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metades-cirrhosis-readmission's Introduction

Complications-aware Dynamical Classifier Ensemble for Unplanned Readmission Risk Prediction in Patients with Cirrhosis


This repository contains the supplementary materials associated with the implementation of our submission titled "Complications-aware Dynamical Classifier Ensemble for Unplanned Readmission Risk Prediction in Patients with Cirrhosis." The aim of this work was to develop a specialized framework for predictive tasks based on electronic health records (EHRs), specifically focusing on unplanned readmission risk prediction in patients with cirrhosis.

The implementation of the framework involved two key components. Firstly, to improve the generation of the pool of classifiers, patient subgroups were characterized, and interpretable rules were extracted. These rules represented the presence or absence of complications and comorbidity combinations. By incorporating these rules, the framework gained insights into why individualized predictions are better supported by classifiers trained on specific subsets of data. Secondly, diagnosis-based regions of competence were integrated into the framework to facilitate the dynamic selection of classifiers. This was accomplished using the META-DES framework.

The implementation of the framework relied on the DESlib library

Noting that those changes are incompatible with current DES models.

Update deslib\des\

A new set of meta-feature (meta_feature_f6) was concatenated with other meta-features.

def compute_meta_features(self, scores, idx_neighbors, idx_neighbors_op, meta_feature_f6):

    idx_neighbors = np.atleast_2d(idx_neighbors)

    print('compute meta features')

    idx_neighbors_op = np.atleast_2d(idx_neighbors_op)

    f1_all_classifiers = self.DSEL_processed_[idx_neighbors, :]
    f1_all_classifiers = f1_all_classifiers.swapaxes(1, 2)
    f1_all_classifiers = f1_all_classifiers.reshape(-1, self.k_)
    f2_all_classifiers = \
        self.dsel_scores_[idx_neighbors, :,

    f2_all_classifiers = f2_all_classifiers.swapaxes(1, 2)

    f2_all_classifiers = f2_all_classifiers.reshape(-1, self.k_)

    f3_all_classifiers = np.mean(self.DSEL_processed_[idx_neighbors, :],
                                 axis=1).reshape(-1, 1)

    f4_all_classifiers = self.DSEL_processed_[idx_neighbors_op, :]
    f4_all_classifiers = f4_all_classifiers.swapaxes(1, 2)
    f4_all_classifiers = f4_all_classifiers.reshape(-1, self.Kp_)

    f5_all_classifiers = np.max(scores, axis=2).reshape(-1, 1)

    meta_feature_vectors = np.hstack(
        (f1_all_classifiers, f2_all_classifiers, f3_all_classifiers,
         f4_all_classifiers, f5_all_classifiers, meta_feature_f6))

    print('meta feature vector shape')

    return meta_feature_vectors

Select the classifiers with the highest competence score.

def select(self, competences):

    if competences.ndim < 2:
        competences = competences.reshape(1, -1)

    for i in range(len(competences)):
        max_val = np.max(competences[i]) # get the maximum value of the competence score
        for j in range(len(competences[i])):
            competences[i][j] = (competences[i][j] >= max_val)
    selected_classifiers = np.where(competences == 0, False, True)

    # For the rows that are all False (i.e., no base classifier was
    # selected, select all classifiers (all True)
    selected_classifiers[~np.any(selected_classifiers, axis=1), :] = True

    return selected_classifiers

Estimate the competence score with the meta-feature f6.

def estimate_competence_from_proba(self, neighbors, probabilities, meta_feature_f6,

    _, idx_neighbors_op = self._get_similar_out_profiles(probabilities)
    meta_feature_vectors = self.compute_meta_features(probabilities,
                                                      idx_neighbors_op, meta_feature_f6)

    # Digitize the data if a Multinomial NB is used as the meta-classifier
    if isinstance(self.meta_classifier_, MultinomialNB):
        meta_feature_vectors = np.digitize(meta_feature_vectors,
                                            np.linspace(0.1, 1, 10))

    # Get the probability for class 1 (Competent)
    competences = self.meta_classifier_.predict_proba(
        meta_feature_vectors)[:, 1]

