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Home Page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/business-sdk
License: Other
PHP SDK for Meta Marketing API
Home Page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/business-sdk
License: Other
Here is my example code:
\FacebookAds\Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$account = (new \FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount($account_id))->read(array(
Gives the following error:
Unsupported get request. Please read the Graph API documentation at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api
I thought perhaps my access_token had expired, so I followed these steps:
I tried with the new access token but got the same message.
I have had a look at the example to create an Audience here:
Would you be able to provide an example of how to link this Audience to the ads?
I am getting PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_USE, expecting T_FUNCTION in /FacebookAds/Object/AdAccount.php on line 34
I am on PHP Version 5.3.5
Below is the PHP Code, where I am accessing the class. Please let me know, if you see any issues with the code. I am not a PHP Expert. Thanks.
array ( 'account_id', 'total_actions', 'spend' ), 'date_preset' => 'last_7_days', ); $account = new AdAccount('act_' . $accountID); $reports = $account->getReportsStats($fields, $params); $response = array(); foreach($reports as $report) { $response[] = $report->getData(); } return json_encode($response); ?>I try to read an AdCreative like this:
Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$adCreative = new AdCreative($ad_creative_id, $account_id);
But it results in:
[id] => THE ID
[title] =>
[actor_id] =>
[actor_name] =>
[name] =>
[object_id] =>
[object_story_id] =>
[object_story_spec] =>
[body] =>
[image_hash] =>
[image_file] =>
[image_url] =>
[image_crops] =>
[video_id] =>
[actor_image_hash] =>
[link_url] =>
[object_url] =>
[url_tags] =>
[preview_url] =>
[follow_redirect] =>
[object_store_url] =>
[link_deep_link_url] =>
[call_to_action_type] =>
[object_type] =>
I then try using $adCreative->getFields()
as an argument to $adCreative->read()
Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$adCreative = new AdCreative($ad_creative_id, $account_id);
Which throws an exception:
[message] => (#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (image_file) on node type (AdCreative)
[type] => OAuthException
[code] => 100
I then remove image_file
from the list of fields:
Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$adCreative = new AdCreative($ad_creative_id, $account_id);
$fields = $adCreative->getFields();
foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
if ($v = 'image_file') {
Which results again in no data:
[id] => THE ID
[title] =>
[actor_id] =>
[actor_name] =>
[name] =>
[object_id] =>
[object_story_id] =>
[object_story_spec] =>
[body] =>
[image_hash] =>
[image_file] =>
[image_url] =>
[image_crops] =>
[video_id] =>
[actor_image_hash] =>
[link_url] =>
[object_url] =>
[url_tags] =>
[preview_url] =>
[follow_redirect] =>
[object_store_url] =>
[link_deep_link_url] =>
[call_to_action_type] =>
[object_type] =>
I try making my own fields array, and then remove any that cause an exception, and end up with this list:
Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$adCreative = new AdCreative($ad_creative_id, $account_id);
$fields = array(
Now I get what is expected (i have replaced the actual data incase of any security issue sharing it):
[id] => THE ID
[title] => AD TITLE
[actor_id] => THE ACTOR ID
[actor_name] =>
[name] => AD NAME
[object_id] =>
[object_story_id] =>
[object_story_spec] =>
[body] => AD BODY
[image_hash] => IMAGE HASH
[image_file] =>
[image_url] => https://fbcdn-creative-a.akamaihd.net/REMOVED-PATH.png
[image_crops] =>
[video_id] =>
[actor_image_hash] =>
[link_url] =>
[object_url] => http://www.example.com/
[url_tags] =>
[preview_url] =>
[follow_redirect] =>
[object_store_url] =>
[link_deep_link_url] =>
[call_to_action_type] =>
[object_type] => DOMAIN
My question is, is this the expected behaviour? Or should I be able to do $adCreative->read()
without specifying a field list?
Sorry, not strictly an issue. But I wonder if there are plans to add more examples? As the SDK format has changed, I'm having a few issues - such as trying to read conversion stats about an ad group. I can't quite figure out how to extract this information so an adgroup example would be perfect!
