<<<<<<< HEAD All response returned is descripted in class attribute named 'err', ex: {err:0}
the error codes are referenced below
/signup : sign up new account, send email for certification
POST: email, password, first_name, last_name, id
SERVER: send confirmation_token to 'email'
EXAMPLE: $.post('/signup',{email:'[email protected]', password:'ccsp', first_name:'Ann', last_name:'Lin', id:'good'}) -> {err: 0}
/signup/confirmation : certification site
GET: confirmation_token
EXAMPLE: $.get{'/signup/confirmation', {token:'0x0s11w4eas'}} -> render page!!!
/login : return id, random string as cookie token
POST: email, password
RETURN: id, token
EXAMPLE: $.post('/login', {email: '[email protected]', password:'123456'}) -> {err:0, id: '111', token: '1234561as'}
/logout : logout
POST: token
EXAMPLE: $.post('/logout', {token: '1234561as'}) -> {err:0}
/:id/status : return details of the id, such as name, school, exprience
POST: token
RETURN: details
EXAMPLE: $.post('/111/status', {token: '1234561as'}) -> {err:0, data:{skill:'xxx', 'xxxx':'xxxx'.....}}
/:id/modify : modify details of the id.
POST: token, info1, info2...
RETURN successful changed info i1,i2...
EXAMPLE: $.post('/111/modify', {token: '1234561as', 'last_name':'wang', 'toilet': 'gold', 'pig':'good'}) -> {err:0, 'last_name':'wang'}
/:id/mod_img : change the picture Image!!! POST: token, picture (must use the form post) RETURN: redirect to user page
/:id/statistic : return the statistic of the 'id' homepage clicked time
POST: token
RETURN: statistic number, note: only number
EXAMPLE: $.post('/111/statistic', {token: '1234561as'}) -> {err:0, view_time:0}
/search : return corresponding list
POST: token, query
RETURN: corresponding result id.
EXAMPLE: $.post('/search', {query:'111'}) -> {err:0, data: result}
/:id/ios/status : return the data format ios mobile asked
POST: token
RETURN: user profile
/:id/ios/detail : return the user detail for ios
POST: token
RETURN: specific user profile detail
/:id/skill/add : add user's skill
POST: token, skill
RETURN: success or not
/:id/skill/list : return the user's skill with who approved it
POST: token
RETURN: user's skill list
/:id/skill/delete : delete the user's skill
POST: token, skill
RETURN: success or not
/:id/skill/approve : approve the id's skill, note!!!, you do not specify who you are
POST: token, skill
RETURN: success or not
/:id/skill/deapprove : deapprove the id's skill, note!!!, you do not need to specify who you are
POST: token, skill
RETURN: success or not
/:id/resume/add : add data to user's resume
POST: token, {Company, Position, Department}
RETURN: success or not
/:id/resume/list : return the user's resume
POST: token
RETURN: {err, data}
/:id/resume/delete : delete user's resume
POST: token, {Company, Positon, Department}
RETURN: {err}
/:id/collect/list : return the user's collection list
POST: token
RETURN: {err, data:{'tag1':[user],...}}
/:id/collect/save : save the user to id's colleciton list
POST: token, id, tag
RETURN: {err, saved}
/:id/collect/save_empty : create a empty tag in id's collection list
POST: token, tag
RETURN: {err}
/:id/collect/delete : delete a user from the id's collection list
POST: token, tag, id
RETURN: {err}
/:id/collect/delete_empty : delete a empty tag
POST: token, tag
RETURN: {err}
/:id/collect/move : move the id's from tag to tag
POST: token, id, to, from
RETURN: {err}
0 : success
1 : not log in
2 : data provided is not complete
3 : confirm_failed. The token is not valid to this id.
4 : session token not match
5 : user find error, may occured in register or login
6 : confirm error, the link may registered before or time expired
7 : Invalid Operation!!, please check the id or tag is valid.
8 : DB save error, can't save data to DB
9 : permission denied, can't change other person's status
10 : Data format is not correct, please check above README & EXAMPLE for correct data format
11 : Data duplicate occured!!!
a service to create social business card website