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test-mockfile's Issues

Trace mode

An idea was laid out that trace mode could be used during dev that would document file accesses.

At this time, we're considering it a feature request at low priority until someone speaks up.

Provide bin alias to mock a binary

idea to provide one bin or binary helper to avoid the boilerplate

my $mock_bin = Test::MockFile->file( '/usr/local/bin/xxx', "#!/bin/true or whatever" );

so we could use

my $mock_bin = Test::MockFile->bin( '/usr/local/bin/xxx' );

Doesn't work with Config::MySQL::Reader ( and maybe IO::File )

This test does not work for some reason

use Test::More;
use Test::MockFile;
use Data::Dumper;

# Test that Config::MySQL::Reader does not read comments

my $cnf = <<INI;
# comment
; comment
path = foo/bar
quoted_param = "foo;bar"
numerical_param = 12345
string_param = 500M
param_with_comment = xyz # abc

# e.g. skip-name-resolve

empty_str ""

my $random_filename = 'foo.ini';
my $mock_file = Test::MockFile->file($random_filename, $cnf);
my $config = Config::MySQL::Reader->read_file($random_filename);

my $res = {
    'group1' => {
        'string_param'                  => '500M',
        'param-with-two-spaces-after'   => undef,
        'path'                          => 'foo/bar',
        'param-without-value'           => undef,
        'param_with_comment'            => 'xyz',
        'param-with-tabulation-after  ' => undef,
        'empty_str ""'                  => undef,
        'quoted_param'                  => '"foo;bar"',
        'numerical_param'               => '12345'

is_deeply $config, $res;


I haven't fully investigated this problem yet, but quick code analysis of Config::MySQL::Reader show that maybe issue related to IO::File package call

Support needed for bare word file handles and open()

perl v5.28.0, Test-MockFile v0.016 (that is what cpanel 80 is set to ATM)

Modulino w/ Config::Tiny

package modulino;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;
require Config::Tiny;
sub main {
    my $cfg = load("$ENV{HOME}/.modulino.conf");
    print Dumper($cfg);
sub load { return Config::Tiny->read(shift) }
main() unless caller;


use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 1;
use FindBin;
use Test::MockFile;
require "$FindBin::Bin/modulino";
my $file        = "$ENV{HOME}/.modulino.conf";
my $mocked_conf = Test::MockFile->file( $file, "[derp]\nfoo=2\nbar=7\n" );
my $exp         = { derp => { foo => 2, bar => 7 } };
# diag explain modulino::load($file);
is_deeply modulino::load($file), $exp, "can load ini file";


# prove -vw modulino.t
modulino.t .. 
Modification of a read-only value attempted at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Test/ line 1070.
# Looks like your test exited with 255 before it could output anything.

Change the modulino to use open() (i.e. not Config::Tiny) adjust test accordingly and it passes:

Modulino w/out Config::Tiny

package modulino;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

sub main {
    my $cfg = load("$ENV{HOME}/.modulino.conf");
    print Dumper($cfg);

sub load {
    my ($file) = @_;
    if ( open my $fh, "<", $file ) {
        return <$fh>;

main() unless caller;



use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 1;
use FindBin;

use Test::MockFile;
require "$FindBin::Bin/modulino";

my $file        = "$ENV{HOME}/.modulino.conf";
my $cont        = "oh hai $$\n";
my $mocked_conf = Test::MockFile->file( $file, $cont );

# diag explain modulino::load($file);
is_deeply modulino::load($file), $cont, "can load file";


# prove -w modulino.t
modulino.t .. ok   
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=1,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.01 sys +  0.10 cusr  0.01 csys =  0.16 CPU)
Result: PASS

Failed test '$! is set to EISDIR' in BSD

This seems to happen sometimes on FreeBSD systems (non-zfs!, seen on FreeBSD versions from 9 to 11):

