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docker-ls's Introduction

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What is it?

Docker-ls is a set of CLI tools for browsing and manipulating docker registries. In particular, docker-ls can handle authentication and display the sha256 content digests associated with tags.

What registries are supported

Only V2 registries are supported. Both HTTP Basic auth and Docker style token authentication are supported for authentication.


Six ways there are to attain enlightenment.

Precompiled binaries

Just download precompiled binaries for your platform from GitHub.

MacOS / Homebrew

You can install docker-ls directly from Homebrew:

brew install docker-ls

Gentoo / portage

emerge docker-ls


nix-env -iA nixos.docker-ls

Arch Linux

Package in the AUR available.


If you have Docker installed, you may want to try this option. Clone the repository and do:

docker build -t docker-ls .

Example of running container:

$ docker run -it docker-ls docker-ls tags library/consul
requesting list . done
repository: library/consul
- latest
- v0.6.4

Or create aliases:

$ alias docker-ls='docker run -it docker-ls docker-ls'
$ alias docker-rm='docker run -it docker-ls docker-rm'

So you can do:

$ docker-ls tags library/consul
requesting list . done
repository: library/consul
- latest
- v0.6.4


$ docker-rm | head -n 3
usage: docker-rm [options] <repository:reference>

Delete a tag in a given repository.

Go get

Provided that you sport an installation of golang, the latest version from master can be installed via

go get -d
go generate
go install

Isn't a simple go get sufficient, you ask? Indeed it is, but including the generate step detailed above will encode verbose version information in the binaries.


Docker-ls contains two CLI tools: docker-ls and docker-rm .


docker-ls is a browser for docker registries. Output is either encoded as YAML or as JSON.

Several subcommands are available

  • docker-ls repositories Obtains a list of repositories on the server. This is not supported by the official docker hub.
  • docker-ls tags Lists all tags in a a particular repository.
  • docker-ls tag Inspect a particular tag. This command displays a condensed version of the corresponding manifest by default, but the --raw-manifest option can be used to dump the full manifest. The --parse-history option can be used to display the JSON-encoded history within the manifest.

Authentication and credentials

docker-ls supports the following authentication methods:

  • "Classic" docker registry token authentication. This is the default if credentials are supplied on the command line. If credentials are taken from a previous docker login, this is the default unless the credentials contains an identity token.
  • OAuth2 authentication. This is used if the credentials are taken from a previous docker login and contain an identity token.
  • Basic auth. This needs to be requested explicitly on the CLI.

Credentials are automatically taken from a previous docker login or specified on the command line. docker-ls implicitly uses the same credential store and helpers used by docker.

Logging into Amazon ECR requires Basic auth, the same goes for Google GCR.

Important command line flags

This list is not exhaustive; please consult the command line (-h) help for all options.

  • --registry <url> (-r) Connect to the registry at <url>. The URL must include the protocol (http / https). By default, docker-ls targets the official docker hub.

  • --user <user> (-u) Username for authentication.

  • --password <password> (-p) Password for authentication.

  • --user-agent <agent string> Use a custom user agent.

  • --interactive-password(-i) Read the password from an interactive prompt.

  • --level <depth> (-l) The repositories and tags subcommands support this option for recursive output. Depths 0 (default) and 1 are supported. Please note recursion means more API requests and may be slow.

  • --json (-j) Switch output format from YAML to JSON.

  • --template (-t) Use a named golang template from the configuration for output (see below)

  • --template-source Use the specified template for output (see below)

  • --basic-auth Use HTTP basic auth for authentication (instead of token authentication).

  • --allow-insecure Do not validate SSL certificates (useful for registries secured with a self-signed certificate).

  • --manifest-version Request either manifest version V2.1 (--manifest-version 1 or manifest version V2.2 (--manifest-version 2, default) from the registry. Please note that deleting manifests from registry version >= 2.3 will work only with content digests from a V2.2 manifest.

  • --debug Enable debug output.

    WARNING: This is exactly what the name suggests: debugging output. It contains raw data structures, may include your credentials in verbatim and may or may not help you. Use with care.


