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learn-simple-vite-vue3-tailwind's Introduction

Vue Simple Apps with Tailwindcss


Short Documentation


  • This documentation is using pnpm
  • This code is using Vue v3 with Composition API (not Options API)

Initialize Apps

  1. pnpm create vite
  2. name your project
  3. select Framework: vue,
  4. select a variant: vue
  5. cd path/to/project/folder
  6. pnpm install
  7. delete src/assets/, src/components/HelloWorld.vue
  8. pnpm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer
  9. pnpm exec tailwindcss init -p
  10. edit tailwind.config.js
    module.exports = {
      content: ["./index.html", "./src/**/*.{vue,js,ts,jsx,tsx,svelte,md,mdx}"],
      theme: {
        extend: {},
      plugins: [],
  11. create file src/index.css
  12. edit index.css
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;
    .custom-container {
      @apply container p-4 min-w-full min-h-screen flex flex-col items-center justify-center text-center;
    .custom-subcontainer {
      @apply flex flex-row justify-center items-center;
    .h1 {
      @apply text-4xl font-medium mb-4;
    .h2 {
      @apply text-2xl font-medium mb-4;
    .btn {
      @apply px-4 py-2 my-2 bg-sky-300 hover:bg-sky-600 text-slate-700 hover:text-slate-300 font-bold rounded-3xl w-48;
    .form-input {
      @apply px-4 py-2 my-2 bg-white border border-gray-300 rounded-3xl w-full;
    table {
      @apply table-auto border border-collapse border-slate-500;
    th {
      @apply border border-slate-500 p-2;
  13. edit main.js
    import { createApp } from "vue";
    import App from "./App.vue";
    // import the tailwind css here
    import "./index.css";
  14. edit App.vue
    <script setup>
    // This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
    // Check out
      <div class="custom-container bg-slate-200">
        <p class="h1">Simple Vue Apps with Tailwind</p>
  15. run the app pnpm run dev


  1. create file src/components/FirstComponent.vue
  2. edit FirstComponent.vue
    <script setup>
    import { ref } from "vue";
    // ref is for reactive value
    const count = ref(0);
    // method for set count state
    function addCount() {
    // method for reset count state
    function resetCount() {
      count.value = 0;
        <h2 class="h2">First Component</h2>
          <!-- conditional rendering -->
          <span v-if="count === 0">Don't you dare to click me !</span>
          <span v-else-if="count >= 1">
            How dare you click me {{ count }} time{{ count > 1 ? "s" : "" }}
          <!-- bind event on click with addCount -->
          <button class="btn" v-on:click="addCount">Dare-to-click</button>
          <!-- bind event on click with resetCount -->
          <!-- @ is shorthand for v-on: -->
          <button class="btn" @click="resetCount">Forget-me-not</button>
  3. edit App.vue
    <script setup>
    // This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
    // Check out
    // import the component here
    import FirstComponent from "./components/FirstComponent.vue";
      <div class="custom-container bg-slate-200">
        <p class="h1">Simple Vue Apps with Tailwind</p>
        <!-- Call the FirstComponent -->
        <FirstComponent />


  1. create file src/components/SecondComponent.vue
  2. create file src/components/SecondComponentSubContent.vue
  3. edit SecondComponentSubContent.vue
    <script setup>
    // get a props from parent component named 'textInput'
    // via defineProps
        <pre v-if="textInput === ''">I have nothing to show</pre>
        <pre v-else>I write: {{ textInput }}</pre>
  4. edit SecondComponent.vue
    <script setup>
    import { ref } from "vue";
    // We will create a child component to hold the content
    import SecondComponentSubContent from "./SecondComponentSubContent.vue";
    // state for the text
    const textInput = ref("");
        <h2 class="h2">Second Component</h2>
        <div class="custom-subcontainer">
          <!-- Form Section -->
          <section class="mr-4">
              <!-- Two way data binding automatically using v-model -->
                placeholder="Write me pl0x"
            <!-- Content section  -->
            <!-- pass textInput to SecondComponentSubContent -->
            <SecondComponentSubContent v-bind:textInput="textInput" />
  5. edit App.vue
    <script setup>
    // This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
    // Check out
    // import the component here
    import FirstComponent from "./components/FirstComponent.vue";
    // import the second component here
    import SecondComponent from "./components/SecondComponent.vue";
      <div class="custom-container bg-slate-200">
        <p class="h1">Simple Vue Apps with Tailwind</p>
        <!-- Create new section to hold FirstComponent -->
        <FirstComponent />
        <!-- Create new section to hold FirstComponent -->
        <SecondComponent />


