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julia-logo-graphics's Issues


I am printing a new batch of logos, and while the printer is OK with RGB in SVG, I was told that I would get the most color fidelity in PDF/X (preferably PDF/X-3) using CYMK.

I wonder if we can generate such a file for the logo, either as an asset for this repo or in a release tarball. The intricaties of color management are outside my area of expertise, but if there are tools in Linux to do this I am happy to make a Docker image that automates this.

Julia Logo Colors in Hex

Can we add the hex versions of these colors to this repo? I think that would help people use the logo colors in programs that don't take RGB{Float64} or named colors.

SVG paths in the logos are not closed

There are two different types of problems.

1. non-dot glyphs

The first problem concerns the non-dot glyphs in the logos.

<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 67.871094 164.3125 C 67.871094 171.847656 67.023438 177.933594 65.328125 182.566406 C 63.632812 187.203125 61.222656 190.800781 58.09375 193.363281 C 54.96875 195.925781 51.21875 197.640625 46.847656 198.507812 C 42.476562 199.371094 37.613281 199.804688 32.265625 199.804688 C 25.027344 199.804688 19.488281 198.675781 15.648438 196.414062 C 11.804688 194.152344 9.882812 191.441406 9.882812 188.273438 C 9.882812 185.636719 10.953125 183.414062 13.101562 181.605469 C 15.25 179.796875 18.132812 178.894531 21.75 178.894531 C 24.464844 178.894531 26.632812 179.628906 28.25 181.097656 C 29.871094 182.566406 31.210938 184.019531 32.265625 185.449219 C 33.46875 187.03125 34.488281 188.085938 35.316406 188.613281 C 36.144531 189.140625 36.898438 189.40625 37.578125 189.40625 C 39.007812 189.40625 40.101562 188.558594 40.855469 186.863281 C 41.609375 185.167969 41.984375 181.871094 41.984375 176.972656 L 41.984375 84.050781 L 67.871094 76.929688 L 67.871094 164.3125 M 104.738281 79.414062 L 104.738281 139.214844 C 104.738281 140.875 105.058594 142.4375 105.699219 143.90625 C 106.339844 145.375 107.226562 146.640625 108.355469 147.695312 C 109.488281 148.75 110.804688 149.597656 112.3125 150.238281 C 113.820312 150.878906 115.441406 151.199219 117.175781 151.199219 C 119.132812 151.199219 121.359375 150.101562 124.070312 148.203125 C 128.363281 145.195312 130.964844 143.128906 130.964844 140.683594 C 130.964844 140.097656 130.964844 79.414062 130.964844 79.414062 L 156.738281 79.414062 L 156.738281 164.3125 L 130.964844 164.3125 L 130.964844 156.398438 C 127.574219 159.261719 123.957031 161.558594 120.113281 163.292969 C 116.269531 165.027344 112.539062 165.894531 108.921875 165.894531 C 104.703125 165.894531 100.78125 165.195312 97.164062 163.800781 C 93.546875 162.40625 90.382812 160.503906 87.671875 158.09375 C 84.957031 155.683594 82.828125 152.855469 81.28125 149.613281 C 79.738281 146.375 78.964844 142.90625 78.964844 139.214844 L 78.964844 79.414062 L 104.738281 79.414062 M 192.882812 164.3125 L 167.222656 164.3125 L 167.222656 45.277344 L 192.882812 38.15625 L 192.882812 164.3125 M 203.601562 84.050781 L 229.375 76.929688 L 229.375 164.3125 L 203.601562 164.3125 L 203.601562 84.050781 M 283.226562 120.449219 C 280.738281 121.507812 278.230469 122.730469 275.707031 124.125 C 273.183594 125.519531 270.882812 127.046875 268.8125 128.703125 C 266.738281 130.359375 265.0625 132.132812 263.78125 134.015625 C 262.5 135.898438 261.859375 137.859375 261.859375 139.894531 C 261.859375 141.476562 262.066406 143.003906 262.480469 144.472656 C 262.894531 145.941406 263.480469 147.203125 264.234375 148.257812 C 264.988281 149.3125 265.816406 150.160156 266.722656 150.800781 C 267.625 151.441406 268.605469 151.761719 269.660156 151.761719 C 271.769531 151.761719 273.898438 151.121094 276.046875 149.839844 C 278.195312 148.558594 280.585938 146.941406 283.226562 144.980469 L 283.226562 120.449219 M 309.109375 164.3125 L 283.226562 164.3125 L 283.226562 157.527344 C 281.792969 158.734375 280.398438 159.847656 279.042969 160.863281 C 277.6875 161.878906 276.160156 162.765625 274.464844 163.519531 C 272.769531 164.273438 270.867188 164.855469 268.753906 165.273438 C 266.644531 165.6875 264.15625 165.894531 261.296875 165.894531 C 257.375 165.894531 253.851562 165.328125 250.726562 164.199219 C 247.597656 163.066406 244.941406 161.523438 242.757812 159.5625 C 240.570312 157.605469 238.894531 155.285156 237.726562 152.609375 C 236.558594 149.9375 235.972656 147.015625 235.972656 143.851562 C 235.972656 140.609375 236.59375 137.671875 237.839844 135.03125 C 239.082031 132.394531 240.777344 130.023438 242.925781 127.910156 C 245.074219 125.800781 247.578125 123.917969 250.441406 122.257812 C 253.304688 120.601562 256.378906 119.074219 259.65625 117.679688 C 262.933594 116.285156 266.34375 115.007812 269.886719 113.839844 C 273.425781 112.671875 276.933594 111.558594 280.398438 110.503906 L 283.226562 109.824219 L 283.226562 101.460938 C 283.226562 96.035156 282.1875 92.191406 280.117188 89.929688 C 278.042969 87.667969 275.273438 86.539062 271.808594 86.539062 C 267.738281 86.539062 264.910156 87.519531 263.328125 89.476562 C 261.746094 91.4375 260.953125 93.808594 260.953125 96.597656 C 260.953125 98.179688 260.785156 99.726562 260.445312 101.234375 C 260.109375 102.742188 259.523438 104.058594 258.695312 105.191406 C 257.867188 106.320312 256.679688 107.226562 255.132812 107.902344 C 253.589844 108.582031 251.648438 108.921875 249.3125 108.921875 C 245.695312 108.921875 242.757812 107.882812 240.496094 105.8125 C 238.234375 103.738281 237.105469 101.121094 237.105469 97.953125 C 237.105469 95.015625 238.101562 92.285156 240.097656 89.761719 C 242.097656 87.234375 244.789062 85.066406 248.183594 83.261719 C 251.574219 81.449219 255.492188 80.019531 259.9375 78.964844 C 264.382812 77.910156 269.09375 77.382812 274.066406 77.382812 C 280.171875 77.382812 285.429688 77.929688 289.839844 79.019531 C 294.246094 80.113281 297.882812 81.675781 300.746094 83.710938 C 303.609375 85.746094 305.71875 88.195312 307.074219 91.058594 C 308.433594 93.921875 309.109375 97.128906 309.109375 100.667969 L 309.109375 164.3125 "/>

