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active-qa's Introduction

ActiveQA: Active Question Answering

This repo contains code for our paper Ask the Right Questions: Active Question Reformulation with Reinforcement Learning.

Small forewarning, this is still much more of a research codebase than a library. No support is provided.

If you use this code for your research, please cite the paper.


ActiveQA is an agent that transforms questions online in order to find the best answers. The agent consists of a Tensorflow model that reformulates questions and an Answer Selection model. It interacts with an environment that contains a question-answering system. The agent queries the environment with variants of a question and calculates a score for the answer against the original question. The model is trained end-to-end using reinforcement learning.

This version addresses the SearchQA question-answering task, and the environment consists of the Bi-directional Attention Flow (BiDAF) model of Seo et al. (2017).



We require tensorflow and many other supporting libraries. Tensorflow should be installed separately following the docs. To install the other dependencies use

pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: We only ran this code with Python 2, so Python 3 is not officially supported.


Download the source dataset from SearchQA, GloVe, and NLTK corpus and save them in $HOME/data.

export DATA_DIR=$HOME/data
mkdir $DATA_DIR


Download the SearchQA dataset (~600 MB) for training, testing, and validation here:

<Download the dataset to $DATA_DIR/>
unzip $DATA_DIR/ -d $DATA_DIR

Download GloVe (~850 MB):

export GLOVE_DIR=$DATA_DIR/glove
mkdir $GLOVE_DIR

wget -c -O $GLOVE_DIR/

Download NLTK (for tokenizer). Make sure that nltk is installed!

python -m nltk.downloader -d $HOME/nltk_data punkt

Download the reformulator model pretrained on UN+Paralex datasets (~140 MB):

export PRETRAINED_DIR=$DATA_DIR/pretrained



The SearchQA dataset requires a 2-step preprocessing:

  1. Convert into SQuAD data format as the model was written to only work with that format.

    export SQUAD_DIR=$DATA_DIR/squad
    mkdir $SQUAD_DIR
    python -m searchqa.prepro \
    --searchqa_dir=$DATA_DIR/SearchQA \
  2. Preprocess the SearchQA dataset in SQuAD format (along with GloVe vectors) and save them in $PWD/data/squad (~60 minutes):

    python -m third_party.bi_att_flow.squad.prepro \
    --glove_dir=$GLOVE_DIR \

Note that Python2 and Python3 handle Unicode differently and hence the preprocessing output differs. For converting the SearchQA format to SQuAD format either version can be used; use Python3 for other datasets.


We need to compile the gRPC interface for the Environment Server.

chmod +x; ./

Run Environment Server

The training requires running the environment gRPC server, which receives queries from the ActiveQA agent and sends back one response per query.

python -m px.environments.bidaf_server \
--port=10000 \
--squad_data_dir=data/squad \
--bidaf_shared_file=data/bidaf/shared.json \

The checkpoint of a BiDAF model trained on SearchQA is already provided in data/bidaf, so you don't have to train one yourself. However, if you want to reproduce our training, clone the BiDAF repository and run

python basic/ \
--mode=trains \
--data_dir=data/squad \
--shared_path=data/bidaf/shared.json \
--init_lr=0.001 \

Reformulator Training

We first train reformulator from a model pretrained on UN and Paralex datasets. It should take a week on a single P100 GPU to reach ~42 F1 score on SearchQA's dev set.

export OUT_DIR=/tmp/active-qa
mkdir $OUT_DIR

export REFORMULATOR_DIR=$OUT_DIR/reformulator

echo "model_checkpoint_path: \"$PRETRAINED_DIR/translate.ckpt-1460356\"" > checkpoint
cp -f checkpoint $REFORMULATOR_DIR
cp -f checkpoint $REFORMULATOR_DIR/initial_checkpoint.txt

python -m px.nmt.reformulator_and_selector_training \
--environment_server_address=localhost:10000 \
--hparams_path=px/nmt/example_configs/reformulator.json \
--enable_reformulator_training=true \
--enable_selector_training=false \
--train_questions=$SQUAD_DIR/train-questions.txt \
--train_annotations=$SQUAD_DIR/train-annotation.txt \
--train_data=data/squad/data_train.json \
--dev_questions=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-questions.txt \
--dev_annotations=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-annotation.txt \
--dev_data=data/squad/data_dev.json \
--glove_path=$GLOVE_DIR/glove.6B.100d.txt \

Note: if you don't want to wait a week of training, you can download this checkpoint of the reformulator trained on SearchQA, with dev set F1 score of 42.5. Note that this is not the exact model analyzed in the paper, but one with equivalent performance.

