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btferret's Introduction

btferret/btlib Bluetooth Interface

Version 3


1 Introduction

This is a C Bluetooth interface that has been developed for Raspberry Pis.

A Pi running this interface can connect simultaneously to multiple Classic and LE devices, and also to a mesh network of other Pis running the same software.

There is a library of functions (btlib) and a sample program (btferret) that implements most of the interface features such as connecting to other devices, operating as a client or server, exchanging data (including a file transfer routine) and display of information - it is a bit like bluetoothctl. Many Bluetooth operations can be run from the btferret command line, and this document describes how the same thing (and more) can then be done via your own C code.

Also included is the code for a simple mesh network example, and a Blue Dot server that is probably the easiest way of controlling a Pi from a phone.

In the reference section there is a detailed description of the HCI Bluetooth interface, the packet formats and how they are constructed, and the sequence of instructions needed to establish connections and exchange data. This information is difficult to extract in a coherent form from the Bluetooth specification documents. The library functions have a verbose print mode that displays the HCI Bluetooth traffic with details of the packets that are exchanged.

There are server code and client code sections that are brief guides to writing code for other machines to act as servers/clients for btferret/btlib.

This interface is programmed at the HCI level and bypasses higher-level bluez functions, so it does not use the Pi's Bluetooth service, which can be stopped.

2 File list Compile Hello world




gcc btferret.c btlib.c -o btferret

btferret must be run with root permissions
from the root account or via sudo as follows:

sudo ./btferret

Run with devices.txt in the same directory

No additional libraries or installs are required, the code is self-contained. To customise btferret.c for your devices, an essential first step is to edit the devices.txt file to list all the devices in the network (see the init_blue documentation).

It does not use higher-level bluez functions, so if desired the Pi's Bluetooth service can be stopped as follows:

service bluetooth stop

Check result via:

service bluetooth status

When btferret/btlib code is running, it monopolises the adapter, so Bluetooth devices such as keyboards and audio will not work.


This is how to send the message "Hello world" from one Pi to another - firstly via btferret operations, and then via C code.

Using btferret on both devices:

1. Edit client and server Pi devices.txt files to list both devices and their addresses.
2. On server, s to start server, choose NODE SERVER, choose node of client.
3. On client, c to connect, choose node of server, choose NODE SERVER.
4. On client, t to send string, enter Hello world, enter 10 as terminate char.
5. Hello world appears on server - it will complain that it is an unknown command.
6. On client, D to disconnect both devices.

To write your own code using the btlib functions, start from scratch or modify the btferret.c or sample.c examples. Here is a minimum starting C program, mycode.c.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "btlib.h"

int main()
  if(init_blue("devices.txt") == 0)
  // your code here

Compile and link to the library functions in btlib.c.

gcc mycode.c btlib.c -o mycode

Run via:

sudo ./mycode

The following codes send "Hello world" from a Pi client to a Pi server. Compile and run the client and server codes as follows.

gcc client.c btlib.c -o client
gcc server.c btlib.c -o server

Edit hellodev.txt with the addresses of client and server.

Run server
sudo ./server

Run client
sudo ./client


  should appear on the server's display

This is the device info file hellodev.txt

DEVICE= Client Pi  TYPE=MESH NODE=1 ADDRESS=11:11:11:11:11:11
DEVICE= Server Pi  TYPE=MESH NODE=2 ADDRESS=22:22:22:22:22:22

This is the client code client.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "btlib.h"

int main()
  char *s;
  if(init_blue("hellodev.txt") == 0)
  s = "Hello\n";
  s = "world\n";
     // sending "world" causes server to initiate disconnect
  wait_for_disconnect(2,5000);  // time out 5000ms

This is the server code server.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "btlib.h"

int callback(int clientnode,unsigned char *dat,int count);

int main()
  if(init_blue("hellodev.txt") == 0)
  node_server(1,callback,10);  // 10 = \n termination char

int callback(int clientnode,unsigned char *dat,int count)
  if(dat[0] == 'w')         // "world" triggers server exit
    return(SERVER_EXIT);    // initiates disconnection 
  return(SERVER_CONTINUE);  // waits for another write_node

3 Interface

3-1 Bluetooth Connections

There are two flavours of Bluetooth - Classic and LE (low energy). In the Classic case, a client connects to a listening server and the two can then exchange large amounts of serial data. A Pi running btferret/btlib can act as a Classic client or server. The connecting server/client can be another Pi running btferret or any Bluetooth-capable device such as a PC or Android running a Blueooth app such as a serial terminal. The Blue Dot app uses a classic connection to control a Pi from a phone.

The original idea behind LE is that the server is a measurement device such as a temperature monitor. An LE client connects to the server, reads a value, and then disconnects. The data transferred is just a few bytes. The values are called characteristics, and the client can interrogate the server to find what services (characteristics) are available. They can be readable, writeable or both. A Pi running btferret/btlib can act as an LE client or server. LE characteristics can also have a notify property whereby the value is transmitted when it changes - without being asked by the client. The client must enable the characteristic's notification process for this to work.

The use of LE goes beyond this simple read operation and there are LE server devices such as the Microchip RN4020 that has digital I/O pins and PWM capabilities that can be contolled by writing to its characteristics for remote control applications. This separate document describes the use of btlib functions and an RN4020 for motor speed control.

In addition to the above standard funtionality, btferret has two custom types of connection: mesh and node. These connections can only be made between two Pis running btferret/btlib. The mesh functions use Bluetooth advertising data to repeatedly send a small number of bytes to all other Mesh Pis. The node client/server functions use an LE connection to exchange large amounts of data, but more slowly than a Classic connection, and only between two Pis. Other devices will not recognise a btferret node client/server.

Multiple connections of all the above types can be open simultaneously. When acting as a client, connections can be made to multiple node/classic/LE servers. The node and classic servers can only be connected by one specified client, but can also act a client for multiple connections at the same time. An LE server can be connected by multiple clients simultaneously. A mesh transmission sends to all listening mesh servers.

Don't expect too much of the speeds here. The mesh packet repeat rate may only be around once per second, btferret's file transfer speed is about 2000 bytes/s for a NODE connection and about 50,000 bytes/s for a CLASSIC connection.

The following diagram shows these connections with the principal btlib functions that apply in each case.


3-2 btferret

The btferret.c program implements the basic interface functions: scan for active devices, operate as a client or a server, connect to Classic/LE/Mesh Pis, exchange data, file transfer, broadcast mesh packets, read/write LE characteristics, read service information from Classic and LE servers, and print detailed information about the HCI Bluetooth traffic.

a - Scan for Classic Bluetooth devices
b - Scan for LE and Mesh Pi Bluetooth devices
i - Print device information
v - Read services (Classic serial channels or LE characteristics)
c - Connect to a classic/LE/mesh/node server (can be multiple)
d - Disconnect a node (use D instead for btferret servers)
t - Transmit ascii string to a connected node
T - Transmit (broadcast) ascii string to mesh
r - Read characteristic from LE device
w - Write characteristic to LE device
j - Enable/disable LE characteristic notifications
R - Read LE characteristic notifications
k - Settings (inc. verbose print option to print HCI traffic)
[] - Scroll screen output back/forward
o - Save all recent screen output to a text file
s - Become a mesh/node/classic/LE server and listen for remote client
y - Find services that contain a specified UUID
g - Register a custom UUID serial service
h - Print help

The following commands only work when connected to another Mesh Pi running btferret set up as a node or classic server (via s).

p - Ping a server for OK reply
f - Send a file to a server
D - Tell a server (or all mesh servers) to disconnect

The following sections describe how to use these commands to establish connections and exchange data. They also show how to do the same thing with your own C code rather than via btferret.c.

3-3 Windows-Android-HC-05 Classic servers

The btferret/btlib code can connect to a Windows/Android/HC-05 Classic server. This might be a Bluetooth terminal program set up as a server (via a "Make discoverable" option for example). Guidance on writing server code for other machines is in the server code section. With the server waiting for a connection, btferret must first find the RFCOMM channel on which the server is listening. The remote server may require that the two devices are paired first. The Pi cannot do this - it must be done from the remote device before connection is attempted, with the Pi listening as a server, as described in the next section Windows-Android Classic clients.

DEVICE=Windows PC  type=classic node=4 address=00:1A:7D:DA:71:13

btferret commands

    Does the remote device insist on pairing first?
    If so, see next section 3.4 for instructions

i - Print device info. If server is already in device info via devices.txt
    the following step is not necessary
a - Scan for classic devices if not already set in devices.txt.
    This should find the listening server device.
c - Connect. Enter the node number of the listening device.
    Select the "Read services" option. The server's serial channels will be
    displayed, and the appropriate one will probably have one of the two
    following UUIDs, or may be described as something like "rfcomm serial port".    
    Enter the RFCOMM channel number. The device should connect.
t - Send string. Enter the node number of the device.
    Enter a string, for example: hello
    Enter the termination character - almost certainly line feed 10.
    The hello message should appear on the Bluetooth terminal screen.
    Because the terminal program is not set up to reply, btferret will
    report "No reply".
d - Disconnect. Enter the device node number.

The same procedure is programmed via btlib functions as follows:

/* devices.txt
DEVICE=Windows PC  type=classic node=4 address=00:1A:7D:DA:71:13

int channel;
char buf[16],inbuf[64];

   // The serial channel might be known. For example an HC-05 has just one
   // channel which can be specified in devices.txt via CHANNEL=1 as above

   // find the serial channel of node 4 if not known  
channel = find_channel(4,UUID_2,strtohex("1101",NULL));
// OR
channel = find_channel(4,UUID_16,strtohex("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB",NULL));
   // if channel > 0 then the serial channel has been found 
strcpy(buf,"hello\n");          // must have termination char expected by server \n = 10
write_node(4,buf,strlen(buf));  // send 6 chars to node 4

   // if the server is expected to reply:
   // wait for 1 second for a reply with a 10 termination char

    // OR if the server is programmed to initiate disconnection
    // see the discussion in disconnect_node() section 4.2.10 

3-4 Windows-Android Classic clients

A Mesh Pi can be set up as a classic server and receive pairing requests or connections from remote clients (running a Bluetooth terminal program for example). (See Pi-Pi client-server connection for classic connections between two Mesh Pis). The client will have security requirements - usually a passkey to pair initially, and then a link key for subsequent connections. Some experimentation is required to find which link key and passkey options to use. Normally the "use link key, print passkey locally here" option will work for pairing and connection. Some terminal programs require the server to be paired before attempting to connect, some will pair during connection, and some do not need to be paired, or may even have to be unpaired. To pair from the remote device, first start the Pi as a classic server with the "use link key/passkey here" option. Sometimes the remote device will ask to confirm that the Pi has displayed a passkey, and you have ten seconds to respond before the Pi gives up on the connection. If the remote client asks for a PIN number, enter 0000 - it will not be used because btferret will not ask the client for a PIN (not the same as a passkey). If a device has been previously paired using software other than btferret, unpair it first because the pairing information is not inherited from bluez. If pairing is required, the Pi server must be waiting for a connection when the remote client attempts to pair. Trial and error will determine what combination of un-pairing, pairing and link/pass key will work - the ways of Bluetooth pairing are many and wondrous. In Windows pre-pair via Settings/Devices/Add Bluetooth or other device, in Android: Settings/Bluetooth. A brief guide to writing Client Code for Windows/Android devices is in the Reference section.

DEVICE=Windows PC  type=classic node=4 address=00:1A:7D:DA:71:13

btferret commands

i - Print device info. If client is already in device info via devices.txt
    the following step is not necessary
a - Scan for classic devices if not already set in devices.txt.
    This should find the client device. 
s - Become a server. Select Classic server. Enter node of client that will connect.
    Choose link key and passkey options. The Pi will then wait for a pairing 
    request or a connection. For connections it will listen on channel 1 via two 
    standard serial UUID services called Serial2 and Serial16 and a custom UUID.
    The server can be terminated with the x key.

Initiate connection from the client. If there is an option for line ending, choose
line feed (char 10). Sending a single character p + line feed will ping the server
for an "OK" reply. Sending D + line feed will terminate the connection and the
server function.

The same procedure is programmed via btlib functions as follows:

/* devices.txt
DEVICE=Windows PC  type=classic node=4 address=00:1A:7D:DA:71:13

// Wait for connection (and/or pairing) from node 4
// Termination char for packets = 10 (line feed)
// Use a link key and print passkey on the screen

classic_server(4,classic_callback,10,KEY_ON | PASSKEY_LOCAL);

// This classic_callback routine receives packets sent by the client.
// It works the same way for NODE and CLASSIC connections so the 
// same code can be used for both.

int classic_callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)
  char buf[4];
  // data[] has datlen bytes from clientnode
  printf("Packet from %s\n",device_name(clientnode));
  if(data[0] == 'p')
    {   // pinged - send OK reply
    buf[0] = 'O';
    buf[1] = 'K';
    buf[2] = 10;   // end char expected by client
    write_node(clientnode,buf,3);  // send 3-byte reply
  else if(data[0] == 'D')  // 'D' programmed as exit command   
    return(SERVER_EXIT);   // server initiates disconnection
                           // client may or may not see the disconnect 
  return(SERVER_CONTINUE);  // wait for another packet

3-5 LE client

Connect to an LE server and read/write characteristics. Sometimes a device will have a fixed Bluetooth address for Classic connections, but a random changeable address for LE connections (Android devices running nRF as an advertiser for example). In this case, it is not possible to set the address in the devices.txt file, so the LE device and its current address must be found by scanning via b in btferret or le_scan(), and the characteristics must be found via v in btferret or find_ctics(). Some LE servers need to be given time to complete the connection, or they will connect, but then disconnect soon after. When using the btferret c command, you will be prompted for this completion time. When writing code, the set_le_wait function sets this time. Zero may work, otherwise find the shortest time that prevents disconnection.

btferret commands

i - Print device info. If the LE device is already in device info via
    devices.txt, the following step is not necessary.
b - Scan for LE devices if not already set in devices.txt or if the LE device
    uses random addresses.
c - Connect. Enter node number of LE device, and connection wait time.
    If the device's characteristics are already known by device info
    the following step is not necessary.
v - Read services. The characteristic info will be read from the device
r - Read a characteristic - enter its characteristic index from the list
w - Write a characteristic
j - Enable/disable characteristic notifications
R - Read notifications
d - Disconnect

LE read/writes are programmed via btlib funtions as follows:

/* devices.txt for an LE device that has a fixed address
DEVICE = Pictail  TYPE=LE  NODE=7   ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  LECHAR=Name    UUID=2A00                        ; index 0
  LECHAR=Test    HANDLE=001C PERMIT=06 SIZE=2     ; index 1
  LECHAR=Detector  HANDLE=001E PERMIT=16 SIZE=2   ; index 2 notify capable

char buf[32];

le_scan();       // Find listening LE devices

set_le_wait(750);              // LE connection completion time 750ms
connect_node(7,CHANNEL_LE,0);  // 3rd parameter 0 not needed for LE devices

read_ctic(7,1,buf,sizeof(buf));   // read Test (index 1) from node 7
                                  // buf[0] and buf[1] will have the data
read_ctic(7,0,buf,sizeof(buf));   // read Name (index 0)
printf("Name = %s\n",buf);

         // write 12 34 to Test (index 1)
buf[0] = 0x12;
buf[1] = 0x34;
write_ctic(7,1,buf,0);  // device info knows the size of Test is 2
                        // so can set the last parameter count=0

     // Enable notifications sent when Detector value (index 2) changes
     // Call notify_callback when a notification is received

read_notify(30*1000);  // read notifications for 30 seconds


int notify_callback(int lenode,int cticn,char *buf,int nread)
  // LE device lenode has sent notification of characteristic index cticn
  // data in buf[0] to buf[nread-1]
  printf("%s has sent %s\n",device_name(lenode),ctic_name(lenode,cticn));

3-6 LE server

Become an LE server and wait for connections from LE clients. The client may be another Pi acting as an LE client, or a phone app such as nRF. The other types of server (CLASSIC and NODE) can only connect to one client at a time, but an LE server can connect to multiple clients simultaneously.

btferret commands

i - Print device info. The local device should list
    the characteristics defined in the devices.txt file.
v - Read services. The characteristic info will be listed
r - Read a characteristic - enter its characteristic index from the list
w - Write a characteristic
s - Become a server and wait for clients to connect, select LE server option.
d - Disconnect

The server's characteristics are defined in the devices.txt file, full details in init_blue and le_server.

Starting the server and reading/writing the local characteristics are programmed via btlib funtions as follows:

/* devices.txt file:

DEVICE = My Pi  TYPE=Mesh  NODE=1   ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  LECHAR=Test     HANDLE=0005  PERMIT=06  SIZE=2   ; index 0 read/write no ack  2 bytes
  LECHAR=Detector HANDLE=0007  PERMIT=16  SIZE=2   ; index 1 read/write/notify capable
  LECHAR=Status   HANDLE=000A  PERMIT=02  SIZE=1   ; index 2 read only  1 byte
// C code:

char buf[32];

read_ctic(localnode(),2,buf,sizeof(buf));   // read Status (index 2) 
                                            // buf[0] will have the data

                                  // write 56 to Status (index 2)
buf[0] = 0x56;
write_ctic(localnode(),2,buf,0);  // local device is allowed to write to its own
                                  // characteristic Status. Remote devices are
                                  // not allowed because it is read only.
                                  // Size is known from devices.txt, so last
                                  // parameter (count) can be 0           

         // write 12 34 to Detector (index 1)
buf[0] = 0x12;
buf[1] = 0x34;
           // If a connected client has enabled notifications for Detector, this
           // write will also trigger a notification that will be sent to the client.

                   // Become an LE server and wait for clients to connect.   
                   // when a client performs an operation such as connect, or
                   // write a characteristic, call the function le_callback()
                   // Call LE_TIMER in le_callback every 100 deci-seconds (10 seconds)

int le_callback(int clientnode,int operation,int cticn)
  if(operation == LE_CONNECT)
     // clientnode has just connected
  else if(operation == LE_READ)
     // clientnode has just read local characteristic cticn
  else if(operation == LE_WRITE)
     // clientnode has just written local characteristic cticn
  else if(operation == LE_DISCONNECT)
     // clientnode has just disconnected
     // uncomment next line to stop LE server when client disconnects
     // return(SERVER_EXIT);
     // otherwise LE server will continue and wait for another connection
     // or operation from other clients that are still connected
  else if(operation == LE_TIMER)
    // The server timer calls here every timerds deci-seconds 

Here is client and server code that illustrates the use of notifications. The server reads the time and sends a notification to the client every ten seconds. The client then displays the time. Add the following code to the base C code. Run the server to start it listening, then run the client.

/* devices.txt file for both Pis:

DEVICE= Client Pi  TYPE=MESH NODE=1 ADDRESS=11:11:11:11:11:11
DEVICE= Server Pi  TYPE=MESH NODE=2 ADDRESS=22:22:22:22:22:22

// C code for Server Pi:
#include <time.h>   

   // wait for client to connect and then
   // call LE_TIMER twice per second (5 deci-seconds)

int le_callback(int clientnode,int operation,int cticn)
  struct tm tm; 
  time_t tim;
  static unsigned char minsec[2] = {0,0};
  if(operation == LE_TIMER)
    {  // every timerds deci-seconds (from le_server(callback,timerds)) 
       // read the system time and convert to local time
    minsec[0] = tm.tm_min;
    minsec[1] = tm.tm_sec;
    if((minsec[1] % 10) == 0)
      {   // every 10 seconds of local time
          // write two-byte minsec to local characteristic index 0 (Min/Sec)
          // if the client has enabled notifications
          // via notify_ctic() this write will also trigger
          // a notification that will be sent to the client.
          // It will appear on the client's screen if it is
          // running read_notify() or any other read operation
  else if(operation == LE_DISCONNECT)

// C code for Client Pi:

    // connect to Server Pi node 2 which must be listening via le_server() 

    // enable notifications for node=2 device, characteristic index 0

    // read notifications for 2 minutes (or stop via x key press)
    // when a notification is received, the notify_callback function is called
    // and so prints Min/Sec every 10 seconds

    // disconnect and trigger LE_DISCONNECT operation in server

int notify_callback(int lenode,int cticn,char *buf,int nread)
  // LE device lenode has sent notification of characteristic index cticn
  printf("%s %s Min=%d  Sec=%d\n",device_name(lenode),ctic_name(lenode,cticn),buf[0],buf[1]);

3-7 Pi-Pi client-server connection

Two Mesh Pis connected as a client/server pair. There must be two Pis listed as MESH type in devices.txt. The connection can be NODE or CLASSIC. The NODE type connects quickly but has slow transfer speeds (2000 bytes/s), while the CLASSIC type has a more convoluted connection procedure, but much faster speeds (50,000 bytes/s).

DEVICE = Mesh Pi 1  TYPE=mesh node=1 ADDRESS = B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 2  TYPE=mesh node=2 ADDRESS = DC:A6:32:04:DB:56

btferret commands

Set up one Pi as a node or classic server:

i - Print device info. The client that will connect must be listed.
    If not, add it to the devices.txt info.
s - Select node or classic server. Enter node number of client that will connect.
    The device will now report that it is waiting for a connection
    from the specified client node.
    At any time, pressing the x key will stop the server.
On another Pi, connect as a client

i - Print device info. The server Pi must be listed.
c - Connect. Enter type of listening server (node or classic).
    Enter node number of the listening server Pi.
    The devices should both report a connection
p - Ping. Enter server node number. It should reply "OK" as 
    programmed in btferret's node_callback routine.
t - Send string. Enter string which will appear on the server.
f - Send file to server.
D - Disconnect. A 'D' command that the server has been programmed
    via node_callback in btferret to initiate disconnection.

The same procedure is programmed via btlib functions as follows:

/* devices.txt
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 1  TYPE=mesh node=1 ADDRESS = B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 2  TYPE=mesh node=2 ADDRESS = DC:A6:32:04:DB:56

// SERVER code

// NODE SERVER - node 1
// Set up node 1 as a node server listening for node 2 to connect
// Specify 10 as end char for packets sent by client

// *** OR ***

// CLASSIC SERVER - node 1
// Set up node 1 as a classic server listening for node 2 to connect
// Specify 10 as end char for packets sent by client
// Pi-Pi connections do not require a link key or passkey

classic_server(2,node_callback,10,KEY_OFF | PASSKEY_OFF);

// This node_callback routine receives packets sent by the client.
// It works the same way for NODE and CLASSIC connections so the 
// same code can be used for both.

int node_callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)
  char buf[4];
  // data[] has datlen bytes from clientnode
  printf("Packet from %s\n",device_name(clientnode));
  if(data[0] == 'p')
    {   // pinged - send OK reply
    buf[0] = 'O';
    buf[1] = 'K';
    buf[2] = 10;   // end char expected by client
    write_node(clientnode,buf,3);  // send 3-byte reply
  else if(data[0] == 'D')  // 'D' programmed as exit command   
    return(SERVER_EXIT);   // server initiates disconnection
                           // client should be running wait_for_disconnect()
  return(SERVER_CONTINUE);  // wait for another packet

// CLIENT code

char outbuf[4],inbuf[64];

// NODE CLIENT - node 2
// Connect as a node client to the node 1 node server
connect_node(1,CHANNEL_NODE,0); // NODE CLIENT connect to node 1 NODE SERVER

// *** OR ***

// CLASSIC CLIENT - node 2
// Connect as a classic client to the node 1 classic server
connect_node(1,CHANNEL_NEW,1);  // CLASSIC CLIENT connect to node 1 CLASSIC SERVER
                                // Mesh Pis listen on channel 1

   // Ping node 1 server
outbuf[0] = 'p';
outbuf[1] = 10;           // end char expected by server
write_node(1,outbuf,2);   // send 2-byte packet to node 1
   // wait for reply from node 1 with end char 10. Time out = 2 seconds
printf("Reply %s\n",inbuf);
    // Tell server to initiate disconnection
outbuf[0] = 'D';
outbuf[1] = 10;
    // no reply programmed, so nothing to read  
    // Wait for disconnection procedure initiated by server
    // because it returned SERVER_EXIT from its callback

3-8 Broadcast to all mesh servers

There must be at least two Pis listed as MESH type in devices.txt.

