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cl-rdkafka's Introduction


CircleCI tag license

A Common Lisp client library for Apache Kafka.

The public API is split between two packages:

  • cl-rdkafka/low-level

    Nicknamed cl-rdkafka/ll, this package provides CFFI bindings for librdkafka.

  • cl-rdkafka

    Nicknamed kf, this package provides a higher-level interface ๐Ÿ’… with amenities such as garbage-collection โ™ป๏ธ, out-of-band error processing โ†ฉ๏ธ, and more!

Documentation for cl-rdkafka/ll can be found in librdkafka/rdkafka.h, and kf is documented under the API section.



(ql:quickload '(cl-rdkafka babel))

(let ((producer (make-instance
                 :conf '("bootstrap.servers" ""
                         "enable.idempotence" "true")
                 :serde #'babel:string-to-octets))
      (messages '(("key-1" "value-1")
                  ("key-2" "value-2"))))
     for (k v) in messages
     do (kf:send producer "topic-name" v :key k))

  (kf:flush producer))


(ql:quickload '(cl-rdkafka babel))

(let ((consumer (make-instance
                 :conf '("bootstrap.servers" ""
                         "" "consumer-group-id"
                         "" "false"
                         "auto.offset.reset" "earliest")
                 :serde #'babel:octets-to-string)))
  (kf:subscribe consumer "topic-name")

     for message = (kf:poll consumer 2000)
     while message

     for key = (kf:key message)
     for value = (kf:value message)

     collect (list key value)

     do (kf:commit consumer)))

;; => (("key-1" "message-1") ("key-2" "message-2"))

Transactions โœจ

Here's an example which atomically:

  1. Consumes a batch of messages from an input topic
  2. Processes the messages by prefixing them with "processed-"
  3. Produces the processed batch to an output topic
(ql:quickload '(cl-rdkafka babel))

(defun get-next-batch (consumer max-batch-size)
    with batch = (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0)

    repeat max-batch-size
    for message = (kf:poll consumer 5000)
    while message
    do (vector-push-extend message batch)

    finally (return batch)))

(defun process-message (message producer output-topic)
  (let ((new-value (format nil "processed-~A" (kf:value message))))
    (kf:send producer output-topic new-value)))

(defun process-batch (consumer producer output-topic)
  (let ((messages (get-next-batch consumer 5)))
    (map nil
         (lambda (message)
           (process-message message producer output-topic))
    (kf:send-offsets-to-transaction producer consumer messages 5000)))

(defun rewind-consumer (consumer)
  (let ((committed (kf:committed consumer (kf:assignment consumer) 5000)))
    (flet ((rewind (topic&partition->offset&metadata)
             (let ((topic (caar topic&partition->offset&metadata))
                   (partition (cdar topic&partition->offset&metadata))
                   (offset (cadr topic&partition->offset&metadata)))
               (if (< offset 0)
                   (kf:seek-to-beginning consumer topic partition 5000)
                   (kf:seek consumer topic partition offset 5000)))))
      (map nil #'rewind committed))))

(let ((consumer (make-instance
                 :conf '("bootstrap.servers" ""
                         "" "some-group-id"
                         "" "false"
                         "auto.offset.reset" "earliest")
                 :serde #'babel:octets-to-string))
      (producer (make-instance
                 :conf '("bootstrap.servers" ""
                         "" "some-transaction-id")
                 :serde #'babel:string-to-octets)))
  (kf:subscribe consumer "some-input-topic")
  (kf:initialize-transactions producer 5000)

  (kf:begin-transaction producer)
        (process-batch consumer producer "some-output-topic")
        (kf:commit-transaction producer 5000))
    (kf:fatal-error (c)
      (error c))
    (condition (c)
      ;; in case of abort, must seek consumer back to its committed offsets
      ;; this is only needed if the consumer object will continue to be used
      ;; after the abort
      (rewind-consumer consumer)
      (kf:abort-transaction producer 5000)
      (error c))))

Contributing and Hacking

PRs and GitHub issues are always welcome :octocat: and feel free to email me with any questions ๐Ÿ“จ

To run the tests:

โš ๏ธ Some of the following commands below, such as --rmi and prune, will remove all local docker images and volumes. If this may be a problem, consult the docker compose, docker system, and docker volume docs.