I'm building phar with usage of ads sdk and unfortunately I've this error.
error setting certificate verify locations:
CAfile: phar:///home/username/workdir/build/acme.phar/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/Http/Adapter/../../../../fb_ca_chain_bundle.crt
CApath: /etc/ssl/certs
I think it's totally the same error as this one FriendsOfPHP/Goutte#88
Here is my code:
\FacebookAds\Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$results = \FacebookAds\Object\TargetingSearch::search(
$type = \FacebookAds\Object\Search\TargetingSearchTypes::INTEREST,
$class = null,
$query = 'facebook'
The error is:
Argument 1 passed to FacebookAds\Cursor::__construct() must implement interface FacebookAds\Http\ResponseInterface, array given, called in /vagrant/app/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/Object/TargetingSearch.php on line 74 and defined in file /vagrant/app/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/Cursor.php at line 84
/v2.2/act_<account id>/advideos
does not return a published
field, /v2.3/act_<account id>/advideos
does (see example payload below)
We are using facebook-php-ads-sdk v2.3.0
When we call the getAdVideos
method (with no fields specified) on FacebookAdAccount
we get an InvalidArgumentException
with message: "published is not a field of FacebookAds\Object\AdVideo"
This originates at AbstractCrudObject::setData
public function setData(array $data) {
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$this->{$key} = $value;
return $this;
Since AdVideo has no published
field, when the above loop tries to set $this->published = true;
the exception is thrown
Example (truncated) response to https://graph.facebook.com/v2.3/act_<account id>/advideos
showing the published field
"embed_html":"\u003Ciframe src=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/video\/embed?video_id=10153079548779999\" width=\"640\" height=\"360\" frameborder=\"0\">\u003C\/iframe>",
"embed_html":"\u003Ciframe src=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/video\/embed?video_id=10153079548779999\" width=\"130\" height=\"73\" frameborder=\"0\">\u003C\/iframe>",
"embed_html":"\u003Ciframe src=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/video\/embed?video_id=10153079548779999\" width=\"480\" height=\"270\" frameborder=\"0\">\u003C\/iframe>",
"embed_html":"\u003Ciframe src=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/video\/embed?video_id=10153079548779999\" width=\"640\" height=\"360\" frameborder=\"0\">\u003C\/iframe>",
"name":"Bob Smith"
looks like there is a copy-paste error in AdAccount.php when getting conversions.
Check the following changeset 8c46b6f
My code:
\FacebookAds\Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$adSet = new \FacebookAds\Object\AdSet(null, $account_id});
\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields::NAME => $name,
\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields::CAMPAIGN_GROUP_ID => '6017312881528',
\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields::CAMPAIGN_STATUS => \FacebookAds\Object\AdSet::STATUS_ACTIVE,
\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields::DAILY_BUDGET => '1',
\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields::BID_TYPE => 'CPC',
\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields::BID_INFO => array('CLICKS' => 'min_1_cent'),
\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdSetFields::TARGETING => array(
'geo_locations' => array('countries' => array('AU')),
The error I get is:
exception 'FacebookAds\Http\Exception\AuthorizationException' with message '(#100) bid-info values must be positive integers' in /vagrant/app/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/Http/Exception/RequestException.php:113
The specs say that bid-info should be a JSON object, so I assumed the PHP array should work:
Can you help with the value I should put in here?
The code:
use \FacebookAds\Api;
use \FacebookAds\Object\CustomAudience;
use \FacebookAds\Object\Fields\CustomAudienceFields;
Api::init($app_id, $app_secret, $access_token);
$audience = new CustomAudience(null, $account_id);
CustomAudienceFields::NAME => 'test',
CustomAudienceFields::DESCRIPTION => 'test',
CustomAudienceFields::DATA_SOURCE => array('EVENT_BASED' => 'WEB_PIXEL_HITS'),
The error:
(#2655) Terms of service has not been accepted
I have 2 questions:
Due to the absence of WebHooks, the dev-master in packagist.org is not the latest. Moreover, the latest tagged version on packagist does not correspond with the latest github release.
Case in point: I cannot fetch the L2 targeting release into my code base.
Please do something about this.
The API often responds with helpful error messages that aren't available through the Ads SDK, specifically through RequestException. Would you accept an additional public method or two on this class for returning the error_user_title and error_user_msg from https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/using-graph-api/v2.2#receiving-errorcodes ?
For example: bjeavons@f9a39e2
There could be methods for error subcode, user error title, and user error message. Or, those could be returned as an array from a single method.