    # Reshape the array from 1D [n_samples x n_classifiers]
    # to 2D [n_samples, n_classifiers]
    competences = competences.reshape(-1, self.n_classifiers_)

    return competences

Update deslib\

The new set of meta-feature was passed to the the predict() and predict_proba() to enhance dynamic classifiers selection.

def predict(self, X, meta_feature):

    X = self._check_predict(X)

    preds = np.empty(X.shape[0], dtype=np.intp)
    need_proba = self.needs_proba or == 'soft'

    base_preds, base_probas = self._preprocess_predictions(X, need_proba)
    # predict all agree
    ind_disagreement, ind_all_agree = self._split_agreement(base_preds)

    if ind_all_agree.size:
        preds[ind_all_agree] = base_preds[ind_all_agree, 0]
    # predict with IH
    if ind_disagreement.size:
        distances, ind_ds_classifier, neighbors = self._IH_prediction(
            X, ind_disagreement, preds, is_proba=False
        # Predict with DS - Check if there are still samples to be labeled.
        if ind_ds_classifier.size:
            DFP_mask = self._get_DFP_mask(neighbors)
            inds, sel_preds, sel_probas = self._prepare_indices_DS(
                base_preds, base_probas, ind_disagreement,
            meta_feature = meta_feature.reindex()
            row_list = []
            for i in inds:
                for j in range(i*self.n_classifiers_, (i+1)*self.n_classifiers_):
            X1 = meta_feature.iloc[row_list]

            preds_ds = self.classify_with_ds(sel_preds, sel_probas,
                                             neighbors, distances,
                                             DFP_mask, X1)
            preds[inds] = preds_ds

    return self.classes_.take(preds)

def predict_proba(self, X, meta_feature):

    X = self._check_predict(X)

    probas = np.zeros((X.shape[0], self.n_classes_))
    base_preds, base_probas = self._preprocess_predictions(X, True)
    # predict all agree
    ind_disagreement, ind_all_agree = self._split_agreement(base_preds)
    if ind_all_agree.size:
        probas[ind_all_agree] = base_probas[ind_all_agree].mean(axis=1)
    # predict with IH
    if ind_disagreement.size:
        distances, ind_ds_classifier, neighbors = self._IH_prediction(
                X, ind_disagreement, probas, is_proba=True)
        # Predict with DS - Check if there are still samples to be labeled.
        if ind_ds_classifier.size:
            DFP_mask = self._get_DFP_mask(neighbors)
            inds, sel_preds, sel_probas = self._prepare_indices_DS(
                base_preds, base_probas, ind_disagreement,

            meta_feature = meta_feature.reindex()
            row_list = []
            for i in inds:
                for j in range(i*self.n_classifiers_, (i+1)*self.n_classifiers_):
            X1 = meta_feature.iloc[row_list]

            probas_ds = self.predict_proba_with_ds(sel_preds,
                                                   neighbors, distances,
                                                   DFP_mask, X1)
            probas[inds] = probas_ds
    return probas

Update deslib\des\

The new set of meta-feature was passed to the the classify_with_ds() and predict_proba_with_ds().

def classify_with_ds(self, predictions, probabilities=None,
                     competence_region=None, distances=None,
                     DFP_mask=None, meta_feature=None):

    probas = self.predict_proba_with_ds(predictions, probabilities,
                                        competence_region, distances,
                                        DFP_mask, meta_feature)
    return probas.argmax(axis=1)

def predict_proba_with_ds(self, predictions, probabilities=None,
                          competence_region=None, distances=None,
                          DFP_mask=None, meta_feature=None):

    if self.needs_proba:
        competences = self.estimate_competence_from_proba(
        competences = self.estimate_competence(
    if self.DFP:
        # FIRE-DES pruning.
        competences = competences * DFP_mask

    if self.mode == "selection":
        predicted_proba = self._dynamic_selection(competences,
    elif self.mode == "weighting":
        predicted_proba = self._dynamic_weighting(competences, predictions,
        predicted_proba = self._hybrid(competences, predictions,

    return predicted_proba

Generating the diagnosis-based region of competence and new meta-features

The diagnosis-based region of competence consisted of equal number of positive and negative data samples to allow for a balanced estimation of the performance of base classifiers. The meta-feature should be extracted for training set and test set respectively.

