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sign-addon's Issues file missing

As of January 1 2019, Mozilla requires that all GitHub projects include this file in the project root. The file has two parts:

  1. Required Text - All text under the headings Community Participation Guidelines and How to Report, are required, and should not be altered.
  2. Optional Text - The Project Specific Etiquette heading provides a space to speak more specifically about ways people can work effectively and inclusively together. Some examples of those can be found on the Firefox Debugger project, and Common Voice. (The optional part is commented out in the raw template file, and will not be visible until you modify and uncomment that part.)

If you have any questions about this file, or Code of Conduct policies and procedures, please see Mozilla-GitHub-Standards or email [email protected].

(Message COC001)

Wiki changes

FYI: The following changes were made to this repository's wiki:

These were made as the result of a recent automated defacement of publically writeable wikis.

Release new version

We should release a new version of this lib. Given all the recent changes, it will likely be a new major version. Here is the current changelog:

77dc385 refactor: rewrite test suite with Jest (#364)
01fc2b3 chore: rename test files (#362)
c504b95 refactor: wait for validation & signing separately (#323)
940b77d Setup codecov (#354)
82b6789 Move noEmit into tsconfig (#355)
54c26bd refactor: Move mock classes to tests/helpers.js (#347)
ea9e747 Update README (#341)
82ad42b feat: drop node 8 support, start adding async/await, split source files (#342)
98c185a feat: Add types to one test file (#336)

...and a bunch of dependency updates.

Error: Cannot find module 'any-promise'

NekR@MacBook:~/...$ gulp ...
Error: Cannot find module 'any-promise'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:337:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:287:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:366:17)
    at require (module.js:385:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/.../node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:227:19)
    at __webpack_require__ (/.../node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/.../node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:163:16)
    at __webpack_require__ (/.../node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/.../node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:57:12)
    at __webpack_require__ (/.../node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)

Fix new line problem after progress indicator

The progress indicator needs a new line added after it. It is not apparent because the progress indicator tries to fill the width of the terminal. Here's an example where a new line should be added:

Validating add-on [.................................................................................................]JPM [info] Validation results:
Downloading signed files: 100%

Introduce a central controller rather than chained promises

The current code calls one method which calls another method and so on. This makes it impossible to look in one place and see the complete chain of events necessary for signing an add-on.

After converting to async / await (#324), it would be very helpful to introduce a central controller that calls all other methods sequentially. This would let you look in one place to see the full chain of events.

Here is a rough sketch of how it might look, using Client.sign() as a controller:

diff --git a/src/amo-client.js b/src/amo-client.js
index b135630..23de9ca 100644
--- a/src/amo-client.js
+++ b/src/amo-client.js
@@ -110,6 +110,13 @@ export class Client {
     const doRequest = this[method].bind(this);
+    const [response, responseData] = await doRequest(
+      { url: addonUrl },
+      formData
+    );
+    const data = await this.waitForSignedAddon(responseData.url)
+    const allFiles = await this.downloadSignedFiles(data.files);
     return doRequest({
       url: addonUrl, formData,
     }, {

This patch was made against 51d2650

Convert to async / await

This code deals with some complex promises and wait loops. It would be a lot easier to read if converted to async / await.

test.amo-client.js: signing: 'signing lets you sign an add-on' times out occasionally

This test times out sometimes when Travis is overloaded. Perhaps we just need to increase the timeout. Or maybe some I/O heavy parts can be mocked further.

  1) amoClient.Client signing lets you sign an add-on:

     Error: timeout of 1000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.
      at tryCatchReject (node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:845:30)
      at runContinuation1 (node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:804:4)
      at Fulfilled.when (node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:592:4)
      at (node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:483:13)
      at Scheduler._drain (node_modules/when/lib/Scheduler.js:62:19)
      at Scheduler.drain (node_modules/when/lib/Scheduler.js:27:9)

Submission errors from API are not reported

To reproduce, create a web extension with a manifest that will create an error. For example, enter an invalid app version:

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "name": "some-extension",
  "version": "1.0",
  "applications": {
    "gecko": {
      "strict_min_version": "48.0.0"

web-ext sign results in a confusing timeout. You can see the real error in the API response. Additionally, the rejected promise is not handled. Both of these issues should be fixed.