Selector Training

After training the reformulator, we can now train the selector. It should take 2-3 days on a single P100 GPU to reach ~47.5 F1 score on SearchQA's dev set.

python -m px.nmt.reformulator_and_selector_training \
--environment_server_address=localhost:10000 \
--hparams_path=px/nmt/example_configs/reformulator.json \
--enable_reformulator_training=false \
--enable_selector_training=true \
--train_questions=$SQUAD_DIR/train-questions.txt \
--train_annotations=$SQUAD_DIR/train-annotation.txt \
--train_data=data/squad/data_train.json \
--dev_questions=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-questions.txt \
--dev_annotations=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-annotation.txt \
--dev_data=data/squad/data_dev.json \
--glove_path=$GLOVE_DIR/glove.6B.100d.txt \
--batch_size_train=16 \
--batch_size_eval=64 \
--save_path=$OUT_DIR/selector \

Note: If you don't want to wait 2-3 days for the training to finish, you can download a checkpoint of the selector. The checkpoint is trained on SearchQA, achieving an F1 score of ~47.5 on the dev set.


This repository relies on the work of the following repositories:

and uses data from the following sources:


  author    = {Christian Buck and
               Jannis Bulian and
               Massimiliano Ciaramita and
               Andrea Gesmundo and
               Neil Houlsby and
               Wojciech Gajewski and
               Wei Wang},
  title     = {Ask the Right Questions: Active Question Reformulation with Reinforcement
  booktitle = {Sixth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},
  year      = {2018},
  month     = {May},
  address   = {Vancouver, Canada},
  url       = {},

active-qa's People


Zigao Wang avatar Q avatar Zahra Rahimi avatar superldj avatar Omer avatar kingfly avatar Doruk Sarp Aydın avatar  avatar John Patrick Roach avatar Liangyu Chen avatar Myung Gyo Oh avatar Jasper avatar Ryker avatar Abhinav Anand avatar Alan Tang avatar cin-hubert avatar Andrey Vakunov avatar Anubhav avatar  avatar Junshuai Song avatar Feng Gao avatar Sruthika Baviriseaty avatar  avatar Rhys Compton avatar Keany Vy KHUN avatar mrqwertyuiop avatar Kai Devrim avatar Deepanshu Setia avatar Alan Guo avatar Pabitra Lenka avatar Avi Avidan avatar Lodor avatar Reza Fazeli avatar Akshay Joshi avatar JamYoung avatar Wiama Daya avatar Stefan Bucher avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar KevinHuuu avatar Jerry Zikun Chen avatar Stefano Pacifico avatar  avatar Abhishek avatar  avatar Gábor Mihálcz avatar Harry Wang avatar Justin Grace avatar Yui avatar Wonhong Jang avatar doubledrive avatar NTP avatar felix-wang avatar Jack Morris avatar Toni Kukurin avatar Vincent Yuan avatar Fahd Alhazmi avatar  avatar Cao_enjun avatar Junki Ohmura avatar Tin C. avatar Tiancheng Zhao (Tony)  avatar Github Jobs Developers avatar 张梓径 avatar Kambe Hiroyuki avatar Manikant Kella avatar hack-tramp avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Ken Geis avatar Jia-Ying Lin avatar Autobot avatar rika avatar ggdupont avatar liheng avatar  avatar Franklin (Ben) Bradfield avatar Julian Harris avatar Oneiriac avatar  avatar Shawn Tsai avatar  avatar  avatar Ryan Mink avatar Ioannis Kourouklides avatar Jessica  avatar  avatar Imran Qureshi avatar  avatar Chris Samarinas avatar Tushar Jain avatar Dan avatar Yuan Ruo avatar Ed Wios avatar magnus avatar King Chung (Johnny) Ho avatar


Christian Buck avatar  avatar ~mae avatar James Cloos avatar Jongwook Choi avatar Bruno Cabral avatar bittnkr avatar Rodrigo Frassetto Nogueira avatar Dhruv Sakalley avatar Robert Oschler avatar Jing Liu avatar Anthony avatar Github Jobs Developers avatar  avatar 张梓径 avatar Starved Midnight avatar TheFox avatar  avatar Surinder Kumar avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar  avatar Autobot avatar Ramgokul M avatar paper2code - bot avatar

active-qa's Issues

Nonsensical reformed queries from Reformulator

I am trying to get the reformulations from the reformulator but I get all nonsensical reformulations like this-


My questions were- ['how can i apply for nsa?', 'what is the minimum working hours required for a day?']

