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homer-idr's Introduction

Note: This software is no longer actively maintained. Let me know if you'd like to take over!


A small package for applying Irreproducibility Discovery Rate (IDR) analysis for replicate chip-seq experiments analyzed using Homer.

Questions? Comments? Email me: [email protected]

Last updated 2014-08.

Cite: DOI


  1. Introduction
  2. Open Questions
  3. Installation
  4. Using homer-idr
  5. Other Usage Notes


The Irreproducibility Discovery Rate (IDR) statistic has been adopted by Encode in order to incorporate and interpret replicates in chip-sequencing experiments. A procedure and an R package have been developed to calculate the IDR statistic and call peaks accordingly; I highly suggest you read through the documentation there for a full understanding of what we are doing here.

The canonical IDR pipeline calls peaks with SPP or MACS. We here present some methods that (A) allow for the use of Homer peaks, and (B) make some of the initial data prep methods easier.

This has not yet been extensively tested, and many important questions remain (see below). Hopefully, this is enough to get you started with IDR analysis, and we can answer these questions together.

Open Questions

There are many open questions about the best way to incorporate multiple replicates with IDR. I will highlight two below that seem especially pressing.

1. How should we be calling peaks?

The peaks that are input to IDR analysis are key to the output that is generated, so it is crucial to have high-quality peaks going in. The instructions for IDR indicate that peaks should be called permissively, such that a great proportion of the input peaks are just noise. The authors of the R package we are using suggest calling 150,000 to 300,000 peaks using SPP or about 100,000 using MACS.

Thus far, I have not found a great way to do this with Homer, especially with histone mark peaks. I have played with a number of parameters, and found a set that gives me more peaks, but not 150,000, and often substantially fewer than that, at least with histone marks. Further, relaxing thresholds does not just change the number of peaks, but the nature of the peaks, as more noise gets stitched into regions for the larger peaks. Finally, each replicate should have the same number of peaks called, and it does not seem possible with Homer to specify the returned number of peaks.

All that said, using the following parameters in initial tests seems to at least give me a wealth of peaks that are not too different on an individual basis from the peaks that are called with more stringent criteria:

-P .1 -LP .1 -poisson .1

That is, p-value over input of up to .1, p-value over local tag count of up to .1, and overall Poisson p-value of up to .1. Note that because Homer has a number of different filtering mechanisms, it is not enough to just change the overall Poisson p-value or FDR.

Suggestions on how to best call peaks to all for lots of noise but not disturb the integrity of individual peaks much appreciated!

2. How should we set the IDR threshold?

The IDR statistic is called algorithmically over a replicate set, but where to draw the line that separates noise from real peaks is determined by the user. According to the authors of the IDR package, the following guidelines apply:

  • "If you started with ~150 to 300K relaxed pre-IDR peaks for large genomes (human/mouse), then threshold of 0.01 or 0.02 generally works well."

  • "If you started with < 100K pre-IDR peaks for large genomes (human/mouse), then threshold of 0.05 is more appropriate."

  • "If you started with ~150 to 300K relaxed pre-IDR peaks for large genomes (human/mouse), then threshold of 0.0025 or 0.005 generally works well. We use a tighter threshold for pooled-consistency since pooling and subsampling equalizes the pseudoreplicates in terms of data quality. So we err on the side of caution and use more stringent thresholds. The equivalence between a pooled-consistency threshold of 0.0025 and original replicate consistency threshold of 0.01 was calibrated based on a gold-standard pair of high quality replicate datasets for the CTCF transcription factor in human."

We have interpreted this such that we establish a linear relationship between number of input peaks and the threshold, such that if you start with 75,000 peaks per sample, the threshold is .05, if you start with 300,000 peaks per sample, the threshold is .01, and everything between is scaled linearly. (And a comparable setup is employed for the pooled pseudoreplicates.)

It is also possible to pass in explicit thresholds with the --threshold and --pooled_threshold options. In any case, make sure you review your returned peaks and consider the appropriateness of the selected threshold.



  • Homer, installed and available in your executable path
  • Python 3, numpy, and pandas. We highly recommend installing the Anaconda distribution of Python 3.

To install homer-idr, clone the github repository into the directory from which you want to run it.