The Facebook ads documentation states than when creating a new custom audience using website visitors, you can pass through a 'prefill' parameter to fill the audience with previous visitors
As far as I can see, no such field/variable is available on the SDK so we can't select this option?
Currently the SDK doesn't support the business manager.
At first glance, it looks like we would need:
a systemuser object which would allow systemuser creation and system user token generation.
a page object to add a page to the businessmanager as an owner or agency.
Are there any plans currently to implement these new objects?
With Facebook Ad Api, I can't create ad(group) although I have created the Campaign, AdSet, and AdCreative. I have followed instruction of facbook guide(with the all required parameters). I can't find the answer by any googling.... What's wrong? (I just found the change that ADGROUP_STATUS is required now.)
------------ PHP Codes ------------------
use FacebookAds\Object\AdGroup;
use FacebookAds\Object\Fields\AdGroupFields;
$adgroup = new AdGroup(null, $account->id);
AdGroupFields::CREATIVE => array('creative_id' => $creative->id),
AdGroupFields::NAME => 'My First AdGroup',
AdGroupFields::CAMPAIGN_ID => $adset->id,
$fields = array(
$params = array(
'include_deleted' => 'true',
'time_increment'=> 1,
$campaign = new AdCampaign('1234');
$stats = $campaign->getStats($fields, $params);
I am only getting the Total of every thing in the response but not the breakdown by day as i mentioned 'time_increment'=> 1, also tried date_preset its not working too.
Also another issue that if i use getReportsStats for getting the campain stats, its giving me every thing fine(with day break up) except the reach/unique_impressions (vast difference from the real one, I mean its a much bigger value than real one)
I am using the following code :
$account = new AdAccount('act_123123');
$params = array(
$stats = $account->getReportsStats(array(), $params);
Please any help is much appreciated.
Using the adgroup_creation.php example to create AdGroup. The rest of the code works fine but receiving "Invalid Parameter" exception. The required field AdGroupFields::ADGROUP_STATUS => 'ACTIVE' was missing, I've added it but still the same issue.
I can't figure out how to make calls to reportstats
using the SDK.
The class AdAccount
do have a method named getReportsStats()
which takes an array of fields and an array of parameters as arguments, so I tried something like this:
$fields = array('account_id', 'total_actions', 'spend'); // The fields I ask for?
$params = array(
'data_columns' => array (
'date_preset' => 'last_7_days',
$account = new AdAccount('act_' . $accountID);
$account->getReportsStats($fields, $params);
return json_encode($account->getData());
However this just returns the ad account data, not the actual stats.
When I examined the object $account
after the call to getReportsStats()
method I found that it did indeed contain the stats. Still getData()
doesn't return it. Am I supposed to use some other method to get the stats?
The method ReachFrequencyPrediction::reserve()
throws an exception 'Array to string conversion' on line 116.
returns an associative array with the ID of the prediction, but it's typecasted to a string.
I have completed the facebook php ads sdk installation in my server. I got the following error
" Invalid appsecret_proof provided in the API argument????",
while executing this ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/
. So, please advice us to fix this issue.
Any plans to support batched requests using the Facebook Ads SDK?
Hi, I am integrating Facebook ads sdk into my Linux server. For your guidance i install all packages into my server. when i execute
./vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/
This comment i got a error first. xdebug not found error. so i install xdebug into server then i add into composer.json file.
Next i run the following comment
./vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/
i got the error again.
My error is given below
E....EEEEEEEEEEEE.EEPHP Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'BURGER' in /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/test/FacebookAdsTest/Object/ReachFrequencyPredictionTest.php on line 49 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit:0 PHP 2. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command::main() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit:56 PHP 3. PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->run() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php:138 PHP 4. PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner->doRun() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/Command.php:186 PHP 5. PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite->run() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/TextUI/TestRunner.php:423 PHP 6. PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite->run() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestSuite.php:751 PHP 7. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->run() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestSuite.php:751 PHP 8. PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult->run() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php:708 PHP 9. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->runBare() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestResult.php:643 PHP 10. PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase->runTest() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php:772 PHP 11. ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php:906 PHP 12. FacebookAdsTest\Object\ReachFrequencyPredictionTest->testCrudAccess() /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/TestCase.php:906 root@Devel-56:/var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk# vim /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/test/FacebookAdsTest/Object/ReachFrequencyPredictionTest.php root@Devel-56:/var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk# ./vendor/bin/phpunit -c test/ PHPUnit 4.3.1 by Sebastian Bergmann
Please help me whats wrong please any one help me
Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'BURGER' in /var/www/facebook-php-ads-sdk/test/FacebookAdsTest/Object/ReachFrequencyPredictionTest.php on line 49
The Cursor Implementation has changed yet the Cursor initialization in line 74 of TargetingSearch.php is using the old constructor parameters. Hence it is failing.
