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stan.go's Introduction

WARNING: Product reached end of life โš ๏ธ

NATS Streaming reached its end of life.

It is no longer supported and has been replaced by Jetstream

JetStream is build into the NATS Server and supported by all major clients. Check examples here

stan.go's People


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stan.go's Issues

Data race on publish?

We're evaluating NATS Streaming Server for the PubSub system in a microservices architecture. We currently use it only for simple "fire-and-forget" messaging such as progress notifications.

While using that, we found that the number of goroutines in go-nats-streaming seems to be ever increasing. This is what we get after running the web server part for a while. It seems that the goroutines are stuck in stan.go:402.

goroutine profile: total 168
69 @ 0x3f20d 0x3f2fe 0x13b08 0x1380d 0x58d855 0x72111
#	0x58d854*conn).publishAsync.func1+0x144	/Users/oliver/gocode/src/

8 @ 0x3f20d 0x50133 0x4eddc 0x25167e 0x72111
#	0x25167d	/Users/oliver/gocode/src/

After a while, this number exceeds the number of goroutines that the race detector considers to be a problem (race: limit on 8192 simultaneously alive goroutines is exceeded, dying).

goroutine profile: total 1141
1042 @ 0x3f20d 0x3f2fe 0x13b08 0x1380d 0x58d855 0x72111
#	0x58d854*conn).publishAsync.func1+0x144	/Users/oliver/gocode/src/

8 @ 0x3f20d 0x50133 0x4eddc 0x25167e 0x72111
#	0x25167d	/Users/oliver/gocode/src/

Here's how we publish messages:

// PublishJSON publishes a message serialized as JSON.
// Strings, pointers to strings, and byte arrays get sent as-is,
// all other objects are serialized as JSON.
func (b *natsBroker) PublishJSON(ctx context.Context, topic string, msg interface{}) error {
	switch msg := msg.(type) {
	case string:
		return b.conn.Publish(topic, []byte(msg))
	case *string:
		if msg == nil {
			return b.conn.Publish(topic, nil)
		return b.conn.Publish(topic, []byte(*msg))
	case []byte:
		return b.conn.Publish(topic, msg)

	// Fallback to JSON encoding
	data, err := json.Marshal(msg)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	return b.conn.Publish(topic, data)


// Publish progress, sync.ProgressTopic, sync.ProgressEvent{
	Current:    int(current),
	Total:      int(total),
	ETA:        eta.Unix(),

We're using the current version of NATS streaming server from the GitHub repository:

[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.190442 [INF] Starting nats-streaming-server[cloud-nats] version 0.3.7
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.190681 [INF] Starting nats-server version 0.9.6
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.190712 [INF] Listening for client connections on
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.190806 [INF] Server is ready
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469346 [INF] STAN: Message store is MEMORY
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469358 [INF] STAN: --------- Store Limits ---------
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469362 [INF] STAN: Channels:                  100 *
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469369 [INF] STAN: -------- channels limits -------
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469372 [INF] STAN:   Subscriptions:          1000 *
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469376 [INF] STAN:   Messages     :       1000000 *
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469397 [INF] STAN:   Bytes        :     976.56 MB *
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469399 [INF] STAN:   Age          :     unlimited *
[52172] 2016/12/29 12:30:02.469400 [INF] STAN: --------------------------------

Of course, this could as well be a problem on our side. Can you give us a hint on how to debug this problem?

Connection Close Handling

When an application crashes, it may not call the STAN Close() function, so STAN will hold the application's clientID as if it were connected. This leaves STAN in a state where it will prevent a connection with the same ClientID, erroneously indicating it is a duplicate.

I propose we:
a) Add a disconnected alert/advisory from NATS that STAN can listen to. Upon a client disconnect, the NATS server publishes an advisory message containing the client name, perhaps in JSON format.
b) STAN uses the client ID as the NATS client name to connect.
c) STAN listens on the advisory subject and removes the client ID when notified a client has been disconnected.