I used this code to get the reformulations-

from px.nmt import reformulator
from px.proto import reformulator_pb2

questions = ['how can i apply for nsa?', 'what is the minimum working hours required for a day?']

reformulator_instance = reformulator.Reformulator(
    source_prefix='<en> <2en> ',

# Change from GREEDY to BEAM if you want 20 rewrites instead of one.
responses = reformulator_instance.reformulate(

# Since we are using greedy decoder, keep only the first rewrite.
reformulations = [r[0].reformulation for r in responses]

print reformulations

Installation Error


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "/tmp/pip-build-OSBzO1/numpy/", line 31, in <module>
        raise RuntimeError("Python version >= 3.5 required.")
    RuntimeError: Python version >= 3.5 required.

Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-OSBzO1/numpy/

System Info

Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-165-generic x86_64)

answers_file is not extracted/provided

When running Selector Training section, px.nmt.reformulator_and_selector_training module requires answers files (shown below). However, train_data is not provided in configurations. Neither the answers file is not generated after preprocessing squad data using python -m searchqa.prepro
Could you please give some help on how to fix this issue.
questions, annotations, docid_2_answer = read_data(
dev_questions, dev_annotations, dev_docid_2_answer = read_data(

px.utils module is missing

In file, eval_utils module needs to be imported by "from px.utils import eval_utils". However, there is no utils module in the px folder. Could you please upload this file?

Model pretrained on UN and Paralex datasets

Reformulator Training
We first train reformulator from a model pretrained on UN and Paralex datasets. It should take a week on a single P100 GPU to reach ~42 F1 score on SearchQA's dev set.

@rodrigonogueira4 How to make the model (pretrained on UN and Paralex datasets) from scratch on a different dataset ?

How do i use Selector for a custom document?

For a custom document and a question related to that document, i can run reformulator for that question and can get the multiple reformulations. But how can i get the answers for those reforumlations using that custom document and get the best answer using pretrained selector model ?

How do I know the training is finished for reformulator_and_selector_training


Could you please provide some info when/how do I know training is finished for reformulator_and_selector_training?
If the training is finished, how can I directly use to trained model for query reformulator?
Could you please provide a trained model for reformulator_and_selector_training as you did for reformulator?


Have not found Monte Carlo Sampling in the code

Thanks for releasing the code for active-qa.
After browsing the code, I did not find Monte-Carlo Sampling in the training stage. It seems that each training instance consists of only one 「query, reformulated_query, reward」 tuple. Therefore, the reward is the same for each token in one reformulated query.
I don't know whether the suspicion is right. If it is right, what will model perform with or without Monte-Carlo sampling? Maybe using only one instance for Monte Carlo sampling is like the relation between stochastic gradient descent and gradient descent?
Thank you

Getting a a grpc.FutureTimeoutError while using Reformulator from the checkpoint

Thank you for your interesting paper & open-sourcing it!

Running the code given in: #9 (comment) but getting a grpc.FutureTimeoutError:

Num encoder layer 2 is different from num decoder layer 4, so set pass_hidden_state to False
# hparams:
# Vocab file data/spm2/spm.unigram.16k.vocab.nocount.notab.source exists
  using source vocab for target
# Use the same embedding for source and target
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 10, in <module>
  File "/root/active-qa/px/nmt/", line 130, in __init__
  File "/root/active-qa/px/nmt/", line 171, in create_train_model
  File "/root/active-qa/px/nmt/", line 56, in __init__
  File "/root/active-qa/px/nmt/", line 65, in __init__
  File "/root/active-qa/px/nmt/", line 137, in __init__
    hparams.environment_server, mode=hparams.environment_mode))
  File "/root/active-qa/px/nmt/", line 152, in make_environment_reward_fn
  File "/root/active-qa/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/grpc/", line 134, in result
  File "/root/active-qa/venv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/grpc/", line 84, in _block
    raise grpc.FutureTimeoutError()

Does the gRPC server have to run in order to use the Reformulator or am I missing something else here?

