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whereRegex shoots out a bad special key error


Seems like there's a slight issue with the whereRegex function.

It always passes $options=' ' and Parse shoots out this error:
"Uncaught ParseLibraryException: [102]: error: bad special key: options "

If I comment out the 'options' => $options part it seems to work (I guess Parse doesn't like empty values there if you pass it).

Maybe this should be like this instead (there's probably a better way :) -

public function whereRegex($key,$value,$options){
if(isset($key) && isset($value)){
$this->_query[$key] = array(
'$regex' => $value,
if (isset($options)) {
'options' => $options
$this->throwError('the $key and $value parameters must be set when setting a "where" query method');

Problems running query comparing to createdAt date

I am trying a query composed of a geo point and comparing date but the results seems that it is ignoring the date part of the where. Is it correct the way the query is performed?

Could you provide some samples comparing against dates using query contraints like: $gte, $in, etc.

Here my code snippet:

$params = array(
'className' => 'xx',
'query' => array(
'geo' => array(
'$nearSphere' => array(
'__type'=> 'GeoPoint', 'latitude' => 25.727409, 'longitude' => -80.306389),
'$maxDistanceInKilometers' => 1)),
'createdAt'=> array(
'$gte' => '2012-04-24T01:02:52.249Z'),
'order' => 'bizName',
'limit' => 10);
$request = $parse->query($params);


Performing create using Ints

Does this API support using ints? For example, submitting a number to a Parse class with an int column.

When I use the create API, it will eventually call the request function and perform a json_encode on the payload. This causes the variable to equal something like this:


I'm seeing ERROR: response code was 400 with message: invalid type for key intColumnA, expected number, but got string

I believe what is happening is it's interpreting the quotes. The $postData should look something like:

{"idNumberOne":"Clol67k","intColumnA":12,"intColumnB":5,"stringColumn":"90"} <----- No quotes around the numbers

Being that we are using json_encode this is going to be a difficult problem to solve.... Any suggestions?

Also, I added login and register functionality to the API. Should I push something to somewhere? :D

  • Vin


hi Great api by the way version 1 and version 2 i could not work it in my localhost im using xampp 1.7.7 5.3.8 php

can i ask for help thanks

ERROR: response code was 401 with message: unauthorized

I have updated to latest version and started receiving the mentioned error. The reason for it is that following option was eliminated from request function.

curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->appid . ':' . $this->restkey);

I can see that the intention is to pass these in the header:

curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/json',
'X-Parse-Application-Id: '.$this->appid,
'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: '.$this->restkey

Is this working for anyone? And if yes any pointers why it might not be working on my side?



Your lib is really helpful. Thank you for your work :)

But I have a question:
Can your lib work with roles?

User, Product Classes returning nothing.

I don't know if this is happening to everyone or just me, but I am having trouble getting results back from the User class. It always returns nothing.

$query = new parseQuery("Email");
$result = $query->find();
print_r($result); // returns proper result

$query_user = new parseQuery("User");
print_r($query_user->find()); // returns nothing. Should return the User

I've checked the objectId 10 times, the information is correct.
the User Class doesn't have any ACL on it either.

Is there something i'm missing?

how to pass config parameters to class?

we have separate applications defined in Parse for our staging and development environments. in V1 of this library, we could pass the configuration paramaters when instantiating the parseRestClient class. This feature appears to be removed from V2 in favor of a configuration file.

Any suggestions?

Test for parseQuery->whereInQuery returns bad $inQuery

{"code":102,"error":"bad type for $inQuery"}Array
[method] => GET
[requestUrl] => classes/test
[urlParams] => Array
[where] => {"object1":{"$inQuery":"{"where":{"name":{"$exists":true}}}","className":"test"}}
[limit] => 100


Fatal error: Uncaught ParseLibraryException: [102]: error: bad type for $inQuery

Syntax errors: parseQuery.php

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in Downloads/ on line 48


                                $urlParams['count'] = '1';

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW in Downloads/ on line 67

                if ($int >= 1 && $int <= 1000){

how to get relations


in this library there is no option to get relations.

can you help me about this.


getCount is missing Limit = 0

If you are limiting your query, or if there are a very large number of results, and you want to know how many total results there are without returning them all, you can use the count parameter. For example, if you only care about the number of games played by a particular player:

curl -X GET \
  -H "X-Parse-Application-Id: ucucfdUq3EpDau0cOTPGDl5EKepBYmLlJpNoXKdo" \
  -H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: sysqIYFSGV6KzCczu1amCs3iTWnukJC8vGu0Li9r" \
  -G \
  --data-urlencode 'where={"playerName":"Jonathan Walsh"}' \
  --data-urlencode 'count=1' \
  --data-urlencode 'limit=0' \

Adding a setLimit(0) is not possible, but if you want to make a dashboard it's very slow, because the reason above says it's also getting all the data...

