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✨ Infinite scrolling date-picker built with React, with localization, range selection, themes, keyboard support, and more.

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License: MIT License

JavaScript 69.83% CSS 30.17%
react calendar datepicker infinite infinite-scroll component date range

react-infinite-calendar's People


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react-infinite-calendar's Issues

Specifying Width/Height in %


I have encountered following issue:
Seems that specifying width and height in % is not possible despite documentation saying so?

Component used as:

import Calendar from 'react-infinite-calendar';


Some parts are not provided for brevity.


The beginning and end of a month rendered in a strange way.

Hi, have no idea why it happens, attached a few screenshots.

Styles are imported,

<InfiniteCalendar afterSelect={(e) => this.updateDate(e)} selectedDate={false} disabledDates={bookedDates} minDate={moment().startOf('day')} />

Even when left still the same issue.
Your calendar looks good and I'd like to use it in my project, what could be the issue?

Numbered badges for particular days

I needed small colored number badges to show up on particular days, so I built this for myself. Id be happy to clean up my code and create a pull request if this was functionality that you wanted in your project.

screen shot 2016-07-07 at 11 41 25 am

Error when including the css

In what circumstances is import 'react-infinite-calendar/styles.css'; expected to work? I'm using browserify/babelify and I get an "Unexpected Token" error when trying to build - I don't think importing css files in js source files will work without some kind of transform, at least with browserify (and I haven't had any luck with the browserify-css transform). Any suggestions?

How to configure locale?

i want to change the English to Chinese or number like October to 10月 , and the header change to 2016-10-22 . How can i do ?

Moment Dependency Concern

I've been using this component in my application and we're getting ready to deploy. However as we have been optimizing the size of out application we began using webpack dependency graph to visualize what is taking up the most size in our application. Turns out it's moment.js which is coming from react-infinite-calendar is taking up 20% of the application size. Is there anyway you guys could some how remove this dependency or extrapolate the functionality that you are using out from moment.js?

Not sure if moment offers but some modules like lodash, and react-bootstrap allow you to cherry pick the functionality you need from them in order to shed some size of your application.

please let me know.

Floating Today Helper not reliable

Ive noticed some bugs with the floating today helper. My interpretation of the helper is that if "today" is not visible on the screen, then the helper appears.

  1. If you scroll all the way to the top, it hides. I think it should stay visible.
  2. When scrolling back in time, the helper does not appear until "today" is several weeks below the fold.
  3. When scrolling forwards in time, the helper does not appear until "today" is several months above the fold.

I think it would be more convenient if the today helper was always visible if "today" was not visible.

For these screenshots, today is June 24th.

screen shot 2016-06-24 at 11 57 28 am
screen shot 2016-06-24 at 11 59 54 am

Custom components/renderers as props

I haven't checked out the code yet, so can't tell if it would be easy or not, but one thing I've done on other components is to be able to pass components or function renderers as props, like < InfiniteCalendar header={<MyCustomCalendarHeader />} />. This allows for much more sophisticated theming/customizations, displaying dates differently, having custom "cells" for days, etc.

If others are interested I can start working on it later this week and see how it could work.

add examples from to repo

Do you also think it would be very helpful if there was an examples/ dir that contains the examples at

This would allow developers working on this project to be able to run a local comparison side-by-side against expected behaviors from the given examples.

Ideally this would include a simple npm run dev or npm start command, with a simple server, that will run the examples dir.

disabledDates could handle functions ?

disabledDates could be enhanced to also take a function rather than just an array.

The change would be pretty simple, something like (untested)

isDisabled = (
    minDate && date.yyyymmdd < minDate.yyyymmdd ||
    maxDate && date.yyyymmdd > maxDate.yyyymmdd ||
    disabledDays && disabledDays.length && disabledDays.indexOf( !== -1 ||
    disabledDates && disabledDates.length && disabledDates.indexOf(date.yyyymmdd) !== -1 ||
    disabledDates && (typeof disabledDates === 'function') && disabledDates(

This would allow passing a function to disable days depending on some random rules, like "first monday of the month".

Calendar Events

Is it possible to add Events to the calendar? Like say programmatically load in upcoming events and have them highlighted?

Doesn't render while using the UMD build

I'm using the UMD build by just adding the single script react-infinite-calendar.js and then I'm using the example code on your page.
But it gives this React error (I'm using React version 0.15):
React.createElement: type should not be null, undefined, boolean, or number.

Warning on selecting date from the infinte calender

Warning: Failed propType: Invalid prop shouldHeaderAnimate of type string supplied to Header, expected boolean. Check the render method of InfiniteCalendar.