$ web-ext sign --verbose --api-key ... --api-secret ... --api-url-prefix
Version: 1.2.1
[util/temp-dir.js][debug] Created temporary directory: /var/folders/h7/rttdqkks7fl_txp9_rr4j4840000gn/T/tmp-web-ext-182130JL93PwouZQ9
[util/manifest.js][debug] Validating manifest at /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/manifest.json
[cmd/build.js][info] Building web extension from /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify
[cmd/build.js][debug] Using manifest id=[not specified]
[cmd/build.js][debug] FileFilter: ignoring file /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/.web-extension-id
[cmd/sign.js][debug] Found extension ID {cf3c69a7-f889-447c-9d6b-7694be803513} in /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/.web-extension-id
[cmd/build.js][debug] FileFilter: ignoring file /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/web-ext-artifacts/beastify-1.0-fx+an.xpi
[cmd/build.js][debug] FileFilter: ignoring file /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/web-ext-artifacts/beastify-1.0-fx.xpi
[cmd/build.js][debug] FileFilter: ignoring file /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/web-ext-artifacts/beastify-1.0.xpi
[cmd/build.js][debug] FileFilter: ignoring file /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/web-ext-artifacts/
[cmd/build.js][debug] FileFilter: ignoring file /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/web-ext-artifacts/beastify-1.1-fx+an.xpi
[cmd/build.js][debug] FileFilter: ignoring file /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/web-ext-artifacts/beastify-1.2-fx+an.xpi
[cmd/build.js][debug] FileFilter: ignoring file /Users/kumar/dev/webextensions-examples/beastify/web-ext-artifacts/beastify-1.3-fx+an.xpi
[cmd/build.js][info] Your web extension is ready: /var/folders/h7/rttdqkks7fl_txp9_rr4j4840000gn/T/tmp-web-ext-182130JL93PwouZQ9/
[cmd/sign.js][info] Using previously auto-generated extension ID: {cf3c69a7-f889-447c-9d6b-7694be803513}
[sign-addon] [API] -> { url: '',
   { upload:
      ReadStream {
        _readableState: [Object],
        readable: true,
        domain: null,
        _events: [Object],
        _eventsCount: 1,
        _maxListeners: undefined,
        path: '/var/folders/h7/rttdqkks7fl_txp9_rr4j4840000gn/T/tmp-web-ext-182130JL93PwouZQ9/',
        fd: null,
        flags: 'r',
        mode: 438,
        start: undefined,
        end: undefined,
        autoClose: true,
        pos: undefined } },
  headers: { Authorization: '<REDACTED>', Accept: 'application/json' } }
[sign-addon] [API] <- { headers:
   { allow: 'GET, POST, PUT, HEAD, OPTIONS',
     'content-security-policy': 'script-src \'self\'; default-src \'self\'; img-src \'self\' data: blob:; media-src; style-src \'self\' \'unsafe-inline\'; frame-src \'self\'; object-src \'none\'; connect-src \'self\'; font-src \'self\'; report-uri /__cspreport__',
     'content-type': 'application/json',
     date: 'Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:28:10 GMT',
     etag: '"6a28808457067e35459e2966aeaaa1a2"',
     server: 'nginx',
     'set-cookie': '<REDACTED>',
     'strict-transport-security': 'max-age=31536000',
     vary: 'X-Mobile, User-Agent',
     'x-backend-server': 'ip-172-31-21-135',
     'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',
     'x-frame-options': 'DENY',
     'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block',
     'content-length': '128',
     connection: 'Close' },
  response: { error: 'Cannot find min/max version. Maybe "strict_min_version" or "strict_max_version" contains an unsupported version?' } }
Potentially unhandled rejection [1] Error: request URL was not specified
    at Client.configureRequest (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:733:16)
    at /Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:783:31
    at init (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:39:5)
    at new Promise (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:27:53)
    at Function.promise (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/when/when.js:97:10)
    at Client.request (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:782:30)
    at Client.get (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:645:28)
    at checkSignedStatus (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:471:19)
    at /Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:517:10
    at init (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/when/lib/makePromise.js:39:5)
Validating add-on [..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................]
[util/temp-dir.js][debug] Removing temporary directory: /var/folders/h7/rttdqkks7fl_txp9_rr4j4840000gn/T/tmp-web-ext-182130JL93PwouZQ9
sign: Error: Validation took too long to complete; last status: [null]
    at [object Object]._onTimeout (/Users/kumar/dev/web-ext/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:522:19)
    at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:92:15)

Drop support for Node 6

Since web-ext dropped support for Node 6 in 3.0.0, sign-addon can do the same.

