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labjack-ljm-python's Introduction

labjack-ljm : LJM library Python wrapper for LabJack T4, T7 and T8
[email protected]

The Python wrapper package, modules and examples for the cross-platform LJM
library, which supports the LabJack T4, T7 and T8.

Installation Requirements:

* Windows, Mac OS X / macOS, or Linux
* LJM library:
* Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.x.


After fulfilling the requirements, open a terminal/console and use pip to
install labjack-ljm for the first time:

python -m pip install labjack-ljm

To upgrade to a newer version use:

python -m pip install labjack-ljm --upgrade

On Linux and macOS, you can also install with pip like so:

pip install labjack-ljm

Alternatively, download the labjack-ljm distribution source, unzip the contents
and go to its unzipped directory. To install, run the the following command
(run with sudo on Linux and macOS):

    $ python install

If using Conda, we suggest creating a skeleton package from our PyPi package,
then install with Conda:
conda skeleton pypi labjack-ljm
conda-build labjack-ljm

Distribution Name Change:

The previous distribution name was LJMPython in versions v1.19 and older.
Starting with version 1.20 and the releases on PyPi, the distribution name is
labjack-ljm. The namespace, package and interface remain the same.

Installation Troubleshooting:

- If you have multiple versions of Python installed, make sure you install for
  the Python version you will be using. For example, on Linux if both
  Python 2.7 and 3.5 are installed, you can install to Python 3.5 with:

      $ python3.5 -m pip labjack-ljm install

- On Windows, if you have Python installed and installation of labjack-ljm fails
  with an error of, or similar to:

      'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable
      program or batch file.

  The Python executable path may not have been added to the Windows user or
  system path. One way to add Python to the path is to run the Python Windows
  installer and in the "Customize Python" window click the "Add python.exe to
  Path" option towards the bottom and select "Will be installed on local hard
  drive". Afterwards, open a new terminal/console and retry labjack-ljm

- If you have LJMPython version 1.19 or older installed, and are updating to
  labjack-ljm v1.20 or newer, using pip for installation is recommended.

  If using for installation, afterwards check the labjack.ljm version

  from labjack import ljm

  If it is not the version you installed and still reports a previous version,
  go to your Python site-packeges directory. If you see a
  labjack_ljm-<DIST_VER>-py<PY_VER>.egg file (<DIST_VER> is labjack-ljm version
  and <PY_VER> is the Python version), delete the labjack directory. The egg
  file contains the labjack folder files zipped, and the labjack folder and its
  files are conflicting.


Example code can be found in the Examples directory.


LJM Python documentation can be found in the docstrings of the source code. The
source code files are located in the labjack/ljm directory.

Alternatively, after installation in Python you can use the help function on a
module for documentation. For example:

    $ python
    >>> from labjack import ljm
    >>> help(ljm.ljm)

LJM library documentation can be found here:

T4, T7 and T8 documentation can be found here:


All LJM Python modules and examples are licensed under MIT X11. The license can
be found in the LICENSE.TXT file.

labjack-ljm-python's People


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labjack-ljm-python's Issues

Problem running on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal (x86_64)

I ran the labjack installation script from the website and am now attempting to access the labjack via ljm in Python – using a T7-Pro over USB. All works well in Windows, but on Ubuntu I get the following error message when attempting to set up PeriodicStreamOut

AttributeError: /usr/local/lib/ undefined symbol: LJM_PeriodicStreamOut

The code is pretty simple, happy to post if that would help debug this.