List all repositories in a custom registry:

docker-ls repositories --registry --user hanni --password hanni123

List all repositories in a custom registry, including their tags:

docker-ls repositories --registry --user hanni --password hanni123 --level 1

List all tags in stuff/busybox using HTTP basic auth

docker-ls tags --registry --user hanni --password hanni123 --basic-auth stuff/busybox

Inspect tag stuff/busybox:latest, no authentication, JSON output.

docker-ls tag --registry --json stuff/busybox:latest

Inspect tag stuff/busybox:latest, no authentication, dump the raw manifest with parsed history as JSON.

docker-ls tag --registry --json --raw-manifest --parse-history stuff/busybox:latest

Notes considering the offical registry

If no registry is specified, docker-ls will target the official registry server at Please note that:

  • The official registry does not support repository listing via docker-ls repositories
  • Official repositories must be prefixed with library/, e.g. docker-ls tags library/debian


docker-rm can delete particular tags. Example:

docker-rm --registry --user someuser --password somepass busybox:sha256:51fef[...]

(the digest has been truncated for brevity). Please consult the command line help for a full list of all arguments.

Some remarks:

  • The tag must be specified as a sha256 content digest.
  • While tags can be deleted, the current registry implementation will (to the best of my knowledge) not free the space associated with any resulting unused layers
  • Deleting stuff is currently disabled by default in the official registry and needs to be enabled explicitly โ€” check out this issue for details.
  • Content digests obtained with --manifest-version 1 will not work with registry version >= 2.3.
  • BE CAREFUL! The API does not implement undelete :)

Using a proxy

docker-ls supports HTTP / HTTPS proxies configured via the corresponding canonical environment variables. Check out the corresponding documentation for details.

Configuration via config files and environment variables

All options that can be specified via CLI flags can be read from a config file or from an environment variables. The priority is CLI flag > environment variable > config file.

Config files

By default, both tools try to read ~/.docker-ls.[yaml|json|toml|...] (please check the Viper documentation for a full list of the supported formats). The names of the keys in the file are the long names of the CLI flags. For example, the following YAML file would configure registry URL and username

user: foo

Other config files can be specified via the --config option.

Template Output

Output of the various docker-ls subcommands can be further customized by using golang templates.

Predefined templates

Named templates can be configured in the templates section of the configuration file. When docker-ls is invoked, the -t parameter (see above) can be used to select a named template for formatting the output.

Example: The following YAML section defines a template that outputs the list of tags in a repository as a simple HTML document.

  taglist_html: |
        <h1>Tags for repository {{ html .Repository }}</h1>
            {{- range .Tags }}
            <li>{{ html . }}</li>
            {{- end }}

It can be invoked by running i.e.

docker-ls tags -t taglist_html /library/debian

Inline templates

Simple templates can also be passed directly on the command line using the --template-source parameter:

docker-ls tag --template-source '{{ .TagName }}: {{ .Digest }}'  /library/debian:wheezy

Template variables

Inside templates, all fields of the corresponding JSON / YAML output can be accessed in pipeline expressions. The first letter of all field names is capitalized, with the exception of manifests that are directly returned from the registry by using docker-ls tag --raw-manifest: for those, the JSON / YAML field names are unchanged.

Environment variables

In addition to config files and CLI flags, environment variables can be used to specify options globally. The name is determined by taking the long CLI name, uppercasing replacing hyphens "-" with underscores "_" and prefixing the result with "DOCKER_LS_". For example, the following would enable interactive password prompts for all consecutive invocations:


Shell autocompletion

Both docker-ls and docker-rm support shell autocompletion for subcommands and options. To enable this, source the output of docker-ls autocomplete bash|zsh and docker-rm autocomplete bash|zsh in the running shell. In case of bash, this can be achieved with

$ source <(docker-ls autocomplete bash)


Docker-ls is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

docker-ls's People


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docker-ls's Issues

no such repository error from `tags` command

using private gitlab server, i get repository from docker-ls repositories listing, but querying individual tags tells no such repository error:

+ docker-ls repositories
+ docker-ls tags advertising/ads-video-converter/test
advertising/ads-video-converter/test: no such repository

i believe it happens the way gitlab deletes docker images:

$ docker pull glen/scratch
$ docker tag glen/scratch
$ docker push
$ docker-ls tags glensc/test-docker-ls/builds
requesting list . done
repository: glensc/test-docker-ls/builds
- build-1

i hit delete for the tag:


-> still ok

i hit delete for the image:

$ docker-ls tags glensc/test-docker-ls/builds
requesting list . done
glensc/test-docker-ls/builds: no such repository

docker-ls return wrong digest value DockerRegistry>2.3

Note When deleting a manifest from a registry version 2.3 or later, the following header must be used when HEAD or GET-ing the manifest to obtain the correct digest to delete:

Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json

Autocompletion got "bad option: -t" in zsh


macOS 10.15.7 (19H2)
zsh 5.8 (x86_64-apple-darwin19.6.0)
docker-ls version: 0.5.0 (git:0eb4c9a) (go1.15.5 darwin amd64)

Error message


source <(docker-ls autocomplete bash)


/dev/fd/14:type:795: bad option: -t


source <(docker-rm autocomplete bash)


/dev/fd/14:type:569: bad option: -t

Feature request: repo:tag list


I am using docker-ls to list the registry, but I would like to have a feature which is very useful for scripting, which is a list with one repo:tag per line.

I have done it with a shell script around docker-ls in the following form:

for repo in `docker-ls repositories -table -level 0 -progress-indicator=false | grep -v REPOSITORY`; do
	TAGS="$(docker-ls tags -progress-indicator=false -json $repo | jq -r '.Tags[]')"
	for tag in `echo $TAGS`; do
		echo $repo:$tag

Would it be hard to implement?

can't delete an image

I don't succeed to delete an image

Get tags::

$ docker run -it docker-ls docker-ls tags --registry proj-prod/proj_mix-app
requesting list . done
repository: proj-prod/proj_mix-app
- latest

Get tag::

$ docker run -it docker-ls docker-ls tag --registry proj-prod/proj_mix-app:latest
requesting manifest . done
repository: proj-prod/proj_mix-app
tagName: latest
digest: sha256:dabcbeaebfb1b230476e064e5e9ee8cb4f09c3b839cde9336e5462b205744f8f
- sha256:4e6d082eb9bac6200504f37b1899dde47e14b668ef958ac6fdcd4faaa15eca0c
- sha256:1d90a4de5d4e86a91d02da42bd8dd98d41b875f4d4a8549bd213318b33f9b0fa
- sha256:0803109b66d66d3324bbd943d9824674fa5cce3ab8dd5b47c1301ce2f75de9ab
- sha256:...
- sha256:469ff7b80a96f039346871094fa359fc3c7a31e13ac317fa47fb96fa7155e8fb
- sha256:a3ed95caeb02ffe68cdd9fd84406680ae93d633cb16422d00e8a7c22955b46d4
- sha256:43c265008fae5d1f3cbee0dac9697235320b174d85acbed002a4fe44236adec0

from the above I get the dabcbeaebfb1b230476e064e5e9ee8cb4f09c3b839cde9336e5462b205744f8f but Delete does not work on my side::

$ docker run -it docker-ls docker-rm --registry proj_mix-app:sha256:dabcbeaebfb1b230476e064e5e9ee8cb4f09c3b839cde9336e5462b205744f8f
ERROR: invalid API response status 301

the registry has a true value for REGISTRY_STORAGE_DELETE_ENABLED is set to true::

# cat docker-compose.yml 
version: '2'
    container_name: docker-registry
    image: registry:2
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 5000:5000
      - docker-registry-volume:/var/lib/registry
      - /root/
    driver: local

Feature request: docker-rm an entire repo


I am using docker-rm to delete tags, but when I delete all the tags, there is still a repo without tags in there.

Any idea how to delete that repo? Would that be something that docker-rm could do?