DEVICE = Mesh Pi 1  TYPE=MESH node=1 ADDRESS = B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 2  TYPE=MESH node=2 ADDRESS = DC:A6:32:04:DB:56

btferret commands

Set up one or more mesh devices as mesh servers to receive all broadcast packets.

i - Print device info. Any broadcasting device must be on the list
    or its packets will be ignored as a security risk.
    If not on the list - add to the devices.txt info.
s - Select mesh server. The device will report that it is waiting for packets.
    At any time, pressing the x key will stop the server.     

On another mesh device, send a mesh packet

T - Enter string. It will appear on all listening mesh servers
D - Disconnect. Tell all mesh servers to stop.

The same procedure is programmed via btlib funtions as follows:

/* devices.txt
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 1  TYPE=mesh node=1 ADDRESS = B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 2  TYPE=mesh node=2 ADDRESS = DC:A6:32:04:DB:56



// This mesh callback routine receives all broadcast packets from
// devices on the devices.txt list.

int mesh_callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)
  int n;
  printf("Mesh packet from %s\n",device_name(clientnode));
    // print mesh packet in hex format
  for(n = 0 ; n < datlen ; ++n)
    printf(" %02X",data[n]);
  if(data[0] == 'D')   // 'D' programmed as exit command
  return(SERVER_CONTINUE);  // wait for another packet


char buf[4];

buf[0] = 0x12;
buf[1] = 0x34;

   // broadcast two-byte mesh packet
sleep(1);  // 1 second delay to allow packet to be sent

   // broadcast D disconnect command
sleep(1);  // 1 second delay to allow packet to be sent

     // A write_mesh packet is not sent immediately because
     // the repeat rate is about 3 per second.
     // Always allow for this possible delay when using write_mesh     
     // The sleep delays are necessary if another
     // mesh packet is going to be sent immediately,
     // or if the program is going to terminate
     // and shut down Bluetooth.

3-9 sample

The sample.c code is an illustration of a procedure using mesh, node and Classic connections on the following mesh network.


The Classic server might be a Windows PC with a Bluetooth terminal set up as an incoming server listening on the standard 16-byte UUID. (The Windows COM port listens on the standard 2-byte UUID=1101). All three mesh Pis run the same sample.c code that executes the following sequence:

DEVICE = Pictail  TYPE=LE  NODE=7   ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  LECHAR=Test    HANDLE=001C PERMIT=0A SIZE=2     ; index 0
  LECHAR=Name    UUID=2A00                        ; index 1
DEVICE = Windows PC  type=classic  node=4  address=00:1A:7D:DA:71:13
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 1  TYPE=mesh node=1 ADDRESS = B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 2  TYPE=mesh node=2 ADDRESS = DC:A6:32:04:DB:56
DEVICE = Mesh Pi 3  TYPE=mesh node=3 ADDRESS = 00:15:83:EF:24:3D

1. Nodes 2 and 3 set up as mesh servers
2. Node 1 broadcasts a mesh packet telling 2 to become a node server
3. Node 3 receives and ignores the command
4. Node 2 receives and becomes a node server waiting for 1 to connect
5. Node 1 connects to node 2
6. Node 1 sends a node packet to 2 requesting the name of node 7
7. Node 2 connects to the LE server node 7 and reads its name
8. Node 2 sends the name to node 1
9. Node 2 disconnects node 7
10. Node 1 reads the classic server node 4 info to find the channel
11. Node 1 connects to the classic server node 4 on the channel
12. Node 1 sends the name to node 4
13. Node 1 disconnects node 4
14. Node 1 sends node packet to node 2 telling it disconnect as a 
           node server and revert to a mesh server
15. Node 1 broadcasts a mesh packet telling all mesh servers (2,3) to close
16. Nodes 2 and 3 mesh servers close and exit their programs
17. Node 1 exits

None of these mesh and node packet commands are part of the btlib interface - they are all custom programmed in the sample.c callback functions. The sample.c code is extensively commented and no further description will be given here.




gcc sample.c btlib.c -o sample

sample must be run with root permissions
from the root account or via sudo as follows:

sudo ./sample

Run with sampledev.txt in the same directory

3-10 Blue Dot Server

A simple way to control a Pi from an Android device is the Blue Dot app. It connects as a classic client to a Pi listening as a classic server, and displays a pattern of dots. Tapping the dots sends command messages to the Pi. No programming is needed at the Android end. There is sample code for a dedicated Blue Dot server that is compiled as follows:




gcc bluedot.c btlib.c -o bluedot

RUN (with bluedot.txt in the same directory)

sudo ./bluedot

The bluedot.txt file must be edited first to set the Pi and Android device addresses. Find the Android address by turning Bluetooth on via Settings/Bluetooth, then Settings/Device info/Status. When bluedot is run on the Pi, it will report the Pi address and indicate how it should be listed in bluedot.txt. The Pi (running bluedot) must be paired from the Android device before starting the Blue Dot app. Run bluedot and follow the help instructions. Once connected, the Pi will display the commands as the buttons are tapped, and the bdotserver() code in bluedot.c may be customised for the desired application.

4 btlib Library

These library functions are in btlib.c/btlib.h.

4-1 Function List

init_blue - Initialize must be called on program start
close_all - Close all connections on program end
device_info - Print device information
classic_scan - Scan for classic devices
le_scan - Scan for LE devices
localnode - Return node number of local device
list_channels - List serial data channels of a Classic device
list_ctics - List characteristics of an LE device
list_uuid - List node services that contain a specified UUID
register_serial - Register a custom UUID serial service
connect_node - Connect to a server node as a client
classic_server - Become a classic server. Listen for pair/connect
le_server - Become an LE server. Listen for connection
node_server - Become a node server. Listen for connection
mesh_server - Listen for broadcast mesh packets
find_channel - Find RFCOMM serial channel of Classic device
find_ctics - Read all characteristic info from LE device
find_ctic_index - Find characteristic index of UUID
write_ctic - Write characteristic to an LE device
read_ctic - Read characteristic from an LE device
notify_ctic - Enable/disable LE characterisitc notifications
write_node - Write serial data to connected node device
write_mesh - Start broadcasting a packet to all mesh devices
read_mesh - Read next packet from all broadcasting mesh devices
read_node_count - Read a specified byte count from specified node
read_node/all_endchar - Read from specified or all nodes until end char received
read_node/all_clear - Clear data in input buffer
read_notify - Read LE notifications
read_error - Return error code of last read
device_type - Return device type (Classic/LE/Mesh/Local)
device_name - Return device name string
device_connected - Return device connection state
ctic_ok - Return LE characteristic valid flag
ctic_name - Return LE characteristic name string
disconnect_node - Disconnect initiated by client
wait_for_disconnect - Wait for disconnect initiated by server
scroll_back/forward - Scroll screen back/forward
set_le_wait - Set LE server connection wait time
set_print_flag - Set screen print mode (none/normal/verbose)
output_file - Save all recent screen output to a file
strtohex - Convert ascii string to array of hex values
mesh_on - Turn mesh transmission on
mesh_off - Turn mesh transmission off


    flag = UUID_2, UUID_16
    flag =  UUID_2, UUID_16
    exitflag = EXIT_TIMEOUT, EXIT_KEY
*strtohex("ascii string",&nbytes)

4-2 Functions

4-2-1 classic_scan

void classic_scan(void)

Scan for Classic Bluetooth devices. If a device is not already on the device information list, it is added and will be listed via device_info.

4-2-2 classic_server

int classic_server(int clientnode,int (*callback)(),char endchar,int keyflag)

Sets up the local device as a classic server that waits for a specified client (clientnode) to pair or connect, then spends all its time listening for packets sent from that client. The client may be a Windows/Android/.. device (maybe running a Bluetooth terminal program), or another Mesh Pi acting as a classic client and connecting via connect_node(). The packets must have the specified termination character (endchar), and are limited to a maximum size of 1000 bytes. When a packet is received, it is despatched to the callback function. The callback function returns a flag telling classic_server to continue or exit. The classic_server function only completes when it receives this SERVER_EXIT return or the x key is pressed. When operating as a classic_server, there is a 1:1 connection between the client and this server - the other mesh devices do not participate.

The server listens on channel 1, and advertises the following serial services:

UUID = 1101 channel=1 name=Serial2 
UUID = 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB  channel=1 name=Serial16
UUID = FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F5-7BEE22C03CDB  channel=1 name=My Custom Serial

The UUID and name of this last custom serial service can be changed via register_serial.


clientnode = Node number of the client that will connect
callback() = Callback function that deals with the received packets
endchar = termination character of packets sent by the client
keyflag = Flags to specify the security requirements of the connecting client:

One of these:

   KEY_OFF   Do not use a link key - use when the connecting client is
             another Mesh Pi, or to force the remote device to re-pair.
   KEY_ON    Use a link key - for Android/Windows/.. devices that want to pair
OR'ed with one of these:

   PASSKEY_OFF    Do not use a pass key. Most convenient option if the connecting
                  client does not require pass key confirmation. No user action needed.
   PASSKEY_LOCAL  Display a pass key on the local server. The connecting client may
                  pop up a box asking if the number has appeared, and the user must
                  tap OK to proceed. The most convenient option if the connecting
                  client requires pass key confirmation.
   PASSKEY_REMOTE  Display a pass key on the remote connecting client, and the user
                   must then enter the number on this local server device. The most
                   inconvenient option.
Recommended keyflags:
  KEY_OFF | PASSKEY_OFF    Use if the connecting client is a Mesh Pi
  KEY_ON  | PASSKEY_LOCAL  Use for Android/Windows.. clients that need 
                           pass key confirmation for pairing or connection. 
  KEY_ON  | PASSKEY_OFF    Might work for Android/Windows.. clients when pairing or
                           connecting. They may connect without needing a pass key,
                           in which case, no user action is needed.
  KEY_OFF | PASSKEY_LOCAL  Try this for pairing if the above methods will not work,
                           maybe because the client does not like the current
                           link key. This forces the client to re-pair. Once
                           successfully paired, use KEY_ON for subsequent connections.
  KEY_ON  | PASSKEY_REMOTE  Use for Android/Windows.. clients. Inconvenient because
                            the pass key appears on the remote client connecting
                            device and must be entered on the local device.                                                  

When connecting two Mesh Pis, use KEY_OFF | PASSKEY_OFF. When the client is a Windows/Android/.. device, some experimentation is required to determine whether to use a link key and pass key. Some terminal programs require the server to be paired before attempting to connect, some will pair during connection, and some do not need to be paired, or may even have to be unpaired. If pairing is required, the server must be running classic_server() during the pairing process and KEY_ON will almost certainly be needed. Otherwise, trial and error will determine what combination of pairing and keyflag will work. In Windows pre-pair via Settings/Devices/Add Bluetooth or other device, in Android Settings/Bluetooth. If a device has been previously paired using other (non-btferret) software on the Pi, it must be un-paired first because btferret does not inherit pairing information from bluez. If the connecting client asks for confirmation that a passkey has appeared on the server's screen, tap OK or Pair. If the connecting client asks for a PIN number, enter 0000. It will not be used because classic_server will not ask for a PIN number.


0 = Fail
1 = OK exit via callback returning SERVER_EXIT 

The callback function is defined as follows:

int callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)

clientnode = Node number of the device that sent the packet
data = array of packet data bytes
datlen = number of bytes in data[] - max 400

RETURN one of the following

SERVER_CONTINUE = Wait for another packet
SERVER_EXIT     = Stop server and disconnect.
                  If the client is another Mesh Pi it
                  should be running wait_for_disconnect().
                  If the client is a Windows/Android.. device
                  it may or may not respond to the
                  disconnection immediately.


This a minimal classic server callback that simply prints a message, and exits when the first data byte is an ascii 'D'. It can also be stopped by pressing the x key. See btferret.c or sample.c for other examples. Note that the callback function is effectively identical to the node callback listed in node_server, so the same code can be used for classic and node callbacks. See the sample code in read_node_count for an example of data exchange inside the callback function, and sending an "OK" reply to the client.

   // listen for packets from node 4 (another Mesh Pi) with termination character 10
   // do not use a link key or passkey for Pi-Pi connections
classic_server(4,classic_callback,10,KEY_OFF | PASSKEY_OFF);

      // listen for pairing or connection requests from node 2, an
      // Android/Windows.. device. The remote device may pop up a box
      // asking if the passkey has appeared on the local server screen.
classic_server(2,classic_callback,10,KEY_ON | PASSKEY_LOCAL);
int classic_callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)
  // data[] has datlen bytes from clientnode  
  printf("Classic packet from %s\n",device_name(clientnode));
  if(data[0] == 'D')      // 'D' programmed as exit command
    return(SERVER_EXIT);  // A Mesh Pi client should be
                          // running wait_for_disconnect()
  return(SERVER_CONTINUE);  // wait for another packet

4-2-3 close_all

void close_all(void)

Close all connections to remote devices and the local Bluetooth adapter. Call this on program termination.

4-2-4 connect_node

int connect_node(int node,int flag,int channel)

Connect to a node and set up a serial channel.


node = Node number
flag = one of the following
    CHANNEL_NODE      Connect to Mesh Pi listening as a node server
    CHANNEL_NEW       Connect to classic server or Mesh Pi listening as classic server
                      on channel specified in parameters
    CHANNEL_STORED    Connect to classic server or Mesh Pi listening as classic server
                      using previous/stored/specified in device.txt CHANNEL=
    CHANNEL_LE        Connect to LE server or Mesh Pi listening as LE server
channel = RFCOMM channel for CHANNEL_NEW only
          Ignored if flag = CHANNEL_NODE or CHANNEL_STORED or CHANNEL_LE
          always 1 if the server is a Mesh Pi listening as a classic server.

The RFCOMM channel must be the serial channel on which the remote device (acting as a server) is listening (see UUIDs). Remote device channels can be found by calling find_channel or list_channels. Use CHANNEL_NEW to specify the channel in the parameters. CHANNEL_STORED uses the channel stored in device information that can be set in two ways:

  1. With an e.g. "CHANNEL=1" entry in the init_blue devices.txt infomation.

  2. A CHANNEL_NEW connection will store the channel number, so CHANNEL_STORED can be used for all subsequent reconnections.

Some devices have fixed RFCOMM channels which are permanent and known, while others allocate them as needed and can only be found by reading the remote device services at connection time.

When connecting to an LE server (CHANNEL_LE) a waiting delay is sometimes required as explained in set_le_wait.


0 = Fail
1 = OK


If device information in devices.txt for init_blue() is:

DEVICE = Windows PC  TYPE=classic NODE=7 address=00:1A:7D:DA:71:13
DEVICE = Pictail  TYPE=LE NODE=3  ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
DEVICE = My other Pi  TYPE=MESH NODE=9 ADDRESS = B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3

connect_node(9,CHANNEL_NODE,0);  // connect to My other Pi Mesh device node 9
                                 // listening as a node server
connect_node(9,CHANNEL_LE,0);   // connect to My other Pi Mesh device node 9
                                // listening as an LE server
connect_node(9,CHANNEL_NEW,1);  // connect to My other Pi Mesh device node 9
                                // listening as a classic server on channel 1
                                // (all Mesh Pis listen on channel 1)
set_le_wait(500);              // some LE connections fail if the wait is too small 
connect_node(3,CHANNEL_LE,0);  // connect to Pictail LE server node 3                                
connect_node(6,CHANNEL_STORED,0); // connect to HC-05 classic server node 6
                                  // via channel 1 specified in devices.txt                       

connect_node(7,CHANNEL_NEW,4);  // connect to Windows PC Classic server node 7 
                                // listening on RFCOMM serial channel 4
                                // will store channel 4 in device info
connect_node(7,CHANNEL_STORED,0);  // reconnect to Windows PC classic server node 7
                                   // using stored channel 4 set by the previous
                                   // CHANNEL_NEW connection  

int channel;
      // find Classic server channel number from its 2 or 16-byte UUID               
channel = find_channel(7,UUID_2,strtohex("1101",NULL));
// OR
channel = find_channel(7,UUID_16,strtohex("FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F5-7BEE22C03CDB",NULL));
connect_node(7,CHANNEL_NEW,channel);  // connect to Windows PC node 7 on found channel 

4-2-5 ctic_name

char *ctic_name(int node,int cticn)

Return an ascii string containing the name of LE characteristic with index cticn.


node = Node number
cticn = Characteristic index


Pointer to a zero-terminated ascii string containing characteristic name
(or "Invalid node","Invald characteristic","Nameless")

See device_type for sample code.

4-2-6 ctic_ok

int ctic_ok(int node,int cticn)

Return 1 if node and cticn are the indices of a valid characteristic entry in the device information.


node = Node number
cticn = Characteristic index


0 = Invalid node or characteristic
1 = Valid node and characteristic

See device_type for sample code.

4-2-7 device_connected

int device_connected(int node)

Return the connection state of a node.


node = Node number


NO_CONN      = Not connected
CLASSIC_CONN = Classic client or server
LE_CONN      = LE client or server 
NODE_CONN    = Node client or server

4-2-8 device_info

int device_info(int mask)


mask = OR'ed combination of the following flags:

BTYPE_LO  include local device
BTYPE_ME  include Pi Mesh devices
BTYPE_CL  include classic clients/servers
BTYPE_LE  include LE servers

BTYPE_CONNECTED     exclude disconnected devices
BTYPE_DISCONNECTED  exclude connected devices

BTYPE_SHORT  short list with device names only


                    // full list all device info
                    // full list connected classic clients/servers
                    // short list disconnected LE servers

4-2-9 device_name

char *device_name(int node)


node = Node number


pointer to a zero terminated string containing device name or
"Invalid node"


  // print name of node 5
printf("Node 5 name = %s\n",device_name(5));

4-2-10 device_type

int device_type(int node)

Return type of a device.


node = Node number


0        = Invalid node number
BTYPE_CL = Classic client/server
BTYPE_LE = LE server
BTYPE_ME = Pi Mesh device
BTYPE_LO = Local device


Use device_type and ctic_ok to check devices and characteristics in the device information and list their names with device_name and ctic_name.

int k;

  // print characteristic info for node 7

printf("Node 7 name = %s\n",device_name(7));
if(device_type(7) == BTYPE_LE)
  for(k = 0 ; ctic_ok(7,k) != 0 ; ++k)
    printf("  Characteristic %d = %s\n",k,ctic_name(7,k));

4-2-11 disconnect_node

int disconnect_node(int node)

Client-initiated disconnect a node. There are two ways to disconnect: client-initiated and server-initiated. This disconnect_node() function is client-initiated and the client simply disconnects without telling the server. If the server is set up to recognise this (e.g. an HC-05 or LE server), then use this method. See below for an explanation of a server-initiated disconnection that should be used for node connections to other Mesh Pis.


node = Node number


0 = Fail
1 = OK


disconnect_node(3);   // disconnect node 3

Some servers may not respond to a client disconnect and may continue to listen for data packets from the client without realising that it has disconnected. The solution is to send the server a message that it interprets as an instruction to disconnect. The server then initiates the disconnection and the client must wait for a disconnection sequence from the server to complete the process gracefully - and wait_for_disconnect does this. In this way both devices agree to disconnect. For an example, see the node_callback() code in btferret.c or node client/server connection.

   // Send a serial data message to node 4 that it interprets as
   // a disconnect instruction - in this case a single 'D' character

char buf[4];

buf[0] = 'D';  
   // Server has been programmed to initiate disconnection
   // in response to this message. If it is another Mesh PI
   // this is done by returning SERVER_EXIT from its callback function.
   // Wait 3s (3000ms) for the disconnect procedure packets sent back 
   // by the server and complete the disconnection properly
   // If the function times out, the local device
   // initiates and completes the disconnection.
   // So disconnection is guaranteed at this point. 