if extract_meta_feature == True:
    for col in diagnosis_features:
        preds = []
        preds_test = []
        exp = setup(data=X_train, target=col, session_id=123, fix_imbalance=True)
        for model in ['ada','dt','et','gbc','knn','lda','lightgbm','lr','nb','qda','rf','xgboost']:
            clf = create_model(model, cross_validation=False)

            pred = predict_model(clf, data=X_train)

            pred_test = predict_model(clf, data=X_test)

        temp_array = np.array(preds)
        temp_array = temp_array.T
        temp_array = temp_array.reshape((temp_array.shape[0]*temp_array.shape[1]))
        pred_feature[col] = temp_array

nbrs_pos = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neigh, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(X_train_df_pos[diagnosis_features])
nbrs_neg = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neigh, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(X_train_df_neg[diagnosis_features])

distances_pos, indices_pos = nbrs_pos.kneighbors(X_train[diagnosis_features])
distances_neg, indices_neg = nbrs_neg.kneighbors(X_train[diagnosis_features])

indices_pos_re = indices_pos.reshape((X_train.shape[0]*n_neigh))
indices_neg_re = indices_neg.reshape((X_train.shape[0]*n_neigh))

pred_neighbor_feature = pd.DataFrame()

# postive neighbors
X_train_eval = X_train_df.loc[indices_pos_re]

pred_array = []
for model in pool_classifiers:
    y_pred = model.predict(X_train_eval)
    y_pred_re = y_pred.reshape((X_train.shape[0], n_neigh))
    pred_sum_pos = np.array(y_pred_re).sum(axis=1)

pred_array = np.array(pred_array)
pred_array = pred_array.T
pred_array = pred_array.reshape((pred_array.shape[0]*pred_array.shape[1]))
pred_neighbor_feature['positive_neighbor'] = pred_array

# negative neighbors
X_train_eval = X_train_df.loc[indices_neg_re]

pred_array = []
for model in pool_classifiers:
    y_pred = model.predict(X_train_eval)
    y_pred_re = y_pred.reshape((X_train.shape[0], n_neigh))
    pred_sum_pos = np.array(y_pred_re).sum(axis=1)

pred_array = np.array(pred_array)
pred_array = pred_array.T
pred_array = pred_array.reshape((pred_array.shape[0]*pred_array.shape[1]))
pred_neighbor_feature['negative_neighbor'] = pred_array

meta_feature = pd.concat([pred_feature, pred_neighbor_feature], axis=1)

Train the base classifiers using PyCaret

dataset_path = 'subsets/...'
dataset_list = os.listdir(dataset_path)
path = os.getcwd().replace('\\', '/') + '/model/.../'
if not os.path.exists(path):
to_dir = path
for datafile in dataset_list:
    final_df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path + '/' + datafile, encoding='ANSI')
    exp = setup(data=final_df, target='label', session_id=123, fix_imbalance=True)
    for model in ['gbc','rf','ada','qda','lr','xgboost','et','lightgbm','knn','lda','dt','nb']:
        clf = create_model(model, cross_validation=True)
        tuned = tune_model(clf, optimize = 'Accuracy')
        if pull()['Accuracy'][0] > 0.85:
            save_model(tuned, to_dir + datafile + '_' + model, model_only=True)

Evaluate the proposed framework

method = METADES(pool_classifiers, random_state=rng, k=k, Kp=Kp, DSEL_perc=0.5, voting='soft', knne=False,
                            selection_threshold=0.9, DFP=False, with_IH=False, knn_metric=knn_metric,
name = 'META-DES'
# Fit the DS techniques, y_train)
y_pred = method.predict(X_test, meta_feature_test) 
score = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
y_prob = method.predict_proba(X_test, meta_feature_test)[:,1]

metades-cirrhosis-readmission's People


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