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LDAP-46: DirContextAdapter.getModificatioItems() doesnt ignore case when collecting values to be removed and added.

Migrated from LDAP-46

DirContextAdapter.getModicationItems() calls collectModifications() to collect the modification items. The section handling multi-valued attributes uses CollectionUtils to return a new list that will contain a substraction of the old values from the new values, but the substraction doesnt handle case insensitivity thus resulting in a list of items that require to be added which already exist in the Directory Server with a different case and resulting in an ATTRIBUTE_ALREADY_EXISIT error. See below:
else {
// Collect all modifications to attribute individually (this also
// covers additions to a previously non-existant attribute).
Collection oldValues = new LinkedList();
Collection newValues = new LinkedList();

collectAttributeValues(oldValues, currentAttribute);
collectAttributeValues(newValues, changedAttr);
Collection myModifications = new LinkedList();

Collection addedValues = CollectionUtils.subtract(newValues, oldValues); // WILL ALSO RETURN VALUES TO BE ADDED THAT ARE ALREADY IN LDAP IF CASE IS DIFFERENT. Collection removedValues = CollectionUtils.subtract(oldValues, newValues); // WILL ALSO RETURN VALUES TO BE ADDED THAT ARE ALREADY IN LDAP IF CASE IS DIFFERENT. collectModifications(DirContext.ADD_ATTRIBUTE, changedAttr, addedValues, myModifications); collectModifications(DirContext.REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE, changedAttr, removedValues, myModifications); if (myModifications.isEmpty()) { // This means that the attributes are not equal, but the // actual values are the same – thus the order must have // changed. This should result in a REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE operation. myModifications.add(new ModificationItem( DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, changedAttr)); }


LDAP-39: Provide utility method for simple authentication

Migrated from LDAP-39

A popular request is that Spring LDAP should provide a simple authentication mechanism for those that don’t need the full power of Acegi Security. One approach that seems to work is this (taken from the forum

public boolean checkPassword(String login, String password) {

// Construction du DN
DistinguishedName dn = new DistinguishedName(“ou=People,dc=univ,dc=fr”);
dn.append(new DistinguishedName(getUserDn(login)));

// Connexion manuelle
LdapContextSource ctxSource = new LdapContextSource();
try {
return true;
catch(Exception e) {
return false;

LDAP-28: Pre-encoded search filters

Migrated from LDAP-28

Currently all of the search filters require everything to be entered as a key/value pair. Add a filter that allows to the user to specify a filter, common when reading configuration files:


Attached is the implementation we are using for Crowd.

LDAP-15: DirContextAdapter.setAttribute()

Migrated from LDAP-15

DirContextAdapter.setAttributeValue(String, Object) and setAttributeValues(String, Object[]) add the attribute to DirContextAdapter.attrs or DirContextAdapter.updateAttrs (depending on updateMode) while setAttribute() does not.

Hence, calling setAttribute does not result in a ModificationItem.

LDAP-2: Support multi-valued distinguished names

Migrated from LDAP-2

The RFC2253 specifies that a distinguished name should be able to have multi-valued RDNs separated by a ‘+’ sign, like “cn=Rod+sn=Johnson”, for example. There is a working parser written in C# here:

LDAP-47: Code example in section 4.1 of the documentation is incorrect

Migrated from LDAP-47

The last few lines of example 4.1 and 4.2 are incorrect. They are currently:

NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler = AttributesMapperCallbackHandler(new PersonAttributesMapper());

return, handler);

NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler = ContextMapperCallbackHandler(new PersonContextMapper());

return, handler);

They should be:

CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler handler = AttributesMapperCallbackHandler(new PersonAttributesMapper());

```, handler);
return handler.getList();

CollectingNameClassPairCallbackHandler handler = ContextMapperCallbackHandler(new PersonContextMapper());

```, handler);
return handler.getList();

Thanks to Ulrik Sandberg for the correct code.

LDAP-34: Move itest-targets.xml to common-build

Migrated from LDAP-34

Both spring-ldap and sandbox have identical copies of itest-targets.xml, mainly because we shared common-build with other projects previously. Now we can move those to common-build and perhaps also get rid of some unnecessary overrides in the build.xml files.

LDAP-40: Documentation error

Migrated from LDAP-40

Document – Single Page HTML reference.

In section 2.1, example 2.2

the line of code – “private class PersonAttributesMapper implements AttributesMapper() {”

should be changed to – “private class PersonAttributesMapper implements AttributesMapper {”

The braces after the AttributesMapper is incorrect.

LDAP-14: Exceptions not Serializable

Migrated from LDAP-14


We have a remote service utilizing Spring-Ldap. We’d like to be able to return exceptions to the service caller, however they’re not Serializable

Perhaps it is the wrapped NamingException that is not Serializable. My preference is for the exceptions to be serializable (perhaps there are other points of view), therefore I’d suggest to wrap the stack trace and message from NamingException and discard the non-Serializable part.