4-2-12 find_channel

int find_channel(int node,int flag,char *uuid)

Returns the RFCOMM channel number of a specified UUID. Use the RFCOMM channel to connect to a Classic server via connect_node.


node = Node number
flag = One of the following: 
  UUID_2   Two-byte UUID
  UUID_16  16-byte UUID  
uuid = 2 or 16-byte array containing UUID 


-1 = Failed to read channel info
 0 = Read channel info OK but no UUID match
>0 = RFCOMM channel


// Find RFCOMM channel of node 7's serial data channel with UUID = 1101

int channel;
char uuid[2];

uuid[0] = 0x11;
uuid[1] = 0x01;
channel = find_channel(7,UUID_2,uuid);

// The strtohex() function can be used to generate the uuid array from an ascii string.

channel = find_channel(7,UUID_2,strtohex("1101",NULL));
channel = find_channel(7,UUID_16,strtohex("FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F5-7BEE22C03CDB",NULL));

if(channel > 0)
  connect_node(7,CHANNEL_NEW,channel);  // connect to Classic server node 7 on found channel 

4-2-13 find_ctics

int find_ctics(int node)

Read the characteristic information from a connected LE server and save it in the device info. This is not necessary if the characteristic information has been set via devices.txt in init_blue.


node = Node number


 -1 = Fail to read characteristic info
>=0 = Number of characteristics found


// Find all characteristics of LE server node 5 and save in device info


4-2-14 find_ctic_index

int find_ctic_index(int node,int flag,char *uuid)

Returns the characteristic index of a specified UUID for an LE server. This searches the device information for the UUID. It does not read information from the LE device itself. If the characteristic is not in the device information (most conveniently via devices.txt in init_blue), call find_ctics which reads all available characteristics from the LE device into the device information. This function will then succeed. Use the characteristic index in read_ctic and write_ctic.


node = Node number of connected LE server
flag = One of the following: 
  UUID_2   Two-byte UUID
  UUID_16  16-byte UUID  
uuid = 2 or 16-byte array containing UUID 


 -1 = Fail
>=0 = Characteristic index


// Find index of LE server node 7's characteristic with UUID = 2A00 and read it.

int cticn;
char uuid[2],data[64];

uuid[0] = 0x2A;
uuid[1] = 0x00;
cticn = find_ctic_index(7,UUID_2,uuid);

// The strtohex() function can be used to generate the uuid array from an ascii string.

cticn = find_ctic_index(7,UUID_2,strtohex("2A00",NULL));
cticn = find_ctic_index(7,UUID_16,strtohex("FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F5-7BEE22C03CDB",NULL));

4-2-15 init_blue

int init_blue(char *filename)
int init_blue_ex(char *filename,int device)

Initialise the btlib.c library. Must be called on program start. It reads a text file with information about devices in the network (btferret assumes devices.txt). The list should include the local device itself. All Pis in the network should be MESH type, while other devices will be CLASSIC or LE. If there is only one Bluetooth adapter it will be hci0 (as reported by hciconfig), and init_blue should be used. For other hci device numbers, use init_blue_ex. If the local device is going to be an LE server, see le_server() for more information about setting characteristics in the devices.txt file.


filename = text file containing pre-set device information
device = hci device number
         init_blue() assumes device=0 (hci0)
         use init_blue_ex() to specify some other hci number (e.g. 2 for hci2)


0 = Fail - program must terminate
1 = OK


if(init_blue("/home/pi/mydevices.txt") == 0)
devices txt file example:

  ; semi colon is comment character - everything beyond ignored
  ; This file must list all network devices
DEVICE = My Pi        TYPE=MESH NODE=1 ADDRESS=B6:15:EB:F5:50:53
DEVICE = My other Pi  TYPE=MESH NODE=2 ADDRESS=B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3
  ; characteristics when acting as an LE server - see le_server() documentation
  LECHAR=Test     HANDLE=0005  PERMIT=06  SIZE=8   ; index 0 r/w no ack 8 bytes 
  LECHAR=Detector HANDLE=0007  PERMIT=06  SIZE=2   ; index 1 r/w no ack 2 bytes
DEVICE = Pictail  TYPE=LE NODE=5 ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  LECHAR=Alert   HANDLE=000B PERMIT=06 size=1   ; characteristic index 0
  LECHAR=Control handle=000E PERMIT=06 SIZE=1   ;                index 1
  LECHAR=Test    HANDLE=0014 PERMIT=0A SIZE=2   ;                index 2
  LECHAR=Name    UUID=2A00                      ;                index 3  
DEVICE = Windows PC  TYPE=classic node=10 address=00:1A:7D:DA:71:13
DEVICE = Android phone TYPE=CLASSIC NODE=4 ADDRESS = 4C:4E:03:83:CE:B9

Text in the devices text file can be upper or lower case and can include spaces.

DEVICE = Device name of your choice (don't use any of the key words
                  such as TYPE/NODE/ADDRESS.. or chaos will follow) 
TYPE   = MESH     all Pis running btferret/btlib 
         CLASSIC  classic servers such as Windows/Android/HC05
         LE       LE servers
NODE = 4                      Node number in decimal of your choice
ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C   6-byte Bluetooth address
CHANNEL = 4                   RFCOMM channel for CLASSIC servers (optional)
PIN = 1234                    PIN code for CLASSIC servers (optional)

LE DEVICE entries can be followed by any number of characteristic entries as follows:

LECHAR = Characteristic name of your choice
HANDLE = 000B     2-byte handle in hex
PERMIT = 06       Permissions in hex
SIZE = 1          Number of bytes in decimal. Only used for writes - not needed for reads
UUID = 2A00       Not needed if HANDLE specified

PERMIT permissions should be one of the following bit combinations:

02 = r   Read only
04 = w   Write no acknowledge
08 = wa  Write with acknowledge
06 = rw  Read/Write no ack
0A = rwa Read/Write ack
10 = n   Notify capable
16 = rwn Read/Write no ack/Notify capable

If PERMIT is not known, find_ctics will find it and save it in the device information.

If HANDLE is not known, the UUID can be specified instead.

LECHAR = Characteristic name
UUID = 11223344-5566-7788-99AABBCCDDEEFF00

With this minimum information, when the characteristic is read via read_ctic, the code will find the HANDLE and SIZE and save them in the device information.

Additional devices can be found and added to the device information via classic_scan or le_scan. Characteristics are found via find_ctics.

4-2-16 le_scan

void le_scan(void)

Scan for active LE devices. If a device is not in the device information, it is added. (Except if it is transmitting mesh packets and is not in the devices.txt list, it is ignored for security reasons.) If the device's characteristics are unknown, they can be found via find_ctics, and they will also be added to the device information.

4-2-17 le_server

int le_server(int callback(),int timerds)

Sets up the local device as an LE server that waits for LE clients to connect, then spends all its time listening for operations sent from those clients. When a remote device connects, reads/writes a characteristic, or disconnects, a callback function is called, and this can be used to trigger code execution by the server, allowing the server to be controlled by the LE client. The characteristics are defined in the devices.txt file, details below.

The connecting device may be another Pi acting as an LE client, or a phone app such as nRF.


callback() = Callback function that is called when a remote client connects,
             read/writes, disconnects, or every timerds deci-seconds.
timerds = Timer interval in deci (0.1) seconds.
          0 = No LE_TIMER calls
         >0 = Call callback() with operation=LE_TIMER every timerds deci-seconds
          e.g. timerds = 100  call LE_TIMER every 10 seconds           

The callback function is defined as follows:

int le_callback(int clientnode,int operation,int cticn);

int le_callback(int clientnode,int operation,int cticn)
  if(operation == LE_CONNECT)
    // clientnode has just connected
  else if(operation == LE_READ)
    // clientnode has just read local characteristic index cticn
  else if(operation == LE_WRITE)
    // clientnode has just written local characteristic index cticn
  else if(operation == LE_DISCONNECT)
    // clientnode has just disconnected
    // uncomment next line to stop LE server when client disconnects
    // return(SERVER_EXIT);
    // otherwise LE server will continue and wait for another connection
    // or operations from other clients that are still connected
  else if(operation == LE_TIMER)
    // The server timer calls here every timerds deci-seconds 

No restriction is placed on the connecting devices, so any nearby device can connect. If this is a security problem, check the device's identity using clientnode in the callback LE_CONNECT operation, and if it is not welcome, disconnect it immediately with disconnect_node(clientnode). If a device is not in the devices.txt info list, it will be assigned a client node number of 1000 or higher, so this can be used to identify an unknown device. Multiple LE clients can connect simultaneously. The clients may be Windows/Android/.. devices running an LE client app or other Pis running btferret/btlib.

The local device's characteristics are defined in the devices.txt file read by init_blue. The local device reads and writes them by using read_ctic and write_ctic with localnode() as follows:

char buf[32];

read_ctic(localnode(),2,buf,sizeof(buf));  // read characteristic index 2 
write_ctic(localnode(),2,buf,1);           // write one byte to characteristic index 2
write_ctic(localnode(),2,buf,0);           // write SIZE= number of bytes  

They can also be read and written by a connected LE client. In the devices.txt file, the characteristic handles can be specified or not. If not, the system will allocate them automatically. The advantage of choosing the handles is that they can be listed in all mesh Pi devices.txt files and connecting Pis do not need to read the services to find the handles. Connecting Android/Windows devices will read the services to find the handles. If the handles are specified, the first available one is 0005, and each characteristic also uses one other handle, or two others if notification is enabled. So if handle=0005 is chosen, it also uses the previous handle 0004, and if it has notify enabled it also uses the following handle 0006. So for a sequence of characteristics without notify capability, use:

0005   (also uses 0004)
0007   (also uses 0006)
0009   (also uses 0008)
000B   (also uses 000A)

For a sequence, all with notify capability, use

0005  (also uses 0004 and 0006)
0008  (also uses 0007 and 0009)
000B  (also uses 000A and 000C)

The characteristic UUIDs can be specified or not. If not, the system will allocate them automatically and the last four bytes will be the handle and the characteristic index. The UUID can be one of the standard defined 16-bit UUID Numbers, and the connecting device will recognise it as such.

Here is a sample devices.txt entry for a mesh Pi that will act as an LE server. There is more information about devices.txt LE characteristic entries in init_blue.

DEVICE = My Pi  TYPE=Mesh  NODE=1   ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  LECHAR=Test     HANDLE=0005  PERMIT=06  SIZE=2   ; index 0 read/write no ack  2 bytes 
  LECHAR=Detector HANDLE=0007  PERMIT=16  SIZE=2   ; index 1 read/write/notify capable (uses 3 handles)
  LECHAR=Status   HANDLE=000A  PERMIT=02  SIZE=1   ; index 2 read only  1 byte         (uses 2 handles)
  LECHAR=Message  HANDLE=000C  PERMIT=06  SIZE=8 UUID=00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF   ; r/w 8 bytes
  LECHAR=Name     PERMIT=06  SIZE=16 UUID=2A00     ; 2A00 is the standard UUID for Device Name                                                 
  LECHAR=Control  PERMIT=06  SIZE=2                ; index 5 Handle and UUID will be assigned automatically 
                                                     (but other Mesh Pis will report this as an error in 
                                                      their devices.txt file - they need a handle or a UUID.)


/* devices.txt file:
DEVICE= Server Pi  TYPE=MESH NODE=2 ADDRESS=22:22:22:22:22:22

unsigned char buf[2];

read_ctic(localnode(),0,buf,sizeof(buf));  // read Status characteristic index 0

buf[0] = 12;
buf[1] = 34;
write_ctic(localnode(),1,buf,0);           // write Test characteristic index 1
                                           // which has SIZE=2 in devices.txt

    // become an LE server
    // wait for clients to connect
    // If client is another mesh Pi: connect by btferret c or
    //    connect_node(this device node,CHANNEL_LE,0);    
    // no LE_TIMER calls to le_callback
   // wait for clients to connect and then
   // call LE_TIMER once per 10 seconds (100 deci-seconds)

int le_callback(int clientnode,int operation,int cticn)
  int nread;
  char dat[32];
  if(operation == LE_CONNECT)
    printf("%s has connected\n",device_name(clientnode));
    if(clientnode >= 1000)
      printf("Unknown device - disconnecting\n");
  else if(operation == LE_TIMER) // every timerds deci-seconds 
  else if(operation == LE_WRITE)
    printf("%s written by %s\n",ctic_name(clientnode,cticn),device_name(clientnode));
      // read data just written to cticn
    nread = read_ctic(localnode(),cticn,dat,sizeof(dat));
      // execute code depending on data
    if(cticn == 2 && dat[0] == 4)
      printf("Value 4 written to first byte of characteristic index 2\n");
  else if(operation == LE_READ)
    printf("%s read by %s\n",ctic_name(clientnode,cticn),device_name(clientnode));  
  else if(operation == LE_DISCONNECT)
    if(clientnode == 3)
      return(SERVER_EXIT);  // stop server when node 3 disconnects  

4-2-18 list_channels

int list_channels(int node,int flag)

List RFCOMM serial channels of a Classic server.


node = Node number
flag = One of the following
   LIST_SHORT   Short list - names only   
   LIST_FULL    Full information


 -1 = Fail to read channel info
>=0 = Number of channels found


list_channels(7,LIST_SHORT);  // list of node 7 RFCOMM serial channel names
list_channels(5,LIST_FULL);   // full info about node 5 serial channels

4-2-19 list_ctics

int list_ctics(int node,int flag)

List characteristics known by device info. If device info does not have the required knowledge, call find_ctics to read from the device itself.


node = Node number
flag = One of the following
   LIST_FULL            Full information, all characteristics
   LIST_SHORT           Short list of all characteristics - names only   
   LIST_SHORT | CTIC_R  Short list - readable only
   LIST_SHORT | CTIC_W  Short list - writeable only 


 -1 = Fail to read characteristic info
>=0 = Number of characteristics found


list_citcs(4,LIST_SHORT);           // list all characteristic names of node 4
list_citcs(4,LIST_SHORT | CTIC_R);  // list readable characteristic names of node 4
list_citcs(4,LIST_SHORT | CTIC_W);  // list writeable characteristic names of node 4

list_ctics(3,LIST_FULL);   // full characteristic info of node 3
                           // known by device info

4-2-20 list_uuid

int list_uuid(int node,char *uuid)

List information about a node's services that contain a specified 2-byte UUID.


node = Node number
uuid = 2-byte array containing UUID


0 = Fail
1 = OK


// List services of node 5 that contain the UUID = 0100

char uuid[2];

uuid[0] = 0x01;
uuid[1] = 0x00;

// The strtohex function can be used to generate the uuid array from an ascii string.


4-2-21 localnode

int localnode(void)

Return the node number of the local device - should be set via devices.txt data in init_blue.


printf("Local device node number = %d\n",localnode());

4-2-22 mesh_on

void mesh_on(void)

Turn on mesh transmission. The local device will continuously send the last mesh packet set via write_mesh. Mesh transmission is automatically enabled by calling write_mesh, or read_mesh, or mesh_server, or node_server, so it is usually not necessary to call mesh_on explicitly. Mesh must be on for another mesh device to connect.

4-2-23 mesh_off

void mesh_off(void)

Turn off mesh transmission. The local device will stop continuously sending the last mesh packet set via write_mesh. The purpose is to reduce the load on the system when mesh functions are no longer needed, or to make the device invisible.

4-2-24 mesh_server

void mesh_server(int (*callback)())

Sets up the local device as a mesh server which spends all its time listening for mesh packets from all other mesh devices, sent via write_mesh. The packets are limited to a maximum size of 25 bytes. When a packet is received, it is despatched to the callback function. The callback function returns a flag telling mesh_server to continue or exit. The mesh_server function only completes when it receives this exit return, or the x key is pressed.


callback() = Callback function that deals with the received mesh packet

The callback function is defined as follows:

int callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)

clientnode = Node number of the device that sent the packet
data = array of packet data bytes
datlen = number of bytes in data[] - max 25


This a minimal mesh server callback that simply prints a message, and exits when the first data byte is an ascii 'D'. It can also be stopped by pressing the x key. See btferret.c or sample.c for similar examples.


int mesh_callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)
  printf("Mesh packet from %s\n",device_name(clientnode));
  if(data[0] == 'D')     // 'D' programmed as exit command

4-2-25 node_server

int node_server(int clientnode,int (*callback)(),char endchar)

Sets up the local device as a node server that waits for a specified client (clientnode) to connect, then spends all its time listening for node packets sent from that client via write_node. The packets must have the specified termination character (endchar), and are limited to a maximum size of 400 bytes. When a packet is received, it is despatched to the callback function. The callback function returns a flag telling node_server to continue or exit. The node_server function only completes when it receives the SERVER_EXIT return or the x key is pressed. When operating as a node_server, there is a 1:1 connection between the client and this server - the other mesh devices do not participate. See the sample code in read_node_count for an example of data exchange inside the callback function, and sending an "OK" reply to the client.


clientnode = Node number of the client that will send packets
callback() = Callback function that deals with the received node packet
endchar = termination character of packets sent by the client


0 = Fail
1 = OK exit via callback returning SERVER_EXIT 

The callback function is defined as follows:

int callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)

clientnode = Node number of the device that sent the packet
data = array of packet data bytes
datlen = number of bytes in data[] - max 400

RETURN one of the following

SERVER_CONTINUE = Wait for another packet
SERVER_EXIT     = Stop server and disconnect
                  Client should be running wait_for_disconnect()


This a minimal node server callback that simply prints a message, and exits when the first data byte is an ascii 'D'. It can also be stopped by pressing the x key. See btferret.c or sample.c for other examples. Note that the callback function is effectively identical to the classic callback listed in classic_server, so the same code can be used for classic and node callbacks.

   // listen for packets from node 4 with termination character 10

int node_callback(int clientnode,char *data,int datlen)
  printf("Node packet from %s\n",device_name(clientnode));
  if(data[0] == 'D')      // 'D' programmed as exit command
    return(SERVER_EXIT);  // client should be running wait_for_disconnect()
  return(SERVER_CONTINUE);  // wait for another packet

4-2-26 notify_ctic

int notify_ctic(int node,int cticn,int notifyflag,int (*callback)())

Enables/disables LE characteristic notifications. If an LE characteristic has permission bits 0x10 or 0x20 set then it is capable of sending notifications: when the value changes, the LE device sends it to the client device without being asked. In addition to the permission bit (that is set by the LE device), notifications must also be enabled by the client via this function. Once enabled, when a notification is received, the callback function is called. The client must be listening for input via: read_node_count, read_node-all_endchar, read_notify, or any other function that reads incoming packets.


node = Node number of the connected LE device
cticn = Characteristic index in device information
callback() = Callback function that deals with the received characteristic value
notifyflag = One of the following:


0 = Fail
1 = OK

The callback function is defined as follows:

void callback(int lenode,int cticn,char *data,int datlen)

lenode = Node number of the device that sent the notification
cticn = Characteristic index in device info
data = array of packet data bytes
datlen = number of bytes in data[] - max 25


If devices.txt information for init_blue() is as follows:

DEVICE = Pictail TYPE=LE NODE=4 ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  LECHAR=Test  HANDLE=0014 PERMIT=16 SIZE=2       ; index 0
  PERMIT has bit 0x10 set, so is notify capable

void notify_callback(int lenode,int cticn,char *buf,int nread);

  // enable notifications for characteristic index 0 from LE node 4

void notify_callback(int lenode,int cticn,char *buf,int nread)
  int n;
  // LE device has sent notification or indication enabled by notify_ctic()
  // buf[] has nread bytes = value of characteristic index cticn from lenode 
  printf("%s %s notify =",device_name(lenode),ctic_name(lenode,cticn));
  for(n = 0 ; n < nread ; ++n)
    printf(" %02X",buf[n]);

4-2-27 output_file

int output_file(char *filemame)

Save all recent screen output to a file. Screen prints performed by btlib.c functions (that might have scrolled off the top of the screen) are saved in a buffer. This function writes the entire buffer to a file.


filename = Name of output file


0 = Fail - probably fail to open file
1 = OK



4-2-28 read_ctic

int read_ctic(int node,int cticn,unsigned char *inbuf,int bufsize)

Read a characteristic value from a connected LE device.


node = Node number of connected LE device
cticn = Characteristic index in device information
inbuf = char buffer to receive data
bufsize = size of inbuf


Number of bytes read

inbuf[] = read data
          a termination zero that is not part of the read data
          is added so inbuf[Number read] = 0 
The read_error() function returns one of the following:

  0 = OK - no error
  ERROR_FATAL = some other error 
One possible fatal error is that the characteristic has been read OK
but the LE device has not set it and Number of bytes read = 0      


If devices.txt information for init_blue() is as follows:

DEVICE = Pictail TYPE=LE NODE=4 ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  LECHAR=Alert HANDLE=000B PERMIT=06 SIZE=1               ; index 0
  LECHAR=Test  HANDLE=0014 PERMIT=0A SIZE=2               ; index 1
  LECHAR=My data UUID=11223344-5566-7788-99AABBCCDDEEFF00 ; index 2 

char data[32];
int nread,cticn;

  // connect to LE device Pictail node 4

  // read Pictail (node 4) characteristic Test (index 1)

nread = read_ctic(4,1,data,sizeof(data));

  // nread should be 2 with the result in data[0] and data[1]
  // read Pictail (node 4) characteristic My data
  // find index from UUID which will be 2
cticn = find_ctic_index(4,UUID_16,strtohex("11223344-5566-7788-99AABBCCDDEEFF00",NULL));
nread = read_ctic(4,cticn),data,sizeof(data));
   // disconnect Pictail

4-2-29 read_error

int read_error(void)

Return error state following a read via read_node/all_endchar, or read_node_count, or read_ctic.


  0 = OK - no error
  ERROR_TIMEOUT = timed out
  ERROR_KEY = x key press
  ERROR_DISCONNECT = Remote device has disconnected  
  ERROR_FATAL = some other error such as device not connected

4-2-30 read_mesh

int read_mesh(int *node,char *inbuf,int bufsize,int exitflag,int timeoutms)

Reads a mesh packet sent by any other trasmitting mesh device. The maximum size of a mesh packet is 25 bytes. Mesh reads do not look for a termination character, they read the full byte count in the packet. The most convenient way to wait for mesh packets as a server is to use mesh_server.


*node = Pointer to integer that will receive sending node number
inbuf = Input buffer that will receive data
bufsize = size of inbuf[]
exitflag = Flag specifies how return is forced if the read fails
           and must be one of the following: 
  EXIT_TIMEOUT  = Exits after timeoutms ms
  EXIT_KEY      = Exits when x key is pressed  
timeoutms = Time out in milliseconds when exitflag = EXIT_TIMEOUT
            Ignored when exitflag = EXIT_KEY


Number of bytes in packet
inbuf[] = received data
          a terminating zero that is not part of the data is added
          so inbuf[Number of bytes] = 0
*node = Node number of sending node
        Zero on failure
The read_error() function returns one of the following:

  0 = OK - no error
  ERROR_TIMEOUT = timed out
  ERROR_KEY = x key press
  ERROR_DISCONNECT = Remote device disconnected
  ERROR_FATAL = some other error       


int nread,node;
char inbuf[32];

    // wait 5 seconds for mesh packet
nread = read_mesh(&node,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf),EXIT_TIMEOUT,5000);
if(read_error() == 0)
  printf("Mesh packet from %s\n",device_name(node));

  {    // wait for a mesh packet or x key press
  nread = read_mesh(&node,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf),EXIT_KEY,0);
  if(nread != 0)
    printf("Got mesh packet\n");
while(read_error() == 0);

4-2-31 read_node_count

int read_node_count(int node,char *inbuf,int count,int exitflag,int timeoutms)

Read node packet from a specified node connected as CLASSIC or NODE until a specified number of bytes (count) is received (sent via write_node). If no such packet is received, the function terminates via a time out or x key press. The read_error function returns the error state. Node packets have a maximum size of 400 bytes.

The read_node_count and read_node_endchar functions are used when exchanging data between a client and a server's callback function, and their use can be unnecessary. When a client calls write_node (with the server's termination character at the end of the packet), the data is delivered to the server's callback function. If the desired operation can be completed with this data, and no reply is sent to the client, the read_node functions will never be needed. Otherwise, the sample code below shows a data exchange using read_node.


node = Node number of the sending device
inbuf = Buffer to receive read bytes 
count = Number of bytes expected
exitflag = Flag specifies how return is forced if the read fails
           and must be one of the following: 
  EXIT_TIMEOUT  = Exits after timeoutms ms
  EXIT_KEY      = Exits when x key is pressed  
timeoutms = Time out in milliseconds when exitflag = EXIT_TIMEOUT
            Ignored when exitflag = EXIT_KEY


Number of bytes read

inbuf[] = Received data

  Number of bytes read = count if read succeeds.
  A termination zero that is not part of the
  received data is also added - so inbuf[Number of bytes read] = 0
  On failure, there may be bytes in the buffer.
The read_error() function returns one of the following:

  0 = OK - no error
  ERROR_TIMEOUT = timed out
  ERROR_KEY = x key press
  ERROR_DISCONNECT = Remote device has disconnected  
  ERROR_FATAL = some other error such as device not connected


This is an example of using read_node functions to exchange data between a client and a server's callback function. This is necessary, for example, when the server sends data back to the client or when the client needs to send binary data that includes the server's termination character. The callback function is first triggered when the client calls write_node with the server's termination character. Then, the client and server must agree on the data exchange that happens inside the callback code. In this case, the client sends 8 bytes to the server, the server sends 20 bytes back, and then an "OK" text message.