$ docker-compose -f ./test/docker-compose.test.yml \
>   up --build --remove-orphans --abort-on-container-exit test

$ docker-compose -f ./test/docker-compose.test.yml down --rmi all
$ docker system prune -fa && docker volume prune -f

To spin up and teardown a dockerized Kafka cluster to hack against:

# start a cluster on
$ docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans -d

# tear the cluster down
$ docker-compose down --rmi all

# clean up after yourself
$ docker system prune -fa && docker volume prune -f


producer class

A client that produces messages to kafka topics.

make-instance accepts the following keyword args:

  • conf

    A required plist, alist, or hash-table mapping config keys to their respective values; both keys and values should be strings. The provided key-value pairs are passed as-is to librdkafka, so consult the librdkafka config docs for more info.

  • serde

    An optional unary function accepting an object and returning a byte sequence; defaults to #'identity.

  • key-serde

    An optional unary function used to serialize message keys; defaults to serde.

  • value-serde

    An optional unary function used to serialize message values; defaults to serde.


(let ((producer (make-instance
                 :conf '("bootstrap.servers" ""
                         "enable.idempotence" "true")
                 :serde #'babel:string-to-octets))
      (messages '(("key-1" "value-1")
                  ("key-2" "value-2"))))
     for (k v) in messages
     do (kf:send producer "topic-name" v :key k))

  (kf:flush producer))


((producer producer) (topic string) value &key key partition headers timestamp)

Asynchronously send a message and return a message future.

If partition is not specified, one is chosen using the topic's partitioner function.

If specified, headers should be an alist mapping strings to byte-vectors.

timestamp is the number of milliseconds since the UTC epoch. If not specified, one will be generated by this call.

May signal partition-error or condition from producer's serde. A store-function restart will be provided if it's a serde condition.


((producer producer))

Block while in-flight messages are sent to kafka cluster.


((producer producer) (timeout-ms integer))

Block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds and initialize transactions for producer.

When is configured, this method needs to be called exactly once before any other methods on producer.

This method:

  1. Ensures any transactions initiated by previous producer instances with the same are completed:

    • If the previous instance had failed with an in-progress transaction, it will be aborted.

    • If the previous transaction had started committing, but had not yet finished, this method waits for it to finish.

  2. Acquires the internal producer id and epoch to use with all future transactional messages sent by producer. This will be used to fence out any previous instances.

May signal a fatal-error, transaction-error, or retryable-operation-error. A retry-operation restart will be provided if it's a retryable-operation-error.


((producer producer))

Begin a transaction.

initialize-transactions must have been called exactly once before this method, and only one transaction can be in progress at a time for producer.

The transaction can be committed with commit-transaction or aborted with abort-transaction.

May signal fatal-error or transaction-error.


((producer producer) (timeout-ms integer))

Block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds and commit the ongoing transaction.

A transaction must have been started by begin-transaction.

This method will flush all enqueued messages before issuing the commit. If any of the messages fails to be sent, an abort-required-error will be signalled.

May signal:

  • retryable-operation-error, in which case a retry-operation and abort restart will be provided.

  • abort-required-error, in which case an abort restart will be provided.

  • transaction-error

  • fatal-error


((producer producer) (timeout-ms integer))

Block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds and abort the ongoing transaction.

A transaction must have been started by begin-transaction.

This method will purge all enqueued messages before issuing the abort.

May signal a fatal-error, transaction-error, or retryable-operation-error. A retry-operation and continue restart will be provided if it's a retryable-operation-error.


(producer consumer offsets timeout-ms)

Send offsets to consumer group coordinator and mark them as part of the ongoing transaction.

A transaction must have been started by begin-transaction.

This method will block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds.

offsets should be associated with consumer, and will be considered committed only if the ongoing transaction is committed successfully. Each offset should refer to the next message that the consumer poll method should return: the last processed message's offset + 1. Invalid offsets will be ignored.

consumer should have set to false and should not commit offsets itself through the commit method.