Client should not depend on server code.

stan-server depends on go-stan imports to build, while go-stan depends on stan-server imports in order to test. Propose that we find a way to ensure that the server depends on the client (only), and not vice versa.

ack for Pub and Sub / delete message after successful delivery

Hi experts,

I have successfully run the Nats-Streaming Go clients to publish and subscribe and consume the message from a nats-streaming server.

Would appreciate if someone can help me on how I pub and sub with ack and the ack results can be called back in the client.

Another related question: If the message is delivered to subscriber successfully with an acr, will Nats Streaming Server automatically delete the message from the store? If no, how can we implement that? I know there is a max message in store for each channel, but the delivered messages will take up unnecessary storage.

Thank u in advance

Steven Tan

ps: sorry I accidentally posted the message in nats

Need example clients

I think at least a simple stan-pub and stan-sub are required for the preview.

Issues with redelivery

-Messages may be redelivered only once
-Panic in redelivery for regular subs when there are messages that have not yet expired
-Race conditions when reseting the ack timer

document and/or validate client id requirements

for over 5 hours I was trying to figure out why I was getting stan: invalid connection request only to find out after reading the streaming server code that clientId can only be alphanumeric + '_' + '-'.

TestPubMultiQueueSubWithSlowSubscriber is brittle

This test fails sporadically, perhaps 25% of the time, in Travis CI. Testing for exactly 1 or exactly 2 messages on sub2 seems flawed IMO. The algorithm cannot guarantee that outcome under all circumstances (as testing in Travis proves). Either the server algorithm is broken or the requirement we're testing is ill-defined. Let's fix one or the other so this test is more reliable.

(First discussed in #10)

Fix test error messages

Seeing this a lot in stan_test.go (e.g. here)

    if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("Expected non-nil error on Subscribe, got %v\n", err)

I'm pretty sure this says the opposite of what is intended.

Add Subscription.Close() to close a durable without removing durable interest

A durable (including durable queue subscriber) would be removed from the server - so delivery to this subscriber would stop - without removing the durable interest, that is, durable subscription can be resumed.

A summary:


  • For a durable, Unsubscribe() removes the durable subscription. A restart with same durable name is a new one and can receive old messages.
  • For a durable queue group, the last member calling Unsubscribe() removes the durable queue group.


  • For a durable (including any durable queue member in a group) Close() stops delivery to this subscriber but does not remove the durable subscription (the durable queue group is not removed by the last member calling Close()).
  • For a durable (including durable queue subscribers), calling Close() when connecting to a server that does not offer this feature causes the API to return the error ErrNoServerSupport.
  • For non durables, Close() is equivalent to Unsubscribe(), so no error is returned even if connecting to an older server.

Start time/sequence validation should be "inclusive" vs. "exact"

See here and here in server.go.

As a user, if my SubscriptionRequest specifies a time 100 seconds in the past, but the earliest stored message was 80 seconds in the past, I get stan: invalid start time. IMO that's broken, conceptually.

Think of how you'd use a "since" date when qualifying Google search results (i.e. show me hits since this date). If I entered 1/1/2016, but the first result was from 1/3/2016, I'd expect to get everything starting from 1/3/2016, and not an error indicating that my "since" date was wrong. The same applies here: if my start time is before the earliest message, just start with the earliest message!

It's tempting to say "well, just use StartPosition.First instead", but I as a user actually require data since exactly (at most) 100 seconds ago, and I have no idea when "First" will start (3 days, 2 hours, or 5 seconds).

I propose that if start time (or sequence) is earlier than the first message, that we start with the first message, and likewise that if the start time (or sequence) is later than the last message, we set the start time/sequence to 1ns or 1 seqno after the last message (i.e. default to StartPosition.NewOnly).