This issue is about:

  • adjusting the docs to say sign-addon no longer supports Node 6
  • moving to what web-ext currently supports
  • adjusting CI to no longer build for Node 6
  • preparing a major release since it won't be backwards compatible

Replace NPM Token

Since all NPM upload tokens have been revoked a new one needs to be created and added to travis.yml

Attemping to use npm modules gives multpile import failures

I'm attempting to import the module from npm for use as per the README. However, I'm getting various errors which seem to be missing dependencies, that I typically expect the package to provide (especially as some have multiple values), rather than having to provide myself

In my script:
var signAddon = require('sign-addon');

My package.json started with just `"sign-addon": "0.0.1",` I then had to find and add modules for the items below - as the dist file in the node_modules directory didn't include them.

    throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'source-map-support'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
    at require (module.js:384:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:1:63)
    at Module._compile (module.js:460:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:478:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:355:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:310:12)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
Error: Cannot find module 'any-promise'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
    at require (module.js:384:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:244:19)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:180:16)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:57:12)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)
Error: Cannot find module 'thenify-all'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:336:15)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:278:25)
    at Module.require (module.js:365:17)
    at require (module.js:384:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:262:19)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:222:2)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:57:12)
    at __webpack_require__ (/Users/mark/loop/loop/node_modules/sign-addon/dist/sign-addon.js:22:30)

Make tests fail if there is a syntax error

For some reason, if some javascript file has a syntax error, the webpack build will appear to fail but it will only issue a warning. This causes the tests to run using the last build and thus will pass every time. We should make the tests fail if there is a syntax error. This probably only affects local development where you will be continuously editing code and running tests.

Support submitting a listed add-on to AMO

Once the API supports submitting a new listed add-on, sign-addon needs to support it so that web-ext can use it in mozilla/web-ext#804.

Submitting to a listed/unlisted channel is possible as of #248 but this won't work for submitting new add-ons because the API needs to collect additional metadata and that requires API changes (

I know that "sign addon" isn't the most aptly named module for add-on submission but sign-addon already has all the plumbing to work with the AMO API so we might as well start here.

Prevent overwriting an existing xpi file

When you specify downloadDir and an xpi file with the same name exists in that directory, it will be overwritten. We should stop doing that by default and introduce another option like overwriteDestination: true to allow overwrites. Keep in mind that it would be very hard to encounter this scenario in real life because the API won't let you sign the same version twice.

Allow signing versions of an add-on in the 'unlisted' channel

With add-on beta channel removal on 2/22/2018, it would be more than useful to have a way to automate add-on signing for beta versions to be hosted on the developer site.
This implies being able to upload unlisted add-ons and this does not seem to be possible for now with the current sign-addon module.
Reference: web-ext issue 877

Convert to ES6 promises

All old code was using when but we can use ES6 promises now. All conversions should be straight forward and Promise is already shimmed by webpack and available.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'headers' of undefined


  • Clone latest sign-addon master
  • Create a dummy webextension
  • In your sign-addon clone, do npm install; npm start and npm link
  • In your dummy webextension folder, do npm install web-ext and then npm link sign-addon as per
  • Run web-ext with credentials to create a new version of your add-on

Expected results:

  • Everything works fine, your add-on gets signed

Actual results:

[cmd/sign.js][warn] No extension ID specified (it will be auto-generated)
[sign-addon] Signing add-on without an ID
[sign-addon] [API] POST request:
 { url: 'http://olympia.test/api/v3/addons/',
   { upload:
      { _readableState: [Object],
        readable: true,
        _events: [Object],
        _eventsCount: 1,
        _maxListeners: undefined,
        path: '/tmp/tmp-web-ext-15869ra76OCCsC1tI/',
        fd: null,
        flags: 'r',
        mode: 438,
        start: undefined,
        end: Infinity,
        autoClose: true,
        pos: undefined,
        bytesRead: 0,
        closed: false },
     version: '1.1' },
  timeout: 300500,
  headers: { Authorization: '<REDACTED>', Accept: 'application/json' } }
[util/temp-dir.js][debug] Removing temporary directory: /tmp/tmp-web-ext-15869ra76OCCsC1tI
TypeError: Cannot read property 'headers' of undefined
    at absoluteURL (/home/mat/work/mozilla/sign-addon/dist/webpack:/src/amo-client.js:500:18)