This method should be called at the end of a consume->transform->produce cycle, before calling commit-transaction.

May signal:

  • retryable-operation-error, in which case a retry-operation and abort restart will be provided.

  • abort-required-error, in which case an abort restart will be provided.

  • transaction-error

  • fatal-error

list specialization

((producer producer) (consumer consumer) (offsets list) (timeout-ms integer))

offsets should be an alist mapping (topic . partition) cons cells to either (offset . metadata) cons cells or lone offset values.

hash-table specialization

((producer producer) (consumer consumer) (offsets hash-table) (timeout-ms integer))

offsets should be a hash-table mapping (topic . partition) cons cells to either (offset . metadata) cons cells or lone offset values.

sequence specialization

((producer producer) (consumer consumer) (offsets sequence) (timeout-ms integer))

offsets should be a sequence of messages processed by consumer.

This method will figure out the correct offsets to send to the consumer group coordinator.

consumer class

A client that consumes messages from kafka topics.

make-instance accepts the following keyword args:

  • conf

    A required plist, alist, or hash-table mapping config keys to their respective values; both keys and values should be strings. The provided key-value pairs are passed as-is to librdkafka, so consult the librdkafka config docs for more info.

  • serde

    An optional unary function accepting a byte vector and returning a deserialized value; defaults to #'identity.

  • key-serde

    An optional unary function used to deserialize message keys; defaults to serde.

  • value-serde

    An optional unary function used to deserialize message values; defaults to serde.


(let ((consumer (make-instance
                 :conf '("bootstrap.servers" ""
                         "" "consumer-group-id"
                         "" "false"
                         "auto.offset.reset" "earliest")
                 :serde #'babel:octets-to-string)))
  (kf:subscribe consumer "topic-name")

     for message = (kf:poll consumer 2000)
     while message

     for key = (kf:key message)
     for value = (kf:value message)

     collect (list key value)

     do (kf:commit consumer)))


((consumer consumer) (timeout-ms integer))

Block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds and return a message or nil.

May signal partition-error or condition from consumer's serde. A store-function restart will be provided if it's a serde condition.


((consumer consumer) (topic string) (partition integer) (offset integer) (timeout-ms integer))

Block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds and seek consumer to offset.


((consumer consumer) (topic string) (partition integer) (timeout-ms integer))

Block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds and seek consumer to beginning of partition.


((consumer consumer) (topic string) (partition integer) (timeout-ms integer))

Block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds and seek consumer to end of partition.


sequence specialization

((consumer consumer) (topics sequence))

Subscribe consumer to topics.

Any topic prefixed with ^ will be regex-matched with the cluster's topics.

string specialization

((consumer consumer) (topic string))

Subscribe consumer to topic.

If topic starts with ^, then it will be regex-matched with the cluster's topics.


((consumer consumer))

Unsubscribe consumer from its current topic subscription.


((consumer consumer))

Return a list of topic names that consumer is subscribed to.


((consumer consumer) (partitions sequence))

Assign partitions to consumer.

partitions should be a sequence of either:

  • (topic . partition) cons cells
  • ((topic . partition) . offset) cons cells


((consumer consumer) &key offsetsp)

Return a list of partitions assigned to consumer.

The elements of the returned list will be either:

  • (topic . partition) cons cells if offsetsp is nil
  • ((topic . partition) . offset) cons cells otherwise


((consumer consumer) &key offsets asyncp)

Commit offsets to broker.

If offsets is nil, then the current assignment is committed; otherwise, offsets should be an alist mapping (topic . partition) cons cells to either (offset . metadata) cons cells or lone offset values.

On success, an alist of committed offsets is returned, mapping (topic . partition) to (offset . metadata).

On failure, either an rdkafka-error or partial-error is signalled. The partial-error will have the slots:

  • goodies: Same format as successful return value
  • baddies: An alist mapping (topic . partition) to rdkafka-error

If asyncp is true, then a future will be returned instead.