Added query include for multiple query

class parseRestClient{

    private $appid = '';
    private $restkey = '';
    private $parseUrl = '';

 * When creating a new parseRestClient object
 * send array with 'restkey' and 'appid'
    public function __construct($config){
        if(isset($config['appid']) && isset($config['restkey'])){
            $this->appid = $config['appid'];
            $this->restkey = $config['restkey'];            
            die('You must include your Application Id and REST Key');

 * All requests go through this function
 * There are functions that filter all the different request types
 * No need to use this function directly  
    private function request($args){
        $c = curl_init();
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'parseRestClient/1.0');
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
            'Content-Type: application/json',
            'X-Parse-Application-Id: '.$this->appid,
            'X-Parse-REST-API-Key: '.$this->restkey
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $args['method']);
        curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $this->parseUrl . $args['url']);

        if($args['method'] == 'PUT' || $args['method'] == "POST"){
            $postData = json_encode($args['payload']);
            curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postData );
            $postData = array();
                $postData['where'] = json_encode( $args['query'] );
                $postData['include'] = $args['include'];
                $postData['order'] = $args['order'];
                $postData['limit'] = $args['limit'];
                $postData['skip'] = $args['skip'];
            if(count($postData) > 0){
                $query = http_build_query($postData, '', '&');
                curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, $this->parseUrl . $args['url'].'?'.$query);


        $response = curl_exec($c);
        $httpCode = curl_getinfo($c, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

        return array('code'=>$httpCode, 'response'=>$response);


    public function create($args){
        $params = array(
            'url' => $args['className'],
            'method' => 'POST',
            'payload' => $args['object']

        $return = $this->request($params);

        return $this->checkResponse($return,'201');


 * Used to get a object  
 * @param array $args - argument hash:
 * className: string of className
 * objectId: (optional) the objectId of the object you want to update. If none, will return multiple objects from className
 * @return string $return
    public function get($args){
        $params = array(
            'url' => $args['className'].'/'.$args['objectId'],
            'method' => 'GET'

        $return = $this->request($params);

        return $this->checkResponse($return,'200');

 * Used to update a object  
 * @param array $args - argument hash:
 * className: string of className
 * objectId: the objectId of the object you want to update
 * object: object to update in place of old one  
 * @return string $return
    public function update($args){
        $params = array(
            'url' => $args['className'].'/'.$args['objectId'],
            'method' => 'PUT',
            'payload' => $args['object']

        $return = $this->request($params);

        return $this->checkResponse($return,'200');

 * Used to query  
 * @param array $args - argument hash:
 * className: string of className
 * query: array containing query. See: 
 * order: (optional) used to sort by the field name. use a minus (-) before field name to reverse sort
 * limit: (optional) limit number of results
 * skip:  (optional) used to paginate results
 * include: (optional) return multiple types of related objects in one query See: 
 * @return string $return

    public function query($args){
        $params = array(
            'url' => $args['className'],
            'method' => 'GET'

            $params['query'] = $args['query'];
            $params['include'] = $args['include'];
            $params['order'] = $args['order'];
            $params['limit'] = $args['limit'];
            $params['skip'] = $args['skip'];

        $return = $this->request($params);

        return $this->checkResponse($return,'200');


 * Used to get a object  
 * @param array $args - argument hash:
 * className: string of className
 * objectId: (optional) the objectId of the object you want to update. If none, will return multiple objects from className
 * @return string $return
    public function delete($args){
        $params = array(
            'url' => $args['className'].'/'.$args['objectId'],
            'method' => 'DELETE'

        $return = $this->request($params);

        return $this->checkResponse($return,'200');

 * Checks for correct/expected response code.
 * @param array $return, string $code 
 * @return string $return['response]
    private function checkResponse($return,$code){
        //TODO: Need to also check for response for a correct result from
        if($return['code'] != $code){
            $error = json_decode($return['response']);
            die('ERROR: response code was '.$return['code'].' with message: '.$error->error);
            return $return['response'];


Hi, apotropaic

Hi, i would like to make a user login form in PHP to post images, videos and files for specific users, can you provide more info about new methods to be used to accomplish these tasks? Are there any more advance examples to have a friendly user interface for the parse REST API?