***** CLIENT CODE *****

char dat[32];


  // client triggers server's callback by sending
  // a single termination character 10

dat[0] = 10;

  // the server's callback function is now running
  // and expects a packet of 8 bytes


  // we expect the server to send 20 bytes back

  // check

if(read_error() != 0)
  printf("Read failed\n");
  // we expect the server to send "OK" with 10 (\n) termination char
  // The server's callback function has now terminated with SERVER_EXIT
  // The server has stopped and has initiated disconnect.
  // Wait for the disconnection to complete with 5s time out

***** SERVER CODE ******

node_server(1,callback,10);   // termination char = 10

int callback(int clientnode,unsigned char *dat,int count)
  char *s,buf[20];
     // the client has sent a single termination char
     // count should be 1 and dat[0] should be 10
     // we expect the client to send a packet of 8 bytes
     // read it to buf[]
  read_node_count(clientnode,buf,8,EXIT_TIMEOUT,1000);  // 1 sec timeout 
     // the client now expects a packet of 20 bytes
     // send buf[] data
     // client now expects ascii "OK" with 10 termination char
  s = "OK\n";

    // this return stops the server (node_server() returns)
    // and intiates disconnection
    // The client must be running wait_for_disconnect()

4-2-32 read_node-all_endchar

int read_node_endchar(int node,char *inbuf,int bufsize,char endchar,int exitflag,int timeoutms)
int read_all_endchar(int *node,char *inbuf,int bufsize,char endchar,int exitflag,int timeoutms)

Read node packet from a specified node (connected as CLASSIC or NODE), or all connected nodes, until a specified termination character (endchar) is received (sent via write_node). If no such packet is received, the function terminates via a time out or x key press. The read_error function returns the error state. The read_all_node function listens to all connected nodes and returns the first packet received. Node packets have a maximum size of 400 bytes. This function is used when exchanging data between a client and a server's callback code, and is not always needed as explained in read_node_count.


For read_node
  node = Node number of the sending device
For read_all
  *node = Pointer to integer that receives the
          node number of the sending device
inbuf = Buffer to receive read bytes 
bufsize = Size of inbuf[]
endchar = Terminate character (usually 10)
exitflag = Flag specifies how return is forced if the read fails
           and must be one of the following: 
  EXIT_TIMEOUT  = Exits after timeoutms ms
  EXIT_KEY      = Exits when x key is pressed  
timeoutms = Time out in milliseconds when exitflag = EXIT_TIMEOUT
            Ignored when exitflag = EXIT_KEY


Number of bytes read

inbuf[] = Received data
  If Number of bytes read = n then inbuf[n-1] = endchar if read succeeds.
  A termination zero that is not part of the
  received data is also added - so inbuf[n] = 0
  On failure, there may be bytes in the buffer.
*node  For read_all_endchar() the sending node is returned in *node
       Zero on failure
The read_error() function returns one of the following:

  0 = OK - no error
  ERROR_TIMEOUT = timed out
  ERROR_KEY = x key press
  ERROR_DISCONNECT = Remote device has disconnected    
  ERROR_FATAL = some other error such as device not connected
                or buffer size exceeded


int nread,node;
char buff[64];

  // Read bytes from node 3 until termination char 10 received
  // Time out after 1 second
nread = read_node_endchar(3,buff,sizeof(buff),10,EXIT_TIMEOUT,1000);

  // Read bytes from node 6 until termination char 10 received
  // If not done, exit on x key press
nread = read_node_endchar(6,buff,sizeof(buff),10,EXIT_KEY,0);

  // Poll all nodes for a packet. When the first packet arrives
  // keep reading it until termination char 10 received.
  // Return the node number of the sending device in node
  // Time out after 1 second
nread = read_all_endchar(&node,buff,sizeof(buff),10,EXIT_TIMEOUT,1000);

  // check
if(read_error() != 0)
  printf("Read failed\n");

4-2-33 read_node-all_clear

void read_node_clear(int node)
void read_all_clear(void)

Clears the read input buffer of all queued node packets - from a specified node, or all nodes.


node = Node number - clear all packets from this node


read_node_clear(6);   // clear all packets from node 6 
                      // from the input buffer
read_all_clear();     // clear all node packets
                      // from the input buffer

4-2-34 read_notify

void read_notify(int timeoutms)

Waits for input from all devices and reads any notifications from LE devices. An LE device characteristic must have been enabled for notifications via notify_ctic. If a notification is received, its callback function is called. All other functions that read input will also do this, so it is only necessary to use this function if there is no other activity. The function exits after the specified time out, or can be stopped by an x key press.


timeoutms = Time out in ms


int tos;

tos = 10;   // time out 10 seconds
printf("Reading notifications for %d seconds (x = stop)\n",tos);

4-2-35 register_serial

void register_serial(char *uuid,char *name)

When set up as a classic_server, the following serial services are advertised to clients:

UUID = 1101 channel=1 name=Serial2 
UUID = 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB  channel=1 name=Serial16
UUID = FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F5-7BEE22C03CDB  channel=1 name=My Custom Serial

The first two are standard serial UUIDs and cannot be changed. This function changes the UUID and name of the third.


uuid = 16-byte UUID
name = name ascii string


register_serial(strtohex("FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F5-7BEE22C03CDB",NULL),"My custom serial");  

4-2-36 scroll_back-forward

void scroll_back(void)
void scroll_forward(void)

Screen prints performed by btlib.c funtions are saved in a buffer. These functions scroll the screen backwards and forwards through this buffer. Screen prints can be controlled via set_print_flag. The buffer can be saved to a file via output_file.


scroll_back();      // scroll screen back through print buffer
scroll_forward();   // scroll screen forwards through print buffer

4-2-37 set_le_wait

int set_le_wait(int waitms)

Set the wait time in ms when connecting to an LE server. Some LE servers will just connect and not attempt to obtain information from the client, in which case the wait can be zero and the connection will complete quickly. Some servers will try to read the client's attributes - but the client has no attributes. It can take some time to persuade the server to give up its foolish request, and if the time is too short, the server will disconnect. Trial and error will determine the shortest wait time that will allow the connection to complete. The defualt value is 750ms, but sometimes it needs to be several seconds.


waitms = wait time in ms
             to return the current value
             and leave it unchanged 


current value of wait in ms


int wait;

   // read the current wait time
wait = set_le_wait(READ_WAIT);  

   // set the wait time to 2000 ms
connect_node(3,CHANNEL_LE,0);  // connect to LE server node 3       

4-2-38 set_print_flag

int set_print_flag(int flag)

The print flag controls how btlib.c functions print to the screen. The verbose mode prints all Bluetooth HCI traffic with details of how the packets are constructed, the replies expected and explanations of what is going on. This will often scroll off the top of the screen, but can be seen via scroll_back/forward, or the square bracket keys in btferret, or saved to a file via output_file.


flag = One of the following:
   PRINT_NONE       No prints to screen
   PRINT_NORMAL     Normal prints to screen
   PRINT_VERBOSE    Verbose prints


The previous value of flag which can be
used to re-set the flag after a temporary


int savflag;

savflag = set_print_flag(PRINT_VERBOSE);

 // verbose prints here
set_print_flag(savflag);  // restore original setting

4-2-39 strtohex

char *strtohex(char *s,int *nbytes)

Convert an ascii string in hex format to an array of byte values. This can be used to specify a UUID in find_ctic_index and find_channel.


s      = ascii string (see below for formats)
*nbytes = pointer to integer to receive number of bytes in array
         (NULL if not required) 
Valid formats for s (strtohex returns dat and *nbytes):

  112233AABB   nbytes=5 dat[0]=0x11 dat[1]=0x22 etc. 
  12233        nbytes=3 dat[0]=0x01 dat[1]=0x22 dat[3]=0x33
  0000-1000-ABcdEF  nbytes=7 dat[0]=0x00 .. dat[6]=0xEF
  D 22 AA B 0    nbytes=5 dat[0]=0x0D ... dat[4]=0
  1,2,3,4f,de,A  nbytes=6 dat[0]=0x01 ... dat[5]=0x0A


pointer to array of bytes
*nbytes = number of bytes in array (if nbytes != NULL)


int n,count,channel;
char *dat;

dat = strtohex("1122334455",&count);
for(n = 0 ; n < count ; ++n)
  printf("%02X ",dat[n]);
   // find channel of node 5 serial channel with UUID = 1101
channel = find_channel(5,strtohex("1101",NULL));

4-2-40 wait_for_disconnect

int wait_for_disconnect(int node,int timout)

Wait for server to initiate disconnection. See explanation in disconnect_node.


node = Node number of server that is expected to initiate disconnection
timout = Time out in ms. If the function times out, the local device
         initiates the disconnection.


0 = Fail
1 = OK

4-2-41 write_ctic

int write_ctic(int node,int cticn,unsigned char *outbuf,int count)

Write characteristic data to a connected LE device.


node = Node number of connected LE device
cticn = Characteristic index in device information
outbuf = char array of data to be written
count = 0   Use the characteristic size known by device information.
        >0  Use this byte count and override device info size 


Number of bytes written


If devices.txt information for init_blue() is as follows:

DEVICE = Pictail TYPE=LE NODE=4 ADDRESS = 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  LECHAR=Alert HANDLE=000B PERMIT=06 SIZE=1                 ; index 0
  LECHAR=Test  HANDLE=0014 PERMIT=0A SIZE=2                 ; index 1
  LECHAR=My data UUID = 11223344-5566-7788-99AABBCCDDEEFF00 ; index 2 

int cticn;
char data[8];

  // connect to LE device Pictail node 4

  // write two bytes 12 34 to Pictail (node 4) 
  // characteristic Test (index 1) - size 2 known by device info
  // so set last parameter count=0
data[0] = 0x12;
data[1] = 0x34;
  // write one byte 56 to characteristic My data in Pictail (node 4)
  // Size unknown by device info so set last parameter
  // (count=1) in write_ctic to write one byte.
  // If not known, find index (which is 2) from UUID 

data[0] = 0x56;
cticn = find_ctic_index(4,UUID_16,strtohex("11223344-5566-7788-99AABBCCDDEEFF00",NULL));
   // disconnect Pictail

4-2-42 write_mesh

int write_mesh(char *outbuf,int count)

Broadcast a mesh packet. This packet will be transmitted repeatedly until another write_mesh changes the data, or mesh transmission is turned off via mesh_off. All other mesh devices can read the packet via read_mesh. Other mesh devices running a mesh_server will read the packet and pass it to their callback function. The maximum size of a mesh packet is 25 bytes. Mesh reads do not look for a termination character, they read the full byte count of the packet. A mesh packet is not sent immediately after the call to write_mesh. The repeat rate at which packets are sent should be about 3 per second, so there may be this much delay before it is sent. Do not send another packet, or terminate the program, within this time. Always allow for this possible delay when using write_mesh.

***** WARNING ****

Mesh packets are transmitted publically with no encryption and can be read by any Bluetooth device in the vicinity, so they are NOT SECURE. Be aware that a rogue device could impersonate one of your Pis by sending the appropriate mesh packets. To send secure encrypted data use a Classic client/server connection.


outbuf = char array with packet data
count = number of bytes (max 25)


Number of bytes written


char data[4];

data[0] = 0x00;
data[1] = 0x11;
data[2] = 0x22;

  // start transmitting a 3-byte mesh packet
sleep(1);  // 1 second delay to allow packet to be sent
     // a delay is only necessary if another mesh packet
     // is going to be sent immediately after this one,
     // or if the program is going to terminate and
     // shut down Bluetooth  

4-2-43 write_node

int write_node(int node,unsigned char *outbuf,int count)

Write a data packet to the specified connected node. The remote node must have been connected via connect_node as CLASSIC or NODE. See the sample code in read_node_count for a complete data exchange example.


node = Node number of connected node
outbuf = char array of data
count = number of bytes to transmit
        If the node is a classic server, the
        maximun count is 1000.
        If the node is a mesh device connected
        as a node server, the maximum count is 400


Number of bytes written


char buf[4];

buf[0] = 0x00;
buf[1] = 0x11;
buf[2] = 0x22;
  // connect node 7 which is a mesh Pi listening as a node server
  // send 3 bytes to node 7

  // connect on RFCOMM channel 4 to node 5 which is a classic server
  // send 3 bytes to node 5

5 Reference

5-1 What gives with UUIDs

When making a serial data connection to a remote Classic server, the server will listen on a particular RFCOMM channel (a small number like 1,2,3..). The client must try to connect on that channel. If this RFCOMM channel number is known, then the UUID is irrelevant - it is not needed to make the connection. Each serial RFCOMM channel on the server has an associated UUID. This can be a 2-byte or a 16-byte number, and can be anything - it is just a number that is a free choice. There are two standard UUIDs for serial channels, but any other number can be registered as a serial channel UUID.

Standard 2-byte Serial Port
   UUID = 1101
Standard 16-byte Serial Port
   UUID = 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
   (note the 3rd/4th bytes are the 2-byte UUID 1101)
My custom serial
   UUID = FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F5-7BEE22C03CDB

The connection between the UUID and the associated RFCOMM channel is contained in the SDP database on the server. If the client does not know the RFCOMM channel, but does know the UUID, it must first read the server's SDP database and search it for the UUID entry to find the RFCOMM channel. Some devices have fixed RFCOMM channel numbers that do not change, but others allocate them as needed and they can only be found at connection time via the UUID. The SDP database of the client making the connection is irrelevant. Here is a typical SDP database record for a serial channel. (decode info v3,pB,3)

 **** RECORD 3 ****
    aid = 0000
        Handle 00 01 00 40 
    aid = 0001
      UUID FC F0 5A FD 67 D8 4F 41 83 F5 7B EE 22 C0 3C DB 
    aid = 0004
        UUID 01 00 L2CAP
        UUID 00 03 RFCOMM
        RFCOMM channel = 6
    aid = 0005
      UUID 10 02 
    aid = 0100
        My custom serial
    aid = 0101

The UUID is in the aid=1 entry. The aid=4 entry identifies this record as an RFCOMM channel.

A channel can be specified in the device information via the devices.txt file passed to init_blue. BTlib also has functions for reading a remote device's SDP database list_channels, finding the RFCOMM channel of a specified UUID find_channel. Connecting to a classic device connect_node needs the RFCOMM channel number. To see full SDP database records as above, set verbose print mode during list_channels or use list_uuid.

The situation with LE devices is similar. LE devices hold characteristics that are values that can be read and sometimes written (e.g. Heart rate). Each characteristic is identified by a handle that is a 2-byte hex number like 000A,0010,0012... If the handle is known then the UUID is irrelevant - everything can be done by knowing the handle. Each characteristic has an associated UUID that can be 2-byte or 16-byte. Again, if the client knows the UUID, it can read information from the LE device to find the associated handle. There are some standard 2-byte UUIDs that identify the type of characteristic;

2A00 = Device Name
2A19 = Battery Level
2A37 = Heart Rate

The full list can be found in a pdf document called "16-bit UUID Numbers Document" here.

A handle or UUID can be pre-set in the device information via the devices.txt file passed to init_blue.

BTlib also has functions for reading an LE device's characteristic/UUID list find_ctics which adds the list to the device information, listing it list_ctics, and subsequently find_ctic_index to find the characteristic index of a specified UUID in the device information. Functions to read and write characteristics read_ctic, write_ctic need this index.

5-2 Packet formats

These are the formats of packets exchanged at the HCI level.

5-2-1 Starting 01 HCI Commands

HCI commands to read information, connect to a remote device, etc.. Reference Vol 4 Part E Section 7

Example packet

01 06 04 03 40 00 13

[0] = 01 HCI command packet
[1] = 06 OCF
[2] = 04 OGF*4
[3] = 03 number of bytes starting from [4]
[4]-[6] = 3 parameter bytes as defined for this OGF/OCF

OGF and OCF are command opcodes in [1][2] as follows:

        [2]       [1]
       0   4     0    6
bits 0000 0100 0000 0110    

OGF = top 6 bits 000001 = 1
OCF = bottom 10 bits 0000000110 = 6

OGF OGF*4   Reference Vol 4 Part E Section
1    04     7.1 Link control
2    08     7.2 Link policy
3    0C     7.3 Control
4    10     7.4 Info  
5    14     7.5 Status
8    20     7.8 LE

Each of these OGF reference sections is a list of OCF commands.

5-2-2 Starting 04 HCI Events

Mostly replies from HCI commands. Reference Vol 4 Part E Section 7.7

Example packet

04 05 04 00 40 00 16

[0] = 04 HCI event packet
[1] = 05 Event opcode
[2] = 04 Number of bytes starting from [3]
[3]-[6] = 4 bytes of parameters as defined for this Event

The reference section 7.7 is a list of Event opcodes.

5-2-3 Starting 02 Channel 0001

Request/reply exchanges during connection establishment. Reference Vol 3 Part A Section 4

Example packet

02 40 00 0A 00 06 00 01 00 0A 06 02 00 01 02

[0] = 02 L2CAP packet
[1][2] = 0040 Handle of connection (low 12 bits)
[3][4] = 000A Number of bytes starting from [5]
[5][6] = 0006 Number of bytes starting from [9]
         (but see multiple packets description in 5.2.4)
[7][8] = 0001 Channel 0001
[9]  = 0A Opcode
[10] = 06 ID
[11][12] = 0002 Number of bytes starting from [13]
[13]-[16] = 2 bytes of parameters 

These packets come in request/reply pairs. A device sends
a Request_Opcode:ID where the ID is a free choice. It
expects a reply: Reply_Opcode:ID with the same ID.
These are the relevant opcodes.

Request Reply Purpose
  02     03   connect
  04     05   config
  06     07   disconnect
  0A     0B   info
  0C     0D   channel
So an opcode:ID = 0A:04 expects a reply 0B:04 

5-2-4 Starting 02 Channel 0004

LE packets. Reference Vol 3 Part F Section 3.4

Example packet

02 40 00 08 00 04 00 04 00 52 12 00 05

[0] = 02 L2CAP packet
[1][2] = 0040 Handle of connection (low 12 bits)
[3][4] = 0008 Number of bytes starting from [5]
[5][6] = 0004 Number of bytes starting from [9]
         (but see multiple packets description next)
[7][8] = 0004 Channel 0004 LE
[9] = 52 Opcode
[10]-[12] = 3 parameter bytes 

The relevant opcodes for LE commands are
0A  Read characteristic request
0B  Read response
52  Write characteristic command - no ack
12  Write characteristic request - ack
13  Write ack response

This packet format is also used for data packets sent via write_node to a connected mesh device acting as a node server (it is an LE connection and the data is sent as LE packets). In this case there is no opcode - just data as shown in the multiple packets example next.

Sometimes there is too much data to fit in one packet, and it is then split over mutliple packets as follows:

First packet
02 41 20 1B 00 3B 00 04 00 48 65 72 65 20 69 73 
20 61 20 6C 6F 6E 67 20 6D 65 73 73 61 67 65 20 

[3][4] = 001B Number of bytes in this packet from [5]
[5][6] = 003B Total number of data bytes in all packets from [9]
[9]... = Data

The data in this packet runs from [9] to [4+001B] = 0017 bytes
The total data expected is 003B so need an extra 0024 bytes

Second packet
02 41 10 1B 00 74 6F 20 69 6C 6C 75 73 74 72 61 
74 65 20 6D 75 6C 74 69 70 6C 65 20 64 61 74 61 

[3][4] = 001B Number of bytes in this packet from [5]
[5]..  = Data

The data in this packet runs from [5] to [4+001B] = 001B bytes
Needed another 0024, so now need an extra 0009 bytes

Third packet
02 41 10 09 00 20 70 61 63 6B 65 74 73 0A 

[3][4] = 0009 Number of bytes in this packet from [5]
[5]..  = Data

Here are the last 0009 bytes from [5] to [4+0009]

5-2-5 Starting 02 Channel 0040 plus

These packets are used by serial RFCOMM connections to a Classic server. Reference RFCOMM section here.

Example packet

02 0C 00 09 00 05 00 40 00 09 EF 03 11 40

[0] = 02 L2CAP packet
[1][2] = 000C Handle of connection (low 12 bits)
[3][4] = 0009 Number of bytes starting from [5]
[5][6] = 0005 Number of bytes starting from [9]
         (but see multiple packets description in 5.2.4)
[7][8] = 0040 Channel >= 0040
[9]  = 09  Address of CONTROL or RFCOMM channel
[10] = EF  Control (opcode)
[11] = 03  Length first byte (Number of data bytes = 1)
[12] = 11  One data byte
[13] = 40  FCS check byte

There may be one or two Length bytes. If the low bit
of the first byte is 1 (as here) there is only one
Length byte and the number of data bytes is the high 7
bits (1 here). If the low bit is zero, there are two
length bytes and the number of bytes is the high 7 bits
of the first, plus the second << 7. The number of data bytes
does not include the final error check FCS.

5-3 Procedures

These procedure setions are largely as produced by the verbose print mode with added explanations.

5-3-1 HCI socket read-write packets

Bluetooth packets are sent and received through an HCI socket opened as follows.

void hcisock()
  int dd;
  struct sockaddr_hci sa;
  struct hci_filter flt;
  struct hci_dev_req dr;
  // turn bluez off if it is running
  ioctl(dd,HCIDEVDOWN,0);   // hci0
  close(dd);                // finished with bluez
  // open HCI socket 

  flt.type_mask = 0x16;    
  flt.event_mask[0] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  flt.event_mask[1] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  flt.opcode = 0;
  sa.hci_family = AF_BLUETOOTH;
  sa.hci_dev = 0;   // hci0
  sa.hci_channel = HCI_CHANNEL_USER    
  bind(dd,(struct sockaddr *)&sa,sizeof(sa));
  dr.dev_id = 0;  // hci0
  dr.dev_opt = SCAN_PAGE | SCAN_INQUIRY;
  ioctl(dd,HCISETSCAN,(unsigned long)&dr);
   // dd is needed for read/write/close
   // Read/write HCI packets via:

   // Close 

In the following sections, the packets are shown as follows.

< indicates a packet sent to the Bluetooth adapter
The full packet (01 01 0C 08...) is listed on the lines starting 0000
which is the hex address of the packet data. The Set addresses such
as [4] refer to offsets in the packet data.

  Set [4].. board address reversed 56..DC
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=05
      0000  01 05 04 0D 56 DB 04 32 - A6 DC 18 CC 02 00 00 00 
      0010  01 

> indicates a packet received from the Bluetooth adapter

> Event 0E = 01 01 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 01 0C 00 

5-3-2 Classic procedures

This connects to a classic device server, sets up a serial channel, exchanges a few serial data packets with the server and disconnects. It includes HCI Commands, HCI Events, L2CAP 0001 packets, and L2CAP 0040+ packets. The disconnection here is initiated by the client, but there may be reasons for letting the server initiate - see disconnect_node, and Classic disconnect initiated by server.