((consumer consumer) (partitions sequence) (timeout-ms integer))

Block for up to timeout-ms milliseconds and return committed offsets for partitions.

partitions should be a sequence of (topic . partition) cons cells.

On success, an alist of committed offsets is returned, mapping (topic . partition) to (offset . metadata).

On failure, either an rdkafka-error or partial-error is signalled. The partial-error will have the slots:

  • goodies: Same format as successful return value
  • baddies: An alist mapping (topic . partition) to rdkafka-error


((consumer consumer) (partitions sequence))

Pause consumption from partitions.

partitions should be a sequence of (topic . partition) cons cells.

partitions is returned on success.

On failure, either an rdkafka-error or partial-error is signalled. The partial-error will have the slots:

  • goodies: A list of (topic . partition) cons cells
  • baddies: An alist mapping (topic . partition) to rdkafka-error


((consumer consumer) (partitions sequence))

Resume consumption from partitions.

partitions should be a sequence of (topic . partition) cons cells.

partitions is returned on success.

On failure, either an rdkafka-error or partial-error is signalled. The partial-error will have the slots:

  • goodies: A list of (topic . partition) cons cells
  • baddies: An alist mapping (topic . partition) to rdkafka-error


((consumer consumer))

Return consumer's broker-assigned group member-id.


((consumer consumer) (timestamps list) (timeout-ms integer))

Look up the offsets for the given partitions by timestamp.

The returned offset for each partition is the earliest offset whose timestamp is greater than or equal to the given timestamp in timestamps.

timestamps should be an alist mapping (topic . partition) cons cells to timestamp values.

On success, an alist of offsets is returned, mapping (topic . partition) cons cells to offset values.

On failure, either an rdkafka-error or partial-error is signalled. The partial-error will have the slots:

  • goodies: Same format as successful return value
  • baddies: An alist mapping (topic . partition) to rdkafka-error


((consumer consumer) (topic string) (partition integer) (timeout-ms integer))

Query broker for low (oldest/beginning) and high (newest/end) offsets.

A (low . high) cons cell is returned.


((consumer consumer) (partitions sequence))

Retrieve current positions (offsets) for partitions.

partitions should be a sequence of (topic . partition) cons cells.

On success, an alist of positions is returned, mapping (topic . partition) to one of either:

  • 1 plus the last consumed message offset
  • nil if there was no previous message.

On failure, either an rdkafka-error or partial-error is signalled. The partial-error will have the slots:

  • goodies: Same format as successful return value
  • baddies: An alist mapping (topic . partition) to rdkafka-error


((consumer consumer))

Close consumer after revoking assignment, committing offsets, and leaving group.

consumer will be closed during garbage collection if it's still open; this method is provided if closing needs to occur at a well-defined time.

message class

A kafka message as returned by consumer's poll or producer's send.

make-instance should not be called with this class.


(let ((message (kf:poll consumer 5000)))
  (kf:key message)
  ;; => "key-1", #(107 101 121 45 49)

  (kf:value message)
  ;; => "Hello", #(72 101 108 108 111)

  (kf:topic message)
  ;; => "foobar"

  (kf:partition message)
  ;; => 0

  (kf:offset message)
  ;; => 0

  (kf:timestamp message)
  ;; => 1577002478269, :CREATE-TIME

  (kf:headers message)
  ;; => '(("one" . #(1 2 3))
  ;;      ("two" . #(4 5 6)))



((message message))

Return (values deserialized-key serialized-key) from message.


((message message))

Return (values deserialized-value serialized-value) from message.


((message message))

Return the topic message originated from.


((message message))

Return the partition message originated from.


((message message))

Return the offset for message.


((message message))

Return (values timestamp timestamp-type) from message.

If timestamp is not available, then nil is returned. Otherwise:

  • timestamp is the number of milliseconds since the UTC epoch
  • timestamp-type is either :create-time or :log-append-time


((message message))

Return headers from message as an alist mapping strings to byte vectors.

future class

A future to hold the result of an async operation.

make-instance should not be called with this class.