    # Failed test '$! is set to EISDIR'
    # at t/unlink.t line 39.
    # +-----+----+-------+
    # | GOT | OP | CHECK |
    # +-----+----+-------+
    # | 1   | eq | 21    |
    # +-----+----+-------+

# Failed test 'unlink on a existing directory'
# at t/unlink.t line 46.
# Seeded srand with seed '20181108' from local date.
t/unlink.t .............. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/4 subtests 

Mock Stats sample from POD is broken

when testing the code from the documentation:

I can notice the following failure

Unknown args (3) passed to new at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Test/ line 385.
use  Test::MockFile;

my $mode = 0644;
my $now = time;
my $file = q[/tmp/foo];
my $contents = q[XYZ];

 Test::MockFile->new( $file, $contents, {
        'dev'       => 0,        # stat[0]
        'inode'     => 0,        # stat[1]
        'mode'      => $mode,    # stat[2]
        'nlink'     => 0,        # stat[3]
        'uid'       => 0,        # stat[4]
        'gid'       => 0,        # stat[5]
        'rdev'      => 0,        # stat[6]
        'atime'     => $now,     # stat[8]
        'mtime'     => $now,     # stat[9]
        'ctime'     => $now,     # stat[10]
        'blksize'   => 4096,     # stat[11]
        'fileno'    => undef,    # fileno()
} );

Conflict with Test::Pod::Coverage

Adding Test::MockFile to my test produces this error:

# Can't use string ("DH") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at lib/perl5/Test/Pod/ line 219.
# Failed test 'all_pod_coverage_ok'
# at lib/perl5/Test2/Tools/ line 23.

This is happening with the latest version of Test::Pod::Coverage (1.10) and Test::MockFile (0.019)

Change ->dir interface.

To be more consistent, we want to change opendir/glob to simply go off of the list of mocked files.

my $d = Test::MockFile->dir('/etc', ['foo', 'bar']); # DIES this is now illegal.

my $dir = '/path';
my $f = $m->dir($dir ) # Mocked but not there.
-d '/dirpath'; # False
mkdir($dir, 0755)
-d '/dirpath'; # True

dir now no longer takes a second arg or it dies.

opendir/read and glob should now go off of the mocked files or mocked + existing when not in strict mode.

-s 'relative/path' broken in strict mode.

$>perl -MData::Dumper -MTest::MockFile=strict -E'my $f = Test::MockFile->file( "t/data/example_email.csv", "blah" ); print Dumper \%Test::MockFile::files_being_mocked; -s "t/data/example_email.csv" && print "ok\n";'
$VAR1 = {
          '/usr/local/cpanel/t/data/example_email.csv' => bless( {
                                                                   'uid' => 0,
                                                                   'inode' => 0,
                                                                   'nlink' => 0,
                                                                   'dev' => 0,
                                                                   'gid' => 0,
                                                                   'contents' => 'blah',
                                                                   'tty' => 0,
                                                                   'rdev' => 0,
                                                                   'atime' => 1545326306,
                                                                   'mode' => 33188,
                                                                   'file_name' => '/usr/local/cpanel/t/data/example_email.csv',
                                                                   'blksize' => 4096,
                                                                   'readlink' => '',
                                                                   'mtime' => 1545326306,
                                                                   'fileno' => 900,
                                                                   'ctime' => 1545326306
                                                                 }, 'Test::MockFile' )
Use of stat to access unmocked file or directory 't/data/example_email.csv' in strict mode at -e line 1 at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Test/ line 170.
	Test::MockFile::_strict_mode_violation("stat", ARRAY(0x18cd280)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Test/ line 937
	Test::MockFile::_real_file_access_hook("stat", ARRAY(0x18cd280)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Test/ line 471
	Test::MockFile::_mock_stat("stat", "t/data/example_email.csv") called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/x86_64-linux-64int/Overload/ line 295
	Overload::FileCheck::_check_from_stat("s", "t/data/example_email.csv", CODE(0x1a43fb0)) called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/x86_64-linux-64int/Overload/ line 265
	Overload::FileCheck::__ANON__("s", "t/data/example_email.csv") called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/x86_64-linux-64int/Overload/ line 210
	Overload::FileCheck::__ANON__("t/data/example_email.csv") called at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/x86_64-linux-64int/Overload/ line 586
	Overload::FileCheck::_check(276, "t/data/example_email.csv") called at -e line 1

stat vs. lstat

t/file_access_hooks.t fails on some systems:

# Failed test '-e on an unmocked file throws a croak'
# at t/file_access_hooks.t line 30.
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# | GOT                            | OP | CHECK                          |
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# | Use of lstat on unmocked file  | =~ | (?^:^Use of stat on unmocked f |
# | /abc in strict mode at t/file_ |    | ile /abc in strict mode at t/f |
# | access_hooks.t line 30.\n      |    | ile_access_hooks.t line \d+.\n |
# |                                |    | $)                             |
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+

# Failed test '-e on an unmocked empty file name throws a croak'
# at t/file_access_hooks.t line 31.
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# | GOT                            | OP | CHECK                          |
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# | Use of lstat on unmocked file  | =~ | (?^:^Use of stat on unmocked f |
# |  in strict mode at t/file_acce |    | ile  in strict mode at t/file_ |
# | ss_hooks.t line 31.\n          |    | access_hooks.t line \d+.\n$)   |
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# Seeded srand with seed '20181026' from local date.
t/file_access_hooks.t ... 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/8 subtests 

This happens on:

  • CentOS6 (all perl versions)
  • perl 5.29.4 (seen on Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian/jessie)

Detect common relative directory mocking mistakes under strict mode

In our code, we had:

my $dir = '/path/to/mydir/';
Test::MockFile->dir( $dir, [] ),
-d '/path/to/mydir' or die;

which failed because /path/to/mydir/ was mocked, not /path/to/mydir. Given a trailing slash makes no sense, I think it's reasonable to maybe die when someone tries to mock an illegal path?

Use current uid/gid when creating temporary files

We should use the current user and group id when creating a file unless provided

When running this code as a non root user it fails, because the uid and gid are set to 0

uid=1003(foopl) gid=1003(foopl) groups=1003(foopl)
perl -MTest::MockFile -e'my $path = "/tmp/fake"; my $f = Test::MockFile->file( $path, " ", { mode => 0700 } ); print( ( -x $path) . $/ ); printf "mode: 0%o\n", (stat $path)[2]'

mode: 0100702

Of course we could do something like this uid => $> but that should be the default behavior when not set
perl -MTest::MockFile -e'my $path = "/tmp/fake"; my $f = Test::MockFile->file( $path, " ", { mode =&gt; 0700, uid =&gt; $&gt; } ); print( ( -x $path) . $/ ); printf "mode: 0%o\n", (stat $path)[2]'
mode: 0100702

t/writeline.t fails (with older Test2::Bundle::Extended?)

On some of my smokers t/writeline.t fails. A sample report:

Statistical analysis suggests that this happens with older Test2::Bundle::Extended:

Regression 'mod:Test2::Bundle::Extended'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Name                   Theta          StdErr     T-stat                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
[0='const']          -0.0000          0.0000      -3.38                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
[1='eq_0.000032']            -0.0000          0.0000      -1.60                                                                                                                                                                                                           
[2='eq_0.000058']             1.0000          0.0000    8791987084298526.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[3='eq_0.000060']             1.0000          0.0000    5755706617553155.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[4='eq_0.000067']             1.0000          0.0000    8791987084298528.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[5='eq_0.000070']             1.0000          0.0000    9631139302728756.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[6='eq_0.000072']             1.0000          0.0000    11511413235106310.00                                                                                                                                                                                              
[7='eq_0.000077']             1.0000          0.0000    9631139302728754.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[8='eq_0.000083']             1.0000          0.0000    5755706617553157.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[9='eq_0.000097']             1.0000          0.0000    5755706617553153.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[10='eq_0.000100']            1.0000          0.0000    5755706617553157.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[11='eq_0.000108']            1.0000          0.0000    5755706617553156.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[12='eq_0.000111']            1.0000          0.0000    7614084164747197.00                                                                                                                                                                                               
[13='eq_0.000114']            1.0000          0.0000    11795688466675010.00                                                                                                                                                                                              
[14='eq_0.000115']            1.0000          0.0000    13429982107624026.00                                                                                                                                                                                              
[15='eq_0.000116']            1.0000          0.0000    12870151255394236.00                                                                                                                                                                                              
[16='eq_0.000117']            1.0000          0.0000    14285288145180914.00                                                                                                                                                                                              
R^2= 1.000, N= 125, K= 17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

So it fails if 0.000032 is installed.

READ/WRITE logic for Test::MockFile::FileHandle is not binary aware

The logic for tell/seek in our tied file handle accesses the contents and reads or writes content based on the use of substr and length. Both methods are dependant on if the strings are utf8 or not. So if utf8 data was fed to these methods but the SV didn't have a utf8 flag, unexpected things might happen.

I'm not sure how common a problem this is and at the moment BINMODE isn't even supported so for the moment I'm going to pass on worrying about it.

$! is set to EBADF when it should be ENOENT

> perl -MTest::MockFile -e'my $file = Test::MockFile->file("/foo/bar", undef); 
die "huh" if -e "/foo/bar"; print "$!"'
Bad file descriptor

^^ The above should say something like, No such file or directory.

This breaks anything that verifies $! after -e fails (which probably ought to be almost everything).

symlink support: readlink() and lstat() do not work

Test::MockFile symlinks seem broken, am I doing it wrong?

The object looks right:

$VAR1 = bless( {
                 'nlink' => 0,
                 'gid' => 0,
                 'mode' => 45055,
                 'atime' => 1544466989,
                 'tty' => 0,
                 'rdev' => 0,
                 'fileno' => 900,
                 'inode' => 0,
                 'uid' => 0,
                 'readlink' => 'trg',
                 'mtime' => 1544466989,
                 'blksize' => 4096,
                 'contents' => undef,
                 'dev' => 0,
                 'file_name' => '/foo/bar',
                 'ctime' => 1544466989
               }, 'Test::MockFile' );

but then readlink() and lstat() don’t return what you'd expect:

perl -MTest::MockFile -MData::Dumper -e 'my $sym=Test::MockFile->symlink("trg", "/foo/bar");print Dumper({ $sym->{file_name} => readlink($sym->{file_name}) })'
$VAR1 = {
          '/foo/bar' => undef
perl -MTest::MockFile -MData::Dumper -e 'my $sym=Test::MockFile->symlink("trg", "/foo/bar");print Dumper({ $sym->{file_name} => [lstat($sym->{file_name})] })'
$VAR1 = {
          '/foo/bar' => []

readlink() should be trg and lstat() should have much of the data from the object dump?

fileno unimplemented

Ran into a case today where having fileno implemented would have been great for BoxTrapper::CORE.


Failed test '$! is ENOENT for a readlink(undef)' (freebsd 13 + 14 only?)

On some of my smokers (freebsd 13 + 14 with zfs) t/readlink.t fails like this:

# Failed test '$! is ENOENT for a readlink(undef)'
# at t/readlink.t line 52.
# +-----+----+-------+
# | GOT | OP | CHECK |
# +-----+----+-------+
# | 22  | eq | 2     |
# +-----+----+-------+

# Failed test '$! is ENOENT for a readlink(undef)'
# at t/readlink.t line 58.
# +-----+----+-------+
# | GOT | OP | CHECK |
# +-----+----+-------+
# | 22  | eq | 2     |
# +-----+----+-------+
# Seeded srand with seed '20211227' from local date.
t/readlink.t ............ 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/32 subtests 

The problem can be reproduced with a oneliner:

$ perl -e 'readlink(undef); warn "$!"'
Invalid argument at -e line 1.