  1. create file src/components/ThirdComponent.vue
  2. create file src/components/ThirdComponentSubTable.vue
  3. create file src/components/ThirdComponentSubTableContent.vue
  4. edit file ThirdComponentSubTableContent.vue
    <script setup>
      <tr v-bind:key="">
        <td>{{ item.first_name }}</td>
        <td>{{ item.last_name }}</td>
        <td>{{ }}</td>
          <img v-bind:src="item.avatar" />
  5. edit file ThirdComponentSubTable.vue
    <script setup>
    import ThirdComponentSubTableContent from "./ThirdComponentSubTableContent.vue";
      <table class="table-auto">
          <!-- Create the loop for rendering the data  -->
          <!-- Loop the table rows and pass the item -->
            v-for="item in extData"
  6. edit file ThirdComponent.vue
    <script setup>
    import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from "vue";
    import ThirdComponentSubTable from "./ThirdComponentSubTable.vue";
    const extData = ref([]);
    const fetchData = async () => {
      // fetch data from external API
      const response = await fetch("");
      const jsonData = await response.json();
      // set fetched data to state
      extData.value =, 3);
    // we will fetch the data from the external API
    // using the methods that we have created
    // the fetchExternalData method
    // this is the same as componentDidMount on React
    onMounted(() => {
    // this is the same as componentDidUnmount on React
    onUnmounted(() => {});
        <h2 class="h2">Third Component</h2>
        <ThirdComponentSubTable v-bind:extData="extData"></ThirdComponentSubTable>
  7. edit file App.vue
    <script setup>
    // This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
    // Check out
    // import the component here
    import FirstComponent from "./components/FirstComponent.vue";
    // import the second component here
    import SecondComponent from "./components/SecondComponent.vue";
    // import the third component here
    import ThirdComponent from "./components/ThirdComponent.vue";
      <div class="custom-container bg-slate-200">
        <p class="h1">Simple Vue Apps with Tailwind</p>
        <!-- Create new section to hold FirstComponent -->
          <FirstComponent />
        <!-- Create new section to hold SecondComponent -->
          <SecondComponent />
        <!-- Create new section to hold ThirdComponent -->
          <ThirdComponent />

Pre-FourthComponent (Router)

  1. pnpm add vue-router@4
  2. edit index.css
    .link {
      @apply underline text-sky-600 hover:text-green-600 m-2;
  3. create folder src/routes
  4. create file src/routes/route.js
  5. edit main.js
    import { createApp } from "vue";
    import App from "./App.vue";
    // import the router that we have created here
    import router from "./routes/route";
    // import the tailwind css here
    import "./index.css";
    const app = createApp(App);
  6. edit route.js
    // import createRouter for using the vue-router
    // import createWebHistory to use the history mode
    import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";
    import ThirdComponent from "../components/ThirdComponent.vue";
    // declare the routes needed for the application
    const routes = [{ path: "/third-component", component: ThirdComponent }];
    // declare the router to be used by Vue
    const router = createRouter({
      history: createWebHistory(),
    export default router;
  7. edit App.vue
    <script setup>
    // This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
    // Check out
    // import the component here
    import FirstComponent from "./components/FirstComponent.vue";
    // import the second component here
    import SecondComponent from "./components/SecondComponent.vue";
    // import the third component here
    import ThirdComponent from "./components/ThirdComponent.vue";
      <div class="custom-container bg-slate-200">
        <p class="h1">Simple Vue Apps with Tailwind</p>
        <!-- Create new section to hold FirstComponent -->
          <FirstComponent />
        <!-- Create new section to hold SecondComponent -->
          <SecondComponent />
        <!-- Create new section to hold ThirdComponent -->
          <!-- <ThirdComponent /> -->
            <!--  Declare the link in here (href)  -->
            <router-link class="link" to="/">Back</router-link>
            <router-link class="link" to="/third-component"
              >Third Component</router-link
          <!-- create the router-view to hold the component -->