Reference is not a content digest

Hi all,

Thanks for the library, it's quite useful. However, I have a problem removing the images from the registry. Here is the command and output:

docker run -it docker-ls docker-rm --registry https://[myurl] --user [username] --password [password] walnut-project/walnut/big_nut:94805918c838241ea1d29c434965dc1ea8a2b84613d9748b0da42614703de1c3
invalid request --- make sure that your reference is a content digest

I have also tried with the small sha hash, but with the same result.

Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?

Doesn't seem to work with aws ecr registries

Get this with ecr registries, and yet skopio can access the registry fine based on credentials in ~/.docker/config.json:

$ docker-ls repositories  --registry
requesting list . done
malformed challenge header: 'Basic realm="",service=""' Are you shure that you are using the correct (token) auth scheme?

$ docker-ls tags  --registry myrepo/images
requesting list . done
malformed challenge header: 'Basic realm="",service=""' Are you shure that you are using the correct (token) auth scheme?

$ skopeo inspect docker://
    "Name": "",
    "Digest": "sha256:5340a616e7de2e75f3a18f1bac69abc9605c5ad2e795ed3f06c61de3d12667e6",

We can also do this (from aws docs):

$ TOKEN=$(aws ecr get-authorization-token --registry-ids 111111111111 --profile foo --region us-east-1 --output text --query authorizationData[].authorizationToken)
$ curl -ns -H "Authorization: Basic $TOKEN"|jq '.'
  "repositories": [

Any thoughts, suggestions? Is docker-ls still being actively developed, or should we use something else?

can docker-rm be used to delete images from a private registry on

I can list the tag manifest for a particular tag, but when I try to docker-rm the tag I get:
docker-rm --user myid -p passwd myid/repo:sha256:c32132207f45c924f1f1aab8b607ca9bbb085896a2f88c86c791cf2b3ef99e8e
invalid API response status 405

Should I be able to delete tags from Is there some other way to do this?

bogus error from option parsing

# ./docker-ls '--registry='
Error: unknown flag: --registry
  docker-ls [command]

Available Commands:
  autocomplete Generate autocompletion snippet
  help         Help about any command
  repositories List repostiories
  tag          Show tag details
  tags         List tags
  version      Show version

  -c, --config string   read config from specified file (default: look for config in home directory)
  -h, --help            help for docker-ls

Use "docker-ls [command] --help" for more information about a command.

unknown flag: --registry

the flag is not unknown, i just didn't specify command yet.

Docker build failing

Running docker build from the published docker file fails:

FROM golang:latest AS build
ENV GOOS=linux
ADD . /go/src/
WORKDIR /go/src/
RUN set -ex \
  && go generate \
  && go build \
  && go build

# Target container that is produced by docker build
FROM alpine:latest
RUN set -ex \
  && apk add --no-cache ca-certificates
COPY --from=build /go/src/* /bin/

docker build -t docker-ls .

docker build -t docker-ls .
Sending build context to Docker daemon  10.63MB
Step 1/11 : FROM golang:latest AS build
latest: Pulling from library/golang
dc65f448a2e2: Pull complete 
346ffb2b67d7: Pull complete 
dea4ecac934f: Pull complete 
8ac92ddf84b3: Pull complete 
7ca605383307: Pull complete 
f47e6cebc512: Pull complete 
530350156010: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:9295ba678e3764d79ac0aeabdbcf281a91933c81c8de29387d8a2f557e256cdb
Status: Downloaded newer image for golang:latest
 ---> 297e5bf50f50
Step 2/11 : ENV CGO_ENABLED=0
 ---> Running in bb131905e4f6
Removing intermediate container bb131905e4f6
 ---> 9798cd8f76eb
Step 3/11 : ENV GOOS=linux
 ---> Running in 5531b79310b1
Removing intermediate container 5531b79310b1
 ---> 458cf27faa3d
Step 4/11 : ENV GOARCH=amd64
 ---> Running in 94fb08ce6468
Removing intermediate container 94fb08ce6468
 ---> 2493eda020b0
Step 5/11 : ADD . /go/src/
 ---> efbe9610db9e
Step 6/11 : WORKDIR /go/src/
 ---> Running in 418c21db6709
Removing intermediate container 418c21db6709
 ---> 6a3a0c2a2292
Step 7/11 : RUN set -ex   && go generate   && go build   && go build
 ---> Running in 24e8a7cd5878
+ go generate
go: warning: "" matched no packages
+ go build
can't load package: package cannot find package "" in any of:
	/usr/local/go/src/ (from $GOROOT)
	/go/src/ (from $GOPATH)
The command '/bin/sh -c set -ex   && go generate   && go build   && go build' returned a non-zero code: 1