Race conditions in TestPubMultiQueueSubWithSlowSubscriber

Write by goroutine 516:*conn).PublishAsyncWithReply()
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x935*conn).PublishWithReply()
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x13f*conn).Publish()
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x8d
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0xbb9
      /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xdc

Previous read by goroutine 541:*conn).removeAck()
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x16b*conn).processAck()
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x171*conn).(
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x37*Conn).waitForMsgs()
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x3aa

Goroutine 516 (running) created at:
      /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:561 +0xaa3
      /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:494 +0xe4
  main.main() +0x20f

Goroutine 541 (running) created at:*Conn).subscribe()
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x504*Conn).Subscribe()
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x7a
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x1161
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0x92
      /home/travis/gopath/src/ +0xda
      /tmp/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xdc

Problem in connect to remote stan server

Hi, i am trying to connect go stan client to remote stan server and server tell me something like that
" 2016/07/16 21:48:31 Can't connect: nats: no servers available for connection.
Make sure a NATS Streaming Server is running at: nats://

steps what i am do:

  1. make file seed.conf who look like
    http: 8222

2 start server with command:
"./nats-streaming-server -c seed.conf"
who tell me
[6763] 2016/07/16 22:52:05.256046 [INF] Starting nats-streaming-server[test-cluster] version 0.2.0
[6763] 2016/07/16 22:52:05.256521 [INF] Starting nats-server version 0.9.0.beta
[6763] 2016/07/16 22:52:05.256544 [INF] Starting http monitor on :8222
[6763] 2016/07/16 22:52:05.256643 [INF] Listening for client connections on
3. I want to send message to server from other computer whith standart instruction on site
go run stan-pub.go -c "nats://" foo "msg one"
and take a message :
Make sure a NATS Streaming Server is running at: nats://

what am i doing wrong?

DATA RACE on Close when processing Heartbeat from server

Write by goroutine 8:*conn).Close()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x1c1

Previous read by goroutine 68:*conn).processHeartBeat()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x3a*conn).(
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x37*Conn).waitForMsgs()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x3aa

Update Examples

The examples need to be more robust in detecting missing parameters and reporting this more accurately to provide a better user experience.


go run stan-sub.go test-cluster foo
Can't connect: stan: invalid connection request
exit status 1

is output from missing the required -id parameter.

Specify NATS options for STAN connection

Although we will allow passing in a NATS connection, ideally we will still allow the user to create a STAN connection from scratch. This requires passing in or otherwise allowing configuring the required NATS options e.g. (importantly) TLS and various connect/reconnect timeouts and options.
#27 solves this in the short term, but API simplicity is key, so we should still allow creating a STAN connection from scratch with no pre-existing NATS conn.

Possible approaches:

  • Embed a nats.Options in the stan.Options (easy but messier?)
  • Expose option-setting APIs that wrap corresponding NATS option-setting APIs (cumbersome but neater?)
  • others?

DATA RACE on Unsubscribe()

Write by goroutine 170:*conn).Close()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x1b3
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x56

Previous read by goroutine 127:*subscription).Unsubscribe()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x47f
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x519
      /private/var/folders/q8/bf_4b1ts2zj0l7b0p1dv36lr0000gp/T/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xdc

Goroutine 170 (running) created at:
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x4ff
      /private/var/folders/q8/bf_4b1ts2zj0l7b0p1dv36lr0000gp/T/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xdc

Goroutine 127 (running) created at:
      /private/var/folders/q8/bf_4b1ts2zj0l7b0p1dv36lr0000gp/T/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:561 +0xaa3
      /private/var/folders/q8/bf_4b1ts2zj0l7b0p1dv36lr0000gp/T/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:494 +0xe4
  main.main() +0x20f

Why no Request/Reply feature

Normal NATS implements request that automatically creates a inbox for a reply and blocks until a server responds. I might be completely off here as I just see NATS streaming as a message bus+persistence. Is there a fundamental reason this neat feature is missing? It would be very handy in my use case(HTTP request uploads a video file, it's pushed into NATS where a number of workers will asynchronously pick up segments of the file and start processing at different points, thus allowing distributed processing of many very very large files).

This is more of a question of why would I not want to do this? If it's just a incomplete feature I can port it and provide a PR.