Best Regards.

add/remove relations

I added a function called relate to add or remove a relation to your code. Not that good at github, so here is the function:

 * Used to add or remove a relation to a object
 * @param array $args - argument hash:
 * className: string of className
 * objectId: the objectId of the object you want to update
 * add: boolean
 * columnName: the column name of the relation
 * relationClassName: the classname of the relation you want to add
 * relationObjectId: the objectId of the related object
       public function relate($args){
                $params = array(
                        'url' => $args['className'].'/'.$args['objectId'],
                        'method' => 'PUT'

                $objects = array(
                        "__type" => "Pointer",
                        "className" => $args['relationClassName'],
                        "objectId" => $args['relationObjectId']

                $relation = array(
                        $args['columnName'] => array(
                                                "__op" =>
                                                ($args['add'] ? "Add" : "Remove") . "Relation",
                                                "objects" => array($objects)

                $params['payload'] = $relation;

                $return = $this->request($params);

                return $this->checkResponse($return,'200');

Creation of new object not working

When running this :

$query = ($_POST['query']) ? $_POST['query'] : $_GET['query'];

$params = array(
    'className' => 'temperature',
    'object' => array(
        'value' => $query


$request = $parse->create($params);

I get this warning:

Warning: json_encode() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /home/corocco/public_html/parse.php on line 134
failed to get response 201, response code was: 400

and no new objects are created..

Any ideas?

Update user?

I don't think it's in the parseUser.php class. Can you update a user with additional fields or create a user with additional fields?

curl -X PUT
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: Z0GKPdAmkIZsKg9nGgSGU52DQBUP2xavHmACYsAI"
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: lOQHg18qhxveTkNA6YGIWDtwBpwQ9ULyK2ZwPqTh"
-H "X-Parse-Session-Token: pnktnjyb996sj4p156gjtp4im"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{"phone":"415-369-6201"}'


Get the user information from the creator behind a post

Hi, i'm currently working on a mobile application that has enabled sharing on facebook.

When i'm on facebook and clicks on a shared post from the mobile application i get to a link containing a specific objectId that retrieves the posts information. The information contains pictures, texts and so on.

In my php script on the webpage i use the method get like this:

$params = array( 'className' => 'Feed', 'objectId' => $_GET['id'] );
$request = $parse->get($params);
$result = json_decode($request);

So far so good, but what if i want to include the user information of the user that created this post? That information is stored in another table called 'User'. I have struggled with this for a long time.

If someone can give me a lead on what to do i would be greatful :)

Thanks alot.

failed to get response

failed to get response 201, response code was: 0


failed to get response 200, response code was: 0

are the errors I get?

Limit=1 problem


When I try to query using limit=1 the code just doesn't seem to work (throws an exception).

This works perfectly:

$parseQuery = new parseQuery('CLASS');
$response3 = $parseQuery->find();

While this is returning an exception (notice setLimit=1):

$parseQuery = new parseQuery('CLASS');
$response3 = $parseQuery->find();

Fatal error: Uncaught ParseLibraryException: [0]: parse requires the limit parameter be between 1 and 1000 thrown in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs//parse/parse.php on line 168


Bug in parseQuery.

Not sure if this was just a recent API change's end that hasn't made it over yet, but on line #30 in parseQuery.php the 'query' key in the 'urlParams' array should be 'where'.

Relational Query Example no longer valid

I'm assuming this is probably due to some recent changes in the api, but it seems that the example you have posted in the is no longer correct. It should look something more like this:

$params = array(
    'className' => 'User',
    'query' => array(
        'Post' => array(
            '__type' => 'Pointer',
            'className' => 'Post',
            'objectId' => $postId

$request = $parse->query($params);

PHP Loop

Hello guys! I'm doing something like this... A loop to trigger notifications.