docker-rm results in "The operation is unsupported" error

If I use docker-rm to delete a tag, I get:

$ docker-rm --registry test-image/sha256:09de1cdf2a26692e344cdf4a5265c11760689ec32176405e996d16a0089ff02e
ERROR: invalid API response status 405

The private Docker registry responds with:

registry_1 | time="2016-03-15T02:40:12Z" level=error msg="response completed with error" err.code=unsupported err.message="The operation is unsupported." go.version=go1.5.3 http.request.method=DELETE http.request.remoteaddr= http.request.uri="/v2/test-image/sha256/manifests/09de1cdf2a26692e344cdf4a5265c11760689ec32176405e996d16a0089ff02e" http.request.useragent="Go-http-client/1.1" http.response.contenttype="application/json; charset=utf-8" http.response.duration=2.512954ms http.response.status=405 http.response.written=78"test-image/sha256" vars.reference=09de1cdf2a26692e344cdf4a5265c11760689ec32176405e996d16a0089ff02e version=v2.3.1 
registry_1 | - - [15/Mar/2016:02:40:12 +0000] "DELETE /v2/test-image/sha256/manifests/09de1cdf2a26692e344cdf4a5265c11760689ec32176405e996d16a0089ff02e HTTP/1.0" 405 78 "" "Go-http-client/1.1"
nginx_1    | - - [15/Mar/2016:02:40:12 +0000] "DELETE /v2/test-image/sha256/manifests/09de1cdf2a26692e344cdf4a5265c11760689ec32176405e996d16a0089ff02e HTTP/1.1" 405 78 "-" "Go-http-client/1.1" "-"

The registry consists off:


Am I using the incorrect digest or is there something wrong.

I used docker-rm from zipfile (sha256:9e397140baf7d6aaac46af3141957e02b8c46854aa616f3ff1cc93190f912c9a)

support official image form

the form is:


but this does not work:

$ docker-rm ed/gitlab-runner/builds@sha256:82ff0936da09b40393c21cda464312907449aef7069aeebd1ee4fe4938ff2de5
ed/gitlab-runner/builds@sha256:82ff0936da09b40393c21cda464312907449aef7069aeebd1ee4fe4938ff2de5 : no such repository or reference

and afaik the tag could be specified too, but it's just ignored, but visually looking better:


can't find the blog post right now about that.

read auth info from docker config

.dockercfg and .docker/config.json contain registry auth info ("encrypted" with base64)
it would be nice if docker-ls could pull it automatically

Issue with token cache

I seem to be having an issue with the token cache when accessing a Docker private registry behind a Gitlab CE installation. At first it works fine after some time it results in 403 responses from the Gitlab OAuth service. If I try a new server to connect from it works again, and after some time it doesnt.

Seems like the docker-ls is caching a token and not clearing it correctly on token check fail.

List tags by digest


Is there a way to get all the tags that point to the exact same image?
I mean listing tags associated with a particular digest or maybe another tag.