For example:

cd ~/software
mkdir homer-idr
cd homer-idr
git clone

Then, add the Python package to your PYTHONPATH, either in your user's shell profile:

nano ~/.bash_profile

And add the lines:


After saving your updated bash_profile, make sure to reload it with the command:

source ~/.bash_profile

Alternatively, for less frequent use, you can just set the PYTHONPATH immediately before running, at the command line:


You should now be able to run the script:

python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ --help

Using homer-idr

The procedure described here is a recapitulation of the procedure defined in the IDR package (as of 2014-08), but using Homer and homer-idr. For full explanations and more detail, please refer to the IDR package documentation.

1. Create a combined input tag directory.

If you have separate inputs for each of your replicates, combine them all into one big input directory. For example:

mkdir ~/CD4TCell-IDR
cd ~/CD4TCell-IDR
makeTagDirectory CD4TCell-Input-Combined -d /data/CD4TCell-Input-1 /data/CD4TCell-Input-2 /data/CD4TCell-Input-3

2. Create a pooled replicate tag directory.

As with the inputs, you want one tag directory that combines all the separate replicate tag directories. For example:

cd ~/CD4TCell-IDR
makeTagDirectory CD4TCell-H3K4me2-Combined -d /data/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-1 /data/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-2 /data/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-3

3. Permissively call peaks for each of your replicates using the combined input.

As discussed above, IDR requires that we first call peaks permissively, such that a large proportion are actually noise. Read above for more detail on this, but I have been using the following Homer parameters to call peaks permissively:

-P .1 -LP .1 -poisson .1

For example, to call peaks for a H3K4me2 histone chip-seq data set, I run:

cd ~/CD4TCell-IDR
mkdir -p peaks/replicates
cd peaks/replicates
findPeaks /data/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-1 -P .1 -LP .1 -poisson .1 -style histone -nfr -i ~/CD4TCell-IDR/CD4TCell-Input-Combined -o CD4TCell-H3K4me2-1_peaks.txt

Make sure to use the same parameters for all replicates.

4. Call peaks on the pooled tag directory.

Make sure to use the same permissive parameters from above. For example:

cd ~/CD4TCell-IDR
mkdir -p peaks/pooled
cd peaks/pooled
findPeaks ~/CD4TCell-IDR/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-Combined -P .1 -LP .1 -poisson .1 -style histone -nfr -i ~/CD4TCell-IDR/CD4TCell-Input-Combined -o CD4TCell-H3K4me2-Combined_peaks.txt

Make sure to use the same parameters for all replicates.

5. Create pseudoreplicates for each replicate directory.

We want to split the tags in each replicate randomly, so that we can analyze each replicate for internal consistency. For example:

cd ~/CD4TCell-IDR
mkdir -p pseudoreps/individual
# python pseudoreplicate -d [tag_dirs to split] -o [output_file]
python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ pseudoreplicate -d /data/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-1 /data/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-2 /data/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-3 -o pseudoreps/individual

Note: This process takes longer than expected. I am using awk and other command line tools to shuffle the tag order then split, so I feel like it should be relatively fast, but it's not. Let me know if you know of a better cross-platform way to complete this task.

6. Create pseudoreplicates for the pooled directory.

We repeat the pseudoreplication process for our pooled tag directory. For example:

cd ~/CD4TCell-IDR
mkdir -p pseudoreps/pooled
# python pseudoreplicate -d [tag_dirs to split] -o [output_file]
python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ pseudoreplicate -d ~/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-Combined -o pseudoreps/pooled

7. Call peaks on each of the individual pseudoreplicate tag directories.

Make sure to use the same permissive parameters from above. For example:

cd ~/CD4TCell-IDR
mkdir -p peaks/pseudoreps
cd peaks/pseudoreps 
for f in ~/CD4TCell-IDR/pseudoreps/individual/*
	findPeaks $f -P .1 -LP .1 -poisson .1 -style histone -nfr -i ~/CD4TCell-IDR/CD4TCell-Input-Combined -o ${f}_peaks.txt

8. Call peaks on each of the pooled pseudoreplicate tag directories.

Again, use the same permissive parameters from above.

cd ~/CD4TCell-IDR
mkdir -p peaks/pooled-pseudoreps
cd peaks/pooled-pseudoreps
for f in ~/CD4TCell-IDR/pseudoreps/pooled/*
	findPeaks $f -P .1 -LP .1 -poisson .1 -style histone -nfr -i ~/CD4TCell-IDR/CD4TCell-Input-Combined -o ${f}_peaks.txt

9. Run IDR analysis.

Now that we have all of our peak files prepped, we can run the IDR analysis.

To sum the steps above, we need:

  • Peaks from each of our replicates.
  • Peaks from the pooled replicates.
  • Peaks from each of the individual pseudoreplicates.
  • Peaks from the pooled pseudoreplicates.