(let ((future (kf:send producer "topic" "message")))
  (kf:donep future) ;; => nil
  (kf:value future) ;; => #<MESSAGE {1005BE9D23}>
  (kf:donep future) ;; => t

  (let ((new-future (kf:then future
                             (lambda (message err)
                               (when err
                                 (error err))
                               (kf:value message)))))
    (kf:value new-future))) ;; => "message"


((future future))

Wait until future is done and return its value or signal its condition.


((future future) (callback function))

Return a new future that calls callback when current future completes.

callback should be a binary function accepting the positional args:

  1. value: the value that the current future evaluates to, or nil when it signals a condition.
  2. condition: the condition signalled by the current future, or nil when it does not signal a condition.

callback is called in a background thread.


((future future))

Determine if future is done processing.


The conditions are structured in the following class hierarchy:

  • cl:serious-condition
    • cl:storage-condition
      • allocation-error
    • cl:error
      • kafka-error
        • partial-error
        • rdkafka-error
          • partition-error
          • fatal-error
          • transaction-error
            • retryable-operation-error
            • abort-required-error


Generic condition signalled by cl-rdkafka for expected errors.

Slot readers:

  • description: Hopefully some descriptive description describing the error.


Condition signalled for librdkafka errors.

Slot readers:

  • enum: cl-rdkafka/ll:rd-kafka-resp-err enum symbol.
  • description: enum description (inherited)


Condition signalled for errors specific to a topic's partition.

Slot readers:

  • topic: Topic name
  • partition: Topic partition
  • enum: cl-rdkafka/ll:rd-kafka-resp-err enum symbol (inherited)
  • description: enum description (inherited)


Condition signalled for errors related to transactions.

Slot readers:

  • enum: cl-rdkafka/ll:rd-kafka-resp-err enum symbol (inherited)
  • description: enum description (inherited)


Condition signalled by retryable operations that fail during transactions.

Slot readers:

  • enum: cl-rdkafka/ll:rd-kafka-resp-err enum symbol (inherited)
  • description: enum description (inherited)


Condition signalled when a transaction fails and must be aborted.

Slot readers:

  • enum: cl-rdkafka/ll:rd-kafka-resp-err enum symbol (inherited)
  • description: enum description (inherited)


Condition signalled for librdkafka fatal errors.

These conditions indicate that the producer or consumer instance should no longer be used.

  • enum: cl-rdkafka/ll:rd-kafka-resp-err enum symbol (inherited)
  • description: enum description (inherited)


Condition signalled for operations that partially failed.

Slot readers:

  • goodies: Successful results
  • baddies: Unsuccessful results
  • description: baddies description (inherited)


Condition signalled when librdkafka functions fail to allocate pointers.

Slot readers:

  • name: Name of the object that failed to be allocated.
  • description: Details about why the allocation may have failed.

Admin API

The admin API is still baking ๐Ÿž, so it's not publicly exposed. The admin functionality is accessible if needed (see tests for usage examples), but it will be changing significantly in the near future.

cl-rdkafka's People


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cl-rdkafka's Issues

Provide a restart when producer's send reaches max queue

Something like this signals a partition-error from the producer's send method:

(ql:quickload '(cl-rdkafka babel))

(let ((producer (make-instance
                 :conf '("bootstrap.servers" "")
                 :serde #'babel:string-to-octets)))
     repeat 500000
     do (kf:send producer "test-topic" "test-message"))
  (kf:flush producer))

The signaled condition looks something like:

Encountered error CL-RDKAFKA/LOW-LEVEL:RD-KAFKA-RESP-ERR--QUEUE-FULL for `test-topic:-1`: "Local: Queue full"

This is one of the expected errors that may occur from the rd_kafka_produce function and a restart should be provided in this case to recover.

