            print("Unable to present camera roll. Camera roll access restricted.")
        case .Denied:
            print("Unable to present camera roll. Camera roll access denied.")
            // place for .NotDetermined - in this callback status is already determined so should never get here


Can't export Video with MOV extension on real device running iOS 13.3

Issue Summary

When trying to upload a video with mov extension to Vimeo, the export session throws this error:

Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11838 "Operation Stopped" UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=The operation is not supported for this media., NSLocalizedDescription=Operation Stopped, NSUnderlyingError=0x10f9d60c0 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-16976 "(null)"}}

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open the camera app
  2. Choose photo mode NOT VIDEO MODE
  3. Record a QuickTake Video in PHOTO MODE by holding the shutter button down
  4. Try to upload that video to Vimeo using REAL DEVICE running iOS 13.3

FYI: It's working on a simulator running iOS 13.3 and on real devices running iOS 12.4.4
and I am using Xcode 11.3 and iPhone 11 Pro Max

Expected Behavior

It should work fine and upload successfully

Actual Behavior

The exportSession fails and return an error same as in description above

Objctive c integrate issue

i want to integrate Vimeo in my project developed in Objective C. is there any way to integrate this?

AuthenticationController.clientCredentialGrant does not have a VIMUser associated with the VIMAccount.

Issue Summary

AuthenticationController.clientCredentialGrant does not have a VIMUser associated with the VIMAccount.

I'm pretty confident that this isn't an actual issue with your library but I'm raising a ticket as I there is no resources addressing this.

The Goal.

Let users upload videos to our account, currently a Vimeo Plus account, but will be upgraded to Pro before release. These videos will be accessible throughout out app to any users of our app.


pod 'VimeoUpload', :git => '', :branch => 'CAM-354'
pod 'VimeoNetworking', :git => '', :branch => 'cameo'

I cant use the master branch because of this issue:
Which although is fixed, still causes me issues.


Currently within the VimeoUploadFramework the only publicly accessible api for creating a video on the Vimeo servers is the PHAssetCloudExportQuotaCreateOperation(me: user, phAsset: asset, sessionManager: session), this takes a user and a session. Unfortunately when we request authorization we never receive a User and therefore can never upload

This is the request authorization code used:

class Vimeo: VimeoUploader<UploadDescriptor>
    static let BackgroundIdentifier = "com.vimeo.upload"
    static let sharedInstance = Vimeo(backgroundSessionIdentifier: BackgroundIdentifier, descriptorManagerDelegate: nil) {
        return ApiKeys.VimeoUpload

    var session: VimeoSessionManager?
    var user: VIMUser?

    override init(backgroundSessionIdentifier: String, descriptorManagerDelegate: DescriptorManagerDelegate?, accessTokenProvider: VimeoRequestSerializer.AccessTokenProvider) {
        super.init(backgroundSessionIdentifier: backgroundSessionIdentifier, descriptorManagerDelegate: descriptorManagerDelegate, accessTokenProvider: accessTokenProvider)

    func authenticate(completion: (user: VIMUser?)->Void ){
        if let user = self.user  {
            completion(user: user)

        let scopes = [Scope.Private, Scope.Public, Scope.Create, Scope.Upload]
        let config = AppConfiguration(clientIdentifier: "xxx", clientSecret: "xx/xxx/xx", scopes: scopes)
        let client = VimeoClient(appConfiguration: config)
        session = VimeoSessionManager.backgroundSessionManager(identifier: self.dynamicType.BackgroundIdentifier, appConfiguration: config)

        let authentication = AuthenticationController(client: client)
        authentication.clientCredentialsGrant { (result) in

            switch result {
            case .Failure(let error):

            case.Success(let client):
                if client.isAuthenticated() {
                    self.user = client.user
            completion(user: self.user)


The Question.

Am I supposed to use PHAssetCloudExportQuotaCreateOperation?
Is there anything wrong with our set up?
Am I using the incorrect branch?

Thanks, David.

A crash is happening every single time (upon applying video settings)

I am in no way into Swift :) - old school objective c dev and this is why i am posting this - it's probably a silly issue.