I am getting this error:
(#294) Managing advertisements requires the extended permission ads_management and an application that is whitelisted to access the Ads API
I'm not sure what to try or who to contact. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
AdsPixel has an endpoint of /adspixels. I can't find any documentation about this endpoint. Should it be /offsitepixels instead per https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ads-api/offsite-pixels/v2.2 ?
If I walk all Abstract Objects with 'useImplicitFectch' activated, when the API fetches the next page the new current object is the last object in previous page.
My example with CustomAudiences:
$adAccount = new \FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount('act_xxx');
/** @var \FacebookAds\Cursor $cursor */
$cursor = $adAccount->getCustomAudiences(array(
while ($cursor->key() !== null) {
/** @var \FacebookAds\Object\CustomAudience $customAudience */
$customAudience = $cursor->current();
$customAudienceId = $customAudience->{\FacebookAds\Object\Fields\CustomAudienceFields::ID};
echo "{$customAudienceId} - {$cursor->count()}\n";
001 - 25
002 - 25
024 - 25
025 - 25
025 - 50
026 - 50
The DemographicsSearchClasses.php file in src/FacebookAds/Object/Search/
has the namespace:
namespace FacebookAds\Targeting;
This causes problems for the autoloader and on execution of code that uses it you get the error "Fatal error: Class 'FacebookAds\Targeting\DemographicSearchClasses' not found in...".
However when I change the namespace in DemographicSearchClasses to match the folder layout like so: namespace FacebookAds\Object\Search;
the problems go away!
Is this a bug or is it something that I am doing wrong?
I was wondering why ad accounts cannot be created using the SDK.
From the API documentation it seems allowed to create an ad account but in the SDK the AdAccount class uses the CannotCreate
Hi ,
$campaign_new = new AdCampaign($campaign->id) ;
$fields = array(
$params = array();
$stats = $campaign_new->getStats($fields,$params);
But function doesn't show start_time and how to parse data from ojbect :
object(FacebookAds\Cursor)#483 (9) { ["response":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Response)#482 (5) { ["request":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Request)#480 (10) { ["client":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Client)#456 (6) { ["requestPrototype":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Request)#458 (10) { ["client":protected]=> RECURSION ["headers":protected]=> NULL ["method":protected]=> string(3) "GET" ["protocol":protected]=> string(8) "https://" ["domain":protected]=> NULL ["path":protected]=> NULL ["graphVersion":protected]=> NULL ["queryParams":protected]=> NULL ["bodyParams":protected]=> NULL ["fileParams":protected]=> NULL } ["responsePrototype":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Response)#468 (5) { ["request":protected]=> NULL ["statusCode":protected]=> NULL ["headers":protected]=> NULL ["body":protected]=> NULL ["content":protected]=> NULL } ["defaultRequestHeaders":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Headers)#470 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(2) { ["User-Agent"]=> string(16) "fb-php-ads-2.3.0" ["Accept-Encoding"]=> string(1) "" } } ["adapter":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Adapter\CurlAdapter)#466 (3) { ["curl":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Adapter\Curl\Curl)#467 (1) { ["handle":protected]=> resource(245) of type (curl) } ["opts":protected]=> object(ArrayObject)#471 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(5) { [78]=> int(10) [13]=> int(60) [19913]=> bool(true) [42]=> bool(true) [10065]=> string(109) "/Users/Ken/Sites/adsfacebook/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/Http/../../../fb_ca_chain_bundle.crt" } } ["client":protected]=> *RECURSION } ["caBundlePath":protected]=> string(109) "/Users/Ken/Sites/adsfacebook/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/Http/../../../fb_ca_chain_bundle.crt" ["defaultGraphBaseDomain":protected]=> string(12) "facebook.com" } ["headers":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Headers)#484 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(2) { ["User-Agent"]=> string(16) "fb-php-ads-2.3.0" ["Accept-Encoding"]=> string(1) "" } } ["method":protected]=> string(3) "GET" ["protocol":protected]=> string(8) "https://" ["domain":protected]=> string(18) "graph.facebook.com" ["path":protected]=> string(20) "/6025149646418/stats" ["graphVersion":protected]=> string(3) "2.3" ["queryParams":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Parameters)#481 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(3) { ["fields"]=> string(52) "actions,spent,clicks,impressions,end_time,start_time" ["access_token"]=> string(213) "CAALZCQzTpi7UBAK3F6rjTXORgIJnXF1wxq3BluUUtQH2Cm0YMVgdcWuB7f83vERjPSPd3m1VVZBxAsuRw5oNez0wa37mZCgMRJ87guLCnhfI6ehd5a1vLVv4B6Oq1PQmnG5pKB4uGzbEwp7hpMWTg6cI7YTJxuAbrXtUwwJ6D2GUrpOtBhFUjnF3DqXAYWfBfdeD7QjZBxnQiR0pRb59" ["appsecret_proof"]=> string(64) "9e135d0c4855dbd73575646fc37b71b2947541f27d75864696a4c3236301021b" } } ["bodyParams":protected]=> NULL ["fileParams":protected]=> NULL } ["statusCode":protected]=> int(200) ["headers":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Http\Headers)#485 (1) { ["storage":"ArrayObject":private]=> array(14) { ["http_code"]=> string(15) "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" ["Content-Type"]=> string(31) "application/json; charset=UTF-8" ["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]=> string(1) "" ["X-FB-Rev"]=> string(7) "1669049" ["ETag"]=> string(42) ""290ffcc1aa378a2302f6353daf5639ec8f3bc774"" ["Pragma"]=> string(8) "no-cache" ["Cache-Control"]=> string(44) "private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate" ["Facebook-API-Version"]=> string(4) "v2.3" ["Expires"]=> string(29) "Sat, 01 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT" ["Vary"]=> string(15) "Accept-Encoding" ["X-FB-Debug"]=> string(88) "l5nXrAemhNdrH4UUmegGQTPpfiG/ErEjfonPYfS8RLVrbSRlJgcRymlrchpQvCXKOo5IGTbgVE7eCqOC3w/f7w==" ["Date"]=> string(29) "Wed, 01 Apr 2015 01:39:14 GMT" ["Connection"]=> string(10) "keep-alive" ["Content-Length"]=> string(3) "182" } } ["body":protected]=> string(182) "{"data":[{"actions":{"photo_view":4,"post":1,"post_like":4,"page_engagement":9,"post_engagement":9},"spent":358,"clicks":16,"impressions":422,"end_time":"2015-04-01T01:39:14+0000"}]}" ["content":protected]=> array(1) { ["data"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(5) { ["actions"]=> array(5) { ["photo_view"]=> int(4) ["post"]=> int(1) ["post_like"]=> int(4) ["page_engagement"]=> int(9) ["post_engagement"]=> int(9) } ["spent"]=> int(358) ["clicks"]=> int(16) ["impressions"]=> int(422) ["end_time"]=> string(24) "2015-04-01T01:39:14+0000" } } } } ["objects":protected]=> array(1) { [0]=> object(FacebookAds\Object\AdStats)#487 (1) { ["data":protected]=> array(5) { ["actions"]=> array(5) { ["photo_view"]=> int(4) ["post"]=> int(1) ["post_like"]=> int(4) ["page_engagement"]=> int(9) ["post_engagement"]=> int(9) } ["spent"]=> int(358) ["clicks"]=> int(16) ["impressions"]=> int(422) ["end_time"]=> string(24) "2015-04-01T01:39:14+0000" } } } ["indexLeft":protected]=> int(0) ["indexRight":protected]=> int(0) ["position":protected]=> int(0) ["after":protected]=> NULL ["before":protected]=> NULL ["objectPrototype":protected]=> object(FacebookAds\Object\AdStats)#486 (1) { ["data":protected]=> array(0) { } } ["useImplicitFectch":protected]=> NULL }
I encountered an issue with the 2.2.0 version of the ads sdk. When calling getAdCampaigns() on an ad account, the cursor I am receiving only contains 25 objects instead of the 45 that I am expecting.
