Turn flow type annotations into comments.
When using this plugin, you might want to also blacklist the flow
transformer to preserve the /* @flow */
function foo(bar?) {}
function foo2(bar?: string) {}
function foo(x: number): string {}
type B = {
name: string;
export type GraphQLFormattedError = number;
import type A, { B, C } from './types';
import typeof D, { E, F } from './types';
"use strict";
function foo(bar /*:: ?*/) {}
function foo2(bar /*:: ?: string*/) {}
function foo(x /*: number*/) /*: string*/ {}
/*:: type B = {
name: string;
/*:: export type GraphQLFormattedError = number;*/
/*:: import type A, { B, C } from './types';*/
/*:: import typeof D, { E, F } from './types';*/
$ npm install babel-plugin-flow-comments
"plugins": ["flow-comments"],
"blacklist": ["flow"]
$ babel --plugins flow-comments --blacklist flow script.js
require("babel-core").transform("code", {
plugins: ["flow-comments"],
blacklist: ["flow"]