Object { selectedDate: Object, shouldHeaderAnimate: ".$3-0.$Month-3.0.$Row-1.$day-6", layout: "portrait", theme: Object, locale: Object, scrollToDate: InfiniteCalendar/_this.scrollToDate(), setDisplay: InfiniteCalendar/_this.setDisplay(), display: "days" }

have no response sometimes when i click and scroll

it like a static picture sometimes and have no response when i click and scroll it. i just imported and rendered this component , maybe it's slow? and how to get the value of the onSelect event , i mean that i just wanna the date like 2016-10-23, not Wed Oct 26 2016 00:00:00 GMT+0800.

Error: addComponentAsRefTo(...)

I'm trying to use react-infinite-calendar in an existing react app. These are my steps:

  1. because our webpack config excludes node_modules, webpack wouldn't run the loaders needed by react-infinite-calendar, therefore I created 2 new loaders in our webpack config:

            test: /\.jsx?$/,
            loaders: ['babel'],
            include: /react-infinite-calendar/
            test: /(\.scss|\.css)$/,
            loaders: ['style', 'css?sourceMap&modules&importLoaders=1&localIdentName=Cal__[name]__[local]!postcss!sass?sourceMap'],
            include: /react-infinite-calendar/
  2. when I run the application i get the following error

invariant.js:38 Uncaught (in promise) Error: addComponentAsRefTo(...): Only a ReactOwner can have refs. You might be adding a ref to a component that was not created inside a component's `render` method, or you have multiple copies of React loaded (details:…)

The calendar does not render successfully as a result of the exception:
screen shot 2016-08-04 at 16 19 35

Multi datepicker

Would it be within the scope of this component to allow for the selection of one or more dates?

Locale does not apply to dates created in util.js

When applying locale like so:

const locale = {
            name: 'nl',
            todayLabel: {
                long: 'Vandaag'
            week: {
                dow: 0 // week starts on sunday
            months : "januari_februari_maart_april_mei_juni_juli_testing_september_oktober_november_december".split("_"),
            monthsShort : "jan_feb_mar_apr_mei_jun_jul_tst_sep_okt_nov_dec".split("_"),
            weekdays : "Zondag_Maandag_Dinsdag_Woensdag_Donderdag_Vrijdag_Zaterdag".split("_"),
            weekdaysShort : "Zo_Ma_Di_Wo_Do_Vr_Za".split("_")

        return (

(I've changed "August" to "testing" and "Aug" to "tst")

The labels of the days of the week get translated correctly. However, the months do not:

screen shot 2016-08-12 at 15 16 16

(Note that the multiple dates come from my own fork with support for this, note that I didn't change anything related to locales)

When debugging your library I found that the locale is set correctly to moment.js. E.g.:


updateLocale(locale) {
    locale = this.getLocale(locale);
    moment.updateLocale(, locale);

    console.log('logging date format at init');
    const date = moment();

will correctly output tst

But inside List/index.js:

renderMonth = ({index, isScrolling}) => {
    let {...} = this.props;
    let {date, rows} = this.memoize(months[index]);

    console.log('logging date format at list render month');
    const date2 = moment();

Date2 (the newly created moment) is correct: tst. However, the original date coming from this.memoize will be English (Aug).

I believe this is because this date comes from another instance of moment.js inside util.js


export function getMonth(monthDate) {
    let rows = {};
    let daysInMonth = monthDate.daysInMonth();
    let year = monthDate.year();
    let month = monthDate.month();

    let week, date, lastWeekVal;
    let weekIndex = -1;

    for (let i = 0; i < daysInMonth; i++) {
        date = moment(new Date(year,month,i+1)); //this moment.js does not have locale applied

But I have no apparent solution for now. What do you think is the cause of these different instances of moment? Do we need to re-apply locale every time moment.js is imported?

Server rendering?

I am building an univers app. I tried to use RIC but it seems that it doesn't work for server rendering? Or maybe I got wrong on something?

Prop type error every time I select a new day

The calendar component renders as expected, the problem is every time I select a new day, I get a lot of errors in the console.

