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london-bike-hire-cli's Introduction

London Bike Hire CLI

A simple command line interface to London's Bike Hire API.

Gem Version


This gem provides a command line interface to find information about London's Bike Hire stations, it allows you to find stations by name or their ID or a location and retrieve information about the status of a station.

I got fed up digging through the official map to see which bike stations were free - everyone knows the command line is way more efficient.


Here's the spec for London Bike Hire CLI:

Demo commands

Getting started

Using london-bike-hire-cli could not be simpler - just install the london-bike-hire-cli gem.

$ gem install london-bike-hire-cli


You can run london-bike-hire-cli from the command line with just the lbh command.

Command line help

For a list of arguments just use the -h switch.

$ lbh -h

List all bike stations

List all however-many-hundred bike stations there are. With pagination.

$ lbh all

Find the nearest bike station

Find a the nearest bike station to the specified type below. This will return five stations.

Available types:

  • search - Most search terms; such as placename, postcode
  • id - An ID of another bike station
$ lbh near --{type} {search_value}

# Near by search term
$ lbh near --search N19AE
$ lbh near --search 'waterloo station'

# Near another bike station id
$ lbh near --id 123

Note: Don't forget to wrap search term in quotes if it contains spaces.

Find a bike station by id

Find a Bike station by it's Tfl station ID. This will return one station.

$ lbh find --id {id}
$ lbh find --id 439

Find all bike stations by name

Search all bike stations' name attribute for the search value. This will return zero or more results.

$ lbh where --{attribute} {search_value}
$ lbh where --name kings


$ lbh find --id 439
----- Bike station
Id: 439
Name: Killick Street, Kings Cross
Lat: 51.5338
Long: -0.118677
Temporary: false
Bikes: 13
Docks_free: 9
Docks_total: 22
Link to map:,-0.118677,17z
Updated at: 2015-03-31 20:46:01


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Install dependancies

$ bundle install --no-deployment

Run test script as entry point to application

$ ruby test.rb find --id 439


This project is available for use under the MIT software license. See LICENSE

The above image is copyright 2015 Getty Images - Getty Images for Santander.

london-bike-hire-cli's People


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london-bike-hire-cli's Issues

List all Stations

Should be able to list all stations with paginations so can browse list.

$ bbcli all

A console type of command interface

Currently each command starts the application, fetches data, outputs and exits - add option to accept input in loop yielding same command interface but never exiting until told to do so.

Find nearest Bike Stations by ID

Add a new type to the near search to find the nearest N stations to an ID.

$ bbcli near --{type} {search_value}
$ bbcli near --id 123

Find nearest Bike Stations

Locate the nearest N Bike Stations by * Postcode?

Something like this...

$ bbcli near --{type} {search_value}
$ bbcli near --postcode N19AE

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