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Kinito Finance Repository

License: MIT License

Python 10.32% Shell 0.01% Jupyter Notebook 89.23% PowerShell 0.35% Batchfile 0.03% C# 0.06%'s Introduction


Kinito Finance Repository

Web Scrapping

Medium Artcile Link:


Matplotlib Tutorial:

Technical Indicators

Moving Average Convergence Divergence - MACD (Lagging)

Many false positives on sideways market, to be used with others

Typical made by 3 periods:

  • 12 Slow Moving Averga
  • 26 Fast Moving Average
  • 9 Signal

Average True Rate & Bollinger Bands (Volatility)

Bollinger Bands made of N lines (2) from M periods (20) moving average line. Delta is wide on high volatility & short during reduced volatility

ATR range perspective as swinging moves

Relative Strenght Index - RSI

Momentum oscilation [0,100]

  • [70,100] overbought (Emerging markets use 80)
  • [0,30] oversold (Emerging markets use 80)


Average Directional IndeX - ADX

Trend stength [0,100] comparing successive signal, then calculating the smoothed average of the difference of these

  • [0,25] abscent or weak
  • [25,50] strong
  • [50,75] very strong
  • [75,100] exteemely strong

OBV (Leading)

Volume preceeding price movement. Higher OBV price increase, lower OBV price decrease. False signals Used with MACD


Slope Charts - Supertrend

OLS aproximation on actual moving average trend

Renko Charts

Timeseries data on price movement, filtering noise to see real trend. Built on bricks. Time axis but not fix. Closing price based calculation

pip install stocktrends

TA-Lib Technical Analysis (C++) for Python 3.6 x32

TA-Lib website:

TA-Lib Python Wrapper Github Page:

TA-Lib documentation of pattern recognition:

Discussion on installation problems: TA-Lib/ta-lib-python#127

Command to install TA-lib for python 3.5 and 3.6:

pip install -i ta-lib

Good website on chart patterns:

Performance Measurements KPIs

Compounded Annual Growth Rate - CAGR

Comparison of different trading strategies for asset or portfolio. Does not reflect investment risk, use with volatility measure.


Volatility Ratio

Standard deviation of the returns to capture variability of returns from the mean return. Annualization by multiplying volatility with aquare root of annualization factor:

  • annualize daily volatility * sqrt(252) => 252 traiding days
  • annualize weekly volatility * sqrrt(52) => 52 traiding weeks
  • annualize monthly volatility * sqrt(12) => 12 traiding months

Used as risk measure assuming normal distribution of returns (false) Does not capture tail risk.

Sharpe Ratio

Average return earned in excess of the risk free rate per unit of volatility Measure of risk adjusted return Fails to dicern between upside and downside fluctuation Used to compare funds

  • [1,2] good
  • [2,3] very good
  • [3,more] excellent


Sortino Ratio

Similar to Sharpe Ratio but uses standard deviation of only negative returns. Used to dicern between upside and downside fluctuation => consider harmful volatility


Maximum Drawdown Ratio

Largest percentage drop in asset price over a specified time period (peak distance difference)

Calmar Ratio

Ratio of CAGR and Maximum Draw Down. Measure of risk adjusted return


First test your system/ strategy with a set of rules with trading signal mocking data with trading conditions Factor in slippage (trading/ brokerage costs) when assessing performance. Be conservative on side of caution

Rebalancing - long term

Find a logical subset (L/ M/ S cap, industry, factor) specific and stick to this group. Build fixed individual position sized long only portfolio by picking:

  • M number of stocks based on monthly returns
  • any other criteria

Rebalance every month replacing N worse stocks by top N stocks Backtest it and compare the KPIs with that simple buy and hold strategy of corresponding index

Intraday Resistance Breakout

Helps figure out when stock reach resistance (temporary historical top value - upper line) Choose high volume, high activity stocks for this strategy (pre market movers, historically high volumes stocks)