On freebsd 12 and older (and linux systems) it looks differently:

$ perl -e 'readlink(undef); warn "$!"'
No such file or directory at -e line 1.

symlink is not updating symlinked file control by Test::MockFile

When creating a symlink file controlled by Test::MockFile calling symlink later would not update its location as show in the example below. readlink is returning an accurate value

use Test::More;
use Test::MockFile;

    # unmocked version

    # cleanup on startup

    # create a symlink
    ok symlink( '/not-there', '/bin/foo' );
    ok -l '/bin/foo';
    is readlink('/bin/foo'), '/not-there';
    ok !-e '/bin/foo';
    ok unlink('/bin/foo');
    ok !-l '/bin/foo';
    ok symlink( '/abcd', '/bin/foo' );
    is readlink('/bin/foo'), '/abcd', 'symlink now points to /abcd';


    # now testing with MockFile

    # cleanup

    # we want to take control of that file and set it as a symlink
    my $mock_bin_foo = Test::MockFile->symlink( "/not-there", "/bin/foo" );
    ok -l '/bin/foo';
    is readlink('/bin/foo'), '/not-there';
    ok !-e '/bin/foo';
    ok unlink('/bin/foo');
    ok !-l '/bin/foo';
    ok symlink( '/abcd', '/bin/foo' );
    is readlink('/bin/foo'), '/abcd', 'symlink now points to /abcd';
    # ^^ symlink on a Test::MockFile symlinked file is not updating its location



ok 1
ok 2
ok 3
ok 4
ok 5
ok 6
ok 7
ok 8 - symlink now points to /abcd
ok 9
ok 10
ok 11
ok 12
ok 13
ok 14
not ok 15 - symlink now points to /abcd
#   Failed test 'symlink now points to /abcd'
#   at test.t line X.
#          got: undef
#     expected: '/abcd'

stat() against a filehandle should always be allowed

# Caught exception in subtest: Use of stat to access unmocked file or directory 'GLOB(0x2fbca30)' in strict mode at …

There’s no reason to block this stat() since the file is already open()ed. If the test allowed the open(), then the stat() should also be allowed.

<$fh> doesn’t handle multi-line read

> perl -MTest::MockFile -e'my $m = Test::MockFile->file("/haha"); open my $h, ">", "/haha"; print {$h} "one\ntwo\nthree"; close $h; open my $rh, "<", "/haha"; print <$rh>'

Errors in POD

The section for Mock Stats is missing the closing parenthesis for the new(), after the } and before the ;

Also, it appears that example should use ->file() rather than ->new(), as new fails with 3 args as provided in the doc.

autodie is incompatible with Test::MockFile

$>perl -Mautodie -MTest::MockFile -E'my $file = "/log"; my $logg = Test::MockFile->file( $file, "one\ntwo\n"); open(my $fh, "<", $file) or die($!); say <$fh>' 
Can't open '/log' for reading: 'No such file or directory' at -e line 1
190503.133746 [email protected] (/usr/local/cpanel)

$>perl -MTest::MockFile -E'my $file = "/log"; my $logg = Test::MockFile->file( $file, "one\ntwo\n"); open(my $fh, "<", $file) or die($!); say <$fh>'

Creating empty dir and populating it with ->contents() later does not include "." or ".."