Connect to Pi4 (DC:A6:32:04:DB:56) on RFCOMM channel 2
An HCI socket must be open - see separate section

Set event mask
< HCI OGF=03 OCF=01
      0000  01 01 0C 08 FF FF FB FF - 07 F8 BF 3D 
> Event 0E = 01 01 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 01 0C 00 

Set simple pair mode on
< HCI OGF=03 OCF=56
      0000  01 56 0C 01 01 
> Event 0E = 01 56 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 56 0C 00 

Open classic connection to DC...56
  Set [4].. board address reversed 56..DC
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=05
      0000  01 05 04 0D 56 DB 04 32 - A6 DC 18 CC 02 00 00 00 
      0010  01 
> Event 0F = 00 01 05 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 05 04 
> Event 12 = 00 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC 01
      0000  04 12 08 00 56 DB 04 32 - A6 DC 01 
> Event 03 = 00 0C 00 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC 01...
      0000  04 03 0B 00 0C 00 56 DB - 04 32 A6 DC 01 00 
GOT Open OK (Event 03) with handle = 000C     
> Event 1B = 0C 00 05
      0000  04 1B 03 0C 00 05 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 0A:01  Must send reply 0B:01
      0000  02 0C 20 0A 00 06 00 01 - 00 0A 01 02 00 02 00 
GOT ask info (opcode 0A) type 2

SEND info reply type 2
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 01
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 0B:01   is reply to 0A:01
      0000  02 0C 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 0B 01 08 00 02 00 00 
      0010  00 B8 02 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 0A:02  Must send reply 0B:02
      0000  02 0C 20 0A 00 06 00 01 - 00 0A 02 02 00 03 00 
GOT ask info (opcode 0A) type 3

SEND info reply type 3
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 02
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 0B:02   is reply to 0A:02
      0000  02 0C 00 14 00 10 00 01 - 00 0B 02 0C 00 03 00 00 
      0010  00 86 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 

SEND Authentication request
  Set [4][5] handle 0C 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=11
      0000  01 11 04 02 0C 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 11 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 11 04 
> Event 17 = 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC
      0000  04 17 06 56 DB 04 32 A6 - DC 
GOT link request (Event 17)

SEND link request neg reply
  Set [4].. board address reversed 56..DC
      0000  01 0C 04 06 56 DB 04 32 - A6 DC 
> Event 0E = 01 0C 04 00 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 0C 04 00 56 - DB 04 32 A6 DC 
> Event 31 = 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC
      0000  04 31 06 56 DB 04 32 A6 - DC 
NO PIN code request
GOT IO capability request (Event 31)
Event 31 does not require a PIN

SEND IO capability request reply
  Set [4].. board address reversed 56..DC
  Set [10] = 03 no input/output for pass key display/entry
      0000  01 2B 04 09 56 DB 04 32 - A6 DC 03 00 00 
> Event 0E = 01 2B 04 00 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 2B 04 00 56 - DB 04 32 A6 DC 
> Event 32 = 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC 03 00 00
      0000  04 32 09 56 DB 04 32 A6 - DC 03 00 00 
> Event 33 = 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC 1E 22 0A 00
      0000  04 33 0A 56 DB 04 32 A6 - DC 1E 22 0A 00 
GOT confirmation request (Event 33)
    with pass key 1E 22 0A 00
SEND confirmation request reply
  Set [4].. board address reversed 56..DC
      0000  01 2C 04 06 56 DB 04 32 - A6 DC 
> Event 0E = 01 2C 04 00 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 2C 04 00 56 - DB 04 32 A6 DC 
> Event 36 = 00 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC
      0000  04 36 07 00 56 DB 04 32 - A6 DC 
> Event 18 = 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC C1 C7 B4 A1...
      0000  04 18 17 56 DB 04 32 A6 - DC C1 C7 B4 A1 8D 94 23 
      0010  D3 A4 A2 98 BF 25 20 D0 - 28 04 
> Event 06 = 00 0C 00
      0000  04 06 03 00 0C 00 
GOT pairing complete (Event 36)
GOT Authentication/pair OK (Event 06)

SEND encrypt
  Set [4][5] handle 0C 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=13
      0000  01 13 04 03 0C 00 01 
> Event 0F = 00 01 13 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 13 04 
> Event 08 = 00 0C 00 01
      0000  04 08 04 00 0C 00 01 
GOT Encrypt OK (Event 08)

***** Opened OK *****  

(At this point the SDP database may be read. See 
Read SDP database section that starts at this point)

Create a serial link by opening three channels:

1. L2CAP psm 3 channel
2. CONTROL channel
3. RFCOMM channel

SEND connect L2CAP channel psm 3
  Choose local channel 0042 (Must be >= 0x0040). Choose id 3
  Set [13] psm 03
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 03 your choice
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 0042 (your choice >= 0040)
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 02:03   Expects reply 03:03
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 02 03 04 00 03 00 42 
      0010  00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:03  is reply from 02:03
      0000  02 0C 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 03 08 00 40 00 42 
      0010  00 00 00 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:03  Must send reply 05:03
      0000  02 0C 20 1B 00 17 00 01 - 00 04 03 13 00 42 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F5 03 04 09 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
 (might get a result=1 reply pending at this point
  wait for a result=0 OK reply. See Read SDP database
  section for an example)
GOT connect OK reply with remote channel
  Remote channel for following sends = 0040

SEND L2 config request. Choose id 04
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 04
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:04   Expects reply 05:04
      0000  02 0C 00 1B 00 17 00 01 - 00 04 04 13 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F5 03 04 09 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:04  is reply from 04:04
      0000  02 0C 20 12 00 0E 00 01 - 00 05 04 0A 00 42 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 01 02 F5 03 
GOT L2 config reply
GOT L2 request config - id 03

SEND L2 config reply with received id
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 03
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:03   is reply to 04:03
      0000  02 0C 00 12 00 0E 00 01 - 00 05 03 0A 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 01 02 F5 03 
Connect L2CAP psm 3 now done OK

SEND Open CONTROL channel 0
  Command address = 03
  Reply address = 01
  DLCI = 0
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [12] FCS=1C calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:3F
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 40 - 00 03 3F 01 1C 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:73
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 03 73 01 D7 
GOT UA reply (03 73)

Open RFCOMM channel 02
  These values are needed by subsequent commands:
   - Command address (channel<<3+3) = 13
   - Reply address   (channel<<3+1) = 11
   - DLCI (channel<<1) = 04
SEND PN CMD to set RFCOMM channel and parameter negotiation
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [22] FCS=70 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Frame size at [18] = 0400
  Set [14] DLCI 04
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:EF
      0000  02 0C 00 12 00 0E 00 40 - 00 03 EF 15 83 11 04 F0 
      0010  07 00 00 04 00 07 70 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 01:EF
      0000  02 0C 20 12 00 0E 00 42 - 00 01 EF 15 81 11 04 E0 
      0010  07 00 F0 03 00 07 AA 
GOT PN RSP reply (01 EF 81)
CONTROL channel OK

SEND Open RFCOMM channel 02
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 13
  Set [12] FCS=96 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 13:3F
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 40 - 00 13 3F 01 96 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 13:73
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 13 73 01 5D 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 01:EF
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 42 - 00 01 EF 09 E3 05 13 8D 
      0010  AA 
GOT UA reply (13 73)

SEND MSC CMD to set modem status
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [16] FCS=70 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Set [14] RFCOMM address 13
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:EF
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 40 - 00 03 EF 09 E3 05 13 8D 
      0010  70 

  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [16] FCS=70 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Set [14] RFCOMM address 13
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:EF
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 40 - 00 03 EF 09 E1 05 13 8D 
      0010  70 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 01:EF
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 42 - 00 01 EF 09 E1 05 13 8D 
      0010  AA 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 11:FF
      0000  02 0C 20 09 00 05 00 42 - 00 11 FF 01 21 A3 
RFCOMM channel OK

**** Connected OK **** - the server will now accept the connection

Serial RFCOMM channel is now open for read/write

At any time the server may try to read our local SDP database
by opening an L2CAP psm 1 channel as follows.
This is none of its business so fob it off.

> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 02:04  Must send reply 03:04
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 02 04 04 00 01 00 41 
      0010  00 
GOT connect request 02:04 to read SDP
SEND Fob it off with a No Resources reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 04
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:04   is reply to 02:04
      0000  02 0C 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 04 08 00 00 00 00 
      0010  00 04 00 00 00 
The client now gives the server a specified number of credits.
Each time the server sends a serial packet it uses up a credit.
The client must keep track of the credits the server has left.
When they run low they must be topped up again.

SEND Top up server's credits by 100 (0x64)
  Set [12] credits = 64 
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 13
  Set [13] FCS=79 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 13:FF
      0000  02 0C 00 09 00 05 00 40 - 00 13 FF 01 64 79 
Some serial data exchanges follow.      
Send a single byte (0A) to server.      
The server has been programmed to treat OA as a termination byte
and to respond to a single 0A byte with an "OK" reply       
SEND DATA 1 bytes =  0A
  Set [11] one length byte = 03 (length*2 + 1 to indicate 1 byte)
  Set [3].. packet lengths 09 00 05 00
  Set [12].. 1 data bytes 0A..
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 13
  Set [13] FCS=65 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 13:EF  Send serial data
      0000  02 0C 00 09 00 05 00 40 - 00 13 EF 03 0A 65 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 01 00 
Reply comes back with an 0A termination

> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 11:EF  received serial data
      0000  02 0C 20 0B 00 07 00 42 - 00 11 EF 07 4F 4B 0A BF 
      TEXT  OK
The number of bytes (3) is at [11] and follows the same rules as
the length byte in the SEND DATA packet (also see long message below).
Has used a credit. Number remaining = 99

Some servers send data with an FF opcode instead of EF,
and a slightly different format. Here is the same OK reply
Reply comes back with an FF opcode and an extra byte 01

> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 11:FF received serial data
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 42 - 00 11 FF 07 01 4F 4B 0A 
      0010  A3 
      TEXT  OK
  Has used a credit. Number remaining = 98

If there are more than 127 data bytes, two length bytes
are needed as follows. The same rule applies to the received
data packets. Packets must be smaller than the frame size 
set via PN CMD above.

SEND DATA 131 bytes = Here is a long message...
  Set [11][12] two length bytes = 06 01 (length*2) (length >> 7)
  Set [3].. packet lengths 8C 00 88 00
  Set [13].. 131 data bytes 48..
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 13
  Set [144] FCS=65 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 13:EF  Send serial data
      0000  02 0C 00 8C 00 88 00 40 - 00 13 EF 06 01 48 65 72 
      0010  65 20 69 73 20 61 20 6C - 6F 6E 67 20 6D 65 73 73 
      0020  61 67 65 20 74 6F 20 69 - 6C 6C 75 73 74 72 61 74 
      0030  65 20 64 61 74 61 20 73 - 65 6E 64 73 20 6F 66 20 
      0040  6D 6F 72 65 20 74 68 61 - 6E 20 31 32 37 20 63 68 
      0050  61 72 61 63 74 65 72 73 - 20 74 68 61 74 20 72 65 
      0060  71 75 69 72 65 20 74 77 - 6F 20 6C 65 6E 67 74 68 
      0070  20 62 79 74 65 73 20 69 - 6E 20 74 68 65 20 62 6C 
      0080  75 65 74 6F 6F 74 68 20 - 70 61 63 6B 65 74 21 0A 
      0090  65 

Send a "hello" ascii data message (plus termination byte 0A)
The server has been programmed to reply "hello to you"

SEND DATA 6 bytes = hello 0A
  Set [11] one length byte = 0D (length*2 + 1 to indicate 1 byte)
  Set [3].. packet lengths 0E 00 0A 00
  Set [12].. 6 data bytes 68..
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 13
  Set [18] FCS=65 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 13:EF  Send serial data
      0000  02 0C 00 0E 00 0A 00 40 - 00 13 EF 0D 68 65 6C 6C 
      0010  6F 0A 65 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 

Reply comes back with an 0A termination

> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 11:EF   received serial data
      0000  02 0C 20 15 00 11 00 42 - 00 11 EF 1B 68 65 6C 6C 
      0010  6F 20 74 6F 20 79 6F 75 - 0A BF 
      TEXT  hello to you
  Has used a credit. Number remaining = 97

Disconnect initiated by client

(The server may or may not recognise the disconnection and may
continue to wait for serial input. To allow for this, disconnect
can also be initiated by the server - see separate section)

Close all the open channels in reverse order.

SEND Close RFCOMM request (opcode 53)
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 13
  Set [12] FCS=77 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 13:53
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 40 - 00 13 53 01 77 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 01 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 13:73
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 13 73 01 5D 
GOT UA reply (opcode 73)
RFCOMM channel closed

SEND Close CONTROL request (opcode 53)
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [12] FCS=FD calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:53
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 40 - 00 03 53 01 FD 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:73
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 03 73 01 D7 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:05  Must send reply 07:05
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 05 04 00 42 00 40 
      0010  00 
GOT UA reply (opcode 73)
CONTROL channel closed (note the L2CAP disconnect request)

SEND disconnect L2CAP channel. Choose id 08
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 08
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 42 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:08   Expects reply 07:08
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 08 04 00 40 00 42 
      0010  00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:08  is reply from 06:08
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 08 04 00 40 00 42 
      0010  00 
GOT L2CAP disconnect request - id 05

SEND L2CAP disconnect reply with received id 05
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 05
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:05   is reply to 06:05
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 05 04 00 42 00 40 
      0010  00 
L2CAP channel closed      
SEND Close connection
  Set [4][5] handle 0C 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=06
      0000  01 06 04 03 0C 00 13 
> Event 0F = 00 01 06 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 06 04 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> Event 05 = 00 0C 00 16
      0000  04 05 04 00 0C 00 16 
GOT Disconnected OK (Event 05)

5-3-3 Classic connect with PIN code

This is the procedure to connect to an HC-05 module on its single RFCOMM channel 1 and a PIN code of 1234.

devices.txt info for init_blue():


connect via:


Connecting to HC-05 on channel 1
Set event mask
< HCI OGF=03 OCF=01
      0000  01 01 0C 08 FF FF FB FF - 07 F8 BF 3D 
> Event 0E = 01 01 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 01 0C 00 

Set simple pair mode on
< HCI OGF=03 OCF=56
      0000  01 56 0C 01 01 
> Event 0E = 01 56 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 56 0C 00 

Open classic connection to 98:D3:32:31:59:84
  Set [4].. board address reversed 84..98
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=05
      0000  01 05 04 0D 84 59 31 32 - D3 98 18 CC 02 00 00 00 
      0010  01 
> Event 0F = 00 01 05 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 05 04 
GOT Open OK (Event 03) with handle = 000C
> Event 03 = 00 0C 00 84 59 31 32 D3 98 01...
      0000  04 03 0B 00 0C 00 84 59 - 31 32 D3 98 01 00 
> Event 20 = 84 59 31 32 D3 98 01
      0000  04 20 07 84 59 31 32 D3 - 98 01 
> Event 1B = 0C 00 05
      0000  04 1B 03 0C 00 05 
SEND Authentication request
  Set [4][5] handle 0C 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=11
      0000  01 11 04 02 0C 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 11 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 11 04 
> Event 17 = 84 59 31 32 D3 98
      0000  04 17 06 84 59 31 32 D3 - 98 
GOT link request (Event 17)

SEND link request neg reply
  Set [4].. board address reversed 84..98
      0000  01 0C 04 06 84 59 31 32 - D3 98 
> Event 0E = 01 0C 04 00 84 59 31 32 D3 98
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 0C 04 00 84 - 59 31 32 D3 98 
> Event 16 = 84 59 31 32 D3 98
      0000  04 16 06 84 59 31 32 D3 - 98 
GOT PIN request (Event 16)

Using PIN=1234 from device info
  Set [11] PIN = 1234 ascii
  Set [4].. board address reversed 84..98
      0000  01 0D 04 17 84 59 31 32 - D3 98 04 31 32 33 34 00 
      0010  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 
> Event 0E = 01 0D 04 00 84 59 31 32 D3 98
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 0D 04 00 84 - 59 31 32 D3 98 
> Event 18 = 84 59 31 32 D3 98 F7 E7 28 68...
      0000  04 18 17 84 59 31 32 D3 - 98 F7 E7 28 68 1B 3A BE 
      0010  03 B3 D9 8B 6B 2F FC 4D - 1A 00 
> Event 06 = 00 0C 00
      0000  04 06 03 00 0C 00 
GOT key (Event 18)
GOT Authentication/pair OK (Event 06)

SEND encrypt
  Set [4][5] handle 0C 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=13
      0000  01 13 04 03 0C 00 01 
> Event 0F = 00 01 13 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 13 04 
> Event 08 = 00 0C 00 01
      0000  04 08 04 00 0C 00 01 
GOT Encrypt OK (Event 08)

***** Opened OK *****  

Continues from here as in the previous
Classic procedures section...

5-3-4 Classic disconnect initiated by server

Server initiates the disconnection by sending an opcode 53 packet
to close the RFCOMM channel.

> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 11:53   close request. Must send 11:73 UA reply
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 11 53 01 16 
Remote device Pi4 has initiated disconnection
GOT Disconnect RFCOMM channel request (opcode 53)
SEND UA reply (opcode 73)
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [9] CONTROL address 11
  Set [12] FCS=3C calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 11:73
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 40 - 00 11 73 01 3C 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 01:53   close request. Must send 01:73 UA reply
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 01 53 01 9C 
GOT Disconnect CONTROL channel 0 request (opcode 53)
SEND UA reply (opcode 73)
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [12] FCS=B6 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 01:73
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 40 - 00 01 73 01 B6 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:05  Must send reply 07:05
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 05 04 00 42 00 40 
      0010  00 
GOT L2CAP disconnect request - 06:05
SEND L2CAP disconnect request - 06:09
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 09
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 42 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:09   Expects reply 07:09
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 09 04 00 40 00 42 
      0010  00 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:09  is reply from 06:09
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 09 04 00 40 00 42 
      0010  00 
SEND L2CAP disconnect reply with received id 05
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 05
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:05   is reply to 06:05
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 05 04 00 42 00 40 
      0010  00 
GOT L2CAP disconnect reply

SEND Close connection
  Set [4][5] handle 0C 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=06
      0000  01 06 04 03 0C 00 13 
> Event 0F = 00 01 06 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 06 04 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 01 00 
> Event 05 = 00 0C 00 16
      0000  04 05 04 00 0C 00 16 
GOT Disconnected OK (Event 05)
Device Pi4 disconnected

5-3-5 Classic scan

Scanning for Classic devices - 10 seconds

SEND classic scan command
  Set [7] = 08 count of 1.28s timeout intervals
  so timeout = 1.28 x 8 = 10.24s 
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=01
      0000  01 01 04 05 33 8B 9E 08 - 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 01 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 01 04
An 02 Event will be returned for each device found, with its
board address.
> Event 02 = 01 84 59 31 32 D3 98 01 00 00...
      0000  04 02 0F 01 84 59 31 32 - D3 98 01 00 00 00 1F 00 
      0010  31 73 
> Event 02 = 01 56 DB 04 32 A6 DC 01 00 00...
      0000  04 02 0F 01 56 DB 04 32 - A6 DC 01 00 00 00 00 00 
      0010  32 6A 
> Event 01 = 00
      0000  04 01 01 00 
1 FOUND 98 D3 32 31 59 84 
   Known device 6 = HC-05
2 FOUND DC A6 32 04 DB 56 
   Known device 4 = Pi4 classic
Found 2 devices

5-3-6 Classic server simple

This is a connection with a classic client that does not require pairing or a link key. It has been done with a Windows PC client running Windows Sockets code.

Set event mask
< HCI OGF=03 OCF=01
      0000  01 01 0C 08 FF FF FB FF - 07 F8 BF 3D 
> Event 0E = 01 01 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 01 0C 00 
Set simple pair mode on
< HCI OGF=03 OCF=56
      0000  01 56 0C 01 01 
> Event 0E = 01 56 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 56 0C 00 

Listening for Windows PC to connect
Waiting for Event 04 connect request

> Event 04 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 04 01 2A 01
      0000  04 04 0A 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 04 01 2A 01 

GOT Connect request (Event 4)
SEND Accept connection
  Set [4].. board address reversed 13..00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=09
      0000  01 09 04 07 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 09 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 09 04 
> Event 12 = 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 00
      0000  04 12 08 00 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 00 
GOT Open OK (Event 03) with handle = 000B
> Event 03 = 00 0B 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 01...
      0000  04 03 0B 00 0B 00 13 71 - DA 7D 1A 00 01 00 
> Event 1B = 0B 00 05
      0000  04 1B 03 0B 00 05 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 02:59  Must send reply 03:59
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 02 59 04 00 01 00 40 
      0010  00 

The Windows PC client now opens a psm 1 channel to read our SDP database
to find a serial RFCOMM channel

GOT L2 connect request psm 1 channel 0040
SEND connect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 59
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:59   is reply to 02:59
      0000  02 0B 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 59 08 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 00 00 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:5A  Must send reply 05:5A
      0000  02 0B 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 04 5A 08 00 41 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 00 04 

GOT L2 request config - id 5A
SEND L2 config request. Choose id 05
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 05
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:05   Expects reply 05:05
      0000  02 0B 00 1B 00 17 00 01 - 00 04 05 13 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F5 03 04 09 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
SEND L2 config reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 5A
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:5A   is reply to 04:5A
      0000  02 0B 00 12 00 0E 00 01 - 00 05 5A 0A 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 01 02 F5 03 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:05  is reply from 04:05
      0000  02 0B 20 19 00 15 00 01 - 00 05 05 11 00 41 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 04 09 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 
> SDP operation
      0000  02 0B 20 1F 00 1B 00 41 - 00 02 00 00 00 16 35 11 
      0010  1C 00 00 11 01 00 00 10 - 00 80 00 00 80 5F 9B 34 
      0020  FB 00 1E 00 

GOT SDP data request (opcode 02) for SDP handle that
contains UUID = 00 00 11 01 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 80 5F 9B 34 FB
SEND SDP handle (opcode 03) = 00 01 00 02
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote psm 1 channel
  Set [10][11] id 0000
  Set [18]..  SDP handle 00 01 00 02
< SDP operation
      0000  02 0B 00 12 00 0E 00 40 - 00 03 00 00 00 09 00 01 
      0010  00 01 00 01 00 02 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> SDP operation
      0000  02 0B 20 15 00 11 00 41 - 00 04 00 01 00 0C 00 01 
      0010  00 02 03 ED 35 03 09 00 - 04 00 

GOT SDP data request (opcode 04) for contents of
SDP handle = 00 10 00 02  aid = 00 04
which is the serial RFCOMM info with channel=01 at [0022]
SEND SDP reply (opcode 05) with SDP data sequence
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote psm 1 channel
  Set [10][11] id 0001
< SDP operation
      0000  02 0B 00 1F 00 1B 00 40 - 00 05 00 01 00 16 00 13 
      0010  35 11 09 00 04 35 0C 35 - 03 19 01 00 35 05 19 00 
      0020  03 08 01 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:5B  Must send reply 07:5B
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 5B 04 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 

GOT L2CAP disconnect psm 1 request - id 5B
SEND same L2CAP disconnect request
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 0B
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 41 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:0B   Expects reply 07:0B
      0000  02 0B 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 0B 04 00 40 00 41 
      0010  00 
SEND L2CAP disconnect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 5B
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:5B   is reply to 06:5B
      0000  02 0B 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 5B 04 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 
> Event 32 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 03 00 00
      0000  04 32 09 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 03 00 00 
GOT IO Cap response (Event 32) Auth = 0
This has reported Authentication=0 so a link key is not needed.

