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License: MIT License

TypeScript 97.62% Shell 1.32% JavaScript 1.06%

vscode-css-modules's Issues

Feature request: Typescript type-checking

Hi @clinyong thank you so much for this plugin. ๐Ÿ‘ I found it after many frustrating hours trying to get Gatsby + Typescript to play well with scss modules, including gatsby-plugin-scss-typescript and typescript-plugin-css-modules. This plugin adds both code-completion and jump-to-class-definition, hooray! ๐Ÿ˜…

There are a few other issues and PRs open for absolute-path support and curly-brace module import support for styles, both things that our team would welcome!

There's also one feature that would make this really feel complete with Typescript: the ability to see an error on the class name if it's incorrect. For example, if you change a class name in the scss file, currently it does not show an error in VS Code on the lookup like className={styles.staleClass}.

I'm not sure if that would require the TS language plugin (typescript-plugin-css-modules) to make work, but at least for me I can't currently use that plugin with Gatsby 3 import * as styles syntax.


I saw that you responded to a (vscode issue thread)[] saying that this module fixed linting errors on the compose keyword. I still have an issue with linting in a SCSS syntax CSS module. I can't even get vscode to ignore the single line so that's not an option and I really do not want to disable all validation.

I reformatted this SCSS file to be CSS and still got the issue, albeit a warning instead of an error. Have you seen this?

screen shot 2017-03-02 at 1 58 37 pm

Support for .js files

Could we get support for .js files as well ? Out react project is configured to not use the jsx extension

Support for stylus (or any pre-compiled css)

Hello guys, not sure if there's any related issue here.

It would be great to have a support for stylus or any pre-compiled css that ended up being load as modules.

Thank you :)

Support for nested classes (ampersand)

Add support for nested classes using with postcss, scss plugins.

Sometimes you need to separate the styles for the child container and add prefix for it.


.root { ... }

.label {
    font-size: 1rem;

    &_primary {
        color: green;

    &_sizeSmall {
        font-size: 0.875rem;

Expected result autocomplete


P.S. This case works in WebStorm

not working with tsconfig paths aliases


I am having issues to get the plugin working with the compilerOptions.paths in tsconfig.json.

My tsconfig.json looks like this:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true,
    "target": "ESNext",
    "module": "ESNext",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "jsxImportSource": "solid-js",
    "types": ["vite/client"],
    "baseUrl": ".",
    "paths": {
      "@/components/*": ["src/components/*"],
      "@/contexts/*": ["src/contexts/*"],
      "@/lib/*": ["src/lib/*"],
      "@/styles/*": ["src/styles/*"],
      "@/types/*": ["src/types/*"]

And I'm importing in some Component.tsx (located in src/components) like this:

import styles from '@/styles/Component.module.scss';

When doing this the plugin doesn't seem to work and I get no auto-complete for the styles variable.

However, it does work when I change the import to be relative like this:

import styles from '../styles/Component.module.scss';

Support for es module style imports

CSS modules lets you import like so as well:

import { myClass } from "./MyComponent.module.css";

it would be nice if the plugin offered autocomplete for this case as well.

Feature request: Jump to last CSS property when clicking on a class name

Suggestion for a small improvement. Currently if you CMD click on a specific classname (styles.classname), it takes you to that class in the CSS modules file.

The cursor is placed at the very start of that class, just after the dot, before the class name, like so:

Schermafbeelding 2021-09-13 om 10 02 56

For me it would be an improvement if the cursor were automatically placed at the end of the last property of that class, like so:

Schermafbeelding 2021-09-13 om 10 03 06

This way, you can instantly start adding new properties to the class, making it a bit faster workflow.

Does not work with tsconfig paths on nextjs

Windows 11 22H2
VS Code 1.84.2
CSS Modules extension 0.5.1

Not sure if it is a bug or I am just missing some additional config. It works without alias.