Define breakout rule:

  • use price breach 20 * period rolling max/ min price & vlume breaching rolling max volume (go long/ short stocks based on signals)

Define exit/ stop loss signal:

  • use previous price +/- 20 * period ATR as the roling stop loss price

Calculate strategy cumulative return for each stock

Intraday Renko Ratio - On Balance Volume

Pick high volume, high activity stock (pre market movers, historically high volumes stocks)

Define Buy Signal:

  • Renko Ratio bar >= 2
  • 5 day OBV Slope >= 30 degrees
  • exit if Renko Ratio bar < 2

Define Sell Signal:

  • Renko Ratio bar <= -2
  • 5 day OBV Slope <= -30 degrees
  • exit if Renko Ratio bar > -2

Intraday Renko Ratio - MACD

Pick high volume, high activity stock (pre market movers, historically high volumes stocks)

Define Buy Signal:

  • Renko Ratio bar >= 2
  • MACD line >= signal line
  • MACD line's slope (over 5 day period) >= signal line's slope (over the last 5 periods)
  • exit if (MACD line < signal line) & (MACD line's slope < signal line's slope)

Define Sell Signal:

  • Renko Ratio bar <= -2
  • MACD line < signal line
  • MACD line's slope (over 5 day period) < signal line's slope (over the last 5 periods)
  • exit if (MACD line >= signal line) & (MACD line's slope >= signal line's slope)

Value Investing - Fundamental Analysis

Price is what you pay, value is what you get.

Quantitative approach if you can afford computational power. Quantitative methods:

  • (Joel Greenblatt's) Magic Formula
  • (Stanford Accounting Professor Joseph Piotroski) F-score

Excellent artcile on HFT based on actual events:

Magic Formula

Best seller ''The little book that beats the market'':

  • identify wonderfull stocks at bargain price


Wonderful stocks : Return On Invested Capital (ROIC) focussing on assets generating the return


Bargain price: Earning Yield is the ratio of EBIT to Enterprise Value (like P/E ratio but capital structure independent)


Invest in the top 20-30 companies (exclude finance & insurance), accumulating 2-3 positions per month over 12 months period and rebalance each year.

F-score (mid & small caps)

Number [0-9] which assess company's financial position strength, 9 bieng best. Pick sctock [8,9] and rebalance once or twice a year.

  • profiltability criteria:
    • positive return on assets in the current year (1 point)
    • positive perating cash flow in the current year (1 point)
    • return on asset higher in the current year compared to previous year (1 point)
    • cash flow from operations divided by total assets greater than ROA in current year - Accruals - (1 point)
  • leverage, liquidity & source of funds criteria:
    • lower ratio of long term debt in the current period, compared to previous - decreased leverage - (1 point)
    • higher current ratio this year compared to previous year, more liquidity (1 point)
    • no new shares were issued in the last year, lack of dilution (1 point)
  • operating efficiency criteria:
    • higher gross margin compared to previous year (1 point)
    • higher asset turnover ratio compared to previous year (1 point)

Trading System - building algorithmic automated

  • direct access to stock exchange
    • high frequency
    • colocation
    • milliseconds downtime
  • API trading
  • running code continiously/ periodically
    • crontab
    • taskmgr
    • Python 'timed' scripts

Fxcm way

Oanda way

API-Key 8f61d5ed3ce2f93b2cbc3d753abb6f82-e292f680364fc69b424f86fe2a817b3f

  1. OANDA web trading terminal

  2. OANDA Python wrapper installation

pip install oandapyV20
  1. OANDA API (python wrapper) documentation

  2. OANDA developer account intro

SMA crosover

  1. SMA Crossover Strategy Link

  2. Stochastic


Faster, reliable, try EC2 free on AWS


cd /path/to/PEMfile
chmod 400 udemy_demo.pem
chmod go-rwx filename.pem
chmod u-wx filename.pem
ssh -i "udemy_demo.pem" [email protected]