I was under the impression that you simply need to iterate with a foreach and the cursor handles pagination itself.
Is this a bug or am I doing something incorrectly?
$campaigns = $ad_account->getAdCampaigns([
foreach($campaigns as $campaign){
$return_object[] = $campaign->getData();
Graph API requests are resolving to IPV6 some times.
We can force the API to resolve to IPV4 by adding following code snippet after curl_init
curl_setopt($this->handle, CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE, CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4);
Everything in the script works perfectly, except the last segment of ad group creation. I've spend two hours editing the parameters and also looked at the class parameters at /src/FacebookAds/Object/Fields/AdGroupFields.php
After trying every combination it still spits out the "Invalid parameter" error. Not sure why this is happening. Hope someone can shed light on this.
It may sound trivial, but where / how are we supposed to get an access_token?
The doc says "To instantiate an Api object you will need a valid access token" but do not say how.
Is it possible to get one from server-to-server?
ps. this page explains how to generate tokens, but it seems that a web interface is always needed to do so
function gogingtoevent() {
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.status == 'connected') {
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
alert (JSON.stringify(response));
alert('Not Responding');
Suggest that you move the certificate file to Http/Adapter so that the src directory can be a self-contained distribution. This also matches the convention used by the PHP SDK for the Graph API.
I'm trying to get reports for a Facebook Ads account. I have successfully made a connection and added my account as an Analyst to the business account.
This is the code I'm using to connect:
$session = $this->facebook->getSession();
$ads = new Api($session);
$account = new AdAccount('act_' . Config::get('services.facebook.adAccountId'));
$fields = array('account_id', 'total_actions', 'spend');
$params = array(
'data_columns' => array (
'date_preset' => 'last_7_days',
$reports = $account->getReportsStats($fields, $params);
However I'm getting the following error when making the call:
(#273) This Ads API call requires the user to be admin of the ad account. User xxxxxxxx not admin on ad account xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Why would I need to be an admin when I can access the reports from the webinterface with an analyst account?
Hi ,
$adsets = $campaign->getAdSets(array(
foreach ($adsets as $key => $adset) {
echo '
object(FacebookAds\Object\AdStats)#483 (1) { ["data":protected]=> array(18) { ["id"]=> string(32) "6025149647218/stats/0/1427871600" ["impressions"]=> int(218) ["topline_id"]=> NULL ["clicks"]=> int(7) ["spent"]=> int(198) ["social_impressions"]=> int(0) ["social_clicks"]=> int(0) ["social_spent"]=> int(0) ["unique_impressions"]=> int(212) ["social_unique_impressions"]=> int(0) ["actions"]=> array(2) { ["post_like"]=> int(2) ["photo_view"]=> int(2) } ["inline_actions"]=> array(14) { ["title_clicks"]=> int(0) ["like"]=> int(0) ["rsvp_yes"]=> int(0) ["rsvp_maybe"]=> int(0) ["post_like"]=> int(3) ["comment"]=> int(0) ["photo_view"]=> int(2) ["link_click"]=> int(0) ["video_play"]=> int(0) ["question_vote"]=> int(0) ["cta_click"]=> int(0) ["item_click_1"]=> int(0) ["item_click_2"]=> int(0) ["item_click_3"]=> int(0) } ["unique_clicks"]=> int(7) ["social_unique_clicks"]=> int(0) ["campaign_id"]=> string(13) "6025149647218" ["start_time"]=> NULL ["end_time"]=> string(24) "2015-04-01T07:00:00+0000" ["is_completed"]=> bool(false) } }
I see start time = NULL
How to get start_time for adset
Have you considered travis-ci integration for automated testing and reporting?
Since the tests currently use a live FB app and ad account any automated testing may require:
I suspect option 2 is the most likely.
I am using a user id in my campaign creation like so: (All permissions granted etc. on my App and user. )
// $session = new FacebookSession($variantSpec->account->token);
$session = FacebookSession::newAppSession(Config::get('facebook.app_id'),Config::get('facebook.app_secret'));
$api = new Api($session);
$campaign = new AdCampaign(null, $user->ad_account_id);
and I get the following error form both attempts:
So where do I get the Application Specific ID
I tried passing in the same Config::get('facebook.app_id')
thanks in advance
The response for the <Ad_acct>/reportstats endpoint returns the paging information as follows:
"paging": {
"next": "<the_url>",
"previous": "<the_url>",
However, the cursor expects to see ["paging"]["cursor"]["after"]
, as which is returned in the responses for the other endpoints.
