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1-pixel-wealth's Introduction


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Translations and Adaptations

This page has been translated by volunteers into thirteen languages that I know of. I am not directly involved with any of these translations, and I don't speak any of these languages, so I can't promise they are accurate. If you'd like to create a translation, see instructions here. Once you've finished, provide a link in the issue queue and I'll update this readme.

Select Sources

A note on the role of citations in this project

About the Author

One pixel wealth was created by Matt Korostoff

Against Malaria

Please consider making a donation to the Against Malaria Foundation. They are not affiliated with this project in any way, I just really like them.

1-pixel-wealth's People


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1-pixel-wealth's Issues

Data sources and references

First off, fantastic work on this. Graphics speak volumes. One comment from sharing this around with colleagues and friends has been interest in data sources for some of the metrics like:

  • Annual cost of health care for a family of four
  • Annual cost of chemotherapy for all cancer patients
  • Annual cost to house every single homeless veteran.
  • etc ...

Other referenced articles are linked for the discussion of wealth inequality but the "familiar" metrics are missing data sources / resources.

Thanks for putting this together!

80% vanishing point

If the wealth is held in stocks and bonds and such, wouldn't it imply that if 80% of it vanished while trying to liquidate it, that the broad market also drops by 80%?

Two bugs and various suggestions

Hey, great work! I have some suggestions that I think might make it even better.

First though, two bugs: ninety.svg and poverty.svg have cut-off text at the right side.

Now for my suggestions; they are somewhat tersely worded, but no rudeness or entitlement is intended, they are merely what I would do, use them (or don't) as you see fit:

  • On desktop, scrolling is inconvenient. The scroll-bar is far too fast to be usable (and should be hidden), arrow keys are too slow. Clicking the hint arrow doesn't do anything. It should be possible to make the mouse wheel scroll horizontally. Otherwise, users might get confused because they can't figure out how to scroll and leave before they see any content.
  • On mobile, lock vertical scroll position and make content fit the display.
  • Long stretches of featureless uniform color are still hard to get a sense of scale for. Maybe a dashed vertical line every (e.g.) $400M? Just something to break the uniformity.
  • The colors are very bright. Going from orange to blue made my eyes hurt. Going back made my eyes hurt again.
  • Optional automatic scrolling for the lazy? Make that into a Youtube video for more exposure? Ask Left-tubers to provide voiceovers? Just daydreaming...
  • Overlaid images should be better differentiated from content at the 1 pixel/1000$ scale, especially those that do relate to quantities of money at different scales, specifically: Zuckerberg's wealth, CARES bar graphs, percentage pie charts. Suggestion: no drop shadows for correctly scaled boxes, drop shadows on everything else.
  • Zooming in to Zuckerberg's wealth seems to create a small jerky vertical movement. Not sure how to fix this. Would be nice if zooming out was animated, too.
  • Graphic illustrating 400 people has ugly and unnecessary scroll bars. Make content fit so they don't show. Bottom 60% should have only vertical scroll bar.
  • Scrolling bottom 60% graphic very fast (using scrollbar on desktop) leads to wagon-wheel effect/temporal aliasing, can give a very wrong sense of scale, making the group seem much smaller than it is. Same problem applies to malaria babies. Not sure how to fix. Limiting scroll speed is an option but seems boring. Motion blur? Wave-like color variations on a very large scale to provide a reference when scrolling fast?
  • Malaria babies have an inset shadow, bottom 60% don't. The latter looks better imho.
  • Using a default font looks janky and unpolished imho. Here's a great tool to pick and integrate nice looking free fonts.
  • It would be cool if you could separate the text from the HTML so people can provide translations that can still take advantage of any future changes you make to the HTML. It seems like some (but not all) text elements have unique css classes, that might be a way to do it. If this is something you're interested in, I would volunteer to do a german translation.
  • You might enjoy You Are Jeff Bezos, and it seems appropriate to link it somewhere :)
  • Keep the final text on screen when scrolling to the end of the blue box?

Tested browsers: Firefox on linux and android

Thanks for the great work. You know your code best, but if I can help with something let me know and I could try to make a pull request.

PS: Print this on toilet paper and you will have a legit art piece (and/or novelty product). Just maybe wait until after COVID-19.

Vertical scroll bar on some mobile devices

On my Moto G4 on Firefox, with window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight = 360, 512, the content doesn't fit on the screen and there's a vertical scroll bar. body { overflow-y: hidden } removes the scroll bar, but cuts off the bottom of the page, while body { transform: scale(0.9); transform-origin: 0 0;} works, but breaks the wealth counter.

Very hard to navigate with horizontal scrolling

I plan to fork and add in mouse wheel scrolling to translate horizontal! (I'm not just complaining here, I'm going to submit a change to help it hahaha!) Just wanted to start the issue first to show that it's actively being worked on

Needs message to avoid misunderstandings

It's missing the message that Jeff Bezos improves everyone's life. That he is rich in the same proportion that he generates value to others.