These sets of peaks then get fed into the program:

# python idr -p [replicate peaks] \
#	-pr [pseudorep peaks] \
#	-ppr [pooled pseudorep peaks] \
#	--pooled_peaks [pooled replicate peak file]
#	-o [output directory to create]

Continuing our example, then:

python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ idr -p ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/replicates/* -pr ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/pseudoreps/* -ppr ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/pooled-pseudoreps --pooled_peaks ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/pooled/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-Combined_peaks.txt -o ~/CD4TCell-IDR/idr-output

The same command, separated out into multiple lines for readability:

python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ idr \
-p ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/replicates/* \
-pr ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/pseudoreps/* \
-ppr ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/pooled-pseudoreps \
--pooled_peaks ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/pooled/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-Combined_peaks.txt \
-o ~/CD4TCell-IDR/idr-output

The homer-idr program will take the input peaks and do the following:

  1. Convert the Homer peak files into the Encode narrowPeak format.
  2. Truncate the narrowPeak files such that each replicate, pseudoreplicate, and pooled pseudoreplicate set has the same number of peaks.
  3. Use the IDR R package to calculate the IDR statistic on the truncated narrowPeak files.
  4. Calculate the IDR threshold to use for filtering (see above for more detail on how the threshold is selected).
  5. Determine how many peaks should be kept in the final set based on the IDR threshold.
  6. Sort the Homer peaks from the pooled replicate set and output a final Homer peak file with the chosen number of peaks.

In the specified output directory, you will find:

  • The narrowPeak and truncated narrowPeak files that were created.
  • The output from the IDR R package, which includes
    • An -overlapped-peaks.txt file for each peak file, which lists peaks and their IDR statistics,
    • An -aboveIDR.txt file for each peak file, which lists how many peaks pass given IDR thresholds, and
    • A plots directory that contains generate plots comparing the replicates and pseudoreplicates.
  • A final Homer peak file, named like the input --pooled_peaks file but suffixed with -top-set.txt, that has the peaks from the pooled replicate peak set cut off with only the top selected peaks. These are the peaks considered confident and likely real based on the IDR analysis.

The final Homer peak file can then be used for subsequent analysis with Homer or other programs to your replicated heart's content!

Other Usage Notes

  • When in doubt, ask for help:

      python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ --help
  • If you want to try using different threshold values, you do not need to re-run the whole process. Just set the threshold manually, and pass in the already-processed IDR -overlapped-peaks.txt files like so:

      python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ idr \
      --rep_idr_peaks ~/CD4TCell-IDR/idr-output/replicate_comparisons/*overlapped-peaks.txt \
      --pseudorep_idr_peaks ~/CD4TCell-IDR/idr-output/pseudorep_comparisons/*overlapped-peaks.txt \
      --pooled_idr_peaks ~/CD4TCell-IDR/idr-output/pooled_comparisons/*overlapped-peaks.txt \
      --pooled_peaks ~/CD4TCell-IDR/peaks/pooled/CD4TCell-H3K4me2-Combined_peaks.txt \
      --threshold .04 --pooled_threshold .003 \
      -o ~/CD4TCell-IDR/idr-output-2
  • By defauly, homer-idr uses the Normalized Tag Count to sort and compare peaks. If you would like to use p-value instead, use the parameter --ranking_measure when running the idr command:

      --ranking_measure p-value
  • homer-idr can also be used to convert Homer peak files to narrowPeak files, or to truncate narrowPeak files to the same length:

      python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ homer2narrow -p ~/CD4TCell-Ets1_homer_peaks.txt -o ~/narrowPeak_files
      python ~/software/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ truncate -p ~/narrowPeak_files/* -o ~/truncated_files

homer-idr's People


karmel avatar


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homer-idr's Issues RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10 pvals = -np.log10(pval_col)

I just made all peak calling on replicates, pool and pseudoreps. I am now calling the homer idr using:

python /home/emilie/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ idr -p peaks/replicates/* -pr peaks/pseudoreps/* -ppr peaks/pooled-pseudoreps/* --pooled_peaks peaks/pooled/peaks.txt -o IDR

But I get the following error:

/home/emilie/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  pvals = -np.log10(pval_col)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/emilie/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/", line 385, in <module>
  File "/home/emilie/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/", line 218, in idr
  File "/home/emilie/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/", line 122, in homer2narrow
    idrutils.homer_to_narrow_peaks(data, output_file)
  File "/home/emilie/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/", line 156, in homer_to_narrow_peaks
    df = df.sort(['signalValue', 'pValue'], ascending=False)
  File "/home/emilie/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/", line 5067, in __getattr__
    return object.__getattribute__(self, name)

The folder in which I am executing the command is organized as so:

- replicates
- pooled
- pseudoreps
- pooled-pseudoreps

I hope you'll be able to help me figure this out :) Thanks!