Checked out the latest version - and:

  • ran it under XCode 7.3
  • uploaded a video to a 9.3 simulator
  • tried to upload with the demo app you have created
  • i see progress in the console reaching 1.00
  • then i tap 'Upload'
  • app crashes

The video actually gets uploaded - but the settings (title, description) do not get updated - this is where the app crashes.

Attaching two screenshots - one stopped at the breakpoint before the crash and one after.

It seems the video is nil - but beats me why :) I can only logically guess what is happening by looking at the swift code but that is where my super powers end :)
screen shot 2016-03-30 at 17 33 06
screen shot 2016-03-30 at 17 33 14

VimeoUploader seems to remove the initial video file

I'm currently trying to do background upload.
I'm implementing with VimeoUploader<OldUploadDescriptor> and DescriptorKVObserver delegate methods.

When backgrounding my app during the upload, then entering foreground again, the upload progress comes to 1.0
Then descriptorProgressDidChange is called several times, and the last time with an error : "Attempt to construct upload request but the source file does not exist"

I logged both methods of the delegate : descriptorProgressDidChange and descriptorStateDidChange:

upload progress 1.0
upload descriptor did change: ready
## video still at /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1E1D019F-66C9-4543-9B12-44298E34EBC9/Documents/video1.mp4
upload descriptor did change: executing
## video still at /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1E1D019F-66C9-4543-9B12-44298E34EBC9/Documents/video1.mp4
upload descriptor did change: executing
##video NOT FOUND at /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1E1D019F-66C9-4543-9B12-44298E34EBC9/Documents/video1.mp4
upload descriptor did change: finished
##video NOT FOUND at /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/1E1D019F-66C9-4543-9B12-44298E34EBC9/Documents/video1.mp4
Err upload failed Error Domain=VideoUploadErrorDomain Code=0 "Attempt to construct upload request but the source file does not exist." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Attempt to construct upload request but the source file does not exist.}
uploader finish with status failed(Error Domain=VideoUploadErrorDomain Code=0 "Attempt to construct upload request but the source file does not exist." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Attempt to construct upload request but the source file does not exist.})

(I check the video presence with FileManager.default.fileExists methods)

Why Vimeo upload is failing?

Why Vimeo SDK is removing the source video file?

How to Show Progress Block of video upload

Issue Summary

A brief but thorough description of the issue.

Reproduction Steps

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue.

Expected Behavior

What do you expect to happen as a result of the reproduction steps?

Actual Behavior

What currently happens as a result of the reproduction steps?

Compile Error

Issue Summary

Cannot compile VimeoUpload

Reproduction Steps

After adding VimeoUpload and build it, It show 65 error😢

What I did

  • clean project
  • clean Xcode/DerivedData Folder
  • pod repo update
  • update VimeoNetworking as 4.0.0
  • update VimeoNetworking as 4.1.0
  • build VimeoUpload scheme in Pods.xcodeproj file (but not working.. build failed)
  • build VimeoNetwork scheme in Podfs.xcodeproj file (build failed too)

Error & pod file

스크린샷 2019-11-16 오후 5 15 48

스크린샷 2019-11-16 오후 5 11 20

스크린샷 2019-11-16 오후 5 10 59

스크린샷 2019-11-16 오후 5 10 38

Use of unresolved identifier PHAssetExportSessionOperation

Guys please help with my issue.
I am trying to update Vimeo business logic with new iOS SDK 13 in my app. I did all the items from the scratch in the guide document how to integrate VimeoUpload/VimeoNetworking. But now I faced with problem that Xcode says me that PHAssetExportSessionOperation - use of unresolved identifier. I also add import lines (ViimeoUpload/ VimeoNetworking) in the file where I have a problem. However I did all the things that have been mentioned in the guide document without any warning. How can I solve this problem?

Not receiving upload progress update using KVO approach

I'm trying to get upload progress update using KVO approach, but my observeValue() never gets called, after registering observer using addObserver() and waiting for some time, the execution never come under observeValue() method.