The way you put it, it appears to be a bad thing that we have someone as rich as Jeff Bezos. It ignores the fact that, in a voluntary transaction, both sides ends with more value than started. This is how wealth is created. It's not a fixed amount.

It's missing the message that Bezos created this amount of value to society.

translation support

I want to translate in Romanian. Do you plan to add translation support or should I fork it?

Feature request: allow translations

I had to find my way here to volunteer writing a Spanish translation. So please make it easier to find you back and to volunteer :)
Great job, by the way!

Improve instructions on opening screen

I watched someone who is used to a computer struggle to understand what was required with the side-scrolling.

Opening screen needs something more explicit like:
"This page is VERY wide - Use the right arrow button or horizontal scroll bar to scroll this screen sideways"


I really like this project.
Is it possible to develop an efficient way to translate this in other languages?

Y-overflow on small devices

Absolutely love this project.

You've likely got the stats on how many of your visitors are using which screen sizes, but on my phone (iphone SE 1st generation), there's y-overflow which slightly ruins the effectiveness of the layout.


its 39% not 0.39!!

Paid maternity and paternity leave are estimated to cost around $12 billion per year. This is 0.39% of the wealth controlled by 400 Americans. It is 5% of the wealth they accrued in 2020 alone.
If they repeated this payment every year for the next 100 years, it would equal 39% of the wealth they control today.


Freaking bless you for making this, this project is an incredible way to communicate this information. Well done.

Any chance you can cite more of your statements? As someone who probably holds beliefs similar to you, I'm easy to sway, but for people who may check this out just to poke holes in it and own the libs, the more citations and external references you can backlink, the better.

Seriously. Well done.

Dimensions of $1 million square slightly off

Just curious how some of the div height/width were calculated, especially for some of the smaller boxes, as they don't seem to always multiply to the value the represent.

For example, the $1 million square in the beginning:


Lines 278 to 279 in a018484

width: 33.62px;
height: 33.62px;

The $1 million div is a 33.62px square.

33.62² pixels × $1,000 per pixel = $1,130,304.40. It's about 13% too big.

Shouldn't it be sqrt($1,000,000 / 1000)px31.62px?

I checked some of the larger ones (like the Bezos $139 billion) and they are accurate.

I'll happily do a PR for the $1 million div and see if I catch any others that are a bit off along the way, but wanted to check first if this is by design.

Jump back to specific point?

This is great! I got impatient scrolling through Jeff Bezos' wealth though, the first long element you don't know will have more content in it. Then I wanted to scroll back and see what I missed. Could there be some kind of little progress ticker on the bottom like "scrolled 0.4%" so people can find their way back to the right spot?

EDIT: there is just such a ticker! I guess all I want is for it to start slightly sooner.

Directing towards a resistant audience.

I would ask that you consider removing the coronavirus vaccine visualization. Not for any scientific or public health reason, but because the audience who needs to see this the most is also the mostly likely to be resistance to covid science. I believe it’s a fallacy called “poisoning the well”. People will find any reason to protect a crumbling paradigm.

Vertical scroll

Computer mouses and web browsers are built for vertical, not horizontal, scroll. This repo would be far better if it was designed for the user to scroll vertically vs horizontally.


My fingers got pretty tired doing all that scrolling. While that kind of helped drive home the point, I almost gave up a few times, and I know someone who did. Would you consider adding an autoscroll button (maybe with a key binding) that scrolls to the next entry?

How do you argue relocation?

I LOVED the paper billionaire explanation. it's so on point and it will give me ammo to not shut up when faced with liquidity issue of corporate stocks.
However, midway through the trillion ruler there's a sentence that says that the only thing that stop "us" is political will. I am interpreting "us" there as Americans and I would like to understand the perspective of how a political decision could be effective. Wouldn't 400 most rich people just cascade down any affected wealth down to their employees and/or move money overseas into any place that would prevent them from losing their money?

Italian adaptation


Thank you for creating this site!
I created an Italian version of it at this address:
It is not a mere translation, since I changed the data and examples to fit the Italian case (G. Ferrero instead of Bezos, 40 billionaires instead of 400, different examples etc.)
I hope you have no objections if I make it public.
I made sure to mention the original website at the beginning and at the end, but please let me know if you think I should modify the adaptation.


No single human needs or deserves this much wealth.

I'm curious where you have found this line?

Congratulations, not really an issue but..

This is the best graph I have ever seen ilustrating one of the biggest problems in the world. If you have a donation account, I'd love to send you a dollar or two.. THANK YOU, I've been trying to explain this for a while and people just don't understand, because our minds aren't capable of understanding.

Anyway, I'd like to do the same with Amancio Ortega and Spain, is there any way I can create my own graph customizing the values and the texts?

Thanks, :).