LDAP-48: Code example in section 2.1 of the documentation is incorrect

Migrated from LDAP-48

The code for the PersonAttributesMapper in example 2.2 is:

private class PersonAttributesMapper implements AttributesMapper() { public Object mapFromAttributes(Attributes attrs) throws NamingException { Person person = new Person(); person.setFullName((String)attrs.get(“cn”).get()); person.setLastName((String)attrs.get(“sn”).get()); person.setDescription((String)attrs.get(“description”).get()); return person; } }

The () after the implements AttributesMapper causes a problem and should be removed.

It might also be worth mentioning at some point that this code causes all the attributes to be returned (not just the ones being mapped) and that you can use the setReturnedAttributes method on the SearchControls class to only return the attributes you need. Would be very helpful to LDAP noobs like myself.

LDAP-37: Controls[] java.lang.NullPointerException when performing PagedResultsRequestControl search

Migrated from LDAP-37

        Control[] requestControls = ldapContext.getRequestControls();
        Control newControl = createRequestControl();

    Control[] newControls = new Control[requestControls.length + 1];
    for (int i = 0; i < requestControls.length; i++) {
        newControls[i] = requestControls[i];

new Control(int) needs to perform a null pointer check.

LDAP-13: DirContextAdapter.getModificationItems() returns password when password unchanged

Migrated from LDAP-13

- We have a pojo containing a password property of type byte[]. The password property is set to and from the Sun Directory Server using a ContextMapper/ContextAssembler implementation.
- Problem: DirContextAdapter.getModificationsItems() always returns the password attribute as an updated attribute. This is due to byte arrays having a different hashcode despite identical content. Therefore b1[].equals(b2[]) returns false.

This could be a problem say if:
- Service subscriber 1 gets a handle to a Person pojo
- Service subscriber 2 gets a handle to a Person pojo, updates password attribute and saves.
- Service subscriber 1 updates “golden rating” attribute and saves. The new password is blown away.

Suggested Solution: Perhaps DirContextAdapter.isChanged() should use Arrays.equals(byte[], byte[]) for attributes of type byte[].

Best Regards,

LDAP-7: Implement destroySubContext

Migrated from LDAP-7

The destroySubContext operation should be implemented. There are two variants of it: void destroySubcontext(Name name) Destroys the named context and removes it from the namespace. void destroySubcontext(String name) Destroys the named context and removes it from the namespace.

Recursive delete should also be handled.

LDAP-43: Make sure each integration test runs on clean db

Migrated from LDAP-43

When using the current helper classes in the integration tests, the internal LDAP server is not re-populated between each test (the db should be cleaned and re-populated with the LDIF between each run). This can be done quite easily, as demonstrated in the corresponding files in the sandbox.

LDAP-30: BadLdapGrammarException: RDN could not be parsed fully

Migrated from LDAP-30

While trying to perform a simple search on InetOrgPersonObjects, via criteria uid=something

I encountered the following error:

org.acegisecurity.ldap.LdapDataAccessException: Failed to fetch user for username: dmadunic; nested exception is org.springframework.ldap.UncategorizedLdapExceptio n: Operation failed; nested exception is javax.naming.NamingException: problem generating object using object factory [Root exception is org.springframework.ldap.BadLdapGrammarException: RDN could not be parsed fully, remaining ‘c’]; remaining name ‘ou=croz,ou=Users’
org.springframework.ldap.UncategorizedLdapExceptio n: Operation failed; nested exception is javax.naming.NamingException: problem generating object using object factory [Root exception is org.springframework.ldap.BadLdapGrammarException: RDN could not be parsed fully, remaining ‘c’]; remaining name ‘ou=croz,ou=Users’
javax.naming.NamingException: problem generating object using object factory. Root exception is org.springframework.ldap.BadLdapGrammarException: RDN could not be parsed fully, remaining ‘c’
at ecode(
at (
at ibuteTypeAndValue(
at .parse(
at .(
at .(
at actory.getObjectInstance(DefaultDirObjectFactory.j ava:56)
at javax.naming.spi.DirectoryManager.createObjectFrom Factories(
at javax.naming.spi.DirectoryManager.getObjectInstanc e(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapSearchEnumeration.createItem (
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapNamingEnumeration.nextAux(Ld
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapNamingEnumeration.nextImpl(L

This error occurs only with Ldap entires which have DN with national characters! When search is performed for entry with DN without national characters all goes well!

