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This project forked from uber/baseweb

2.0 2.0 0.0 273.15 MB

A React Component library implementing the Base design language

Home Page:

License: MIT License

JavaScript 86.86% HTML 0.12% Dockerfile 0.02% Shell 0.07% TypeScript 12.82% CSS 0.11%

baseui's Introduction

Base Web React Components

Build status

Base is a design system comprised of modern, responsive, living components. Base Web is the React implementation of Base.


On npm, you can find Base Web as baseui.

Add baseui and its peer dependencies to your project:

# using yarn
yarn add baseui styletron-react styletron-engine-atomic

# using npm
npm install baseui styletron-react styletron-engine-atomic
import {Client as Styletron} from 'styletron-engine-atomic';
import {Provider as StyletronProvider} from 'styletron-react';
import {LightTheme, BaseProvider, styled} from 'baseui';
import {StatefulInput} from 'baseui/input';

const engine = new Styletron();

const Centered = styled('div', {
  display: 'flex',
  justifyContent: 'center',
  alignItems: 'center',
  height: '100%',

export default function Hello() {
  return (
    <StyletronProvider value={engine}>
      <BaseProvider theme={LightTheme}>
          <StatefulInput />

Both Base Web and Styletron come with flow types and TypeScript. All our components are typed and examples have Vanilla, Flow and TypeScript versions. For Styletron + TS, you need to add some additional packages:

yarn add @types/styletron-standard @types/styletron-react @types/styletron-engine-atomic


An example of an application using Base Web can be found here. You can also check how it works on CodeSandbox.


To read the documentation, please visit



Shoutouts ๐Ÿ™

BrowserStack Logo

Big thanks to BrowserStack for letting the maintainers use their service to debug browser issues.

baseui's People


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