This loop is supposed to run 10 times, but at the first time it reaches:

$request = $parse->notification($params);

It stops. The loop stops. How to fix it? Thank you!

Sample Code:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
$data = array(
'alert' => $message,
'badge' => '1',
'sound' => 'default'

        $params = array(
            'channel' => $row1['tus_usuar'],
            'type' => 'ios',
            'data' => $data

        $request = $parse->notification($params);
        $sql2 = "UPDATE tab_comentarios SET fl_notif = '1' WHERE id = '$id'";
        $query2 = mysql_query($sql2, $conexao);


object counting

The REST API supports object counting, but that seems to be missing from your implementation. I made a couple of additions to my copy of the class which seems to have successfully implemented the feature.

on line 58:

$postData['count'] = $args['count'];

and one line 164:

$params['count'] = $args['count'];

This allows you to count all objects in a class with params:

$params = array(
'className' => 'ClassName',
'limit' => 0,
'count' => 1
$request = $parse->query($params);

Or alternatively count rows matching a query:

$params = array(
'className' => 'ClassName',
'query' => array(
'TextField' => 'TextValue'
'limit' => 0,
'count' => 1
$request = $parse->query($params);

Unable to get child objects

I'm not able to get child objects by setting the include array before calling parseObject->get(). It does not look like this variable is being passed to the Parse API.

Attachments, etc.


We used your base and greatly modded from there. Have you done attachments yet?

We can do it via curl at the command line - but are working to integrate it w/ php. If you don't have something, I'll post inline as a response when we get it working today.

BTW, there is a user handler class for Java over in my repo.

Query using geopoints returns bogus results

I am using the recent lib and executing a simple query using geo points. The returns are points that are thousands of miles apart very far from the search points. Any ideas on this? This is the code.

$parse = new parseRestClient(array(
'appid' => 'xxx',
'restkey' => 'xxx'

$params = array(
'className' => 'xxx',
'geo' => array(
'$nearSphere' => array(
'__type'=> 'GeoPoint', 'latitude' => 43.3529, 'longitude' => 11.073, '$maxDistanceInKilometers' => '10')),
'order' => 'business_name',
'limit' => '100');
$request = $parse->query($params);
echo $request;



Thanks for a great API !

Is it possible to send a query to to get username and password ?

I get the following error back when trying:
ERROR: response code was 400 with message: missing user password

I tried with 'password' => urlencode($password) with no success.

Trying to get property of non-object error

Hi apotropaic,
and thanks for your library.

I'm having a (supposedly) very basic issue with your library (both version 1 and 2).
I just want to query all objects of the class ("Repairer" in data browser) and, after initializing lie this :

require ("parse/parse.php");
$parse = new parseRestClient(array(
'appid' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'restkey' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

(with the correct keys of course; also, the parseConfig.php is correctly filled)

I just call a simple function to retrieve them :

function getRepairers() {
$query = new parseQuery('repairers');
$query->where('status', 0);
$request = $query->find();
return $request;

I get this notice (that I had in version 1 too) :

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in E:\xampp\htdocs\parse\parse\parse.php on line 162

twice, and then this one :

Fatal error: Uncaught ParseLibraryException: [0]: thrown in E:\xampp\htdocs\parse\parse\parse.php on line 155

Apparently, the expected (HTTP) code is 200, but the received one is 0 (which is not a HTTP code as far as I know).
I understand I am missing something very basic, can you please tell me what ?

Thanks in advance

Failed to get response 201 when trying to create an object with GeoPoint

$parse = new parseRestClient(array('appid' => 'xxx, 'masterkey' => 'xxx'));

I am receiving the error in title. Here is the code.

$params = array(
'className' => 'class_name',
'object' => array(
'geo' => array('__type' => 'GeoPoint', 'latitude' => '43.35', 'longitude' => '11.0'),
'name' => 'my house'));

$request = $parse->create($params);

Can anyone help me with this? It works well if i remove the geo key.



parseObject suggestion

       public function __get($name) {
                if($name != '_className'){
                        return $this->data[$name];
                return NULL;

Exceptions instead of die

Hi apotropaic, when you're writing the new version, can you use exceptions? I'd rather catch an exception, rather than have the program die.

Suggestions and Notes for v2.0

Thanks for the great library! Some suggestions.