[program.js][debug] Command executed: sign


  • This happens with master. It works fine if I git checkout 0.3.1 in my sign-addon clone and re-run npm install and npm start to rebuild the 0.3.1 version.

sign error - Missing "upload" key in multipart file data

This is the error I receive:
Server response: Missing "upload" key in multipart file data. ( status: 400 )

I believe my xpi is good, since it's the same I'm sending to jpm. Any idea or something else I can try?

currently I'm calling jpm from the code for the signing process, it would be nicer for my app to use that module instead so now I'm trying this separated module.

Eliminate grunt

It should be possible to remove grunt in favour of simpler run scripts.

Add Prettier

I know it does not seem urgent but this project has weird/inconsistent conventions and it is quite hard to make changes without ending up with a large diff. I think applying Prettier would help.

Add Greenkeeper or renovate?

Not sure how active this project is, but it may be worth trying to integrate greenkeeper or renovate (the latter allows you to schedule updates to a certain day/time, which makes it a bit less noisy).

Newer versions of npm (npm@6 or [email protected]) have a new $ npm audit command which is similar to the old nsp module, which detects potential vulnerable modules. You can sort of hack an audit right meow by using npx [if you're using [email protected]+], like so:

$ git clone && cd sign-addon
$ npm install
$ npx npm@6 audit
[!] 32 vulnerabilities found - Packages audited: 7381 (7261 dev, 222 optional)
    Severity: 13 Low | 17 Moderate | 2 Critical

And to get a list of all current outdated modules, we can use good ol' $ npm outdated:

$ npm outdated

Package              Current  Wanted  Latest  Location
babel-polyfill         6.9.1  6.16.0  6.26.0  sign-addon
es6-error              3.0.1   4.0.0   4.1.1  sign-addon
es6-promisify          4.1.0   5.0.0   6.0.0  sign-addon
jsonwebtoken           7.1.7   7.1.9   8.2.1  sign-addon
mz                     2.4.0   2.5.0   2.7.0  sign-addon
request               2.74.0  2.79.0  2.86.0  sign-addon
source-map-support     0.4.2   0.4.6   0.5.6  sign-addon
chai                   3.5.0   3.5.0   4.1.2  sign-addon
grunt                  1.0.1   1.0.1   1.0.2  sign-addon
grunt-contrib-clean    1.0.0   1.0.0   1.1.0  sign-addon
grunt-contrib-watch    1.0.0   1.0.0   1.1.0  sign-addon
grunt-eslint          19.0.0  19.0.0  20.1.0  sign-addon
grunt-newer            1.2.0   1.2.0   1.3.0  sign-addon
when                   3.7.7   3.7.7   3.7.8  sign-addon

TimeOut when signing an already signed version of an addon

I was trying to setup a CI for build & sign a webextension at each push when I encountered a timeout each time I was calling the web-ext sign command.

It appears that it happens if you try to sign an already signed version of an addon, in my case the version haven't be incremented in the last commit.


sign: Error: Validation took too long to complete;
     at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\NPM\Modules\node_modules\web-ext\node_modules\sign-addon\dist\webpack:\src\amo-client.js:222:16)
     at tryOnTimeout (timers.js:224:11)
     at Timer.listOnTimeout (timers.js:198:5)

I am fine with not signing an already signed version but it is preferable to have a precise exception than a timeout.