> Event 31 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 31 06 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 
GOT IO capability request (Event 31)
Event 31 does not require a PIN
SEND IO capability request reply
  Set [4].. board address reversed 13..00
  Set [10] = 01 display y/n - Pi can display a passkey, and remote
                device may ask to confirm that it has appeared
           = 02 keyboard - Pi has keyboard to enter passkey
                that remote device may display
           = 03 no display or keyboard for passkey
      0000  01 2B 04 09 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 01 00 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:0B  is reply from 06:0B
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 0B 04 00 40 00 41 
      0010  00 
> Event 0E = 01 2B 04 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 2B 04 00 13 - 71 DA 7D 1A 00 
> Event 33 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 C2 A6 0E 00
      0000  04 33 0A 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 C2 A6 0E 00 

GOT User confirm request (Event 33)
    with passkey C2 A6 0E 00 - print on display
SEND User confirm reply
  Set [4].. board address reversed 13..00
      0000  01 2C 04 06 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 01 00 
> Event 0E = 01 2C 04 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 2C 04 00 13 - 71 DA 7D 1A 00 
> Event 36 = 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 36 07 00 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 

> Event 18 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 02 AD D9 B1...
      0000  04 18 17 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 02 AD D9 B1 5F 28 54 
      0010  CC DE 80 57 FF C6 18 2C - 6D 04 
GOT link key (Event 18)
This is the link key, but it is not needed because Event 32 above
has reported Authentication=0. 

> Event 08 = 00 0B 00 01
      0000  04 08 04 00 0B 00 01 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 0A:5C  Must send reply 0B:5C
      0000  02 0B 20 0A 00 06 00 01 - 00 0A 5C 02 00 02 00 

GOT ask info (opcode 0A) type 2
SEND info reply type 2
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 5C
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 0B:5C   is reply to 0A:5C
      0000  02 0B 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 0B 5C 08 00 02 00 00 
      0010  00 B8 02 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 02:5D  Must send reply 03:5D
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 02 5D 04 00 03 00 41 
      0010  00 

The client now opens a series of channels to establish the
RFCOMM serial connection.

GOT L2 connect request psm 3 channel 0041
SEND connect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 5D
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 43 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:5D   is reply to 02:5D
      0000  02 0B 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 5D 08 00 43 00 41 
      0010  00 00 00 00 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:5E  Must send reply 05:5E
      0000  02 0B 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 04 5E 08 00 43 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F9 03 

GOT L2 request config - id 5E
SEND L2 config request. Choose id 05
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 05
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:05   Expects reply 05:05
      0000  02 0B 00 1B 00 17 00 01 - 00 04 05 13 00 41 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F5 03 04 09 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
SEND L2 config reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 5E
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:5E   is reply to 04:5E
      0000  02 0B 00 12 00 0E 00 01 - 00 05 5E 0A 00 41 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 01 02 F5 03 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:05  is reply from 04:05
      0000  02 0B 20 19 00 15 00 01 - 00 05 05 11 00 43 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 04 09 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:3F
      0000  02 0B 20 08 00 04 00 43 - 00 03 3F 01 1C 

GOT open channel 0 (opcode 3F)
SEND UA reply
  Set [9] Same address
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [12] FCS=D7 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:73
      0000  02 0B 00 08 00 04 00 41 - 00 03 73 01 D7 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:EF
      0000  02 0B 20 12 00 0E 00 43 - 00 03 EF 15 83 11 02 F0 
      0010  07 00 EF 03 00 07 70 

Windows PC is trying to connect on RFCOMM channel 1 frame size 000C
SEND PN reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [22] FCS=AA calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Frame size at [18] = 03EF
  Set [14] DLCI 02
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 01:EF
      0000  02 0B 00 12 00 0E 00 41 - 00 01 EF 15 81 11 02 F0 
      0010  07 00 EF 03 00 07 AA 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 0B:3F
      0000  02 0B 20 08 00 04 00 43 - 00 0B 3F 01 59 

GOT open channel 1 (opcode 3F)
SEND UA reply
  Set [9] Same address
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [12] FCS=92 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 0B:73
      0000  02 0B 00 08 00 04 00 41 - 00 0B 73 01 92 

> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:EF
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 43 - 00 03 EF 09 E3 05 0B 8D 
      0010  70 
SEND MSC reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [16] FCS=AA calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Set [14] RFCOMM address 0B
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 01:EF
      0000  02 0B 00 0C 00 08 00 41 - 00 01 EF 09 E3 05 0B 8D 
      0010  AA 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:EF
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 43 - 00 03 EF 09 E1 05 0B 8D 
      0010  70 
SEND MSC reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [16] FCS=AA calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Set [14] RFCOMM address 0B
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 01:EF
      0000  02 0B 00 0C 00 08 00 41 - 00 01 EF 09 E1 05 0B 8D 
      0010  AA 

SEND Top up credits
  Set [12] credits = C8
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 09
  Set [13] FCS=5C calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 09:FF
      0000  02 0B 00 09 00 05 00 41 - 00 09 FF 01 C8 5C 
Connected OK
Waiting for data from Windows PC

> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 0B:EF   received serial data
      0000  02 0B 20 09 00 05 00 43 - 00 0B EF 03 0A 9A 
      TEXT  .
  Has used a credit. Number remaining = 199
GOT data from Windows PC = single termination char 0A = ping for OK reply
SEND DATA 3 bytes = OK 0A
  Set [11] one length byte = 07 (length*2 + 1 to indicate 1 byte)
  Set [3].. packet lengths 0B 00 07 00
  Set [12].. 3 data bytes 4F..
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 09
  Set [15] FCS=40 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 09:EF  Send serial data
      0000  02 0B 00 0B 00 07 00 41 - 00 09 EF 07 4F 4B 0A 40 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 01 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 0B:EF   received serial data
      0000  02 0B 20 0A 00 06 00 43 - 00 0B EF 05 44 0A 9A 
      TEXT  D.
  Has used a credit. Number remaining = 198
GOT data from Windows PC = D = instruction to disconnect
SEND DATA 21 bytes = Server disconnecting...
  Set [11] one length byte = 2B (length*2 + 1 to indicate 1 byte)
  Set [3].. packet lengths 1D 00 19 00
  Set [12].. 21 data bytes 53..
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 09
  Set [33] FCS=40 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 09:EF  Send serial data
      0000  02 0B 00 1D 00 19 00 41 - 00 09 EF 2B 53 65 72 76 
      0010  65 72 20 64 69 73 63 6F - 6E 6E 65 63 74 69 6E 67 
      0020  0A 40 

SEND Close RFCOMM request (opcode 53)
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 09
  Set [12] FCS=D9 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 09:53
      0000  02 0B 00 08 00 04 00 41 - 00 09 53 01 D9 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 0B:53
      0000  02 0B 20 08 00 04 00 43 - 00 0B 53 01 B8 

GOT Disconnect channel 1 request (opcode 53)
SEND UA reply (opcode 73)
  SET [9] Same address
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [12] FCS=92 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 0B:73
      0000  02 0B 00 08 00 04 00 41 - 00 0B 73 01 92 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 01 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 09:73
      0000  02 0B 20 08 00 04 00 43 - 00 09 73 01 F3 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:53
      0000  02 0B 20 08 00 04 00 43 - 00 03 53 01 FD 

GOT Disconnect channel 0 request (opcode 53)
SEND UA reply (opcode 73)
  SET [9] Same address
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [12] FCS=D7 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:73
      0000  02 0B 00 08 00 04 00 41 - 00 03 73 01 D7 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:5F  Must send reply 07:5F
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 5F 04 00 43 00 41 
      0010  00 

GOT L2CAP disconnect psm 3 request - id 5F
SEND same L2CAP disconnect request
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 0B
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 43 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:0B   Expects reply 07:0B
      0000  02 0B 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 0B 04 00 41 00 43 
      0010  00 
SEND L2CAP disconnect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 5F
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 43 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 41 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:5F   is reply to 06:5F
      0000  02 0B 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 5F 04 00 43 00 41 
      0010  00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:0B  is reply from 06:0B
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 0B 04 00 41 00 43 
      0010  00 
GOT UA reply (opcode 73)

SEND Close connection
  Set [4][5] handle 0B 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=06
      0000  01 06 04 03 0B 00 13 
> Event 0F = 00 01 06 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 06 04 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 01 00 
> Event 05 = 00 0B 00 16
      0000  04 05 04 00 0B 00 16 
GOT Disconnected OK (Event 05)
Windows PC disconnected

5-3-7 Classic server pair and link key

This is a two-step process. The client first pairs with the Pi server and supplies a link key. Then a serial connection is made using the key. This has been done with a Windows PC client running a Bluetooth terminal program. The Pi had to be paired first from the PC via Settings/Devices/Add Bluetooth or other device.

Set event mask
< HCI OGF=03 OCF=01
      0000  01 01 0C 08 FF FF FB FF - 07 F8 BF 3D 
> Event 0E = 01 01 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 01 0C 00 
Set simple pair mode on
< HCI OGF=03 OCF=56
      0000  01 56 0C 01 01 
> Event 0E = 01 56 0C 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 56 0C 00 

Listening for Windows PC to connect
Waiting for Event 04

> Event 04 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 04 01 2A 01
      0000  04 04 0A 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 04 01 2A 01 

GOT Connect request (Event 4)
SEND Accept connection
  Set [4].. board address reversed 13..00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=09
      0000  01 09 04 07 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 09 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 09 04 
> Event 12 = 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 00
      0000  04 12 08 00 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 00 
GOT Open OK (Event 03) with handle = 000B
> Event 03 = 00 0B 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 01...
      0000  04 03 0B 00 0B 00 13 71 - DA 7D 1A 00 01 00 
> Event 1B = 0B 00 05
      0000  04 1B 03 0B 00 05 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 02:76  Must send reply 03:76
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 02 76 04 00 01 00 40 
      0010  00 

Windows PC client now opens a psm 1 channel to read our SDP database
to find an RFCOMM serial channel

GOT L2 connect request psm 1 channel 0040
SEND connect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 76
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:76   is reply to 02:76
      0000  02 0B 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 76 08 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 00 00 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:77  Must send reply 05:77
      0000  02 0B 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 04 77 08 00 41 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 00 04 

GOT L2 request config - id 77
SEND L2 config request. Choose id 05
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 05
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:05   Expects reply 05:05
      0000  02 0B 00 1B 00 17 00 01 - 00 04 05 13 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F5 03 04 09 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
SEND L2 config reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 77
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:77   is reply to 04:77
      0000  02 0B 00 12 00 0E 00 01 - 00 05 77 0A 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 01 02 F5 03 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:05  is reply from 04:05
      0000  02 0B 20 19 00 15 00 01 - 00 05 05 11 00 41 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 04 09 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 
> Event 32 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 01 00 05
      0000  04 32 09 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 01 00 05 

GOT IO Cap response (Event 32) Auth = 5
This has reported Authentication=5 which means that a link key is required.

> Event 31 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 31 06 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 

GOT IO capability request (Event 31)
Event 31 does not require a PIN
SEND IO capability request reply
  Set [4].. board address reversed 13..00
  Set [10] = 01 display y/n - Pi can display a passkey, and remote
                device may ask to confirm that it has appeared
           = 02 keyboard - Pi has keyboard to enter passkey
                that remote device may display
           = 03 no display or keyboard for passkey  
      0000  01 2B 04 09 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 01 00 00 
> Event 0E = 01 2B 04 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 2B 04 00 13 - 71 DA 7D 1A 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 01 00 
> Event 33 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 C7 AA 02 00
      0000  04 33 0A 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 C7 AA 02 00 

GOT User confirm request (Event 33)
    with pass key C7 AA 02 00 - print on display
SEND User confirm reply
  Set [4].. board address reversed 13..00
      0000  01 2C 04 06 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 
> Event 0E = 01 2C 04 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 2C 04 00 13 - 71 DA 7D 1A 00 
> Event 36 = 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 36 07 00 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 

Paired with Windows PC (Event 36)

> Event 18 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 4A 34 83 0A...
      0000  04 18 17 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 4A 34 83 0A A1 0A 98 
      0010  00 7A 49 69 5A ED FD 42 - 6B 04 
GOT link key (Event 18) 16 bytes 4A....6B
Save this link key 16 bytes for subsequent connections

> Event 08 = 00 0B 00 01
      0000  04 08 04 00 0B 00 01 
> SDP operation
      0000  02 0B 20 18 00 14 00 41 - 00 06 00 00 00 0F 35 03 
      0010  19 01 00 03 ED 35 05 0A - 00 00 FF FF 00 

GOT SDP data request (opcode 06) for records that contain UUID=01 00
and all aid entries from 0000 to FFFF

SEND SDP reply (opcode 07) with data sequence of three records
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote psm 1 channel
  Set [10][11] id 0000
< SDP operation
      0000  02 0B 00 D9 00 D5 00 40 - 00 07 00 00 00 D0 00 CD 
      0010  35 CB 35 35 09 00 00 0A - 00 01 00 01 09 00 01 35 
      0020  03 19 11 01 09 00 04 35 - 0C 35 03 19 01 00 35 05 
      0030  19 00 03 08 01 09 00 05 - 35 03 19 10 02 09 01 00 
      0040  25 07 53 65 72 69 61 6C - 32 35 44 09 00 00 0A 00 
      0050  01 00 02 09 00 01 35 11 - 1C 00 00 11 01 00 00 10 
      0060  00 80 00 00 80 5F 9B 34 - FB 09 00 04 35 0C 35 03 
      0070  19 01 00 35 05 19 00 03 - 08 01 09 00 05 35 03 19 
      0080  10 02 09 01 00 25 08 53 - 65 72 69 61 6C 31 36 35 
      0090  4C 09 00 00 0A 00 01 00 - 03 09 00 01 35 11 1C FC 
      00A0  F0 5A FD 67 D8 4F 41 83 - F5 7B EE 22 C0 3C DB 09 
      00B0  00 04 35 0C 35 03 19 01 - 00 35 05 19 00 03 08 01 
      00C0  09 00 05 35 03 19 10 02 - 09 01 00 25 10 4D 79 20 
      00D0  63 75 73 74 6F 6D 20 73 - 65 72 69 61 6C 00 
> SDP operation
      0000  02 0B 20 11 00 14 00 41 - 00 06 00 01 00 0F 35 03 
      0010  19 12 00 03 ED 35 
Need an extra 0007 bytes
Following packet [3][4] = 0007 extra bytes from [5]..
> Extra bytes - add to previous data
      0000  02 0B 10 07 00 05 0A 02 - 01 02 05 00 

GOT SDP data request (opcode 06) for record containing UUID = 12 00
and aid entries from 0201 to 0205
SEND SDP reply (opcode 07) with data sequence
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [7][8] remote psm 1 channel
  Set [10][11] id 0001
< SDP operation
      0000  02 0B 00 2D 00 29 00 40 - 00 07 00 01 00 24 00 21 
      0010  35 1F 35 1D 09 02 01 09 - 1D 6B 09 02 02 09 02 46 
      0020  09 02 03 09 05 2B 09 02 - 04 28 01 09 02 05 09 00 
      0030  02 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:78  Must send reply 07:78
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 78 04 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 

Pairing is now done. Client closes the psm 1 channel
and disconnects to wait for a connect request

GOT L2CAP disconnect psm 1 request - id 78
SEND same L2CAP disconnect request
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 0B
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 41 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:0B   Expects reply 07:0B
      0000  02 0B 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 0B 04 00 40 00 41 
      0010  00 
SEND L2CAP disconnect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0B 00
  Set [10] id 78
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:78   is reply to 06:78
      0000  02 0B 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 78 04 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:0B  is reply from 06:0B
      0000  02 0B 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 0B 04 00 40 00 41 
      0010  00 
> Event 13 = 01 0B 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0B 00 02 00 
> Event 05 = 00 0B 00 13
      0000  04 05 04 00 0B 00 13 
Windows PC has disconnected - pairing complete
Waiting for connect request Event 04

> Event 04 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 04 01 2A 01
      0000  04 04 0A 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 04 01 2A 01 

GOT Connect request (Event 4)
SEND Accept connection
  Set [4].. board address reversed 13..00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=09
      0000  01 09 04 07 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 09 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 09 04 
> Event 12 = 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 00
      0000  04 12 08 00 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 00 
GOT Open OK (Event 03) with handle = 000C
> Event 03 = 00 0C 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00 01...
      0000  04 03 0B 00 0C 00 13 71 - DA 7D 1A 00 01 00 
> Event 1B = 0C 00 05
      0000  04 1B 03 0C 00 05 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 02:79  Must send reply 03:79
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 02 79 04 00 01 00 40 
      0010  00 

Windows PC client opens a psm 1 channel to read our SDP database

GOT L2 connect request psm 1 channel 0040
SEND connect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 79
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:79   is reply to 02:79
      0000  02 0C 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 79 08 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 00 00 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:7A  Must send reply 05:7A
      0000  02 0C 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 04 7A 08 00 41 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 00 04 

GOT L2 request config - id 7A
SEND L2 config request. Choose id 05
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 05
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:05   Expects reply 05:05
      0000  02 0C 00 1B 00 17 00 01 - 00 04 05 13 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F5 03 04 09 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
SEND L2 config reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 7A
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:7A   is reply to 04:7A
      0000  02 0C 00 12 00 0E 00 01 - 00 05 7A 0A 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 01 02 F5 03 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:05  is reply from 04:05
      0000  02 0C 20 19 00 15 00 01 - 00 05 05 11 00 41 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 04 09 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 
> SDP operation
      0000  02 0C 20 1F 00 1B 00 41 - 00 02 00 00 00 16 35 11 
      0010  1C 00 00 11 01 00 00 10 - 00 80 00 00 80 5F 9B 34 
      0020  FB 0F FF 00 

GOT SDP data request (opcode 02) for SDP handle that
contains UUID = 00 00 11 01 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 80 5F 9B 34 FB
SEND SDP handle reply (opcode 03) = 00 01 00 02
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote psm 1 channel
  Set [10][11] id 0000
< SDP operation
      0000  02 0C 00 12 00 0E 00 40 - 00 03 00 00 00 09 00 01 
      0010  00 01 00 01 00 02 00 
> SDP operation
      0000  02 0C 20 17 00 13 00 41 - 00 04 00 00 00 0E 00 01 
      0010  00 02 03 ED 35 05 0A 00 - 00 FF FF 00 

GOT SDP data request (opcode 04) for contents of SDP handle 00 01 00 02
and all aid entries from 0000 to FFFF

SEND SDP reply (opcode 05) with data sequence that contains
the RFCOMM channel 01 at [0040] and its name Serial16
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote psm 1 channel
  Set [10][11] id 0000
< SDP operation
      0000  02 0C 00 52 00 4E 00 40 - 00 05 00 00 00 49 00 46 
      0010  35 44 09 00 00 0A 00 01 - 00 02 09 00 01 35 11 1C 
      0020  00 00 11 01 00 00 10 00 - 80 00 00 80 5F 9B 34 FB 
      0030  09 00 04 35 0C 35 03 19 - 01 00 35 05 19 00 03 08 
      0040  01 09 00 05 35 03 19 10 - 02 09 01 00 25 08 53 65 
      0050  72 69 61 6C 31 36 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00  
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:7E  Must send reply 07:7E
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 7E 04 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 

GOT L2CAP disconnect psm 1 request - id 7E
SEND same L2CAP disconnect request
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 0B
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 41 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:0B   Expects reply 07:0B
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 0B 04 00 40 00 41 
      0010  00 
SEND L2CAP disconnect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 7E
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 41 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:7E   is reply to 06:7E
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 7E 04 00 41 00 40 
      0010  00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:0B  is reply from 06:0B
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 0B 04 00 40 00 41 
      0010  00  
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> Event 17 = 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 17 06 13 71 DA 7D 1A - 00 

GOT link request (Event 17)
Because Event 32 during pairing above reported Authentication=05
the link key is required.
SEND link key obtained from Event 18 during pairing above.
  Set [4].. board address reversed 13..00
  Set [10].. link key 16 bytes 4A...6B
      0000  01 0B 04 16 13 71 DA 7D - 1A 00 4A 34 83 0A A1 0A 
      0010  98 00 7A 49 69 5A ED FD - 42 6B 
> Event 0E = 01 0B 04 00 13 71 DA 7D 1A 00
      0000  04 0E 0A 01 0B 04 00 13 - 71 DA 7D 1A 00 
> Event 08 = 00 0C 00 01
      0000  04 08 04 00 0C 00 01 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 0A:7F  Must send reply 0B:7F
      0000  02 0C 20 0A 00 06 00 01 - 00 0A 7F 02 00 02 00 

GOT ask info (opcode 0A) type 2
SEND info reply type 2
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 7F
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 0B:7F   is reply to 0A:7F
      0000  02 0C 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 0B 7F 08 00 02 00 00 
      0010  00 B8 02 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 02:80  Must send reply 03:80
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 02 80 04 00 03 00 42 
      0010  00 

GOT L2 connect request psm 3 channel 0042
SEND connect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 80
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 43 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:80   is reply to 02:80
      0000  02 0C 00 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 80 08 00 43 00 42 
      0010  00 00 00 00 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:81  Must send reply 05:81
      0000  02 0C 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 04 81 08 00 43 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F9 03 

GOT L2 request config - id 81
SEND L2 config request. Choose id 05
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 05
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:05   Expects reply 05:05
      0000  02 0C 00 1B 00 17 00 01 - 00 04 05 13 00 42 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F5 03 04 09 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
SEND L2 config reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 81
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:81   is reply to 04:81
      0000  02 0C 00 12 00 0E 00 01 - 00 05 81 0A 00 42 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 01 02 F5 03 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:05  is reply from 04:05
      0000  02 0C 20 19 00 15 00 01 - 00 05 05 11 00 43 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 04 09 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:3F
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 43 - 00 03 3F 01 1C 

GOT open channel 0 (opcode 3F)
SEND UA reply
  Set [9] Same address
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [12] FCS=D7 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:73
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 03 73 01 D7 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:EF
      0000  02 0C 20 12 00 0E 00 43 - 00 03 EF 15 83 11 02 F0 
      0010  07 00 EF 03 00 07 70 
Windows PC is trying to connect on RFCOMM channel 1 frame size 000C
SEND PN reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [22] FCS=AA calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Frame size at [18] = 03EF
  Set [14] DLCI 02
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 01:EF
      0000  02 0C 00 12 00 0E 00 42 - 00 01 EF 15 81 11 02 F0 
      0010  07 00 EF 03 00 07 AA 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 0B:3F
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 43 - 00 0B 3F 01 59 