DATA RACE between Close() and Ack()

Write by goroutine 30:*conn).Close()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x1c1
      /usr/local/go/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:472 +0x3d
      /usr/local/go/src/testing/testing.go:383 +0x7c

Previous read by goroutine 27:*Msg).Ack()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x34b
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x456*conn).(
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x37*Conn).waitForMsgs()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x3aa

Possible duplicate processing of PubAck

Looking at the code, it seems that for a PublishAsync call, if the client side times-out, the AckHandler would be invoked with a timeout error, even though a PubAck was received from the server and reported back to the AckHandler.

For the synchronous Publish() call, it may result in a "leak" of timer closure function since processAckTimeout() will be blocked in a chan send, or worse, block the connection ability to process further acks since processAck() would be blocked trying to send result to the channel.

conn.Close() should be idempotent

Calling Close() on an already closed connection should not produce an error. IMO the only case in which it should return an error is if the Close Request fails, and therefore the user code may need/want to do something to make sure the clientID is released properly, or log the error.

Allow Connection Callbacks

We need to provide a mechanism for users to install async error and connection callbacks, or to preserve/honor already-registered callbacks when passing a NATS connection into a STAN connection (see #27).

One approach we have discussed is to have STAN install its own connection handlers, and to invoke any callbacks the user may have already registered on the NATS connection from the STAN handlers.

This can also be applied if we allow STAN to install connection handlers via the client API, i.e. if the user invokes sc.setDisconnectedCallback(someCB), we could invoke this from within our own STAN-installed callbacks.

TestNoDuplicatesOnSubscriberStart has a data race

Read by goroutine 591:
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x61*conn).processMsg()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x458*conn).(
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x37*Conn).waitForMsgs()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x3aa

Previous write by goroutine 590:
      /private/var/folders/q8/bf_4b1ts2zj0l7b0p1dv36lr0000gp/T/workdir/go/src/runtime/race_amd64.s:255 +0xb
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0xaf

Goroutine 591 (running) created at:*Conn).subscribe()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x504*Conn).Subscribe()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x7a*conn).subscribe()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x605*conn).Subscribe()
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0xbe
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x663
      /private/var/folders/q8/bf_4b1ts2zj0l7b0p1dv36lr0000gp/T/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xdc

Goroutine 590 (running) created at:
      /Users/ivan/dev/go/src/ +0x57c
      /private/var/folders/q8/bf_4b1ts2zj0l7b0p1dv36lr0000gp/T/workdir/go/src/testing/testing.go:456 +0xdc

Question regarding subscription callback

I am wondering if internally subscription callback work on some worker pool kind of architecture. If yes does it impact anyway when it comes to durable subscriptions? If not is it up to calling code to spawn message consumption in a separate go routine?

Strip gogoproto from the main protocol.proto

Ideally protocol.proto should have no external cross-language dependencies. Right now, it imports gogoprotobuf, which requires that you have a go environment installed on your build system and gogoprotobuf installed. For a java or C# client, this doesn't make sense. Protobuf allows for language-specific options (e.g. java_package, go_package, etc), but apparently not language-specific imports.

If possible, we should find a way to isolate the Go-specific parts of the .proto file and put them in a separate .proto.

The goal is to have a .proto file that does not depend on go, and does not require editing in order to use in other non-go projects.

EDIT: we aren't the first ones to deal with this. The folks at cockroachdb solved it by putting their proto file in a separate repo along with a Makefile and scripts to produce clean proto files:

Barring a better idea, we could follow this approach.

stan: connect request timeout


I'm working on a project that was using the plain ol' go-nats package, but I wanted some of the streaming functionality provided by this package so I'm in the process of switching it around.

I'm running into the error stan: connect request timeout and I can't seem to figure out why this is occurring. I'm setting a connection to the stan.Conn using the Option helper like so:

// nConn is assigned to a successfully connected *nats.Conn struct
stanConn, err := stan.Connect("consumer", "consumer",

However this is giving the error listed in the title.