Producer messages not seen by consumer

I'm testing the latest release with these two functions:

(defun test-consume (topic-name)
  (let* ((string-serde (lambda (x)
                         (kf:bytes->object x 'string)))
         (conf (kf:conf
	        "bootstrap.servers" ""
	        "" (write-to-string (get-universal-time))
	        "" "false"
	        "auto.offset.reset" "earliest"
	        "" "broker"
	        "enable.partition.eof"  "false"))
         (consumer (make-instance 'kf:consumer
			          :conf conf
                                  :key-serde string-serde
			          :value-serde string-serde))
         (topics (list topic-name)))
    (kf:subscribe consumer topics)
    (format t "Subscribed:  ~S, ~S.~%"
            (gethash "bootstrap.servers" conf)
            (kf:subscription consumer))
    (let ((message (kf:poll consumer 10000)))
      (format t "Message received or poll expired.~%")
      (when message
        (format t "Received message:  (~S) ~S~%"
                (kf:key message) (kf:value message))
        (kf:commit consumer)))
    (format t "Unsubscribing.~%")
    (kf:unsubscribe consumer)))


(defun test-produce (topic-name key message)
  (let ((producer (make-instance 'kf:producer
                                 :conf (kf:conf
                                        "bootstrap.servers" "")
                                 :key-serde #'kf:object->bytes
                                 :value-serde #'kf:object->bytes)))
    (kf:produce producer topic-name message :key key)
    (kf:flush producer 2000)))

When I monitor the topic with kafka-console-consumer, I see the messages produced by test-produce. When I run test-consumer and send messages with kafka-console-producer, it gets the messages. When I send messages with test-producer, test-consumer does not see them.
Please tell me I'm making a foolish mistake.

don't put destructive instructions in your readme

If you're going to put this in your readme, some newbie is going to come around and delete all of their docker images.

docker-compose down --rmi all
docker system prune -fa && docker volume prune -f

Potential deadlock

I have a consumer-only system which is utilizing lparallel to create a handful of threads. One of the threads calls kf:poll in a loop. Another thead is processing these messages, and when done is calling kf:commit. I noticed that -- seemingly randomly -- the pipeline I had established stops working.

I narrowed it down to determine it was blocking on the call to kf:commit, so I began placing format statements to narrow down where. This led me to the attempts to acquire a lock on +address->queue-lock+. The format statements seem to suggest a deadlock between poll-loop and enqueue-payload.

enqueue-payload: Attempting to hold lock.
poll-loop: Attempting to hold lock.
poll-loop: Lock held

(keep in mind output to stdio can arrive at different times)

enqueue-payload never reports that it's successfully acquired the lock, and poll-loop never reports that it's released the lock. I'm having trouble determining what shared resource the two stacks are sharing.

I am attempting to create a reproducible test-case, but I wanted to submit this information early to see if maybe anyone had some ideas.

Add Windows support

librdkafka supports Windows so it's a shame that cl-rdkafka does not. Right now, the only thing preventing cl-rdkafka from running on Windows is the posix stuff in event-io.

Impossible to clone on Windows

produce->consume.lisp is an invalid filename on Windows, so it's not even possible to clone this repo there. I suggest removing the >.

(SB-IMPL::FILE-PERROR #P"C:/Users/parallels/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-rdkafka-20200715-git/test/high-level/produce->consume.lisp" 123 SB-INT:SIMPLE-FILE-ERROR :FORMAT-CONTROL "Error opening ~S" :FORMAT-ARGUMENTS (#P"C:/Users/mkennedy/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-rdkafka-20200715-git/test/high-level/produce->consume.lisp"))

kf:seek signals rdkafka-error: Local: Erroneous state

Maybe I don't know how to use it, but this fails for me:

(let ((config ("bootstrap.servers" "localhost:1234" "" "test-lisp-consumer" "" "false"))
      (consumer (make-instance 'kf:consumer
                               :conf config
                               :serde #'babel:octets-to-string)))
  (kf:assign consumer (list (cons "my-topic" 0)))
  (kf:seek consumer "my-topic" 0 10 2000)

While doing this as separate steps in repl works, weirdly:

(setf consumer (make-instance 'kf:consumer
                               :conf config
                               :serde #'babel:octets-to-string))
(kf:assign consumer (list (cons "my-topic" 0)))
(kf:seek consumer "my-topic" 0 10 2000)
(kf:poll consumer 2000)

Something in the Kafka chain is not raising conditions

Hello, and thank you for the project! Our Kafka environment is as follows: v0.10.0.0 Broker -> v1.3.0 librdkafka -> cl-rdkafka-20200218-git (quicklisp).