My render function:

  render() {
    var today = new Date();
    var minDate = Number(new Date()) - (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000) * 7;

    return (
        onSelect={ date => {
          console.log("DATE", date);

Every time I click in a new day I get a lot of errors in the console:

warning.js:36 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `shouldHeaderAnimate` of type `object` supplied to `Header`, expected `boolean`
warning.js:36 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `transitionEnter` of type `object` supplied to `ReactCSSTransitionGroup`, expected `boolean`
warning.js:36 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `transitionLeave` of type `object` supplied to `ReactCSSTransitionGroup`, expected `boolean`.
warning.js:36 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `enter` of type `object` supplied to `ReactCSSTransitionGroupChild`, expected `boolean`.
    in ReactCSSTransitionGroupChild (created by ReactTransitionGroup)
warning.js:36 Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `leave` of type `object` supplied to `ReactCSSTransitionGroupChild`, expected `boolean`.
    in ReactCSSTransitionGroupChild (created by ReactTransitionGroup)

Any thoughts how to fix this?

new selectedDate on every render does not center

When you re-render passing in a different selectedDate each time (where selected date is bound to state of container component), the component will not properly center on the selected date. The behavior can be seen by clicking around on different dates (usually the ones at the top or bottom of the calendar, because these need to be scrolled). This example is loosely based on Flexible Size example:

import React from 'react';
import InfiniteCalendar from 'react-infinite-calendar';
import 'react-infinite-calendar/styles.css';
import moment from 'moment';

export default class extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {

    this.state = {
      selectedDate: moment()

  render () {
    let selectedDate = this.state.selectedDate;

    return (
        width={(window.innerWidth <= 650) ? window.innerWidth : 650}
        height={window.innerHeight - 250}
        afterSelect={(date) => {
          this.setState((prevState, currProps) => {
            return {
              selectedDate: date

This is even more problematic when you have a short calendar, like so:

import React from 'react';
import InfiniteCalendar from 'react-infinite-calendar';
import 'react-infinite-calendar/styles.css';
import moment from 'moment';

export default class extends React.Component {
  constructor (props) {

    this.state = {
      selectedDate: moment()

  render () {
    let selectedDate = this.state.selectedDate;

    return (
        afterSelect={(date) => {
          this.setState((prevState, currProps) => {
            return {
              selectedDate: date

You will notice that when you load the component, the selectedDate is not visible.

invalid number of rows

locale={{week: { dow: 1, doy: 4 }}}

first row of june overlaps first row of may

year selection

hi, I love your calendar. Is there any way to easily select a year? I.e. 1950

Display issue in days or years panel on page load until scroll is initiated

Kind of a newbie here but did not see this issue mentioned anywhere.

On page load and reload, when display="days", the days' panel is blank or half-filled when the min date is more than a few months apart than the selectedDate (even in the basic configuration).
Same as when display="years" but the min and selectedDate need to be about 20 years apart.

The '.Grid__cell' divs seem to be pushed down past the ' .Grid__innerScrollContainer'.

When you start scrolling, it starts displaying from the min date. It seems like the display does not get positioned to the selectedDate. It also considers selectedDate="null" as the default date in this behavior.

Here are some screenshots:

react-infinite-calendar not rendering properly

Hi, so I'm attempting to render a full-size react-infinite-calendar within a material-ui dialog, and the calendar does not appear to be rendering properly. The default configuration calendar also does not render correctly. I have attached an image of what it looks like.

screen shot 2016-08-16 at 4 48 24 pm


I think this calendar will be very nice, if it can select local language and give us a unpkg adress.

cannot fork and install this repo

Hey Clauderic,

Just an FYI - it is not possible to fork this repo and then install your fork via npm without trouble. I have seen similar problems before.

Essentially, if it doesn't come from the npm registry, you get this:

➜  ✗ ls node_modules/react-infinite-calendar LICENSE    node_modules package.json styles.css

Missing all of the important stuff.

I tried adding bin/postinstall like so:


node -e "require('fs').stat('dist', function (e, s) { process.exit(e || !s.isDirectory() ? 1 : 0) })" || npm run build

chmod 755 bin/postinstall

and adding to package.json

    "codecov": "cat coverage/*/ | codecov",
    "postinstall": "./bin/postinstall"

But I think crossenv devDependency is giving some trouble there.

Any thoughts on this?

about i18N

how to internationalization the calendar?

Click on today helper not work.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import InfiniteCalendar from 'react-infinite-calendar';
import 'react-infinite-calendar/styles.css';

  <InfiniteCalendar />,

This is my code, nothing special. I traced down the source code, found out that I got undefined scrollEl every time. Please help.

Click events

Click events have sort of strange names, it took me a while to realize what are they doing.
beforeSelect -> onClick, that stops event propagation
onSelect -> onSelect,
afterSelect -> onSelected.

Also when I define beforeSelect then onSelect and afterSelect will not be called. I think
this should be decided by user.

Option to show week number?

I had a look at the API and couldn't see an option to show week numbers. I would love to use this component but most of our customers in Europe require the week number of the year (from 1 to 53), using a standard ISO calculation (

Should I create a Pull Request to add the extra column?


[Request] Callback on arrow keyPress

Hi there,
I've found a missing logic for keyboard support. Which is to have a callback every time user press arrow key and have the current date as param

thank you!

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