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IP addressing and Connectivity enterprise management application

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

JavaScript 1.99% Java 98.01%

ipac's Introduction

IPAC - IP Addressing and Connectivity


IPAC stands for IP addressing and Connectivity - It is a web application that manages IP addresses and host connectivity.

IPAC is a IP addressing and Connectivity enterprise management application designed for Network Operations or Datacentre management teams.

The application manages the IP addresses on multiple sites...


Here are some of the features available

  • Site based architecture
  • Multiple VLANs per site
  • Hosts with configurable interfaces
  • Manage subnets
  • Set host IP address or get the next available
  • User authentication, control access to sections
  • Audit trail of activity and changes

How to get started

To install and use this application we need a few components:

  • Postgres database
  • Java application server
  • JDK to build the deployable artifact

For more information about using this application see Installation to install or Usage Intructions

If you wish to contribute and enhance this application the please see the Development section.


Within this project there are the following sections:

  • Usage Intructions - A guide to using the application
  • /DB - Database schema creation scripts and initial data insert statements
  • /WEBAPP - Web application source directory

Getting started


I will not describe how to install each software component, there are plenty of guides available on the internet detailing how to install Postgres or whichever application server you choose.

More information to follow...


  • JDK >=1.7.x
  • PostgreSQL >=9.1
  • Application servers - Does not require full JEE stack; Apache Tomcat >=7.0 and Jetty is fine and tested
  • Apache Maven ~3

Build instructions

More information to follow...


Config directory

The webapp has a set of properties files external to the war, the Maven config file populates this for jetty instance but if you run on Tomcat then specify this config.dir eg;

startTomcat -Dconfig.dir=/path/to/dir

Configuration files

This directory must contain each of the files in the environments\example directory - this allows configuration of database connections, log4j, etc


To get going with development (I am assuming you are using eclipse):

  1. git clone
  2. cd to dir
  3. mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0

To run with Jetty; mvn jetty:run

Please use the GitHub pull-request mechanism to submit contributions.


This project is available for use under the GNU General Public License.

For full details see LICENSE

IPAC is a IP addressing and Connectivity enterprise management application designed for Network Operations or Datacentre management teams. Copyright (C) 2013 robert murray

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see

ipac's People


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ipac's Issues

VLANs by site

The site ID filter for VLANs does not work. The URL does contain the site id but all VLANs are displayed.

Unable to delete an IP address

Error thrown by the - exception is org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity:

This occurs when deleting an IP address

Switch management

Need to implement switch management:
-Create new switches
-View switchport connections

Auth fail messages

Have a look at tidying up the authentication failure messages when using the log in page

Pagination on VLAN list

There is no pagination on the VLAN list currently, requires same configuration as host list

Form styling

Currently no form styling - enhance with bootstrap

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