link to documentation on installing python and pip in your ec2 instance

sudo yum install python37
curl -O
python3 --user

Basic introduction of crontab -

sample crontab command to run you file every day at 9 am (monday to friday)

crontab -e

00 09 * * 1-5 /path/to/file

Sentiment Analysis

NLTK - Natural Language Processing

pip install -U nltk wordnet

Lexicon based approach

Relies on underlyng sentiment, some manually constructed

  • LIWC
  • ANEW
  • SentiWordNet
  • SenticNet

VADER - Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner

Inludes abbreviations and emoticons, Successfule in social media data. VADER [-4,4] Paper by Georgia Tech Computer Department:

VADER Python library gitgub page:

pip install --upgrade vaderSentiment textblob

Machine Learning approach on Natural Language

Probalility SentimentIndicators-Probability

Naive Bayes SentimentIndicators-NaiveBayes

Probability Prediction SentimentIndicators-ProbabilityPredicting

Training Data (labeled data)

Constructing feature matrix SentimentIndicators-TrainingData

TF-IDF (Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency)

Algorithm assigning weighting factor to get important features of a document

TF: number of times the term t appear in the doc / total number of words in the doc

IDF: log(total number of documents/ number of documents with the term t in it)

TF-IDF: TF * IDF SentimentIndicators-TF-IDF


Evolving area Commercial product lexicon based therefore un accurate Custom ML can be a product to sell Challenges:

  • label large volumes of news data accurately
  • equities need industry specific classifiers
  • streaming news expensive
export PATH=` echo $PATH | sed 's/:/\n/g' | grep -v mnt | xargs | sed 's/\ /\:/g' `
jupyter nbconvert --to script Section-17_98-WhatIsaNormalDistribution-Note.ipynb

Calculating & Comparing risk

Calculating Return


Annual Return = ((Daily Return + 1)^365)*100-1

Single Equity

Logarithmic Rate of Return CalculatingAndComparingRisk-LogRateReturn

$$ ln( \frac{P_t}{P_{t-1}} ) $$

Multiple Equities

Simple Rate of Return CalculatingAndComparingRisk-SimpleRateReturn

$$ \frac{P_1 - P_0}{P_0} = \frac{P_1}{P_0} - 1 $$

Normalization to 100 to visualize

$$ \frac{P_1} {P_0} * 100 $$

Dot Product from Average Retrurn by Weights


Run permutation calculations

Popular Market Indices

S&P500: '^GSPC' 500 largest US companies reflects its diversity

DowJones: '^DJI' Industrial Average 30 largest

NASDAQ: '^IXIC' Composite Grouped Securities & IT Companies




MSCI: Morgan Stanley Composite International

Calculating Rate of Return RoR


Measuring Investment Risk

Variance & Standard Deviation


Coviariance between 2 values


  • cov > 0 : both move in the same direction
  • cov = 0 : both are independent
  • cov < 0 : both move in opposite direction

Correlation between 2 values


  • Corr(returns) : Dependence between prices at different times, focus on returns of your portfolio.
  • Corr(prices) : focus on price levels
  • variance = Dot Product (weights as Vector, Dot Product (252*cov(returns), weights) )
  • volatility = sqrt(Dot Product (weights as Vector, Dot Product (252*cov(returns), weights) ))

Regressions for Financial Analysis

  • univariate regression: one variable (line = intercept + slope * x + residuals)
  • multivariate regression: multiple variables

Good regression


Higher percent implies more predictive is: R square = 1 - (SSR / TSS)

Markowitz Portfolio Optimization

Distribute to have low correlation

Perform many iterations for performance graph MeasuringInvestmentRisk-EfficientFrontier

Capital Asset Pricing Model

Capital Market Line CapitalAssetPricingModel-CapitalMarketLine

Beta $$ \beta_{stock,market} = \frac{\sigma_{stock,market}}{\sigma_{market}^2} $$