use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::MockFile;

my $mock_obj = Test::MockFile->dir( '/some/dir' );
$mock_obj->contents( [ qw/uh like whut/ ] );

my $mock_obj2 = Test::MockFile->dir( '/some/dir2', [qw/uno dos tres/] );

foreach my $mock( $mock_obj, $mock_obj2 ) {
    print "--[ $mock->{'file_name'} ]----------\n";
    if( opendir( my $dh, $mock->{'file_name'} ) ) {
        while( my $file = readdir $dh ) {
            print "- $file\n";
	closedir( $dh );
    } else {
	print "cannah do iht capt'n\n";
--[ /some/dir ]----------
- uh
- like
- whut
--[ /some/dir2 ]----------
- .
- ..
- uno
- dos
- tres

readdir doesn't autopopulate $_


use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::MockFile;

my $mock_obj = Test::MockFile->dir( '/path', [qw/uh like whut/] );

if ( opendir( my $dh, $mock_obj->{'file_name'} ) ) {
    print "opened dir $mock_obj->{'file_name'}\n";
    while ( readdir $dh ) {
        print "- $_\n";
else {
    print "cannah do iht capt'n\n";
opened dir /path
Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string at line 12.
Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string at line 12.
Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string at line 12.
Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string at line 12.
Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string at line 12.

Bizarre copy of ARRAY in list assignment with File::Find

This could be a bug in Overload::FileCheck not sure at this time

use Test::MockFile;
use File::Find;

sub f {

    my @list;
        {   no_chdir => 1,
            wanted   => sub { }

    return \@list;

my @a;
push @a, @{ f() };

this is raising a warning from Overload::FileCheck

Bizarre copy of ARRAY in list assignment at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/x86_64-linux-64int/Overload/ line 579.

SEEK does not return the new position.

When testing a module that includes sysseek() the SEEK() method was returning 1 on success like seek(), but this breaks sysseek() since it expects SEEK() to return the new position, not success or failure.

Here is an example that illustrates the problem:

perl -e '
use Test::More;
use Test::MockFile;

my $mock = Test::MockFile->file("/fake", "hello world");
if (open(my $fh, "<", "/fake")) {
    ok seek($fh, 6, 0), "seek returns truthful when successful.";
    is sysseek($fh, 6, 0), 6, "sysseek returns new position when successful.";

The second assertion fails since SEEK return 1 no matter what position you seek. It seems like it need to return the new position in addition to setting the new position.

Locale-dependent failures

With a non-English locale (e.g.LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8) and an older perl (<5.22) the test suite fails:

# Failed test '$! text is right.'
# at t/dir.t line 40.
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# | GOT                            | OP | CHECK                          |
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# | Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht g | eq | No such file or directory      |
# | efunden                        |    |                                |
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# Seeded srand with seed '20181025' from local date.
t/dir.t ........... 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/30 subtests 
# Failed test '$! text message'
# at t/mock_stat.t line 60.
# Unicode::GCString is not installed, table may not display all unicode characters properly
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# | GOT                            | OP | CHECK                          |
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# | Zu viele symbolische Links (zi | eq | Too many levels of symbolic li |
# | rkulär?)                       |    | nks                            |
# +--------------------------------+----+--------------------------------+
# Seeded srand with seed '20181025' from local date.
t/mock_stat.t ..... 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/26 subtests 

Failed test '$! is set to EISDIR (perl <= 5.18.4?)

The test case 'unlink on a existing directory' seems to fail with older perls (5.18.4 and older):

    # Failed test '$! is set to EISDIR'
    # at t/unlink.t line 47.
    # +-----+----+-------+
    # | GOT | OP | CHECK |
    # +-----+----+-------+
    # | 2   | eq | 1     |
    # +-----+----+-------+

# Failed test 'unlink on a existing directory'
# at t/unlink.t line 49.
# Seeded srand with seed '20211228' from local date.
t/unlink.t .............. 
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 1/4 subtests 

See also for an overview.

opendir w/ a bare handle throws a strict refs error

  1. Create somewhere in @INC.
package TestMe;

use strict;
use warnings;

sub dir {
    opendir DH, ".";

  1. perl -e 'use Test::MockFile;use TestMe;print TestMe::dir();'
  2. note the error:

Can't use string ("DH") as a symbol ref while "strict refs" in use at …

While we could update (w/ a no strict "refs"; before the opendir or better yet to not use a bareword handle) that won't help anyone who needs to use a module they have no control over.