Getting bad voltage readings with ljm.eReadName until I open ljStream

When I first start my python IDE and run my code the voltage reading on my thermocouple is ~1.7 volts. If I close my program, start ljstream (without loading anything), wait for the voltage readings come in then close out ljstream I get ~ 8e-05 volts. The second value is the expected voltage as my thermal couple is close to room temp. Is there some initializing I need to do in my code? Here is the relevant code:

class labControl:
    def __init__(self):
        self.handle = ljm.openS("T7", "ANY","ANY")
        info = ljm.getHandleInfo(self.handle)
        print("\nOpened a LabJack with Device type: %i, Connection type: %i,\n"
              "Serial number: %i, IP address: %s, Port: %i,\nMax bytes per MB: %i" %
              (info[0], info[1], info[2], ljm.numberToIP(info[3]), info[4], info[5]))
    def thermo(self,channel,cj,cal_data):
        volts = ljm.eReadName(self.handle, channel)
        # Sometimes this reading is way off and I dont know why. Opening and starting then closing lj-stream seems to clear it
        mV = volts * float(1000)

M1 mac support

Looks like the compiled libraries are not build against arm64. After pip installing I get the following error when importing ljm

<class 'labjack.ljm.ljm.LJMError'>: Cannot load the LJM library /usr/local/lib/libLabJackM.dylib. dlopen(libLabJackM.dylib, 0x0006): tried: '/Users/jeffreymarkowitz/miniconda3/envs/labjack-test/lib/python3.10/lib-dynload/../../libLabJackM.dylib' (no such file), '/Users/jeffreymarkowitz/miniconda3/envs/labjack-test/bin/../lib/libLabJackM.dylib' (no such file), 'libLabJackM.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libLabJackM.dylib' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have (x86_64), need (arm64e))), '/usr/lib/libLabJackM.dylib' (no such file), '/Users/jeffreymarkowitz/libLabJackM.dylib' (no such file)

Are there plans to update for supporting M1 macs?

how can I setup UART on T7?

Hi I just purchased an T7 Pro. I need to use UART.
Is it possible to control UART TX and RX on T7 via python?

If not, what else can I do?

WSL support?

Now attempting to use this library with the Windows Subsytem for Linux (specifically Ubuntu 20.04 LTS). Everything installs fine, and I'm able to get access to the Labjack over USB via .

I'm trying to run this example program as a sanity check

Running it results in the following error. If WSL is unsupported or out of scope feel free to close this issue, but it would be nice to support if possible.


Error calling, connectionType=0, identifier=ANY)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jmarkow/dev/", line 116, in <module>
  File "/home/jmarkow/dev/", line 95, in main
    handle = openLJMDevice(ljm.constants.dtANY, ljm.constants.ctANY, "ANY")
  File "/home/jmarkow/dev/", line 52, in openLJMDevice
    handle =, connectionType, identifier)
  File "/home/jmarkow/miniconda3/envs/dearpygui-test/lib/python3.10/site-packages/labjack/ljm/", line 382, in open
    raise LJMError(error)
labjack.ljm.ljm.LJMError: LJM library error code 1230 LJME_DEVICE_CURRENTLY_CLAIMED_BY_ANOTHER_PROCESS

LJMError should be moved into its own exception module

by defining the same LJMError class in the module where it is used, there exists a chicken/egg problem where the LJMError cannot be used to catch exception when importing LJM library.

For example:

    from labjack import ljm
except labjack.ljm.ljm.LJMError as exception:
    raise LabjackLibraryNotInstalled from exception

cannot work because the LJMError is defined in the same module. A better practice is to seperate the exception class into it's own module that only depends on Python standard library, this ensures Labjack package exceptions can be used for module imports that wrap library code, just as labjack-ljm-python wraps the LJM library that is required to be installed.

Another issue is that the _loadLibrary() function catches the LJMError exception, prints the error, then returns None. Why? If the python package doesn't work without the LJM library, then it shouldn't handle the exception, it should just raise it and let the calling module handle the exception.

Please remove from _loadLibrary():

    except LJMError:
        ljme = sys.exc_info()[1]
        print(str(type(ljme)) + ": " + str(ljme))
        return None

lua script loading fails on some file lengths

Using the example code for loading a lua script, some scripts fail with this message (file with 1804 bytes)
lua: [string "--[[..."]:70.000000: unexpected symbol near 'char(5.000000)'

where the line number is the last line of the program, and char() changes, sometimes its a printable ascii character.