Beta = cov(stock, market) / variance of the market Risk that cannot be avoided using diversification

  • beta > 1 aggressive - performance follows the market
  • beta = 0 no relationship
  • beta < 1 defensive - performance follows slowly


CAPM $$ \overline{r_{stock}} = r_{free} + \beta_{stock,market}(\overline{r_{market}} - r_{free}) $$

Equity Risk Premium $$(\overline{r_{market}} - r_{free})$$

Example for a US stock

  • risk free: 2.5% (10 year US government bond yield)
  • beta: 0.62 (S&P500 approximation) aka average premium
  • equity risk premium: [4.5%, 5.5%] (historical in US)
  • r(stock) = 2.5% + 0.62 * 5% = 5.6%

Sharpe Ratio allows to compare 2 stocks or 2 portfolios


Sharpe ratio: $$ Sharpe = \frac{\overline{r_{stock}} - r_{free}}{\sigma_{stock}} $$

CAPM alpha


Multivariate Regression Analysis

Univariate regression has a unique beta coefficient and unique explanatory variable


Multivariate regression has a multiple beta coefficients and multiple explanatory variables


Monte Carlo Simulations for Decision Making Tool

Using historical data

On revenues

  • cogs: Gross Profits - cost of goods sold
  • opex: Operating Profits





Price Evolution


Brownian Motion

Drift aka Expected Daily Return

$$ Drift = \mu - \frac{1}{2} \cdot var = \mu - \frac{1}{2} \cdot \sigma^2 $$

Direction headed in the past (calculate average, standard deviation, and variance f daily returns) in the historical period.

Volatility aka Random Variable

$$Random Variable = \sigma \cdot Z(Random(0,1))$$

  • sigma is the historical variability
  • Zeta is the number of standard deviation from mean


$$ \frac{P_t - P_{t-2}}{P_{t-2}} $$

$$ ln(\frac{P_t}{P_{t-1}} ) = ln( \frac{P_t - P_{t-1}}{P_{t-1}} + \frac{P_{t-1}}{P_{t-1}}) = ln(\ simple.returns + 1) $$

$$ daily_returns = exp({drift} + {stdev} * z) $$

$$ where\ z = norm.ppf(np.random.rand(t_intervals, iterations)) $$

  1. Historical Data


  1. Log Returns: LogReturns = log(1 + returns_pct_change)


  1. Mean Calculation : Mean = mean(LogReturns)
  2. Variance Calculation : Variance = variance(LogReturns)
  3. Drift Calculation : Drift = Mean - (Variance / 2)
  4. Standard Deviation Calculation : Std = std(LogReturns)
  5. Drift into Array Conversion
  6. Set normalization at 95% norm.ppf(0.95)
  7. Set array 10x2 of random values
  8. Z Calculation : Z = norm.ppf(randomArray)
  9. Set intervals & interations (1000,10)
  10. r calculation : r = Drift + Std * Z
  11. Daily Returns Calculation : DailyReturns = e^r
  12. Price List Calculation : iterate to create matrix (first row has latest price value) m[t] = m[t-1] * DailyReturns[t]


r = drift + stdev * Z Z = norm.ppf(np.random.rand(t_intervals, iterations) dailyReturns = exp(r) = exp(drift + stdev * Z) = exp(drift + stdev * norm.ppf(np.random.rand(tIntervals, iterations))


Derivative Contracts

  1. Forwards: price preset, one sells in N time to another
  2. Futures: highly standardized foward contract on market place
  3. Swaps: echange cashflows in N times of an asset (interest rate, stock price, bond price, commodity)
  4. Options: owner buys (call options) or sells (put options) asset at a given price (strike price)

Derivative Pricing aka Black-Sholes-Merton


  1. d1 : how much can we expect
  2. d2 : how much we must pay's People


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