  1. create file src/components/FourthComponent.vue
  2. create file src/components/FourthComponentSubTable.vue
  3. create file src/components/FourthComponentSubTableContent.vue
  4. create file src/components/FourthComponentSubInput.vue
  5. edit src/routes/route.js to import FourthComponent.vue and adding routes to fourth-component
    // import createRouter for using the vue-router
    // import createWebHistory to use the history mode
    import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from "vue-router";
    import ThirdComponent from "../components/ThirdComponent.vue";
    // import fourth component
    import FourthComponent from "../components/FourthComponent.vue";
    // declare the routes needed for the application
    const routes = [
      { path: "/third-component", component: ThirdComponent },
      // declare FourthComponent
        path: "/fourth-component",
        component: FourthComponent,
    // declare the router to be used by Vue
    const router = createRouter({
      history: createWebHistory(),
    export default router;
  6. edit App.vue to add FourthComponent
    <script setup>
    // This starter template is using Vue 3 <script setup> SFCs
    // Check out
    // import the component here
    import FirstComponent from "./components/FirstComponent.vue";
    // import the second component here
    import SecondComponent from "./components/SecondComponent.vue";
    // import the third component here
    import ThirdComponent from "./components/ThirdComponent.vue";
      <div class="custom-container bg-slate-200">
        <p class="h1">Simple Vue Apps with Tailwind</p>
        <!-- Create new section to hold FirstComponent -->
          <FirstComponent />
        <!-- Create new section to hold SecondComponent -->
          <SecondComponent />
        <!-- Create new section to hold ThirdComponent -->
          <!-- <ThirdComponent /> -->
            <!--  Declare the link in here (href)  -->
            <router-link class="link" to="/">Back</router-link>
            <router-link class="link" to="/third-component"
              >Third Component</router-link
            <router-link class="link" to="/fourth-component"
              >Fourth Component</router-link
          <!-- create the router-view to hold the component -->
  7. edit FourthComponent.vue
    <script setup>
    import { onMounted, onUnmounted, ref } from "vue";
    import FourthComponentSubTable from "./FourthComponentSubTable.vue";
    import FourthComponentSubInput from "./FourthComponentSubInput.vue";
    // state for fetched external data
    // initial value is an empty array
    const extData = ref([]);
    // state for selected row (we only fetch the email, so initial state will be string)
    const selectedExtData = ref("");
    // declare function to set the ext data
    const setExtData = (data) => {
      extData.value = data;
    // declare function to set the selected email
    const setSelectedEmail = (email) => {
      selectedExtData.value = email;
    const fetchData = async () => {
      // fetch data from external API
      const response = await fetch("");
      const jsonData = await response.json();
      // set fetched data to state
      setExtData(, 6));
    // we will fetch the data when this FourthComponent is rendered
    // using the onMounted hook to fetch the data
    // this is the same as componentDidMount on React
    onMounted(() => {
    // this is the same as componentDidUnmount on React
    onUnmounted(() => {});
        <h2 className="h2">Fourth Component</h2>
        <!-- pass the setSelectedEmail function here -->
  8. edit FourthComponentSubInput.vue
    <script setup>
          placeholder="Choose from below"
  9. edit FourthComponentSubTable.vue
    <script setup>
    import FourthComponentSubTableContent from "./FourthComponentSubTableContent.vue";
    // Receive the passed props extData to this component
    // Receive the passed events setSelectedEmail to this component
    const emit = defineEmits(["setSelectedEmail"]);
    // define the function to use the emitted event from parent
    const setSelectedEmail = (email) => {
      emit("setSelectedEmail", email);
      <table className="table-auto">
          <!-- Create the loop for rendering the data  -->
          <!-- Loop the table rows and pass the item function from props -->
            v-for="item in extData"
  10. edit FourthComponentSubTableContent.vue
    <script setup>
    // Receive the passed events setSelectedEmail to this component
    const emit = defineEmits(["setSelectedEmail"]);
    // define the function to use the emitted event from parent
    const setSelectedEmail = (email) => {
      emit("setSelectedEmail", email);
        <td>{{ item.first_name }}</td>
        <td>{{ item.last_name }}</td>
        <td>{{ }}</td>
          <img v-bind:src="item.avatar" />
          <button className="btn" v-on:click="setSelectedEmail(">
            Choose Me pl0x

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