'_coverage_penalty_weight' attribute not found:

When running in a ipython notebook

reformulator = reformulator.Reformulator(
      source_prefix='<en> <2en> ',

AttributeError: 'DiverseBeamSearchDecoder' object has no attribute '_coverage_penalty_weight'

When running via the cli:

python -m px.nmt.reformulator_and_selector_training \
--environment_server_address=localhost:10000 \
--hparams_path=px/nmt/example_configs/reformulator.json \
--enable_reformulator_training=true \
--enable_selector_training=false \
--train_questions=$SQUAD_DIR/train-questions.txt \
--train_annotations=$SQUAD_DIR/train-annotation.txt \
--train_data=data/squad/data_train.json \
--dev_questions=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-questions.txt \
--dev_annotations=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-annotation.txt \
--dev_data=data/squad/data_dev.json \
--glove_path=$GLOVE_DIR/glove.6B.100d.txt \

AttributeError: 'DiverseBeamSearchDecoder' object has no attribute '_coverage_penalty_weight'

This should be set in the parent object as per

Not clear on what is missing

Setup on Windows

Console Output

Collecting sentencepiece (from -r requirements.txt (line 11))
  Using cached
    Complete output from command python egg_info:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
      File "c:\users\zzj04\appdata\local\temp\pip-install-vxmbno\sentencepiece\", line 29, in <module>
        with'..', 'VERSION'), 'r', 'utf-8') as f:
      File "c:\python27\lib\", line 898, in open
        file =, mode, buffering)
    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '..\\VERSION'

Windows Version

OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
Version 10.0.17763 Build 17763

Python Version

Python 2.7.16 (v2.7.16:413a49145e, Mar  4 2019, 01:30:55) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32

Getting an error while running the reformulator_training file

Hi @willnorris @cdibona @christianbuck @dberlin @j5b

Actually i am running the command
'python -m px.nmt.reformulator_and_selector_training --environment_server_address=localhost:10000 --hparams_path=px/nmt/example_configs/reformulator.json --enable_reformulator_training=true --enable_selector_training=false --train_questions=$SQUAD_DIR/train-questions.txt --train_annotations=$SQUAD_DIR/train-annotation.txt --train_data=data/squad/data_train.json --dev_questions=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-questions.txt --dev_annotations=$SQUAD_DIR/dev-annotation.txt --dev_data=data/squad/data_dev.json --glove_path=$GLOVE_DIR/glove.6B.100d.txt --out_dir=$REFORMULATOR_DIR --tensorboard_dir=$OUT_DIR/tensorboard'

then i am getting an error like "tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: /train-questions.txt; No such file or directory"
but in squad directory folder i am having the train-question.txt file but again it showing me the error file not found could you help me

Thanks & Regards,
Manikantha Sekhar

ValueError from the run environment step

All prior steps went fine. Running the gRPC environment server errors out. Thoughts?

Running Python 2.7.14 :: Anaconda custom (x86_64) on CPU

Full stack trace:

python -m px.environments.bidaf_server
I0514 14:08:35.730832 140735704388480] Loading server...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/david/anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
"main", fname, loader, pkg_name)
File "/Users/david/anaconda/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
exec code in run_globals
File "/Users/david/active-qa/px/environments/", line 227, in
File "/Users/david/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/absl/", line 300, in run
_run_main(main, args)
File "/Users/david/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/absl/", line 251, in _run_main
File "/Users/david/active-qa/px/environments/", line 207, in main
debug_mode=FLAGS.debug_mode), server)
File "/Users/david/active-qa/px/environments/", line 84, in init
File "/Users/david/active-qa/px/environments/", line 107, in _InitializeEnvironment
File "px/environments/", line 95, in init
self.config, dataset, True, data_filter=data_filter)
File "third_party/bi_att_flow/basic/", line 199, in read_data
shared = json.load(fh)
File "/Users/david/anaconda/lib/python2.7/json/", line 291, in load
File "/Users/david/anaconda/lib/python2.7/json/", line 339, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File "/Users/david/anaconda/lib/python2.7/json/", line 364, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File "/Users/david/anaconda/lib/python2.7/json/", line 380, in raw_decode
obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
ValueError: Unterminated string starting at: line 1 column 1781596155 (char 1781596154)

Selector Pre-Trained Models

I was wondering where I can find (or if you plan to release) the Selector pre-trained models that achieved ~47.5 F1 score