Modification of a read-only value attempted

The following one-liner raises a modification of a read-only value

$> perl -MTest::MockFile -E 'use File::Find;
my $d = Test::MockFile->dir( q[/dir], [ "file" ] );
File::Find::find( { no_chdir => 1, wanted => sub { 1 } }, "/dir" )'
# [
#   267,
#   '/dir'
# ]
Modification of a read-only value attempted at /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/perl/528/lib/perl5/cpanel_lib/Test/ line 1157.

seems to come from *CORE::GLOBAL::opendir override

         # This isn't a real IO::Dir.
         $_[0] = Test::MockFile::DirHandle->new( $abs_path, $mock_dir->{'contents'} );

Fails with older Test::More

On some of my smokers the test suite fails like this:

  * COULD NOT LOAD FORMATTER 'Test2::Formatter::TAP' (default formatter) *

Bareword "STDOUT" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /opt/perl-5.18.4/lib/site_perl/5.18.4/Test2/Formatter/ line 121.
Bareword "STDERR" not allowed while "strict subs" in use at /opt/perl-5.18.4/lib/site_perl/5.18.4/Test2/Formatter/ line 125.
Compilation failed in require at /opt/perl-5.18.4/lib/site_perl/5.18.4/Test2/API/ line 128.
t/dir.t ........... 
Dubious, test returned 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
No subtests run 

(t/mock_stat.t and t/sysopen.t fail with the same error)

This seems to happen if older Test::More is installed:

Regression 'mod:Test::More'
Name           	       Theta	      StdErr	 T-stat
[0='const']    	     -0.0000	      0.0000	  -2.80
[1='eq_1.302056']	      0.0000	      0.0000	   2.69
[2='eq_1.302073']	      0.0000	      0.0000	   2.64
[3='eq_1.302075']	      0.0000	      0.0000	   2.64
[4='eq_1.302078']	      0.0000	      0.0000	   1.08
[5='eq_1.302083']	      0.0000	      0.0000	   1.62
[6='eq_1.302086']	      1.0000	      0.0000	9698626133968694.00
[7='eq_1.302096']	      1.0000	      0.0000	13012072394345986.00
[8='eq_1.302106']	      1.0000	      0.0000	9698626133968692.00
[9='eq_1.302133']	      1.0000	      0.0000	9698626133968692.00
[10='eq_1.302136']	      1.0000	      0.0000	14197334927460896.00
[11='eq_1.302140']	      1.0000	      0.0000	14547939200953038.00

R^2= 1.000, N= 26, K= 12

Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment ... near "O_NOFOLLOW;"

With 0.002 it seems to fail on all systems:

Bailout called.  Further testing stopped:  
#   Failed test 'use Test::MockFile;'
#   at t/00-load.t line 10.
#     Tried to use 'Test::MockFile'.
#     Error:  Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2018102415/Test-MockFile-0.002-GpBvmb/blib/lib/Test/ line 16, near "O_NOFOLLOW;"
# BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at /home/cpansand/.cpan/build/2018102415/Test-MockFile-0.002-GpBvmb/blib/lib/Test/ line 16.
# Compilation failed in require at t/00-load.t line 10.
# BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at t/00-load.t line 10.
Use of uninitialized value $Test::MockFile::VERSION in concatenation (.) or string at t/00-load.t line 13.
# Testing Test::MockFile , Perl 5.022002, /usr/perl5.22.2t/bin/perl
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.
FAILED--Further testing stopped.
*** Error code 1

print undef warning

Unexpected warning: Use of uninitialized value $_ in concatenation (.) or string at Test/MockFile/ line 101.

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