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MrCorrecter is a friendly guy, he searches Twitter for spelling mistakes and replies to the tweets pointing out to the tweeters that they have misspelled a word.

License: MIT License

Ruby 100.00%

mr-correcter's Introduction


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MrCorrecter is a friendly guy, he searches Twitter for spelling mistakes and replies to the tweets pointing out to the tweeters that they have misspelled a word.



First off, if mr-correcter has offended or annoyed anyone in particular I must apologise for him; he means no harm and is just trying to help the world's spelling.


mr-correcter is mainly a development exercise, a little play thing; he is just a few lines of code to play around with the Twitter gem. This app searches Twitter using the Twitter API for spelling mistakes, these actually being a common misspelling of a particular word as opposed to any dictionary based testing. The code then creates a reply and again using the Twitter API will reply_to the Tweet with the correct spelling of the word.

It appears that not many people enjoy being corrected and reply back to mr-correcter and he receives a fair amount of abuse back from the mispellers, have a look at some of the replies to him.

Getting started

In order to use this code you will have to checkout this repo and change the Twitter API credentials used.

  1. bundle install.
  2. Create and edit config.yml (see config.example.yml for details) or amend the configuration block in Rakefile. Alter parameters and add Twitter API credentials. Also edit corrections if necessary.
  3. Ready to go.



To run mr-correcter, after editing any configuration, just run the rake task then sit back and enjoy mayhem.

$ rake run


Verify mr-correcter spec.

$ rake spec


This project is available for use under the MIT software license. See LICENSE

mr-correcter's People


gitter-badger avatar rob-murray avatar




 avatar  avatar  avatar



mr-correcter's Issues

Move configuration to external file

Would be good idea to move all configuration from the Rakefile into a configuration file passed into script.

Don't forget to ignore the real file but checkin an example file without any credentials!

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