Assertion Error

Hi Every one ,
I followed file and follow the instruction given their to run the program/code mean while i got an error while running tis command python -m searchqa.prepro --searchqa_dir=$DATA_DIR/SearchQA --squad_dir=$SQUAD_DIR i got an error
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "searchqa/", line 165, in
File "/home/launchship/my_name/lib/python3.6/site-packages/absl/", line 299, in run
_run_main(main, args)
File "/home/launchship/my_name/lib/python3.6/site-packages/absl/", line 250, in _run_main
File "searchqa/", line 145, in main
assert os.path.exists(FLAGS.searchqa_dir)

could any one solve this problem that helps me a lot

Thanks and Regards,
Manikantha Sekhar.

Happy Codding..

ImportError: cannot import name 'aqa_pb2'

When I run this code in Jupyter, that error show up for me:
!python -m px.environments.bidaf_server

The import can't be completed, I guess, because doesn't have the file to import.
In px/proto I can't found it.

I'm using Python 2.

The Process is killed in the middle

Hi @willnorris ,
Actually I am running your project in the process of 2-way processing while run this comand python -m third_party.bi_att_flow.squad.prepro

the process is killed in the middle like this " 66%|██████▌ | 59663/90834 [12:42<33:24:15, 3.86s/it]Killed

can you tell me whether the system configuration issue or any this else actually before killed my system was struct for 3 minutes and later when i open the command prompt its show's me that your process is killed can you tell me the what's the reason behind this...

Thanks and Regards,
Manikantha Sekhar..

Happy Codding......

odd gprc status reporting during selector training

Hello, I am just beginning the training of the selector, and would like to share some odd-looking reporting with you to see if it is expected and/or ignorable, or something possibly problematic. The most confusing report is that of the termination for 'deadline_exceeded', though the server still appears to be answering as tf_logging reports truncated questions. Here is a sample run-through, which happens each iteration:

W1129 16:50:36.295381 140505258112768] <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
	status = StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
	details = "Deadline Exceeded"
	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1543510236.294404271","description":"Error received from peer","file":"src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1017,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}"
W1129 16:50:36.298100 140503681070848] <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
	status = StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
	details = "Deadline Exceeded"
	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1543510236.297316511","description":"Error received from peer","file":"src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1017,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}"
W1129 16:50:36.296053 140505249720064] <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
	status = StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
	details = "Deadline Exceeded"
	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1543510236.295287420","description":"Error received from peer","file":"src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1017,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}"
W1129 16:50:36.301875 140503672678144] <_Rendezvous of RPC that terminated with:
	status = StatusCode.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED
	details = "Deadline Exceeded"
	debug_error_string = "{"created":"@1543510236.301333914","description":"Error received from peer","file":"src/core/lib/surface/","file_line":1017,"grpc_message":"Deadline Exceeded","grpc_status":4}"
I1129 16:51:09.612217 140514004862784] Answered: 0 : 19th century , literature argentine cowboys popular , jose hernandez' martin fierro classic : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.612453 140514004862784] Answered: 1 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusula cláusula cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.612546 140514004862784] Answered: 2 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusula cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.612641 140514004862784] Answered: 3 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusulauck cláusula cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.612725 140514004862784] Answered: 4 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusula cláusula cláusula cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.612806 140514004862784] Answered: 5 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusulauck cláusula cláusula cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.612886 140514004862784] Answered: 6 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusulauck cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.612967 140514004862784] Answered: 7 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusulauckuck cláusula cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.613049 140514004862784] Answered: 8 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusulauckuck cláusula cláusula cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.613131 140514004862784] Answered: 9 : alertealertealerte 84 84 84 84 Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas Normas profunda profunda profunda profunda culmin hair Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica Jurídica hair hair hairuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuckuck cláusulauckuckuck cláusula cláusula cláusula : gaucho : 5767 : 0.0
I1129 16:51:09.613209 140514004862784] Time to make 1344 environment calls: 153.337013006```

How to test with own txt file or a document file

Hi @dberlin ,

I had run Full code in System but at last i downloaded the pretrained transalate checkpoints and sector modules and placed in the select folders but my concern is how to test my own text file or any other documents file (which contains the paragraph) to generate the questions and answers format could help me to come with an output

Thanks and Regards,
Manikantha Sekhar.

Happy Codding....

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