GOT open channel 1 (opcode 3F)
SEND UA reply
  Set [9] Same address
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [12] FCS=92 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 0B:73
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 0B 73 01 92 

> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:EF
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 43 - 00 03 EF 09 E3 05 0B 8D 
      0010  70 
SEND MSC reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [16] FCS=AA calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Set [14] RFCOMM address 0B
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 01:EF
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 42 - 00 01 EF 09 E3 05 0B 8D 
      0010  AA 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 

> CONTROL Address:Opcode 03:EF
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 43 - 00 03 EF 09 E1 05 0B 8D 
      0010  70 
SEND MSC reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [16] FCS=AA calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
  Set [14] RFCOMM address 0B
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 01:EF
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 42 - 00 01 EF 09 E1 05 0B 8D 
      0010  AA 

SEND Top up credits
  Set [12] credits = C8
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 09
  Set [13] FCS=5C calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 09:FF
      0000  02 0C 00 09 00 05 00 42 - 00 09 FF 01 C8 5C 
Connected OK
Waiting for data from Windows PC

> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 0B:EF   received serial data
      0000  02 0C 20 0A 00 06 00 43 - 00 0B EF 05 70 0A 9A 
      TEXT  p.
  Has used a credit. Number remaining = 199
GOT data from Windows PC = p = ping for OK reply
SEND DATA 3 bytes = OK 0A
  Set [11] one length byte = 07 (length*2 + 1 to indicate 1 byte)
  Set [3].. packet lengths 0B 00 07 00
  Set [12].. 3 data bytes 4F..
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 09
  Set [15] FCS=40 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 09:EF  Send serial data
      0000  02 0C 00 0B 00 07 00 42 - 00 09 EF 07 4F 4B 0A 40 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 01 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 0B:EF   received serial data
      0000  02 0C 20 0A 00 06 00 43 - 00 0B EF 05 44 0A 9A 
      TEXT  D.
  Has used a credit. Number remaining = 198
GOT data from Windows PC = D = instruction to disconnect
SEND DATA 21 bytes = Server disconnecting...
  Set [11] one length byte = 2B (length*2 + 1 to indicate 1 byte)
  Set [3].. packet lengths 1D 00 19 00
  Set [12].. 21 data bytes 53..
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 09
  Set [33] FCS=40 calculated for 2 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 09:EF  Send serial data
      0000  02 0C 00 1D 00 19 00 42 - 00 09 EF 2B 53 65 72 76 
      0010  65 72 20 64 69 73 63 6F - 6E 6E 65 63 74 69 6E 67 
      0020  0A 40 

SEND Close RFCOMM request (opcode 53)
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [9] RFCOMM address 09
  Set [12] FCS=D9 calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 09:53
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 09 53 01 D9 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 01 00 
> RFCOMM Address:Opcode 09:73
      0000  02 0C 20 08 00 04 00 43 - 00 09 73 01 F3 
GOT UA reply (opcode 73)

SEND Close CONTROL request (opcode 53)
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [12] FCS=FD calculated for 3 bytes from [9]
< CONTROL Address:Opcode = 03:53
      0000  02 0C 00 08 00 04 00 42 - 00 03 53 01 FD 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00
Expected UA reply - but not received

SEND disconnect L2CAP channel. Choose id 08
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 08
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 42 00
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 43 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:08   Expects reply 07:08
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 08 04 00 42 00 43 
      0010  00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:08  is reply from 06:08
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 08 04 00 42 00 43 
      0010  00 
GOT L2CAP disconnect done reply

SEND Close connection
  Set [4][5] handle 0C 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=06
      0000  01 06 04 03 0C 00 13 
> Event 0F = 00 01 06 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 06 04 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 01 00 
> Event 05 = 00 0C 00 16
      0000  04 05 04 00 0C 00 16 
GOT Disconnected OK (Event 05)
Windows PC disconnected

5-3-8 SDP database operations

The following procedure shows how to read a remote device's SDP database which can then be searched for RFCOMM serial channels. The btlib procedure is more efficient because it reads UUID 0003, which returns fewer results. This example shows how extra bytes and continue bytes are handled when there is too much returned data to fit in one packet. The details of decoding the SDP data will not be described here because the documentation at Vol 3,Part B,Section 3 is clear enough. Examples of the other side of the connection (a server responding to SDP data requests) are included in the Classic server simple and Classic server pair and link key listings. The SDP database of a Mesh Pi set up as a Classic server is listed at the end of this section.

Read SDP database of Windows PC

Open procedure as in Classic procedures section
will not be repeated here. Assume we have got
to the Opened OK point in that procedure. 

**** Opened OK ****

Open an L2CAP psm 1 channel

SEND connect L2CAP channel psm 1
  Choose local channel 0044 (Must be >= 0x0040). Choose id 3
  Set [13] psm 01
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 03
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 44 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 02:03   Expects reply 03:03
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 02 03 04 00 01 00 44 
      0010  00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:03  is reply from 02:03
      0000  02 0C 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 03 08 00 40 00 44 
      0010  00 01 00 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 03:03  is reply from 02:03
      0000  02 0C 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 03 03 08 00 40 00 44 
      0010  00 00 00 00 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:04  Must send reply 05:04
      0000  02 0C 20 10 00 0C 00 01 - 00 04 04 08 00 44 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 00 04 
GOT result=1 pending reply. Wait for result=0 reply
GOT connect OK reply with remote channel
  Remote channel for following sends = 0040

SEND L2 config request. Choose id 04
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 04
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 04:04   Expects reply 05:04
      0000  02 0C 00 1B 00 17 00 01 - 00 04 04 13 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 01 02 F5 03 04 09 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:04  is reply from 04:04
      0000  02 0C 20 19 00 15 00 01 - 00 05 04 11 00 44 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 04 09 00 00 00 - 00 00 00 00 00 00 
GOT L2 config reply
GOT L2 request config - id 04
SEND L2 config reply with received id
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 04
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 05:04   is reply to 04:04
      0000  02 0C 00 12 00 0E 00 01 - 00 05 04 0A 00 40 00 00 
      0010  00 00 00 01 02 F5 03 
Connect L2CAP psm 1 now done OK

Read the SDP database entries that contain the UUID 0100

Because there is too much data to fit in one packet, it comes
back in three packets that illustrate two mechanisms: extra
bytes and continue bytes.

SEND SSA request for UUID = 0100, all aid
  Set [17][18] UUID 0100
  Set [26][27] last aid FF FF
  Set [3] [5] packet lengths
  Set [11] id 01
  Set [13] length 0F
  Set [28] continue bytes count = 0
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 06:00
      0000  02 0C 00 18 00 14 00 40 - 00 06 00 01 00 0F 35 03 
      0010  19 01 00 FF FF 35 05 0A - 00 00 FF FF 00 
> Event 13 = 01 0C 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 0C 00 02 00 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 07:00
      0000  02 0C 20 A7 02 F5 03 44 - 00 07 00 01 03 F0 03 E5 
      0010  36 04 AF 35 98 09 00 00 - 0A 00 00 00 00 09 00 01 
      0020  35 03 19 10 00 09 00 04 - 35 0D 35 06 19 01 00 09 
      0030  00 01 35 03 19 00 01 09 - 00 05 35 03 19 10 02 09 
      0040  00 06 35 09 09 65 6E 09 - 00 6A 09 01 00 09 01 00 
      0050  25 12 53 65 72 76 69 63 - 65 20 44 69 73 63 6F 76 
      0060  65 72 79 00 09 01 01 25 - 25 50 75 62 6C 69 73 68 
      0070  65 73 20 73 65 72 76 69 - 63 65 73 20 74 6F 20 72 
      0080  65 6D 6F 74 65 20 64 65 - 76 69 63 65 73 00 09 01 
      0090  02 25 0A 4D 69 63 72 6F - 73 6F 66 74 00 09 02 00 
      00A0  35 03 09 01 00 09 02 01 - 0A 00 00 00 0A 35 95 09 
      00B0  00 00 0A 00 01 00 00 09 - 00 01 35 03 19 12 00 09 
      00C0  00 04 35 0D 35 06 19 01 - 00 09 00 01 35 03 19 00 
      00D0  01 09 00 05 35 03 19 10 - 02 09 00 06 35 09 09 65 
      00E0  6E 09 00 6A 09 01 00 09 - 01 00 25 18 44 65 76 69 
      00F0  63 65 20 49 44 20 53 65 - 72 76 69 63 65 20 52 65 
      0100  63 6F 72 64 09 01 01 25 - 18 44 65 76 69 63 65 20 
      0110  49 44 20 53 65 72 76 69 - 63 65 20 52 65 63 6F 72 
      0120  64 09 02 00 09 01 03 09 - 02 01 09 00 06 09 02 02 
      0130  09 00 01 09 02 03 09 0A - 00 09 02 04 28 01 09 02 
      0140  05 09 00 01 35 9D 09 00 - 00 0A 00 01 00 01 09 00 
      0150  01 35 03 19 11 15 09 00 - 04 35 1B 35 06 19 01 00 
      0160  09 00 0F 35 11 19 00 0F - 09 01 00 35 09 09 08 00 
      0170  09 86 DD 09 08 06 09 00 - 05 35 03 19 10 02 09 00 
      0180  06 35 09 09 65 6E 09 00 - 6A 09 01 00 09 00 09 35 
      0190  08 35 06 19 11 15 09 01 - 00 09 01 00 25 1D 50 65 
      01A0  72 73 6F 6E 61 6C 20 41 - 64 20 48 6F 63 20 55 73 
      01B0  65 72 20 53 65 72 76 69 - 63 65 00 09 01 01 25 1D 
      01C0  50 65 72 73 6F 6E 61 6C - 20 41 64 20 48 6F 63 20 
      01D0  55 73 65 72 20 53 65 72 - 76 69 63 65 00 09 03 0A 
      01E0  09 00 00 35 5F 09 00 00 - 0A 00 01 00 02 09 00 01 
      01F0  35 03 19 11 0A 09 00 04 - 35 10 35 06 19 01 00 09 
      0200  00 19 35 06 19 00 19 09 - 01 03 09 00 05 35 03 19 
      0210  10 02 09 00 06 35 09 09 - 65 6E 09 00 6A 09 01 00 
      0220  09 00 09 35 08 35 06 19 - 11 0D 09 01 03 09 01 00 
      0230  25 0C 41 75 64 69 6F 20 - 53 6F 75 72 63 65 09 03 
      0240  11 09 00 01 35 8C 09 00 - 00 0A 00 01 00 03 09 00 
      0250  01 35 03 19 11 0C 09 00 - 04 35 10 35 06 19 01 00 
      0260  09 00 17 35 06 19 00 17 - 09 01 04 09 00 05 35 03 
      0270  19 10 02 09 00 06 35 09 - 09 65 6E 09 00 6A 09 01 
      0280  00 09 00 09 35 08 35 06 - 19 11 0E 09 01 06 09 00 
      0290  0D 35 12 35 10 35 06 19 - 01 00 09 00 1B 35 06 19 
      02A0  00 17 09 01 04 09 01 00 - 25 22 41 75 
  First packet   
  Byte counts:
    [3][4] = 02A7 from [5] to end of this packet
    [5][6] = 03F5 from [9] to end of continue bytes (inc next packet)
    [12][13] = 03F0 from [14] to end of continue bytes (inc next packet)
    [14][15] = 03E5 from [16] to end of SDP data (inc next packet)
        [16] = 36 (first SDP data byte)
    [0x02AB] = 75 (last SDP data byte in this packet)
  This calculation using the above byte counts reveals if there
  are missing bytes that will be sent in an Extra bytes packet:  
    Missing number = 03F5 - 02A7 + 4 = 0152 (338 decimal)        
Need an extra 0152 bytes - here they come:

> Extra bytes - add to previous data
      0000  02 0C 10 52 01 64 69 6F - 20 56 69 64 65 6F 20 52 
      0010  65 6D 6F 74 65 20 43 6F - 6E 74 72 6F 6C 20 50 72 
      0020  6F 66 69 6C 65 09 03 11 - 09 00 11 35 5A 09 00 00 
      0030  0A 00 01 00 04 09 00 01 - 35 06 19 11 0E 19 11 0F 
      0040  09 00 04 35 10 35 06 19 - 01 00 09 00 17 35 06 19 
      0050  00 17 09 01 04 09 00 05 - 35 03 19 10 02 09 00 09 
      0060  35 08 35 06 19 11 0E 09 - 01 06 09 00 0D 35 12 35 
      0070  10 35 06 19 01 00 09 00 - 1B 35 06 19 00 17 09 01 
      0080  04 09 03 11 09 00 02 35 - 5D 09 00 00 0A 00 01 00 
      0090  05 09 00 01 35 03 19 11 - 0B 09 00 04 35 10 35 06 
      00A0  19 01 00 09 00 19 35 06 - 19 00 19 09 01 03 09 00 
      00B0  05 35 03 19 10 02 09 00 - 06 35 09 09 65 6E 09 00 
      00C0  6A 09 01 00 09 00 09 35 - 08 35 06 19 11 0D 09 01 
      00D0  03 09 01 00 25 0A 41 75 - 64 69 6F 20 53 69 6E 6B 
      00E0  09 03 11 09 00 02 35 44 - 09 00 00 0A 00 01 00 06 
      00F0  09 00 01 35 06 19 11 1F - 19 12 03 09 00 04 35 0C 
      0100  35 03 19 01 00 35 05 19 - 00 03 08 01 09 00 05 35 
      0110  03 19 10 02 09 00 09 35 - 08 35 06 19 11 1E 09 01 
      0120  07 09 03 01 08 01 09 03 - 11 09 00 27 35 3F 09 00 
      0130  00 0A 00 01 00 07 09 00 - 01 35 06 19 11 1E 19 12 
      0140  03 09 00 04 35 0C 35 03 - 19 01 00 35 05 19 08 20 
      0150  7A AC AB 0F E7 FF FF 
   The offset of the last SDP data byte is calculated from the
   previous packet byte counts as follows:
   03E5 - 02A7 + 000F = 014D   
   The offset of the continue byte count is one more = 014E
   Second packet
   Byte count
     [3][4] = 0152 expected number of extra bytes missing from previous packet
          [5] = 64 (first extra SDP data byte to be added to previous data)
     [0x014D] = 19 (last SDP data byte in this packet)
     [0x014E] = 08 (continue byte count) 20 7A AC AB 0F E7 FF FF (continue bytes) 
GOT SSA reply

Last packet has ended with 8 continue bytes
SEND another SSA request with these bytes:
  Set [28]..  count and continue bytes..
    08 20 7A AC AB 0F E7 FF FF
  Set [3] [5] packet lengths
  Set [11] id 02
  Set [13] length 17
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [7][8] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< RFCOMM Address:Opcode = 06:00
      0000  02 0C 00 20 00 1C 00 40 - 00 06 00 02 00 17 35 03 
      0010  19 01 00 FF FF 35 05 0A - 00 00 FF FF 08 20 7A AC 
      0020  AB 0F E7 FF FF 
> CONTROL Address:Opcode 07:00
      0000  02 0C 20 D9 00 D5 00 44 - 00 07 00 02 00 D0 00 CD 
      0010  00 03 08 02 09 00 05 35 - 03 19 10 02 09 00 09 35 
      0020  08 35 06 19 11 1E 09 01 - 07 09 03 11 09 00 37 35 
      0030  52 09 00 00 0A 00 01 00 - 08 09 00 01 35 11 1C C7 
      0040  F9 47 13 89 1E 49 6A A0 - E7 98 3A 09 46 12 6E 09 
      0050  00 04 35 0C 35 03 19 01 - 00 35 05 19 00 03 08 03 
      0060  09 00 05 35 03 19 10 02 - 09 01 00 25 16 43 44 50 
      0070  20 50 72 6F 78 69 6D 61 - 6C 20 54 72 61 6E 73 70 
      0080  6F 72 74 35 58 09 00 00 - 0A 00 01 00 09 09 00 01 
      0090  35 11 1C FC F0 5A FD 67 - D8 4F 41 83 F5 7B EE 22 
      00A0  C0 3C DB 09 00 04 35 0C - 35 03 19 01 00 35 05 19 
      00B0  00 03 08 04 09 00 05 35 - 03 19 10 02 09 01 00 25 
      00C0  10 4D 79 20 63 75 73 74 - 6F 6D 20 73 65 72 69 61 
      00D0  6C 09 01 01 25 07 43 6F - 6D 6D 65 6E 74 00 
GOT SSA reply

   Third packet
   Byte counts:
       [3][4] = 00D9 from [5] to end of this packet
       [5][6] = 00D5 from [9] to end of continue bytes
     [12][13] = 00D0 from [14] to end of continue bytes
     [14][15] = 00CD from [16] to end of SDP data
         [16] = 00 (first SDP data byte to be added to previous data)
     [0x00DC] = 74 (last SDP data byte)
     [0x00DD] = 00 (number of continue bytes) 

No extra bytes
No continue bytes - done

The SDP data from the three packets can now be assembled.
Close the L2CAP channel and then decode the data.

Disconnect psm 1 channel
SEND disconnect L2CAP channel. Choose id 08
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 08
  Set [13][14] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
  Set [15][16] local L2CAP channel 44 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:08   Expects reply 07:08
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 08 04 00 40 00 44 
      0010  00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 06:0B  Must send reply 07:0B
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 06 0B 04 00 44 00 40 
      0010  00 

GOT L2CAP disconnect psm 1 request - id 0B
SEND L2CAP disconnect reply
  Set [1][2] handle 0C 00
  Set [10] id 0B
  Set [13][14] local L2CAP channel 44 00
  Set [15][16] remote L2CAP channel 40 00
< L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:0B   is reply to 06:0B
      0000  02 0C 00 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 0B 04 00 44 00 40 
      0010  00 
> L2CAP 0001 Opcode:id = 07:08  is reply from 06:08
      0000  02 0C 20 0C 00 08 00 01 - 00 07 08 04 00 40 00 44 
      0010  00 

Disconnect from Windows PC - will not be repeated here

Decode SDP data 1202 bytes start 36 04 AF end 65 6E 74

 **** RECORD 0 ****
    aid = 0000
        Handle 00 00 00 00 
    aid = 0001
      UUID 10 00 SrvrDiscServID
    aid = 0004
        UUID 01 00 L2CAP
        00 01 
        UUID 00 01 SDP
    aid = 0005
      UUID 10 02 
    aid = 0006
      65 6E 
      00 6A 
      01 00 
    aid = 0100
        Service Discovery 
    aid = 0101
        Publishes services to remote devices 
    aid = 0102
    aid = 0200
      01 00 
    aid = 0201
        00 00 00 0A 
 **** RECORDs 1-9 removed ****

 **** RECORD 10 ****
    aid = 0000
        Handle 00 01 00 09 
    aid = 0001
      UUID FC F0 5A FD 67 D8 4F 41 83 F5 7B EE 22 C0 3C DB 
    aid = 0004
        UUID 01 00 L2CAP
        UUID 00 03 RFCOMM
        RFCOMM channel = 4
    aid = 0005
      UUID 10 02 
    aid = 0100
        My custom serial
    aid = 0101

This is the SDP database of a Mesh Pi set up as a classic server. The UUID and name of Record 3 can be changed via register_serial. Note that all three serial services connect on RFCOMM channel 1.

 **** RECORD 0 ****  UUID 1200 device info
    aid = 0000
        Handle 00 01 00 00 
    aid = 0001
      UUID 12 00 PnPInformation
    aid = 0005
      UUID 10 02 
    aid = 0009
        UUID 12 00 PnPInformation
        01 03 
    aid = 0200
        01 03 
    aid = 0201
        1D 6B 
    aid = 0202
        02 46 
    aid = 0203
        05 2B 
    aid = 0204
    aid = 0205
        00 02 

 **** RECORD 1 **** Standard 2-byte serial 1101
    aid = 0000
        Handle 00 01 00 01 
    aid = 0001
      UUID 11 01 SerialPort
    aid = 0004
        UUID 01 00 L2CAP
        UUID 00 03 RFCOMM
        RFCOMM channel = 1
    aid = 0005
      UUID 10 02 
    aid = 0100

 **** RECORD 2 **** Standard 16-byte serial
    aid = 0000
        Handle 00 01 00 02 
    aid = 0001
      UUID 00 00 11 01 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 80 5F 9B 34 FB 
    aid = 0004
        UUID 01 00 L2CAP
        UUID 00 03 RFCOMM
        RFCOMM channel = 1
    aid = 0005
      UUID 10 02 
    aid = 0100

 **** RECORD 3 **** UUID and name set by register_serial()
    aid = 0000
        Handle 00 01 00 03 
    aid = 0001
      UUID FC F0 5A FD 67 D8 4F 41 83 F5 7B EE 22 C0 3C DB 
    aid = 0004
        UUID 01 00 L2CAP
        UUID 00 03 RFCOMM
        RFCOMM channel = 1
    aid = 0005
      UUID 10 02 
    aid = 0100
        My custom serial

5-3-9 LE Procedures

This connects to an LE device, writes a 1-byte characteristic with no acknowledge, writes a 2-byte characteristic with acknowledge, reads the 2-byte characteristic back, enables a characteristic notification and indication, receives a notify and indicate, and disconnects. The commands use the L2CAP 0004 LE packet format. The connect opcode is documented at v4,pE,7.8.12, the Event 3E reply at The read opcodes are documented at v3,pF, and The write opcodes at v3,pF,3.4.5. A characteristic with no acknowledge permission must be sent a write command, and one with acknowledge permission a write request The close opcode at v4,pE,7.1.6.