  • setLimit function for Query should allow values of 1 and 1000. Should change comparison operators to equals-than or greater than.
  • setStep function needed for Query.
  • count function needed for Query to get total count of objects without returning them.
  • The parse date data type should be converted to a PHP data type with the propoer time zone.
  • The CURL timeout should be changed from 5 seconds to something larger like 30 seconds.

How to query?

I want to test this version, but I get an error on the parseClient is missing "Class 'parseRestClient' not found"

Can you give us a working example how to use the whole new parse php library

cheers Fred

Neither the test file is working..

I tried to copy and past the test file with the following code:

$testUser = new parseUser;
$testUser->username = "stefano_php";
$testUser->password = "pippo";
$user = $testUser->signup();

This is what I get as response..

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\EasyPHP-12.1\www\jamyourself\lib.parse.php\parse.php on line 174

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in D:\EasyPHP-12.1\www\jamyourself\lib.parse.php\parse.php on line 174

Fatal error: Uncaught ParseLibraryException: [0]: thrown in D:\EasyPHP-12.1\www\jamyourself\lib.parse.php\parse.php on line 167

I can't use this library at all, any suggestion on how to fix this stuff? Or is anyone guessing what am I doing wrong???

update user without session token

You should be able to update a user without a session token if you are using the master key right?
Two questions there:

  1. If so, should we change the check on update user to not require sessionToken?
  2. How do we set it so that the code uses the master key only when doing parse operations?

Where do I begin?

I need a simple script that can send Wordpress posts to a Parse database. My usual PHP guy has disappeared on me and I need this done ASAP. Is there a tutorial or sample file I could look at? Or perhaps you could recommend someone I could hire?

How to display results?


Want to use this for my backend, iOS I get, but can somebody give me an example how to use this if I want to give a result in a table (divs)... is it json what I get if I use this code:


$parseQuery = new parseQuery('Locations');

$response3 = $parseQuery->find();


So how I handle the $respons3 in a real world example to display the result to a user?

How can I update a specific object


This might seem like a stupid question but I couldn't figure out how to update a specific object.

I know the following doesn't work because it calls to a class instead of a specific object within a class (and POST instead of PUT) but I have no idea what to change in order to make it work:

$o = $_POST["objectId"];
$odoValue = intval($_POST["Value"]);

$parseObject = new parseObject('Cars');

$parseObject->VALUE = $Value;
$response = $parseObject->save();

What I'm trying to figure out is how to update the Field 'VALUE' for a specific objectId within the Class Cars.

Thanks in advance! Any help would be appreciated.

parseUser suggestion for reset password throught parse mail

It coudl be nice if you can ask for password reset usign this library..
I've added this code at your userParse.php:

public function requestPasswordReset($email){
        $request = $this->request(array(
                'method' => 'POST',
                'requestUrl' => 'requestPasswordReset',
                'email' => $email,
                'data' => $this->data

        return $request;
        $this->throwError('email is required for the requestPasswordReset method');


This way it throws a Parse: ParseLibraryException: [107]: error: invalid json: null
But the Parse response is a null json if it's all correct... I think this will create a bit of confusion..

Can you help me to make it works in your library?


Hello, I'm having a hard time using the 2.0 library, I am new to PHP, I believe I'm on the right track, but I need help.
this error has occurred:

Uncaught ParseLibraryException

Would make me an example of how to make a push notification? for example?
Or some tutorial?

Since I already am very grateful for the help!!

Upload a file for a new object/update object

How can I upload a image while I make a new Object? I see that the image column is updated but the file is Acces Denied?

Is there somebody that have done this and want to share some example code?

//File must contain only name, url and __type properties
                    //$parse->image = array("__type" => "File", "name" => $_FILES['cImage']['name'], 'url' => ''.$_FILES['cImage']['name']);

                    //$parse = new parseFile();
                    //$filename = ''.$_FILES['cImage']['name'];

                    //$parse = new parseFile('Locations');
                    //$file = parseFile('image/jpeg', file_get_contents($filename));
                    //$parse->image = $file->save('testimage.jpg'); //should return url and name

add/remove relations

Hi apotropaic,
Thanks for the new version. I like the interface much better.
Is there code in there to relate objects? I don't think I see it but I could be missing it.

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