We have a long-lived process which continually polls/commits. Occasionally, we see this message logged:

%4|1583796667.962|MAXPOLL|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:main]: Application maximum poll interval (300000ms) exceeded by 226ms (adjust for long-running message processing): leaving group

(As an aside, adjusting the max poll interval does not cause this not to happen. As far as we can tell, the default is right-sized for our workload.)

Shouldn't this kind of thing be raised as a condition in cl-rdkafka?

'librdkafka/rdkafka.h' file not found

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* (ql:quickload 'cl-rdkafka)
To load "cl-rdkafka":
  Load 1 ASDF system:
; Loading "cl-rdkafka"

[package cl-rdkafka/low-level]; clang -o /Users/noname007/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.0.0-macosx-x64/Users/noname007/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-rdkafka/src/low-level/librdkafka-grovel__grovel-tmpGW0QV22K.o -c -g -Wall -Wundef -Wsign-compare -Wpointer-arith -O3 -g -Wall -O2 -fdollars-in-identifiers -DOS_THREAD_STACK -mmacosx-version-min=10.15 -D_DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE -arch x86_64 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fPIC -I/Users/noname007/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cffi_0.20.1/ /Users/noname007/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.0.0-macosx-x64/Users/noname007/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-rdkafka/src/low-level/librdkafka-grovel__grovel.c
/Users/noname007/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.0.0-macosx-x64/Users/noname007/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-rdkafka/src/low-level/librdkafka-grovel__grovel.c:6:10: fatal error:
      'librdkafka/rdkafka.h' file not found
#include <librdkafka/rdkafka.h>
1 error generated.

debugger invoked on a CFFI-GROVEL:GROVEL-ERROR in thread #<THREAD "main thread" RUNNING {10005184C3}>: Subprocess #<UIOP/LAUNCH-PROGRAM::PROCESS-INFO {10037CE5A3}>
 with command ("clang" "-o" "/Users/noname007/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.0.0-macosx-x64/Users/noname007/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-rdkafka/src/low-level/librdkafka-grovel__grovel-tmpGW0QV22K.o" "-c" "-g" "-Wall" "-Wundef" "-Wsign-compare" "-Wpointer-arith" "-O3" "-g" "-Wall" ...)
 exited with error code 1

Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:EXIT) to exit from SBCL.

Problem to connect to cluster

When I try the simple demo snippets in the README or run the test suite using docker I will get errors like this one:

test-test-1  | TEST/HIGH-LEVEL/ADMIN::CREATE-PARTITIONS-WITH-PRODUCER%3|1675427948.113|FAIL|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:kafka:9092/bootstrap]: kafka:9092/bootstrap: Connect to ipv4# failed: Connection refused (after 0ms in state CONNECT)
test-test-1  | %3|1675427948.113|ERROR|rdkafka#consumer-1| [thrd:kafka:9092/bootstrap]: 1/1 brokers are down
test-test-1  | %3|1675427948.118|FAIL|rdkafka#producer-2| [thrd:kafka:9092/bootstrap]: kafka:9092/bootstrap: Connect to ipv4# failed: Connection refused (after 0ms in state CONNECT)
test-test-1  | Unhandled CL-RDKAFKA:KAFKA-ERROR in thread #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "cl-rdkafka" RUNNING
test-test-1  |                                               {1004234173}>:
test-test-1  |   Expected event-type `1`, not `8`
test-test-1  |
test-test-1  | Backtrace for: #<SB-THREAD:THREAD "cl-rdkafka" RUNNING {1004234173}>

I am working on an M1 Mac with librdkafka installed via homebrew. I can reach the kafka instance running inside of docker with command line tools such as kafka-topics --bootstrap-servers --list etc. But not via Common Lisp. Any ideas?

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