Below is my VimeoHelper class, please have a look.

import Foundation
import VimeoUpload

protocol VideoUploadListener {
    func onVideoUploadUpdate(progress: Double)
    func onVideoUploadSuccess(media:PostMedia)
    func onVideoUploadFailure()

class VimeoHelper:NSObject {

    private static let Identifier = "com.ios.weapp"
    private static let AccessToken = "my_access_token"
    private static let ProgressKeyPath = "progressObservable"
    private static let StateKeyPath = "stateObservable"
    var postMedia:PostMedia?
    private var listener:VideoUploadListener?
    private var vimeoUpload:VimeoUploader<OldUploadDescriptor>?
    private var descriptor:OldUploadDescriptor?
    private var progressKVOContext = UInt8()
    private var stateKVOContext = UInt8()
    init(postMedia:PostMedia, listener:VideoUploadListener) {
        self.postMedia = postMedia
        self.listener = listener
    private func initVimeo() {
        vimeoUpload = VimeoUploader<OldUploadDescriptor>(backgroundSessionIdentifier: VimeoHelper.Identifier, accessToken: AccessToken, apiVersion: "3.3.1")
        let videoSettings = VideoSettings(title: "Untitled Video", description: "N/A", privacy: "anybody", users: nil, password: nil)
        descriptor = OldUploadDescriptor(url: (postMedia?.fileUrl)!, videoSettings: videoSettings)
    public func startUpload() {
        vimeoUpload?.uploadVideo(descriptor: descriptor!)
        descriptor = vimeoUpload?.descriptor(for: VimeoHelper.Identifier)
        descriptor?.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: VimeoHelper.ProgressKeyPath, options: .new, context: &self.progressKVOContext)
        descriptor?.addObserver(self, forKeyPath: VimeoHelper.StateKeyPath, options: .new, context: &self.stateKVOContext)
    override func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) {
        if let keyPath = keyPath {
            switch (keyPath, context) {
            case (VimeoHelper.ProgressKeyPath, &self.progressKVOContext):
                if let progress = change?[.newKey] as? Double {
                    //Call Listener
                    self.listener?.onVideoUploadUpdate(progress: progress)
            case (VimeoHelper.StateKeyPath, &self.stateKVOContext):
                let stateRaw = (change?[.newKey] as? String) ?? DescriptorState.ready.rawValue;
                let state = DescriptorState(rawValue: stateRaw)!
                //Call Listener
                if state == .finished {
                    self.listener?.onVideoUploadSuccess(media: self.postMedia!)
                super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context)
        } else {
            super.observeValue(forKeyPath: keyPath, of: object, change: change, context: context)

Could you provide VimeoUpload Objective C code or library please?

Issue Summary

A brief but thorough description of the issue.

Reproduction Steps

Detailed steps to reproduce the issue.

Expected Behavior

What do you expect to happen as a result of the reproduction steps?

Actual Behavior

What currently happens as a result of the reproduction steps?

Swift 3.2 / 4

Can you please update us on plans to support Swift 3.2 or Swift 4 so that we are able to use Vimeo on Xcode 9.

Invalid http status code for download task.

Issue Summary

We have been using the VimeoUpload framework for several months now without issue. A few days ago we started getting an error during every upload. The OldUploadDescriptor has it's state change from ready to executing to finished fairly quickly, but there is no videoUri and instead error is set to "Invalid http status code for download task."

I have tried updating the framework to the latest version, but this has not changed anything. Since we started using the framework, the VimeoUploader init method now requires an apiVersion argument, I have tried "", "2.0", and "3.0".

Reproduction Steps

I use our client ID, client secret, and access token to authenticate and get back an account, no problems there. Later I configure a VimeoUploader and OldUploadDescriptor (has not changed in months) and start the upload, then I check on the upload every 0.25 seconds.

Expected Behavior

The OldUploadDescriptor progress updates until the state changes to .finished, and the videoUri is set.

Actual Behavior

The progress does not update, the state changes to .finished but error is set instead of videoUri.

More info on the error: Error Domain=VimeoResponseSerializerErrorDomain Code=0 "Invalid http status code for download task." UserInfo={VimeoErrorDomain=CreateVideoErrorDomain, NSLocalizedDescription=Invalid http status code for download task.}

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