Please do a follow up for how 0.0001% could pay for COVID19 measures


Well done for this, I think its an extraordinarily poignant way of showing people (around the world) wealth inequalities.

I'd like to suggest a sequel.

'How the richest 0.01% could wipe out the debts incurred by global governments as a result of COVID19'

Perhaps you could show how globally, the top few people in each country could give up 30-40% of their astronomical wealth to pay for the measures that governments have taken to support the population during the COVID19 pandemic, and that rather than this taking generations to pay off, the richest 0.01% could give up just 40% of their wealth (and still be billionaires afterwards) and the whole situation could be solved (financially anyway)

I've no idea if thats actually possible, maybe the sums that have been spent are too great, but if they are not, it would be great to see it displayed in the same kind of way you did '1 pixel wealth'

Anyway, great work :)

Doesn't scroll past 3.5 bln USD


I am not sure if you're reading this, but it doesn't scroll past 3.5 bln USD. I tried in Firefox and Chrome on my desktop (Linux Fedora), and on my mobile phone (iPhone). I swear it went to like 100 bln USD before, but maybe I was wrong?


Be more precise using global variables.

Hey, great job! It's really impressive to see it going, literally, on your face.

I would like to ask you to be more precise on your statistical, and "compare apples to apples".
This wealth is not made upon North American bids or it's people sacrifice only. It's coming from all around the world, so, why not to compare the data with global information, for instance: what would be the cost to provide a home for worldwide homeless veterans? Or to test everyone for coronavirus?

I agree with "We cannot accept this level of inequality any longer." So, is there an option?

Add Dutch translation to list

Hey there, I have gone ahead and worked on a Dutch translation which can be found here:

A text which tells that it is the last one.

The last text which a users sees is "We cannot accept this level of inequality any longer." and the user continues to scroll. For a better user experience, it would be helpful if we end the article in a better way where the use gets to know that the article has completed.

Translation/localisation for Austria/Europe

Hi Matt,
just wanted to let you know that we created an Austrian adaptation of your site, that follows the general idea with Austrian numbers. Language is German:
We hope you appreciate it and we would be thrilled if you would add it to the list of adapations.

All the best from Vienna,
Dominik, Moment Magazine

Licensing info

Great work!
I'm talking to a colleague in higher ed about ideas to use this as an instructional tool, which might need it to be adapted in certain ways (e.g. adding citations to support the data presented). Are you happy for your work to be reused and adapted? Is there any particular license that you're planning to apply to it?

Define poverty

As of 2019, around 38 million Americans lived in poverty. If Americans in poverty were a state, they would be second largest by population. There are more Americans living in poverty than the entire population of Canada. There are likely millions more newly impoverished as a result of coronavirus, but those numbers are not fully known yet.

I think it’d be nice to add or link to the definition of poverty this stat uses. Is it just an annual income threshold? Happy to write it if someone can point me to the source.

What about finite resources?

I love your graph. It's so useful and I would love for the suggested programs/policies to become reality. However, I wonder if you've ever been asked and also that maybe you can address the following question somewhere on the graph:

What about the issue of finite resources? What if we did all of what the graph proposed we could do? Would the lives saved over the course of the programs' life cycles, cause the world's resources to be depleted at an exponentially faster rate?

If so, wouldn't that result then dictate that for the good of all the world, and the survival of the human race, we shouldn't allow the redistribution of wealth to happen?

Thank you for seriously considering this!

endowment payout rule outdated link

Hello, first of all, thanks for such an exciting project
I can't entirely agree with all the statements but for sure your job is great

One of the project links is outdated: 5% endowment payout rule. A possible alternative for it is e.g.

And IDK if it was asked before, what exactly are you thinking about The Giving Pledge campaign? It sounds relatively close to your ideas, isn't it?

Thanks again for this project!

Add estimated "time to scroll to end" as last message

It might be illustrative to add dynamic content as a last message that tells the user how much longer they'd have to scroll at their current rate to reach the end.

It took me 5-10 min to read and interact with each message. It could be powerful to know "at the rate you've been scrolling, it will take another 30-40 minutes to scroll to the end of this block of wealth".

It would be straightforward Javascript to write based on the load time of the page, and their current scroll position. I'd be happy to make a PR if you were interested.

Open to sponsorship?

Hey there @MKorostoff !
First of all, thanks for sharing your art with the world. 1-pixel-wealth is just so brillant, intense and profound. I took a breath at the beginning and just released it at the end.

I'd like to know if you have some sponsorship channel for me to donate and what do you think about enabling the GitHub Sponsorship button? I'd be really honored to contribute with this project here in GitHub.


I don’t have an Issue. Well, I guess my issue is that this egregiously poor distribution of wealth is immensely destructive of the society that we should have. That we deserve.

So, just wanted to say that I appreciate the really good work you are doing help us get where we need to go.

Please close this Issue but please also keep fighting the good fight!

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