Math domain error at final output

Hi Karmel,

I have used the homer IDR tool a few times and it has worked very well. Thank you very much for putting this together!!

I am currently analyzing a data set and I'm getting an error in the final stage of the IDR output copied below:

Running command:
cd /home/jon/src/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/idrCode && Rscript batch-consistency-plot.r 1 /media/CROSSLEY/2016_03_01_BW_ZBTB7A_ChIP/IDR/idr-output/plots/Pooled_pseudorep_comparison /media/CROSSLEY/2016_03_01_BW_ZBTB7A_ChIP/IDR/idr-output/pooled_comparisons/IP-combined-Pseudorep1_264-truncated-pair
null device
Determining threshold based on 400183 peaks.
Threshold: -0.007810311111111107
Determining threshold based on 400183 peaks.
Threshold: 0.005547422222222223
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/jon/src/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/", line 385, in
File "/home/jon/src/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/", line 296, in idr
File "/home/jon/src/homer-idr/homer-idr/idr/", line 324, in slice_pooled_peaks
if abs(math.log(keep_count/pooled_count, 2)) > 1:
ValueError: math domain error

Do you have any idea what might be causing this? I have gone back through and checked everything. No other errors are thrown up in the pipeline. I'm running the latest version.

Please let me know if you need any additional info.

Many thanks!


Not generating pseudo replicates for tag replicates

I have chip-seq data from xenopus which has basically scaffolds instead of chromosomes and thus while making tag directories using homer i gave the option -single as there are more than thousands of scaffolds.
Now when I am running IDR analysis its like I am not able to generate pseudoreps using

Here is the error::
Creating directory: Pseudoreplicates_individual/St20_Bcat_1-Pseudorep1 and removing existing *.tags.tsv
Adding tag directory Pseudoreplicates_individual/St20_Bcat_1-Pseudorep1-tmp
!!! Something is wrong - no reads were added to tag directory !!!
!!! Check your input files or the makeTagDirectory command options... !!!
Will add tag directory: Pseudoreplicates_individual/St20_Bcat_1-Pseudorep2-tmp

Problem when running idr in the final steps "Error in readChar(con, 5L, useBytes = TRUE) : cannot open the connection"


thanks for a great code. I am trying to implement it right now and due to great instructions the setup and the generation of the pseudopeaks were simple. However when I am about to test the final parts of my idr testing:

python3 /Users/Jonas/Documents/Arbetet/Biotoolkits/homer/homer-idr/idr/ idr -p replicates/* -pr pseudopreps/* -ppr pooled-pseudoreps/* --pooled_peaks pooled-replicates/* -o idr-output

it starts to run nicely but a few iterations into the process I encounter the following problem at the end of the message.

I do not know if I have missed to set something in R or if I have forgotten anything in general but I would very much appreciate if you could help me with the problem.

Thank you so much!


"cd /Users/Jonas/Documents/Arbetet/Biotoolkits/homer/homer-idr/idr/idrCode && Rscript batch-consistency-plot.r 0 /Users/Jonas/Desktop/idr-test/idr-output/plots/Pooled_pseudorep_comparison
Error in readChar(con, 5L, useBytes = TRUE) : cannot open the connection
Calls: load -> readChar
In addition: Warning message:
In readChar(con, 5L, useBytes = TRUE) :
cannot open compressed file 'NA-uri.sav', probable reason 'No such file or directory'
Execution halted
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/Jonas/Documents/Arbetet/Biotoolkits/homer/homer-idr/idr/", line 385, in
File "/Users/Jonas/Documents/Arbetet/Biotoolkits/homer/homer-idr/idr/", line 267, in idr
File "/Users/Jonas/Documents/Arbetet/Biotoolkits/homer/homer-idr/idr/", line 112, in plot_comparisons
subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
File "//anaconda/lib/python3.4/", line 561, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command 'cd /Users/Jonas/Documents/Arbetet/Biotoolkits/homer/homer-idr/idr/idrCode && Rscript batch-consistency-plot.r 0 /Users/Jonas/Desktop/idr-test/idr-output/plots/Pooled_pseudorep_comparison ' returned non-zero exit status 1"

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