I've isolated it to this line in the go-nats package:

Any thoughts on what might be causing this? I was using the go-nats package just fine, publishing and subscribing messages with no hiccups.

Real error messages for stan.Connect() function

As far as I can see with my limited go skills, the stan.Connect() just reraises errors from its underlying call, instead of reinterpreting them according to its context.

It would be nice if it could give more interesting error messages to the users, e.g. if it receives a INFO block from the server, it can evaluate things like server version instead of just raising a timeout error. Or if it can't read it, it can raise an error like got INFO block but can't read it: <info output printed>.

This can save hours to users trying to debug things, since for instance on a timeout error one first expects that there's a network or DNS problem, and not that server and client just have different versions and therefore can't talk to each other.

Configurable Heartbeat Interval

Server-to-Client heart beats need to be configurable:

Something along the lines of:

  • HeartBeatInterval
  • HeartBeatTimeout
  • HeartBeatMaxFailCount

We should discuss if the server sends the interval in the connect response and the clients behave accordingly, or we require the client to set this explicitly and independently. IMO sending these to the client will reduce support costs and make STAN simpler for users.

Reconnection when Server Reboot

We I restart the server the pub and sub stop to send and receive data. I have try to handler close connection but without success.

Send response on message

I can send a response to client after receive a message and get this data

var response string
err := c.Request("help", "help me", &response, 10*time.Millisecond) ...

How i can send to client a response here and get a data on the client side? I can't find.
Thank you

README needs content

Our README needs a level of detail similar to the gnatsd/nats README.

  • download instructions
  • build instructions
  • discussion of acking modes with publish API examples
  • discussion of subscription modes with subscribe examples

Subscriber example issues

-When queue group name is specified (-qgroup), a durable is actually created.
-Durable are automatically unsubscribed (deleted) on exit.

Exposing underlying NATS conn

It would be nice if the STAN conn exposed a way to get the wrapped NATS conn. For example, if I have a STAN conn, I want to check if it's connected to NATS. Either STAN would need to have a Status() method which calls through to the NATS conn or we just allow you to get the NATS conn itself.

I see the potential dangers with this (e.g. closing the underlying NATS conn would be quite problematic), but if you are passing in your own NATS conn, this is already a possibility. And if STAN is creating the NATS conn for you, there's currently no way to check the NATS status.

Issue with Subscriptions delivery

In my application I've a client that is publishing to a queue group as per following code.

NatsConn.Publish("NotificationQueue", msgByte)
NatsConn -- global connection to Nats Streaming.

Receiver is initialized during bootstrap with function like this:

func InitSubscribers() {
	_, err := NatsConn.QueueSubscribe("NotificationQueue", "NotificationQueue", NotificationListener, stan.DurableName("DurableStore"))

The issue I am facing is that subscription delivery to listeners is not working and I am seeing following errors

[DBG] STREAM: [Client:] Redelivering on ack expiration, subject=NotificationQueue, inbox=_INBOX.YOWGP5dxClqIzeZ4uNhHn1

as well as

[DBG] STREAM: [Client:service001] Timed out on heartbeats
[DBG] STREAM: [Client:service001] Closed (Inbox=_INBOX.Uz0R99NZTSe467Ox6XIJTw)

Just wanted to check if there is some configuration that I may be missing.

TestBasicPubSubFlowControl needs better success criteria


This test has 3 success criteria:

  • No error creating subscription
  • No error publishing messages
  • All 500 messages received

It doesn't appear to prove anything regarding flow control, and doesn't appear to prove anything more than TestBasicPubSub does. Removing the MaxInFlight setting wouldn't change the outcome of the test. Proposals:

  1. Rename the test, if it proves something distinct that other tests do not
  2. Add comments to the test that describe why/how it demonstrates something about flow control
  3. Enhance the test to create a situation demonstrating that basic flow control is achieved
  4. Eliminate the test if none of the above can be achieved

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