Is this a new change to the API?
The following code:
(new AdTag($id))->getAdCampaigns($fields);
Returns this error:
(#275) Ad account cannot be determined for this request
Is there a way to limit the tag campaigns list to a given account to avoid this?
Are we supposed to add some permission to the account?
Bonus point: In the tag's docs, it's also said one can list every tags with https://graph.facebook.com/<API_VERSION>/act_<AD_ACCOUNT_ID>/adtags
Is there a way to do so with this library? Account does not expose a getTags()
Bonus point: is there a way to find a tag by name?
The example code here shows that targeting belongs in AdGroup:
The API says that it belongs in AdSet:
There is no field called targeting in AdGroup (although it is mentioned in "Read - By ad group ID"):
i integrate facebook ads api into my server. 80% of works are completed in server. but finally i got a issue
Fatal error: Class 'Facebook\Entities\AccessToken' not found
Many pages i saw this code
use Facebook\FacebookSession;
so i include facebook sdk into my src folder. but no use. please help me where i put facebook sdk and please guide me how can i solve the issue please help me.
I write the below code for retrieve single campaign stats.
$fields = array(
$params = array();
$campaign = new AdCampaign(123456);
$stats = $campaign->getStats($fields, $params);
here I can able to access the stats. But when use this function loop then I got issue like
Calling : $campaign = new AdCampaign($campaign_id);
Error : "An access token is required to request this resource"
But using graph API I can access the multiple campaigns stats at a time
I need it using Ads API .... Please solve it for me..
I upgraded to php version 5.4.36. Installed the composer and installed the The Facebook Ads API SDK and even after that, when I execute the php script, I get the below error
PHP Fatal error: Class 'FacebookAds\Object\AdAccount' not found in /tmp/vendor/facebook/php-ads-sdk/src/FacebookAds/fb.php on line 3
PHP Code
name = 'act_5291585038833333'; echo $account->name; $params = array( 'date_preset'=>'last_28_days', 'data_columns'=>"['adgroup_id','actions','spend']", ); $stats = $account->getReportsStats(null, $params); foreach($stats as $stat) { echo $stat->impressions; echo $stat->actions; } any information will be highly appreciatedHello,
I am using FB Ads API, and successfully created campaigns and get the ID from Facebook. In the next step to create adset with below code then got error.
// Call create using an array of parameters.
$data = array(
AdSetFields::NAME => 'My AdSet',
AdSetFields::BID_TYPE => 'CPC',
AdSetFields::BID_INFO => array(
'CLICKS' => 500,
AdSetFields::DAILY_BUDGET => 200,
AdSetFields::CAMPAIGN_GROUP_ID => $campaign_id,
AdSetFields::TARGETING => array(
'geo_locations' => array(
'countries' => array(
$ad_set = new AdSet(null, $account->id);
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'FacebookAds\Http\Exception\AuthorizationException' with message 'Invalid parameter' in /www/facebookads/src/FacebookAds/Http/Exception/RequestException.php:129
When trying out implicit fetch, iteration fails with: "__clone method called on non-object" in Cursor.php line 217.
Sample code that fails
//Some fields
//Some account
$campaigns = $ad_account->getAdCampaigns($fields);
foreach($campaigns as $campaign){
echo $campaign->getData();
When I run phpunit tests on latest master (commits for 2.2.0) there are several errors, including:
Undefined index: images
Tracing through the test I see that in the create method that the filename is not used in $params but instead sets it via Parameters#offsetSet(). For some reason this is not working for me (PHP 5.4.33).
Does testMultiProductObjectSpec pass for you?
// in AdImage#create()
// ...
$data = $this->exportData();
$filename = $data[AdImageFields::FILENAME];
$params = array_merge($data, $params);
// ...
// -- The following would seem to work, but doesn't --
$request->getFileParams()->offsetSet(AdImageFields::FILENAME, $filename);
// Which I think causes testMultiProductObjectSpec (and others) to fail
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