SEND LE connect to 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  Set [10].. board address reversed 7C..00
      0000  01 0D 20 19 60 00 60 00 - 00 00 7C 17 2D C0 1E 00 
      0010  00 18 00 28 00 00 00 11 - 01 00 00 00 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 0D 20
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 0D 20 
> Event 3E = 01 00 40 00 00 00 7C 17 2D C0...
      0000  04 3E 13 01 00 40 00 00 - 00 7C 17 2D C0 1E 00 27 
      0010  00 00 00 11 01 00 
Connect OK
Handle = 0040

Write (no acknowledge) one byte (12) to characteristic handle 0018
SEND write LE characteristic
  Set [3][4] [5][6] packet lengths
  Set [9] opcode 52
  Set [10][11] characteristic handle 0018
  Set [12].. 01 data bytes
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 52
      0000  02 40 00 08 00 04 00 04 - 00 52 18 00 12 

Write (with acknowledge) two bytes (34 56) to characteristic handle 001C
Replies with opcode 13 acknowledge
SEND write LE characteristic
  Set [3][4] [5][6] packet lengths
  Set [9] opcode 12
  Set [10][11] characteristic handle 001C
  Set [12].. 02 data bytes
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 12
      0000  02 40 00 09 00 05 00 04 - 00 12 1C 00 34 56 
> Event 13 = 01 40 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 40 00 01 00 
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 13
      0000  02 40 20 05 00 01 00 04 - 00 13 
> Event 13 = 01 40 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 40 00 01 00 
Read characteristic handle 001C - returns two bytes 34 56
  Set [10][11] handle 001C
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 0A
      0000  02 40 00 07 00 03 00 04 - 00 0A 1C 00 
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 0B
      0000  02 40 20 07 00 03 00 04 - 00 0B 34 56   
Enable notify for characteristic handle 0016
that has permission byte = 12  (notify + read)
Do this by writing 2-byte value 1 to the next handle 0017
(Disable by writing value 0)
SEND write LE characteristic
  Set [3][4] [5][6] packet lengths
  Set [9] opcode 52
  Set [10][11] characteristic handle 0017
  Set [12].. 02 data bytes
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 52
      0000  02 40 00 09 00 05 00 04 - 00 52 17 00 01 00 

Enable indicate for characteristic handle 0019
that has permission byte = 22 (indicate + read)
Do this by writing 2-byte value 1 to the next handle 001A
(Disable by writing value 0)
SEND write LE characteristic
  Set [3][4] [5][6] packet lengths
  Set [9] opcode 52
  Set [10][11] characteristic handle 001A
  Set [12].. 02 data bytes
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 52
      0000  02 40 00 09 00 05 00 04 - 00 52 1A 00 01 00 

At any time, characteristic 0016 may send a notification as follows:
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 1B
      0000  02 40 20 09 00 05 00 04 - 00 1B 16 00 12 34 
Notify value of 0016 = 12 34

At any time, characteristic 0019 may send an indication as follows:
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 1D
      0000  02 40 20 09 00 05 00 04 - 00 1D 19 00 12 34 
Indicate value of 0019 = 12 34
Then the indication must be acknowledged as follows:
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 1E
      0000  02 40 00 05 00 01 00 04 - 00 1E 
SEND Close connection
  Set [4][5] handle 40 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=06
      0000  01 06 04 03 40 00 13 
> Event 13 = 01 40 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 40 00 01 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 06 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 06 04 
> Event 05 = 00 40 00 22
      0000  04 05 04 00 40 00 22 
GOT Disconnected OK (Event 05)

5-3-10 Read LE services

This reads a list of characteristic UUIDs and handles from an LE device. The read UUID opcode is documented at v3,pF, and the reply at v3,pF, There is a list of standard 2-byte UUIDs in a pdf document called "16-bit UUID Numbers Document" here.

SEND LE connect to 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C
  Set [10].. board address reversed 7C..00
      0000  01 0D 20 19 60 00 60 00 - 00 00 7C 17 2D C0 1E 00 
      0010  00 18 00 28 00 00 00 11 - 01 00 00 00 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 0D 20
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 0D 20 
> Event 3E = 01 00 40 00 00 00 7C 17 2D C0...
      0000  04 3E 13 01 00 40 00 00 - 00 7C 17 2D C0 1E 00 27 
      0010  00 00 00 11 01 00 
Connect OK
Has returned handle = 0040

Search for UUID=2803 services. This returns a list of characteristic
handles and UUIDs. Start search at handle 0001 and repeat until
no more are returned. 

Read services from LE device
SEND read UUID (opcode 08)
  Set [10][11] starting characteristic handle 0001
  Set [14][15] UUID 2803
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 08
      0000  02 40 00 0B 00 07 00 04 - 00 08 01 00 FF FF 03 28 
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 09
      0000  02 40 20 1B 00 17 00 04 - 00 09 07 02 00 0A 03 00 
      0010  00 2A 04 00 02 05 00 01 - 2A 06 00 02 07 00 04 2A 
This has returned the following list of 2-byte UUID characteristics
Handle Permit  Value   UUID
0002    0A     0003    2A00 (standard UUID = Device name)
0004    02     0005    2A01
0006    02     0007    2A04  

To read/write the characteristic - use the Value Handle
Keep going from the next handle 0008 following already found 0007      
SEND read UUID (opcode 08)     
  Set [10][11] starting characteristic handle 0008
  Set [14][15] UUID 2803
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 08
      0000  02 40 00 0B 00 07 00 04 - 00 08 08 00 FF FF 03 28 
> Event 13 = 01 40 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 40 00 01 00 
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 09
      0000  02 40 20 1B 00 17 00 04 - 00 09 07 0A 00 10 0B 00 
      0010  37 2A 0D 00 02 0E 00 38 - 2A 0F 00 08 10 00 39 2A 

This has returned three more 2-byte UUIDs
SEND read UUID (opcode 08)     
  Set [10][11] starting characteristic handle 0011
  Set [14][15] UUID 2803
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 08
      0000  02 40 00 0B 00 07 00 04 - 00 08 11 00 FF FF 03 28 
> Event 13 = 01 40 00 02 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 40 00 02 00 
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 09
      0000  02 40 20 0D 00 09 00 04 - 00 09 07 12 00 04 13 00 
      0010  06 2A 
This has returned one more 2-byte UUID
SEND read UUID (opcode 08)     
  Set [10][11] starting characteristic handle 0014
  Set [14][15] UUID 2803
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 08
      0000  02 40 00 0B 00 07 00 04 - 00 08 14 00 FF FF 03 28 
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 09
      0000  02 40 20 1B 00 17 00 04 - 00 09 15 15 00 06 16 00 
      0010  01 FF EE DD CC BB AA 99 - 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11 
This has returned one value handle (0016) with permit 06 (r/w no ack)
and a 16-byte UUID 112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF01
This will be a user-defined private characteristic 
SEND read UUID (opcode 08)      
  Set [10][11] starting characteristic handle 0017
  Set [14][15] UUID 2803
  Set [1][2] handle 40 00
< L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 08
      0000  02 40 00 0B 00 07 00 04 - 00 08 17 00 FF FF 03 28 
> L2CAP 0004 Opcode = 01
   Error 0A = Attribute Not Found - have reached end of characteristics
      0000  02 40 20 09 00 05 00 04 - 00 01 08 20 00 0A 

SEND Close connection
  Set [4][5] handle 40 00
< HCI OGF=01 OCF=06
      0000  01 06 04 03 40 00 13 
> Event 13 = 01 40 00 01 00
      0000  04 13 05 01 40 00 01 00 
> Event 0F = 00 01 06 04
      0000  04 0F 04 00 01 06 04 
> Event 05 = 00 40 00 16
      0000  04 05 04 00 40 00 16 
GOT Disconnected OK (Event 05)


Here is an example of the attribute data when a mesh Pi is acting as an LE server.


DEVICE = My Pi  TYPE=mesh node=1 ADDRESS = B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3
  LECHAR=first  permit=06  handle=0005 size=8
  LECHAR=second permit=16  handle=0007 size=1
  LECHAR=Name   permit=06  handle=000A UUID=2A00  size=7

The values are written as follows:

  char buf[8];
  buf[0] = 0x11;
  ... [1] to [6]
  buf[7] = 0x88;
  buf[0] = 0x99;
       but UUID 2A00 is automatically set to the device name "My Pi" by init_blue()

Opcode 05/09/11 packet data returned in reply to request opcodes 04/08/10
The 11 packets are the same as the 09 packets, but with an end of group (eog) handle
inserted as 4th/5th bytes. So the 11 reply for handle 0007 would be:
      03 07 00 FF FF 99
UUID16 = unique 16-byte numbers automatically allocated by init_blue() - the last
4 bytes will be the handle and characteristic index.
The request opcode packets (08/10) must specify the valueUUID returned by opcode 05

handle  opcode 05 reply   opcode 09/11 reply (first byte = number of following bytes)            
0001    01 01 00 00 28    04 01 00 00 18           empty service UUID=2800 valueUUID=1800 Generic Access eog=0001
0002    01 02 00 00 28    04 02 00 01 18           empty service UUID=2800 valueUUID=1801 Generic Attribute eog=0002
0003    01 03 00 00 28    12 03 00 FF...11         private characteristics service UUID=2800 eog=FFFF
                                                   valueUUID = 112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFFFF              
0004    01 04 00 03 28    15 04 00 06 05 00 UUID16           first characteristic info UUID=2803
                                                             permit=06 value handle=0005 valueUUID=UUID16 eog=0005 
0005    02 05 00 UUID16   0A 05 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88   first characteristic value 
                                                             8-byte value = 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88  eog=FFFF
0006    01 06 00 03 28    15 06 00 16 07 00 UUID16           second characteristic info - notify capable  UUID=2803
                                                             permit=16  value handle=0007 valueUUID=UUID16 eog=0008  
0007    02 07 00 UUID16   03 07 00 99                        second characteristic value
                                                             1-byte value = 99  eog=FFFF
0008    01 08 00 02 29    04 08 00 01 00                     second characteristic notify control UUID=2902 eog=FFFF
                                                             2-byte value = 01 00  (notify enabled)
                                                                          = 00 00  (notify disabled)
0009    01 09 00 03 28    07 09 00 06 0A 00 00 2A            third characteristic info UUID=2803  eog=000A
                                                             permit=06 value handle=000A valueUUID=2A00
                                                             valueUUID=2A00 (standard UUID for Device Name)
000A    01 0A 00 00 2A    09 0A 00 61 62 63 64 65 66 00      third characteristic value  UUID=2A00  (Device Name)                                                                
                                                             7-byte value = "abcdef" plus terminate zero

5-3-11 LE scan

This searches for active LE devices and reads their advertising data. Information on decoding the advertising data can be found at Vol 4,Part E,Section and Vol 3,Part C,Section 11. Also Data type codes and Manufacturer codes.

Enable LE scan, let it run for maybe 10 seconds, then disable.
It will return an Event 3E reply for each LE device found.

SEND Enable LE scan ([4]=01) with repeat filter on ([5]=01)
      0000  01 0C 20 02 01 01 
> Event 0E = 01 0C 20 00
      0000  04 0E 04 01 0C 20 00 

The repeat filter should stop multiple replies from the same device, but
it does not work on some Bluetooth adapters, and multiple replies will arrive.

Replies come back

> Event 3E = 02 01 00 00 7C 17 2D C0 1E 00...
      0000  04 3E 29 02 01 00 00 7C - 17 2D C0 1E 00 1D 02 01 
      0010  06 11 07 00 FF EE DD CC - BB AA 99 88 77 66 55 44 
      0020  33 22 11 07 09 52 4E 31 - 37 37 43 A8 
> Event 3E = 02 01 00 01 D8 E2 59 6E 94 49...
      0000  04 3E 1E 02 01 00 01 D8 - E2 59 6E 94 49 12 02 01 
      0010  1A 02 0A 0C 0B FF 4C 00 - 10 06 03 1A 79 89 1C BF 
      0020  A0      

SEND Disable LE scan
      0000  01 0C 20 02 00 01 
Decode the advertising data returned by each device.

1 FOUND 00:1E:C0:2D:17:7C 
    Flags = 06
    All 16-byte UUIDs = 00 FF EE DD CC BB AA 99 88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11
    Name = RN177C
2 FOUND 49:94:6E:59:E2:D8 
    Flags = 1A
    Tx Power Level = 0C
    Apple = 4C 00 10 06 03 1A 79 89 1C BF
    No name 

5-4 Server Code

The following sections are intended as a brief guide to writing server code for other machines from scratch. The listings are not fully workable code. They are mostly code fragments, with no error checking, that give an indication of how to get started.

5-4-1 Windows COM port

Probably the easiest way to program a Windows server because the operating system does the work and presents the connection as a COM port, which must first be set up as follows:

Start/Settings/Devices/Bluetooth ON

Start/Settings/Devices/More Bluetooth Options/COM Ports/Add..

Select Incoming/OK

It should then report the COM port number e.g. COM3. The number is needed for the following code.

The server must be listening via the CreateFile function for the serial channel to be visible to clients. It will be reported as UUID 1101 "COM 3". The client must read the services to find the RFCOMM channel (which is not the same as the COM number).

  HANDLE hCom;
  int comport;
  static char serport[16] = {"\\\\.\\COMxx"};   // sets to  \\.\COMxx

     // set up server with incoming COM port = comport
  comport = 3;    // for example COM3
     // replace xx in serport[] with COM port number

  serport[7] = (char)(comport + '0');
  serport[8] = 0;
    // CreateFile waits for a client to connect

  hCom = CreateFile( serport,
    0,    // exclusive-access 
    NULL, // no security attributes 
    0,     // 0=not overlapped I/O  or FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
    NULL   // hTemplate 

   // set time outs

  cto.ReadIntervalTimeout = 5; 

    // hCom is now an open connection to client
    // Read/write serial data
      // disconnect   

5-4-2 Windows Sockets

This code sets up a Bluetooth socket directly rather than going via a COM port, and registers a custom 16-byte UUID serial channel. The RFCOMM channel number cannot be specified, and is set by the WSASetService function, so may be different each time. Consequently the client must read the services to find the RFCOMM channel number.

#include <ws2bth.h>    
#include <winsock2.h>  

  struct WSAData wsadata;
  CSADDR_INFO csinfo;
  GUID uuid;
  SOCKADDR_BTH server; 
  SOCKET LocalSocket;
  SOCKET ClientSocket;
  u_long arg;
  int adlen;

    // Start WSA once only   
  WSAStartup((WORD)(2 + (2 << 8)), &wsadata);

    // Set up server and listen for client to connect

  server.addressFamily = AF_BTH;
  server.port = BT_PORT_ANY;
  server.btAddr = ADDR_ANY;  

  bind(LocalSocket,(struct sockaddr *) &server,sizeof(SOCKADDR_BTH)); 

  adlen = sizeof(SOCKADDR_BTH);
  getsockname(LocalSocket,(struct sockaddr *)&server,&adlen);

  csinfo.LocalAddr.iSockaddrLength = sizeof( SOCKADDR_BTH );
  csinfo.LocalAddr.lpSockaddr = (LPSOCKADDR)&server;
  csinfo.RemoteAddr.iSockaddrLength = sizeof( SOCKADDR_BTH );
  csinfo.RemoteAddr.lpSockaddr = (LPSOCKADDR)&server;
  csinfo.iSocketType = SOCK_STREAM;
  csinfo.iProtocol = BTHPROTO_RFCOMM;

  wsaq.dwSize = sizeof(WSAQUERYSET);
  wsaq.lpServiceClassId = &uuid;  

   // register UUID = FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F57BEE22C03CDB
   // WSASetService chooses the RFCOMM channel   

  uuid.Data1 = 0xFCF05AFD;
  uuid.Data2 = 0x67D8;
  uuid.Data3 = 0x4F41;
  uuid.Data4[0] = 0x83;
  uuid.Data4[1] = 0xF5;
  uuid.Data4[2] = 0x7B;
  uuid.Data4[3] = 0xEE; 
  uuid.Data4[4] = 0x22;
  uuid.Data4[5] = 0xC0;
  uuid.Data4[6] = 0x3C;
  uuid.Data4[7] = 0xDB;

  wsaq.lpszServiceInstanceName = "My custom serial";
  wsaq.lpszComment = "Comment";
  wsaq.dwNameSpace = NS_BTH;
  wsaq.dwNumberOfCsAddrs = 1; 
  wsaq.lpcsaBuffer = &csinfo; 
  wsaq.lpVersion = NULL;
  wsaq.lpNSProviderId = NULL;
  wsaq.lpszContext = NULL;
  wsaq.dwNumberOfProtocols = 0;
  wsaq.lpafpProtocols = NULL;
  wsaq.lpszQueryString = NULL;
  wsaq.dwOutputFlags = 0;
  wsaq.lpBlob = NULL;
  WSASetService(&wsaq, RNRSERVICE_REGISTER, 0);


  arg = 1;
  ioctlsocket(LocalSocket,FIONBIO, &arg);  // non-blocking

    {  // loop waiting for client to connect
    ClientSocket = accept(LocalSocket,NULL, NULL);
  while(ClientSocket == INVALID_SOCKET  && time out or stop listen test);
  arg = 1;
  ioctlsocket(ClientSocket,FIONBIO, &arg);  // non-blocking

   // ClientSocket is now an open serial channel to the client

   // read/write serial data

   // close connection

5-4-3 Android

This code sets up a custom 16-byte UUID serial channel.


  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

  import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
  import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
  import android.bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket;
  import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket;
  import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
  import java.util.Set;
  import java.util.UUID;

  BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter;
  BluetoothServerSocket mmServerSocket;
  BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
  InputStream instream;
  OutputStream outstream;  

     // initialise on program start

  mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
    Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);

    // set up server

    // make discoverable for 300 seconds
  Intent discoverableIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE);
  discoverableIntent.putExtra(BluetoothAdapter.EXTRA_DISCOVERABLE_DURATION, 300);
     // register UUID = FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F57BEE22C03CDB
     // the function chooses the RFCOMM channel

  mmServerSocket = mBluetoothAdapter.listenUsingInsecureRfcommWithServiceRecord(
           "My custom serial", UUID.fromString("FCF05AFD-67D8-4F41-83F57BEE22C03CDB"));

    // wait for client to connect - repeat until mmSocket != null 
  mmSocket = mmServerSocket.accept();  

  instream = mmSocket.getInputStream();
  outstream = mmSocket.getOutputStream();  

     // instream/outstream are now open connections to client

     // read/write serial data

  if(instream.available() > 0)
    data =;


     // disconnect


5-5 Client Code

The following sections are intended as a brief guide to writing client code for other machines from scratch. The listings are not fully workable code. They are mostly code fragments, with no error checking, that give an indication of how to get started.

5-5-1 Windows COM port

Probably the easiest way to program a Windows client because the operating system does the work and presents the connection as a COM port, which must first be set up as follows:

Start/Settings/Devices/Bluetooth ON

Start/Settings/Devices/More Bluetooth Options/COM Ports/Add..

Select Outgoing/Browse

The Pi must be listening as a classic server (via classic_server()), it should appear as an available device. When selected, the available serial channels Serial2 and Serial16 should be reported. Choose one and it will report the assigned port e.g, COM3 - this number is needed for the following code.

  HANDLE hCom;
  int comport;
  static char serport[16] = {"\\\\.\\COMxx"};  // sets to  \\.\COMxx

     // set up client with outgoing COM port = comport
  comport = 3;    // for example COM3
     // replace xx in serport[] with COM port number

  serport[7] = (char)(comport + '0');
  serport[8] = 0;  
    // CreateFile connects to listening server

  hCom = CreateFile( serport,
    0,    // exclusive-access 
    NULL, // no security attributes 
    0,     // 0=not overlapped I/O  or FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED
    NULL   // hTemplate 

   // set time outs

  cto.ReadIntervalTimeout = 5; 

    // hCom is now an open connection to client
    // Read/write serial data
      // disconnect   

5-5-2 Windows Sockets

This code sets up a Bluetooth socket directly rather than going via a COM port, and connects to a listening btferret classic server on RFCOMM channel 1 without the need to use a UUID.

#include <ws2bth.h>    
#include <winsock2.h>  

  struct WSAData wsadata;
  int errnum,retval;
  unsigned char *dp;
  SOCKADDR_BTH  remoteadd;  
  SOCKET LocalSocket;
  GUID *uuid;
  u_long arg;
  fd_set wrset;
  fd_set exset;
  struct timeval tv;
    // Start WSA once only   
  WSAStartup((WORD)(2 + (2 << 8)), &wsadata);
    // connect to listening btferret classic server
  dp = (char*)&remoteadd.btAddr; // length=8
  // connect to Bluetooth board address 11:22:33:44:55:66
  // set dp[] in reverse order
  dp[0] = 0x66;
  dp[1] = 0x55;
  dp[2] = 0x44;
  dp[3] = 0x33;
  dp[4] = 0x22;
  dp[5] = 0x11;
  dp[6] = 0;
  dp[7] = 0;
  remoteadd.addressFamily = AF_BTH;
  uuid = &remoteadd.serviceClassId;

  // btferret classic servers listen on channel 1 so there
  // is no need to go via a UUID
  remoteadd.port = 1;   // RFCOMM channel 1  
  uuid->Data1 = 0;  
  uuid->Data2 = 0;
  uuid->Data3 = 0;
  uuid->Data4[0] = 0;
  uuid->Data4[1] = 0;
  uuid->Data4[2] = 0;
  uuid->Data4[3] = 0;
  uuid->Data4[4] = 0;
  uuid->Data4[5] = 0;
  uuid->Data4[6] = 0;
  uuid->Data4[7] = 0;
  arg = 1;
  ioctlsocket(LocalSocket,FIONBIO,&arg);  // set non-blocking
  if(SOCKET_ERROR == connect(LocalSocket,
          (struct sockaddr *)&remoteadd,sizeof(SOCKADDR_BTH)) )   
    errnum = WSAGetLastError();
    if(errnum == WSAEWOULDBLOCK)
      {  // connect() non blocking so returns immediately
         // and it may be necessary to wait for connect to complete
         // Wait with 30s time out until select() sees connection        

      FD_SET(LocalSocket, &wrset);
      FD_SET(LocalSocket, &exset);

      //wait 30 sec for connect to finish
      tv.tv_sec = 30;
      tv.tv_usec = 0;
      retval = select(0, 0, &wrset,0,&tv);
      if(retval > 0 && retval < 8)
        errnum = 0;   // OK 
    if(errnum != 0)
      // Connect fail
   // LocalSocket is now an open serial channel to the server

   // read/write serial data

   // close connection

5-5-3 Android

This code connects to a listening btferret classic server via the standard 16-byte UUID serial service.


  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />

  import android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter;
  import android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice;
  import android.bluetooth.BluetoothServerSocket;
  import android.bluetooth.BluetoothSocket;
  import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
  import java.util.Set;
  import java.util.UUID;

  BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter;
  BluetoothDevice bluedev;  
  BluetoothSocket mmSocket;
  InputStream instream;
  OutputStream outstream;  

     // initialise on program start

  mBluetoothAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
    Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE);
  // connect to server address B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3 as client
  // via standard 16-byte serial service UUID.
  // bluedev may also be set by finding a device in the paired
  // devices list via: mBluetoothAdapter.getBondedDevices()
  // or by scanning for active devices by setting up a BroadcastReceiver
  // for mBluetoothAdapter.startDiscovery()
  bluedev =  mBluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice("B8:27:EB:F1:50:C3");           
  mmSocket = bluedev.createInsecureRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(
  // Connect to the remote device through the socket. This call blocks
  // until it succeeds or throws an exception. 12s time out?

  instream = mmSocket.getInputStream();
  outstream = mmSocket.getOutputStream();  

     // instream/outstream are now open connections to client

     // read/write serial data

  if(instream.available() > 0)
    data =;


     // disconnect


6 Documentation References

References of the type v4,pE,7.7.14 (Vol 4 Part E Section 7.7.14) refer to the pdf document Bluetooth Core Specification 5.3 See the RFCOMM section here for bewildering details of serial connections.

HCI commands Vol 4, Part E, Section 7

L2CAP 0001 commands Vol 3, Part A, Section 4

L2CAP 0040+ commands RFCOMM reference above, but good luck making sense of it.

LE commands Vol 3, Part F, Section 3.4

LE characteristic UUIDs in a pdf document called "16-bit UUID Numbers Document" here.

SDP database decode Vol 3,Part B,Section 3

LE advertising decode Vol 4,Part E,Section and Vol 3,Part C,Section 11. Also Data type codes and Manufacturer codes.

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