  1. Open new vscode window.
  2. Create empty vscode profile (File - Preferences - Profiles - Create Profile) and switch to it.
  3. Create nextjs project with src dir and without app router and tailwind:
npx create-next-app@latest
โˆš What is your project named? ... my-app
โˆš Would you like to use TypeScript? ... Yes
โˆš Would you like to use ESLint? ... Yes
โˆš Would you like to use Tailwind CSS? ... No
โˆš Would you like to use src/ directory? ... Yes
โˆš Would you like to use App Router? (recommended) ... No
โˆš Would you like to customize the default import alias (@/*)? ... No

Generated project will have:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
    "allowJs": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "strict": true,
    "noEmit": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "module": "esnext",
    "moduleResolution": "bundler",
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "jsx": "preserve",
    "incremental": true,
    "paths": {
      "@/*": ["./src/*"]
  "include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],
  "exclude": ["node_modules"]

and import styles from '@/styles/Home.module.css' in my-app\src\pages\index.tsx

  1. Install CSS modules extension
  2. Go to my-app\src\pages\index.tsx and try going to existing classes and autocomplete - it does not work.
  3. Change import to import styles from '../styles/Home.module.css' - it starts working.

Path Alias Doesn't Work With Wildcard

Hello. There is no way to have a path alias with no prefix.

"cssModules.pathAlias": { "*": "${workspaceFolder}/frontend/styles" }

"paths": { "*": ["styles/*"] },

import cssModule from "Style.module.css"

This setup results in no autocomplete.

add support for .js

Hi, could you add support for .js files as well? we could write jsx codes in .js file within vs-code, it'll be nice if we could have css-modules supported for .js file as well.

Not working on next.js project

I installed this extension and it's not doing anything, navigation and autocomplete don't work.

I found a couple issues here where it appears that it should work on next.js (not react-only).

VSCode 1.73.1
Next 12.3.0

Can not jump to the classname under the corresponding scope

ๆ’ไปถๅ/Extension: CSS Modules

ๆ‚จ็š„ๆœฌๅœฐ็Žฏๅขƒไฟกๆฏ/Your local environment information

  • ๆ“ไฝœ็ณป็ปŸๅŠๅ…ถ็‰ˆๆœฌ/System and Version: win10
  • Node version: 14.19.2
  • npm version: 6.14.17

ๆ‚จ้‡ๅˆฐ็š„้—ฎ้ข˜ๅŠๅค็Žฐๆญฅ้ชค/What are your problems and how to reproduce them

If the className scope exists, you cannot jump to the className under the corresponding scope, as shown in the following figure


ๆ‚จๆœŸๅพ…็š„ๆญฃ็กฎ็ป“ๆžœ/The right result you're looking forward to

You should jump to test1 under container3 instead of container1

Class names showing after non-existent properties (named suggestions).

Hello and thanks for making this extension, it's very helpful. There is one small bug that I can see.

When initiating autocomplete, the class names are showing after non-existent property names. You can see in this screenshot:


On a plain object in the same file, you can see that the properties are listed in the correct order:


Is there anything that I can do to fix this?

My VS Code info:

Version: 1.66.1
Commit: 8dfae7a5cd50421d10cd99cb873990460525a898
Date: 2022-04-06T14:51:26.173Z
Electron: 17.2.0
Chromium: 98.0.4758.109
Node.js: 16.13.0
OS: Linux x64 5.4.184-1-MANJARO

Id Support


#myEl {


import css from 'my.css'

myEl isn't completed

Absolute imports?

Is it possible to use "go to definition" with absolute import?

import styles from 'styles/myAwesomeStyles.css';

autocomplete issues when using optional chaining

Whenever I use optional chaining in my code, it seems the extension adds all the css class in the autocomplete choices.
Sometimes my css file will have a lot of classes adding a lot of them.


/* ReportingSummarySchedule.css */
.section {
  width: 33%;
.otherclass {}


Intellisense priority issues breaks Go to definition


I've been using this extension really fine on JS projects. It's great and really useful!

However on TS projects, it seems this extension is "fighting" for priority against the TS Intellisense provider. Unfortunately, the TS provider trumps this extension, and when using "Go to definition", it leads to the very generic type definition used to make the compiler happy instead of the actual class in the style module file.

This is rather annoying.

I've never developed a language server extension, but I was wondering if it was possible to increase priority of the suggestions/sources provided by this extension, so that even in case Intellisense matches 2 different definitions, the "chosen" one will always be the one from the extension?