LDAP-50: BadLdapGrammarException when a group or principal contains a '\' in its name

Migrated from LDAP-50

Hi Guys,

Here is the relevant issue that we have created in Crowd:

A quick summary:

If a group contains a ‘\’ we get the following exception:
javax.naming.NamingException: problem generating object using object factory [Root exception is org.springframework.ldap.BadLdapGrammarException: Failed to parse DN; nested exception is Lexical error at line 1, column 22. Encountered: “\” (92), after : ""]; remaining name ‘dc=ad,dc=atlassian,dc=com’
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapSearchEnumeration.createItem(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapNamingEnumeration.nextAux(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapNamingEnumeration.nextImpl(

If a group contains a ‘/’ we get this exception:
org.springframework.ldap.UncategorizedLdapException: Operation failed; nested exception is javax.naming.NamingException: [LDAP: error code 1 – 000020D6: SvcErr: DSID-031006CC, problem 5012 (DIR_ERROR), data 0]; remaining name ‘cn=Website Feedback/Support, ou=Groups, dc=ad, dc=atlassian, dc=com’
javax.naming.NamingException: [LDAP: error code 1 – 000020D6: SvcErr: DSID-031006CC, problem 5012 (DIR_ERROR), data 0
remaining name ‘cn=Website Feedback/Support, ou=Groups, dc=ad, dc=atlassian, dc=com’
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.mapErrorCode(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.processReturnCode(
at com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtx.c_lookup(
at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentContext.c_resolveIntermediate_nns(
at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.AtomicContext.c_resolveIntermediate_nns(
at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentContext.p_resolveIntermediate(
at com.sun.jndi.toolkit.ctx.ComponentDirContext.p_search(
at org.springframework.ldap.LdapTemplate$4.executeSearch(

If you could shed any light onto this or point us in the right direction we will continue to investigate.


LDAP-26: PagedResultsRequestControl failing when used with AD

Migrated from LDAP-26

Bug raised in response to following post on the spring ldap forum

In an AD environment when using the Paged Results functionality after successfully retrieving and iterating over the returned results upto the set paged results size, the last call to results.hasMore() throws a PartialResultsException with a message of “Unprocessesed continuation reference”

This then causes the processor.postProcess(ctx) call to be missed meaning a cookie is never set to anything apart from null, meaning no more results can be returned. (this is all within the ldaptemplate::search(SearchExecutor se, NameClassPairCallbackHandler handler,DirContextProcessor processor) function)

Reply to original post on the forums indicates this is an issue with the way the exception handling works for that exception.

Same result is seen in both 1.1.1 and 1.1.2

LDAP-24: Make person sample handle groups

Migrated from LDAP-24

The person sample currently uses Spring MVC for displaying a simple search result, from where the user can view or delete the entries, depending on the user’s privileges. The sample should be able to handle access groups, as it is the standard way of assigning privileges in LDAP. This will increase the number of search-result-view-edit flows in the applications. In order to simplify the handling of flows, the sample app should also be converted to Spring WebFlow 1.0. In doing so, we get re-usable flows that are described in readable XML.

LDAP-38: Provide utility method for retrieving supported controls from the directory server

Migrated from LDAP-38

The following ldapsearch gets all supported controls from the server:

% ldapsearch -s base “(objectclass=*)” supportedcontrol

Perhaps it could be useful with a utility method that returned this information. In plain JNDI, the above ldapsearch is coded like this:

Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, “com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory”);
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, “ldap://localhost:389/”);

InitialDirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
Attributes attrs = ctx.getAttributes("", new String[] { “supportedcontrol” });

Attribute attr = attrs.get(“supportedcontrol”);
for (int i = 0; i < attr.size(); +i) {

LDAP-36: Ldap Person example using OpenLDAP

Migrated from LDAP-36


What changes do I have to make to the ldap-person example run in openLDAP instead of ApacheDS?

thank you,
Julio Cesar

Basically it should be sufficient to comment the line in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml which imports apacheDsContext.xml and edit in the same directory to point to the appropriate server.

Some data is expected to be present in the target LDAP server, defined in src/main/java/setup_data.ldif.

Mattias Arthursson
Jayway AB (
Spring-LDAP project member

Yeah, I´ve done exactly that, but it didn´t worked. It gives me “Bad credential” error. My steps:
1. Comment import(apacheDS)
2. Populate openLDAP with base_data.ldif and setup_data.ldif
3. Replace user(cn=Manager) and password(secret).
4. Run…
5. “Bad Credentials”

Julio Cesar

Ah, right, you’ll need to change in applicationContext-acegi-security.xml to run against your OpenLDAP server as well (in ContextFactory definition). That’s nasty – it should be taken from the properties file. Might I ask you to post a Jira issue so we don’t lose track of that problem.

Mattias Arthursson
Jayway AB (

  1. Spring-LDAP project member

LDAP-41: Documentation error 2

Migrated from LDAP-41

Document – Single Page HTML Reference

Example 2.2 in Section 2.1

Original Code -

public List getAllPersons() { return"", “(objectclass=person)”, new PersonAttributesMapper(); }

Should be changed to

public List getAllPersons() {
return"", “(objectclass=person)”, new PersonAttributesMapper());

The closing bracket for the method is missing.

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