# "j" of julia
M 67.871094 164.3125
C 67.871094 171.847656 67.023438 177.933594 65.328125 182.566406 
L 67.871094 76.929688 
L 67.871094 164.3125 # this should be `Z`
# "u" of julia
M 104.738281 79.414062 
L 104.738281 139.214844 

They have the same coordinates as the "M" points but are not topologically closed (without "Z").
The output paths are closed with the current version of Luxor. ๐Ÿค”

2. dots

The second problem concerns the dots in the logos.
The paths of dots are not closed either.
However, for this matter, the path definitions in Luxor are not closed.

Note that the arc (โ€Aโ€) of the SVG path is a bit complicated, so I agree with the approximation with four Bezier curves.



The marked line segment is formally defined as a curve.
They have the same x-coordinate, i.e., they are on a straight line. ๐Ÿ˜„

Pantone Colors

It would be great if we could get Pantone equivalents for the logo colors. This is a repeated request from merch vendors.

Colors for LaTeX

I added these to my local style file today and figured that if we could agree on the names for julia colors in latex, that would help compatibility for anyone wanting to use them in PGFPlots or Tikz or todonotes:


Then you can get colored boxes in latex with

\todo[inline,  backgroundcolor=jlprp!30]{#1}
\todo[inline,  backgroundcolor=jlgrn!30]{#1}
\todo[inline,  backgroundcolor=jlblu!30]{#1}
\todo[inline,  backgroundcolor=jlred!30]{#1}

I don't know if anyone else needs this, but in case anyone else wants julia colored illustrations in latex, here is how you do it.

Color palette for inkscape

I made a color palette for the Julia colors which can be used in Inkscape (and probably GIMP) -- maybe this repo is a suitable place for it?

GIMP Palette
Name: Julia
Columns: 254
  0   0   0  Black
 26  26  26  90% Gray
 51  51  51  80% Gray
 77  77  77  70% Gray
102 102 102  60% Gray
128 128 128  50% Gray
153 153 153  40% Gray
179 179 179  30% Gray
204 204 204  20% Gray
230 230 230  10% Gray
236 236 236  7.5% Gray
242 242 242  5% Gray
249 249 249  2.5% Gray
255 255 255  White
 64  99 216  Julia blue (#4063d8)
 56 152  38  Julia green (#389826)
149  88 178  Julia purple (#9558B2)
203  60  51  Julia red (#cb3c33)

This also contains the RGB values as integers, which can be useful but weren't mentioned around here (I converted them through Inkscape as well).

Possible type on README

In the images with where the closest color name is provided, for red it says "brown3". Should that be "red3"?

Need a license

This is on me but this needs a license to be usable by anyone without specific permission. Will come up with a license soon!

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