As I've tried to work this out, I discovered that enabling the extension after the JS/TS language features are initialised, then the Go to definition works great. However when I quit and reopen VSCode, the default definition is reverted back to the generic TS one.

Note: I tried all of this without any TS plugin, using VSCode's bundled TS runtime, and on a Next.js project.

autocomplete does not work with path alias

when importing styles with an alias, such as import fonts from '@styles/fonts.module.css'; the autocomplete does not work

any chance to make it work ?
i'm currently using Vite to resolve alias

Access properties like `styles['test']`

Is there any plan to support accessing styles like styles['test'] ?

string | undefined
Property 'test' comes from an index signature, so it must be accessed with ['test'].ts(4111)

this check is coming from "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true in tsconfig.

Go to definition is broken

Issue Type: Bug

Hit go to definition on some symbols, sometimes it will say that the file you're looking for is actually a folder.

I get around 30% error rate.

Extension version: 0.4.1
VS Code version: Code 1.68.1 (Universal) (30d9c6cd9483b2cc586687151bcbcd635f373630, 2022-06-14T12:52:13.188Z)
OS version: Darwin arm64 21.4.0
Restricted Mode: No

System Info
Item Value
CPUs Apple M1 Max (10 x 24)
GPU Status 2d_canvas: enabled
canvas_oop_rasterization: disabled_off
direct_rendering_display_compositor: disabled_off_ok
gpu_compositing: enabled
metal: disabled_off
multiple_raster_threads: enabled_on
oop_rasterization: enabled
opengl: enabled_on
rasterization: enabled
raw_draw: disabled_off_ok
skia_renderer: enabled_on
video_decode: enabled
video_encode: enabled
webgl: enabled
webgl2: enabled
Load (avg) 6, 5, 4
Memory (System) 32.00GB (0.76GB free)
Process Argv --crash-reporter-id 2dd43353-4556-49ec-b851-40de40d71dc1
Screen Reader no
VM 0%
A/B Experiments

No autocomplete when there is a leading parentheses

Autocompletion works when doing something like theme._____ however, when writing classnames(theme.____), there is no popup after the .

This can be confirmed by doing classnames( theme.____). Adding a space before the parentheses fixes the issue.

Support Sass (.sass or .scss files)


// text.module.scss
$font-stack: Helvetica, sans-serif;
$primary-color: #333;

.text {
  font: 100% $font-stack;
  color: $primary-color;
import style from 'text.module.scss'

bracket syntax cannot jump


when i write,styles['help-me'],it can intelligent,but can not jump to the css class

Autocomplete for imports

I'm not sure if this is out of scope for this module, but it would be nice to have autocomplete when importing css modules.
At the moment I have code like this

import styles from './Block.module.scss';

But vscode will never offer any suggestions when writing the import. Suggestions work just fine when actually using styles.

Improvement to autocomplete for camelization of classnames

Hi, it's really good to see the autocomplete coming to imported css-modules. I'm using a flag in my css-loader named camelCase which lets me write camelCase class names in my javascript, but still let me write kebab-case classes in my css file. Can this plugin support that usecase? I can submit a PR if you'd like to include it in the plugin.

Autocompletion doesnt work with dollar character

When using a dollar character when importing the styles autocmpletion doesnt work, It only works when importing styles as a string name.

Doesnt work:
import $ from './SomeComponent.module.scss';

<SomeComponent className={$.someClassName}/>

Open VSX support

Hi there.
First of all, thank you for this plugin.
I just started using Onivim 2 and found out that I can install extensions from
I've used this plugin in my VS Code and thought that it would be nice to have it available in Open VSX marketplace as well.

I would like to request this plugin to be published there as well if you don't mind. I found some instructions here Let me know how I can help.

Go to definition no longer works

When I try to Go to definition I get the message: 'No definition found for className'
My version of visual studio code is 1.11.2, previously it did work for me.

require bug

as I use it as suggestion, some trouble things descend.
like below:

but when serving:

however, as I try to use styles.defaut.<cssName>, it does work
and I lose the intellisense in this way
what' wrong ::sad

Support for Rename refactoring option

It would be a very nice addition to this plugin if we could do F2 and change the name of a class which would change the name of that class in all files where it is used

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