Build is failed

Is these any specific prerequisites ? When I run
docker build -t docker-ls .
I get error
Step 5/5 : RUN make clean && make install && cp /go/src/* /usr/local/bin/
---> Running in 89eec4f7eb7f
rm -fr ./build ./docker-ls.debug
mkdir -p ././build/src/
for srcdir in cli lib;
ln -s pwd/$srcdir ././build/src/$srcdir;
if test -n ""; then GOPATH=pwd/./build go get; fi
package unrecognized import path "" (https fetch: Get dial tcp: i/o timeout)
^Tpackage unrecognized import path "" (https fetch: Get dial tcp: i/o timeout)
Makefile:67: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 1
The command '/bin/sh -c make clean && make install && cp /go/src/* /usr/local/bin/' returned a non-zero code: 2

support unlimited paging

The repositories command needs unlimited paging support. I run this fragment daily and suddenly the found repositories count became 100:

    printf "Fetching repositories..."
    repos=$(docker-ls repositories | jq -r '.Repositories[]')
    printf "%d repositories found\n" "$(echo "$repos" | wc -l)"

... which is weird as command usage says the default is 100, and i have made no code changes, why it found 515 before?

# less /var/log/cronlogs/gitlab-delete-build-images |grep Fetching.rep
2019-02-15 16:58:27.450820467+02:00 O: Fetching repositories...525 repositories found
2019-02-16 02:05:47.290234647+02:00 O: Fetching repositories...525 repositories found
2019-02-17 02:05:52.705250692+02:00 O: Fetching repositories...525 repositories found
2019-02-18 02:04:31.973095461+02:00 O: Fetching repositories...100 repositories found
2019-02-19 02:04:41.782786956+02:00 O: Fetching repositories...100 repositories found
2019-02-20 02:04:35.441645254+02:00 O: Fetching repositories...100 repositories found
2019-02-21 02:04:44.042338783+02:00 O: Fetching repositories...100 repositories found
2019-02-22 02:04:41.641497521+02:00 O: Fetching repositories...100 repositories found

Insecure Registry


Please can you confirm whether this is supported on a insecure registry i.e. without having to pass authentication details?


docker-ls and

Hey, as you might know has a powerful CI and also supplies a private docker registry (per repo). So, pushing images to the registry works like a charm from the CI after a

$ echo "$REGISTRY_API_TOKEN" | docker login "$CI_REGISTRY" --username "$CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE" --password-stdin

Locally I can even pull my built images after issuing the commands above... but I cant docker-ls the tags in the repo... I tried may combination like:

$ docker-ls tags --registry --user <gilab user> --password "$REGISTRY_API_TOKEN"
requesting list . done
authorization rejected by registry
$ docker-ls tags --registry https://<gitlab user>:$<gitlab user> ${CI_PROJECT_NAME}
requesting list . done
authentication against auth server failed with code 403
$ docker-ls tags --registry --user <gilab user> --password $REGISTRY_API_TOKEN <gilab user>/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}
requesting list . done
<gilab user>/${CI_PROJECT_NAME}: no such repository

Could you help me out?

`respository` typo?

Is respository instead of repository in code intentional or just typo?

> docker-ls tags # show me help please 
usage: docker-ls tags [options] <respository>

Local name servers are not used

when used with a local private registry, docker-ls tries to resolve the host name via Google DNS servers ( and hence doesn't see locally configured DNS names. Is there a way to not enforce Google DNS and just use the default system-defined name servers?

$ docker-ls repositories --registry
requesting list . done
ERROR: Get dial tcp: lookup on no such host

Tested with most recent master branch, commit 3c5e2de, and installation through Docker.

Authorization issue for tags on GCR

When attempting docker-ls tags, on a repository I can push and pull to, I get:

requesting list . done
authorization rejected by registry

Without verbose output, I'm unclear on how to debug this.

Unable to docker-ls repositories as non-admin user

From the command line running the following command as a non-admin user outputs "authorization rejected by registry".

$ docker-ls repositories --registry --user myuser --password mypassword

Running the same command as admin user outputs ALL repos as expected.

Is this as designed? If so, why aren't users that are able to log-in to Harbor, not able to list the repositories from the command line.

Passwords on the command line are bad

The password should be prompted for upon run, or used from the ~/.docker/config.json file. Passing a password on the command line is very insecure.

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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  • Facebook photo Facebook

    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google โค๏ธ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.