The failure is inconsistent, as it seems to depend on what bad bytes follow the loaded program in python. In all of my tests, the scripts can randomly succeed, and all lua has been verified in the kipling debugger.

The problem can be fixed two ways:

  1. Adding a null terminator to the loaded script file as in:
script =
script += '\0'
  1. By adding characters to the lua script, as in replacing MB.W(6000, 1, 0) with MB.W(6000.00, 1, 0)

It's not clear what the root cause is, but it sure looks like a string length problem. This test was performed on Win64 machine.

The loading code is:

        with open(self.filepath, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as file:
            script =
            # script = script + '\0'
            scriptLen = len(script)

            ljm.eWriteName(self.handle, "LUA_SOURCE_SIZE", scriptLen)
            ljm.eWriteNameByteArray(self.handle, "LUA_SOURCE_WRITE", scriptLen, script)
            ljm.eWriteName(self.handle, "LUA_DEBUG_ENABLE", 1)
            ljm.eWriteName(self.handle, "LUA_DEBUG_ENABLE_DEFAULT", 1)
            print(f'Script {self.filepath} ({scriptLen} bytes) loaded')

My starting script (without any length manipulation) is

    Cystal Monitor Test Fixture Lua for Labjack
    DUT PS Power Regulator


-- print("Starting dut ps script")

local DATA_READY_REG = "USER_RAM0_U16"        -- will be 1 when the data is ready


-- Common I2C Configuration and Misc Utilities

local I2C_SCL_REG = 3-- FIO4
local I2C_SDA_REG = 4 -- FIO3
local I2C_SPEED = 65516 -- 0,65536 = 450Khz, 1=40Hz, 65516=100kHz
local I2C_OPTIONS = 3 -- resetAtStart*1+noStopAtStarting*2
local I2C_SLAVE_ADDRESS_REG = 5104 -- uint16

function config_i2c_bus(address)
    -- print("Configuring i2c bus")
    I2C.config(I2C_SDA_REG, I2C_SCL_REG, I2C_SPEED, I2C_OPTIONS, address)

function sleep_ms(inteval_ms)
    local CheckInterval = LJ.CheckInterval
    LJ.IntervalConfig(1, inteval_ms)
    while not CheckInterval(1) do

MB.writeName(DATA_READY_REG, 0)

function dut_ps_set_voltage()
    local DUT_PS_REGULATOR_I2C_ADDR = 0x0D
    local DUT_PS_DEFAULT_MV = 4500 -- 750 to 4800
    local DUT_MAX_MV = 4800 -- depends on jig
    local DUT_MIN_MV = 750

    local in_mv = MB.readName(MV_SETTING_REG)
    -- print(string.format("setting dut_ps to %d mv", in_mv))

    local data = (DUT_MAX_MV - in_mv)
    if data > 4095 then data = 4095
    elseif data < 0 then data = 0

    b1 = bit.rshift(, 0xff00), 8)
    b0 =, 0xff)

    -- print(string.format("setting regulator to %02X %02X", b1, b0))

    I2C.write({b1, b0})

    -- Common Ending Code
    MB.writeName(DATA_READY_REG, 1)

-- print("Stopping script")
MB.W(6000, 1, 0)

CORE_TIMER read via streaming rolls over at 2^16

First, thanks so much for this library, developing for the Labjack is mostly a breeze!

We're running a program where we read in AIN0, AIN1 and FIO_STATE while using eReadStream. At the same time we're sending out TTL pulses via periodicStreamOut. To collect timestamps for our data reads we're also collecting CORE_TIMER – analog inputs are collected first, then FIO_STATE, then CORE_TIMER in the scan list. Even though the modbus map lists CORE_TIMER as a uint32, the returned values roll over at 2^16 rather than 2^32 as expected. Not sure if there's something in our configuration that would result in this happening.

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