Update ESLint config

We should update the ESLint configuration to:

  1. simplify it
  2. use the amo config/plugin
  3. find a plugin to lint the TypeScript/JSDoc introduced in #326

Do not obscure the files object in verbose output

If you do something like web-ext sign --verbose (which calls signAddon({verbose: true})) then you get a log of API responses. However, the files array is not shown. This is crucial part of the output for debugging purposes so we should show it. Example:

   { guid: '[email protected]',
     active: false,
     automated_signing: true,
     url: '[email protected]/versions/1.0rc6/uploads/94b362a2b65f482aa6bf54397dbbb976/',
     files: [ [Object] ],
     passed_review: false,
     pk: '94b362a2b65f482aa6bf54397dbbb976',
     processed: true,
     reviewed: false,
     valid: true,
      { errors: 0,
        success: true,
        warnings: 0,
        messages: [Object],
        passed_auto_validation: true,
        ending_tier: 5,
        compatibility_summary: [Object],
        detected_type: 'extension',
        signing_summary: [Object],
        notices: 1,
        signing_ignored_summary: [Object],
        metadata: [Object] },
     validation_url: '',
     version: '1.0rc6' } }

Separate Validating and Signing progress

I originally described this as a comment in #319 but it deserves its own separate issue.

Validation and Signing are two separate things, and the API does differentiate between the two, allowing web-ext to give more accurate feedback about what's going on behind the scenes when signing. I think because they are separate concepts and because the API does return the information already, separating validation and signing pseudo progression bars would be nice to have.

It might even makes sense for web-ext to return without an error when the timeout for signing has been reached, but the upload is marked as valid: It would mean that although the add-on passed linting and basic validation rules, signing has not been done yet, for whatever reason, but is expected to happen eventually.

We already have code that does this for listed uploads, relying on the automated_signing property returned by AMO API, but that property has been a bit misleading for a while: A lot of uploads are now auto-approved, even listed, but we still (currently and in the future) return "automated_signing": false for those.

Here is how I think it should work from a user perspective:

  • Validating add-on pseudo progress bar is marked as finished as soon as polling detects valid is true on the upload, otherwise reports an error and terminates the process
  • If validation was successful a second pseudo progress bar is started, Signing add-on
  • Once signed is true, everything behaves as before
  • If timeout is reached, return with the following message: Your add-on has been submitted for review. It passed but could not be automatically signed, you'll receive an email when it is available for download and terminate.

Server errors can be confusing

You may receive an error from the API server like:

{"detail":"Signature has expired."}

this has nothing to with signing an extension so it's confusing. All server errors should be prefixed, maybe like:

{"detail":"Error communicating with the signing service: Signature has expired."}

Error: Validation took too long to complete (when signing a deleted version)

Original bug report: mozilla/addons#661 (includes a verbose web-ext sign log)

I think these are the steps to reproduce but I haven't confirmed it:

  • Use web-ext sign to create an unlisted add-on
  • Bump the version in your manifest to 2.0.0
  • Use web-ext sign to sign 2.0.0
  • Go to the AMO Devhub and delete the 2.0.0 signed add-on
  • Try to use web-ext sign to sign 2.0.0 again

This should work since the old version had been deleted.

Throw a custom SigningError

All internal exceptions are thrown as Error. It would be nice to throw them as a custom class, like SigningError, so they could be handled upstream.

Increase timeout for successful signing

In AMO is going to refactor the way unlisted submissions are handled, and have them go through the same auto-approval process as listed ones.

Validation and signing will continue to be automatic, but signing will no longer directly follow validation and may take more time to complete than before. This is an issue because sign-addon expects signing to be almost instantaneous and has a 2 minutes timeout before reporting an error. That timeout needs to be updated to a higher value to leave time for signing to succeed.

The value of the timeout we need is currently being discussed, I'll add it to this issue as soon as possible.

Port travis deploy config to dpl v2

Describe the problem and steps to reproduce it:

While releasing a new tagged release from the web-ext repo, I noticed that the travis job wasn't able to successfully run the deploy task (it did fail with this error:

It is not unlikely that sign-addon may trigger the same issue once we are going to release the next tagged release.

Anything else we should know?

mozilla/web-ext#1838 contains the changes that we applied to the web-ext travis config to successfully deploy the new npm package from the travis job.

If the sign-addon travis config does trigger the same issue, then we may want to apply the same kind of changes to this repo as well (otherwise we can defer the change once migrating to travis dpl v2 format does become mandatory).

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  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

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    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. ๐Ÿ“Š๐Ÿ“ˆ๐ŸŽ‰

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    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

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    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

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    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

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    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

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